My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 12, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, he longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Chapter 17

(Three Months Later.)

Alot has happened in the past three months. It was now into July. And the summers were scorching hot! I had joined the guys on tour and We all were closer than ever. We traveled alot on tour to different places and I accompanied the guys to many live concert events. It was very tiring having to travel all the time with little or no sleep, but all in all we were Nick even took me to meet his ex-girlfriend, Jessica Simpson who had been very nice. She spent alot of time with us on tour.

The guys managed to go to Danny's graduation with me after all, which made Danny ecstatic to have us all there. Then after we celebrated at the graduation party, Danny went back to my place and packed up his stuff to join us on tour.

Not long before Danny's graduation, We'd also celebrated Jeff's 28th Birthday on April 30th. I got to meet Jeff's family and friends who were all very nice to Danny and me, making us feel right at home with them. The cake and ice cream was really good, as well as the punch. And everything was homemade. We were stuffed after the party.

And since it was July now, in another month, Drew's birthday would be here. We had yet to find time off from the tour to plan it.

Nick and I had had a tough time in the past three months and we were finally awaiting the biggest event of all: Today was Monday. The day I was to get my test results from my STD test to make sure I didn't have HIV/AIDS or anything else.

If I tested negative again, Nick and I would be able to make love for the first time since we became a couple. We'd had a four day break from the tour and I'd gone to a clinic where I'd gotten free testing which was totally anonymous, a few days ago. The test results were to come to the hotel any minute. The guys were all in my room with me giving me moral support and trying to help me calm down, since I was totally nervous and afraid that I'd test positive and would never have any kind of sexual relationship with Nick.

Finally, there was a knock on the door. I went and opened it and a male messenger was stading there with a manilla envelope and a clipboard.

"Is this Sean Perry's room?" He asked.

"Yes it is." I answered him. "I"m Sean Perry. Are those my lab results?" I asked him.

"Yes they are." He said. "I just need your signature and you can have them."

He handed me his clipboard and pen and I signed my name and gave it back to him. Then I dug into my wallet and gave him a $20.

"Thank you for bringing them so quickly." I said to him, thanking him.

"My pleasure. Thanks for the tip." He replied with a smile. "Have a nice day."

He then left and I shut the door and turned towards the guys, still staring at the manilla envelope in my hands. Here was the moment of truth. I took a deep breath.

"Well guys, here goes nothing." I said with a heavy sigh. I started tearing open the envelope. After I opened it I saw two pages inside. I pulled them out and started reading them. The first page was a list of all the STD's, except HIV/AIDS, that I noticed I'd tested negative for. The last page was the final results for my HIV/AIDS test. I read over the bottom page. When I came to the final line, my eyes closed and I put a hand to my face and took a deep sigh.

"What is it, Sean?! What does it say?! Danny said, frantically, the fear evident in his voice. I still said nothing.

"Baby, Please say something! You're scaring us!" Nick said.

I finally looked up at the guys, with tears in my eyes and I noticed that they were all scared. I could see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices. I finally decided to give them an answer.

"I tested negative, guys!" I said, excitedly with a smile on my face. "There's no sign of any STD's. I tested negative for ALL of them. Even HIV.

The guys all sighed in relief and came over to hug me. Nick was first.

"Oh Baby, I'm so happy for you." He said, with tears streaming down his face. "And for us."

"Thanks, Nick. So am I." I said. Then Danny grabbed me in a hug."

"I'm so relieved, Sean." He said, softly. "You had me scared when you closed your eyes and put your hand over your face. I though for sure that something was wrong."

I released Danny and smiled. " I'm alright, Danny." I said, happily. In fact I'm better that alright, I am ecstatic!"

Drew was next and his face was totally wet with tears. He grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

"Congratulations, Sean." He said to me. "I know you've been waiting for this day for a long time now, and I'm so happy that everything's turned out alright."

"Thanks, Drew." I said as I realeased him. "You're right. Nick and I have been waiting for this for a long time. Now this is finally over and now Nick and I can take our relationship to the next level."

"Do We really need to be hearing about this?" Jeff laughed as he gave over to hug me. I returned it.

