My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 11, 2001


Well, I"m back and ready with chapter 2. I hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer: This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey, or anyone else of 98 Degrees that are mentioned in this story. If you are too young to read this or if homosexuality offends you then don't read any further and leave.


Chapter 2: Backstage in the Dressing Room

"Well Nick, where do you want me to start?", I asked him. He beamed and then he said, "Why don't you start with where you're from first and then tell me what your interests and hobbies are." He was looking me straight in the eyes as he spoke and never once looked away. Man, his eyes could melt me like butter! But then I shook myself out of my reverie and then spoke up.

"Well, My name is Sean Perry as you already know, I"m orignally from Chicago, IL., but I moved here right after high school. I thought it was time for a new change of scenery, so I moved here. My interests are Acting and Modeling, and my hobbies are Softball, Volleyball, Video Games, and meeting famous celebrities." "OK, let me take a breath now, Nick. "While I'm doing that, ask away." I said to him.

"How old are you?" He then asked. Before I could answer there was a knock on the door and then it opened and the security guard who brought me and Danny backstage, came in and announced that it was almost time for them to go onstage, and told me and Danny to come and take our seats. Nick then jumped in and asked, "Can you give us a minute please?" "Sure, but not too long, ok?" he said and then shut the door. Nick then turned to me. "Will you be back after the show? I'd like to talk to you some more back here." I smiled. "Of course, if you guys are still up to it, when you finish the concert. Me and Danny will be in front row where I can watch you all up close." Nick nodded and then stood up, as well as myself, and the rest of the guys. "Ok, are you guys ready?" Nick asked them. They all nodded that they were and they proceeded towards the door. Nick started towards the door. "Nick, Wait! I whispered. He turned around with raised eyebrows. "What?" he asked. I walked over to him and gave him a hug, surprising him. He returned it and then asked, "What was that for?" "For good luck, and for being such a nice guy to us tonight." He grinned. "Thanks man, Anytime. Now go ahead and get yourself seated. "Yes Sir", I saluted him, "Please, don't call me "Sir", If you call me that again, I'd have to kick your ass." he joked. I smiled and said" Alright, It'll just be Nick then. I"ll see you later." I then walked over to where Danny and the rest of the guys were standing, and wished them luck and told them that It was great meeting them. They all replied back that it was great to meet me too and that they would see me after the concert. "Come on", I said to Danny, Let's take our seats now, buddy. "Alright, he said, Guys, we'll see you later maybe. "Count on it." Jeff said, smiling as we left the room.

Danny and I followed the first security guard back out to the auditorium where we took our seats. Already, the place was packed with teenage screaming girls, and a few guys here and there, and they were screaming even as we took our seats. The girls in the second row shot me and Danny a look of pure hatred and jealousy. I just shrugged it off and sat down next to him, and got ready for the show. The announcer came out and said that the guys would be on in about 5 minutes since they were testing everything on the stage to make sure everything was working right. While I was looking around, I noticed all these girls had banners and signs addressing their favorite memeber of 98 Degrees. Most of them said "I love you, Nick, Marry me, or "Nick is the best" and other corny things like that. I saw some that were addressed to Drew and Jeff, but didn't see any in my eyesight addressed to Justin. I felt bad for Justin, although he may not be a heartthrob like the rest of the guys, I still thought he was an attractive guy and he had a great voice. Even though I had only talked to him for a few seconds during introductions backstage, I immediately felt at ease with him and knew that he was a great guy that would be there for anyone he cared about. He reminded me alot of Danny. Speaking of Danny as I looking his way, I looked at him and then then saw that he was looking at me with a shit-eating grin on his face. "What?" I asked. He then laughed and said "Don't give me that what. I saw what you did to Nick before we came out here." I frowned and then after a few seconds I realized he was talking about the hug I gave Nick earlier. "Danny, I just hugged the guy, there's nothing wrong with that." I told him. Danny then got serious and said. "Look Sean, no there isn't anything wrong with hugging him, but you have to be careful who you hug because some guys take even hugging the wrong way as well. I just hope for your sake that Nick didn't think it as anything more than just a fan hugging a pop star for good luck, because to me and the guys, it could have looked like more."

