My Choice

By ray hkg

Published on May 31, 2005


This story is only a fiction and nothing mentioned has happened. All the characters and locations appeared in the story were frictional and not real. If the subject of homosexual, bondage, sm and domination offend you, or you are under the legal age, please do not read further and leave. Any comment and suggestion are welcomed.

Chapter 3

My head felt heavy and I told John I didn't feel good and it's better for me to return. John asked for my problem and I told him I got a headache. So we were on the way back. Down to the prairie, I felt worse. "Jim" was the last word I spoke before I pass out.

When I woke up, I was laying on the bed, in John's house. Jim was looking at me, smiled.

"Sir Sam! You're awake! I have to tell Master John!"

Jim then ran out of the room to told John. Within a minute's time, he returned and said John's coming.

"Sam, how do you feel right now?"

"Oh, I'm much better. What's happened to me?"

"Sam, you're ok. Just relax. You past out when we rode the horses. I don't know the reason yet but I have drawn your blood to perform some tests. I haven't finished the tests yet and need some more times. According to your blood pressure and the ECG, they have shown nothing wrong. Just see if the blood test can tell anything. Boy will take care of you."

"Thanks John."

"Take a rest Sam. Just order boy if you want anything."


John left the room and Jim closed the door.

"Sir Sam! What can I do for you?"

"Jim, I want to drink some water."

"Yes Sir Sam!"

Jim returned with a glass of water and I drank it up. Then there's a knock on the door. Jim opened the door. There're Ryan and Tony.

"Sam, Are you ok?" Ryan asked.

"I feel much better now. Thank you."

"Dad told me you past out on the ride. What happened?" Tony asked.

"I don't know. And I feel nothing wrong except for a little headache."

"Take a rest, Sam! And boy, take care of Sam, understand?"

"Yes Sir Ryan!"

They left the room and I sat up from the bed.

"Sir Sam! I suggest you to stay on the bed. I don't want to be punished and I'm sure I will be punished badly by allowing you to go anywhere."

"Jim, I'm much better now and I don't want to sleep anymore. I promise I won't leave the room, ok?"

"Yes Sir Sam!"

"Jim, you are all very nice to me. Thank you very much."

"Sir Sam, we all liked you."

"So do I." I said without thought. But I did like them. I met them just yesterday but it felt like we've been friends for a long time.

"Jim, I'm hungry. Can you get something fro me to eat?"

"Ok. I'll go to ask Master John if you can eat something."

"Thanks Jim."

Jim returned quickly. "Master John said that it's better for you to drink some soup than eat anything. Master Tony is making the soup and he will bring it up when ready."

"Thank you Jim."

I felt much better but just a bit tired. I sat on my bed and Jim sat on the floor. We looked at each other for a while.

"Jim, when did you know you're gay?"

"Sir Sam! I knew when I was thirteen. When girls excited the boys, boys excited me and I couldn't keep my eyes from checking other boys. One day after school, I talked with my best friend Peter and I asked to suck his cock. Then we went to the locker room and that's the first time I tasted cock and cum. Peter liked me to suck him so we did it from time to time."

"How about real sex?"

"Sir Sam! At that time, I have thought about to be fucked. But I was scarred. I didn't want to be hurt. And I have heard about AIDS. Until sixteen, Peter said he want to fuck me because he wanted to know the difference between fucking a real pussy and an ass. He promised to be nice so I agreed. It hurt a lot but I enjoyed it a lot too."

"I see."

"Sir Sam! May I ask if you have fucked, or being fucked before?"

"I have fucked girls before, but never a boy, nor being fucked. I don't think I'm gay."

"Sir Sam! But…"

"But what?"

"Sorry Sir Sam! I don't mean to argue with you."

"It's ok Jim. You are free to talk with me."

"Yes Sir Sam! Thank you Sir! But I feel you're gay."


"By the way you looked at Master Ryan's and Master Tony's bodies, and to my bodies too. A straight guy will only get interested but Sir Sam you got excited. Sir Sam! The cock always tells the truth."

