My Bro's Buddy---Gay --Beginnings

By Michael

Published on Apr 4, 2018



As best I can remember it started when I was about 12yo., My older brother Jay's buddy Justin would tease me about being gay. Of course I denied it emphatically, But that just seemed to encouragement his constant ridicule. What else could I do, I certainly couldn't have admitted he was likely right. By the time I turned 17yo. little had changed between Justin and myself, He was relentless. Justin was 3 years older and easily the hottest guy in town. At about 6'2" he towered over me, He played basketball in high school, but wasn't the allstar caliber he liked to think he was. He had an amazing lean ripped frame and strong arms. His long blond hair was typically tied back, but when it wasn't the effect for sure added to his sex appeal. Even considering all the grief he has caused me over the years I still made sure he knew I was home when he would come to hang with Jay and today wasn't going to be any different.

I could hear his truck a good 2 miles out and sat in my darkened room by the window. I was anixious as always to set eyes on him and when he pulled in to the drive I got my first peek. I lurked in the shadows watching Justin stand next to his wheels fiddling with his phone. Today was a scorcher and his lack of clothing was not only expected, but completely appreciated. Some loose fitting gym shorts, a tight white tank, flip flops and a white straw cowboy hat. Justin was making his way toward the open garage door sending him right past my window.

"Oh..hey there enough for ya?" I said pressing my nose against the screen.

"Get's any fucking hotter and I'll have to walk around naked..Bet you'd like that" He replied before disappearing in to the house.

Justin was very quick witted and most of the time very funny, so it's difficult make out the difference between jokes and anything that might be more serious. I really fucking liked that about him, infact I liked nearly everything about him with one exception. Justin was a pussy magnet and if even half the rumors I've heard are true than he's fucked at least 50 percent of the chicks in town. I was lost in fantasy world when an empty beer bounced off my window.

"Why don't come have a beer with the guys" Justin shouted.

"I'll head down in a minute" I yelled back.

"I fucking bet you would" he said in a quieter voice, but I heard him just the same.

Jay wasn't a fan of the way Justin continually belittled me and quickly came to my defense "Back off Justin...For the 1500th time my little bro isn't gay" Jay barked at Justin.

"I'm fucking telling you dude...Evan would be down for some pole smoking" Justin said laughing.

I was curious to see where this conversation was going, so I sat under window quietly and listened.

"Justin..please..enough..let it go..Evan isn't that way..I've known him my hole life" Jay said.

"All right, but just for the fucking record I know when someone wants to suck my dick and your little brother displays all the signs" Justin stated.

"I guess he's not the most masculine fucking kid, but that doesn't fucking mean he's after your cock dude" Jay stated.

"You really don't see the way he looks a me dude?" Justin asked Jay.

"You sure seem real interested in my Bro's sexual orientation...If I didn't know any better I would fucking question yours dude" Jay answered obviously irritated.

"What ever Jay..No one gets more pussy as I fucking do..Just don't want you to be shocked when Evan finally falls out of the closet and lands on his fucking knees" Justin spit out.

"Just fucking back off and let the kid find his own way...If you fucking keep telling him he's queer he might start to believe you...I know you think your being funny, but I feel like your torturing the poor kid..fuck dude" Jay stated stearnly.

"He'd never admit it, but I'd bet he loves the way I fucking tease him" Justin said.

"Next fucking topic dude" Jay said putting an end to that conversation.

"Evan you done picking out an outfit yet, or you gonna need a little more time in the closet...the beer isn't getting any colder" Justin barked in a familiar sarcastic tone.

I crawled across the floor to the far side of the room before answering "I'm coming..Hold your horses".

"I'm not gonna hold anything..Why don't you get your ass down here and hold it for me" Justin rattled out not missing a beat.

There wasn't even a chance I was going to win a clever exchange of words with Justin, So I scampered down the hallway. The garage was second only to the basement in it's magical ability to stay some what cool on these sticky mid-western days. The beer fueled debate grew louder with every step, Sports were the current topic.

"Guys anything from the fridge?" I spoke loudly.

"Evan...Ahh..At last...Grab as many beers as you can manage with those little hands" Justin was quick to answer.

Three was the number I could securely grasp. Jay was fiddling with gadget at his workbench and Justin's sprawled out on a lawn chair pouring his beer down his throat.

"Perfect fucking timing dude..I seem to be empty" Justin said crunching the can with one hand.

The tiny tank top he arrived wearing must have been to hot, It was draped over the chair arm. Justin's long lean body was nearly naked and caught me completely of gaurd. He had one hand resting behind his head and I was surprised how much the site of his sweaty armpit excited me and it took all the self control I could muster to hide it. I avoided eye contact and watched his big hand pluck a beer from the trio.

