My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 9, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


Chapter 11

After I had watched the Soaps, it was already 4p.m. I decided to check and make sure every room in my apartment was clean so I would not suffer from my allergies which were really bad. So I did just that and cleaned up the rooms that were dirty or at least needed dusting. I finished up at 6:00p.m. and got out of my dirty clothes. I grabbed a clean pair of boxerbriefs and put them on after taking off my older ones. I took my underwear and clothes into the laundry room and put them into the washing machine. After that, I walked back to my bedroom to decide what to wear to the restaurant tonight. I decided on a white dress shirt and a pair of beige Docker khaki dress pants. I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty good, so I then checked my hair to make sure it was in place and I then grabbed my jacket and keys to leave. I shut off the TV, and left the apartment, locking the door behind me. I walked out to my SUV and got in. I started it and drove down to the hospital to meet with Casey. I decided to wait outside until he got off and I parked beside his car and waited for him. while I waited for him, my cellphone started ringing. I picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, its me." I heard Nick's voice say. I brightened immediately at hearing his voice.

"Hey, gorgeous, what are you doing calling me at this time of day?" "I thought you couldn't talk to me at this time of day. Where are you?" I asked him.

"Well normally I couldn't." Nick responded. "I'm at rehearsal." "We've just gotten a half hour lunch break since we worked pretty hard today and did it well." "I've been dying to hear your voice all day."

"Well I'm glad you called, I miss you so bad." I said "And it's gonna be really hard to resist temptation when I see you." "Part of me just wants to rip your clothes off and make mad passionate love to you right there when I see you again, but I have to think about you and I have to resist until I have the results of my STDs test." I said to him, frustrated.

"I know the feeling babe." Nick replied. "I've had to deal with getting my rocks off with my own hand right now while thinking of you." "It's not as much fun without you here with me." he said. I smiled. "Getting your rocks off huh?" I laughed. "I have to do the same thing until we're together again." This made Nick laugh after he heard this.

"Yeah well We've got to relieve ourselves one way or another, don't we?" Nick chuckled. "Where are you right now?" He suddenly asked me.

"Well right now, I'm sitting here in my car, waiting for Casey to get off of work, so I can take him to that hotel for dinner and to set him up with Paul." I said to him.

"Good Luck with that." Nick said. "I hope that this Casey decides to date Paul so he keeps his paws off of you."

"Do you know how cute you are when you're jealous?" I asked him, amusement playing in my voice.

"Yeah I'm cute, thank you, but I am not jealous." Nick said. then after a slight pause, he then said. "Well maybe a little." I giggled.

"Well you have nothing to worry about, because no one will ever measure up to you, baby." You're my muscle boy and don't you forget it." I said to him, lovingly. "Have I told you I love you yet?" I asked him. "No, but I wouldn't mind hearing it again." He said, sweetly.

"I love you, Nick Lachey." I said to him.

"I love you too, Sean Perry." He said back. "Well I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go and eat now." "Have fun with Chad and let me know how the set up goes." "I'll talk to you later tonight, ok?"

"Alright, tell your brother and the rest of the guys I said hi and give them my love, ok?" I said to him.

"I will." "I love you, babe." Nick said.

"I love you too, sweet stuff." I replied back. Then I heard him start giggling.

"What's funny now?" I asked, confused.

"You called me 'Sweet stuff." "It sounds like you just gave me a blowjob and tasted my cum." Nick said in between giggles.

"You're such a pervert, you know that?! I said, laughing. "I know, but I'm your pervert." He said with a chuckle. "And who knows maybe I'll get that blowjob soon." Nick said.

"Yeah Yeah, maybe." I said, grinning from ear to ear. "Well I might as well let you go and eat since you can't eat me." "I wouldn't want my man starving himself now would I?" I laughed. "oh, you're gonna get it for that when you get here." Nick challenged. "You promise?" I asked in my best puppy dog voice, making him laugh again. "You are insane, you know that?" Nick laughed. "Well I really gotta go." "I love you, sweet stuff."

"Now who's gonna get it?" I said laughing. "I love you too, sexy." "I'll talk to you tonight." "Bye."

"Bye" I heard him say before I hung up the phone. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 6:45pm. Another fifteen minutes and he'd be out.

I must have dozed off or something, because the next thing I knew, I heard someone knocking on my window. I opened my eyes to see Casey stading there, smiling. I rolled down the window so I could hear him talk.

