My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jun 4, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Chapter 22

"Drew, stop." I said, as I sat up. Drew looked at me, confusion filling his features.

"What's wrong?" He asked while gazing into my eyes.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Drew." I said. "You have Lea. I don't want to cause problems between you two."

"You're not, Sean." Drew said. "If anything, you're helping us."

Now I was confused. "What do you mean by that, Drew?" I asked him, frowning slightly.

"Well you've made me realize that I'm not in love with Lea anymore." I'm in love with you, Sean." Drew said never breaking his gaze from mine.

I was stunned. Drew was telling me that he was in love with me! This couldn't be possible. He couldn't be in love with me. Could he?

"Drew, are you telling me you're gay?" I asked him, putting my arm around him. Drew looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah." He said. "I guess I'm bisexual just like Nick."

"When did you realize this, Drew?" I asked him. "When did you come to think that you were in love with me?"

Drew looked like I had punched him. "You mean you don't believe that I'm in love with you, Sean? I realized it the other night. The night you and Nick made love for the first time."

Drew, I don't doubt that you love me, but are you really sure about this? That you're in love with me?" I said to him, while watching his face for any sign of uncertainty. I didn't see any in his face. I knew right then and there that he was telling me the truth. He then confirmed it.

"Yes, Sean, I'm really sure. And I'll prove it." Drew said, then leaned in to kiss me again. I took a moment to enjoy his kiss and then felt myself being pushed back down onto the bed by Drew. Damn, He was hot! I continued to play with his body as he kissed me and then started grinding his hardness into me. That's when I started getting nervous.

"Drew come on, cut it out." I begged him. He lifted his head from kissing my neck and looked at me. I could see the passion and desire burning in his eyes.

"Don't tell me that you haven't thought about what it would be like with me." Drew said, his voice getting husky. "I know you want me."

He was right. I did want him. I hadn't known until this very moment how strong my feelings really were for Drew. They were almost as strong as my feelings for Nick, but with one difference: I was still in love with Nick. Once you loved someone as completely as I loved Nick, love like that doesn't disappear just like that. That's why it still hurt that Nick had betrayed me. And If I allowed myself to have sex with Drew, I would only end up hurting him and that's the last thing I wanted.

"Drew, please, don't do this to me." I begged him, as I stood up and turned my back to him, tears starting to stream down my face.

"You'll just end up getting hurt if I sleep with you." I said to him, softly I can't do that. You're my best friend, Drew and I love you too much to ever hurt you."

I felt Drew's hands touch my arms where he rubbed them up and down. Then I felt him turning me to face him. I didn't resist and let him turn me until I was facing him. I gasped when I saw his face. It was wet with tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him, getting concerned.

Drew then threw his arms around me, hugging me tight. Then he answered.

"You just said that you loved me." Drew whispered into my ear. "And I love you, Sean. More than you will ever know."

I hugged him tightly, the tears continuing to run down my face. I was really in trouble now. I had another guy who had strong feelings for me. A guy who had just told me that he was in love with me. How was I gonna get out of this without hurting him?" I didn't know. But somehow I had to.

"Drew, please don't say that." I whispered. Drew released me and looked at me.

"Why not? It's the way I feel." He said, tears still running down his face.

"I'm flattered, Drew, I really am. But I'd be lying if I told you I was in love with you. I'm not, Drew. If I'm feeling anything for you right now, it's lust."

Drew's face contorted into one of agony. I'd really hurt his feelings and I could see it in his eyes.

"So, you're telling me that you don't have any feelings for me?" Drew asked, the hurt apparent in his voice. "You're telling me that you don't love me?"

"Drew, I do have feelings for you, I won't deny that." I said. "But my love for you is purely platonic. The best of friends. I'm in love with your brother. And love like that does not go away easily. Not even Nick's betrayal made those feelings go away entirely."

"Oh, so you're just gonna forget about everything he's ever done to you, and take him back like nothing ever happened? You must not be as smart as I thought" Drew said, angrily.

I gasped. I'd never seen Drew like this before. I guess love could really cause a person to act unpredictably. But that last statement hurt.

"How could you say that to me?" I said to him. "I'm still hurting, Drew. I just lost my boyfriend." I said, starting to raise my voice. "And obviously you have alot of issues to deal with and you can't do that with me here, so I'm just going to leave." I said, turning towards the door.

"Sean, wait." Drew said, grabbing my arm, as I started walking towards the door.

