My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 15, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, he longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Chapter 18

I woke up the next morning, still in Nick's arms, feeling more content and happy than I'd ever felt in my life. Finally it had happened" Nick and I connected and were now a couple in every way and more in love than ever.

I watched him sleep and looked at his beautiful face which was glowing in the morning sunlight, making him look almost angelic. I could feel his morning hardness against my back. I decided to do something about that and brought my lips to his dick, taking it into my mouth, giving him a blowjob.

He started to stir, not yet awake. But as I bobbed up and down on him, sucking and licking around his sensitive head, I heard him start moaning and felt him lay a hand on my head, letting me know he was awaked and enjoying what I was doing. I massaged his balls with my other hand as I continued to suck him. Suddenly he put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me off of his dick, confusing me.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked him. "Am I doing something wrong?"

Nick gave me an apologetic smile before answering me. "No, you're doing great, I just didn't want to cum yet." He said. "This time, I want to do it inside of you."

I looked at him, concern in my eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I want to make love to you without protection this time." He replied.

I then remembered talking to Drew about Matt last night and decided to talk to Nick about it.

"Nick, did you have sex before you met me?" I asked him. "I'm sure you have with Jessica since you're bisexual." I said. Nick looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah." He said. "I have done it with Jessica when we were together."

"What about guys?" I asked him. "Have you had any other boyfriends before me?"

Nick flinched when I asked him that. I'm sure he was remembering about Matt. Drew had told me that Nick doesn't like to think about him, much less talk about him.

"Yeah, there was one before you, but I don't want to get into that." He said, his voice a little shaky.

I could tell he was still emotionally hurt from that relationship. I put my arms around Nick and pulled him to him, running my fingers through his hair.

"You're talking about Matt aren't you?" I aske him, softly. Nick lifted his head and looked at me, a mixture of confusion and suprise on his face.

"How did you know his name?" He asked in suprise.

" I saw him at the hotel when you were walking among the fans, signing autographs and stuff. He was the blond guy that was talking to you from among the fans." I explained.

"But how did you know his name?" Nick asked. "Did one of the guys tell you?"

"Drew did, Nick." I said. "I could tell you were uncomfortable talking to him, even with that fake smile on your face. And then after I noticed that Drew was frowning at you both, I knew I had to find out what was up. So, I asked Drew at the beach last night, when you guys went to play volleyball with those girls and guys."

"Drew had no right telling you about Matt." Nick said, starting to get angry. "I should have been the one to tell you."

"Don't be mad at Drew, Nick." I said to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "He was just trying to help me understand what had happened between you two." I said. "He told me everything. I know that Matt cheated on you, after the guys tried to warn you that he was trouble, so don't worry about what I think. I'm not insecure or anything, I just wanted to know if you've had unprotected sex with him before and if he was disease free."

"Yeah he was." Nick said, nodding. "But all my relationship was to him was just about sex. He never really loved me."

"I'm so sorry you got hurt, Nick." I said, caressing his back, comforting him. "But you have me, now. and I love you with all of my heart."

"Thanks, Sean." Nick said. "That means alot to me." I do know that you love me and you would never hurt me the way Matt did."

He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"And to answer your question: Matt and I did have sex and we were both clean." Nick reassured me. "So, you don't have to worry about getting any diseases."

I smiled and pulled him into my arms, hugging him. "That's good to know." I said. "Now how about we make love again before we get into the shower?" I suggested. Nick grinned at that.

"You read my mind, Sexy." Nick said. "I'm ready for some ass now."

"Well, alright, let's get started." I laughed, pulling him down in the bed with me.

We were both still naked from making love last night, so we didn't have to worry about shedding any bodywear. Nick and I started kissing and playing with each others bodies until we were both breathing hard and had fully hardened erections. Then Nick reached into the bedside dresser and pulled out the lube and squeezed some into his hand, which he then spread on his dick. He made sure to get it as slippery as he could so it would slide in easily since this time I wasn't gonna lube myself up this time.