"No, but I'm sure you don't mind. After all, this is my day." I said to him.

"No I don't mind. But just don't give me any details about what you're gonna be doing later tonight." Jeff chuckled. I blushed.

"Jeffrey Timmons, what do you think I am? A tramp? I don't kiss and tell."

"No, I was just teasing." Jeff laughed. "Justin why don't you get over here and give him his hug now?" He said to Justin.

Justin walked up to me and gave me a gentle hug.

"It seems like you've finally got what you want now." He said to me. "You've finally got your wish: To become intimite with Nick in every way."

"Yeah I do, Justin." I said, before he let me go. Then I had an idea.

"You know, guys? I feel like celebrating now." I said to them. "How about we go and have some fun today?"

"You read my mind." Nick said. "Well since this is your day, baby, where do you suggest we go?" He asked me.

"Well since we're in L.A. now, How about the beach? I suggested. "I've never been to a beach before."

"You haven't?! Drew asked in amazement.

"No. I've always wanted to, but never had the chance to." I told Drew.

"Well then the beach it is, then." Jeff said. "That sounds like fun."

"I'm all for it." Danny agreed. "Count me in."

"Ok. It looks like we're all agreed." Justin said. "let's go get our swimming gear together and I'll call the limo driver and tell him to get the limo ready for us."

"Ok, you guys go ahead." Nick said. Then he turned to Drew. "I'll be in our room in a minute, bro." He said to Drew.

"Alright Nick. I"ll see you in a few." He said, then glanced at me. "Congratulations again, Sean." He said again. "You deserve to be happy."

"Thanks, Drew. I am." I said to him. Drew gave me one of his cute smiles before heading back to his and Nick's room.

I got my own room with one bed when we got here to keep up appearances so none of Nick's fans or the press would get wind that Nick and I were a couple. So Nick would sneak into my room late at night when nobody else was in the hallway, and sleep with me. Danny shared a room with Jeff, and Justin would room with Drew in Nick's place since Nick would sleep with me.

Nick and I got into our swimsuits and then walked back to his and Drew's room to meet up with the rest of the guys. Danny and Jeff came out of their room, both of them shirtless, showing off their buff bodies.

"Alright, you two. You both look good, shirtless and all, but don't you think you should put on a shirt before we go out there?" I said to them both.

"Yeah, you're right." We'd better." Danny said and he and Jeff disappeared back into their room. I knocked on Drew's door and waited for him to answer it. He opened it, already dressed in his swimming trunks and a polo shirt.

"Come on in, guys." He said.

Nick and I entered and just as I was about to shut the door, Justin appeared.

"Hey, don't shut me out." He said with a laugh.

"Don't worry." I laughed. "Come on in."

He entered and went to sit on the bed by Nick. "Where's Danny and Jeff?" he asked.

"Oh, I told them to go and put some shirts on, since they came out,shirtless, a few minutes ago." I giggled.

"I swear those two are insationable, sometimes." Justin laughed.

"Then another knock was heard, announcing Jeff and Danny's arrival. I went and opened the door, revealing Jeff and Danny standing there,holding their beachbags, both now wearing shirts.

"That's better you two." I said, grinning. "Are you guys ready to go now?" I asked them.

"Yep, We're coming." Drew said, getting up to follow us out of his room. He grabbed his own beachbag and headed out of the room. Nick and Justin got up, grabbed their stuff as well, and exited Drew's room, which Drew locked and put the key card in his pocket. He then followed us to the elevator, which we all got into, and pushed the button for the lobby. We exited on the lobby floor and noticed that there were plenty of security guards waiting at the entrance to the hotel, trying to hold off all of the screaming fans who were crowding the entrance. We were still out of sight of them yet. I stopped the guys in their tracks.

"How about Danny and I go out first?" I suggested to them. Nick nodded.

"Yeah, it's probably for the better." He stated.

"Yeah." Jeff agreed. "The fans can get pretty intense sometimes."

"Well can you blame them? It's not their fault that you guys are so damn irresistable." I whispered so only they could hear.

"Yeah that's us alright." Drew laughed. "Well go ahead guys. You go first." He said.

