My Buddy the Marine

By scooby doo.

Published on Aug 18, 2012


My buddy the Marine – Part 15

This is a fictional piece of work. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to real events or people is completely coincidental.

The basic rules apply, if you are underage, etc... do not read this, go play on or something.

[Authors note: This and a previous chapter feature sex without protection. I do not, nor do I condone having sex without protection.]

[I didn't respond. I wanted him to believe that I was passed out and wasn't even aware he was doing this. He wrapped my hand around his cock and had me stroke his cock a few times. My cock responded right away and I was definitely tenting. He just laughed and said, "yeah, that's what I thought." ]

Part 15.

I continued to pretend that I was asleep but my cock definitely was giving me away that I was horny and wouldn't have minded having Matthew's cock in more than just my hand. I know, though, this wasn't the situation that I really wanted to be in. I `woke up' and quickly pulled my hand away.

"What the fuck are you doing Matthew?" I said in a pretty stern voice.

"Giving you what you wanted, little man. All you gay guys are horny as hell over us Marines. I knew from the moment I met you; the way you looked at me when I came out of my room and shower with no clothes on. You want this cock, and I'm willing to let you have it." He said with a big smile.

I didn't know what to say. I did want it, but I didn't want to ruin my chances with Steve. "Dude, I don't know what you are talking about. I am not interested man. Sorry, please go take that thing and plug that girl, bro."

"Alright, your loss man!" He said as he walked back to his room.

I sat there thinking of what could have been. I mean, Matthew definitely had a nice body and a nice cock and if I wasn't fully interested in Steve, I would have jumped at the chance. I didn't want to ruin something that I thought would hurt my chances at having a full relationship with Steve.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of a pan hitting the stove. I looked into the kitchen to see Matthew standing there buck naked. His cock hanging about 4 inches down over some nice balls and when he turned around, I got a nice view of his hot ass. The dimples in his butt cheeks were to die for. I knew if I didn't turn my attention away, I would be very tempted to just hop on that ass and ride it for all it was worth. I closed my eyes and started to drift off back asleep when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Matthew's cock staring me right in the face. I quickly looked up into his eyes and he just had a big smile.

"Get up dude. I have some eggs, bacon and SAUSAGE for you cooking." He said

"Dude, put some friggin' clothes on. No one wants to see you tramping around here all naked." I pretty much yelled at him.

"Dude, it's my house, I always walk around naked if my roommates aren't here. I love the feeling of being completely free and not having to hide the body I have." He replied.

"Well, suit yourself then. Where's Molly?" I asked

"I kicked her out. I told her I had to be back on base here soon, so I needed to start getting ready. Truth is, I have the day off and thought you and I could spend some time together. I can show you the sights of the area and you can see all the sights of me that you want." He looked at me with a smile as he said this.

God, this guy was putting it all in front of me. He wanted to have sex with me. Why?? Why would this have to happen right now?

"Dude, don't worry about it. Steve wanted me to spend some time with you and take you around while he is on base. He told me I was to do whatever you wanted and to make sure you had a `really good time', and I plan to do that!" He said to me with a wink.

"Dude, what's up with all the gay shit?" I asked with a somewhat irritated tone in my voice.

"Dude, I already know you are gay. I already got that. I am just curious as to why you don't want anything from me. I mean, most gay guys would give anything for me to give them my cock. I've had guys spend money on me, one even bought me that car to have sex with him. It's no big deal Kyle, just need to loosen up." He replied.

I blushed something terrible. I couldn't tell him I wasn't gay, but I didn't want to give in to this temptation. I mean, what would Steve think about all this?

"And hey, don't worry about Steve... I would never tell him that you and I had sex. I love sex, whether it's with a guy or a chick. I get my rocks off either way. I already know you have had fun with a Marine, and I thought you'd want to experience someone who knew what they were doing with another guy." He said matter of factly.

"What? What Marine? I'm confused man. Matthew, I am already kind of attached to someone, so I really don't want to mess that up." I said

"Dude, Steve already told me about you two. Steve and I have messed around before you two did anything. I mostly just gave him some good blow jobs and let him cum in my mouth. He knows that I have sex with whatever I can. I think that's the reason that he wanted me to hang out with you. He knew he wouldn't be able to satisfy you for a couple weeks, so he wanted me to fill in." Matthew responded.

To say my jaw hit the floor was an understatement. I had a hard time believing that he and Steve did anything. With how much Steve seemed to shy away from me and him having sex, I just didn't know if this was a true statement. I still didn't want to ruin my chances with Steve. I mean, Matthew could just be saying this to see if I would give in. Would this all be a test?

"Well, I am sure if Steve felt that you were to give me some satisfaction while he is away, he would have said something to me. Plus, as far as Steve and I go, we're just really good friends. Like I said before, he is my best friend from home and we are more like brothers than anything. So, where you are getting this shit of Steve and I doing things, I don't know where you are getting that."