"You ready?" Nick said, as he lifted my legs and positioned his dick at my hole.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I told him.

Nick then started pushing into me. He entered with no problem and I urged him to keep going. He pushed until every inch of him was buried deep into my ass.

"Go ahead, Nick." Screw me." I breathed out. Nick looked up at me with a look of shock and amusement on his face.

"What?" I asked him.

"I've never heard you talk that way before." He said. "I kind of like it."

"Well then, start screwing me good and hard, baby." I said with a laugh.

"Alright baby." Nick said. He immediately started thrusting into him. He slowly slid my legs off of his shoulders so he could make love to me and kiss me at the same time. He started kissing my neck, sucking and licking at my skin.

"Oh Nick." I breathed as I enjoyed all of the sensations passing through my body as I ran my hands up and down his strong back and I reached down and cupped his ass as he continued to trust into me, his stomach brushing against my own hard dick, massaging it as he trusted and at the same time, stroking me off.

"Oh Sean, you feel so incredible every time." Nick gasped. "You're still so tight." I'm not gonna last much longer."

"Me neither Nick." I whispered. "Thrust in Harder and faster, Baby."

Nick obeyed and sped up his pace, ramming into me with all his strength, his balls slapping against my ass. He hit my sensitive prostate with every stroke, making me squeeze my legs around his waist alot tighter, pulling him into me more.

"Oh Nick, I'm gonna cum." I groaned in pleasure.

"Me too, babe." Nick gasped out. "Any second now."

He kept trusting and I heard him groan just as I felt his dick pulsating inside of me. I then felt his warm semen filling my ass. That was all it took for me to shoot my load.

"Nick, I'm cumming." I said. Nick grabbed my dick and put it in his mouth just as the first shot spurted out. I came so much, I didn't know if I would ever stop. Nick drank every drop and kept on sucking until I was totally drained and softened. He then pulled his own dick out of my ass and rolled off of me to his side of the bed, both of us exhausted.

"Wow, it gets more and more incredible every time." Nick panted. "You're the most incredible lover I've ever had."

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah, not even Matt was as good as you." Nick said with a smile."

"Thanks." I said. "How about we both get in the shower now?" I then asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good right about now." Nick said.

With that, Nick and I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom. I gasped in awe when I saw it. Since we were staying in private suites, there was a round bathtub in the center of the bathroom that looked about the size of a jacuzzi. The sinks were to the right of the bathroom and the shower was to the left.

"You like it?" Nick asked with a smile on his face.

"Like it?! Nick, this suite is incredible!" I exclaimed.

"Well as long as you're with me, this is what you get." He replied, as he turned on the water in the shower, getting it to just the right temperature.

"After you my love." Nick said, ushering me into the shower. I stepped into the shower and held out my hand to Nick. He took it and I helped him step in. Then I stood under the spray and wet my hair, letting the water run down my body. I had my eyes closed at the time, when I felt Nick's lips on mine.

I returned the kiss and he pulled me to him, out from under the shower head.

"How about I wash your back?" Nick said, grabbing the soap.

"Sure baby." I said.

Nick lathered up the soap in his hands and spread the suds all over my back and my body. His hands felt so good! He soaped up my back, my buttocks, and then up to the back of my neck. Then he washed my chest, then worked his way down to my stomach, then knelt down and did my legs. I was really aroused by now, which he noticed and grabbed the soap again, lathering up more and then grasped my hard dick and soaped it up. Then he grabbed the shampoo and worked it into my hair, his strong fingers massaging my scalp as he did so. Then he pushed me under the shower head and I rinsed out the shampoo and the soap off of my body.

"Now, it's my turn to wash you, muscles." I grinned.

"I'm all yours, baby." He said.