"Jim! I'm lost. I don't know what should I do. I don't know if I'm straight or gay."

"Sir Sam! Master John has mentioned it to me. I was ordered to serve you in any way you ordered. And Sir Sam you can fuck me if you wish to."

"I don't know. I don't know what should I do."

"Sir Sam! Just let your mind does whatever you want. Don't try to fright against yourself."

By the time, Tony has brought the soup up. He asked if I felt better and told Jim to serve me. Then he left the room.

Jim served me with the soup. It's chicken soup and tasted good. I told Jim to got a taste but he refused.

After the soup, I told Jim I wanted to have a bath. I smelled after the rode without a shower. Jim prepared the bathtub for me.

It felt so nice in the bathtub and I allowed Jim to serve me in the bath. He carefully cleaned every inch of my body and I felt so good.

Jim asked if he could suck me. I enjoyed it last night so I sat on the side of the tub.

I cummed into Jim's mouth and he cleaned my cock with his tongue.

"Jim, can I… can I suck your cock?"

"Sir Sam! You can do anything to me and I was ordered to serve you by my best."

"Ok! Then you sit here." I said stood up from the tub. With Jim sat on the side, I kneeled and tasted his cock. He's cleaned and not smelly at all. I used my tongue to play with his PA, then the cock-head. I enjoyed it. Then I moved to his ball-sac. He's so smooth and I liked his smoothness.

I moved back to his cock. I gagged when I have Jim's cock hitting my throat. Then I got used to it and Jim held my head and face-fucked me. He cummed down my throat. It's a very big load of cum and it tasted good, sweet and a bit sour. I licked him clean and we both sat into the bathtub.

"Can I really fuck you, Jim?"

"Yes Sir Sam! You can do anything you like." Jim answered and he got out of the bathtub.

Jim got a condom and the lube and took out his butt plug. He lubed his hole and carefully put on the condom for me. He kneeled on all four and waited for me. I wasted no time to enter his hole.

Jim got used to be fucked and he has no resistance to my cock. I entered easily and fucked him slowly. The feeling was great and I fucked him harder and harder. I exploded in the condom and I lie on his back.

After a few minutes, I got up from Jim. He removed my condom and licked me clean. Then we moved to the shower and kissed under the shower. Jim washed me and dried me. I lie on the bed and there's a knock on the door.

"Yes, please come in!"

"Sam! What do you feel now?"

"John, I feel much better. I have to tell you I just fuck Jim in the bath."

"It's ok Sam. I have ordered boy to serve you in anyway you like. By the way, I have the result of your blood test. Everything's all right and I can't find there's any problem. You're clean from any disease and you're healthy."

"But why did I past out in the daytime?"

"I think it caused by the stress. You got used to face to stress and pressure. And now you're relaxed and get rid from any pressure. Such a relax form another kind of pressure to you. And that's my conclusion."

"So I don't have any problem."

"Yes. And I suggest you to take a good sleep and boy will be here to serve you tonight."

"Thank you John."

"You're welcomed. Good night."

"Good night."

Jim came out after cleaning the bathroom. I told him to join me in the bed. I held Jim in my arms and kissed his forehead. Then I played and licked his tit rings. He moaned and I kept playing them. Then we fell asleep.

I awaked in the morning and found Jim has waked up on my side looking at me. I kissed him.

"Good morning Sir Sam!"

"Good morning Jim!"

"Sir Sam! What do you feel?"

"I feel great!"

"Sir Sam! I have better go to prepare the breakfast."

"What's the time now?"

"Sir Sam! It's 8:30."

"When do you used to prepare the breakfasts?"

"Sir Sam! I used to got up at 7 to clean up myself, and have the breakfasts served at 8."

"Then you better go now."

"Yes Sir Sam! But I was ordered to serve you so it wouldn't be a problem."

"Anyway, you better go now."