"Drew, let go of me." I said, starting to cry again.

"Sean, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Drew started.

"Drew, save it. I've heard enough." I said, yanking my arm out of his hand. "I can't deal with you right now when you're acting like this."

"But-" He tried again, but I interupted him again.

"No buts, Drew." I said angrily. "You take some time to cool off and maybe I'll talk to you later when you've mellowed out some."

I walked out of his hotel room and shut the door behind me. I heard noises which sounded like Drew crying and was confirmed that he was when I heard him sob.

I really felt sorry for Drew. He deserved to be happy with someone, but I didn't think that he really knew what he wanted at this point. But sooner or later he would know. I only hoped that I wasn't the one he wanted after he had a chance to think things out.

I sighed and started walking back to my room. I slid my keycard into the door and opened it. I walked into the bedroom which was empty. Nick was nowhere to be seen. I could hear the television going, so I decided to check and see if he was in the living room.

I walked into the living room and was shocked at what I saw.

Nick was sprawled out on the couch, asleep. On the floor by the couch, I could see a big empty bottle of "Jack Daniels" Whiskey lying there. I was totally shocked. Nick obviously had drank himself to sleep after our break-up earlier. Despite my anger and pain that I was feeling towards him, I felt sorry for him. He was gonna have one hell of a hangover when he got up. I then decided to go and get a cool washcloth to wipe his tear-stained face, which there was still some wet tears on it. So I went to do just that.

As I walked out of the living room, I heard a click and looked towards the door, just in time to see it open and who came in at that moment. It was Matt, the guy I saw in bed with my boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend now.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said, my anger coming back again.

"I just wanted to talk to Nick for a minute." Matt said, coming towards me, surprised to see me standing there. He stopped just a few feet in front of me.

"I see. We'll I'll go. I'm sure he's expecting you." I said, as I started walking past him towards the door.

"No, Sean, this isn't what you're thinking." Matt blurted out.

I turned and glared at him. "And how would you know what I am thinking?" I asked him.

"You probably don't believe this." Matt said. "But I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are." I said to him. "And you should be."

Matt looked at me, confused for a second. I then continued with my conversation with him.

"So what's it like to be you, huh? Someone who has no sense of right and wrong?" I asked him.

Matt didn't say anything, he just kept looking at me, letting me get whatever I wanted off of my chest.

"Now I'm not blaming you for everything, Matt. Nick was in that bed too, so it's not entirely your fault." I said to him.

"So, tell me something." I started again. "Did you at least get what you wanted?" I mean are you happy, finally? Now, that you've destroyed my life?!"

Matt looked at me and I could see that he felt sorry for me, but at the same time, I could also see jealousy flashing through his eyes.

"Sean." He replied. "I didn't set out to ruin your life."

"Well that's exactly what you've done, Matt." I snarled. "You messed up any chance Nick ever had with me and I've lost trust in him. But I'm sure you're ecstatic about that since you just want him for yourself!"

Matt smiled evilly. "You said it, not me."

My anger was starting to escalate. I was getting more and more furious with every passing minute, plus having to see that ridiculous smirk on his face was also infuriating.

"Well you didn't have to say it, Matt, I knew you were after Nick since the moment I saw you." I fumed at Matt. "But I didn't obsess about it because I thought I could trust Nick at the time. Obviously, I was wrong."

"Yeah you were." Matt said, that evil smirk still on his face. "If you hadn't rejected him, He would never have slept with me."

" This is my fault?! I don't think so, you bastard!" I hissed. "I think you took advantage of the situation when Nick was drunk. I saw the two of you in bed together asleep yesterday afternoon."

Matt looked at me, surprised. "You saw us?"

"Yeah, I saw you and I wish I hadn't." I said, talking through gritted teeth. My hands were clenched into fists. "And every time I look at Nick and now you, I'm reminded all over again of seeing the two of you in bed together. To see him, lying naked next to you, it just makes me wanna-

I couldn't finish my sentence and walked past him. I was really starting to lose it now. Tears were starting to fall again.

"You committed an act of betrayal with my boyfriend! You shared a bed with him! You know how that makes me feel?! Do you have any idea how betrayed that makes me feel?!"

Matt didn't say anything and just stood there gazing at me.

"You lied your way right into my bed!" I sneered at him.

"Well do you know what Nick said to me after we made love?" Matt said, his jealousy showing through now. "He said he liked it! He told me he never had it so good!

