My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 3, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homosexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


Chapter 14

The movie was great and We all enjoyed it. However our minds were still on Danny and what could be wrong with him.

"Well, We were supposed to go to the mall today, but now it seems like that's out of the question now, since Danny's not doing so well." I said to them.

"We can go tommorrow." Jeff said. "Right now, I just want to know what's going on with Danny."

"Yeah. We all do." Nick said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "When's he supposed to get here again, Sean?" He asked.

Before I could answer, there was a knock on the door.

"Maybe that's him now." Justin said as I got up to answer it.

I got to the door and opened it, revealing Danny, standing there with tears streaming down his face. I was shocked. He looked like hell. His eyes were all red, which looked to me like he had been crying all day.

"Danny, What is it? What happened?" I said, worriedly.

Instead of answering me, Danny grabbed me in a tight hug and hid his face into my chest as hard sobs racked his body. I was really frightened now. In all the time since I've known Danny, I'd never seen him in such an emotional state before. I mean sure he'd had his emotional moments, but never like this.

"Guys, get in here! Hurry!" I yelled as I tried to comfort Danny as much as I could.

Within seconds, The guys were all at my side and were just as shocked as I had been, to see Danny so emotional. Justin shut the door since I couldn't while comforting Danny, and came over to help us with Danny.

"Danny? What's wrong?" Jeff asked as he stroked Danny's arm, doing what he could to comfort him.

After letting out a few sighs, Danny finally lifted his head from my chest and wiped his tears off of his face. At least the ones that hadn't been soaked into my shirt. Danny then gave me a small smile.

"Thanks, Sean. I needed that." He said.

"Anytime." I replied to him. "I'm just glad I can help. Now why don't you hug the rest of the guys since we're all glad to see you?" I suggested to him.

"Now that I can do." Danny said quietly, smiling as he walked over and hugged all of the guys one by one. He hugged Jeff the longest. Out of all the guys, Danny was closest to Jeff. Those two had alot in common. As I watched them hugging, I was thinking that if Danny and Jeff weren't straight, they'd make a cute couple. Danny was gorgeous, and so was Jeff. But there was only one man that I loved and that was the man standing beside me, holding me. Nick gave me a kiss on the cheek and I thanked him with a kiss in return.

"So Danny, can you tell us now what happened?" Drew asked.

Danny released Jeff and turned to the rest of the guys. "Alright." he said. "Let's go into the living room and sit down.

We all sat down on both of the folding couches, Me, Nick and Drew sat on one, and Jeff, Justin, and Danny sat on the other one, directly across from us.

Amber and I broke up." Danny suddenly said, shocking us all.

"What? What happened?" I asked in shock. Danny then told us what happened.

"This last week was one of the best weeks of my life." He said. "We went to Disney World, hung out on the beaches, went to some of the coolest restaurants, and had a good time. I was on top of the world. While I was there, I realized that I really loved Amber and I asked her to marry me."

We all gasped in surprise. I didn't think Danny was one to want to get married so soon in his life.

"Anyway, that's when she told me that she'd met someone else and that it was over between us." Danny continued. "I was crushed, but of course then I managed to ask her for one more night together. She agreed and we went out one last time and then we went our separate ways."

"Well I'm sorry that you're going through this, Danny. I just want you to know that we'll all be here for you." I said to Danny.

"Sean's right, buddy." Justin said, patting Danny on the back.

"Yeah Danny." Jeff agreed, while putting his arm around Danny's shoulders. "You can count on us. We're gonna do everything we can to help you get through this."

"Are you going to be alright, Danny? Nick asked him, concern evident in his voice. Danny smiled at him.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, Nick. It's great to be back and have all of my friends around me." I really need you guys right now." Danny said.

"Well I know what will cheer you up, Danny." I suddenly said. Danny looked at me, confused.

"And what's that? He asked. Nick and the rest of the guys all looked at me with confusion on their faces as well.

"Let's go clubbing." I said. "It'll be good to get you out there and have some fun."

