My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Jul 18, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

Yes it's true. Nick and Jessica are no longer together. I wish them both the best and I hope that they both find happiness again one day. Nick's brother, Drew, is married to Lea, his longtime highschool sweetheart. I wish them all the best in their marriage.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


previously on "My Everything"....

"I'm sorry, bro." Nick said. "But cut me a little slack. Don't I have a right to be happy?"

Drew nodded. "And don't I have a right to have you all to myself? Just for a little while?" He asked Nick, as he wiped at his tears.

"We're gonna spend lots of time together. I promise." Nick reassured him. "Even after Sean and I are married."

"Thanks, Nick." Drew said, smiling. "And now I have to ask you, Sean, and all of you guys to forgive me."

In response, We all got up and got into a group hug, with Drew in the center. After we broke apart, Drew spoke up again.

"Nick, Sean had asked me to be his best man at the wedding earlier, but would you mind If I was your best man instead? That way I could make up for hurting you earlier, by attacking Sean. Also, it will give me closure where Sean's concerned."

Nick grinned at Drew. "Yes, Drew, I'd be honored if you'd be my best man." He said, hugging Drew again.

"Well then since Drew has ditched my offer, Danny, how would you like to be my best man?" I said, looking at Danny. Danny came over to me and embraced me.

"I'd love to be your best man." He said, as he hugged me. "You deserve to be happy. I'm just sorry that I won't be here after the wedding."

I released him, looking at him, confused. "What are you talking about, Danny?" I asked him. Danny looked at me, sadly.

"I'm leaving, buddy." He said. "And I don't know when or IF I'll ever see you, or the rest of the guys, again."

Chapter 28

Everyone gasped and stood there, dumbfounded.

"What do you mean you're leaving and don't know when or if you'll ever see us again?" I exclaimed in shock. " And Why?"

Danny took a deep breath and then blurted it out.

"I'm joining the navy. And we'll be overseas for a long time. I'll be in it for about 8 years." Danny said, sadly. "So I don't know when or if I'll ever see you guys again."

The guys all groaned, not liking the idea of Danny leaving, but then I thought of something else.

"Danny, what about Amber? You're not just going to leave her behind are you?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No, she's joining the navy also." He said. "She got accepted and She asked me to go along. I certainly don't want to be without her. Not again. So I've decided to go with her. Besides, I've been interested in the navy for a while now."

"You never mentioned any interest in the navy before, Danny." Jeff said to him. "Why's that?"

"I wasn't really thinking that I had a reason to join the navy before." Danny said, glancing at Jeff as he spoke. "But now I do. I can't live without Amber and now I'm going to make sure she and I are never separated ever again."

Jeff sighed heavily, and got up out of his chair, heading to his room, slamming the door behind him. Danny had looked sadly after him as he had gone.

We were all shocked at how Jeff had reacted. Even me. But I guess we shouldn't have been surprised. After all Jeff and Danny had become really close since they met. They were like brothers now. They both loved each other a great deal. They were always there for each other whenever the other needed them.

"Jeff seems to be taking this hard." Kandi, who was sitting next to Justin, said.

"Yeah, he is, Baby." Justin said, kissing her on the cheek. "He's come to think of Danny like a brother."

Here he looked up at Danny and then added: "We ALL have."

Danny gave him a small smile. "Thanks, Justin. It means alot to me to hear you say that." He said.

"No, problem." Jeff said. "It's exactly how we all feel."

"I have to agree with Justin, Danny." Drew said, walking over to Danny and placing his hand on Danny's shoulder. "You've been great with all of us in all the time that we've known you. You're one hell of a guy, Danny Matheson."

Danny smiled, tears showing in his eyes indicating that he was ready to cry any minute, and leaned in and grabbed Drew into a bone-crushing hug, which Drew accepted. They stayed that way for about a minute and then they both released each other.

"I'd better go and talk to Jeff." Danny said, heading down the hallway to Jeff's room. I sighed and turned my head to look out of the window, feeling a sense of loss. Danny and I had been best friends for almost 8 years. And now he was leaving, and the possibility that I may never see him again was overwhelming. I didn't know what to do about it. All I knew is that I was going to miss him. Terribly.

