My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jun 14, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


previously on "My Everything".....

I pulled the covers up over me and closed my eyes. I started thinking about Drew and Nick. One of them was going to win my heart, while another would be devastated.

I didn't know how it would all turn out, but all I knew is that it was going to be a hard decision. Perhaps the toughest decision of my life.

And it was going to be a long two months.

Chapter 24

(Four months later.)

I woke up in Ben's guest bedroom on a very special day: Today was Friday, November 9th. Nick's Birthday. I decided that I had to get up and get him some kind of present. I got up and entered the guest bathroom to take a shower.

As I showered, I thought about what had happened in the last four months.

I had spent alot of time with Ben and Matt, who were both lot's of fun to hang out with. We went to the beach, went to see movies together, and of course, Ben and Matt also took me to meet Casey Affleck, Ben's younger brother. He was cool and we hit it off right away. My friendships with Ben, Matt, and Casey grew over the previous months and we were now closer than ever.

Also, A week after I'd moved in with Ben and Matt, Drew had called me and asked me if I was coming to his birthday party the night before, and I told him I would be there. I got Drew a gold necklace for his birthday and he loved it. After that he gave me a hug and told me that he'd treasure it always.

Danny called me almost every night and we talked about what we were doing and how the guys were doing. I missed Danny alot while I was gone.

Nick didn't call or talk to me much while they were on tour. Whenever he did talk to me, He seemed really distant at times and our conversations were not very long, since we were both tired from our constant career work.

Speaking of work, After the two months was up, I still hadn't quite come to terms with my decision about which man to choose. Two months had flown by and the next thing I knew, I was acting in the moving "Heartbreak" where I played the role of "Luke", the ex-boyfriend to a girl named "Sabrina" who was played by Reese Witherspoon. Ben played "Jack" and Matt played "Jordan." They were the two guys that Sabrina was caught in a love triangle between. She ultimately had to choose between them in the end and she told them that she would love them both until the day she died. All in All, the movie was really dramatic and since we all worked our butts off to do all of our scenes, in one take, we finished the whole movie in two months. Since then, I took the rest of the time to think about where I stood with Nick and Drew.

I got out of the shower and dried off. I walked out of the bathroom, the towel around my waist and proceeded to get dressed. As I was slipping on my underwear, I heard a loud whistle from the doorway. I jumped and spun around to see Ben and Matt both standing there, laughing.

"Nice ass!" They both said in unison.

"geez, you guys scared the shit out of me!" I complained, while blushing and clutching my hand to my chest. "Don't you two know how to knock?"

"And where would the fun be in that?" Matt asked, grinning.

"Very funny." I said sarcastically. "So, are you two ready for Nick's party tonight?" I then asked them.

"You bet we are!" Ben said, excitedly. "Who wouldn't want to hang out with those 4 cuties?"

"Excuse me?" Matt asked, cocking an eyebrow at Ben. "Mr. Affleck, do I have to keep an eye on you?"

"No, of course not, sweetie, I'm all yours." Ben said, pulling Matt closer to him. "You know that don't you?" Ben then asked his lover.

"Yes, baby, I do." Matt said, leaning in to kiss Ben. They kissed for about five minutes, obviously forgetting that I was in the room. That is until I cleared my throat. They both pulled apart with ridiculous smirks on their faces.

"Get a room!" I said, chuckling a little.

"We have one, Thank you." Ben retorted back.

"And we intend to use it." Matt chimed in with a devilish grin on his face. "Come on, baby, let's go and get some exercise."

He started dragging Ben towards their room.

"Stop, you two!" I commanded. Ben and Matt both stopped and turned towards me to see what I wanted.

"Yes?" They both asked in unison, causing us all to laugh.

"Well if you two are going to your room to go at it like two dogs in heat, then I'm going downstairs to make breakfast for us." I said to them.

Ben's and Matt's faces both lit up when I mentioned making breakfast.

"You're gonna make those omelets again, right?" Ben asked me.

"Yep, you bet." I said.

"Alright, well get in that kitchen and start cooking, already." Matt commanded. "We'll be down in a little bit."

"Yes, Sir!" I joked, saluting them both like a sergeant. They both laughed as they headed to their bedroom and shut the door.