"Hey, looks like you were here for a while." "It looks like you've been asleep for hours." "Are you feeling alright?" He asked, concern on his face. I stretched and nodded. "I'm fine." "I can't believe I fell asleep." "It was 6:45 when I looked at the clock last." "I never fall asleep that fast." "Maybe it was cleaning the apartment up that got to me like that." I said. Casey nodded. "That's probably it." he said. then he noticed that I was nicely dressed. "Hey you're look great in those clothes." "Any special reason why you dressed up?" He asked. I smiled. "Thanks, I wanted to slook my best for dinner tonight." I said.

"Well you've accomplished that already." Casey said with a smile. His smile I found was one of his best features. He had full lips alot like Drews, which made him look sexy even when he didn't smile.

"So are you going to come with me to the hotel?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm coming, but would you mind if I went home and grabbed a quick shower first and got dressed in something a little more comfortable?" Casey asked me.

"No, not at all." I said to him. "Do you want me to come with you to your house and wait for you?

"No, just go ahead and I'll meet you there in about 20 minutes." Chad said. "Go ahead and order me Spaghetti and Meatballs since I've been craving it all day, with a Coke." "Then maybe it'll be there waiting for me when I get there."

"Alright, I'll see you there." I said to him. "Alright, later." Casey said, before walking over to his car. I rolled my window up and started the SUV. I pulled out of the hospital parking lot and headed towards the restaurant in the direction I came to the hospital. Casey turned left and headed towards his home in the other direction. I drove to the hotel and parked in the front of the hotel this time, since the fans were no longer there now since the guys had left.

I walked into the lobby and rode the elevator up to the second floor. I stepped out of the elevator and headed to the restaurant. I got there and a greeter named Mark asked me how many people were joining me tonight. I told him I wanted a table for two and he led me to a table near the window where you could see alls the cars driving around below. It was a great view. "I'll send a waiter over for you." Mark said, before he left to assist another customer. A few minutes later, Paul himself walked up behind me at my table. when he got to where he could see my face and he realized that it was me, his jaw dropped in surprise.

"Hey, Sean, how are you?" "It's great to see you." He said as he extended his hand to me. I took it and we shook hands briefly.

"It's great to see you too, Paul." "I'm doing fine." "How about you?"

"Oh the usual." "Work, work and more work." He said, giving me one of his killer smiles and laughing a little.

"Well that's no fun." I giggled. "You know what they say about "all work and no play."

"Yeah I do, so may I ask how you're doing emotionally." "You seem to be alot better since I found you that night, crying. "Are you doing any better since then?" he asked.

I then remembered that Paul didn't know anything about what happened to me afterwards, so I decided to tell him.

"Well Paul, things got worse after I left the hotel that night." "After I talked to you, I went home, but didn't feel like going into the house, so I took a walk to clear my head." "As I was walking along, this huge muscular guy grabbed me and pulled me into a alleyway." "I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong." "Then he threw me down and raped me." I finished, causing Paul to gasp.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Sean." "Are you alright now?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm fine now." " I had tests for STDs and I came back negative for HIV, but I have to be re-tested again in 3 months to make sure no antibodies have formed." "If I test negative again, I'll be in the clear to be sexually active again." I said to him. Paul then got a confused look on his face.

"Did your emotional state have anything to do with Nick and Drew, those two guys from 98 Degrees that were here with you that night?" he asked.

"Yeah, you probably aren't aware of this, but I had told Nick and Drew that I'm gay." I said to him. Paul looked surprised for a moment. "Oh, and I assume they both reacted badly and that's what caused the emotional breakdown you had?" He asked.

"Well yes and no. Drew was fine with it, but Nick totally shut me out after that. He wouldn't talk to me or even look at me after that." " He walked out of here with Drew and never said goodbye to me."

"That Bastard! Paul said with an angry look on his face. "He had no right to treat you like that." if he had treated me that way, I'd have decked him." Paul said. "are you gay too, Paul?" I asked. Paul looked at me, shocked. "How did you know?" "Am I that obvious?"

"Well no, not always." I guess I can just tell if someone is gay or not." I have good gaydar." I said with a laugh. Then I continued with my conversation about Nick.

