My Boyfriend's Teen Son

By Marco May

Published on Aug 14, 2020



Fuck. I was a terrible boyfriend, or so my mind told me while I tossed and turned in bed with guilt. Sure, it was normal for a man who was taken to still check out other men. Hell, even my long-time boyfriend, Juan, judged hot men in front of me. No, that wasn't the issue at all. Juan's teen son, Juan's own flesh and blood, was the issue.

Julio had recently moved in with us after his religious mom had kicked him out of the house for being gay and refusing to change for her. After Juan's divorce many years ago, his ex-wife had had custody of Julio until he turned eighteen, which was very recently. Sure, I understood that Juan loved Julio with all his heart, and rightfully so. I'd always accept the fact that Julio was too young to be out in the streets and that he needed a place to stay. He had his whole life ahead of him, after all.

But I was a man with urgent needs, and Julio had grown up into a beautiful young man who had started to capture my attention in a very inappropriate way. That was why I felt guilty, and it was something I could never tell anyone, not even my own boyfriend who trusted me with his life. But man, did Julio look irresistible. I liked my men manly with some meat on them, and Julio fit that particular image perfectly with his athletic build and jock nature. A hot Latino he was, just like Juan, except much younger and a little shorter than me. I even had to control my eyes from lowering to his bubble butt whenever his backside faced me, especially with Juan around. It was bad enough that I'd already jacked off to thoughts of Julio plenty of times, which only made me feel guiltier after I'd come each time.

Sadly, Juan no longer put out because of his low sex drive, and in the last year or so before that, we hadn't had much sex. I'd questioned whether he was asexual or at least in the spectrum, since he rarely thought about or even desired sex, but he wasn't sure. He just knew that he no longer enjoyed sex because it was too much work and because it had felt uncomfortable for him with my large cock size whenever I'd topped him. I still loved him, and it would kill me to lose him after five years together, but I also wasn't made for celibacy. It'd been a whole year since we'd last had sex. God, how I missed being inside his hot ass. He was a little older than me in his early forties, and he still looked great for his age. Though, I was physically in much better shape, and he insisted I was the hotter one of the two. Either way, it didn't matter to me.

Juan snored away beside me, sleeping soundly in his own dream bubble. He was quite the heavy sleeper, and almost nothing could wake him up. It was why I watched porn on my phone and jacked off just about every night while lying next to him in bed, sometimes edging for a couple of hours for a powerful orgasm. To be fair, he knew I did this often and was totally okay with it because of my high sex drive.

As I started watching the first video clip of the night, which involved a hot football coach fucking his equally hot star player on a locker-room bench, I suddenly had to pee. I got up from the bed fully naked, since Juan and I both slept naked all the time. I placed my phone on the nightstand and headed toward the hallway bathroom, since the toilet in the master bathroom still needed to be fixed. I made a mental note to call the plumber first thing in the morning after I woke up.

I sighed. Great. Julio was in the shower, or so I could hear. The door was cracked open just slightly, the bright light peeking through. I wondered if I could hurry inside and take a piss right quick without him noticing me there. With the water running, he wouldn't hear a thing.

After pondering the thought for a moment, I decided to chance it, since I had to go badly. I slowly opened the door and snuck right in. I carefully lifted the toilet seat and let it all out, aiming away from the toilet water to make less noise. What a relief!

As I flushed the toilet without thinking, I froze. Fuck! Julio could hear that for sure.

And sure enough, Julio immediately poked his head out from the shower curtain and lowered his eyebrows at me. "Mark? What... are you doing here?"

My face was probably red from how I felt, but I owed him a quick explanation. My heart definitely raced a bit, though. "I was just peeing."


How could I explain such a thing without Julio thinking I was some creep trying to take a peek at him showering? "I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't notice. I sleep naked and didn't think to put anything on."

"Oh." But Julio just remained there. When he lowered his eyes, his eyebrows shot up. "I probably shouldn't be looking at you while you're naked, but wow. You're... hung like a horse."