I sighed and started to exit the guest bedroom. Just when I got to the door, I heard my cellphone start ringing. I rushed over to the bedside table and answered it.


"Hey, Sean, Guess who?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Justin, hey!" I greeted him, happy to hear from him. "What's going on with you lately?" I asked him, curious as to how he was doing?"

"Oh, life is great, Sean. Just perfect!" Justin said, sounding really happy.

"Well you sound really happy, what's going on?" I asked him. "And would a "girl" be the reason you're so happy?"

"How did you know?!" Justin asked in amazement.

"I could tell by your voice. I've never heard you this happy before, even when you were at your happiest when you were single."

"Oh, I'm that obvious, huh?" He laughed.

"Yep, I'm afraid so, man." I laughed. "So, tell me: Who's this mystery girl?"

"Her name's Kandi." Justin said.

"That's a nice name." I said, then couldn't resist adding another joke into the mix. "It reminds me of what I can't live without sometimes." I laughed.

"Yeah, me too." Justin chuckled. "But she's all the candy I need."

"I'll bet she is." I said. "Is she hot?" I then asked.

"Oh, if you only knew how hot." Justin gushed. "She's got this long, gorgeous brown hair, with blond highlights in it, along with the most beautiful brown eyes that I've ever seen!" She's 5'4" and weighs about 130lbs. But that's not what's the most intriguing about her."

"Really? What's the most intruiging part?" I asked him.

"She's got this awesome smile, and a sexy, southern accent." Justin cooed. "She's also from Alabama."

"Wow, that's cool. I'm glad things are working out for you, Justin." I said to him, honestly. If anyone deserved to have a woman, it was Justin. "I can't wait to meet her." I said to him. "Are you going to bring her to Nick's birthday party?" I asked him.

" Hell yes, that girl follows me wherever I go." Justin joked. "Well not exactly."

"You really seem to be taken with this girl, buddy." I said to him. "Now, I really can't wait to meet her."

"Well you'll see her soon enough." Justin said. "The party starts at 8:00p.m. tonight, so make sure that you're there before then. It's a surprise party for Nick."

"Where's Nick having the party, Justin?" I asked him since he never said where it was.

"Actually we're gonna have it at Nick's and Drew's house." Just said.

"You're having it at their parent's house?!" I asked in amazement."

"Oh, no." Justin said. "Nick and Drew got their own place here in L.A. California. We're having it there."

"Oh, well ok, I'll be there." I said. Then I grabbed a pen and paper. "What's the address?" I asked him.

Justin gave me the address and I told him I'd be there and we finished talking and hung up. I put the cellphone back in my pocket.

After that, I walked downstairs and started getting breakfast ready. I got the eggs, meat, cheese and bread, and put the bread in the toaster and then set about making the omelets. After they were done, I got the orange juice out and poured it into three glasses, just at Matt and Ben both emerged from upstairs.

"Hey, guys, breakfast is ready, so sit down and enjoy." I said to them.

"That's cool with me." Ben said. "I'm starving."

"Yeah, Me too." Matt said. "Sex can take alot out of you."

As soon as Matt realized that he said that, he turned bright red. Ben and I started cracking up.

"Aww, I didn't know Ben gave it to you so rough." I teased.

"Hey!" Ben said, smacking my arm. "I'm a good lover."

"Yeah, well I can't make that judgement, because I've never slept with you, Ben. Either one of you for that matter." I snickered.

"Well how about after breakfast, I take you upstairs and show you what it's all about?" Ben joked, smiling at me.

"You better not!" Matt retorted, smiling and playfully cuffing Ben in the head.

"Ouch!" Ben yelped, feigning hurt. I laughed.

"No thanks, Ben." I giggled, turning him down. "Matt would have a cow if he saw us going at it in bed."

"Says who?" Matt asked, with a devilish grin. "As long as I'm in bed with both of you, what's the harm in having a threesome?"

That statement shocked both me and Ben when we heard it.

"Tell me you're not serious?" I said, asking more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah, baby. Are you nuts?" Ben asked Matt in disbelief.

"Not totally." Matt said, laughing. "Ben, you know I love you and if we have a threesome with Sean, it's not gonna change how we feel about each other. It's just gonna be some fun sex, but you'll still have my heart."