"Paul, everything's alright now." I told him. "Nick came an apologized a few days later and was really sorry for treating me that way, so I accepted his apology and I forgave him." "As long as he promised never to hurt me like that again." I finished.

"Well I'm glad you're alright now, Sean and I'll pray that you'll be disease free in 3 months so you can get your life back together again." He said, smiling. I smiled back at him, flattered that he cared about me. "Thanks, Paul." "It's nice to know you care." "Now can you take my order? I'm starving?" I said with a laugh.

"Well we can't have that now, can we?" Paul laughed, as he grabbed his pen and paper. "What would you like?"

"I'd like the breaded shrimp meal, with garlic, mashed potatoes and a salad with ranch dressing." I said to him. He finished writing it down. "And what will your friend be getting?" he asked.

"He wants Spaghetti and Meatballs, with garlic bread on the side along with a Coke to drink." I told him. He took down the order and then looked back at me.

"OK, I'll be back with the drinks in a few minutes." He said, as he left to get them. I waited and looked towards the entrance to see if Casey would show up. I saw him talking to Mark and then saw Mark point him over to my table. I saw Casey say something to him and then he came over to my table.

"Did anyone take our orders yet?" he asked. I took a moment to check him out as he stood there. He looked really handsome, with a nice white shirt which clung to his body, showing off his swimmers body.

"Actually I just took them a few minutes ago." "They should be here any minute." "Sit down." I said to him. he sat down across from me and when he looked up, he noticed me smiling. "What's that smile about?" Casey asked me. "I was just thinking how nice you look tonight." I said. "Thanks." Casey said with a smile. "You don't look bad yourself."

"One of the waiter here is named Paul." I told him. "That's who is taking our orders tonight." "I"d like you to meet him since he's the one who comforted me the night I was hurt by Nick." "He's really nice and I think that he' also make a nice guy for you to date and get to know better." I said with a grin. Chad frowned. "Did you invite me out here to set me up on a date?" he asked.

"Partly, yes." I said to him. "You don't have to date him if you don't want to, I at least just wanted you to meet him and see if you like him before you make any decisions."

Just at that moment, Paul came by with our drinks. "Here you go." "I assume you're his friend?" He asked Casey.

"Yeah I am." Casey said, smiling at Paul. "I'm Casey Richards." He said, while extending his hand out for Paul to shake. Paul took it and shook firmly.'

"it's nice to meet you, Casey, I"m Paul." Paul said, while giving Casey one of his sexy smiles.

"Nice to meet you too, Paul." Casey responded as he let go of Paul's hand. I watched them with a mile on my face. It looked like my plan was working. They seemed to really be taken with one another.

"Well I'm gonna go and check on your food." " I'll be right back." Paul said and walked away to go see if the food was ready. After he was gone, I turned to Casey to see what he thought of Paul.

"Well, what did you think of Paul?" I asked him whild grinning llike the cat who swallowed the canary.

"He was nice, not to mention cute as hell." Casey swooned. I smiled, glad that Paul had apparently caught his attention.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing when I saw him the night I was here with Nick and Drew." I told him. I then remembered that I could now tell him who Nick was as long as he promised me he'd keep it to himself. But before I could, Paul came back with our food.

"Here's your food, guys." Paul said as he passed the shrimp to me and the Spaghetti and Meatballs to Casey. "Let me know if you need anything else" Paul said.

"We will, thanks Paul." I said to him. Before Paul turned to leave, he glanced at Casey and smile again. Then he turned to walk away and Casey watched his ass as he was walking.

"He has a nice ass." Casey whispered. I almost spit my Coke out all over him after he said that, but managed to get it down without getting it all over the place. I then busted up laughing.

"You just had to say that when I was drinking my pop now did you?" I asked. Casey frowned.

"I didn't know you were going to drink right at that moment, I wasn't even watching you." Casey said.

"Yeah that much I could tell." I giggled. "So, are you going to ask him out?" "It's obvious you like him alot." "I can tell he likes you alot too." I said to him.

"Maybe, but let's eat first and I'll decide later." "The food's gonna get cold." Casey said as he picked up his fork and started eating. We ate in silence and enjoyed our meals. My shrimp was really good and he seemed to love his spaghetti, the way he was inhaling it down. When we'd finished eating, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I went into the Men's restroom and did my business and then washed my hands before exiting the restroom. When I exited, I noticed that Paul was over at the table, talking to Casey. I stood beside the doorway of the restroom and watched them. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but then I saw Paul slip something into Casey's hand and Casey gave him something back also. Then I saw Paul leave and head back to the kitchen to get someone's order. I walked back to the table just in time to see Casey pocket whatever Paul had given him.

