My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 11, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick Lachey or anyone else in 98 Degrees. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if Homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


Chapter One: Meeting Nick

I was nervously running around my bedroom, trying to figure out what I wanted to wear for my meet and greet with 98 Degrees before their concert tonight. I finally decided on a pair of relaxed fit blue jeans, a wife beater, and an open tommy shirt.

My name is Sean. I'm a biracial male. I have short black hair, which the bangs hang in my face, making me look 15 instead of 22. I also have dark brown eyes, and a swimmers type build. I have a fast metabolism which allows me to eat whatever I want and I don't gain a pound. I'm told I'm gorgeous by plenty of people when I go shopping and hang out at clubs.

I was just getting ready to grab my keys and leave my apartment, when the phone rang. I went to answer it.


"Hey, Sean, what's up?" It was Danny, my best friend from high school.

"Hey Dan! I replied, really happy to hear from him. It had been almost four years since we graduated high school, and we had lost touch since then being busy and all. he with college and me with my job as a production assistant.

"Not much, Dan, Actually I was just heading out of the door on my way to the 98 degrees concert. I got backstage passes to see them after the show."

"Yeah, and I bet you're about ready to cream in your jeans just thinking about your dream boy, Nick." He threw in. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

Danny had been the first guy I came out to in high school when I was 16, and told that I was gay. He grabbed me in a big hug and told me it didn't change the way he thought of me, and he assured me that he didn't hate me and we were still the best of friends. He was always there for me when I needed him. He even protected me against all the jocks that teased me about my sexuality.

"Hey! Shut up or I'll do it before I even get there! Just you talking about him is getting me aroused right now." I laughed. And I was right. My dick was already hard enough that it was painful. If it got any harder, I swore it was gonna burst any minute. I had to calm down. I couldn't go backstage like this "Are you coming to the show tonight, Dan?" I asked.

Danny replied, "yeah, I'll meet you in the parking lot and we'll go in together, ok?

"Ok buddy, I gotta get going or I'll be late. You'll get there before I will since you live closer to where the concert is." I told him.

"Alright, I'll see you there, bye." He then hung up. I put the phone back on the console, grabbed my keys, and walked out of my apartment. I locked the door and headed out to my SUV. I had decided I wanted an SUV, since before before I came out, I had alot of friends that I thought were true friends at the time, and I wanted to be able to fit most of them in here. But Dan was pretty much the only friend I had now, except for his friends, who I didn't hang out with as much and he did, who didn't care that I was gay, and were pretty cool to me. I started the SUV and drove off towards the concert.

I pulled into a parking space right beside Danny, who was waiting for me in his red Corvette. I got out and saw Dan for the first time, since we graduated high school. My jaw dropped when I saw him. He had gotten really gorgeous! Danny is a caucasion 22 year old male. He had short black hair and the sexiest blue eyes you ever did see. But that wasn't the reason why I was almost drooling, I'd always thought he was cute in high school, but what had changed about him was his body. It was defined all over with muscle showing through his white wife beater and khaki shorts which were clung to his body showing off his muscular legs and his nicely shaped butt. He had gotten almost as bulky as Nick Lachey is, just a little smaller. He laughed as he came over to me.

"Have I really changed that much?" He smiled.

"Have you changed?! Hell yeah you've changed! I don't remember seeing a body like that when we graduated high school! You have gone from cutie to major hottie man! If I wasn't so hung up on Nick, I'd snap you up in a second!" I stuttered. Danny laughed and then said, "Well first of all, thanks for the compliments, but If you dare try to seduce me, I'd have to kick your ass. that is if my girl doesn't get to you first." I knew he was just kidding. Danny was straight, and has a girlfriend named Amber, who was beautiful and was also a good friend of mine.