"Thanks dude..I fucking owe ya one" Justin said flashing me a smile that caught my eye and followed it up with a wink when our eyes finally met.

I replaced my brothers empty can with a cold fresh one and found a seat on an upside down bucket. I could see Justin in my peripheral dumping beer down his gullet, Now both ripe pits were in full view. It didn't dawn on me at first, but he knew exactly what he was doing. I cracked open my beer and made quick work of it, I needed to get the fuck out of here.

"Hey Evan don't you have a milestone B-day just around the corner?" Justin asked me.

"Yup...18 this Saturday..finally" I answered him.

"Any big plans?...Shit I remember my 18th..I got half assed blowjobs from two different sluts" Justin said.

"Nah..nothing like that anyway...Folks are having a cookout..You should come Justin...Stars at 7, but you can come earlier if you want" I said still avoiding any eye contact.

"Oh I'll come all right..I wouldn't fucking miss it..Jay you gotta work don't ya?" He answered with another big grin plastered on his handsome face.

"Yup dude...I hate to miss my only brothers 18th, but I can't get out of it" Jay replied.

"Well don't you fucking worry dude..I'll watch your precious little Bro in your fucking absence" Justin said to Jay.

"Yeah Jay..See I'll be in good hands" I said.

Jay didn't say a word, But he did shoot Justin a disapproving glare.

"Guys I'm gonna take off...Evan I'll see your ass Saturday" Justin said as he got to his feet.

I watched his shirtless body as he walked down the driveway and just before climbing in to his trunk Justin shot me a parting wink.

"Are you sure you want him at your party?...I could tell him it was cancelled or something" Jay asked me.

"Jay...I have always appreciated the way you've looked out for me, But I'm gonna be 18 and it's time I started looking out for myself" I answered.

"I get it..My little bro isn't so little anymore...Well don't get drunk and do something you'll regret...That might be the best advice anyone could ever give you" Jay stated.

"I'm gonna go read Jay and don't worry I won't do anything I'll regret" I said and headed back to my room.

The next 3 days crept by at a snails pace, but Saturday had at last arrived. The few friends I invited were all accounted for by 7:30, But no Justin. I tried to hide my disappointment, but it must have written all over my face. My folks repeatedly asked if everything was okay, or Honey do you feel all right. My beer allowance was increased to 4 for my special occasion, My parents were really great about the under age drinking thing. They had a saying "Nothings a problem, til it becomes one" and I've kind of lived my life thus far by those words.

I had the noise memorized, It was Justin truck pulling in to the yard. I grabbed a couple of brews and walked toward his headlights trying to not to appear over zealous.

"Hey Justin..Thought I said 7 not 9:30" I said laughing a bit.

"Yeah...I'm here aren't I...Sorry didn't have time to stop and grab a gift" Justin replied reaching for the beer at the end of my extended arm.

"It's cool...You being here is gift enough...Plus my Folks went way overboard like always" I said to Justin.

"Nice...Hope you got everything you wanted" He stated as we walked back to the party.

"Does anyone really get everything the wanted?" I said to his backside.

By 10:15 most everyone was gone, The adults were on the deck having a grand old time. My friend Steve from school was last to take off, I think Justin mave have made him uncomfortable when he asked him if we were dating.

"Justin thanks again for coming..Hope you had good time" I said as we cleaned up in the darkness.

"Your folks are gonna be going for hours...Let's take a ride..I wanna show you something I think your gonna love" Justin said.

"I'll meet you at the truck...I'm gonna grab a few cold ones for the ride" I answered quickly.

I was hoping we had the same thing in mind, This could be the best fucking birthday ever. My Folks trusted Justin and only asked I be home by midnight. After loading a cooler with some ice and a sixer I climbed in to Justin already running truck.

"Where we heading?" I asked.

"There's party down the old logging road tonight...Your 18 now..Time you did some fucking socializing" He answered reaching for a beer.

I used to ride my bike down that road, It's the perfect place for a party, Middle of nowhere. We drove in to the woods a good 4 miles before Justin pulled over and shut the engine off. We were in total silence other than some crickets.

"Didn't you say there was party?" I asked him.

"Look see any fucking party?" Justin said finishing off the can and tossing it out the window.

"No party...maybe we should head back?" I said nervously.

I can't recall a time when I was completely alone with Justin and was suddenly scared shitless.

"Why don't we just have our own little fucking party?...What ya think?...Have a beer and relax birthday boy" He said cracking open a beer and placing it in my hand.