That only made me blush even harder, but I tried to suppress it with a tight smile. "Not like I can do anything with it these days." Fuck, had I just said that?

Julio sported a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

I sighed and realized he was a man now and not a kid anymore. He could handle some adult details by now. "Me and your dad don't have sex anymore."

Julio paused for a moment and then gave me a nod. "Oh. Sorry to hear that... I think?"

Fuck. Just great. I humiliated myself for no fucking reason. "I should go back to bed. Goodnight." I started to walk away.

"Wait... Mark?"

I stopped and faced Julio again. At this point, I no longer cared that I was naked in front of him, my cock swinging with every movement. Besides, he probably watched a lot of porn like I had when I'd been his age, so he'd most likely seen his share of cocks. "Yeah?"

"What's it like? You know... to... have sex?"

My jaw almost dropped because I'd never imagined him asking me about sex. But it was normal, I supposed. He was obviously curious now that he was a legal adult. Juan probably hadn't given him The Talk due to years of not being able to spend much time with him out of the lack of custody. His mom certainly hadn't if Christianity played that much of a role in her life.

I tried to smile but only formed a weak expression, trying to think of something to tell him. "I'll give you a more general explanation since I wouldn't want to weird you out with my sexual experiences with your dad."

Julio chuckled. "Yeah."

"Sex is great. Wonderful, in fact. When you're close to a naked body, especially someone you have good chemistry with, it's like there's more stimulation. Like electricity or power or something." God, I royally sucked at this.

"Oh." Julio nodded. "I see. Sounds like it'd be awesome."

"It is. Very much so. I take it you're still a virgin, huh?"

Julio laughed softly and twisted his lips into a bashful smile. God, he was so adorable. He resembled a younger Juan in an uncanny way. My heart fluttered at the sight of his face. "Is it that obvious?"

I chuckled. "Eh. You're fine. You'll find the right guy someday. Maybe sooner than you think." I gave him a supportive wink.

"Maybe." Julio cast his eyes down at my crotch again. "Does it always twitch like that?"

Twitch? Wait, what? Fuck. Had my cock been twitching the whole time? I hadn't realized he'd looked down more than once. To make matters worse, my cock grew semi-hard. I was caught now, and I honestly had no words to tell him. This whole scene between us was already inappropriate enough.

Julio turned off the faucet while still in the shower, and he opened the curtain to reveal his fully naked body and his very own hard-on. It wasn't exactly small, but it was definitely nowhere near my monster size. His body was gorgeous, too. He formed that bashful smile again. "I'm just... you know... showing you mine in case you feel guilty about showing me yours. I guess we're even now."

Guilty? That was definitely the truth. Juan was deep asleep, and he trusted me so much to behave like the faithful boyfriend I'd always been. Yet here I was, face to face with his young and inexperienced son, and in the nude.

Julio rubbed his cock while his eyes were fixated on mine. His shyness was probably melting away by now, since he was getting a little bolder.

I'd finally had enough. I couldn't do this to Juan. This was so wrong on many levels. "Julio," I said softly, making sure I wouldn't sound stern to avoid making him feel like shit. "This is really not appropriate."

Julio's smile turned upside down, and he lowered his head like a sad puppy. "Oh."

Fuck. He probably felt rejected, and I didn't want him to feel that way at all. At the same time, how else could I get it through his head that I was involved with his father?

Julio stepped out of the shower in a rush and grabbed his towel from the rack. "I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. You probably hate me now. Goodnight." He wasted no time leaving the bathroom with a face that told me he was deeply upset.

I wasn't sure why, but I had to talk to him. I didn't want him to be upset, and I especially didn't want him to think I hated him. I wanted us to get along just as great as we always did. We could simply move past this and pretend it had never happened, even if it meant hiding it from Juan forever.

