My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Aug 1, 1999


My Dream Come True Parts 8 and 9

WAS UP READERS*********** Hey guys I have gotten so many emails about this story. I thank all of you very much and I want you to keep writing and tell me what you think about each chapter right now I am working on making the chapters a lot longer!! Remember Flames or Comments to:


I BEG YOU DO NOT PUT YOUR SELF IN A SITUATION LIKE THAT *********************************************

Now here come the story longer this time too :~)

My Dream come true Parts 8-9

"Lynsey get my lawyer over here now I want this house with him out of it," I said

Everyone was stunned....

"Babe," Joey said coming over to me "You don't want to this, tell me this is just you being angry," Joey said looking at me in the eye

"Joey Baby, I have to do this or when you leave, this will all just happen again. I am sick of it! Being abused like this and now I am 18, I have the power to do something about it," I said looking at Joey

"Ok Babe just remember, I will always be here for you," Joey said kissing me lightly on the lips and I returned the kiss

"Just hold my hand while I do what I have to do," I said looking at him

Joey grabbed my hand and followed me and Lynsey to the phone.

************* On the phone ****************

"Karen B Kostol Attorney at law," The secretary answered

"Amanda?" I asked in questioning voice

"Dustin, is it you?" She asked very excited

"Hey girl, where's Karen?" I asked

"She's busy in her office," Amanda said

"Tell her it's an emergency call and tell her who it is," I said anxiously

"Ok hold on," She said pressing the hold button

In about 5 minutes I heard Karen on the other line

"Dustin what's wrong?" She asked quickly without greetings

"Karen, can you come to my house now? I am pressing charges against my Dad for assault and Battery me and you need to talk " I said my voice shaking

"I'll be there in 20 minutes," Karen said hanging up the phone.

End phone call*****

I hung up the phone with Joey still holding my hand and looking at me questionably but I just ignored his look and looked over to Lynsey,

saying"Lynsey when Karen arrives tell her we'll be in the conference room." I said walking away with Joey continuing his promised to hold my hand while I did what I thought was necessary.

I stopped in the hall on the way back to the dining room where everyone was.

"Joey when dad finds out that Karen here, he will try to attack one of us or all of us because his temper usually will totally take over, I said

"What can we do babe?" Joey asked looking at me

"With your guys permission, I would like to assign bodyguards for us and the rest of the guys while he is still around us and in this house," I said looking at him

"Are you sure you need to be this drastic," Joey asked not so sure about the idea. I mean they were staying here on their Vacation because hotels sucked and this place was better than any hotel.

"Yes babe just please say yes, I don't want you guys hurt while you are staying here and I don't want you to leave either," I said grabbing Joey's other hand facing him.

"Whatever you think is necessary babe, I will do it," Joey said kissing me and I returned it. Our tongues found our ways into each others mouth, Joey and I were exploring each others mouth in every corner. We finished with me sucking on his bottom lip him up to the top.

"Let's go babe," He said still holding my hand never letting go, God how much I loved this guy.

"ok guys," I said as I walked into the dinning room "We need to be in the conference room because Karen will be here soon," I said as they all followed quietly still amazed at what had just happened

When we stepped in the conference room I had everyone sat down Joey and Megan on both sides of me with Joey still was holding my hand.

"Guys I think, tonight and maybe half of tomorrow, everyone will be confined in the house. It depends on what Karen says, so

I am suggesting that I assign bodyguards to all of us if you guys have no objections," I asked looking around for objections there weren't any just Lance had a question.

"Will the bodyguards follow us around where ever we go," Lance asked with a weird expression on his face

"Guys no, the bodyguards will just always be in our general area and will not allow, without your permission, to let my dad come within 20 feet near you," I said looking around at everyone.

Since no one had an objection I pushed the small silver button and when Lynsey came in I whispered her how many bodyguards I needed and where they were to be.

She nodded and went off to take care of it. We waited for Karen to come we were all silent thinking over all that had just happened.

All of a sudden the door opened and Karen walked in along with 6 other people. Karen was wearing her business suit as usual and these 6 guys came in and 3 people stood on each wall in the room.

"These," I said pointing to the guys around the room," These are the bodyguards," I had knew all of them personally 5 guys and 1 girl this is" Jeremy, Joel, Danny, Chris, Michael, and Cara," I said pointing to all of them.

Then I stopped there were only 6 of them I said one to each person than someone opened the door again there stood Matt.

My best friend he was like my brother.

"Matt!!" I said excited I jumped up and gave him a hug, he returned it.

"What are you doing here?" I said letting go of him.

"Well when you said you needed a bodyguard, I decided, I would be your personal bodyguard," Matt said smiling

"Great," I said

"well you can just stand behind me, I have some works to do ok," I asked him

"Ok man that's cool," Matt said taking his place behind my chair.