That revelation, true or not, was more than I could take.

"Why you lying little slut!" I yelled.

At that moment, my fist shot out and I hit him across the face. Matt staggered back and landed on the bed, bringing his hand to his face. He looked up at me, a look of pure hatred on his face. He jumped up and started coming at me, swinging his fist at me. I ducked and shot another fist out and hit him right square in the nose. He fell back on the bed again, noticing the blood flowing from his nose and glared at me. He was burning hot now.

"You Fucker!" He screamed. "You broke my nose!"

"And that's not all I'm gonna break, and if you know what's good for you, you'll get out of here now before I mess up that pretty little face of yours even more!" I snarled. "If you decide to mess with me, I'll make sure you never model again or whatever it is that you do. Oh, I forgot, You're a callboy, not a model. So I guess you don't have to worry about your looks since plastic surgery will benefit you much better."

Matt wasn't the least bit afraid of my threats.

"I'll take my chances!" He exclaimed, lunging at me again.

This time, he tackled me by my waist and knocked me against the wall. I hit the wall hard, getting the wind knocked out of me. I grabbed his collar and tried to swing at him again. Matt blocked it and delivered a blow to my face with his other arm. My head reeled back and bounced off the wall. I shook myself and grabbed Matt by the hair and slammed his head down on the table. Three times!

"OW! You little bitch! I'm gonna kill you for this!" He bellowed and lunged at me again, knocking me to the ground with one swift kick to the chest. He knelt down and tried to grab me by the throat, but I was too quick for him and kicked out at him, getting him right in the gut, causing him to double over. I then Grabbed him and ran him into another dresser.

"You gonna kill me?!" I screamed. "Are you gonna kill me?!"

"Yes I will!" Matt screamed, shoving me back and turning towards me. I saw something shiny gleam as he turned to face me. I looked down and gasped when I saw what it was.

Matt was holding a sharp, envelope opener in his hand. He started to advance on me with it. I backed away in response.

"You've had it!" Matt growled, advancing on me, still. "You have had it! No. No. No, you are not gonna get away with this."

Just then the door flew open and I saw Drew run into the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" He yelled.

"Drew, he's out of his mind, he gone on a rampage bad!" I yelled.

"Oh my god!" Drew exclaimed when he saw the envelope opener in Matt's hand. Matt didn't seem to notice Drew since he was focused on me. Drew grabbed Matt's arm and started pulling him away from me, holding Matt's arm away from him to keep Matt from trying to strike out at him.

"That is not gonna solve anything,Matt!" Drew yelled, slamming Matt's hand onto a dresser, causing him to drop the envelope opener. "Stop it, or I'm calling security!"

"No!" Matt yelled, after he had been disarmed. He then started lunging towards me again, after Drew had fallen to the floor to get the envelope opener.

"Yeah, get security, Drew!" I yelled just as Matt grabbed me and started pushing and shoving.

"And tell them to bring a damn straight jacket, he's crazy!" I said, just as Drew helped me shove him off of me. Matt landed on the bed and started bursting into tears.

"Get out. Sean, get the hell out of here right now!" Drew commanded while keeping his eye on Matt. "Go to my room and wait there.

I can't just leave, Drew. Nick's in the living room drunk off of his ass and unconcious and If you think that I'm leaving the two of you alone with this walking male G-spot, you've got another think coming!"

"Don't worry, Nick and I will be fine." Drew assured me. "I'm just gonna talk to Matt for a minute. Now go."

I started walking towards the door.

"Go, bitch, Go! Get out!" Matt screamed.

"Gladly." I sneered at him as I passed.

"Get out!" Drew yelled at me again.

"Gladly." I yelled, opening the door, exiting and slamming it behind me.

Outside, I started walking towards Jeff and Danny's room and I tried the knob and saw that it was unlocked and burst into the room.

"Danny! Jeff! You guys better come-

I didn't get to finish my sentence. What I saw stunned me.

I saw Jeff and Danny caught up in a kiss. They broke apart and looked at me, fear in their eyes. They were relieved when they saw that it was only me, but were still embarrassed that they had been caught.

"Do you guys want to tell me what that was all about?" I asked, once my voice started working again.

"Sean, it's not what you're thinking." Jeff said.

"Well don't worry about what I'm thinking, Jeff, We've got more important things to worry about right now."

"What's that?" Danny asked. Then he looked at me, strangely. "What happened to your face?" He asked.