I felt my heart sink as I realized that Danny could be right. I could have offended Nick with that hug. "Oh man, Danny, I'll never forgive myself If I did offend him. He means alot to me already." I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes. Danny sensed this and put an arm around my shoulders. "Don't cry, Sean", He said while trying to comfort me, " I shouldn't have said that and worried you like this, but I just wanted you to know that just in case he doesn't talk to you after this or starts to feel umcomfortable around you when we go backstage, that you should ask someone if you can hug them first before you actually do it and see what they say." I nodded through my tears. "Thanks Danny, I know you didn't mean to upset me, you were just trying to be there for me and I love you for it. I'll keep what you said in mind and I'll think before I act next time." I told him. Danny smiled and then patted my shoulder before taking his arm away. All of a sudden, the screaming intensified, causing me to look up to see the curtains opening revealing all of the guys, standing in a row. Nick was in the center. He looked good! He was wearing a black vest with nothing underneath, showing off his muscular arms, chest, and abs, and was wearing burgundy pants that looked like they were made of leather or snakeskin, but I couldn't be sure. I could feel myself getting hard in the confines of my tight jeans. I noticed that Nick's brother, Drew looked almost as good. He was wearing almost the same thing as Nick but he was wearing baggy brown pants, but he looked good too. He wasn't as muscular as Nick, but he wasn't that far off either. His body was perfectly toned. If I wasn't so taken with Nick, I"d probably pick Drew as my next choice for a guy. They started singing "Give Me Just One Night"(Una Noche) Nick looked out towards the audience and looked through the front row and locked eyes with me. He smiled and pointed at me, letting me know he saw me sitting here. His pointing caused the girls near my row to start screaming even louder, thinking that Nick must have pointed at them. He smiled his sexy smile, showing off those pearly white teeth of his. That smile made my heart do a flip, and also caused my dick to twitch and get even harder. They then sang a couple more songs. and then near the end of the concert, they ended it with two of my favorite songs "All Because Of You" and "My Everything." The sound after that was deafening. The girls screamed and screamed wanting more, and not wanting the guys to leave. The guys bowed to the audience and thanked them for coming. They then left the stage and headed to their dressing rooms. Danny and I stood up and stretched a bit since sitting there for so long caused us both to ache a little. Then Rob, the second security guard came back to my row and said that the guys wanted to see us before they left. He led us backstage where the security guard who let us in outside was standing there in his place. He grinned at us at we came in. I then realized I hadn't asked him his name when we came in. "Excuse me? What is your name?", I asked him. "I didn't ask you for yours at the entrance, and I already know Rob, so I think it's unfair to call you Sir when I know his name already. the first guard smiled and said, " My name's Mike, I should have told you at the entrance but I forgot." Well It's nice to meet you Mike." I said shaking his hand again since I know knew him by his name. "Likewise, He said, "Go on in, they're waiting for you."

"Thanks." I replied and Danny and I entered their dressing room. The guys were sitting around watching the TV. Drew was nowhere in sight. "Guys, where's Drew?" Danny asked.

"He's in the shower, Nick replied, We're waiting for him to get out so we can get our turn.

As if on cue, Drew came out, totally naked, and froze when he saw that he and the guys weren't the only ones in the room. When he saw me and Danny, his face and his body must have changed a hundred different shades of red before he exclaimed: "Oh Shit! I'll be right back! With that, he turned and flew back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Damn! He had a hot ass! and quite a nice package in the front too. His dick had to have been at least 8 inches when hard. I looked around at the other guys, who were laughing their asses off and when I looked at Danny, I noticed that he was blushing from embarassment having seen Drew naked. "What was that all about guys?" I laughed. Nick was still laughing as he said, "Drew's used to walking around in all his naked glory, but I guess he forgot that you were coming back here."

"I"m gonna kill you for that bro!

We all turned to see Drew, standing outside the bathroom, fully dressed with mock angry look on his face. He lunged at his brother and knocked him on the couch. The moment Drew left the bathroom doorway, there was a mad dash for the bathroom by Justin and Jeff, and Justin got it first. Jeff turned and saw Drew trying to pin down Nick, who was much more muscular than him, and saw me and Danny laughing hysterically, while he starting laughing himself. Nick finally got the upper hand and flipped Drew over and pinned his arms down tight on the floor. "You give up, bro?" he panted, out of breath. "Alright, alright, I give up! Drew panted, out of breath himself. Nick let him up and they both sat down on the couch to catch their breath, while watching us laugh. Nick then turned to Drew and asked, "Why did you have to try to bushwhack me? It's true that you do walk around naked most of the time."

