My Darling Wife, Anna

By if.tenep.nona@947532na

Published on Apr 12, 1995




This story is purely a work of fiction. All names, although seemingly real, are also ficticious. Any resemblance to real life names or places, or to any human being, alive or dead, is mere coincidence.

This story is merely the work of fantasy and should not be otherwise misconstrued. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults, both m/f and m/m/f. If you are neither interested in this sort of literature, or if you are under the age of 18, please read no further .....................

My Darling Wife, Anna .....

Many years ago, back when I was in the Army, sex was on my mind constantly.

I was single, living in the barracks, and was always out chasing women, wine and song. Back then, my motto was live for the day, for tomorrow may never come. And I really believed that. On one such occasion, after a long night of drinking and carrying on like there really may not be a tomorrow, Ed (one of my small circle of friends) and I stopped by at a local diner just outside the back gate of camp for a quick bite to eat........

Sergeant Ed and I were nearly inseparable. It seemed that where ever Ed was, I was not far behind, and vice-versa. Ed and I had been friends for many years (or so it seemed). Although Ed was a few years older than me, we bonded well. He was also married. His wife, Cheryl, lived and taught school in the Memphis area. Consequently, Ed lived in the barracks as well.

Ed would say "Steve, .... I've told Cheryl so much about you, she says she just can't wait to meet you." He used to go home almost every weekend so that he could be with his bride. I had seen pictures of her, of course, but nothing could have primed me for the time I actually met her face to face. Cheryl turned out to be a doll. She was beautiful. What a prize Ed had collected the day he married Cheryl. Consequently, nearly every long weekend would find the three of us together in Memphis. I quickly realized that I loved the two of them. Ed and Cheryl were both Black. He was the first black that I had ever become friendly with.

During my teen years, I lived in an all-white neighborhood. There wasn't even a single black in my high school! I never knew a black. I seldom even saw a black locally. I grew up in a small rural town situated between Boston and Providence. I mean, there were blacks in the city, but out in our area, blacks weren't to be found. Back in the mid '60's, there weren't even many of them on TV, not like there is today. Except for Amos and Andy, about the only TV exposure they got was negative news highlights. Keep in mind that during these turbulent years, it wasn't common to see a white and black man so closely knit as was the two of us, especially in public.

So, here we were, Ed and I, popping in to this shiny, metallic, 24 hour diner on the busy US Route 40. You know the kind, the ones that looked like an oversized rail car sitting on a semi-permanent foundation. These were quite popular back then. You still see them today, but not as often ...... and certainly not as well maintained as they were then. Here we are, setting on the stools in front of the lunch bar, pretty near the only ones in the place, getting ready to order us a late night snack prior to returning to camp for the night. Our waitress was a short, slightly plump brunette with a bubbly personality and a pretty smile. Magdeline was the name on the tag she wore on her stained white uniform.. She had a face full of freckles that just seemed to accentuate her 18 year old face. As was my nature, I started flirting with this girl ..... Maggy ..... who with her cute smile and tiny dimples, was very receptive to my flirting. Maggy, I found, was quite able to "roll with the punches."

Ed and I found ourselves sitting there for the longest time without any regard to the time. Maggy not only was receptive to my advances, but didn't seem to mind that Ed was black, either. A plus! Finally, Ed and I had to make a break, with morning coming upon us sooner than we had reckoned for. But we didn't leave before finding out if she would be there the next night.

Sure enough, the next night, Ed and I decided to stop in at the diner for what was soon to become a regular place for us. Maggy was just as bright and bubbly as she was the prior night. This nightly rendezvous at the diner, or tryst if you will, continued for several more nights until I was able to get her to agree to meet with me on her next night off. A date. A real date. Gee, although Ed and I were always out and about -- drinking, chasing women and carrying on to beat the band, I just couldn't remember the last time I was out on a real date. As it turned out, the date was scheduled for a weekend. Ed was going home to see Cheryl. I, of course, was invited ...... but I begged out in order to go out with Maggy.