"Yeah...Sure...It's cool" I said, but I'm he sure sensed my nervousness.

"Any gifts that stand out this year?...Like a new fucking dress, or maybe some eyeliner?" He asked laughing.

"HaHaHa...Always the funny guy aren't ya Justin...The normal shit, Books, Some clothes and new xbox game or two" I answered with a studder.

"I'm just fucking with ya Evan...It's cool with me if your gay" He said resting his right arm behind my headrest.

I was at a loss for words and felt awkward about the situation. I've dreamed of a moment like this ever since I can remember , here it was and I was contemplating diving out the window and running in to the woods to hide.

"I know you check me out when you think I'm not fucking looking...There's two type of guys in the world...Pussy eaters and Cocksuckers...When the last time you ate some pussy Evan?" Justin asked.

I had never thought about eating a girl and my first thoughts of it disgusted me "I dunno...Been a while I guess" I responded.

"Yeah that's what I fucking figured...Your not the pussy eating sort are ya Evan?" He asked moving his hand to the backside of my neck.

"No...I guess I'm not" I replied.

"Remember there are only two fucking type...So if your not a pussy eater than your a........?" He asked rubbing my shoulder.

"A guy that doesn't have any interest in putting mouth any where near the hole a girl pees out of" I answered.

I wanted to suck Justin cock more than anything, But I was scared beyond belief to admit that to him. The moon illuminated the cab just enough for me to see Justin stroking the inside of his leg. It looked like he had a nice sized cucumber strapped to his thigh.

"I need to fucking piss" He said kicking open the door and disappearing in to the darkness.

I could hear the steady stream of fluid hitting the ground and it sounded like it would never end, but it did. He came back and folded his arms in the open window.

"Fuck dude..It's 11pm and still 90 fucking degrees out here" Justin said as he laid his straw hat on the dashboard.

"I know...It's miserable" I replied.

"Do me a favor there's a pair of shorts in the glove box...I wanna get out of these fucking jeans" He asked as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

I made quick work finding what he asked for and handed the little red running shorts to him.

"Thanks bro" he said, than one by one his boots were in the truck bed.

The sound of Justin unbuckling his belt set my nerves on edge again and than down went the zipper. After he vanished for a few seconds to roll off his snug wranglers, I'm guessing. A big hand dropped a wad of denim on the seat, but what happened next shocked me. A damp pair of white underwear landed on my lap. I was quick to knock them to the floor, When I noticed the red shorts still hanging on the window sill. Justin was totally fucking naked on the other side of the door.

"Shorts are right there Justin" I said pointing at them.

"I'm gonna let my sweaty shit air out for a while...Is that a fucking problem for you?" He asked.

"It's cool..No problems here" I said looking out the passenger side window as if I were doing some star gazing.

"Hey Evan you remember the nickname I had when I played basketball?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah..They used to call you D-pod...Right?...Though I never quite understood why?" I replied.

"Good memory...It was originally Decapod...Your a smart kid I bet you can crack the riddle?" He asked.

"Well let me see...I know deci or deca translates to the number 10 and pod could mean lots of different things...Like capsule, shell or even skin" I replied.

"Really...You can't fucking work it out...Want a fucking hint?" Justin barked.

"Not yet...I like riddles....So 10 something....10 capsules?....or perhaps 10 skin?" I said.

"Boy are you on the right fucking track, but in all fairness 10 is a bit of a stretch it's really only 9.5 inches" Justin said laughing.

" shit?" I asked.

"Ever seen a piece that big?" He said.

I looked at Justin in amazement with what he was telling me. I had always figured he was hung pretty well, but 9.5 inches, that's freaking huge. I swallowed the lump in my throat and answered.

"Well there was this guy in gym class and when he thought everyone had left he'd jerk-off in the shower, He was big, but probably not that fucking big" I responded in a nerve fueled ramble.

"Wait let me see if I've got this shit straight...You would hide in the locker room and watch some kid stroke his cock?" Justin asked while and arm disappeared behind the door to obviously tug on his meat.

"Well...I just happened to still be there a time or two..It's not like I planned it or anything" I answered quickly.

"Why don't you just fucking admit it already...Your a little queer aren't you?' He snapped.

"I dunno.." I replied softly.

"You dunno?...Wanna see some real big shit?...I mean since you just happen to still fucking be here" Justin asked smiling.

"I guess...If you want to...Sure" I answered shaking.

"Fuck yeah I want to...I'm proud of this fucker, but if I do your gonna have to do something for me" Justin stated.

"What?" I answered swallowing another lump.

"A fucking handjob seems like fair trade...Don't ya think?" He told me.