"Don't give me that bull shit dude. Steve is one of my closest friends in the Corps. When you came here, I had a chance to talk with him and ask who you were. He told me you guys were best friends. I asked him if he had taken a bite out of you and he told me you were good. We had fun and I let him fuck me once. He wouldn't let me fuck him, but that's ok. I mean, he has a nice body and a big dick, I was satisfied." He said with a big smile.

"Dude, you are full of shit. There's no way that Steve had sex with you. I think you are just trying to see if I would have sex with you. You are wrong. Like I said, I am already attached to someone. I don't want to lose that by giving into something. I'm not saying I'm not tempted, but I care about this person and I don't want to hurt them." I said.

"Well, suit yourself. I mean, seriously, you could have a fun day with me in bed. You have made your choice. I will tell Steve that you didn't want anything to do with me and that he has you all to himself. Will that make you happy?" He asked.

"Well, I never said it was Steve I was attached to. If you said you talk to him, I could give a rat's ass what you tell him. If you want to tell him we didn't have sex, that's your choice. Will you get dressed now and take me back to the hotel, please?" I almost yelled at him.

"I will. Let's just eat some breakfast. I will go throw some shorts on so you don't have to see my awesome cock and ass. " He said as he went to his room and came back with shorts and a tank top on.

It was a Friday and I figured for the weekend, I could find a bar to just hang out in, and then head back to the hotel afterwards.

We ate breakfast but I wasn't really in the mood to talk anymore. I was somewhat pissed because he pressed the issue and wouldn't let it be. I was tempted to have sex with him, he was like a god, but I didn't want to ruin something as good as what I have with Steve.

I then found myself questioning, `what if he did really have sex with Steve before we hooked up? What if Steve did ask for him to make sure I was having a good time and maybe have sex with Matthew? Would Steve do that?' To say I was confused would be putting it mildly.

After breakfast was done, Matthew grabbed onto my shoulder. "Listen, I am really sorry. I am being honest when I was asked to show you a good time. I believed that Steve meant that to be sex if you wanted it. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I am truly sorry and I hope you will accept my apology. I don't want you to go back to the hotel and be bored off your ass. If I promise to not mention having sex again, will you allow me to take you around the area and show you the sights, have a good meal and maybe go out to some of the bars and have a few drinks?" He asked me with a very sincere look on his face.

I could tell Matthew felt bad and I think he honestly believed that Steve wanted him to have sex with me. I was confused at that point, but I also knew from the time we hung out yesterday that Matthew was actually a cool guy.

"Alright, under one condition. If you mention having sex with me at anytime, I can ask you to get me a cab and you will pay. I will also let Steve know the asshole you can be." I said with a straight face.

"Deal! You can beat me up, if you think you can." He said jokingly with a big hearty laugh after.

He took me back to the hotel so I could shower and get changed. We also went to a Laundromat so I could wash my clothes. Being there for a while, I wanted to make sure that my clothes were clean. We went out for lunch and he took me around the city and other areas and I was really pleased with the sights. Matthew actually turned out to be a nice guy. He was very quick witted and was cracked some good jokes. I found myself actually liking him as the day went on.

As we were at dinner, I noticed that Matthew was texting someone through the meal. I asked him who it was, but he just said it was one of his Marine buddies trying to get him to go out with him to a few bars, but he told the Marine he was busy with someone.

Matthew paid for the dinner. It wasn't a cheap dinner to say the least. I think the total of the bill with our meals and a couple drinks was over $45.00. I told him I could pay for my own, but he insisted. "Just buy me a few drinks later." He said. I acknowledged it and told him he wouldn't have to pay for a drink tonight.

We went back to his apartment and his roommates were home. They were really nice guys and were giving Matthew a hard time about his romp with Molly. They kept saying that both of them had already tagged her and he got the scraps. He said if that was scraps, it was still good eating.

We got ready and went out to a small pub that was about a mile from Matthew's place. Matthew told me that his roommates both got leave and were heading home for the week. He said I could crash in one of the roommate's bed and to not fret about getting drunk. It was already ok'd by them. For some reason I felt a lot more at ease with Matthew as the day went along. He never mentioned sex with me again during the whole day. He did make comments about having sex with both girls and other Marines we had seen. He pointed out a few Marines that he had sucked off or allowed to plow his ass. One of the Marines was HUGE. I mean, muscles everywhere and from what I could tell in the basket was holding one nice piece of meat too. I just laughed and told Matthew he was a man whore. He smiled and said, "Guilty as Charged!"

I was really enjoying this small bar. They had karaoke and Matthew and I both did a couple of songs, both getting a nice round of applause from the other patrons in the bar. After I got done with a song, I sat back down and was watching another good looking Marine sing "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks. He was really good. Matthew seemed to be enjoying it as he started singing along with the guy while drinking his beer, and lifting it as a toast every time the chorus was sung.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was surprised as I turned around and saw Steve there in civilian gear.