I turned the light off and left the bathroom. I trudged toward Julio's bedroom door, debating whether I should go through with talking to him. At this point, I didn't need my clothes on anymore since he'd just seen everything.

I let out a deep sigh and finally knocked on his door, albeit with some reluctance.

He opened it and stood there with a sad face, still as naked as before. "Hey..." His voice was weak.

"I'm sorry, Julio. I didn't mean to upset you or make you feel embarrassed or anything. And I don't hate you at all. You've done nothing wrong, okay?"

He just nodded and said nothing else. His cock, however, got fully erect, which caused mine to harden as well. When he looked down, he stared at my cock for a moment and looked back up at me. "Why do you get hard in front of me?"

I froze because there really was no explanation other than the secret thoughts I kept to myself that involved him. Yep. I most definitely was a terrible boyfriend.

"Do you ever... you know... think about me?" Julio lifted one corner of his mouth. I was highly suspicious that he might have thought about me, too. I wondered what went on inside that young and horny mind of his.

I didn't want to lie anymore, but I also didn't want to admit it. I stood there just lost in thought, but also lost in a growing lust that churned my hormones.

"I won't tell anyone if you do." Why was Julio acting this way? What exactly was he expecting out of this unusual encounter?

I kept silent with the refusal to answer his question. Instead, I gazed into his eyes while my cock was rock hard. By now, I was leaking precum from just the proximity of the two of us naked.

He smiled in that bashful manner again. "Can I touch it?"

I sighed. "Oh, Julio, I don't know about that." A whole year without sex, and it was driving me insane. I was sick of watching porn all the time. I needed the real thing, but I had to accept the reality that my relationship with Juan would continue to be completely sexless for the remainder of it. It was depressing, to say the least. I missed his touch already, something I'd never experience again for the rest of my life as long as I was committed to him.

"Please?" Julio had said it so softly. I was tired of being celibate, and he was probably tired of being a virgin. He had so much to learn, and I'd probably give him more advice from now on, but he should have been seeking guys his own age. I was old enough to be his dad. Yet he somehow wanted me. That much was clear. Why else would we have been in this inappropriate situation? Why else would he have asked to touch me where he shouldn't?

I bit my lower lip in deep thought, and my cock ached from needing some kind of release. I was dripping precum on the floor, and as I glanced at his hardness, so was he. "Oh, Julio. This isn't right. You know that, right?"

He nodded. "I know. But... I mean... would my dad ever have to know, though?"

The answer to that was a simple "no", but it still didn't change the fact that guilt dominated my mind. I'd already crossed the line by letting it get this far. What was next?

Julio proved to be quite the bold young man as he inched closer to me, as if I made him feel comfortable with my presence. I could even hear his increased breaths. He was probably just as nervous as I was. He swallowed and leaned over to kiss my cheek very softly, more like a peck.

That only made my heart beat faster. It also made me even harder, and my cock couldn't get any stiffer. It hurt from the sweet agony.

Julio gave me another kiss on the cheek, and another, and another. Each kiss got dangerously closer to my lips. Then, after a moment of us staring at each other, he placed his lips on mine.

I froze in complete shock. What was he doing? Fuck. This was wrong. So, so wrong. Yet I found myself returning the kiss after I finally felt defeated by the forbidden lust. I tasted his lips with pure hunger while my adrenaline rushed, and I slid my tongue inside to meet his. Our tongues wrestled each other, and that prompted us to hold each other closely.

I broke the kiss and stared at his beautiful face, still holding him in my arms. I breathed really hard from the reality of what we'd just done, what we were still doing. "Juan can never know about this, okay?" At this point, Juan wouldn't even know a thing with as loud as he snored at the moment, just a room away from us. "No one else can know, either. You promise?"

"Of course, Mark, I know that. I would never tell a soul, not even my best friend. I promise."

Relief washed over me from Julio's words of reassurance. "Our secret, right?"

He nodded with a smile. "But I wanna do more."

We'd done enough, but I suddenly wanted more, too. "Yeah?"