"Okay...I guess that seems fair" I answered surprising myself.

"Fucking sweet dude...I really need to shoot" Just said as he pulled open the door and slid on to the bench seat.

I gazed out the window til the closing door darkened the cab and slowly turned my head in Justins direction. He was completely naked except for the white stetson that had found it's way back on his head. I watched in amazement while he slapped the steering wheel with end of his long shaft. It was dark, but it was clearly a big fucking cock. I continued to look on for a minute or two while banged his cock on anything it could reach.

"What ya fucking think dude?...It's a pretty serious piece of meat...Huh?" Justin said spitting in to a hand and coating his dick.

Justin could easily be a porn star with everything he had going on, the body, hair, and his massive pole. I couldn't take my fucking eyes away from the site of it and as he slid across the seat toward me it seemed to be getting bigger. Next thing I knew his long naked leg was against mine and his pipe was well within arms reach. Justin released his grasp and locked his fingers behind his head.

"You remember the fucking deal...right?" He asked.

"I guess...Yeah" I answered.

"What the fuck you waiting for queer...Get me off!!" He barked.

I wanted to touch it badly, but didn't want to seem to anxious. I slid my hand across his warm thigh and found his pole laying on the vinyl seat. My hand wasn't able to wrap it completely.

"Damn...My fucking cock looks huge in your little bitch hand...Grease it up with some spit and fucking get to it...I need to dump one" Justin ordered.

I did just as he asked, spit in to my palm and ran my hand up and down the length of his shaft.

"That's fucking great dude, but I think a cock this magnificent can handle both your lil girly hands at the same time..Don't you?" Justin asked.

"I guess so..." I replied.

Justin reached under the seat and quickly found the lever that allowed the bench to slide back as far as it could possibly go.

"kneel between my legs bitch and get both your cock strokers on the fucking meat" He ordered pushing me to the floor.

I again did just as he asked and from this angle the thickness of his pole was more than appearent, Justins shit was fat in addition to lengthy. I slid my hands up and down slowly in unison, applying more spit when needed.

"You like that big cock queer?...It sure likes you" He asked watching me stroke his pipe.

"I guess...yeah" I answered not talking eyes from the beautiful example in front of me, not just the cock, but the whole package.

"Since you still seem to be unsure bout you fucking queerness...There's one sure fire way to find out" Justin said.

"Really...what is it?" I asked in return.

He started to answer "Well...If you....whoa...there ya fucking go" before he could get the words out I had his cock in mouth swirling my tongue around the head "Yup..I see you figured it out all on your own...Suck that big cock" Justin added.

This was the first dick I've had in my mouth and first taste of a real mans juice. Salty, Skol and beer flavored, I may have guessed.

"You like way I fucking taste queer?" He asked.

"Yes...I fucking love it" I came off him just long enough to answer and back down.

"That's it fag... try to work that shit down...Shake your head back and when you go down and it will slip in to your throat" he demanded.

I followed my orders to a T and He was right, I had managed to get a good 7 inches down.

"No fucking gagging..imppressive..I've been looking for you a very long fucking time" Justin said as reclined the seat back and watched me go to town on his manhood.

"Fuck yeah queer...throat that fucking shit...I don't think there's any fucking doubt...Do you?" He asked.

"None what so ever...I'm a cocksucking queer" I answered coming up for air.

"Yes you fucking are and pretty friggin good one...This really the first hog you've nursed queer?" Justin asked.

"MMM..HMMM" I hummed bobbing on the most fantastic dick ever.

"You almost got me there queer..You gonna eat my nut like a good little bitch?" He asked.

"MMM..HMMM" I hummed again trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Oh fuck yeah it up" He yelled as the first torrent dispensed down my throat.

His load was sweeter than the Pre-cum I'd cleaned from his piss slit earlier, It was spectacular. After another half dozen plunges I had thoroughy drained his nut sack, but continued to suck his softening meat.

"Sorry queer...That's all your fucking getting" Justin said pushing me off his cock and finally sliping in to his red shorts.

The 25 minute ride back was a quiet one. I didn't know what to say and Justin clearly had nothing to say to me. He pulled over at the end of my driveway and just sat behind the wheel waiting for me to get out, So I opened the door and lowered myself to the pavement.

"Hey Evan...Hope you had a fanatstic birthday..Thank you" Just said.

"This is the first birthday I can remember when I got absolutely everything I could have ever possibly wished for...And no...Thank you" I said to him.

"What the fuck you thanking me for?...You gave me the best head I've ever had" He said.

"Exactly...Goodnight D-pod" I said with a giggle as I slammed the door.


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