I must have really gotten lost in my thoughts, because I jumped when I felt someone's arm go around me. I whipped my head around, only to see that it was Nick.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, looking at me, his blue eyes full of concern. I shook my head, then leaned into his chest.

"It's just hard to think about my best friend leaving." I said. "And the possibility that I may never see him again, really hurts."

"I know, babe." Nick said, rubbing my arm, as he continued to hold me close. "We all are sad to see him go, but as long as he's happy, that should be enough for us. Right?"

I looked up at Nick, confused. "What are you getting at, Nick?" I asked.

"All I'm saying is if he's happy and wants to do this, who are we to stand in his way?" Nick replied, looking at me, sympathetically and lovingly.

I thought about it for a moment and realized that Nick was right. After all, It was Danny's life. If he wanted to join the navy to stay close to Amber and to be with her, who was I to object?"

"You're right, cutie." I said, caressing Nick's cheek with my thumb and forefinger. "Danny's happiness is all that matters. That's all I've ever wanted for him."

Nick smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned into him and kissed him back, my tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting him. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, wrestling with mine. I broke the kiss a moment later, feeling a little dazed.

"Wow." I breathed. "That was some kiss."

Nick grinned. "And there will be more kisses like that after we're married too." He said.

"I can't wait." I said, excitedly, grabbing him into a hug again.

As we hugged, I looked around the room and my eyes locked on Drew, who was sitting in the chair by the table, looking at us with a sad look on his face. As I watched, I saw two tears make their way down his face. I looked at him and gave him an "I understand what you're going through" look, so he'd know that I felt sorry for him. He nodded, reading my look right I guess. He knew me pretty well. almost as well as Nick did.

I then turned my head and whispered in Nick's ear.

"Baby, I think Drew needs our comfort and support right now." I whispered to him. "He's sitting over there, crying. I just want to hug him and tell him that I understand what he's going through."

Nick hugged me, harder, after I said that. Then he released me, looking into my face, smiling.

"That's one of the reasons why I love you so much, Sean." He replied. "The way you care about my brother, and my friends enough to want to help them when they need someone."

I returned his smile. I was amazed that Nick was taking Drew's feelings for me so well. I guess it's because he knew how much I loved him. He trusted me. I could see it in his eyes. There was no doubt showing there.

"Well of course, Nick." I replied. " I love Drew, and the rest of the guys too. It hasn't been that long and already I think of you guys as family."

Nick smiled, then leaned in to kiss me again. "I'm so glad to hear you say that." He said, breaking the kiss. "I was hoping that you'd think of us that way, sooner or later."

"Well I do, baby." I said, giving him another peck on the lips. "So, why don't we ask Drew to come over here and sit with us?" I then asked him.

"Sure. Why not?" He agreed. I then looked up to see that Drew was no longer sitting where he was. Justin and Kandi were still sitting where they were, but they were both engrossed in each other and making out that they must not have seen Drew leave.

"Nick, Drew's gone." I said. As soon as I said that, Nick turned and looked to where Drew was sitting to see that I was right.

"Hey you two, did you see Drew leave?" Nick said to Justin and Kandi, who were still kissing. They broke apart, hearing Nick talking to them.

"No, we didn't." Justin said, looking over to where Drew was sitting. "He was sitting right there a moment ago."

What about you, Kandi?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"No, I didn't see him leave either." She replied, looking worried.

"Ok." I said, getting up from the couch. "I'm going to go to his room and see if he's there. I really have to talk to him. I've got to get him out of this funk, one way or another."

Nick stood up when he heard me say that. "I'm not letting you go in there alone this time." He said. "I don't want Drew to hurt you again, like he did earlier."

"Nick, I really don't think he would hurt me again." I said, trying to reassure Nick. "Besides, I saw the look on his face when he realized what he had done, before I was knocked unconcious. He was definitely scared."

Nick wasn't buying it. "Well still, just as a precaution, I'm going to go with you to be sure that he behaves himself around you. Besides, we all know when someone's in a highly emotional state, you never can be sure what they're going to do."

After he said that, he had me scared. Drew could very easily fall over the edge. Even though he'd said that he'd accepted Nick's and my relationship, it didn't mean that he wasn't all torn up over it.

"Sean, are you alright?" Nick said, seeing the horrified look on my face. I shook myself out of it when I heard his voice.