"Yes Sir Sam!"

I thought about what have happened last night, my first time to suck a guy and my first time to fuck a guy. It's not bad at all and I could say I loved to do so. I just wondered the feeling to be fucked. All I knew I was gay now.

I went to piss and took a shower. Then I put on my shorts and went downstairs. There's no one in the living room or dining room. Jim has prepared the breakfast.

"Sir Sam! Breakfast is ready."

"Where are your masters?"

"Sir Sam! Master John is inside the study room; Master Ryan and Master Tony are in the workshop. They already have their breakfast before. The dishes are still in the basin."

John appeared when I have finished my breakfast.

"Good morning Sam, what do you feel now."

"Good morning John. I'm fine."

"I would like you to have a check-up again to make sure everything is ok. Please come to my study room."

"Thanks John."

"Everything is ok, Sam. You don't have anything to worry about."

"Thank you."

"Boy has told me that you are interested in seeing my dungeons, aren't you?"

I was a bit embarrassed. "Er… yes, I think so."

"Well, you don't need to be embarrassed. Relax and see if you like them or not."

"Yes John, thanks for the advice"

I was excited on visiting John's dungeons. I didn't know what I would see but I was really excited by John's invitation.

"I will show you my dungeons when boy finished the cleanings. Would you excuse me?"

"Oh sure!"

John walked out the study room and want upstairs. I moved to the living room and waited for them.

Jim has finished the cleanings and came to the living room. He kneeled and waited for his Master.

John appeared with a leather harness on his upper body, and a pair of leather pants. He had a piece of chain on his hand and attached it to boy's collar. "Ok Sam. Let me show you how I train my boy." He said as he and leashed Jim. It's funny to saw a guy leashed to walk by another guy.

John opened a door next to the stairs. He leashed Jim into the door and I followed. Behind the door was a stairs heading to the basement.

It's a large dungeon. There're chains hanging from the ceiling together with some pulleys. Along the walls were shelves with different shapes and sizes of dildos and butt plugs, paddles, whips, etc. Some shelves have closed doors and I didn't know what were inside. There're various of handcuffs hanged on a wall.

In the other end of the dungeon, it's a tiled area. A toilet bowel without seat, a basin and a showerhead. There're 2 cages near the tiled area. One was tall but small, and the other one was short but larger in size. A large X-shaped cross set opposes the cages and there were some other `equipments' I have no knowledge about them.

"Boy, perform your daily routine."

"Yes Master John!"

Jim moved to the tiled area. He filled up a plastic bag with water and hanged it over, removed the butt plug and inserted another one connected by a tube to the plastic bag. Water slowly flowed into his ass. Jim removed the butt plug until the bag was empty. He held the water inside him for about five minutes and released. Jim repeated 3 more times, walked towards us and bent over.

John inserted a finger into Jim's ass. He withdrew, took a look and put it into Jim's mouth. Jim licked John's finger and John padded on Jim's head.

I knew this was enema Jim has told me on the first night.

John leashed Jim to the cross and fastened the straps to his wrists and ankles. John fixed two more weights around his balls.

"Sam! Come and look at it. Each ball weight weighs 500 grams. You see the balls are pulled nicely."

One and a half kilo! I felt sorry for Jim.

"Sam, want to give me a hand?"


"Just attach these to the tit rings. Boy like pains and he's ok for the weights."

I picked up two weights and attach one to each his tit rings. Jim bit his lips but didn't make a sound.

John then fixed another ball weight around Jim's ball. He made a moan. His balls pulled further.

Then I attach another weight to his PA. He yelled out but stopped quickly.

Jim has water in his eyes but he smiled and said, "Thank you Master John! Thank you Master Sam!"

John told me to add the weighs if I liked and left the dungeon.

"How much can you afford, Jim?"

"Sir Sam! I have tried 5kgs on my balls and 1kg on each tits and PA."

"What's the feeling?"

"Very painful Sir Sam!"

"And you like it?"

