My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Nov 17, 1999


Wrote in Dustin's View,

I awoke exhausted from the previous days accounts, and scared for the soon to hear the verdict from the judge what is to happen. I thought to myself, will I be kicked out on the street or be just brought down by a small amount.

As a fully awoke I realized were I was, I was in my moms room. I loved this room the smell the color the feeling of being so close to her just made my day. I walked towards the chest were everything were it was left her perfume and silver brush and comb. Her makeup all in the compartments on the makeup table. I fiddled around and looked and felt a tear fall from my tear to the mirror. The tear seemed to go in slow motion as I began to see flashes of my mother from happy to sad then inside I heard a loud bang as the tear hit the mirror.

I awoke from the sudden shock and trance I received from these memories I was sweating and so saddened then my heart began to feel funny as another flash but this was of Joey. He was worried and he was scared. I felt the feelings as his face kept flashing in my face. I quickly ran from the room leaving everything open behind me I yelled out but no answer. Where was everyone. I closed my eyes and thought hard.

"Were is he?" I said out loud.

A flash of my room and the doorplate appeared in my mind. My eyes opened widely and I ran towards my room, which was all the way on the east wing. When I got to the door I opened it up and there he was on the floor crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked running to his shoulders and wrapping my arms around him. He was in a ball and he was upset. He looked up,

"Its you," he said aloud and hugged me tightly.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked again gently rocking to calm him.

"I...I...I had a dream, oh a terrible dream," then he broke down again. Crying loudly as he hugged me more tightly.

I thought to myself I thought about Chris, Justin, Lance, Britney, Megan, and JC. 'I need your help,' I said telephatically. I heard some loud footsteps; not in 2 seconds as Britney looked worriedly, and half-asleep along came Megan and JC; finally Justin and Lance were here as well; last one was Chris, he was fretful and looked horrid. Britney went into a mom mode.

"What's wrong Joey honey shh....," she said as she held him, tried to calm him down, which gave me some relief. I slowly rose and I ushered everyone else downstairs as we walked in a group I was asked by some questions.

"Dustin what happened" Chris asked.

"I don't know one minute, I felt fine then the next minute, I felt like something was wrong. I saw flashes of Joey in my mind and I don't know, I just feel so connected; then when I needed you guys, I thought about all of you and there you came running." I said.

"That's how I felt," Lance said. "me too, like something was wrong and then those flashes came," Justin said.

"This is some scary shit, like we're all connected," Megan said.

"Maybe we are," JC spoke," maybe we're connected by our friendship and by our love,"

"Everybody meet me in the dinning room in 15 minutes and Dustin, you go check on Joey and Britney," JC said as he ran off.

"Lets all go get dressed and come down here like he is saying," I said as I walked toward my room.

I was scared to open the door so I placed my hand on the door as flashed began to come in my mind of Joey and Britney sitting on the bed and Joey wiping his eyes and talking.

I thought to Britney, 'I am outside the door, can I come in?'

A reply I heard in my mind, 'Yeah go ahead,'

I walked in the room. Joey looked over, then jumped up and wrapped his strong arms around me.

"I love you," he said as he squeezed tightly.

"I love u too baby," I said as I shed a tear.

"Are you ok?" I said as he released me but kept his arms at my sides while mine were around him still.

"yeah, baby now that you're here," he said as he kissed me.

"While don't we go and get a shower before we have to go meet JC and the guys for a meeting and breakfast." I said as I turned and kept hold of his hand while walking towards the bathroom.

We entered the bathroom and we started kissing and slowly, as we removed each other's clothes and I pressed a button, which started the water and fixed it to the right temperature.

We stepped in the shower and we began washing each other's hair; then our bodies, we promised to just shower because of our pressed for time. We stepped out of the shower and dried off then went to my room to get dressed. I got my ck jeans and a white T-shirt with a pull over fleece jacket and to top it off a Nike baseball cap. He came out with baggy jeans and a shirt and his pretty brown hair fixed all nice. (This is still may 99)

We walked to the dining room and took a seat. I was still wondering about Joey when everyone else arrival (late) became known as all 8 of us began to tell the maids our orders. We all ate when the food came we were all fast eaters so it was over with in abut 10 minutes then JC began to speak.

"Guys, I was reading the book and it said something about a connection. I didn't read it all but I would like Dustin to read it since he seems to be the only one who can actually give public speaking here." JC said as he passed me the book.

I caught it and flipped through the pages finally I said, "Connection," and it flipped right to it.

"I'm going to get used to this," I thought as I began reading.

"Connection a link in between two things or two people when you dedicated your lives to this, you all became in expression one. One as in you all feel of depression when one of you are depressed. It doesn't over come you like your own emotion does, but it does give you, then as it becomes more and more serious the image of the person will flash into your mind. You all are one and you must work as one. Your mission is not just to do away with evil, but also to become one with each other. Soon enough, you all are connected by love, happiness, hate, sadness, every emotion you all feel that makes you all a whole; and when you became one you become something that can never be defeated," I finished and sat down as everyone began to look around.

"So we're all connected mentally and emotionally," Britney said.

'Yes we are,' I said telephatically. "meaning we can talk without speaking, right?" JC SAID

"Right," I said

"Don't we have court in like an hour," Justin said looking at his watch

"Yeah and the hell if I am changing, they can see my ass in this," I said as rolled my eyes.

"Dustin!!!!" Joey said as he pushed lightly on my shoulder "today is the day when you will find out if you get all that shit your asking for, and your gonna wear jeans and a T-shirt!!!!"

"Well no I guess not," said as I headed towards my room and so did everyone else court was at 7 and it was 6:18 we had forgot but hey were only human.

By 6:45 we were all ready to pull out we piled in the limo and were on our way.

'Yay,' I thought to myself no more court but if this doesn't go right no more house or life.

Then it really hit me, this went the slightest bit wrong, I could be out on my own with nothing, not a thing in the world, no money or anything. I was legally an adult and I was suppose to be able to take care of myself and if this went through my dad would be paying me money and supporting me for the rest of my or his life.

Like he could really care I thought on the other hand there about 12 zeros in his checkbook behind a 45. While I was thinking I lost track of time and before I knew it we were there and everyone was starting to get out we had to run through the press and the fans and everyone else.

Finally we got in the courthouse and we set in our seat in about 3 minutes we heard the familiar saying," All rise," we rose again and then reseated. I was sweating and I was nervous and I know that everyone else was. The judge shuffled through papers and finally spoke........

"Jury have you reached a verdict....."

"Yes sir we have," she said

"Please pass it to me and then read it aloud,"

It was passed from the lady to the judge and then back to her and she began to read.

"We find the defendant Michael David Bass father to Michael Dustin Bass........

To be continued.........


Love yah all



Next: Chapter 10

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