"That's a great idea, Sean." Jeff said. "So, how about it, Danny? Are you up to it?

"Yeah sure. What the heck? Let's do it." Danny said with a smile.

"That's my boy! Now, you're talking." I said. "So, will it be "Dale's again?"

"Oh yeah, I love that place." Justin said. "They got some of the hottest girls there."

"And guys." Nick added. I playfully punched Nick in the abdomen, causing the rest of the guys to start laughing.

"Now who do I need to keep an eye on? I joked. Nick just pulled me close and kissed me.

"You know, I almost forgot how sickeningly sweet those two can be." Danny joked, rolling his eyes.

Nick and I stopped kissing and I looked at Danny after that remark. "Yeah well, get used to it, because we're in love here, ok?" I joked. Danny smiled.

"Oh and I'm sure you two are gonna rub it in our faces all the time now, right?" Jeff said, mocking sarcasm.

"Oh yeah, you'd better believe it." Nick said. "Anyway, why are we standing here, talking when we can be shaking our booties on the dance floor? Come on, let's go."

"Yeah, I'm dying for some action tonight. Justin said as we headed for the door."

We all left the apartment and headed to the dance club.

When we got there, the place was packed with people, just like before and the same guard who let us in before, let us in again with no hassles. We grabbed a table near the back again and sat down together.

"So, Danny, what do you want to drink? I asked him. "It's on me tonight."

"Well when you put it like that, I'm gonna have a beer." Danny said, grining evilly.

I knew that grin too well. "Alright, don't you be getting drunk and expecting me to pay for all of it. I'm only paying for one drink max and then you're on your own." I warned him.

Danny laughed. "You know me too well, sometimes." He said. "Well at least I tried."

The waiter came over and asked us what we wanted to drink. Now I wasn't a beer drinker that much, but I could stomach it every once in a while, So I decided to have one tonight.

"I'll have a Miller's Beer." I said. Nick looked at me in surprise.

"You're actually having beer this time? He asked in amazement. "Whatever happened to the beer hater?"

"Hey, I never said I hated beer. I just don't like it as much as wine." I said to him.

"I'll have a beer too." Drew said to the waiter.

"Me too." Jeff said.

"Me three." Justin said, causing all of us to laugh.

The waiter finished our orders and went to get the beers. Jeff and Justin excused theirselves to go dancing when they spotted the girls they had been with that one night, coming into the bar. Drew excused himself to go and dance as well, leaving Nick, Danny and I at the table.

"So, Sean, how have you been since I was gone?" Danny asked after taking a sip of his beer.

"Actually, I was really lonely, when both you and Nick left. There were some days I thought I would fall apart, but I hung in there." I told him.

"Well I'm glad I'm back so now you and I can hang out together again." Danny said with a smile.

"My face fell when I realized that in a week, I'd be leaving with the guys on tour and Danny would be here all alone with nobody to hang out with. I felt bad about leaving now. I didn't want Danny to be alone. Now that Amber and he were history, I was afraid that he'd get really depressed while I was away and I couldn't afford for that to happen.

"Oh Danny, I just remembered that I"m going on tour with the guys in five days and now you're gonna be here alone until you see us again." I said, sadly. "I'm worried about leaving you here alone now."

"I'll be alright, Sean, don't worry." Danny tried to reassure me. It still didn't make me feel any better.

"If only you could come with us, I'd feel so much better having you around." I said

"Sean, I'll be fine. Now stop your worrying and chill out!" Danny snapped.

"Danny!" Nick gasped.

I was shocked and hurt to hear Danny snap at me like that. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Well excuse me for caring about you!" I shouted as the first few tears made their way down my face. Danny regretted his outburst immediately.

"Sean I'm sorry, I didn't- He started, but I cut him off.

"Just save it, alright?!" I yelled before getting up and running through the crowd, heading downstairs to the game room.

As soon as I left, Danny had burst into tears. He glanced at Nick, who was looking at him, with concern on his face.