"Yeah but they don't need to know that!, Drew said while playfully slapping Nick across the arm. Nick laughed and then turned to me. "Man, I'm starving, do you two want to go and grab a bite to eat with me or something? he asked us. I started to get excited. Nick was asking us out to dinner!, I thought. I don't think my day could have gotten any better. Before We could answer him, Justin came out of the shower and Jeff went in to take his. "Why don't we wait until Jeff gets out of the shower and ask you all together. "Alright." Nick said. After a few minutes, Jeff came out of the shower and sat down at the table with Justin. Then Nick decides to ask. "Hey guys, are you all up to going out to dinner?

"Not me, I think I"ll go back to the hotel and get some sleep." Jeff yawned. "Me too." Justin agreed. Danny looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "Shit!, he exclaimed, I have to be up for my classes at 6:00 tommorrow morning, and it's already almost 11:00pm. I have to go home and get some shut eye too. I'm sorry guys. Sean, I'll see you tommorrow ok?" I was disappointed, but I knew that his classes came first, although I hadn't seen him for that long, I wanted to spend more time with him. "I'll walk you to the door, buddy." I told him. Alright., he replied, Goodnight you guys, it was great spending time with all of you."

"You too, Dan, Jeff said, How about we hang out again sometime?

"Count on it, Danny said to him, I"ll see you all later. Sean's going to walk me out.

"Alright later, Justin replied.

"Later Danny", Drew said.

Danny and I walked to the door and I turned to Danny with a guilty look on my face. Danny frowned when he saw my face and got concerned. "What's the matter, bud? he asked. I looked up into his sexy, crystal blue eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't pay enough attention to you tonight. Here I am drooling over Nick, and I hardly talked to you at all tonight. Will you forgive me?" I started to cry. "Hey, he soothed, Don't apologize, I knew you were having fun. I'm not offended, besides this is your night. go out and enjoy it." Danny shot me a smile to reassure me that he wasn't angry or hurt at all. Then he enveloped me in a tight bearhug, which I returned just as strongly. "Will you call me tommorrow after class?' I asked.

"You bet, he said. " I want to know what happens tonight, so you know I'm gonna call wanting details. I laughed and told him he'd be the first to know. Then he leaned into my ear and whispered, "I can tell he likes you alot, I could have sworn I saw him checking you out all night." I looked at him in shock. Nick wasn't gay. or was he? I guess I would find out soon enough. I said goodbye to him and he left. I then turned to Nick and Drew. "I guess it's just the three of us tonight." I said. Nick and Drew turned to the others. Why don't we all go back to the hotel and Me and Drew will eat in the hotel restaurant. The rest of the guys agreed. "OK then, I said, I have my car, so I'll meet you all at the hotel ok?" "Alright, but make sure you park in the back, Nick told me, "The fans will be everywhere so the back is gonna be where we will all go so they won't see us coming, since the fan's will be at the front entrance waiting." I told him I would and bid each of them goodbye and left the dressing room. Rob and Mike, the two security guards were talking and then looked my way when I came out. "You leaving now?" Mike asked. "Yes, I replied, Do you want to escort me out? Mike smiled, "Sure, I might as well to make sure those fans leave you alone. he said. He led me through the auditorium to the exit gates. I thanked him for showing me around and told him to thank Rob also for his kindness. He said he would and bade me goodbye. I went and got into my car, started it, and headed for the hotel the guys had told me that they were staying at.

I went in the front and saw all of the screaming fans at the front entrance waiting for the guys to arrive. I pulled around back and parked. Just as Nick had told me, there were no fans in the back at all. they were all in the front waiting there, thinking that the limosine would come to the entrance point. I smiled and waited for the guys to show up. After about five minutes, the limo pulled up and I got out of my car, and walked over towards the limo. The guys got out and Nick and Drew smiled when they saw me. "Hey, you're here. Drew said. "Yep, and why would you think I wasn't?" Drew laughed, I just thought we might have gotten here before you. Nick then came up beside me and draped his muscular arm around my shoulder, which sent a bolt of electricity through my body. "Come on, let's go inside." He murmured, sounding a little sleepy. With that, I followed the guys into the hotel. Nick's arm left my shoulder as soon as we entered. we went into the elevator and Nick pushed the buttons for the second and sixth floor. "Why are you pushing two buttons?" I wanted to know. Jeff answered this time. "Our rooms are on the sixth floor, he explained. The restaurant you, Drew, and Nick are going to is on the second floor. I nodded and then felt the elevator ascend. It stopped on the second floor first. Nick held the door so Drew and I would get through. "I'll see you later, Jeff. You too, Justin. Jeff and Justin both said they would and they both gave me a hug before I stepped out and the elevator doors closed, taking them to the sixth floor.

