My Desert Storm Trooper

By Desert Rat

Published on Nov 5, 1998



This is my second story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

As always, constructive criticism and topic suggestions would be gratefully accepted. Please remember that this is fantasy and as such, I offer no apology if there are technical errors. I have neither the time or desire to research how a true "professional" (of any sort) would dress, act or say. The objective is obvious

Thanks to those who offered encouragement and (I'll admit it) criticism of my first story.

My Desert Storm Trooper

It was hot and humid. The usual for Khobar in August. I was standing on the sidewalk in front of my favorite Thai restaurant cursing that stupid shop keeper for not being able to break a 500 Riyal bill. His attempting to find another shop with change had delayed my getting in the restaurant before prayer call. In spite of racing through the streets, I hadn't made it. Now the door was locked. This was the Isha prayer, the last and the longest of the day. It would last for a half-hour. I was disgusted. No, I was pissed. I should be used to this but it was still foreign. I was one of the thousands of western expats working in the Middle East. Few of us equated the sacrifices to 'cultural experiences' or 'career objects'. We were here for the money. And the whole country shutting down six times a day while the faithful prayed was a pain in the ass.

I was glancing up and down the street trying to decide what to do. There was no sense in trying any other restaurants or shops, they were all closed. If you could get in a restaurant before or even during prayer call, they were pretty good about letting you stay. It was my usual plan for my infrequent trips to town. "Fuck!" I muttered and kicked the curb. Just walking was out of the question. I was sweating like a racehorse as it was. I didn't really want to go back to the Shoula mall. That place always filled up with cigarette smoke during prayer call and the air conditioning didn't work well. I sat on one of the steps leading up to the entrance.

I was just about to return to the truck where I could at least listen to some music with the A/C on when a group of GIs walked up. Desert Storm was winding down and soldiers were becoming a less and less frequent sight. There were six in the group: two women and four men dressed in the usual fatigues. Being gay, I dismissed the women as soon as I determined their gender. Two of the men looked to be more boy than man and their wispy moustaches only emphasized their youth. I concentrated my attention on the tallest of the lot. A pretty good-looking guy probably in his late twenties with a rangy body and respectable amount of chest hair visible through his fatigue jacket. The wedding ring wasn't a turn off. I had sucked off a fair number of happily married straight guys many times in the past. I had always looked upon it as a fringe benefit of working in construction camps. In this instance, I knew I didn't have the time or the location for a lengthy "courtship" and a 'Hey buddy, want a blow job?' approached wasn't possible when they traveled in packs like this.

I was studying the stud, absorbing as many details as possible. Things I could use later when I got back to camp and could release my frustration by blowing a load on my chest. It was then that I noticed the fourth guy. Standing slightly apart from the others, smoking and definitely watching me check out his buddy. I glanced away attempting to not look like I got caught. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him move closer. He passed in front of me and caught my eye, holding it all the way past. When he got to the curb, he flipped his cigarette out into the street, which was now almost deserted of traffic. He turned facing me and squatted down his elbows resting on his thighs. One quick movement brought his hand to his crotch and he clutched it briefly while staring me in the eye. I glanced down to see the movement and nonchalantly licked my lips in response. He nodded slightly.

Things were definitely looking up. Not as smashing as the tall dude but he had a rugged air about him. I couldn't really determine his age. The only light on the street was the neon light of the store signs and it made it even difficult to determine the color of his hair. It was light hair, which could have been any color from blond to gray. He was a little on the short side and the fatigues concealed any real detail on body structure but he looked to be of stocky build and there was something about the way he moved that suggested strength.

He stood up and paced back and forth a few times, each time getting closer. He stopped to light another cigarette but the wind was blowing a little to strong for the flame. He stepped into the alley at the side of the restaurant. He was only gone a few seconds. He walked passed me again and glanced down seeing his bootlace was untied. He walked to the step I was sitting on and used it to prop his foot up so he could tie the lace. He was only a foot from me. I watched the movements of his hands. They were big and powerful looking. As he finished, he opened his hand and a small piece of paper fell to the ground. He stood up and walked back towards the group. I casually stretched my arm out and picked up the paper. I opened it. "Follow me" was all it said. I glanced over and he was looking at me. I nodded.

"Shit! You guys can wait here if you want to but there's no meal worth waiting this long for. See you back at the compound." He said with a deep gravely voices that sounded sexy. He walked off. The others didn't seem to think a whole lot of this and continued their conversation. I stood looked up and down the street as if trying to decide what to do. Then I turned and walked in the same direction he did. I got to the corner and turned again. He was standing in the entrance to an alley. He started down the alley and turned towards me.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

"Too far away to be practical," I replied.