"Nick, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. Will you forgive me?" Danny sobbed. Nick walked over and gave him a hug. Danny returned it, while continuing to sob. Jeff was on his way back to the table and had a confused look on his face. Once he caught sight of Danny, crying into Nick's chest, He was at the table in a flash.

"What happened? I saw Sean running downstairs, crying. What was that about?" Jeff asked, while squeezing Danny's shoulders. Danny looked up into Jeff's sapphire, blue eyes.

"I just snapped at Sean, when all he was trying to do was be there for me, and I hurt his feelings. Now's he's mad at me." Danny said, as Jeff pulled him into a hug.

"Just give him a few minutes to cool off. He's just hurt, that's all." Jeff said, softly to Danny. "I'm sure you didn't mean to take your anger and hurt feelings, over your break up with Amber, onto him."

"No, I didn't and I hope he'll forgive me." Danny said, as he wiped at his eyes.

"Why don't you go and find him and apologize to him?" Nick suggested. Danny nodded.

"Yeah, I guess, I'd better. I"ll see you guys in a few minutes." Danny said to them. He then proceeded to walk downstairs to look for me.

I got downstairs to the game room, where surprisingly, no one was down there. They must all have been upstairs, too busy dancing to play anything down here at the moment. I sat down on the couch and brought my knees up to my chest, as I buried my face into them, as I started to cry again. I knew that Danny didn't mean to snap at me, but still it didn't hurt any less at the moment.

I sat there, crying when I felt a hand on my shoulder which startled me. I whipped my head up to see Danny looking down at me with tears in his own eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sean." Danny said, still crying. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I guess I'm more hurt than I thought about my breakup with Amber and I don't know how to deal with it."

I brushed Danny's hand off of my shoulder, coldly, which caused him to feel worse. I stood up and started walking over to the pool table.

"Sean, please don't hate me. I'm sorry. What else do you want from me?" Danny asked me.

I then turned around and started walking towards the door to head back upstairs. As I went by Danny who was still standing by the couch, he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Would you please say something? he pleaded with me. I looked at him coldly, with tears in my eyes.

"Alright." I said with no emotion in my voice, as I yanked my arm away from him. "Why don't you save your apologies for someone who cares and leave me the hell alone?"

The look on Danny's face made me regret what I was doing. He was totally hurt and shocked. A new set of tears made their way down his face. As he turned to go, I reached out and gently grasped his muscular arm, forcing him to turn and look at me again. I grabbed him into a hug, which he returned strongly, and then I started to laugh. Danny pulled away from me with a confused look on his face.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh just the fact that I'd already forgiven you when you came down here and first said that you were sorry. I said to him as I released him, giggling. "The coldness and the anger was all an act. I just wanted to make you sweat it out a little.

Danny's mouth dropped open in total disbelief. "Why you little shit! He exclaimed with a laugh as he grabbed me into another hug. "You really had me going there for a second."

"Yeah I know, but after I saw the hurt look on your face, I knew I had to stop and let you know what I was doing. Now I gotta ask you to forgive me now. Besides, I love you like a brother, so I can't stay mad at you for long anyway." So am I forgiven? I asked.

Danny just tightened his hug on me, which meant that I was. "Ok you big muscle stud, I do have to breathe, you know? I said sarcastically.

"Oh sorry." Danny said and immediately let go of me. "Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine. What do you say we got back up now alright? Besides I'm ready to go home." I said, throwing my arm around Danny's shoulders. Danny put his arm around my waist, while grinning big.

"Alright, Let's go up and get the guys, so we can go." Danny replied.

The both of us, still with our arms around each other, walked back upstairs to the bar where the dance music was still blaring high. When we got up there, we headed right to our table, where the guys were waiting for us.

"Hey you two." Jeff greeted us with a smile. "Did you get everything settled?" he asked.

"Yeah, but not before he gave me one hell of a performance." Danny said with a laugh, causing all of the guys to frown in confusion.

"And what kind of performance was it?" Drew asked.