Intrigue plagued my mind. "Like what?"

"Anything. Everything. I don't know... I want you, though. So bad."

There was no sense in denying anything at this rate. I too wanted him just as badly, and now that we'd taken it this far, there was no turning back. I'd just cheated for the first time on my long-time boyfriend, and with his own son of all people. It wouldn't make a difference whether we stopped now or continued going further. Cheating was still cheating.

I glanced at my bedroom door that was wide open. I let go of Julio to go close it with extra caution, even though Juan would never wake up anytime soon. I came back and took Julio by the hand to lead him inside his room. I closed the door softly and took his hand again to lead him to the bed. I could tell he was excited with that huge smile of anticipation. This really meant a lot to him, and honestly, it started to mean a lot to me, too.

I laid him on the bed and climbed over to lie right beside him. I continued kissing him with passion, no longer worried about getting caught.

Julio stroked his still-hard cock while returning my kisses, proving once again just how badly he wanted me, how desperately he needed me. I'd be his first sexual experience, and I was honored he'd even want me to be his first.

After making out for the longest of minutes, he broke the kiss and smiled bashfully. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course." His curiosity never failed to intrigue me, and I suddenly wanted to know everything about his fantasies and ideas and expectations. I wanted to bond with him.

"Have you... um... ever heard of rimming?"

I chuckled at how adorably inexperienced he was. "Of course. Why, have you thought about that before?"

Julio nodded with his head against the pillow. "I read about it, and I see it all the time in gay porn. It seems so common."

"It's definitely common."

"Does it feel good?"

Oh, fuck, how my cock was aching by now. I kissed his lips tenderly. "It's amazing, actually. As long as you're clean, you know."

"Yeah, I figured that." Julio paused for a moment and then swallowed. "I got into the habit of washing back there really well."

"That's good. But I mean, a little sweat here and there doesn't hurt anything."

Silence fell between us for a moment.

"Would you ever do that to me?" He looked so hopeful that I couldn't resist him even if I'd tried.

I gave him a wide smile and traced his lips with my finger. What the fuck was happening between us? I wanted this young man, desired him more than I should, and he was beyond just a sexual object. He was so much more than that to me. "I'll do just about everything you wanna try, within reason. But I'd definitely rim you."

With an elated expression, Julio wasted no time turning over and lying on his belly with his smooth ass in full view. What a beautiful ass, like the round kind a typical jock in gay porn had. I'd be stupid to reject him, and I didn't want to reject him.

I hovered over his body and scooted down on my knees to have my face meet his ass. I was struck with hunger for him, the kind of unbridled lust that didn't make me think about anything else. My fidelity was officially out the window, and as much as I'd never wanted to hurt Juan, my cock cried for the kind of attention it hadn't had in too long.

I pressed my nose against Julio's semi-hairy crack. I inhaled his soapy scent that didn't quite mask even the subtlest funk from just his natural manhood. He was still clean, though, and I was hungry with deep lust. I used my hands to spread his cheeks a little, just enough to capture my first glimpse of his tight pucker. I leaned closer, smelled him some more, and dove right in with my tongue circling around his hole. I kneaded his ass cheeks while I tasted him.

Julio's breathing filled my ears, and he moaned a little bit here and there.

I'd eaten ass so many times, including Juan's. This was different, though. I was actually teaching Julio how it felt to be desired by a man, to be pleased and pleasured. I shoved aside all my selfish needs to focus on Julio and his needs. He wanted this, needed it badly. I wanted to make him happy, because deep down, he was already making me happy.

The more I fucked Julio's hole with my tongue, the more intense his breathing became. Sometimes, I sucked his cheeks with gentle bites before diving right back in between. He lifted his ass just enough to reach for his cock, and he stroked himself. "Oh, Mark... fuck. Don't stop."