"What??" I asked as all of a sudden I was pulled into a big hug from Steve.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gone for 2 weeks." I questioned as my surprise was written all over my face I am sure.

"Well, I got a 48 hour pass. Being that Christmas is around the corner and our debriefing is going better than planned, they let us have 48 hours to go out into the `real world' as they like to say." Steve said with a very big smile.

Matthew just turned around and gave Steve a brother handshake and had a big smile on his face.

"How did you know where we were?" I asked Steve as Matthew droned on with the song being sung by a pretty attractive lady.

"Well, I have been texting Matthew to let him know that I was going to be done at 1800 and I went back to the hotel and changed. He told me you were going to be here. He told me you guys had a little bit of a hard time this morning. I'm sorry to hear that Kyle." Steve said.

"It's over and done with, I was just surprised at some of the things he did and said." I replied.

"Well, I hope you aren't mad at me. Matthew is like my best friend in the Corp. He knows about you and me and I am sure he was just razzing you about that." Steve said with a laugh.

"Well, he did more than razz me. He wanted to have sex with me, Steve. I didn't want to do it because I was scared of what you would think or say. I have never had sex with anyone besides you since our first night." I said quietly into his ear. I had to make sure no one else would hear what I was saying.

Steve just got a big smile on his face. "I wasn't 100% honest with you when I said I had never had sex with another guy before. Matthew was my first time with a guy. Don't worry about him. He's harmless and I am sorry if he went overboard. He tends to do that from time to time. Trust me though, he is completely discrete and no one else would ever know."

We hung out at the pub until bar close and we were all feeling pretty drunk. I was three sheets to the wind and I could tell that Steve and Matthew were also feeling pretty good. We walked the mile back to Matthew's place, or I should say stumbled our way, and ended up with each other's arms around each other's shoulders.

We made it back to Matthew's place and I was ready to pass out. I told Steve and Matthew I was tired and ready to go to sleep. They said they were hungry and ready to order some pizza before we hit the sack. I agreed to stay up with them and have a slice or two before hitting the sack. Steve turned on some show on tv and Matthew ordered the pizza. I couldn't believe that we were sitting here like this. Matthew being Steve's first cock, and me, ready to fill Steve's ass again as soon as possible.

As we were waiting for the pizza, out of the blue I heard the comment, "So, we are having a threesome tonight, aren't we boys?" from Matthew. I just turned and looked at Steve with a quizzical look on my face I am sure. Steve just had that Horny smile on his face and said, "Well I know I'm at least getting one piece of ass tonight," while he looked directly at me. I could feel myself blush and then looked at Matthew. He had taken his cock out and said, "Well this piece is open for business if either of you want to have it for an appetizer." Steve just looked at me and asked, "Well, what do you think? Should we expand our horizons a little or do you want to keep this exclusive. It's up to you, Kyle. I don't want to make this awkward, but I wouldn't mind having both of you tonight, and I'm sure you really wouldn't mind having a taste of Matthew either. "

My mouth was open and I was shocked to say the least. Steve wanted to leave this option open to me. "Steve, you know I am committed to you. I don't want to do anything that will mess up our relationship and I think of you as a friend, brother, and hopefully someone who feels the same as I do. I love you and I don't want to do anything that will hurt you or mess this up." I said this with tears starting to stream down my face. I knew part of that was my being drunk, but the other part was just completely putting myself out there and hoping that I wouldn't be denied.

"You are the best friend I have ever had. The fact that you have never had sex with anyone else besides me tells me how committed you are. I don't think this will mess up our friendship, and I know that I feel deep inside that I love you too. I don't think I'm gay, but you are the best thing in my life right now. Matthew is my closest friend in the corp. I can honestly tell you since you and I have had sex, nothing has ever happened between him and I. I do know that he would like to get to know you better and would love the three of us to really have a good time. He doesn't have to work tomorrow, and I have this pass. We can keep our love together no matter what. This will just be us guys having fun." Steve said with a very caring tone, and even sat next to me and put his hand on my arm, rubbing along my forearm with his index finger as he spoke.

Just then a knock was on the door and Steve and Matthew got up to answer it. It was our pizza and they grabbed it and paid the driver. "Why don't we eat some pizza, chill out for a bit, then Kyle can make a decision. Kyle, you know I think you are a pretty cool guy and I would love a chance to get to know you more. I think this is a chance to have some fun, but ultimately it's up to you. No pressure, no hard feelings if you say no." Matthew said as he grabbed the first slice of pizza and sat on the couch to eat it. Steve sat down next to me and gave me a slice as he had one for himself. "Ky, it's up to you bud, I promise you, I will still be yours, and yours alone no matter what." He said has he put his arm around my back.

I brought the slice of pizza to my mouth and took a bite. I sat there completely surprised that this option was on the table. As I said, Matthew was hot as hell and I had before me the opportunity to have complete and utter fun tonight with two hot Marines. I sat and chewed on it as I chewed on my pizza.


Next: Chapter 16

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