"Alright. Let's go, Danny." I said. And we started walking towards the entrance. The fans started screaming when the guards were clearing a path for us, but then the screams suddenly stopped when they saw that we weren't the guys. I don't know how we did it, but Danny and I managed to hold in our laughter as we passed through the fans towards the limo. The limo driver opened the door for us. As soon as we got in, and the driver shut the door, we both erupted with laughter.

"Man, that was so funny!" Danny said, holding his stomach from laughing so hard. "Did you see the looks on their faces when they realized we weren't them?"

"Yeah." I said, still laughing hard. "But the way the screaming stopped was even funnier. It was like they each got slapped or something."

Just then, we heard the fans start screaming again. They were screaming so loud that even with the doors shut and the windows closed, it sounded like it was coming from right beside us. That meant the guys were trying to get through.

"Man I swear, those girls are screaming loud enough to break glass." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Danny said, holding his ears. "I can still hear them even with my ears covered."

I rolled down the tinted glass windows to see what the guys were doing. I saw them walking down towards the limo, taking a few moments here and there to sign autographs, and to shake hands with some of their fans. But one fan in particular stuck out among the rest.

This was a male fan who was about 6'2" tall, and had blond hair and blue eyes, along with a slim build. he also had the perfect teeth, which gleamed bright white as he chatted with Nick. He was about as thin as me. And good looking too. He was talking to Nick, while Nick was signing something for him. But that's not what bothered me. What bothered me about him was that it seemed like that he and Nick knew each other, the way they were talking. Nick was smiling at him, but I could also sense that he seemed a little uncomfortable around this guy. I wondered why that was. Especially after I noticed that Drew was frowning at Nick and this guy. Nick and the mystery man didn't seem to notice. I decided to ask him about it later when I had a chance.

"Earth to Sean! Hello?" Danny's voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to see what he wanted.

"What is it, Danny?" I asked him.

"What are you staring at?" He asked. "You had this really intense look on your face like you wanted to kill someone or something."

"Danny, look at that guy talking to Nick." I said, pointed to the blond man, chatting with Nick. Danny looked were I was pointing and saw the blond talking to Nick.

"The blond?" He asked with a confused frown. "What about him?"

"Well I can't be sure of anything, but it looks like he and Nick know each other or something." I said to him. "Nick seems very uncomfortable around him." Plus, I noticed Drew frowning at the guy as he was talking to Nick, but I don't think Nick or the guy noticed."

"Well, why don't you ask Nick about it when he gets here?" Danny suggested.

"Alright, I will. But I'll ask him when we have a minute alone at the beach. I said to Danny. "But until then, I don't want you to bring this up with him unless he or one of the other guys brings it up himself, ok?" I said to Danny.

"Don't worry, I won't." Danny said with a smile.

"Good." I said, then turned back to look out the window. "Here they come." I said.

Finally, the guys managed to break away from their fans and headed towards the limo. The driver opened the door and let the guys in. Jeff got in first and climbed across me to sit beside Danny. Then Justin got in and sat by Jeff, leaving Danny in the middle. Finally Drew entered and climbed across me to sit between me and Justin and then I scooted down to let Nick sit beside me, by the window. The driver shut the door and got into the limo. He then lowered the window and asked us where we were headed to. I told him "Long Beach" and he started the limo and headed towards the beach.

When we got there, the limo driver grabbed the guys grabbed their beach gear from the trunk of the limo, and handed each of us our bags. We took them and Nick tipped the limo driver and told him to go for a drive or something since we'd be there for a while. The driver said he'd be back in a few hours. The guys and I then headed down towards the beach, taking off our shirts as we did so.

"Woohoo! Check out the scenery!" Danny said with a whistle as three pretty blonde girls, wearing bikinis, walked by us. causing us to laugh.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talking about." Jeff said, as he and Danny slapped a high five. "Today, we're gonna score."

"I thought you already had a girl, Jeff?" I asked him, cocking an eyebrow. "How would she feel if she knew you were playing the field?"

Jeff looked at me, confused. "What girl?" He asked. I then walked over to him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm talking about the girl you said is only allowed to call you "Jeffy" when we were in the pool the day before we had to leave for the tour."