"Karen," I said looking at her seriously "I am pressing charges against my father for domestic violence and assault and battery, basically Karen I am suing him, I want this house and everything in it. The only thing I want him to have are all his personal belonging and what mom had left to him," I said looking at her sternly and continuing," I still want my allowance of 4000 dollars a month and I want another 1000 for all my food he can have the all the other houses and all but 3 of my cars and the black limo, I also want the small jet." I said finishing explaining what I wanted and how I wanted it.

"Dustin," she started," I know I can get you all of this as long as you can get Nsync and Megan and Britney to testify," Karen said finishing

"Will you testify," I asked them looking around

"Yes," Joey said looking at with our hands still locked

"Yes," Lance said looking at me with pure brotherly love

"Yes," Chris said giving me a look of hope

"Yes," J.C said smiling at me with confidence

"Anything for the guy that made Joey happy," Justin said smiling widely

"You go boyfriend!" Megan said giving me a high five.

There was a phone in the room I called Britney's cell phone, she answered, she had just finished a show and yes if you are wondering this is Britney Spears.

"Hello," Britney said in a tired but chipper mood

"Hey girlfriend," I said imitating a girl

"Dustin!" She said excited

"Yep it's me," I said

"What's up?" She asked well I have a problem and I went on to explain to her what I was doing and she said yes

"Anything for you boy you have saved my butt many of times," I said talking to her

"Oh and Britney guess who's here with me," I said

"who?" she asked wondering I clicked on speaker phone and said, "Say hi to Britney guys."

"Hi Britney," They all said

"Nsync!! Hey guys how's it going," She asked

"Great," They all said in unison

"Oh and Britney my boyfriend wants to say hi

"HI," Joey said in his happy voice

"Joey! All isn't that sweet," She said

I blushed and so did Joey, causing everyone to Laugh.

"Well sorry babe but I'm sorta in the middle of something," I said "I have to go"

"Ok will see you tomorrow that is wen you will need my Testimony," She asked

"Yeah just come by the house," I said

"Bye D," she said

"Bye," I said and we hung up the phone.

"Well," Karen said standing," I will get started on all the paper work tomorrow and by the way you are not allowed to leave at house at all," She said looking at all of us.

As she walked out the door she yelled," I will be taking your testimonies tomorrow ," and then we heard the front door shut.

"I am going out to the patio beside the pool anyone want to join me," I asked as I was standing

"I'll go," Megan said

"I feel like going to bed," Chris said getting up

"Me too," JC and Justin said

"Ok guys, Lynsey," I said looking at her and ask to show these guys where they were sleeping while the rest of us will be at the pool.

We were all about to walk out until the bodyguards stopped us, went out the door first and the 3 bodyguards surrounded Justin, JC, and Chris and led them up to the room while the others followed us to the pool.

I was still holding Joey's hand when I caught look of Jeremy. He had a disgusted face on. I was already pissed off my life was going to hell and he had a nerve to give me that look I don't think so.

I stopped and so did everyone else I looked at Jeremy and said," Come over a sec,"

He came without saying a word eyeing me and Joey holding hands

I lifted Joey's and my hand,"Do you have a problem with this?" I asked in a very nice but annoyed voice

"A little yeah," Jeremy said still keeping his straight face

"Well I am the one paying your bills at the moment so I guess you either need to go see a doctor about your staring problem or keep your ugly faces to your self," I said still smiling and we walked on.

When we got out to the patio, Joey sat in my seat so I just went ahead and I sat on his lap with my head on his shoulder.

"Thirsty anyone?" I asked as lifting my head

"Yeah," everyone said. I pushed the button and Nicole came out another of the main house servants.

"Um Nicole get these guys whatever they want and I'll have my usual" I requested

"Um bring 2 straws with his," Joey said pointing to me

"Ok," she said and after taking everyone orders then she went in the house and shortly returned with our drinks. When my drink came, it had 2 straws. I let Joey have a drink first. His face cringed at first then relaxed

"Sour but good," he said smiling

"Well lets try it this way," I said getting a drink and then kissing Joey transferring some of the liquid into Joey's mouth.

"I like that way better," Joey said kissing me lightly and smiling.

"Me too," I said kissing him again

"Ok OK," I heard a deep voice say I looked over it was Lance smiling with Megan behind.

"Ahhhhh aren't they cute," Megan said

"Yeah right," Lance said acting like he was gagging.

I stuck my tongue out at Lance and got up off of Joey, but not before giving him one last kiss.

Then something struck Lances eyes a white light had reflected off of me, he looked closer. There was a ring around my neck "What is that?" Lance wondered but decided against saying anything to the subject.

"Well guys," Lance said yawning," I am worn out I will see you all tomorrow," He said as he walked away

"Night Lance," I said

"Sweet dreams," Meg said as she followed him

"Well looks like it's just us," I said looking into Joey's eyes and lacing myself back on his lap.