I was nervous as a new-born pup. Alone (without Ed) with a girl on a real date. It was Saturday night, the night was young, and we found ourselves sitting in a C&W bar in Baltimore sipping on a couple of Harvey Wallbangers. Damned, I loved Harvey Wallbangers! And they sure took the edge off my nervousness, too. Maggy was fun to be with. We both found that we enjoyed each other's company and decided that a second date was in order for her very next night off from work. This turned out to be on Thursday ..... Ed was going to be around.

I had told Ed all the details of our date, not that there was much to tell, mind you. I told him that I liked her and that we were going out again. He didn't seem to mind ... he said he had some reading he wanted to catch up on anyway. Maggy worked the Graveyard shift ..... 11:00 'till 7:00, so we found ourselves spending more and more of our early evenings together, as well. All the while, Ed was spending more and more time at other activities and less and less time with me.

I believe it was after our third official date that we found ourselves back at Maggy's, sitting on her sofa, sucking down the last of a cheap bottle wine. And because of my obvious insobriety, Maggy decided it was better if I stayed the night - you know - the too drunk to drive syndrome. Sure!!! We're sitting there on the sofa, listening to a country station on the radio, singing along with some country artist, my arm draped around her neck. And I found my hand wandering down to her soft supple breast. I just rested it there. And, damned, did that feel good in my hands. No .... NO! - it felt great! It had been a while. Maggy made no attempt at moving my hand, so the flag-waving male chauvinistic pig that I was took that as license to continue. I gently started massaging her boobs and it wasn't long before I felt her nipples stiffening through the material of her blouse and bra. Ever so noticeably, she laid her head back onto my arm and started moaning. A-ha! I now knew I had her right where I wanted her. But I was so drunk at this point that I just couldn't respond. Try as I might, I couldn't get it up! I continued massaging her boobs, and ever so gently slid my hand into her blouse and into her bra. She loved it. I, of course was starting to sweat bullets because my body just wasn't participating in this venture.

I removed my hand, sat forward, and as Maggy peered out at me through half-closed eyes, I slowly unbuttoned her blouse. All the while she gently ground her hips into the sofa, tightening and loosening her legs as if she was masturbating just by flexing her muscles. After the last button broke free, I leaned in with my face and started kissing her tummy, working my lips and tongue upwards till I felt her bra touch my lips. I dizzily pulled her forward just enough to snake my hands around her back and undo the cotton harness that had kept her prisoner. Free at last. What a magnificent view. Firm and well formed melons of flesh of very ample proportions, tipped with the most mahogany colored aereoles imaginable. Centered in these areoles were nipples the size of my little finger to the first joint. The sight about took my breath away ...... yet still nothing stirring in my loins.

My lips returned to her skin, gently darting my tongue in and out .... Magi is gently holding on the sides of my head now, guiding me as she thrusts her chest out to meet my lips. I've never seen nor tasted such large nipples in all my short life. I look up at her face and see her lips pursed in a half smile, tensed, as my hands begin to roam elsewhere.

She pulls me up, up to a point where our lips meet and she darts her tongue into my mouth, starting to take charge of the situation. My hands cupping her ampleness. One hand drops down and starts nervously fumbling with the button of her jeans. She breaks the kiss long enough to reach down and help, quickly slipping both the jeans and her bikinis to her knees. Now she is really getting hot. And boy, does she seem to want it!!