"You like this, huh?" Just watching him being struck with pleasure for the first time threatened my painfully stiff cock to shoot. I wasn't ready to come yet, though. I didn't want this moment to end so soon. I needed more time with him, to introduce him to more stuff to prolong this important exploration.

"I love it," he said. "Feels awesome."

I ate him out some more for what felt like an eternity. It had to have been at least a half hour or so. Then, it was time to show him more pleasure in other ways. I stopped and sniffled a few times, wiping my wet nose with the back of my hand. I turned his body around and stared at his semi-thick cock. As if possessed by the kind of lust I shouldn't have been feeling, I ran my tongue along the shaft and circled around the head to collect all the precum I could. His taste intoxicated me, and I squeezed his cock gently to force more precum out of the piss slit. I sucked just the head and watched as he squirmed a little with soft moans that made me even hornier. Never had I imagined I'd be lucky enough to be with him in this way, to experience his reactions to my pleasuring him, and to hear the sexual noises he made while being pleasured. I seriously shouldn't have been doing this, but there was no way I'd end everything now.

I took every inch of him in my mouth and started sucking him with vigor, my nose pressed against his thick bush to inhale the scent of man. By now, with just the little that we'd done together, I had to control the strong urge to come. I was leaking everywhere, and it was quite agonizing feeling so much pressure inside my cock.

Julio moaned for me some more while slowly gyrating his hips to the rhythm of my performance. "Mark?"


"I-I-I can't hold it any longer... ungh..."

The anticipation of his release prompted me to suck his cock with more speed, occasionally licking the shaft and head before getting back to the whole cock. I even licked his hairy balls and sucked on them a bit, one at a time and then both at the same time, back and forth. I explored the rest of his body with my hands, feeling the light treasure trail that led up to his smooth chest, all while never letting go of his cock. When my fingers found his nipples, I rubbed them delicately with my thumbs, sometimes pinching them just a tad before rubbing them some more. Fuck, was I in love with his body. Everything about him, really.

Julio's breathing intensified and warned me that he was getting very close. He placed his hand on the back of my head and stroked my short hair.

I let go and smiled. "Do you wanna come?"

He nodded and stuffed his cock back inside my mouth, pushing my head down and giving my mouth a few good thrusts, as if exuding a little bit of dominance. It was his wish, and I'd do whatever I could to grant it for him. His first time was special, and I was a part of it, like an explorer venturing into uncharted territories that no one else knew about. This experience was more about him and less about me.

I tasted more of his precum and bobbed my head, my devoted mouth working its magic to get him to come soon. I wanted to taste him, all of him, and I'd make sure I wouldn't waste a single drop.

Julio panted a few times and said, "I'm gonna come, Mark. I'm gonna come. Ungh..."

I sucked even faster and grabbed a hold of the shaft to jerk him off. When he shot thick ropes into my mouth and cried softly from the ecstasy, I edged so hard to avoid coming, as torturous as it was. I slurped around the head and caught every shot I could take. I swallowed fast and was ready for more. He came so much that it was almost hard to keep up, but I managed to get it all in my mouth. The taste was slightly sweet only because he frequently ate fruits and other sweet treats.

Julio heaved a series of heavy breaths for a moment, and his body flinched every so often from the orgasm. His breathing gradually slowed, and he relaxed himself against the bed, presumably enjoying the afterglow.

After squeezing his cock a little to taste the last bit of his cum, I moved away from his cock and lay beside him, pulling him toward me to wrap my arm around him. What an amazing and unique experience I'd just had with him. But fuck, now my cock throbbed for attention and demanded to release the agonizing tension. It couldn't stop leaking, and I couldn't wait any longer.

I kissed the top of Julio's head and got him to look at me to kiss his lips. "I need to come really bad now."

"Well... since you tasted me, it's only fair that I taste you in return."

The anticipation of feeling his mouth on me boosted my horniness. "Only if you really want to, okay?"

