My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 13, 2001


Hello, all I'm back with the next chapter. I hope you are all liking the story so far.

Disclaimer: This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything abut the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey, or anyone else in the group 98 Degrees. If you're too young to read this or are offended by homosexual material, then don't continue any further and leave.


(Two Days Later)

I woke up on a Friday Morning and finally felt almost my old self again. Except for one thing: The test results. They were due back today. I was so nervous. What would they say? Would I have HIV? or would I have something worse? Or would I be alright? I hoped I was alright and that that monster who raped me wasn't infected with anything.

Danny in the meantime had been wonderful these last two days. He took the other day off from school to spend the day with me. We played cards, watched TV, and basically just talked about our friends and then we talked about Amanda a little bit too. I asked him how she was doing, and he said she was fine and that he missed her like hell. Amanda had gone away to college in California while Danny had stayed in Chicago, Illinois to go to school. I told him to be patient and that Amanda would come home soon. He said he hoped so.

I picked up the phone and dialed Danny's home number. He answered on the first ring.


"Hi, Danny, I said to him, It's me, Sean, what's up?"

"Hi, Sean, how are you holding up today?, he wanted to know."

"I'm nervous as hell, Danny, not to mention scared out of my mind. I confessed to him. Today I'll know whether I'm gonna live or die."

"Don't talk like that, Sean, I have a feeling that you're gonna be fine. He said. while trying to comfort me, proving once again what a great guy he was, and how lucky I was to have him in my life.

"I hope so, Will you swing by here after your classes? I asked him."

"Actually man, I"ve gotten all my homework and everything else I need from my professors so I can spend the entire day with you today as well. I told my professors that a friend of mine was raped and is now waiting for test results to see if he has any STDs. They were so understanding."

I was shocked, Today was Friday and knowing Danny, he had plenty of tests and exams on Fridays. I was blown away that he would skip all those tests just to be there for me. I had always hated tests and exams when I was in high school.

"But Danny, what about all those tests and exams you always have on Fridays. You're going to miss them." I don't want you to flunk your courses." I told him.

"Nonsense man, He said. MY professors said that I could make them up on Monday when I go back, so now we have the weekend all to ourselves. But I'll swing by the hospital once I've finished all my homework. The last thing I want to deal with is homework when I could be hanging out with you for the rest of the day and weekend."

"Oh, alright. I said, I"ll see you later then?

"Yeah I should be there around 1:00pm. he replied back."

"OK. I said, smiling. I'll see you later. Bye.

"Bye. he said back."

I hung up the phone, just as one of the nurses was coming in to check up on me. I started to get tense almost immediately.

"Nurse, I asked, Have you heard anything about my test results yet?"

The nurse smiled and said. "Actually yes, I just came to tell you that the lab called and said the test results are ready and they'll be sent up soon. She then left the room. I sat back in the bed and decided to watch TV to pass the time. I"m just glad that I had a room to myself so I could watch whatever I wanted and have the volume up high enough that I could hear without someone telling me to turn it down. I started flipping through the channels, and as I came to MTV, I noticed a music video of 98 Degrees playing. They were singing "All Because Of You" and sounded great as usual, but then again when don't they?

But as soon as I saw Nick, singing into the camera, I saw flashbacks of that night I told him and Drew that I was gay, How cold he had been and walked out on me, and the man who raped me. I changed the channel as I felt the first two tears make their way down my face. I wiped them away, and tried not to think about it. After all, I didn't want Danny to see me like this when he came to visit later. So I flipped through the remaining channels until I came across a celebrity profile of Chris O' Donnell on The Lifetime Channel. I decided to watch that, since I'd always thought Chris was cute, and I'd had a crush on him. I listened to him as he told his life story about the ups and down of his career and how he managed to keep it together. I actually got so into his story, that I didn't notice that it was 1:00p.m. and that Danny had walked into the room. As soon as he put his hand on my shoulder, I jumped in fright and turned towards him, ready to attack, until I realized it was Danny.

"Whoa Sean, calm down, it's just me." He said as he jumped back thinking that I was gonna punch his lights out. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shit! Danny, you could have said something, instead of deciding to try and give me a heart attack you know." I said, nervously.

"I did try, He said, as he walked back over to sit in his chair beside my bed. I actually called out to you a few times, but you were so wrapped up in the TV that you didn't even hear me, so I decided to shake you to get your attention. What are you watching anyway?"

I smiled at him,before replying. "I'm watching Chris O' Donnell's Celebrity Profile. I must really have been into it not to hear or notice you come in. I can't believe it's 1:00 already. Danny looked at me and shook his head, all the while with a big smirk on his face.

"What? I said when I noticed his smirk. He started to laugh. "I should have known you'd be watching him to get so engrossed in the TV to not hear me come in. He answered me. With the exception of Nick, He's the next guy you've had a thing for."

As soon as he mentioned Nick, my face fell and his eyes widened when he realized what he had done. "Shit Sean, I'm so sorry. He apologized. I didn't mean to bring him up." Danny looked at me with concern written all over his face. I smiled to let him know that I was alright.