"Well don't just stand there, gawking at me, give me a hug already" Danny said. I walked over to him and he grabbed me up in a bone-crushing bear hug. I returned the hug just as strong, but a few minutes later, started to heave from lack of air. Danny remembering that I had asthma, quickly let go of me, with a concerned look on his face. He apologized and asked me if I was ok. I told him I was fine, that he was just hugging me a little too hard. "Besides man, you're forgetting how much bigger you've gotten since high school. When did you decide to get yourself muscles like this?" I wanted to know. He smiled and then replied, "right after high school, I decided I wanted to look better,so I started a low-fat diet and a workout regimen and keep to it for those fours years and the rest is history. Here feel me." He took off his tommy shirt and tied it around his waist, leaving him in just his wife beater, and flexed a very impressive muscle. I felt it. It was rock hard! and perfectly peaked and toned. "Wow man, Very impressive. But now there's only one problem." I said. He frowned. "What's that?" I grinned and said, " You've got me as hard as a rock now and you know I can't go in there sporting one of these." Danny started laughing his ass off. "You and your hormones.", he said in between his laughter, "You are such a piece of work sometimes." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's go. I'm fine now, besides we only have about five minutes to get in there and get to our seats before the show starts." We headed to the front entrances where there was already a throng of screaming girls, and a few guys too, here and there. I walked right up to a big burly security guard standing in the front entrance. "What's your name, mister?" he asked. "Sean Perry" I replied, Do you need to see my backstage passes?" The security guard smiled. "No I don't, I just need your name so I can see if you're on the list as having them and so I can tell you where you and your friend here will be seated." He said. He looked at his clipboard and then looked back up at me and Danny. "You're a lucky man tonight Sean, actually you have front row seats and we just found out a few minutes ago that the concert is delayed about 15 minutes, so you can go back and see the guys now instead of just after the show, while the technicians fix the problem on stage, Come right this way and I'll take you back to meet them."

I started to get nervous and excited as well. In just a few short minutes, I would be meeting the guys of 98 Degrees backstage in their dressing rooms. The security guard let us through the entrace, and as I looked around, I saw the screaming girls and guys shoot me and Danny looks of animosity and jealousy. I just smiled at them and walked inside with Danny right behind me. We were led backstage and the guard stopped us right before we got to the door to the dressing room, where another security guard named Rob was stationed. The first guard told Rob to check and see if the guys are up to seeing a couple of fans before they go onstage. In a few seconds, Rob popped his head out and said to us, "They said they don't mind at all, go on in." he said and moved aside so we could enter. Danny squeezed my shoulder and whispered, "Be cool or they'll catch on to you." I whispered to him that I would and we entered the dressing room. There they were! Jeff and Justin were sitting over by the table, while Drew and Nick were on the couch.

"Hey Guys, what's up?" I greeted them as I walked in. They all looked up as they heard my voice. They smiled and stood up to introduce theirselves. Drew was the first to shake hands with me. "How's it going? he asked, while smiling his gorgeous smile. He was gorgeous to, just like Nick. His hazel eyes were very hypnotizing and seemed like he could see right into me. "Not much actually, I'm here for your concert. I love your music. You guys are one of the best groups to ever come along." Drew smiled, "Thanks man, we really appreciate it."

Jeff was next and shook my hand, smiling, and then asked, "How long have you been listening to our music?" I then said, " Ever since you guys debuted. I wasn't able to get these backstage passes until now, I was at almost every concert since your debut." Justin came up beside Jeff and then shook my hand while proceeding to tell me how much they appreciated my support. "We don't get to meet that many of our male fans at all, so this is actually a nice change from those screaming teeny bopper girls out there." he laughed. I smiled and then realized that I hadn't introduced Danny to them. "I"m so sorry, I"ve completely forgetten my manners here, This is my friend Danny Matheson." I turned to Dann and pulled him forward. HE shook hands with each of them, telling them how nice it was to meet them, and they replied back that they were thrilled to meet him too.

Then, Nick was in front of me. Looking totally gorgeous, and flashing his killer smile. He held out his hand and I took it and shook it. He left his hand linger a little longer than usual. Or was that me? "I'm Nick" he said while looking into my eyes. when our eyes locked, I felt electricity go through me. This man was even more gorgeous in person! Nick started to notice my dazed state and shook me a little. "Earth to Sean, wake up. he said, amused. I must have blushed a hundred different shades of red, which sent Nick and the guys, as well as Danny, into fits of laughter. "I"m sorry, guys, I guess I zoned out for minute there." I apologized. Nick grinned. "That's alright, we're used to the starstruck look by now. Come on and sit down over here and let's talk.

He motioned me over to the couch while Danny was engrossed in a conversation with Jeff, Justin, and Drew and they were chatting away about football and some other stuff that they had in common. I sat on the sofa and Nick sat down right next to me. "So, tell me about yourself, How old are you? where are you from? and what do you do?


Well that's it for now. Tell me what you think of the story so far. If you like it, email me, If you don't, still email me and let me know what you think need improvement and offer your suggestions if you may I'm up to anything.

Next: Chapter 2

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