His jaw clinched and he glanced towards a Dumpster.

"Too risky." I muttered reading his thoughts.

"Yeah, you're right. You got a vehicle? I know a place."

"Good, let's go."

We threaded our way back to where my truck was parked. Got in and he gave me directions out of town. We drove in silence, I figured if he wanted to talk, we would be. After a few minutes he had me slow and then indicated a turn off. We were on a dirt road. The road lead towards a group of rocks.

"Pull around behind them." He said. I followed his direction and stopped the truck. We got out and I followed him into a cluster of huge rocks. In the center was a decent sized area where soft sand had blown in from the frequent shamales. There was a strong warm breeze but mercifully, not carrying sand. The moon was very bright that night and gave the desert a soft white illumination. Glancing around, I could see the usual litter of water and soda bottles and plastic bags but in all apperances, we were concealed from observation and the quiet of the desert would alert us if anyone approached. I moved towards him and tried to take him in my arms.

He pulled back. "I don't kiss," he said.

Straight. Been there, done that. No matter I was still hungry for his cock. The current camp I was in was mainly older guys and none that looked like my type of meat. And it had been almost three months since my last R&R so I was hot for cum. "No problem for me," I said.

Having reached an understanding, I unbuttoned his fatigue jacket and placing my hands flat on his chest and slid them up until the heavy clothing fell off his shoulders and to the ground. His body was damp from the humidity that made us all sweat. My initial impression of his body was correct. He was stocky and nicely muscled. He was wearing a tank top that allowed his large hairy pecs to show. Spots of sweat were evident under the low arm openings. I pulled the shirt out of his pants and he raised his arms to allow me to take it off of him revealing two deep hairy pits of a slightly darker color than his body hair, they too were matted from sweat. It seemed to be silently agreed that he wanted me to undress him. Something I found I was enjoying doing.

Now bare chested, I ran my palms over his pecs. The feel of his body hair and moist flesh felt good. I leaned down between the junction of his pecs and started licking, enjoying the smell and taste of his body. He grew impatient and started pushing me down to my knees. I straightened up instead.

"Look, besides a mouth full of your cum, all I'm going to get out of this is what I put into it. You just relax and tolerate this. You won't be disappointed when it is your turn." I said trying not to sound irritated. He grunted his agreement, leaned down to retrieve his cigarettes, and lit one. He leaned back against the rock.

I returned to my position between his pecs and while he smoked, I licked his chest. The texture of the hair, the firmness of his muscles and the saltiness of his damp skin was making my head spin. It seemed like years since I had last had a man but this man more than made up for it. I started working up the heavy ridge of his pec, when I got near his nipple, he growled "Don't even think about it." I assumed he meant not to suck his nipple. I moved on up to where pit hairs was peeking out between his biceps and his pec. As I ran my tongue through the hair, he raised his arm slightly. I slid my tongue into the damp cavity. I must have been doing something he liked. He raised his arm over his head. With his hand on my neck, he pushed my face into his pit. His body wasn't rank but had that familiar masculine scent I liked so I didn't object. I think we were both getting into it. As I continued licking and sucking on his pit, he flipped the cigarette away, reached down for my hand, and placed it on his crotch. I massaged the area feeling the rigid cock under the course fabric. I loosened his buckle and slid the webbed belt out of the catch. This allowed me to slide my hand in his pants and under his boxers. Not wanting to stimulate him too much, I cupped the two generous sized balls in my hand and rolled them around.

By now, my spit was added to his own light sweat causing his hair to mat into heavy wet ringlets. He pulled me back and raised his other arm. I buried my face in the dampness. This was a new experience for me and I was certain for him also. His breathing was deeper and accentuated with an occasional grunt. He was now pushing his crotch into my hand; his cock was riding my forearm. I decided the slick fluid was precum and not sweat. He pulled away slightly, lowering his arm.

"Now." was all he said. I knelt between his legs and unbuttoned his pants. They dropped to the tops of his boots. I tugged the boxers down. In the bright moonlight, I could see his cock was built like him: short, probably not more than six inches but thicker than average with a gentle curve to it. I could also tell by the light being reflected from his skin that it was wet, very wet. I pulled his cock back, and swallowed it all the way to the base. He pushed back and reached down taking hold of my head, he fucked my mouth. Far from my favorite thing to do. I'm a cocksucker, not some orifice to be fucked. I like sucking. I like being the one to control the movement. It is something I do well, very well I might add and I'd never had a man yet, gay or straight who hadn't enjoyed it. Well, maybe he just needs to get into it first, I thought. I'd allow that. I started rubbing his thighs. Because of his hip movement, it wasn't possible to rub his balls but they were hitting my chin with dull slapping sounds as he kept driving his cock home and grinding his bush in my face.