Sitting on the edge of the sofa, leaning back again, her beautiful pussy covered in silken black hair is thrust out, her legs spread ....... she's moaning louder now pushing me down to where my nostrils begin to flare with the aromatic sweetness of her womanness begging me to come closer. Again, she is holding the sides of my head, guiding me on, until my lips come into contact with her pussy, her cunt. Oh!, what a pleasant and wonderfully delightful taste and aroma. Nothing like knowing that this girl delights in taking care of herself. Although seemingly being forced by the urgency of the moment, I'm delighted at ministering to the warm moist folds of this nectar pot. My tongue darting into the depths of her womanhood. Running side to side on her clit, gently sucking and nibbling on her little cock as she grinds her pelvis into my mouth. She is now holding onto my hair as though she were holding onto the reins of a bucking steed, when it is her that is bucking, not the mount.

My hands slip under her buttocks and begin kneading her flesh as she continues to ride the tongue. My fingers dart in and out toward her anus. This subtle contact excites her even more as she pushes toward her first climax. Her moaning turns to low guttural sounds and into gentle screams as she bucks her hips even harder. "Oh Steve ....... don't stop ...... I love it - I love it ...... I'm cumming - don't stop."

At this point, she pulls me up and our lips are again intertwined. Her hands work there way down to my crotch. At last, a slight twitch! I'm still so inebriated that I can hardly maintain my balance, let alone get it up. But she continued trying. She rolled me over onto my back, and without any ceremony, unbuckled my pants and slid them down to my feet. Without hesitation, her mouth gobbled up my soft cock as it slowly began to come to life. Harder and harder it got, until all 7 inches were standing at attention for all the world to see. Maggy got up, swung her leg over, straddling me, and worked her tight, tight pussy down onto my hard shaft. Now, although I wasn't readily able to get it up, the sexual tension was suffocating. My mind said I was tremendously horny despite my physical lack of readiness. As she started riding me, her state of arousal being at a natural high, she bucked and bucked, riding toward yet another orgasm. before she fully was able to cum, I shot my load pre-maturely. Her tight, hot pussy coupled with my tipsy state got the best of me. She said "not to worry." "First times aren't always the best, or so I've been told."

But, she wasn't done. I reached down and started fingering her wet, cum laden pussy. This delighted her to no end. Her breathing on the rise again, she gently started pushing me down ...... All I could think of was her pussy filled with my cum, and she was pushing my face down toward her cunt. Well, I wanted to satisfy her, I obviously didn't do it with my cock, and I said to myself that it could be worse...... The fresh aroma of her sex, combined with mine, turned me on more than I thought possible. Sliding my hands under her ass, pulling her up to my mouth, my lips and tongue got busy. The taste of my cum wasn't as repulsive as I had thought, but mixed with her cum was sweet and aromatic. After this next climax, I turned her over onto her hands and knees, her ass uplifted into the air, her head laying on the sofa. I started tonguing her pussy with my nose tucked into the crack of her ass ..... how stimulating was the sight of her upturned ass right in front of my eyes. I pulled back, inserted two fingers into her cunt and watched as her ass danced under my ministrations. I started finger fucking her, thrusting in and out of her sloppy wet cunt Her ass looked beautiful, dancing right before my eyes. This being the turn-on that it was, I decided to see what her ass tasted like, as well. This sent her out of this world. My lips and tongue glued to her up-turned anus, this, coupled with two of my fingers in her pussy was just more than she could handle and she had the most intense orgasm of her life.

We crashed right there on the couch (or did we pass out?) I didn't make it to camp the next morning. I did call in and told them that I was at my girlfriend's house and that I was ill.

On Maggy's nights off, we found ourselves in each others arms most of the time. We really enjoyed each other very much. Soon, I found myself at her apartment more than I found myself in the barracks. Ed and I remained friends. Although we didn't see as much of each other as we once did. I eventually move out of the barracks altogether and moved into Maggy's apartment.

Ed came over frequently, the three of us did things together. Maggy changed to the day shift to allow us some degree of normalcy in our life. Ed found himself sleeping on our sofa a few nights a week.