We kissed passionately and for along time after about 10 minutes of this. Joey stopped.

"We better quit babe your getting me excited," Joey said as he pointed down to his jeans

"Well I guess we better I don't fuck on the first date," I said smiling

"I don't fuck at all," Joey said smiling," I make love," Joey said lightly kissing me again

"Well why don't we go to bed babe I am worn out and I need another Tylenol my face hurts," I said

He then rubbed that side of my face with the gentlest touch. Acting as if he would never hurt me and he never did.

We went up to my room and I let him sleep in my bed I just couldn't resist that puppy dog face.

"Don't try any funny stuff!," I said as we got into bed

"I promise," as he wrapped his arms around me fell asleep. I feel asleep knowing that finally someone loved me.

Part 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I awoke with the sound of the clock ringing 7:30. Karen was to be here at 9, which gave us enough time to eat and et ready. Joey still had his strong arms wrapped around me.

I kissed him gently and he slowly but surely woke up.

"Great way to wake up," He said kissing me lightly

"ugh haven't you ever heard of morning breath ," I said making a cringing face.

"Damn I need a shower," I said as I got up and ran into the bathroom

I took my shower, shaved, and came out with a towel wrapped around me.

"Woohoo sexy man," Joey came up to me and kissed me grinding his pelvis into me.

"Watch it Joey your gonna get me excited," I said warning him

"That's the whole point," He said smiling

"Sorry babe but I stick to my philosophy remember what I said last night," I said looking at him

"Yeah I do, just teasing you babe," He said and grabbed is clothes and went to get ready.

I had a feeling that today would be a hectic day and that I would need something comfortable. In about 5 minutes my clothes were on and my hair was nicely placed under a French burray.

"Not bad," I said looking at my self in the mirror. I was wearing black Nike pants and an Adidas blue shirt with Adidas written in black I had on white socks and black Adidas sandals and the burray. I was cute. I hoped anyway.

'I hope Joey like what I am wearing' I thought just as Joey popped out of the bathroom.

"You clean up nicely," I said turning around showing off my outfit.

"WOW," was all Joey said

"Yeah Yeah Yeah stared later! I am hungry," I said grabbing his hand and walking out the door as the bodyguards escorted us down the long hall.

When we got to the dining room everyone was of course already eating, Lynsey came out to see what we wanted.

Joey ordered all this food. I got a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese.

"That's all your eating," Joey said looking at me

"I am not big on Breakfast, " I said eating my bagel

After about 30 minutes I got up and checked to make sure everyone was finished and said "ok guys and gals let's go Karen and Brit they are probably already in the copyroom.. As we were walking to the conference room I heard something run down the steps. My father was running towards me with an anger look on his face.

"Guards stop him," I yelled pointing to my father

3 guards rushed over him pulling back and away from us as the rest of us continued on to the conference room.

When I walked in there sat Karen and Britney they were talking I motioned for everyone to be quiet

"She must be taking Britney's testimony," I whispered as we all sat down

When she was done and the recorder was off, Britney jumped up and ran over to give me a hug. I jumped up returning the hug.

"Girl were you been," I said hugging her

"Around," she said laughing

"Awww aren't you 2 cute together," She said backing up and looking at me and Joey through her fingers which were shaped like a picture frame.

"Quit it," I said playfully slapping her she laughed

"Ok Ok," she said still laughing

"Can we get on with it," Karen said looking at her watch

"I'll start with you," she said pointing to Lance.

We all sat quietly waiting or turn her asking all the questions she had asked everyone else everyone giving similar answers. The questions were as followed:

Have you ever seen Dustin's Father hit him?

Did Dustin ever hit back?

Do you consider this abuse?

Do you think under the circumstances

Dustin should get what he asked for?

When Dustin's Father hit him did he have any reason?

Where did Dustin's Father hit him? Is that wrong to you?

And on and on just Questions like that. When she finally finished with all of us it was 2:30pm we were all starving.

"Let's go out my treat," Britney yelled not waiting for an answer and walking towards the door.

"Can we take you limo," she asked looking at me.

"Sure Umm Winston," I yelled Here came Winston from the den.

"Umm Winston the limo please," I said He nodded and off we went to wait for the Limo in the front.

When the limo got to the front we all pled in and headed for a Pizza Place.

The pizza was great and we all had fun and we headed home while Britney said bye and headed for the airport.

To be continued...

Well guys here's this part I am really stuck on were to go from here but I am sure I will find something got any idea's email me k. By the way I have read a lot of the stories on here and I suggest you read: When you say nothing at all, Brain and Justin, Kevin and Dustin, Nsync and the vamps, and a lot more Just these really catch my eye when they come out and I am excited to see another part ok guys



Next: Chapter 5: My Dream Come True 10 11

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