I grabbed the soap and lathered it up in my hands good, then spread the lather across Nick's perfect chest and down to his abs. Then I went even lower and discovered Nick also was aroused. I massaged his dick as I soaped it up, eliciting a moan of pleasure from him. Then I did his legs and back too. After finishing with soaping him up, I got the shampoo and squeezed some into my hand. I then rubbed it around in my hands and then massaged it into his hair, running my fingers through it to make sure it got into his scalp to get rid of any dandruff that would be there.

After I was satisfied, I let him get under the showerhead and he rinsed the shampoo and soap off of him. I turned off the shower and stepped out, grabbing two towels from the rack beside the shower. I tossed one to Nick and started drying off. He stepped out behind me and started drying off as well. After we dried off, We both headed to the bedroom to get dressed.

Just as we finished putting on deoderant and getting dressed, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Room service." I heard a male voice call out.

"Nick, go hide in the living room. They can't see you in here." I whispered. Nick ran to the living room and I headed to the door to answer it.

"But I didn't order any roo-" I started, as I opened the door, only to be greeted by all of the guys' smiling faces. There also was a cart with two plates of breakfast on it.

"Hi guys." I thought you were room service." I laughed as I let them in. Danny wheeled in the breakfast cart and I shut the door.

"We are." Drew laughed. "We ordered breakfast a few minutes ago and they brought it up here. The room service was going to bring it to your room, but we told them we'd take care of it."

Drew then looked around the room. "Where's Nick?"

"I sent him to hide in the living room when I heard you guys say room service." I laughed. "I wasn't taking any chances of a hotel clerk finding two guys in a one-bedroom suite."

"That was a good idea." Jeff chuckled.

"Nick you can come out now!" I yelled.

Nick emerged from the living room and saw all of us standing in the bedroom.

"Hi guys." He greeted them.

"Hey, Nick." They all said in unison.

"We brought breakfast for you two." Jeff said. "Do you mind if we all bring ours in and eat with you?" He asked.

"Of course not. Go ahead." Nick said. "I have something I want you guys to hear after we finish eating breakfast."

"Ok. Just let us grab our food and we'll be right back." Justin said. He and the guy then left the room.

A few minutes later they all returned with their breakfast and sat down to eat. After we finished, Nick spoke up.

"Ok guys, what I have to tell you is something I have to say to Sean first." He started. The guys all nodded. Nick got up and pulled me up with him, holding my hands as he spoke.

"Sean, these pasts three months have been the best of my life." He said. "I've been blessed to get to know you and so have the guys. I know these few months have not been easy, but we made it through them and resisted temptation when we tought we'd never be able to. You and I are now closer than ever, and it means alot to me that you have grown to love the guys as well. And I have my brother to thank for that."

Here, Nick and I both looked at Drew, who smiled at us. I smiled back at him.

"Drew, we wouldn't even be together if it wasn't for you." Nick said. Then he turned to the rest of the guys.

"I love all of you." Nick said. "And also, Danny, now we have a new friend as well and we're glad you're part of our lives." He said to Danny.

"Thanks Nick. That means alot to me." Danny said. "I'm glad to know you all."

Nick then turned back to me.

"Sean, I know we haven't been together for that long, but I know that I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my life and I want to be a part of your life for many more years to come. That's why I think it time to give you this."

After saying that, Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box which he handed to me.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"Open it and find out." He said with one of those sexy smiles.

I looked down at the velvet box in my hand and then opened it. I gasped. Inside was a silver and gold wedding band, studded with diamonds. I heard the guys gasp as they realized what Nick was about to do.

"Nick it's beautiful." I said, tears coming to my eyes.

Nick then got down on one knee, took both of my hands in his, and looked up at me with a serious look on his face.

"Will you marry me, Sean?" He asked.

Well that's it for this chapter. What will Sean say? How will the guys react? Especially Drew?

Any comments or questions are welcome. I'll start with Chapter 19 when I can. Stay tuned.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 18

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