"You should have seen him." Danny started explaining. "When I went down there to apologize, he was totally cold to me. and after I grabbed him and asked him to say something, he practically told me to save my apologies for someone who cared and leave him the hell alone."

"Sean, that wasn't nice." Justin said, sternly.

"Justin, hold on, I"m not finished yet." Danny said. Justin nodded an waited for Danny to go on.

"Well after that, he really hurt my feelings and I started crying again. But when I went to leave, he grabbed my arm and then pulled me into a hug and started laughing. I asked him what was so funny and he told me his coldness and anger towards me was all an act and that he'd already forgiven me the second I said I was sorry." Danny finished causing all of the guys to drop their jaws in shock.

"And you didn't let him have it?" Jeff said to Danny. Danny shook his head.

"I should have though." Danny replied, playfully punching me in the arm.

"Ouch!" I mocked hurt. "Who do you think you are, abusing your best friend?" I asked Danny, while laughing.

"I"m someone who's gonna kick your ass later, that's who." Danny said with a smirk. "In the pool that is."

"You're on, buddy." I said to him. I then turned to the rest of the guys.

"What do you all say we have a game of chicken fight in the pool tommorrow morning? I suggested to the guys.

"I think that'll be fun." Jeff said. "Danny and Justin are on my winning team. And Nick and Drew can join the losing team."

"Oh yeah?" I said to Jeff. "We'll see who the losers are tommorrow. For now, let's get out of here and get home."

"Yeah, I'm beat too, let's go." Justin said, as we all got up and paid for our drinks.

We left "Dale's" feeling good. This time I decided to let Danny drive since he didn't drink more than once tonight. I let Jeff sit up front with him so they could talk, while Justin took a seat in the middle with Drew, and Nick and I took a seat in the back and snuggled up to each other.

"Have I told you I loved you yet, today?" Nick whispered to me. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. Damn, he was gorgeous! I could get lost in those eyes forever.

"Not that I can remember, but I wouldn't mind hearing it now." I replied, putting my arms around his neck.

"How about I just show you." Nick said. With that he pulled me into a kiss. After exercising each other's tongues for about 5 minutes, we finally broke apart and I smiled at him.

"That was even better, babe." I said with a smile. "I love you, Nick."

"And I love you more." Nick replied back while giving me a hug. I pulled his face to my chest and as I looked up, I noticed Drew watching us with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him and he gave me a thumbs up and turned back around facing the front. I then released Nick from our embrace.

"Hey guys?" Would you all like to go to the mall tommorrow since we didn't get to do it today? I asked everyone.

"That sounds like a plan to me." I'm definitely in." Nick said.

"So am I." Drew agreed.

"Me too." Justin said.

"So are we." Danny and Jeff said in unison, causing us to laugh.

"You know I swear you two think alike." I said to Danny and Jeff, causing them both to laugh.

"Well, we're home." Danny announced as we pulled into the parking lot where my apartment was. Danny shut off the SUV and we all got out and headed into the apartment hallway towards my apartment. Danny unlocked it and let us all enter before shutting the door and locking it. He put my keys on the coffee table and walked in to sit down with the rest of us.

"Well Danny? Did you have a good time, despite our little tiff, tonight?" I asked Danny.

"Yeah, I had a blast." Danny said. "Thanks guys for taking me out tonight. It's exactly what I needed."

"Well stick with us and you'll be having a blast from now on, whenever you're with us." Jeff replied, smiling at Danny.

"Well, what do you guys want to do now?" Justin asked us.

"Well I want a shower right now." Drew said. "I"m going to go and take one while you guys decide what you want to do."

Drew got up and headed upstairs. I then remembered my prank I wanted to pull on him and excused myself to go upstairs to get the remote to turn on the camera. But I had to try to do it without being seen by Drew.

Nick walked to my bedroom door just as I was coming out. I looked at him in surprise. Nick then grinned.

"You're gonna try and do it now, aren't you?" He asked me, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah come on. If I"m right, maybe I'll get a chance to get him before he gets in the shower." I said.