"Rub my ass!" he barked. I complied by rubbing the firm, hairy surfaces with circular motions, my hands brushing lightly down his crack feeling the thick trail of hair there. "Deeper!" I dug my fingertips in separating his ass cheeks sliding my hands down until my fingertips were pressed into his hole. I lingered there rubbing the velvety hole when he suddenly grunted loudly and shot a heavy load in my mouth. He stood still, body jerking and holding my head firmly. I licked and sucked his cock while he was shooting. At least he had enough sense not do drive all the way in. Doing that can lead to the cum being shot down the windpipe causing choking. Many years ago, an unfortunate German taught me that lesson and he receive a nasty gash on is cock as I tried to get away from him. He hadn't been too happy.

"Easy! Sensitive," he said pulling out of my mouth. His body went limp; he fell against the rock, still breathing deeply. It couldn't have even been two minutes. The load he had shot was abundant, it took too swallows to get it all down. But I was still disappointed. My cock wasn't even out yet and was still painfully confined in my levies. "Sorry, I'm not usually that fast but it has been a long time." His voice was deeper almost hoarse. He reached for another cigarette and lit it, inhailing deeply. I stayed down on my knees in front of his crotch. I liked the view.

"Hey, that's okay. Considering how much you shot, I'd say you needed that."

"You've no idea. I've never done this sort of thing before."

"Yeah, I kind of gathered that," I said. His cock was softening and standing straight out in front of him, a drop of cum about to drip from the slit. I gingerly licked it up being careful not to have too much contact with the sensitive head. The heat caused his balls to drop fast. I cupped them and rolled them around in the palm of my hand. He sighed and leaned back again continuing to smoke.

"You don't suppose you'd mind if I sucked them a while?" I asked timidly.

"Sorry, I guess it wasn't very good for you, was it?" He said noticing my cock was still in my levies. I shrugged. "Sure, suck 'em a while and jerk off. There's no reason why you shouldn't cum also." Noticing my cuming would mean shooting on his pants, he undid his boots and slid his clothes the rest of the way off. His legs unencumbered, he could spread them wide enabling me to really get my mouth on his hairy nuts. As I sucked, I undid my levies and pulled my cock free. As I began to stroke myself and get into the sensations, I decided this wasn't so bad after all. His now limp cock was rubbing my face. Not bad at all.

"Suck me, make me hard again," he demanded. I took the limp piece of meat in my mouth and sucked it hard with a lot of suction. He groaned probably more from it being still sensitive or maybe it was lust. It didn't matter to me. He was stiffening fast and soon, back to his former glory but dripping almost continually. The still fresh taste of his cum in my mouth and the hard shaft with it's velvety knob where exciting me to the point I thought I might shoot. This time, he was letting me demonstrate my skills and I massaged his nuts as I sucked his prick. His body was squirming under my oral stimulation.

With out warning, he pulled me to my feet and into his arms. He pressed his mouth to mine and slid his tongue in deep. The combination for the tobacco taste in his mouth and the cum taste in my mouth was making the kiss more passionate. I became aware of our cocks being pressed together when he slid his hand between us and wrapped his fist around my pole squeezing tightly. I took hold of him also.

We continued kissing and he released me and slid his hand down my back and into my levies rubbing my ass cheeks with his strong, rough hands. His relentless pulling me closer to him made me abandon his prick and start rubbing his muscular back while he played with my ass. He was definitely being dominant. And the pressure of his tongue in my mouth left little doubt he would welcome my tongue in his but I didn't care. He broke long enough to pull my tee shirt off and then pulled me back into his strong arms. The feel of his hairy chest pressed into mine while he held me tightly in his arms and his tongue probed my mouth. The warm breeze flowing around our damp, naked bodies made the atmosphere more sexually charged.

Once more without warning, he let go of me and dropped to his knees, pulling my cock into his mouth so suddenly I couldn't stop him. With a few hesitant passes with his lips, he pulled my levies down. Then he drove all the way down and gagged slightly before pulling back. I let him suck me less than a minute. Like every other straight guy who had tried this with me, he lacked skills in the basics and his kisses were far more enjoyable. I pulled him to his feet and kicked my levies free. We pulled each other into our arms and continued kissing. As we ground our hips together, I could feel sweat starting to break out on my body from the exertion or maybe it was his sweat, the moisture adding lubrication allowing us to slide around on each other with hands that continued to explore.