"Yeah, well you can have his heart, Ben." I said. "I don't want his perverted heart."

"Watch it, boy! You're insulting my man." Ben teased, giving me a mock serious look.

"Ok, well while you two sit here and play kissy face, while eating breakfast, I'm going to the Mall. I have to go and do some shopping for Nick's birthday party tonight. I've got to get him a present."

"Nick's party's tonight?" Matt asked me. I nodded.

"Well how about you wait until we finish breakfast so we can go with you?" Ben suggested.

"Alright, sure." I said. "While you finish up, I'm gonna go upstairs and make a call."

"Alright, We'll be done in a few minutes. When we are, we'll come up and get dressed." Matt said.

"Ok, I'll see you guys in a few minutes." I said. I got up and left the kitchen, leaving Matt and Ben to finish breakfast. I headed upstairs to my room and brushed my teeth. As I was brushing, I looked into the mirror and noticed that I needed to shave badly. I decided to shave next after brushing my teeth.

When I finished shaving, I heard Ben and Matt knock on the bathroom door. I opened it to see them both dressed and ready to go.

"Oh, so you guys are ready to go shopping now?" I asked them. "I want to get a present for Nick."

"Well we're both ready to go. So, come on." Ben said, putting his arm around Matt and heading downstairs.

"Alright, I'm coming." I said, sarcastically as I followed them downstairs, shaking my head.

We all got outside and got into Ben's shiny red convertible again and were off to the L.A. Mall.

Ben pulled into the parking lot, parked the car, and shut off the ignition. We all got out, Ben and Matt, grabbing their hats and sunglasses to put on, and started walking into the mall.

"So, where do we go first?" Ben asked me."

"Um, how about to a clothing store first?" Matt suggested.

"That's cool with me." Ben said. I'm in need for some new clothes right now."

I shot Ben a weird look. Ben noticed and frowned.

"What?!" He asked, wondering what was up. I just smiled at him, before answering.

"Ben, have you noticed how full that closet is?" I teased him. "How can you want more clothes now? You don't have anywhere to put them now between you and Matt sharing the same closet."

"Oh shut up, smarty pants." Ben smirked. "You're just jealous because I'm filthy rich and you're not."

"Oh, please?!" I laughed. "You're just financially stable. You're far from filthy rich."

"Well, I'm not poor, let's put it that way, Sean." Ben said. "Anway, speaking of money, I'm sure you're gonna have plenty of it after you're paid from your role in "Heartbreak." Who knows, maybe you'll even get nominated for an Award of some kind."

"Do you really think so?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Matt agreed. "You were great, you had some really emotional scenes in the movie, not to mention how good you are for someone who's just beginning in this business."

"Thanks guys, that mean's alot to me." I said, "But you guys screwed up more times that I care to remember." I laughed. Ben and Matt started laughing too.

"Hey, nobody's perfect, you know?" Matt giggled. "Besides your face was so funny in that one scene where you made a disgusted face at that awful smell in that one scene."

Oh my gosh, was that ever so funny!" Ben stuttered. He was laughing so hard, he had tears running down his face and could hardly talk.

When they stopped laughing, they dropped the subject and then we decided to split up and go where we wanted to go. Ben and Matt headed towards "JCPenny's" and I went to "Wilson's." I then decided on the perfect present for Nick.

after buying what I wanted from "Wilson's", I headed into JCPenny's to find Ben and Matt. As I looked around, my eyes fell upon a shirt that I fell in love with instantly and I thought it would look beautiful on Nick.

I grabbed it and then decided to check out some Jewelery. I looked at some of the selections and finally found the one I wanted. I asked the sales clerk, who's name was Shelly, to give me the piece I selected.

"Can I please have this one?" I asked her, pointing to the jewelery that I wanted.

"Sure, and would you like me to ring up the shirt also?" She asked me.

"Yes, please?" I said to her. She nodded and started ringing up the items.

"Would you like these items gift-wrapped?" Shelly then asked me with a smile.

"Yes." I said, then reached into my bag and pulled out my item of clothing I got at "Wilson's" and handed it to her. "And I'd like this put into the box with the shirt. "I've already purchased this at "Wilson's. And can you gift wrap the jewelery in a seperate box?"