"I want to." Julio gave me a reassuring smile and moved over to face my huge cock. He grabbed a hold of it, swung it around a bit, and gave it a few slow strokes, all with a look of astonishment. "Wow, you're really big, Mark. Like, super big."

I chuckled. "It's just a cock. Nothing special." I had to hold it in some more because of his hands making me want to shoot already.

"I know." He lowered his head and brought his lips to the head of my cock that leaked profusely. He gave it a few tender kisses and was slow at circling his tongue around. He was exploring, and I didn't want to interrupt that. At the same time, I needed to come so badly. I clenched my teeth on occasion to suppress the urge. I'd edged many times in my life, but it was different during sex. It was more taunting all of a sudden.

"Kind of salty like mine," Julio said.

I gazed at him and stroked his short hair, mesmerized by his natural beauty. After all we'd done so far, my relationship with him had changed forever, just like my relationship with Juan would never be the same again. I cared about Julio so much, and seeing him this way in a whole new light affected how I felt about him.

Julio wrapped his soft lips around the head of my cock, and he tried to take more of it in his mouth while introducing me to the warm feeling he provided, but he stopped after a few sucks and smiled bashfully. "It's so big, Mark. I don't know if I can go all the way down like you did with me."

"Just take as much of it as you can, okay? No pressure. You already make me feel good with anything you do to me."

He nodded and tried again, taking a bit more of my cock than before. Watching him suck me with a huge mouthful sent me a warning that I could come at any second.

My mouth hung open while my breaths grew heavier, and my eyes rolled back. What a feeling. This was what I missed out on for a whole year, and it was finally happening again, except without Juan involved at all. His beautiful son, eager and willing, wanted to take care of my needs with the kind of devotion that made me melt for him.

I caressed the back of his head and allowed him all the time he needed to pleasure me. As much as I had to fight off my release, as challenging as it was, I didn't want to rush him. It wasn't just my enjoyment that mattered, but his, too.

As if mimicking what he'd learned from my performance on him, he too explored my body the way I'd explored his. His hands found my nipples and rubbed them just the way I'd rubbed his. Given how sensitive my nipples were, I had to stop him immediately if I didn't want to flood his mouth right then and there.

"You're gonna make me come real fast like that," I said.

"Oh. Do you... wanna come now?"

"That depends on how you feel. I mean, it's kind of late. Are you getting tired or sleepy yet?"

Julio shook his head with his signature bashful smile spreading across his face. "I always wondered what it was like to get fucked."

I lifted my eyebrows in surprise. "What, you wanna get fucked?" Wow.

"I'd like to try it, yeah."

I swallowed because I wasn't sure how it would even work with as tight as he was. After all, he was a virgin, and I was a monster down there. "You do realize it'll hurt the first time, right?"

"I mean... I fingered myself a lot before."

I laughed softly. "Julio, your fingers pale in comparison to this." I grabbed my own cock and waved it at him like the rock-solid piece of meat that it was.

He stared at it for a while as if in deep thought. Then, he looked at me with a smile. "I know, Mark. But... I kind of want to try it."

"I don't wanna hurt you, though." Fuck, why was I stalling when I finally had the chance to take his hot ass? I'd be the one to pop his cherry. I suddenly wanted to fuck him, but it would hurt me if I hurt him. I was conflicted for a moment.

"Can't you just go slow, then? Or... I don't know how this works."

That sparked an idea. "Maybe I can massage your hole with the head at first, for a while?"

Julio nodded. "Okay." Elated, he jumped off the bed and grabbed something from his nightstand. It was a bottle of lube, and he opened it to pour some into his hand. He stepped closer to me and slathered it all over my cock.

While he did that, I almost came. I grabbed his wrist firmly without even thinking and stopped him. "Whoa, whoa, you're gonna make me come doing that."

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. By the way, make sure you put a lot of that lube in your ass, okay?"

Julio gave me a quick nod as if he were my obedient student. He followed my instructions and set the bottle of lube on top of the nightstand. His breathing told me how nervous he was.