"Yeah, he usually gets off before a shower, so there's a good chance he might do it now. Come on, let's see if we can catch him in the act." Nick laughed.

Nick and I tiptoed down the hall to Drew's room. The door was open a crack and we snuck to the door and peeked in. Sure enough, Drew was stripping naked out of his clothes, his back to us. I opened the door quietly and pointed the remote at where the camera was supposed to be and hit the "Record" button. I saw the red light, which was hidden behind the plant come on, so I knew it was recording. Drew didn't notice us. He still had his back to us, so we closed the bedroom door the way it had been and watched him through the crack in the door.

Drew then got out of his boxers and lay down in the bed on his back and started to jack off. He started moaning loudly as he stroked himself.

"Oh yessss.....Oh Lea, Oh baby." Drew moaned out.

Nick and I were watching him and laughing quietly. We were laughing so hard, we both had tears in our eyes. I couldn't watch anymore and I tiptoed quietly back to the bedroom, with Nick at my heels closed the door. We couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing. We laughed as quietly as we could so Drew wouldn't hear us.

"Oh man. I never thought that would be so funny." I gasped out.

"Honestly, babe, it wasn't." Nick replied in between his laughter. "It was the idea of him being recorded that made it so funny. So what do we do now?" He asked.

"We wait for Drew to come out and get in the shower and then we'll sneak in and get the tape out of the camera and show it to him and the guys when he comes down after taking his shower." I said.

Just then we heard the bathroom door close. I opened the bedroom door and looked down the hall. The door was shut and I heard the shower start running. Taking that as our cue, Nick and I scurried to Drew's room and I showed him where the camera was hidden, as I went to get the tape out. I hit the "Stop" button on my remote and ejected the tape. Then I turned off the camera.

"That was a good spot and you covered it well." Nick said, grinning.

"Thanks. Now let's get downstairs and rewind it." I said.

Nick and I pranced downstairs where Jeff, Justin, and Danny were talking. They looked up when they saw us enter.

"What have you guys been up to?" Danny asked. "You sure took a long time up there." He grinned.

Nick and started laughing again and the 3 of them looked at us like we were nuts.

"What's so funny?" Jeff asked.

"You'll see. It's on this tape." I said, still giggling. "We have to wait for Drew to come down first so we can look at it together. But while we're waiting for him to get out of the shower, I'm gonna rewind the tape and get it ready."

I turned on the TV and VCR and put in the tape. I rewound it all the way and Nick and I sat down while we all waited for Drew. A few minutes later, Drew came into the living room, dressed in sweats and a t-shirt.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Drew asked.

"We were waiting for you." Justin said. "Sean and Nick brought down this tape to watch which they were laughing about it being so funny. Come on, sit down and let's watch it."

"Alright." Drew said as he took a seat on the arm of the couch with Jeff, Danny, and Justin, across from Nick and I. "Go ahead and start it, Sean." He said.

"Ok." I said and hit "Play" on the VCR. The TV screen immediate showed Drew stripping out of his boxer and laying down on the bed, jerking off and moaning loudly.

The look on Drew's face was so funny. Danny, Jeff, and Justin were watching the TV, with their mouths hanging open in complete shock. Then they glanced at Drew who was turning 100 different shades of red when he realized that it was him in his bedroom, masturbating. As soon as we watched Drew come to an orgasm, the shocked looks on the guys faces, turned to amusement and they busted up laughing.

"What the hell?! Drew exclaimed as soon as I shut off the tape, laughing profusely. "Who did this?" he asked, his face still red from embarassment.

"Nick, was it you?" Drew asked Nick. Nick was laughing so hard, he couldn't answer him. He shook his head no and pointed to me instead.

"Sean! I can't believe you did that!" Drew gasped in disbelief.

"Good work, Sean." Danny said, between his laughter. "I've never seen Drew blush like that before."

"Yeah, man. That was even funnier than when Justin and I saw him on top of you at that hotel. When he was pinning you on the bed and We said to him that We had no idea that he was into that kinky shit." Jeff said with a grin.