"Yes Sir Sam!"

I didn't think there's enough space to fix so many ball weighs around him. Then I noticed there's a chain attached to the second ball weight. So I added some more weighs to the chain. There're total 3kgs pulling his balls. By interested, I swung the new weighs to add the force to his balls. I could see tears from his eyes.

"You like it?"

"Yes Sir Sam!"

John returned with a light cigar. He handed another one to me and lighted it.

"So you like the scene, Sam?"

"I am interested."

"No Sam! You are not interested but excited. Just look at your shorts!"

I haven't noticed I got a tent on my short. And the worst was, I haven't wore a tee and there's nothing to cover the spot of pre-cum on my shorts.

"Sam, I suggested you to take off your short."

I did as John said and my cock got a full hard-on. John looked at my naked body and nodded his head.

"That's a saw horse." John said and he pointed to an equipment next to me.

Then John removed the weights on Jim's tit rings and those on the chain of his ball weight. John unfastened Jim from the cross and leashed him to the sawhorse. And fastened Jim's wrists and ankles to the legs of the sawhorse with another belt fastened around his waist too.

John took a whip from a shelve and whipped Jim's ass. After ten whips, John told Jim to kiss the whip.

Then John handed a paddle to me and asked me to had a tried.

"The feeling of a paddle is totally different from a whip. A paddle hurt much but causes no harm. You can hit boy as heavy as you like."

"Thank you John."

The sound of a paddle hitting Jim's ass was much louder than a whip. Jim yelled on my every hit. I felt really sorry to him but I felt great. Jim's ass was hot red and I stopped at ten. I need Jim to kiss the paddle and he kept crying.

John took some water for Jim to drank. Then he applied a ball gag to Jim's mouth, fastened it at the back and padlocked it in place.

John took the whip again and whipped on Jim's back. He said it's the punishment for his misbehave yesterday. I counted there's a totally of fifty. Jim cried behind the gag.

John told Jim to took a rest and asked me to join him in the living room. John poured a glass of red wine to me and sat next to me.

"So what's your feeling?"

"Hum… everything excited me a lot."

"I know!"

I was embarrassed.

"And you like what you see?"

"I think so."

"Good! Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Well John! Before last night, I was not sure if I was straight or gay. But after sucking Jim and fucking him, I know I like the feeling and I think I'm gay."

"So you have found part of yourself."


"And you really enjoy what you saw in the dungeon."


"I will show you something more after lunch. Sam, please release boy from the sawhorse and I will be there in a minute."


I went down and release Jim. He wasted no time to waited on his knee. I moved to the wall have the cuffs hanged. I took a set of manacles and it's very heavy, weighted at least 10kgs. It has 5 thick cuffs connected by thick chains. It locked one's neck, wrists and ankles. Both locking and unlocking required the key. John arrived and saw what I have taken.

"Sam, just put it onto boy!"

I took it towards Jim and locked the first cuff to his neck. Then I told him to stand up and locked his wrists. His wrists were held by the chains at the belly position just above his crotch. He could not touch his cock. Then I locked his ankles and the chain between the ankles was a foot in length. It caused Jim's motion very restrictive.

"Boy, go and heat up the frozen pizza for lunch."

Jim muffled behind the gag and nodded his head. Then he walked upstairs.

"Tony made that set of manacles."

"It's very heavy!"

"Yes, made of steel. Quite impossible to remove without the key. Both the chain and the cuffs were half an inch in thickness. The cuffs are an inch in length. The chains can be bolt-cut but not the cuffs."

"A perfect design!"

"Tony has made another set by order. The same thickness but double in length. The customer liked them a lot. Let's go upstairs and have a drink."

After our lunch, John showed me to the other dungeon. It's part of the workshop divided by a wall. It has two entrances, one directed to the workshop. We went through the other door. The size was about the same of the one at the basement but there were different equipments. There're wooden pillory and stock here used to locked one in standing or sitting position. I noticed some pulleys were set under the ceiling.