He broke free. "I want to fuck you," and I knew he wasn't asking permission. He gave me another long kiss. Breaking contact, he looked into my eyes and must of seen consent. He turned me around facing the rock and pulled me into his arms, cock pressed between my cheeks. He ran his hands up and down my torso as he humped my crack and kissed my neck. Then he firmly pushed me forward. I leaned against the rock. He spread my legs out and ran a finger around my hole, not penetrating, just exploring. I managed to reach behind me and stroke his cock. He reciprocated. Then I heard him spit and felt the wetness as he slid a finger in me. He pressed deeper, I groaned in response. That encouraged him. A second finger then a third, working them slowly in and out in time to our stroking of each other. Then he pulled free of my hand and let go of me also. He pushed me further forward, my forearms resting on the cool rock and my forehead resting on my forearms. In this position, I could see the shadow he cast on the sand beside me. With one strong arm gripping my shoulder, I heard him spit again and could see his shadow rub the spit onto his cock mixing it with his own juices. He positioned himself and I felt the first pressure of the cock head being applied to my asshole. Resistance followed by firm but persistent and gentle probing. With a burning sensation, I felt the large knob slide in. He backed off to the point of almost coming out completely and slid in a little more. Once he was certain he was in the correct position for a successful penetration, he removed his hand from his cock and reaching around, took hold of mine and stroked me. He slid in slowly, backing off at times and then sliding in a little deeper. It seemed like an eternity but I finally felt the pressure of his hips on my ass, I knew he was all the way in. I was surprised my cock was still hard. Slowly, with the stimulation caused by his hand and cock, pleasure started setting in, I groaned and pushing my ass further into his crotch. As if trying to get in deeper, he leaned forward, his chest pressed into my back. He snaked an arm around my neck and firmly gripped my shoulder on the other side. I moved my mouth to his broad forearms and started kissing and licking it. Soon, dampness spread across my back as we both started sweating. The sensation I was feeling were from his wet hairy chest pressed into my back was incredible. I didn't want this to ever end.

As he fucked me slowly, he moved his head next to mine and whispered in my ear, his voice deeper than before. "You like that? You feel my cock in you? Hummm? It's claiming you; you're mine now." He pumped a little deeper for emphasis. I could tell from his movements that maintaining this pace was not easy for him. From his tense muscles to his ragged breathing, I sense he wanted to totally abandon himself and fuck my brains out. Perhaps remembering his being far too quick the first time made him hold back. Perhaps the sensations he was feeling were too good to be over too soon. But he maintained his pace and never faltered in his slow strokes both with his cock and his hand. He started nibbling on my earlobe and every once in a while he would exhale a raspy and drawn out "Yeeaaa" in my ear and plunge in to the hilt, rotating his hips before sliding out again.

Basically I am a cocksucker and fucking was something I engaged in when pressed to do it. But what I was experiencing was nothing short of the most outstanding fuck imaginable. The more he gave left me craving more. All too soon, I heard him whisper "Can't hold back much longer. Can we cum together?" I bit slightly into his arm and nodded. He slowed his movements and from his deep breathing and jerky movements on my cock, I knew he was about to go over the top. He slowed even more and with one last lunge of his cock, he pulled me upright and as close to his body as our position would allow. I could tell by his spasms that he was cuming. If we didn't come together, I was only a second behind him. I felt cum splashing on my thighs and realized his fist was closed over my knob and my cum was recotceting back onto me.

As our orgasms subsided, he let go of my cock and while he licked and kissed my ear, he lifted his hand to my mouth and I licked the cum off it. Then he pulled it away and I could see his shadow licking my cum off his hand. For several minutes more, we stood there. Then his cock softened and slid out of me. He turned me around and held me then giving me one last kiss he said, "I think we better get back."

We dressed in silence. Having no water to lean up with, we were forced to just dress. I spit on my handkerchief to clean his cock and he used it to clean his hand of any cum that wasn't licked off. I still have that handkerchief; it has never been washed. I drove him back to his compound letting him off at the gate. He glanced back once and gave me the first smile I had seen on his face. That was the last I saw of him.

I returned to Khobar every weekend for the next four months. Walking the streets, peering at every soldier expectantly. I didn't know what had ever become of him. There were no more casualties so in that I had some comfort. Had he rotated out? Had the experience just been necessary for his immediate relief? I'd never know. I didn't even know his first name but O'Neal had been on his nametag. I never encounter that name without a tug in my stomach and a deep sadness for something lost.

If you know of a soldier with the family name of O'Neal, who was in Al Khobar in August 1991, please send me a message.

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