Nick, Drew and I went to the entrance to the restaurant where a waiter appeared. "What can I do for you guys? Nick smiled at the waiter. Get us your best secluded table for 3, he said. We don't want to be disturbed tonight. "Certainly, right this way." The waiter replied. He led us to a private room in the back which was a room that couples use when they want a romantic night out. "Will this room be alright for you guys?" the waiter asked. "It's fine, Drew told the waiter, Thank you for your help. We sat down and the waiter passed us out our menus and told us he'd be back. We looked the menus over and decided what we wanted. The waiter came back after a few minutes and asked us what we wanted.

"I'll have the chicken alfredo, with a Coke please, I requested. The waiter took my order and turned to Nick. What would you like, sir?

"I'd like the Spaghetti and Meatball meal with a Sprite please.", Nick said. The waiter took his order and then turned to Drew. "And you?

I'll take the boneless baked Chicken meal with Fries, and a Diet Coke please." he said to the waiter. The waiter finished taking his order and said He'd be back with the drinks. As soon as the waiter left, I started to laugh. Nick and Drew both looked at me with confused looks on their faces, wondering what was so funny.

"What's so funny? Nick asked. Drew just continued to look at me like I was crazy. Finally I managed to answer him. "I'd advise you not to drink Diet Coke too much if I were you, Drew.

Drew gave me a confused look. "Why not?" he asked. I smiled. "Let's just say that it can cause sexual side effects. I told him. "Like what?" he wanted to know. "Like you won't be able to get hard after a while. meaning it can cause you to become impotent. I clarified for him. Drew got such a funny look of shock and surprise on his face, that Nick and I laughed our asses off. "Don't worry, Drew, I said after I could speak again, It's not gonna hurt you tonight. just don't drink too much of it."

The waiter came back with our drinks. "Here you go, I"ll be right back with your food." he said. After he left, Nick then asked me how old I was. "How old do you guys think I am?" I asked. Nick and Drew studied me for a few minutes and then took a guess.

16? Drew guessed. I shook my head no.

15? Nick asked. I laughed and still said No.

don't tell me you're 12? Nick asked, you got a mustache and 12 year olds don't have a mustache until they're teens. Drew snickered at this. so did I.

No, guys I'm 22. I answered.

Nick and Drew raised their eyebrows in surprise. "When's your birthday? Drew asked.

July 3, 1978.

Man, I could have sworn you were 15." Nick said.

Well I'm not but thanks for the compliments guys. I said, smiling. "So, you having a good time tonight? Nick asked. My stomach grumbled, as if it was answering for him, and I know that Nick and Drew must have heard it, because they were laughing their asses off when I looked at them.

"Well I would be having a much better time if my food would just get here. I said. As if right on cue, the waiter came in with our food. "Here you guys go" He said as he placed the meals in front of us. "Enjoy and let me know if you need anything else. He then left us to eat our food. When we finished eating, NIck excused himself to use the bathroom and Drew and I sat there and talked with each other. "Hey, Drew said, you know you seem like a really cool guy and we all feel like we can trust you so why don't you give me your address and phone number and we'll do someting sometime. I happen to love volleyball and would love to play with you sometime." I was amazed. Drew actually wanted to hang out with me again. He Trusted me! "Sure, I said. "Why don't you give me yours too? I promise I won't give it to anyone else. Except maybe Danny since he was with me and I trust him completely not to give it to anyone else. Drew said, "Sure. He pulled out a pen from his coat pocket and wrote his and Nick's address down on one of the napkins he had. He finished and gave me the pen and I wrote mine down on my napkin and gave it to me. He gave me his and we pocketed them just as NIck was coming back.

"What did I miss?" he asked as he sat down.