"So, what were you and Paul talking about?" I asked him. Casey looked up at me in surprise.

"Were you eavesdropping?" he asked with a frown.

"No, I saw you two talking from the doorway of the men's restroom when I came out, so I waited until you two were done before I came back over." I said to him. "What was that I saw you put in your pocket?"

"Alright if you must know, It's Paul's home address and phone number." "We traded phone numbers and addresses." "I asked him out." "We're going out on a date tommorrow?" "He's really nice." Casey said. I grinned.

"Good for you." I replied. "It'll be good for you to spend time with him." "Oh guess what?


"I called Nick and he told me that I can tell you who he is, as long as you promise not to tell anyone else." "Not even Paul." "At least wait until you're sure you can trust him and that he's the one for you before you tell him who Nick is." I explained to him. Casey brigtened.

"Well don't keep me in suspense, who is it?" He asked, getting agitated.

"Would you believe, Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees? I asked him with a shit-eating grin. His jaw dropped in total shock.

"No way! he said loudly, causing other customers to look his way, wondering what all the noise was about. He and I both blushed in embarrassment and he then turned back to look at me.

"Gee, can you say that any louder, I'm not sure the whole town heard you." I said with a giggle.

"Sorry." Casey apologized. "I can't believe it." "You're telling me that the guy you're seeing is Nick Lachey?" "So, he's gay huh?" Casey whispered.

"Yes he is." "Well actually he's bisexual." I said.

"What about the others?" "Are any of them gay too?" He asked me. I wasn't sure about Drew, whether he was gay or not so I wasn't going to out him either unless he chose to do it himself. I loved Drew and I didn't want to hurt him for anything in the world. He was my best friend and I would never do anything to hurt him. So I decided to lie for now.

"No, all the others are straight to my knowledge." I said, sad that I had to lie to Casey. "Nick's the only one who's bisexual as far as I can tell."

"Ok, we how long have you been seeing him?" Casey asked me.

"Only for about 3 days." "He went on tour Monday of last week." "Oh and did I tell you that I'll be joining them on tour on Monday of this coming week?" I said to Casey, with a smile.

"Get out of here! really?" Casey said, excitedly.

"Yep, I'm going to be working with them too." "I'll be a production assistant as well as their fashion coordinator and help them with picking out wardrobe for them to look sexy in."

"Please man, Those guys could look good even wearing garbage bags." Casey giggled. I snickered at that.

"Yeah I told Nick that too when I had to leave the night before they left." I giggled. "Hey, I'm done for the day and I want to go home now." "What do you say we meet up in a few more days?" "I want to relax at home and watch a movie or two for a few days before I hang with you again."

"Sure, that'd be cool." Casey said. "You'd also have a few days to date Paul and see if you like him." I said to him. Casey nodded. "He seems like a nice guy." "I'm sure I"ll like him."

Paul walked over with the bills and again smiled at Casey and then me. "Here's the bills." He said.

"Hey Paul, why don't you come by my house after you get off?" "I"d like to spend some time with you alone there if you don't mind." Casey said to Paul.

"Sure, I"ll swing by after I'm done." "Well I'll see you later Casey and Sean, you take it easy and I hope things get better for you." "You'll be in my prayers to get better."

"Thanks Paul, I'll see you later." I said to him. Paul nodded and left the table. Me and Casey paid for our bills and headed out of the restaurant and walked to the elevator where we got in and went down to the lobby towards our vehicles. I said goodbye to Casey and headed home.

When I got home, I decided to read a book for a while, since I loved to read. I was reading "The NeverEnding Story" when I heard a knock on the door. I was surprised as I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 9:00p.m. "Who could that be?" "I don't know alot of people who come to my house at this hour without calling first."

I went to answer the door. I gasped and my jaw dropped as soon as I opened it. There standing in front of me, staring at me with a big smile on his face, was Nick.

"Nick?! What are you doing here?! I said, excitedly.


Well that's it for now. Let me know what you think. You know what to do. Stay tuned for more. Oh and I've decided to post one chapter at a time now instead of two like I previously said. It's easier for me that way.


Next: Chapter 11

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