John unlocked the manacles from Jim and locked another set of cuffs to his wrists. It's a pair of thick leather cuff attached to a metal bar of 2 feet in length. John placed a hook through the ring in the middle of the bar and pulled it up. Another similar set of cuffs attached to Jim's ankles and a chain locked between the middle of the bar and the floor. Then John places a leather hood over Jim's head with only two small nose openings. John pulled the chain to the hook further and Jim stood only by toes-tip.

John brought the floggers to me and asked me to take a try. I used it on Jim's chest (tits) and cock. Jim was very excited and he was rock hard. And he leaked pre-cum. I gave Jim a total of ten.

"Sam, it seems you know how to torture a slave."

"Jim has told me he like pain, especially the pierced areas."

John adjusted the height of the pillory to the waist level. Then he lowered Jim and released him from the restraints. John also removed the hood and the gag from Jim and ordered him to kneeled at the pillory.

John opened the pillory and Jim places his neck and wrists to the three openings. John locked back the upper half and Jim was trapped. John moved to the back and locked Jim's ankles to the stock in the same way. Now Jim was totally trapped and he could not free himself. John set up a tool behind Jim. It consisted of a long metal rod and a motor.

John fixed a lubed metal dildo to the end of the rod and removed the butt plug inside Jim. John carefully inserted the dildo into Jim's ass and switched it on.

It's a fucking machine and kept fucking Jim's ass. John undid his leather pants in front of Jim. Jim sucked John. I was very excited to see Jim sucked John and being fucked at the same time.

I didn't know why I was so excited and turned up but what I saw today. I have another question I haven't thought before: Was I sadomasochism?

I could not control myself to stroke my cock. I have never done this in front of other people but I just lost control. I found John has shot his load into Jim's mouth. John withdrew and told me to get use of Jim's mouth. I was too excited and shot my load just entered Jim's mouth. Jim ate all my cum and cleaned my cock. Then John replaced my position for Jim to clean him up.

John asked me to move back to the house and left Jim alone. He was still fucked by the fucking machine. He has eaten two loads of cum and being fucked. I could see his cock was very hard and would explode just by a touch. I followed John back to the house.

"Sam, I think you like what you see, right?"

"Yes John. Actually, I haven't thought I was sadomasochism before."

"And you think you are now?"

"I don't know. But all I know is I like what I just saw."

"Then how do you think of sadomasochism? Do you think a sadist is crazy or a kind of sickness?"

"I don't think there's any problem. But I have never met a sadist before."

"And you have now!"

"Yes! And all of you are very nice to me. I think it is only a kind of lifestyle or hobby and you guys with the same interest lived together. Everyone has the right to choose how he lived. Without affecting other people, it would never be a problem."

"Good! Anyway, you have given a try. I know you like the scenes a lot. I suggest you to think about if you are a sadist or not. Maybe you can figure out your problem."

John walked back to the workshop. I was confused. I have only found myself gay this morning and now I have to found if I was sadist or not. Everything happened to me at a time. I knew I need to clear my mind and I decided to take a bath.

I turned on the message function of the bathtub. I knew I like what I saw today. I knew just seeing Jim being tortured excited me. There's no doubt I enjoyed to be a sadist. But was I a real sadist? I thought I ought to find out.

I was exhausted and I didn't know I have fallen asleep in the bathtub. The water has cooled down and I took a hot shower before leaving the bathroom.

I lie on the bed. The images of the scenes appeared in my mind. The more I thought, the more I liked. And I wanted, I wanted to participate, I wanted to participate as Jim.

This idea shocked me. But my cock told me it liked. But why did I want to be Jim?

Finally, I clamed down. I found it's not abnormal at all. Everything liked lock and key. When one was giving, there's always another accepting. There's a chance in front of me, so why didn't I take a try? If I didn't like it, I didn't think there's a problem. But if I like it, then I could find the truth of myself!

(to be continued)

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Next: Chapter 4

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