One night during our lovemaking, the bedroom door open, I didn't hear the familiar snoring coming from the couch. I told Maggy to really pore it on with the moaning and heavy breathing. Next thing we heard, Ed hollered at us to keep it down 'cause we were turning him on too much. I whispered to Maggy "why don't you go out and give Ed a blowjob?" This was sort of a fantasy for me, voyeuristic tendencies. And the fact that Maggy had grown somewhat close to me over the past couple months intensified these fantasies. But up until now, that's all they were ..... fantasies. Living out these fantasies was totally new. She said, "get outta here - you're not serious." As nervous as I was about the idea, I tried assuring her that I was. and this got her hot as a fire cracker and we fucked like crazy that night (with the door open, of course).

The next time Ed slept over, we repeated this episode. What a turn on that was for the two of us. Maggy got bolder and bolder until she finally asked if she could "really go out and give him a blow job?" Well, let me tell you .... I had reservations about this. I mean, I really liked her and I really wanted to keep her for myself. I liked Ed too, but I still had certain reservations about sharing. But, I am the one that opened the can of worms, so I guess I had to live with what ever happened. So, I said "OK!!! go for it."

Out she trod, naked as the day she was born. I went to the door to watch -- this was starting to turn me on. Ed was apparently just dozing off . Maggy knelt on the floor next to the sofa and gently started rubbing his cock through his underwear. He moaned and said "Cheryl ......." and then woke up.

When he saw Maggy, he yanked his blanket up in shock. But it only took a second for him to realize what was going on. Here was Maggy, on her knees in front of him, her tits sticking out just over his face in the dimly lit room. Pulling the covers back down, she slid her hand under the elastic waistband and started rubbing. The stunned look in her eyes was priceless as she realized how big he was soft ...... and how big it started to grow.

Now, I had never seen him naked before, so I didn't know until now how big he was. I mean, living in the barracks with him, I had seen him running around in his underwear and all, but I never paid any attention.

With Ed's help, Maggy slid his underwear down, allowing his member to bounce free. And, damn, was it huge!! It must have been all of ten inches long and easily one and a half times as thick as mine. Maggy grabbed hold of it with both hands and drew her face close, just close enough to nestle it along her cheek and nose, as if to cherish it as an idol. She took a couple of deep breaths and then put her lips to it and started kissing and licking it. All this time I am standing there staring in awe as my sweetheart was ministering to Ed's needs, my knees shaking, and my unsheathed cock standing straight out in front of me. What a sight.

All I could do was stare at this huge ebony cock glistening in the dim moonlight. What a contrast in skin tones ..... Maggy's milky white tits rubbing up against Ed's shiny black cock. I was mesmerized by the sight! I continued to stare at this huge cock as I began to play with my own, a little self-conscious of the difference in size. Maggy's lips stretched open as she slowly lowered her mouth over this large tool ....... all the while, unconsciously, I could feel my own lips stretching open as though it was me on my knees in front of him. Maggy filled her mouth as fully as she could, even though she only was able to fit about half of that massive ebony cock in her mouth. She was sucking on the head of Ed's cock feverishly, slurping would be a better word, while one hand was cupping his balls, gently fingering his ass, while the other hand was stroking the base of his shaft. Ed reached out, grabbed Maggy's tits, and became enraptured by the size of her nipples. "Damned", he said. "What fabulous boobs ...... ahhhhhhhhhh, arggghhh" was all he could muster as he started cumming in Maggy's mouth. As hard as she tried, she couldn't handle it all, as it dripped down her cheeks. Maggy knew how to handle a cock, although she had never attempted one that big before. After licking him clean, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and bounded off to rejoin me in the bedroom.

"Oh, baby, your cock needs taking care of, too," she said as she kissed me square on the lips with her cum drenched face. and stroked my hard cock. I couldn't believe I allowed her to kiss me after having sucked a load of Ed's jism .... the taste of her lips and tongue were pungent and salty, but not totally distasteful ..... "Well, are you satisfied???" she asked. "I loved watching you sucking on that HUGE cock ... what an incredible turn-on, I couldn't get enough of it." "I can see you're turned on -- I can take care of that for you ......" "ahhhhhhhhhh........"