"Oh. That." Jeff said, blushing. I then looked at him, suspiciously.

"Jeffrey Brandon Timmons, are you telling me you lied?"

"Well I had to say something to get you to drop that silly petname." Jeff laughed, nervously.

"Ok. whatever." I said, rolling my eyes and walked back over to walk next to Nick. He smiled and patted me on the shoulder, remembering that we had to keep it casual, like we were just friends.

We finally found a canopy table and sat our stuff onto it.

"Wow Danny, you were right about the scenery. Damn." Justin said, watching a bunch of girls playing volleyball with a few guys on their teams too.

"How about we go ask them if they'd feel like adding some extra players?" Danny asked him.

"That's a great idea, Danny." Justin said. Then he turned to the rest of us. "Do you guys want to join us?"

"Sure, I'm in." Jeff said.

"Me too." Nick said."

"Not me." I said.

"Why? I thought you said you loved volleyball?" Nick asked, a little confused.

"I do, but I want to talk to Drew about something for a second, so you guys go ahead." I'll join you guys later." I told them.

"Alright." Nick said. I see you when we're finished."

He then squeezed my shoulder and followed Jeff, Danny, and Justin towards the volleyball net. I watched them walk up to the two teams and ask them if they minded if they joined them. I saw some of the girls nod and start smiling. I also saw some of the guys on the teams shake hands with Jeff, Justin, and Danny, so I guess that meant that they were welcome to play. Then Drew decided to break the silence.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about, Sean?" he asked me, smiling warmly.

"I wanted to ask you about that guy I saw Nick talking to earlier at the hotel?" I started.

"What guy?" Drew frowned.

"The blond guy among the fans. He and Nick seemed to be talking like they knew each other." I said to him.

"Oh, you're talking about "Matt." he said with an angry frown."

"Yeah. Who is he anyway?" I asked him.

"He's Nick's ex-boyfriend." Drew said, looking me in the eyes.

"Ex-boyfriend?" I asked in surprise. "Nick never mentioned him before."

"Yeah well, Nick doesn't like to think about him, much less talk to him." Drew said. "Are you mad?" He asked, worried.

"No, I'm just surprised, that's all. He's hardly seems like Nick's type." I said. I thought I sensed some tension between the two. I could tell Nick was uncomfortable, even though he was smiling. Nick's usually really excited around his fans. "I saw you frowning and knew something was up. Care to tell me what's up with those two?"

"We met Matt about a year ago." Drew started. "Then after a while, Nick started to fall for him, but we thought Matt was trouble and we tried to tell Nick that, but he wouldn't hear of it. You know how stubborn Nick can be sometimes?

I nodded.

"Anyway." Drew continued. After Nick and I had a fight, he stalked back off to his room and he found Matt with another guy in his room, and he freaked. He pulled Matt off of the guy and started yelling at him. He yelled loud enough to get Me, Jeff, and Justin to come and see what was going on. We got there just in time to see Nick punch the guy out, then Matt. He then told them to leave and Matt left with a busted lip and the other guy with a shiner."

"Shit!" I cursed. "Poor Nick. I'm really sorry, Drew. I'm sure this Matt deserved it,but what does that have to do with Matt and Nick now?" I asked him.

Before Drew could answer me, Nick had run up to the table.

"Hey you two, are you ready to join us for a swim? He asked us. "Justin, Danny, and Jeff are already in the water."

"Yeah, we're coming." I said, standing up along with Drew.

"Alright, catch you in the water." Nick said and started running towards the pool.

"I'll tell you more about this, later." Drew said, turning to me. "Right now, let's go have some fun."

With that, he started running towards the water. I laughed and ran after him. We rushed into the water, which felt wonderful since It was so hot out. I swam with him over to Nick and the guys.

Since I couldn't wrestle around with the guys, I just swam around with Nick and watched the guys wrestling around and dunking each other. We must have been swimming and playing for hours because by the time we got out, it was almost sunset.

"Well guys, it's starting to get dark, how about we get out, get some food at the concession stand, and go back to the hotel?" Jeff suggested.