"Of course." Shelly said, as she started putting the 3 items into boxes and gift wrapping them.

She finished up and gave me my total. I gave her a S100 bill and she entered it into the register and gave me back my change. She then handed me a big box with the first 2 items in it, and then a little box with the item of jewelery in it, both of them in a big bag.

"Here you are, sir, and have a good day." She said.

"Thank you, Shelly, you do the same." I thanked her, taking the bag, and headed off to grab a couple of cards one birthday for Nick, and the other one personal. I bought them and started heading towards "JCPenny's" again.

Just as I got to the entrance, I heard what sounded like screaming. Then a few seconds later, I saw Matt and Ben with their shopping bags, running like cheetahs towards me, their faces white as ghosts.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked them, getting worried.

"Run!" They both shouted at the same time, pointing behind them. I looked and saw a crowd of fans running after them.

"Oh, Shit!" I said when I saw them coming. That was all it took for me to start running after them.

We practically bulldozed through the doors, heading for Ben's car.

We threw our bags into the back and jumped into the car. The fans were still quite a distance from us. Ben started the ignition and stomped on the accelerator, peeling out of the parking lot, just before the fans could catch up with us.

After we got onto the highway, headed for Nick's and Drew's place, We all started laughing.

"Oh man, and I thought the popstars' fans were scary!"

"What was that all about anyway?" I asked them. "How did you guys get discovered?"

"Well we were fine, until Ben whipped out his credit card and paid for the stuff we were getting." Matt started explaining. "She looked at the card as she handed it back and realized who we were. Then she started screaming and then we started running, after she attracted that crowd."

"Yeah, the credit card always blows a celebrity's cover." Ben laughed as he drove into Nick's driveway and parked the car.

Before we got out, Ben then turned to me, his face serious.

"Sean, before we go in there, I've got to ask you something?"

"Sure, Ben. What is it?" I said, giving him and Matt my full attention.

"Well, it's been four months since you left the tour. Have you reached a decision, regarding Nick and Drew?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yes, guys, I have." I said.

"And?" Matt pushed for more info. "Who is it?"

"You'll find out soon enough." I said to them.

"Aww, come on." Ben nagged. "Just a hint? I promise that Matt and I won't say anything."

"Guys, I have to tell them, first." I said, then sat back and let out a long sigh.

"At long last. I have made my decision." I murmured.

I then sat up.

"Well come on, guys. We have a party in there to attend." I said.

We got out and went to the door of Nick's house and knocked on it. The door opened, revealing Danny's form, standing in the doorway. Once he caught sight of Matt and Ben, his jaw dropped.

"Danny, I'd like you to meet Matt Damon and Ben Affleck." I said to him introducing them to him.

Danny shook Matt's hand and then Ben's after he'd gotten over his starstruck look. "It's nice to finally meet the two of you." He said, grinning. "Sean has told me that he met you and I couldn't wait until I got to meet you guys myself."

"It's great to meet you too, Danny." Ben said to him.

"I second that." Matt smiled.

"Come in, guys." Danny said, ushering us in. "Nick's not here yet, but everyone else is and we're ready to throw the surprise party. But we're waiting for Nick to get here."

We entered and Danny shut the door behind him. As soon as he did that, He pulled me into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much, Sean." Danny said. "I'm so glad to see you."

"I missed you too, Danny." I said, hugging him back.

When I pulled back, I took a good look at him. When I did, I was amazed. Danny must have been working out alot with Jeff, because he was much bigger than the last time I saw him.

"Damn, boy, have you gotten bigger?" I asked, grinning.

"Yep." Danny grinned. "I've gained 30 pounds in muscle weight."

"Cool." I said to him. "Well, why don't you take Ben and Matt to meet the rest of the guys and their friends, while I get these cards finished?" I suggested. Danny, Ben, and Matt all agreed and headed off to the family room, while I walked over to a nearby table and started writing on the cards and signing them.

I finished up with both of them and stuck the first one on the box with my gifts for Nick. Just as I put the second one into my pants pocket and headed towards the family room, I ran into Drew, who was entering into the room I was in. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Hi, Sean." He greeted me, walking over to me and giving me a tight, but gentle hug. "It's so great to see you."