The next morning, over coffee, not a word was spoken of our episode of the night before. Just a few sheepish glimpses over the cup at one another. In fact, there wasn't much talk of anything. We all sat there trying to digest the new territory we had visited and how it will affect our futures. I know I was ruminating about the fantasy of me on my knees in front of him ..... I didn't tell Maggy how entranced I was watching his cock, so much as I was turned on at the whole scene. This was new ground for me. I had never thought about another man's cock before. But last night, my mind just wandered watching her lips stretching over that huge head.....

That was on a Thursday. Ed went home for the weekend, and it wasn't 'till Wednesday before he was to spend another night. Maggy and I did talk about what happened, and we had great sex in the meantime while reliving this whole fantasy - come - true. We even broached my private thoughts as she was engulfing his cock .......... but we both let it drop. I, however, couldn't get it out of my mind.

Wednesday night seemed like an eternity in arriving. When Maggy got home from work at three, she immediately headed for the tub where she lavished for an hour in the nicest smelling bubble bath she could find. She prided herself in being as clean as a whistle, but tonight she wanted to be special. She then dressed in the shortest miniskirt she had. Miniskirts were very much in style, then, so this didn't seem out of place for her. The skirt was red, I loved red on her, and flowed very nice on her. She donned a semi-shear white low-cut blouse without benefit of wearing a bra. Trust me when I tell you she didn't need a bra to harness and support those babies. Her mahogany areoles were very obvious through the thin material. What I didn't realize at the time was that she wasn't wearing any panties, either.

Ed and I got home around six PM to find dinner ready, replete with candles and wine. What a pleasant surprise. Seeing her dressed this way in front of others was always a turn-on for me, but again, this was to be a special night. Maggy took every opportunity to bend over in front of him so that he could get a perfect view of her lucious boobs. On one occasion, she even dropped something on the floor, this gave her the opening she needed to turn away from us, bend over to pick it up, and give both of us the opportunity to really wonder if she had anything on underneath. Her skirt was loose and flowing and didn't show a panty line.

After Dinner, we all went to the living room to chat and have a few more glasses of wine. Maggy sat on one side of the room and Ed and I sat on opposite ends of the sofa. A small lamp on a table round in one corner of the room provided all the light we needed. The talk covered a lot of different things .... how was your day, how was ours - what did we do today on camp and uprisings quelled, etc. Vietnam was in full swing and this occupied some of our talk. During the talk, Maggy fidgeted somewhat, crossing and un-crossing her legs, turning us on with brief glimpses of her black hairy bush. Occasionally, Maggy would get up and serve us wine, giving her even more opportunities to bend over allowing us a fabulous view ...... gazing over at the front of Ed's trousers indicated that he, too, was enjoying the this. Maggy took every opportunity to brush up against the front of him. The conversation eventually drifted towards sex, which went that extra mile towards turning all three of us on. Yep, tonight was going to be special, all right!

Early, around nine o'clock, Maggy got up and went to the bathroom. A minute later, I excused myself and headed for our bedroom. Maggy came in, rubbed up against me, gave me a kiss, I reached down and felt her bare pussy and boy, was she HOT. I said "go for it, sweetheart." She returned to the living room, grabbed her glass of wine, and went over to the sofa and sat down next to Ed. Turning slightly toward Ed, tucking her knees up a little on the couch, her skirt climbing up a little, she reached over and started fondling his semi-hard cock, kissing him full on the lips. I was standing in the door way watching. Damned, I liked watching.