"Yeah, I'm starving, as well as exhausted." Danny said.

"Then let's go get some food and go." Drew said.

The guys and I swam back to shore and got out, heading to our table to get our towels and dry off. As I was drying off, Nick came up behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Are you thinking about what we're gonna be doing tonight?" Nick asked me. I turned around to see waggle his eyebrows, causing me to giggle.

"Oh yeah, baby, that's all that's on my mind right now." I whispered to him. "I can't wait to get back to the hotel."

"Me neiter." Nick said, grinning. Then he threw the towel around his waist and grabbed his wallet out of his bag.

"What do you want me to get you?" He asked me. I knew what I wanted and smiled.

How about some shrimp?" I asked.

"Yum." Nick said. "Shrimp it is then, I'll be right back."

With that, Nick walked to the concession stand and waited in line with the rest of the guys, who had already headed in that direction. A few minutes later, Nick and the guys had the food and headed back to the table to eat it. Nick handed me my shrimp and cocktail sauce and we took time to eat real quick while letting our suits dry a little faster since the sun was still hot enough to dry our suits out. We had all put our shirts back on to prevent getting sunburned. The shrimp was good.

After we finished eating, we threw out our garbage and grabbed our beachbags and headed to the limo to head back to the hotel.

We got back to the hotel and headed up to our rooms. When we got to Nick's room, I turned towards the guys.

"Hey guys, Nick and I are gonna call it a night." I said to them.

"Yeah so are we." Jeff replied. "We're all beat."

"Yeah, you can say that again." Danny said. "Right now all I want is my bed."

"Me too." Justin said. "We'll see you guys later." He said.

"Goodnight guys." I called out to Danny, Jeff and Justin as they headed to their rooms. They said goodnight back, before disappearing into their rooms.

"Goodnight, Sean." Drew said, giving me a hug. as he embraced me, he whispered into my ear so only I could hear. "Have fun tonight."

As I released him, he winked at me and then went to say goodnight to Nick, who had opened the door to my room and headed inside. Nick hadn't seen the wink since he'd already entered before Drew and I had hugged. I saw Drew hug Nick and head back to the door. As he passed by me to head out the door, He looked up at me with his hazel eyes.

"Goodnight, Sean. He whispered.

"Goodnight, Sprout." I whispered back as our eyes locked on each other.

He stood there for a second, looking into my eyes, and then shook himself and headed out to his and Justin's room. I closed the door and looked around for Nick. I saw the bathroom door was closed, so Nick must have went to the bathrooom during the moment when Drew and I stared at each other. So I decided to get out of my clothes and wait for him to come out. A few minutes later, Nick came out and saw me sitting on the bed.

"Hey sexy." He said, smiling.

"Hey, baby." I replied back.

"What do you say we watch a little TV before we head to bed?" He suggested.

"That sounds good to me." I agreed.

"Come on, let's go into the living room." He said, extending out his hand to me.

I took it and we walked hand in hand to the living room and turned on the TV. I saw "Good Will Hunting" playing on TV.

"Cool, I love "Good Will Hunting." I said.

"Ok, well you sit here and watch this, I have a surprise for you in the bedroom." Nick said. "Wait here until I come and get you."

"Alright." I said, as Nick left the living room and shut the door. I sat back and watched the rest of "Good Will Hunting."

Matt Damon was an awesome actor and he blew me away every time with his emotional performance when he clung to Robin Williams and started crying really hard. That was enough to get me crying too. I watched it until the end and had gotten so wrapped up in it, that I hadn't realized that it was now. 11:30p.m. Nick still hadn't come back to get me about my surprise.

"What's taking him so long?" I wondered. "It must be one hell of a surprise."

Just then, the door opened and Nick came in, holding a blindfold in his hands.

"Ok, your surprise is ready, but first you have to put this blindfold on before you can see it." He said.

"OK." I said.

"And no peeking!" Nick said, sternly.

"Alright." I laughed. "Just put it on me and let's get it over with."

Nick put the blindfold on me and led me to the door. and then opened it.

"Ok, you can look now." He said, as he took off my blindfold. I looked around the room and gasped in awe.