Drew and I just exchanged our addresses and phone numbers. Drew and I would like to play volleyball sometime since we both like that sport. I said to him. Is that ok with you? Nick smiled and said. Of course, I was going to ask you for it when I got back anyway. You're a cool guys and the others trust you as well. I beamed and then came the conversation I was dreading. "So, tell us about your family, Sean, what are you parents like?" Nick asked.

My parents are dead, guys. I said, starting to choke up. Drew and Nick both gasped in horror a this revelation. "Shit man, Nick cursed, I"m sorry, we shouldn't have asked that. We are curious what happened though, but if you don't want to talk about it, we won't pry.

I wiped away the tears, that were running down my face. "No it's alright, you didn't know and I can talk about it, I just hope I can trust you guys to be there for me because the story I'm about to tell you gets pretty intense.

"You know by now that you can trust us, Nick said while putting his arm around me, You can tell us anything and we'll be here for you.

Alright, but there's something you guys don't know about me. something that could change the way you think of me and you might hate me.

Drew smiled and reached over to squeeze my shoulder. "We would never hate you, besides It can't be that bad." he reassured me.

"Alright. Here goes. I said. I had broken up with my girlfriend, Sarah about 6 months after we graduated high school. It didn't work out between us. Too many differences. Anyway, I got home and my parents asked me where Sarah was, since we were supposed to get married. They both were shocked, and I didn't blame them since I believed we were going to get married. Then Dad started yelling about how I could do that to her and why haven't I settled down yet. I told them that I didn't love her the way she deserved to be loved and that I had realized somthing about myself that they needed to know. They asked me what it was and I told them that I was gay." Nick and Drew both gasped. I could feel my heart sink at hearing that, knowing for sure that they would hate me. Then I felt Nick's arm leave my shoulder, making me feel worse. Now he hated me. Drew urged me to go on. "Well after that they were both shocked, but mom took it better than Dad did. Dad totally blew up and told me how disgusting I was and that he was very disappointed in me. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't hear it. He kicked me out of the house and I was forced to stay at a hotel for a couple days. The night I went over to the house to see if Dad would want to talk and make up for how he acted, I saw that the car was gone and so I used my key to get in and then the phone rang. It was my boss, Tony. He told me that my parents had died in a car accident." I had totally lost it by now, the tears were streaming down my face and I was starting to sob. Drew came over to me and hugged me without saying a word. Nick just sat there, with no emotion on his face. Then Drew spoke up.

I'm totally fine with you being gay, Sean, I'm just surprised by it, that's all. It doesn't change how I feel about you. I still think you're the same cool guy that I met this evening. Nothing's changed, Drew told me.

I looked up at Drew and looked into his face to see if that was any indication that he was lying. There wasn't. He was totally sincere. I then got up and hugged him. "Thank you, Drew, It feels so good to know that you don't hate me." Drew pulled back and said, I"d never hate you. Never.

Just then the waiter came with the bills. I looked over towards Nick. He hadn't said a word since I had finished. He gave the waiter the money for the bill and then turned to Drew. "Come on, Drew, We're leaving." He said coldly. Drew turned to Nick with a look of shock on his face, after hearing the tone in his brother's voice. "But Nick?, Drew started. Nick came over to Drew and grabbed his arm. "I said let's go, Nick said in a tone even more cold which meant no arguments, I'm tired and we all have to be up in the morning anyway. It's already 1:00 in the morning. I"ll wait for you at the door. Nick started walked towards the door. "Bye Nick. I said. Nothing. He didn't say a single word. He just kept walking. Drew sighed and then turned to me. "I'm sorry Sean, I have no idea what's gotten into him. I'll talk to him but I can't promise that it'll work. You take care." Drew said and then enveloped me into a hug. I returned it back and held him for dear life, while fighting back the tears that were going to fall any minute.

Drew! Nick called. Drew released me. I could see tears in his eyes too. "You take care of yourself, Sean. he said. "You too, Drew. I said. I watched as he wiped at his eyes and walked to where Nick was standing and out the door. Nick followed and didn't even look back once.

I lost my resolve right then and there, I collapsed into my chair, sobbing harder and harder. The waiter came over and saw the state that I was in. He came over and hugged me. and I held onto him tightly. "What Happened, he asked. He held me for a few minutes until I calmed down and then I looked up at him. He was a cute guy too! He had dark brown hair and blue eyes, and from what I could tell, a toned body. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. The waiter looked at me and said "Don't apologize, I was glad to help. What's your name?