"Don't worry, Danny, I reassured him. It was an honest slip. You're forgiven. And besides you're right about what you said. I definitely do have a thing for him. He probably wouldn't have treated me the way Nick did if he knew that I was gay.

Danny nodded. "I agree with that, He told me. Chris doesn't seem like the type of guy to judge people or hold a grudge against them either." Danny then remembered about my test results.

"Hey, when do your test results get back?" he asked. I started getting tense all over again as I remembered that they were ready. But then I realized that it had been 12:30p.m. when I had found out from the nurse that they were ready. I was starting to get worried.

"Actually I found out from the nurse that they were ready, but that was at 12:30p.m. and it's now 1:30. I wonder what's taking so long?" I wondered. Just then Dr. Russell came into the room. I started to really get tense now.

"Well Dr. What took so long? I've been waiting for my results since the nurse told me they were ready at 12:30. I asked. Dr Russell smiled, apologetically and turned to Danny.

Would you give us a moment alone, please? he said to Danny. "Sure, Danny said. He started to walk out of the room. "Danny, wait! I called after him. He turned around and looked at me. I then turnd to Dr. Russell.

"Dr., could you please let him stay? I'd like him to be with me when you give me my results. Besides, he knows my situation and he's been there for me when nobody else was. I think he deserves to know." I begged him. Dr. Russell nodded.

"Alright, if that's what you want, He said and he then turned back to Danny, who was still standing by the door, looking at us. Come on back over, Danny, You can stay." He said to Danny. Danny walked back over and sat back down beside me.

"OK, I said to Dr. Russell, I'll ask you again. What took so long?

"I wanted to give you the results personally, but I got called to check on some other patients before I could come and give you the results." Dr. Russell explaining. I understood how busy Doctors could get.

"I understand. I said. Now can you give me the results?"

"Sure, Dr. Russell said. He opened a folder and starting reading it. Danny grabbed my hand and squeezed it, letting me know he was there. I smiled at him. After what seemed like an eternity, Dr. Russell finished reading and looked up at me. He then smiled.

"Your results came back negative, there's no sign of any antibodies or HIV. he said. Danny and I both let out our breath, which we hadn't been aware that we had been holding and let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, I breathed. So, what's next? I asked.

Dr. Russell closed the folder and then looked at us again. "Well I'd advise you to take it cautiously and not have unprotected sex until your next set of tests come back clear. I want you to be re-tested in 3months, to be sure no antibodies have formed. Then after that, if you test negative again, you should be able to be sexually active again after that.

I smiled. "Thank you so much, doctor. You have made me feel so much better. Will I be able to go home now? I asked.

"Yes, just let me go and sign your release papers and you can sign them when you leave. I have to see another patient so good luck,Sean and be careful the next time you go out at night. He warned. I nodded. He then left to check on another patient.

As soon as he left, Danny swooped me up in a tight hug and I returned it just as strongly. We stayed that way for a few minutes. When we both pulled away, we both had tears in our eyes. But they were tears of relief. I then said to Danny.

"I'm glad you were here for me. Danny smiled.

"I'm glad I was too. He said, grinning. Now, I'm gonna wait for you down in the lobby while you get dressed and sign your papers, besides I'm hungry."

"When are you not hungry? I said to him, sarcastically. Danny looked at me in mock hurt.

"Well excuse me, I'm still a growing boy, you know." He joked.

"Yeah, you're growing alright, horizontally, I teased him. in response, Danny lifted his shirt, showing me his perfectly toned chest and abs. "Do you see any fat on this body?" He asked, while flashing me his killer smile, showing off his dimples. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, you've made your point, now get out of here and let me get dressed. Unless you want to join me for a quick shower? I teased him. Danny laughed and shook his head.

"No thanks, man. He replied. I'll skip the two o' clock show. No offense, but I'd rather shower with Amanda then you any day of the week.

"Well thanks Dan, I said with a mock hurt expression on my face, You sure know how to make a guy feel special. Oh well, you don't know what you're missing.

"Just take your shower and shut up." Danny grinned. I"ll wait for you downstairs. I said goodby to him, and he left the room.

I then, hopped in the shower,washed my hair and body. and then got out and dried off. I then dried my hair and since I didn't feel like keeping my bangs in my face like I normally do, I decided to comb it back and put a little gel in it to keep it in place. I then wrapped the towel around my waist and headed out into the room to change into some clean clothes. I shut the door to the room, but not before I saw a young male orderly who couldn't have been more than 18, looked into my room and saw me standing there in a towel. He smiled and said hi as he passed by, making me blush. I said hi back and then shut the door and closed the curtains around my bed so I could change in private. I grabbed some clean underwear and put them on. I then decided on a pair of white khaki shorts and a bright blue t-shirt. I finished changing and went out to the front desk. I signed my release papers and went down to the lobby, where Danny was waiting. I found him, sitting alone in the cafeteria, eating a chocolate bar. No others were in the cafeteria. Danny looked up and whistled when he saw my new look, making me blush.

"Looking good, man, he said, You should style your hair like that more often. It makes your look really suave.

"Thanks. I said, smiling at him. You ready to go? I can't wait to get home.