"I'm fine, muscles." I said to him. "I just got a little lost in thought for a second that's all."

"You're worried that Drew might do something drastic aren't you?" Nick suddenly asked, taking me by surprise.

"Damn, are you psychic now or something?" I said, sarcastically.

"No, I'm just being honest." Nick replied. "I can read you like a book sometimes."

I looked at him sheepishly. "Oh you can, huh?" I asked. Nick nodded with a sexy grin.

"Well in that case, psychic Lachey, what am I thinking right now."I asked, looking into his eyes, with a serious face.

Nick studied me carefully for a moment, then took a guess.

"You want to go back to the bedroom, rip off my clothes, and make mad, passionate love to me?" He guessed. I shook my head.

"True, but no, that's not what I was thinking." I said with a grin. I was thinking about checking on Drew." Let's go, big boy."

"Yes, Dear." Nick chuckled.

We both headed to Drew's room and knocked. After a few seconds, Drew opened the door to see Nick and I standing there, looking at him with concern on both of our faces."

"What do you guys want?" Drew asked us, letting us in.

We entered the bedroom, and turned to face him. I was the first to speak up.

"I wanted to ask you to join us on the couch out there before you left and came in here. We both wanted to talk to you." I replied.

"Well thanks, but I think I'd rather be alone right now." Drew said, sounding bitter.

"That's the last thing you need, Drew." Nick said, walking over and putting his arm around Drew's shoulders.

"Why don't you come with us back to our house and we'll talk about this later tonight. Just the three of us?" Nick asked him.

Drew looked over at me, then back at Nick. "Are you sure?" I know you're not exactly happy with me having feelings for your boyfriend." He asked Nick, a little timidly.

"I can't deny I'm not thrilled with it, Drew, but you're my little brother and I love you. That will never change." Nick said, pulling Drew into a hug.

Drew hugged Nick back, strongly, while glancing at me. I walked up to him and Nick and put my arms around both of them, embracing them.

"I love you both and you know that." I said to them. "But look at it this way, Drew. You're not really losing me, in fact you're gaining me as your brother-in-law. And you're gonna be an awesome brother-in-law. You're the brother I've always wanted, Drew. That's how much you and your friendship mean to me."

Drew smiled at me after hearing my kind words. "Thanks, Sean." He said. "I'll remember that."

"Good. I said, then outstretched my arms. "Now give me a hug." I added.

Drew threw his arms around me and hugged me tight. We stayed that way for about a minute. Then I released him.

"Come back out to the living room with us, buddy?" I asked him, giving him my puppy dog look. Drew and Nick both laughed when they saw it.

"I swear you're just as bad as Nick is with that look." Drew giggled.

"Hey!" Nick said,laughing and nudging Drew with his elbow. "It's not like you haven't used the puppy dog look either, wiseguy."

"Ok, so I did." Drew said, still giggling. Nick threw his arm around his brother.

"Come on, let's get back out there." He said, then getting Drew into a headlock and giving him a noogie.

"Ok! Ok! I'm coming! Stop it!" Drew laughed, while trying to get out of Nick's headlock.

I laughed as I followed them out of the bedroom towards the living room. When we got back out there, I noticed that Jeff and Danny had joined Justin and Kandi and that they had decided to play a game of Spades. They all looked up when they heard us enter the room.

"Well, look who finally decided to join us?" Kandi said, while going through her hand of cards.

"Oh come on, you make it sound like we've been gone for 24 hours." Drew teased.

"Well you were in there for about half an hour." Kandi said with a smirk. What were you doing in there? having a 3some?"

"I don't think I want to hear their answer." Justin said, covering his ears playfully.

"Justin, please." I said sarcastically. " I wouldn't think of it. That's your style, not mine."

"Ouch!" Justin replied. "Remind me again why I'm your friend?" He then asked, smiling.

"because you like me?" I asked with a grin.

"Yeah, right." Justin laughed, then took on his serious look. "So did you guys get everything worked out?" He asked us, looking at Drew as he did.

"Yeah, Jus, we did." Nick said, pulling me close and kissing me cheek. I smiled and put my own arm around his waist.

"And what about you two?" I asked, turning towards Danny and Jeff. They both looked up at me, both smiling.

"Yeah, we're both fine." Danny replied.