Sean. I said. He smiled. "Nice to meet you Sean, my name's Paul.

It's Nice to meet you, Paul, I said to him, I'm just sorry that it's under these circumstances.

Paul said "Well if you ever want to talk or anything, come on down. I'm always here. If I'm not, just ask for Randy and he'll tell you where to find me. I'll tell him about you when I leave for my last break so he'll know who you are. May I ask your last name?

"Sure, I replied, It's Perry.

"Mine's Reardon. He said, How about you give me your number and I'll give you a call sometime?

alright. I said. I gave him the number and then left, after he said that he'd give me a call.

I walked out of the hotel, and tears started down my face once again. Nick hated me now. The guy I had lusted after all this time wanted nothing to do with me. I walked to my car and got in. I started the car and drove home. I pulled into the driveway and parked the car. But I couldn't go into the house yet, so I decided to take a walk through the city wich I always do when I need to think. As I walked along, I suddenly felt someone grab me and pull me into a dark alleyway. I struggled but the guy had ahold of me tightly and there was no way I could fight back. Then he threw me down on the ground and got on top of me, trying to get my clothes off, I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. I could feel that this guy was big and amazingly ripped and muscular, but that didn't matter to me right now, I was fearing for my life. I knew this guy was going to rape me or worse. He stuck a cloth in my mouth so I couldn't scream. Before I knew it, the guy had my underwear and pants off in a flash while having my arms pinned with his one huge, muscular arm. For the fist time, I heard him speak.

"Oh yeah, perfect ass. Just waiting to be fucked." He sounded vaguely familiar but I didn't know anyone who had a body like this.He leapt down on me and pushed into me roughly. The pain was suffering and my screams were muffled by the gag in my mouth. He trust into me fast and hard, not caring that it hurt me terribly. After a few minutes of this torment. I felt him release his load into my ass and then he got up, pulled his underwear and pants back on and walked calmly out of the alley like nothing had happened. I just lie there with tears streaming down my face. I wanted to die. I got up and pulled my underwear and pants on and headed home. I went into the house and proceeded to take off my clothes. It was then and there that I noticed the blood in my underwear which made me realize how badly the guy had hurt me. I flinched as I tried to wash my anus which hurt, but I had to bear it to stop the bleeding. after I had soaped up, and washed there, the bleeding seemed to have stopped. But it still hurt to walk. I then decided I'd go down to the emergency room to get checked out and get tested for STDs. It terrified me, but I knew I had to do it. I cleaned up and changed and headed out to my car. I got in and it was difficult to sit and drive right, but I didn't care. the hospital was only a block away so I'd manage. I drove to the hospital and parked. I hobbled into the Lobby to the receptionist.

"Hi, can I help you? She said.

"Yeah, I told her, I need to see Dr. Russell. I was raped about half an hour ago and i need to be checked and tested for STDs.

The receptionist looked at me, horrified. "I"m so sorry, I'll page Dr. Russell right now, and have you fill out these forms later.

She paged for the doctor and within minutes, Dr. Russell appeared and asked me to come with him into the examining room. I went in and he told me to lie on my stomach. I did and he put some rubber gloves on and examined me. Dr. Russell then finished and said to me.

Well, you've been raped bad. I can tell this guy thrust into you real hard. You've swelled up and I can see that you've been bleeding. How much blood did you lose?

"I don't know. I sobbed, remembering the events, I don't think I lost that much. I showered and cleaned up good after it happened and the bleeding stopped. Now I need to be tested for STDs. I don't even know this guy so I can't tell you who he is or his sexual history. Dr. Russell looked at me and said he'd be back in a minute to draw my blood. I looked around the examining room and noticed a pamphlet on STDs that I decided to read to pass the time. In a few minutes, Dr. Russell returned with a syringe and and rubber band. He withdrew my blood and gave it to the nurse and told her to get it to the lab for tests for STDs. She took it and left the room. Dr. Russell turned to me.

"Well Sean, we'd like to keep you here for observation for a couple of days before we release you just to be sure you don't experience anymore bleeding and give you a few days to rest. Is that alright with you? You can go home if you'd like. I shook my head no.

"Actually doctor, I don't have anything better to do anyway and I do want to make sure I'm alright so yes, I"ll stay for a couple of days.

Dr. Russell smiled. Alright. You'll be in room 318. Do you have anyone you need to call to let them know you're here?