"Yeah, Sean, you look like you've just been in a fight." Jeff said, standing up and grasping my chin and turned my face for a better look.

"I was." I said. "And the important things I mentioned that we need to worry about, is that Nick is in his room drunk off of his ass and unconcious in the living room. He drank a whole big bottle of "Jack Daniels" Whiskey sometime after our break-up I guess. And second of all, Matt tried to kill me."

"What?!" Danny gasped, jumping up from the bed. "How?!"

"He came to Nick's room after I went to talk to Nick and found him drunk. We exchanged words and ended up throwing punches. Then he came after me with an envelope opener. If Drew hadn't have came into the room when he did, I don't know what Matt would have done to me." I explained to them.

"Are you alright now?" Danny asked, grabbing me into a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got a slight headache after Matt punched me and my head bounced off the wall." I said.

I can't believe that bastard." Jeff said, angrily. I can't believe he had the nerve to show his face here after what he did.

"Well he's got guts let me tell you." I said. "And what I just witnessed between you and Danny, I'll keep to myself for now. But we will talk about this later. Right now, Let's go to Nick's room and check on Drew."

"Good idea." Jeff said.

We headed to Nick's room and opened the door. When we walked in, we noticed that Matt was gone and that Nick was lying on the bed, still asleep. Drew and Justin were sitting beside him. He looked up when we entered.

"Drew, are you alright?" Jeff asked him.

I'm fine, Jeff." Drew said. "But the question is, is Sean alright?" He then asked.

"I'm fine, Drew, never been better." I said, just as dizziness came over me.

I started to fall, and was caught in Danny's strong arms.

"Whoa, watch it, buddy." He said, concerned.

"Sean, are you sure you're alright?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah, I just got a little dizzy, that's all." I said. "I think I just need to sit down for a minute."

"Yeah, that might help." Danny said.

He and Jeff helped me over to the bed and I sat down beside Nick's sleeping form.

"You feel better now?" Drew asked me, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, Drew, I'm much better now." I said to him.

"Good. I'm glad." He said and then smiled. "But I sure gotta hand it to you, you really messed up Matt's face good."

"Yeah, well he deserved it." I said, laughing a little.

"Sean? is that you?" I heard Nick's voice say. We all looked down to see Nick awake and trying to open his eyes.

"Yeah, Nick, I'm right here beside you." I said to him. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"My head hurts." Nick croaked, his face contorted into pain. "I think I drank too much."

"I'll say you did." I said to him, seriously. "I found you in the living room, unconcious and Matt came in here a minute later after I was going to get a washcloth to wipe the tears off of your face."

"Oh no." Nick whined. "I'm guessing you two got into it?" He asked, looking up at me.

"We did more than just get into it, Nick." I said coldly. "Matt and I started throwing punches and then Matt almost tried to kill me with an envelope holder. If Drew hadn't have shown up when he did, I might not be sitting here talking to you and the guys right now."

Nick gasped and sat up.

"Sean, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He said.

"Don't worry about it, Nick." Jeff said, his voice showing concern. "Sean's fine."

"Yeah, thanks to my tough little brother here." Nick said, giving Drew a hug. Drew accepted Nick's hug.

"Don't mention it, bro. You know how much I care about Sean." Drew said, looking at me as he hugged Nick.

(You don't know how much he really cares about me, Nick.") I thought to myself.

"Yeah I do, Drew." Nick said, smiling at his bro. "I'm glad the two of you are close and are best friends."

"And I'm glad to be Sean's friend." Drew said, still looking at me.

I noticed Justin looking at Drew funny and I knew that he knew that something was up. I decided to change the subject and quick.

"Guys, I need to talk to you about a decision I've made recently." I wasn't going to do it right away, but now I feel I have to." I said to them.

"What are you talking about, Sean?" Danny asked me, confused.

I was really dreading what I had to tell them, but now with everything that was happening recently, I knew I had to.

I took a deep breath and blurted it out.

"I'm leaving, guys." I said to them. "I'm leaving the tour. Maybe for good."

"Well that's all for now. I'm sorry I took so long with this one. I'm working alot of hours now and don't have as much time to write as I normally did. But I will try and write them bit by bit if I have to. That's the only way I'll be able to get them out.

Will Sean really leave the tour? If he does, will it be temporary or is he leaving for good? How will Danny and the guys react? Especially Drew and Nick? Or will they talk him out of it?

Email me with your thoughts on the story and let me know what you think. Stay tuned.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 23

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