"How did you manage to get the camera in Drew's room and turned on without him knowing?" Justin asked.

"I did it today when we were leaving to pick you guys up at the airport. I told Drew and Nick to wait outside for me since I had to attend to something in here for a minute, so I set the camera up then." I explained to the guys. "Then after Drew went up to take his shower, I went up and saw that his door was open a crack and Nick and I saw him stripping, so I used the remote to turn on the record mode when Drew had his back to us. We got the tape after he was in the shower." I finished.

"What was the reason for showing us this tape? Besides embarassing Drew to death?" Danny asked with a laugh.

"Well that's my revenge for Drew because he caught Nick and I in a very intimate moment and when we were supposed to leave, he mentioned that I wasn't dressed and embarrassed me to death when he pointed out my pre-cum stain in my underwear from Nick getting me all hot and heavy." I said, blushing. Nick was blushing too. The guys just laughed again.

"Well you got me, I guess." Drew said. "You got me good."

"We're even now." I said. "Now that that's settled, how about we all get some shut-eye? It's late." I asked everyone, while getting up.

"Yeah, I'm ready to turn in myself." Danny said with a yawn.

"Me too." Justin said as he stood up. "Goodnight guys." He said to us. We all bid him goodnight and he headed upstairs to his room.

"Sean, can you grab me a blanket? I'm going to sleep out here on the folding couch." Danny asked me.

"Make that two blankets, Sean." Jeff chimed in. "I'm sleeping out here too on the other folding couch."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to bed in the other guest room upstairs, Jeff?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I"m sure." He said. "Besides I want to talk to Danny for awhile longer while we're going to sleep."

"Oh alright." I said, smiling. "I'll be right back with the blankets for both of you."

"OK thanks." Jeff and Danny said, simultaneously.

"Drew and I will come with you." Nick said.

They followed me upstairs to the hall closet where I grabbed two large blankets and handed them to Nick.

"Take these down to Jeff and Danny, Nick. I need to talk to Drew for a second. I"ll be down in a second to say goodnight to them."

"Ok, I'll see you downstairs." Nick said, as he left to go downstairs. I turned to Drew, who was looking at me, curiously.

"What is it, Sean?" He asked.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him, worriedly. I was only joking with that tape."

Drew smiled and gave me a hug, which told me he wasn't mad.

"I'm fine, buddy." He said. "I was just surprised that's all. Come on, let's go down and say goodnight to Jeff and Danny."

I nodded and we headed downstairs where Jeff and Danny were covering up with the blankets and Nick was standing there, waiting for us.

"Hey guys, we came down here to say goodnight to you before we head up to bed." Drew said.

"Alright, Goodnight guys." They both said.

After shutting off the lights,Nick, Drew and I headed upstairs to our rooms. Once we got to my room, Nick and I stopped to say goodnight to Drew.

"Goodnight, bro." Nick said, giving Drew a hug.

"Goodnight, Nick." Drew said and then gave me a goodnight hug as well. "Goodnight, cameraman." He said with a giggle. Nick snickered at that.

"Goodnight, buddy. Try not to have nightmares, tonight." I said with a laugh.

"I'll try." Drew said. Then he left and headed to his room.

Nick and I got into bed and snuggled in close, relieved that we were finally alone together.

"Man, I"m glad to have you all to myself now." Nick said while giving me a kiss on the lips. I laid my head on his muscular chest and he put his arms around me, holding me close.

"Goodnight, Nick."

"Goodnight, Sean." Nick replied. "I love you."

"I love you two, babe." I said.

We both feel fast asleep in each other's arms.

Well, that's it for now. It wasn't easy getting this chapter out. You can email me at the above address with any comments or criticism about the story or any of the chapters or just to say hi. I will try and respond to you all. I've got alot of you fans who have e-mailed me in my address list so I don't forget who you are and your email address. I'll see you later and I appreciate all of your support more than you know on this story.

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew." Stay tuned.


Next: Chapter 14

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