"We don't have to do this if you're not ready, okay?"

He swallowed. "I'm ready." But he really didn't seem to be. After all, the only practice he'd ever had was his fingers. It just wouldn't be the same with my cock attempting to go inside his ass.

Still, I let him do what he claimed he wanted to do. He got back on the bed and climbed on top of me, his cock growing again and signaling that he was probably horny for round two. He tried to position my cock directly into his pucker.

"Go slow, okay? No rush."

Julio nodded and dabbed the head of my cock against his hole for a while, as if teasing me. His breathing still told me he wasn't ready, but I could have been wrong, too.

"Take your time, baby." Baby? Wow, had it come to that now?

He giggled. "You called me baby like we're boyfriends or something."

I chuckled along. "Sorry, it slipped."

"No, it's... fine, actually. I like you, Mark. A lot. I have for a few years now and I can't stop thinking about you."

I swallowed at his troubling admission, especially at the dreamy look he gave me that said it all. Wow. Julio had a crush on me? And for a few years? But I didn't want to think about that right now. My focus was to make him feel good while I'd feel just as good on my end.

He finally pushed the tip of my cock inside his hole, and even though he gnashed his teeth, he continued until the head made its way inside. "Fuck!"

"I told you it would hurt. Do you wanna stop now?"

He shook his head. "No... I just... I need to get used to it, I guess."

"But I want you to enjoy yourself."

"I will. I think." Julio huffed a few times while trying to take more of my cock, his eyes and lips shut tightly. More of my inches entered him, little by little, and then some more, which made me feel in a way that words couldn't describe. "Mark, it fucking hurts, shit!"

"You're almost there. You got this. It only hurts at first, but I promise it'll feel good after a while."

"...Okay." As he tried to shift his legs, he somehow managed to get it all the way, probably without preparing for it. He yelped and whimpered. "Ow, fuck!"

"You're in, you're all the way in!" And man, did it feel amazing already. "Just wait a little bit, okay?"

Julio waited and sat on my cock with his eyes glued to mine. He played with his cock but didn't move his body around.

As much as I wanted to start thrusting him, I tried hard to think about how he felt. The real challenge was trying not to finish off so early. It was too easy to let my cock burst inside him.

He finally started moving, albeit slowly. His ass cheeks rubbed against my skin, and his face softened a bit. "It's starting to feel okay now."

I stroked his cheek and traced his lips with my finger. "Just relax, okay? Don't think about the pain or anything else. Just focus on feeling good."

He nodded and continued with his inexperienced movements, continually threatening my cock to give up on the restraint.

I clenched my teeth while holding the urge to come, since I enjoyed being this deep inside him. He was warm and tight, and just looking at his beautiful face and how he reacted to my fucking him made me smile, my heart in a molten state. I was so lucky to be the one he'd chosen to share this special part of him. It made me feel just as special, and I didn't want this moment to end. We bonded in ways we'd never imagined possible, and whether it was pure sex or making love, it didn't matter. It brought us closer than ever.

Julio sighed, and the corners of his mouth rose. "I like this."


"Yeah. I like you fucking me. It's actually starting to feel good now."

I reached for the top of the nightstand, careful not to pull out of him, and I grabbed the bottle of lube. I squirted a decent amount into my hand and set the bottle beside me. I coated Julio's cock with it, but I didn't stop there. I started jacking him off slowly, smiling proudly at him for making it this far with me. He took me like a champ with a lot of courage, and his face showed just that.

Within moments, I felt like I could trust pushing myself into him, and I reached as far as I could until he gave me a few soft moans to let me know just how much he enjoyed this. I witnessed the arousal written all over his face, his heavy eyes and parted lips. With my other hand, I caressed his chest and played with his nipples while still stroking his cock.

God, I was fucking him. I was actually fucking his ass. I was enjoying my boyfriend's teen son and sharing such strong intimacy with him that would forever remain a secret between us. This was our strong bond now.

