My Dreamy Muscular Dilf

By Story Teller

Published on Dec 30, 2020


There are real life experiences weaved into the story but names have been changed and a majority of this is fictionalized. Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, drug use, domination, obsession and other themes including sexual experimentation, that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behaviour, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is my first series and I would appreciate any feedback or interaction with my readers to steer the plot in a direction that will be well- received. For the first few chapters there will be a lot of backstory and minimal sexual encounters.

Lastly, if Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to them! Enjoy.

"My Dreamy Muscular DIFL" - Chapter 2

The week passed by in classes, assignments, and submissions, and the most awaited Saturday arrived. During the day, I concentrated on my school, but at night I thought about Mr. Riyos. Not a night went by when I did not jerk off to fantasies of Mr. Riyos. I wondered whether the novelty would wear off and I would not find him as attractive as the first time.

I knew I needed to be careful before I report for the job on Saturday. I can't be staring at him and not be noticed. I needed to calm my hormones down before I reported for the work. So, I jerked off in the morning again fantasizing about him.

Mr. Riyos opened the door when I rang the doorbell at sharp 11:00 AM. He was wearing Adidas sleeveless tank top, gym shorts, and running shoes. His slim, lean muscular body looked enticing as I entered the home. I could see his big, thick, cut cock hanging on the left leg. I tried to look at his face but his package kept distracting me. There were times when I thought I saw him smiling.

He showed me the supplies and the tools and went back to watching some game on TV, while I started my work. First I put laundry in the washer and went back to sweep the hardwood floors. Then I dusted the furniture and fixtures, while I saw him watching the game.

When I came back after sweeping the bedroom, he was running on the treadmill. Since I used to run on the treadmill in the gym, I gauged that he must be running at 4.5 miles per hour or higher. I kept glancing at him every opportunity I got, while he ran non-stop.

It must have been 10 minutes when he took his first break for water. He was sweating profusely at this point. He sat on the swivel chair near the kitchen where I was working, took a terry cloth towel, and started wiping the sweat from his head and face. Then he drank water and went back to run. I could hardly get my eyes off of his shining sweat body. His broad shoulders, strong arms, and narrow hips moving on the treadmill looked like an ad for a fitness magazine.

A while later when I came out after wet-mopping the bedroom, I found him still running on the treadmill at the same speed, sweatier than before. I resumed my work in the kitchen, while he ran on the treadmill. He took another water break. He wiped his sweat from his face, then from his hands, drank the whole bottle of water. Then he re-filled the water from the tap on the fridge, while I tried to not watch him. Though I kept glancing at him every opportunity I got. Then he took off his tank top right in front of me. I tried to look away but I was awed by his spectacular torso. Mostly smooth, muscular, and absolutely godly. For a moment our eyes caught but then I looked away. A while later I looked at him again, when he started running on the treadmill. I thought he was smiling but I wouldn't know.

I looked at the wall clock to time him for how long he could run before each break. I kept looking at the clock every few minutes. Exactly 12 minutes later he took the next break. Gosh...the stamina of this man! He had been running for an hour and yet he could run like this. I could hardly run for 7 minutes at 3.5 miles before taking a break.

I was done in the kitchen, as he finished his running session. He must have run for an hour and a half. He picked some drink from the fridge, sat on the sofa chair, and started watching the games on the TV again.

I moved to work in the backyard and started first mowing the grass. After I was done with mowing, I was cleaning the leaves in the yard, when he appeared in his red speedo, with a protruding pouch, and a towel on his shoulder. He didn't look at me but I did. "What the fuck he was doing to me? Is this deliberate or is this what he does?" I thought. Then I continued to work in the backyard, whereas he jumped in the pool and swam a few laps.

After cleaning the leaves, and disposing of the grass and other trash, when I came back, I saw him lying on his back on the float, with his engorged cock. In between, he swam a lap or two.