"Hey, Drew. It's great to see you too." I said, hugging him back. "I've missed all of you guys while I was gone."

Drew released me and then his face grew serious. "Sean, I was just wondering something?" He started to ask. Immediately I knew what he wanted to know.

"You're wondering if I've finally decided between you and Nick?" I stated, more than asked him. He nodded.

"Drew, not now, alright?" I urged him. "It'll be better if I wait and talk to you and Nick after the party. I don't want to ruin the party by telling you both now."

Drew nodded. "You're right." He said. Then he smiled at me. "Come and meet Kandi, Justin's new girlfriend."

I then remembered about my conversation with Justin this morning and agreed, but I had to do something first.

"Sure, but first, I need to go to the bathroom, where is it by the way?" I asked Drew.

"Go through this doorway and turn left and you'll see the stairs. Go up there and the bathroom is the first door on the right." Drew said, then added. "Nick's room is across from the bathroom and mine is right beside the bathroom, across from him."

"Alright, thanks, Drew." I said to him, smiling. "Why don't you go back into the family room and check on your guests and then I'll be in when I'm done, ok?"

"Alright, I'll see you there." Drew said, patting my shoulder and heading towards the family room.

Once he was gone, I grabbed the second envelope, which I had put into my pocket, and walked upstairs to one of the occupant's rooms.

I put it under his covers and covered up the envelope, so that he'd find it later. I exited the bedroom and walked into the bathroom to do my business. I finished up and then walked back downstairs into the family room.

The room was filled with all sorts of friends and family that the guys knew, and I saw Jeff and Danny right away and headed over to them. Jeff looked in my direction and his face brigtened when he saw me. He grabbed me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Sean, what's up, man?" Jeff asked, as he continued to hug me. "I've missed you so much. We all have actually."

"I've missed you too, Jeff." I said, releasing him, smiling. "All of you." I added.

"I've missed you too, Sean." I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Justin, standing behind me with a very pretty girl, who I was guessing was Kandi. Justin had his arms outstretched, offering a hug if I chose to take it.

I complied and I hugged him and he hugged me back just about as hard as Jeff had.

"It's great to see you, Justin." I said to him.

"You too, Sean." He said. Then he released me and turned to the girl beside him.

"Kandi, I'd like you to meet our friend Sean Perry." He said to her, then turned to me. "And Sean, this is my girlfriend, Kandi."

I smiled at Kandi and extended my hand out to her. She smiled and took my hand, shaking it.

It's great to finally meet you, Sean." Kandi said to me. And Justin was right. She was beautiful, and had one hell of a smile!

"Justin has told me alot about you?" She continued.

"All good things, I hope?" I teased.

"Yeah, I haven't heard anything bad yet." Kandi said with a laugh.

"Well, let's hope it stays that way." I chuckled.

"That wouldn't be any fun." Justin joked. I punched him in the arm.

"Just don't even think about it, Mister." I warned him with a smirk. "You even think about saying something to embarass me, you're gonna regret it!"

"You know I wouldn't do that." Justin said, giving me a puppy dog face. And his was so funny, that Kandi and I started laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked, his puppy dog look, turning into a confused frown.

"You can't do a puppy dog face right, Justin." I giggled. "It looked more like your belt was too tight or something."

"Now, come on, Sean, don't pick on my man now." Kandi said.

"Ok, I'll stop." I said and then looked at my watch. It was a few minutes before 8p.m.

"Where is Nick?" I asked more to myself, than to Justin and Kandi.

Before anyone could answer me, I heard Drew's voice from the doorway.

"Nick's car just pulled up. Everyone turn off the lights and be quiet!" He yelled.

The guy and I got into place, as well as the rest of the guests, and Drew shut off the lights as he came in.

In a few minutes, We heard the door open and then we saw Nick's form, heading towards the family room. He switched on the light.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!" Everyone shrieked.

Nick was startled for a moment, but then smiled when he realized that the guys had thrown him his birthday party.

"Wow. I can't believe you guys did this!" Nick gasped, looking around the room. "And I thought that you guys had totally forgotten my birthday." He said, starting to tear up.

"No way, bro!" Drew said, walking up to Nick and embracing him. "Never would we do that. We just wanted to make you think we did, so we could make the surprise party even better."