"Good. I'm glad to hear that." I said to him, then turned to Jeff. "Jeff are you alright? You seemed really upset when Danny said that he was joining the navy earlier?"

Jeff looked at me and smiled. I'm alright, Sean." He said. "But thanks for asking."

"No problem." Well how about we all head to bed now?" I asked them all. "Tommorrow it's down to business."

"What are you talking about?" Drew asked me, confused.

"Yeah, babe, what are we doing tommorrow that's so important?" Nick asked.

I looked around at everone else. They all had their eyes on me, wanting to know what was going on tommorrow.

"What else?" I answered with a question, then the answer. "We've got a wedding to plan." I want to marry this man soon and I want everything to be perfect. So we need to start making the calls to our families... I then broke off, realizing that I didn't have any family anymore. The pain hit me once again and I started to tear up.

"Hey, Baby, it's alright." Nick said, pulling me to him, holding me while I cried.

"What's wrong, Sean?" Kandi asked. I then realized that she didn't know about what had happened to me. I guess Nick or any of the other guys had had a chance to tell her about my past.

"His Mom and Dad are dead." Drew replied, answering for me. "They died in a car accident about 4 years ago."

"Oh my god!" Kandi gasped. I'm so sorry, Sean." She said to me.

I raised my head from Nick's chest, my face streaked with tears, and gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Kandi." I said. "Now how about we all get to bed so we can get started on everything we need to do tommorrow?" I asked them.

"That's a good idea." Justin said. I'm beat anyway."

"Yeah. So am I." Jeff said, getting up. "Danny, are you coming to bed?" He asked Danny.

I couldn't help myself after I heard that. I just had to laugh. Everyone looked at me like I had gone insane.

"What's so funny?" Jeff asked me.

"You said: "Danny, are you coming to bed?" I said in between my laughter. "You made it sound like the two of you are sleeping together."

Jeff, realizing how he had made it sound, turned 5 shades of red, causing Justin, Kandi, Drew, and Nick, to start laughing along with me. Danny's face took on a crimson red look too, but he gave in a laughed along with us, but Jeff didn't laugh. He had a weird look on his face. But as soon as I saw it, it was masked over with a smile.

"Well Guys, I'm off to bed. See you all tommorrow." He said, heading towards his room.

Well we better get going too." Justin said, getting up and putting his arms around Kandi.

I"ll get your coats." I said, heading to the closet and grabbing their coats, as well as Drew's, Nick's and mine, and headed out with my arms full. I handed each coat to it's rightful owner.

"Thanks" They all said in unison, putting their coats on, except for Danny, who was staying with Jeff.

"Goodnight, Danny." I said, giving him a hug goodbye.

"Goodbye, Sean." Danny said, returning my hug. "I'll see you tommorrow." Drive safe."

"YOu bet." I said, releasing him. Nick and Drew said goodbye and I followed them outside to Nick's car. Justin and Kandi had stayed behind to talk to Danny for a few more minutes.

"Nick, do you want me to drive?" Drew asked Nick, with a smile. Nick returned it.

"That would be nice of you, Drew." He said, giving Drew the keys.

"Alright." Drew said, unlocking the car. We all got in and Drew started up the car, while me and Nick hopped into the backseat, and put the car in gear. He then started driving towards home.

We got home about 20 minutes later and hopped out of the car. As we headed up to the door, I noticed a suitcase sitting by the door with a note sticking out of the zipper.

"Isn't that your suitcase, Sean?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah. There's even a note inside." I said, grabbing the note. I then started reading it aloud.

"Dear Sean."

We're sorry we had to leave the party early the other night. We were tired and went home. When we didn't hear from you, We assumed that you and Nick had made up and are together again. If this is true, We wish you both all the best. We came by and left your things on the porch, since you weren't home. Goodnight and give us a call when you can.


Ben and Matt.

"Well that was sweet of them." Drew said, smiling.

"Yeah, it was." I said, picking up my suitcase. "Now let's in inside, it's cold out here." I shivered.

"Yes. Let's." Nick said, unlocking the door and letting Drew and I inside. He shut the door and locked it, after entering.

We all took off our coats and headed up to bed, exhausted from the day's events.

Well that's it for now. Stay tuned for the next installment.

What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!


Next: Chapter 29

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