Maggy slid off the couch, put her wine glass on the end table, and crawled over between his legs. Kneeling, she reached up and in several jerky motions, un-buttoned her blouse and let it slip off her shoulders, letting her soft supple breasts swing free. She was beautiful. She reached over, un-buckled Ed's pants, and with his help, slipped them down and off. His cock had created a tent in the front of his Jockeys large enough to hold a gala celebration. Maggy bent over and started nibbling at it through the material. "mmmmmmmmm!" was all I heard Ed say. Maggy pulled at the front of his undies just enough to let that huge ebony monster spring free. Booiiiingggggg. Grabbing a hold of the base, she bent over and started licking at it like it was a gigantic candy lollipop. What a sight. Standing in the shadows of the door, I dropped my own trousers and underwear to the floor and started stroking.

Maggy and Ed heard my pants drop and turned to see me in the shadows. Maggy pursed her lips as if to throw me a kiss and immediately turned back to the task at hand. After a couple more minutes of slurping over Ed's cock, she turned to me and motioned for me to come over. I was a bit hesitant, but ambled over anyway, my own hard cock swaying out in front of me. She motioned me down to my knees in front of Ed, next to her, obviously so I could get a birds-eye view of her ministrations. Boy, was I in for a surprise.....

"What do you think, darling? Do you like what you see?" as she continued to stroke his behemoth. I was mesmerized. All I could do was stare at it and nod my head. Maggy saw me staring and took the lead .... "Do you want this, Steve?" I was motionless. She took the back of my head and started pulling me closer. "Come on, dear. Look at Ed's huge cock, Steve." "Touch it." "Feel It!" "You want to suck it, don't you, Steve?" "You want Ed to fuck your mouth, don't you?" "Come on, Steve, open that fucking mouth up." "Taste it Steve." "Come on, honey, do it for me?" "Open up, honey" as she started slapping my cheeks and lips with his ebony tool. It was like I was in a trance, like I had been hypnotized. I couldn't resist. I heard what Maggy was saying, but it was if she was way off in the distance. Then I felt another hand on the back of my head .... bigger, and stronger. "Come on, Steve, open up." came the masculine voice. My lips began to open, slowly at first, and then I felt and tasted the first little bit of precum on the tip of his cock. Wow! WOW! was all that I could think. Was I really doing this? or was it a dream, a fantasy? I tongued the tip of his cock as my lips gently spread for his hard meat. Their hands gently pushing at the back of my head. My lips stretching. Wider and wider. And in it went, all the while tonguing the head and tip. You know, it tasted pretty good, a little salty, but good. "There you go, Steve, suck that baby." Maggy said as she continued to stroke the base and play with his huge balls. "What do you think? Pretty good, Huh?" All I could do was grunt, as spittle ran down my chin and I glanced over to see her face as the reality of the situation started sinking in. My poor virgin mouth. If my poor mother could see me now ..... ha - ha!

Ed had never been so turned on in all his life. Not by anyone, not even Cheryl. Here he sat with his huge tool bared and being smothered and ministered to like never before. Talk about a turn on ...... It was the greatest turn on the three of us ever experienced. Maggy started moaning loudly just playing with his cock, staring at it going in and out of my mouth as she approached orgasm. Not a thing touching her pussy. Just the incredible sensory turn-on that she was now experiencing. My dick was throbbing. Ed's was oozing pre-cum like you wouldn't believe. And before long he was spurting gobs of cum in my mouth as I tried my damnedest to swallow, unsuccessfully. Maggy was in the throes of orgasm after orgasm just watching. Maggy reached out and touched my hard cock, and just the feel of her hot hand coupled with everything else that was going on sent me right over the edge, too.

This relationship continued. Cheryl never found out about our encounters. She was too straight laced, and just wouldn't be able to cope with it. In fact, according to Ed, she bordered on being frigid.

One weekend, while Ed was home visiting Cheryl, Maggy's younger sister, Anna came to visit. What a gorgeous little hunk. 16 years old Dark brown hair and built like a brick shit house.......... Anna and Maggy got along very, very well, thankyou. They enjoyed each other's company and they didn't mind sharing, either. And that's the substance of another whole chapter in the memoirs of Steve.

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