"Thanks, Drew, You really are the best little brother I ever could have." He said. "I love you."

"I love you too, Nick." Drew said as they continued to hug.

I looked on from the back of the crowd, watching the two brothers embracing and I felt even worse that I was gonna hurt one of them with my decision later. As I watched, I saw Jeff, and Justin walk up to Nick and hug him as well. And surprisingly, I saw Danny hug him too. I guess he and Danny had managed to bury the hatchet while I was gone. I smiled as I watched them hug. The crowd was silent. Then we heard Jeff speak up.

"And there's someone else who's here to see you, Nick." He said, looking towards the back of the crowd. I took that as my cue and walked around the crowd, revealing myself to everyone, as well as Nick himself.

His gorgeous smile left his face when he saw me, confusing me.

"Hi, Sean." He said to me. I could hear the discomfort and coldness in his voice when he spoke, which chilled me to the bone. I'd thought he'd be happy to see me. But I guess I guessed wrong.

"Hi, Nick." I greeted him back. "How have you been?"

"Fine." Nick said, with no trace of a smile on his face or in his voice. The way he was treating me was hurting me deeply, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. My leaving obviously had hurt Nick deeply and now I wondered if he even wanted me at the party.

Then Nick looked away from me and then started addressing to the crowd.

"Alright, Everyone. Let's get this party started. Put on some music and enjoy yourselves!" he said to all who were in the room.

Then the music started playing and everyone grabbed their dance partners and started dancing. Ben and Matt weren't dancing. they had stepped off to the other side of the room and were watching me, with concern written all over their faces. I looked at them and shook my head. I saw Nick start to leave the room and then I saw Jeff, Justin, Danny, and Drew gathering around him, and by the looks of it, all of them were angry with him. I then saw Nick throw up his hands in frustration and then he walked out of the room, heading upstairs to his room. I saw Drew follow him, leaving the guys huddling together, talking about why Nick was being such a jerk.

All I knew was I couldn't stay here, feeling like I wasn't wanted. I walked over to Ben and Matt, just as the first set of tears started to fall down my face.

Ben and Matt both put an arm around me, comforting me.

"Will you guys take me back to your place?" I sniffed to them. "I'm obviously not wanted around here."

"Sean, that's not true. It didn't look like the guys were too happy with the way Nick treated you. And neither are we." Matt said, giving me a sympathetic look.

"Well I'm sure they're not, but still I don't want to stay here. It's obvious that Nick doesn't want me here, so I don't want to be here." I said to him. "So, are you guys going to take me or am I going to have to call a cab?" Either way I'm going."

"Alright, Matt and I will take you back." Ben said, putting his arm around me. "Come on."

We started walking towards the guys to say goodbye to them.

When they saw me coming, Danny grabbed me into a hug. "Sean, buddy, I am so sorry that Nick treated you that way."

"Don't worry about it, Danny, it's not your fault." I said. "Anyway, I just came over to say goodbye."

"What?! Jeff gasped. But you just got here!"

"Nick obviously doesn't want me here, so I'm not going to stay." I said to him. "Ben and Matt are gonna take me back to their place."

"Fuck, Nick." I heard a female voice shout out. We all turned in amazement to see Kandi with an angry look on her face.

"You're staying, Sean, so no ands, ifs, or buts about it, ok?" She said. "And when Nick comes down here, I'll kick his ass. Maybe when he gets one of these high heeled shoes up his ass, it'll knock some sense into him."

"I like her already." I joked weakly, causing all of them to laugh a little. I gave Kandi a grateful smile.

" Thanks, Kandi." I said, smiling at her. I then turned to the rest of the guys.

But seriously, this is Nick's house and he can throw me out if he wants to." I said to them. "But I have no reason to stay, other than to make Nick uncomfortable, so I'm leaving. I've lost my appetite anyway."

I turned and started walking out of the family room towards the front door. I could hear footsteps behind me and I turned to see Ben, Matt, Danny, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi, all following me.

Just as I got to the door, I heard Nick's voice.

"Sean, wait!" He called out.

Well, that's it for this installment. Stay tuned to find out what happens next. Email me if you wish with your thoughts on this or any other installments.

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"


Next: Chapter 25

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