Yeah, I"d like to call my friend Danny and let him know I'm here so he doesn't get worried. I told him. Dr. Russell said I could use the phone here in my room, and to make myself comfortable. His pager went off and he went to check on another patient. I hopped into my gurney bed and looked at the clock. It read 4:00a.m. Still I needed to see Danny and I was sure he would come, despite being awakened early. I picked up the phone and dialed Danny's number.

"Hello? Danny said groggily.

I starting sobbing almost immediately. "Danny I need you to come to the hospital, I was raped earlier this morning. I sobbed to him.

What?! I could see Danny practically shoot up out of bed. Oh my God! I'm on my way. What room are you in?

318 I told him.

Alright I'll be right there. Hang in there buddy. You can tell me everything when I get there.

I will. and thanks Danny. I said.

No problem. Bye. He hung up.

I hung up the phone and waited for Danny to show up. After about five minutes, Danny came charging into my room. I could see he was as pale as a ghost and when he saw me, he came over to my bed and gave me the tightest hug I've ever had. I started crying again as I hugged him back and held onto him for all he was worth. After a few minutes, I had calmed down and I pulled back and looked at Danny and noticed that he had been crying himself. There were tear stains all over his face. Then he spke.

"What happened? Where were you when this happened? Who did this to you?

So I told him what had happened last night, that I had told Nick and Drew that I was gay and how my parents had thrown me out because of it and had died two days later. Danny already knew about my parents but he didn't know about me telling the guys that I was gay.

"How did Drew and Nick take your being gay? Danny asked.

"Oh Drew was a sweetheart and said it didn't bother him, and that it didn't change how he felt about me. Nick was such a jerk and so cold. After I came out to them, He practically shunned me. He wouldn't even look at me. I said, sobbing again. I hate him, Danny! How could he do this to me?! And then if that wasn't bad enough, After I left the restaurant and went home,I decided to take a walk to think and clear my head, and this big muscular monster pulls me into this dark alleys and rapes the shit outta me! And it's all because of Nick Lachey. I hate him!

"That Bastard! Danny said, his face turning red with anger. Damn them! both of them!

I looked up at Danny. Why are you blaming Drew? He's been great!

Danny sighed, "I wasn't talking about Drew, I was talking about Nick and the guy who raped you. I could kill them for what they did to you!

I then got a little scared. Out of all the years that Danny and I had known each other, I had never seen him this angry.

"Danny, Promise me that you won't go anywhere near Nick! I don't want you to do something that you will regret. I warned him.

Danny smiled. "Don't worry I won't. Besides if I did, the press would have a field day with it.

I yawned. I was beyong exhausted. I had cried at least six times since the restaurant. I"ve been crying all night actually. I started to get sleepy eyed.

"Danny I'm sorry I made you get out of bed to come all the way out here just to be with me. I said to him, guiltily, You must think I'm crazy. I didn't like having to wake you up so early, but I thought you would have wanted to know where I was and if something happened to me.

Danny looked at me and said, "Don't you ever apologize for waking me up. I'm glad you did, and No you're not crazy. If you need me, I'm there as simple as that. Besides, I'm not gonna go to my classes today. I'm gonna be here for you.

I smiled. I was lucky to have Danny. He's always been there for me whenever I needed him.

"Thanks Danny, I'm so lucky to have you as my friend. I don't know what I'd do without you. I said to him.

Danny nodded and said "And I'm lucky to have you. You've been a great friend to me too. I love you like a brother, you know that don't you?

"Yeah I do. Thanks. I said.

"Anytime, he replied. We'll I'm tired I'm gonna head back home and get some more rest.

alright, give me a hug buddy, I said to him. He grabbed me into another hug. As he did, I reached down and grabbed his muscular ass. He pulled back with a shocked look on his face right before he turned red from embarassment.

"Sorry Dan, I laughed I couldn't resist."

Danny smiled, glad I was feeling a little better. "Well I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor, so I'll let you get away with it this time, but if you do it again, you're in for a major ass kicking. He laughed. Now get some sleep.

"Ok, I'll see you later buddy", I said to him.

"Count on it", he said. then he left. I went and laid back down in my bed and as exhausted as I was from the days events, I was fast asleep in no time.


Well that's it for now. Let me know what you think. you can email me anytime.

Next: Chapter 3

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