My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 28, 2001


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey, or anyone else mentioned in these sneak previews.

I appreciate all of you who have emailed me to tell me how much you are enjoying the story. I thought I'd add some sneak previews to keep you all guessing as to what might happen in this story and not necessarily in the order they appear in.



Sean, Danny, and the rest of the guys of 98 Degrees will be in for alot of exciting and dramatic experiences during the tour. But don't count on all of it to be happy.

Nick meanwhile will still be regretful of his night with Matt. "Will Nick be able to prove his love and win back Sean's heart? Or will Nick lose Sean to someone else?" Drew and Sean grow closer. "How will Nick react when he finds out about Sean and Drew? Will it be good or bad?"

Jeff and Danny grow even closer and start to experiment with each other sexually, but don't actually have sex. They both realize that that's not what they both want with each other and they both remain the best of friends.

Justin meanwhile will have his fun times when he meets a girl who peaks his interest. "But who is she?" Will this girl be good for him, or will she destroy him and everyone else around him?"

With Sean's life in turmoil following Nick's betrayal, He decides to leave the tour when he gets a lead role in a movie with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon called: "Heartbreak." It's about the story of two best friends(Ben and Matt) who fall in love with the same girl, which causes a rift between the two of them and test which is most important: True Friendship or Ungauranteed Love?" Sean plays the ex-boyfriend to the girl and the girl will be caught between her present loves and her past love. The decision will be shocking. "Who will the "girl" choose? "Who will be ecstatic? and who's heart will be broken?"

Just when it seems that Sean and Nick have broken up for good, a crisis happens that throws them together and also brings them closer together. "What is this crisis?" But don't expect Sean and Nick to be back in each others arms right away. Sean will become very torn between his feelings for both Nick and Drew and later is forced to choose between the two of them, when Nick and Drew both give Sean an ultimatum. Sean will be forced to make the toughest decision of his life. "Who will he choose?" and where will it leave the one who's rejected? Will Nick and Drew's relationship ever be the same after Sean's decision?"

Sean has a secret admirer.


Jeff and Danny find out that they both are gay and that they both are in love with each other. They both have sex which is observed by an unsuspected someone. "Who is it?" and will this person be a friend or foe?"

Sean and Drew grow closer and decide to take their relationship to the next level. Nick freaks when he finds out about Sean and Drew when Drew goes to him for brotherly advice about sex, and more hurtful words and possibly punches will be thrown around when Sean interrupts Drew and Nick's brotherly moment.

Ben and Matt join the guys on tour to promote the movie even more among the teen audience and they both make a discovery that could affect the lives of Danny, Sean, and the guys very dramatically.

Sean's secret admirer turns out to be the man who raped him. and the man has been stalking Sean ever since he found out about Sean's new career move. The muscular man manages to get Sean alone and reveals his identity to Sean. "Will Sean be forced to relive the pain and suffering of that night once again? Or will someone get there in time to save him before it's too late?" If so, who will come to Sean's rescue?

Sean realizes that he loves Nick and has to tell Drew that their relationship is over. Drew is devastated and sinks into a deep depression sometime later after Nick and Sean get engaged. "Will Drew's condition be serious? Or is he just faking it to keep Sean and Nick apart?"


Ben and Matt both break up and pursue certain guys in 98 Degrees. when they can't choose which one they really want, they sleep with all of the guys to see who's the better lover.

Sean chooses himself over Nick and Drew, telling them that he will love them both until the day he dies, shocking both of them. Sean later realizes that Danny is his true love. After all they had been friends since high school and have been close for a long time. "But will Danny feel the same way?"

Justin's new girlfriend will be a fiery temptress who is slated to cause trouble in Jeff and Danny's relationship. "But what or who is she really after?"

Well these should keep you thinking until you read the chapters and find out what really happens. Remember: Anything mentioned in these previews may or may not happen, so don't get your hopes up too high about what will happen. I promise you will enjoy whatever happens in this story until it's finished. If I ever do finish it. LOL.

Later and keep reading.


Next: Chapter 22

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