I went back inside, unloaded the dryer in the laundry basket, and went to the bedroom to fold the clothes. His sleepwear, his shorts, his boxers, and his underwear. I could see him from the bedroom windows, reading some magazine lying on his back on the float. His speedo pouch still big and his masculine body enticing me.

After I was done folding his underwear and PJs, I went into the closet to place them in the large chest. I started scanning each drawer to check where he organized his stuff. When I opened the top drawer, I found a black plastic box, few large boxes of Magnum XL condoms, few bottles of lubes, and other stuff related to personal needs. I quickly closed it. I started imagining how his sex life was and how much sex he was having.

After placing the folded clothes, I came back to the master bedroom and started ironing his clothes. I saw him coming out of the pool and lying on the lounge. He looked like an absolute stud, like those in the fitness magazines. His pouch kept distracting me. I was worried that I might burn his clothes, if I didn't pay attention. I decided not to look out the windows at him and concentrat on my work at hand.

Once I was done with all pants, I went into the closet to hang them. As I was coming out of the closet, I saw him entering the bedroom stark naked with a towel around his shoulders. I was startled by his nakedness hanging right in front of me. I was right, he was bigger and thicker than I had ever seen, cut with a large mushroom head. He was properly manscaped around his cock. I again might have looked longer than I should. He casually said "Hi" with a big smile and went straight into the bathroom.

The sight of his naked muscular manly body with a big cock hanging in front of me sent me into a state, I could hardly describe. I felt butterflies in my tummy, strange chill down my spine. My heart raced so fast, I started trembling as if I was about to pass out.

For the next few minutes, I remained distracted. I heard the sound of the running shower, while I ironed the shirts. I just wanted to finish the rest of the work and leave.

A while later, I heard the shower stopped. I decided to control myself by not looking in the direction of the bathroom door. Within minutes, he came out of the bathroom, completely naked, and stood in front of the dresser mirror for a few minutes. I could see his lean muscular body and tight butts. I could see his big chest, his fat abs and big cock in the reflection of the mirror. Again, I felt dizzy. He took the moisturizer and started applying it all over his body.

At this point, I was unable to concentrate on ironing the shirts. Half the time I was looking down at the shirt on the ironing board and half the time I was looking at him and his reflection. His chiseled body, tight butt, and his big cock in the reflection of the mirror were driving me insane. He was everything I ever thought in a man. I found myself out of breath and suddenly I started coughing a mild cough.

He looked at me through the reflection in the mirror and asked, "Are you alright, Bud?"

I said, "I am ok, Mr. Riyos," in a trembling voice and went back to ironing the shirts.

He turned around, wore his cotton boxers, and walked out of the room with his T-shirt on his shoulder. I took a deep breath. I still had few shirts to go before I could leave. I could hardly hide my hardon, so I un-tugged my shirt from my jeans and quickly resumed ironing the shirts.

He was back within minutes with a glass of water and said, "Have some. And always keep yourself hydrated."

Then he handed me a couple of lollypops and said, "Keep sucking on them, it would help with the cough." I took the lollypop in my hand, opened the wrapper and started sucking it while he watched.

I can swear, my heart stopped beating for a few seconds till he left. I finished the remaining shirts as soon as I could.

Still shirtless, he was watching football on ESPN, sitting on the Sofa drinking smoothie, when I came out of the bedroom after finishing my job.

Standing near the dining table, I said to him, "Mr. Riyos, I am done."

He turned around, stood up, looked at me, "Did it help -- the sucking?"

I just said, "Yes."

Then he said, "Done! Good! You must be tired. Want to have some pizza? It must be here any minute."

I knew I need to leave before he read my mind. He had nothing on except the short cotton boxers and his protrusion was, clearly, visible. I said, "No! I am not hungry. But thank you, Mr Riyos."

He looked at me, picked the money from the side table, and said, "Thank you! I hope you liked the work. Next week same time?"

"Thank you Mr. Riyos! I will see you next week," I said.

------------------------------To be Continued ------------------------

Next: Chapter 3

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