Nick had lit sweet smelling candles all around the room, and had changed the sheets on the bed and had replaced them with red satin ones and a velvet red comforter since it was cold in the air conditioned room. He also had soft music, playing from his radio by the bed.

"Nick, it's beautiful." I breathed.

"I'm glad you like it." he said, leading me over to the bed. "I wanted to decorate the room and set the mood just right."

"Well you certainly have." I said, as I ran my hands along his chest.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked me, his sexy blue eyes looking straight into my brown ones.

"Sure." I whispered. Nick pulled me to the center of the room and pulled me to him, as we started swaying back and forth to the music.

"I love you so much, Nick." I said to him. "And I want to show you how much." I said. I leaned in and kissed his lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth. Nick kissed me back passionately and gently. He started running his hands up and down my body as we stood there, kissing.

"Make love to me, Nick." I whispered.

Nick pulled back and looked at me. I could see the passion and desire burning in his baby blue eyes.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asked me, concern showing in his eyes.

"Yes. I am." I said to him.

Nick then leaned in and started kissing me again, more passionately than before. He kissed down my neck and ran his hands down to my boxers which he slipped off of me, leaving me totally exposed.

I did the same to him and slipped off his boxers, leaving him exposed as well. Damn, he was beautiful! Just like an angel. The candlelight made his face glow and his blue eyes shimmer as he gazed at me. Then he pulled me to him and lifted me into his big, strong arms and carried me over to the bed where he gently laid me in it. Then he opened the dresser's drawer by the bed and pulled out some lubrication and a condom. He was already hard, so he opened the condom and put it on, before throwing the wrapper away. He passed me the lube and I took some and lubed up my anus really good to prepare for what was about to happen. Then after, he lubed up his dick and the condom really good, He got on top of me and spread my cheeks apart.

"Just relax, baby, and it shouldn't even hurt." He said, as he positioned his dick at my hole. "Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded.

Nick slowly pushed into me and the head of his dick entered my hole. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all. I guess it was because I was totally comfortable around Nick and was totally relaxed.

"Are you ok?" Nick asked.

"I'm fine, Nick." I said to him. "It doesn't hurt. Keep going."

"OK." Nick said. He pushed into me until all 8 inches of him were buried into me. He hit my prostate as he did, causing me to moan out in pleasure.

"You're so tight, Sean." Nick breathed. "Oh, this feels so good."

"Go ahead Nick, make love to me." I commanded him.

Immediately Nick started thrusting into me, going slowly at first, but going faster and faster as his orgasm started to build. I wrapped my legs around his waist tightly. We were both breathing heavily and grunting and groaning from all the intense feelings that were passing through our bodies. Each time, Nick's dick raked across my prostate, I got more and more turned on and I knew it wouldn't be long before I came.

"Nick, I'm getting close." I panted.

"I know, baby. Me too." Nick gasped.

He kept trusting into me and I could hold back no longer.

"I love you, Nick." I said, just as the first shot of cum spurted out and hit Nick's face. the rest landed on my chest and stomach. My sphincter tightened around his dick as I came. That was all it took for Nick.

"I love you too, Sean." He groaned, as I felt his dick pulsate inside of me. Nick kept thrusting until his dick stopped pulsating and then pulled out of me. He rolled over beside me, both of us spent from our intense orgasms.

"That was so incredible, Nick." I breathed out. "Words can't even describe it."

"I know baby, I feel the same way." Nick said, tears of joy in his eyes. "I love you so much, Sean Perry. More than you will ever know."

"And I love you, Nicholas Lachey." I said to him, my own tears running down my face. "I will always love you. Now and forever."

We both leaned into each other and shared another kiss. We made love again that night and fell asleep in each other's arms.

"Well, I'm sure you're all thinking: "Finally!, lol. If you liked how this chapter ended, please email me and tell me about it. I also wanted to apologize for the mistake I made in saying that Chapter 16 would be fast forwarded to 3 months later. That was the original plan, but I came up with a better way. Well I hope you all enjoyed this latest chapter and feel free to email me with any questions or comments.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 17

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