I sped up the pace a little bit, trusting more and more that Julio could continue to take it. When he didn't seem to mind, I sped up even more, slowing down every so often to avoid coming. I edged my cock inside his hole and was determined to make this last for as long as I could.

Julio moaned with a smile. "Fuck me, Mark." He moved my hand away and took over so that he could jack himself off instead.

I continued exploring his body with both hands and made him feel good. I switched between his nipples, his chest, to even sliding a thumb inside his mouth.

He sucked my thumb briefly and quickened the pace with extra focus. His eyes met mine, and he expressed the same hunger I felt for him.

I needed his lips now. I desperately had to kiss him. I lifted my upper body with my hands clamped onto his shoulders to get him to sit on my lap and have him be closer to me. I placed my lips on his while fucking him in a steady pace. At this point, I could no longer control myself, and I started moving faster and faster until I was actually pounding him hard. His ass cheeks repeatedly slapped against me.

"Oh, Mark... fuck! Yeah! Fuck me! Ungh!"

I wrapped my tongue around Julio's while embracing him and making sure my cock wouldn't slip out of his ass.

He jerked himself off even faster until his growing breaths signaled for his release. "I'm gonna come..."

"Come for me, baby. Shoot it all over me. Give it to me. Come on. Come on."

Within just seconds, Julio cried out softly, and his warm cum blasted all over my chest and belly. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to come as well. After a few more thrusts deep into his hole, my cock lost all control and flooded his insides in what felt like a copious amount, making me cry out in the kind of ecstasy that I hadn't felt in such a long time.

My body shook as I pumped out all I could inside him, grunting. After a couple more thrusts, I slowed down to catch my breath. The room spun a bit from the intense orgasm, but I didn't let go of Julio. I held him in my arms and kissed his lips, my cock still inside him. I rubbed my nose against his and peered into his eyes.

The more I looked at him, the more questions I had. What would happen from now on? Would we do this again? Would we eventually develop special feelings for each other? I wouldn't know, and as conflicted as I was with what I'd just done while Juan trusted me to be a loving and loyal life partner, I wanted to explore more of this, more with Julio.

He gave me that bashful smile again and rested his forehead against mine. "I love you, Mark."

Oh, fuck. What could I do now? I cared deeply about him, but I wasn't exactly in love with him. I still loved Juan with all my heart. At the same time, I wanted to continue sharing my body with Julio while he'd share his with me.

I shushed him gently and gave his lips a little peck. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?"

He frowned. "I'm sorry."

My heart sunk, and I hated seeing him sad. "No, no. Don't be sorry. You can't help how you feel. I totally understand that. But don't forget I'm with your dad, okay?"

Julio didn't say anything. Was he crushed? Were his dreams destroyed? The last thing I'd ever want to do was hurt him, but a romantic relationship with him was out of the question. It just couldn't happen. It would only create more problems in the long run. Besides, I wasn't ready to call it quits with Juan, and I didn't think I'd ever be. I still needed him in my life in a way Julio just couldn't offer.

"Okay?" I prayed he'd understand. In fact, I had high hopes that he'd eventually meet a great guy his own age to treat him like the king he deserved to be treated as.

He finally nodded and tried to smile. "Can we still do this again, though?"

I sighed in relief. "Of course, anytime we get a chance." While I couldn't predict how I'd ever feel about Julio in terms of romantic feelings, I knew that, at this point, I couldn't let him go in a sexual sense. He'd given me hope after realizing I could carry on a sexually active lifestyle. I just had to accept that it would never be with Juan.

But that was okay. What Juan didn't know couldn't hurt him, and I'd make sure he'd never find out. I could finally have my cake and eat it, too.

More stories by Marco May:

Copyright © 2020, Marco May. All Rights Reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, copying and pasting, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Multiple copies of this text are also kept as records in case of any of the above. This applies to any language, should it ever be translated.

DISCLAIMER: The names and details of all characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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