Danny finished his chocolate bar and threw away the wrapper. "OK, let's go. He said. We walked out of the cafeteria. On the way out, I saw the male orderly, who had seen me half naked earlier in the hotel, coming in to the cafeteria. He must have been on a break. He smiled at me again. He was very good looking. He had brown hair and brown eyes and a nice swimmer's build, not too thin and not too muscular either. I smiled at him and decided to ask him his name.

"Hi, may I ask your name? I asked him. He blushed a little bit, before answering.

"Casey. He said, while holding out his hand. I took it and we shook hands. "I'm Sean, I said to Casey, It's nice to meet you. This is my friend, Danny. I said, while pointing at Danny. Danny and Casey then shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Casey, Danny said.

"You too, Danny, you're a very lucky guy to have a boyfriend like him." Casey said. I laughed as Danny turned red from embarrassment, and Casey looked at him confused as to why he was blushing.

"Casey, Danny and I are not together. I told him, He's straight. We're just friends. I've known him since high school. Casey then gasped and started apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Danny, I didn't mean to embarass you. Casey said. I didn't know you were straight. I saw the two of you coming out together and I assumed that you were a couple. Can you forgive me?

Danny, after he stopped blushing, smiled.

"It's alright, Casey, Danny said, You didn't know. As Sean said, we're just friends.

Casey nodded. "Well I can tell you both are really close, hold on to that. You two are good friends. I hope you never lose your friendship.

I smiled. "We will, Casey, I don't think anything could ruin our friendship. Well maybe me If I ever tried to throw myself at him. He's kick my ass that's for sure.

"Damn right I would, Danny laughed, causing Casey to laugh too. "Well Casey, it's been a pleasure meeting you, but Sean has to get home and we have to eat, so we'll see you later.

"Alright. Casey said. And Sean if you ever want to hang out or talk to me, come down to the hospital around 6:30pm on Weekdays. I work from 11am-7pm. I have weekends off. I smiled and told him I would if I needed to. I then said goodbye to him and left the cafeteria with Danny right behind me. As soon as we were out of hearing range, Danny started laughing. I turned and asked him what was so funny.

"Casey. That guy was practically drooling over you." He said. I looked at him in shock. "He was not! I said, while slapping him across the arm, playfully. Danny then proceeded to tease me more.

"He was undressing you with his eyes." Danny threw in. I then remembered when he saw me in the towel. "Well he did see me half naked after you left." I said. Now it was Danny's turn to be shocked. "What? What did he do?" he wanted to know.

"Nothing. He just smiled and said hi, I blushed of course, but that's all. I said to him, as we walked down towards the elevator.

Alright, enough about Casey. Danny said, What do you want to eat? I'm starving.

I thought about what I wanted. I wanted to go home and didn't feel like going out to eat, so I decided That I'd order something in.

"Why don't we order in? I asked Danny, I don't feel like going out, so I'm gonna order pizza. Does that sound good?

Danny's face lit up when I mentioned Pizza. If there's one thing that Danny loves, It's Pizza. I like seafood more than Pizza, but pizza is second of my favorite foods. He agreed and got out his cell phone and ordered two Pizza with both our favorites: Pepperoni and Sausage. He gave them my address,to have it delivered to, and hung up.

"The pizzas will be at your place in 30 minutes. he said. I nodded.

We got out of the elevator and headed out to the parking lot where my car was waiting alongside his Red Corvette. I got in my car and drove up the block towards my house, with him following right behind me. I pulled in the driveway and hit the automatic garage door button. the garage door opened and I pulled in. Danny pulled his car right behind me in front of the garage door. I got out of my car and walked out of the garage and lowered the door. Danny then followed me to my front door where I unlocked it, and went into the house. Danny grabbed a seat on the couch and turned on the TV. I went to check my messages to see if anyone called while I was out for those two days. I saw about 4 messages, so I hit the play button to see who's they were.

"Hi, Sean, it's Drew, I heard Drew's voice say, I called to tell you how sorry I am about what happened tonight and I let my brother have it for being so cold to you. Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I still think you're a cool guy and I want to be your friend still, despite what Nick thinks. Well I'll call you tommorrow. Bye.

I smiled, realizing that Drew had called me that night. I must have been on my way to the hospital when he called. It was nice to know that he cared.


"Hi Sean, it's Drew again, where are you? I need to talk to you. Call me back when you get in. Bye.


Sean, It's your boss, Tony, Where are you? You haven't come to work for two days now. It's not like you to skip work like this. I"m worried. Call me back when you get this message. Bye.

"Shit! I thought, I remembered that I had not called into work to let my boss know about what happened the night before, so he would have known what happened. I decided to call him and let him know as soon as I finished listening to the last message. The last message was from Drew again.

"Hey Sean, It's Drew again, Why haven't you called me back? I"m worried about you. I even came by your house with Jeff and Justin this morning and you weren't home. I hope you don't hate me too. I really meant it when I said I wanted to be your friend. I told the other guys what happened that night and they are totally fine with you being gay and are furious with Nick for treating you the way he did. Please call and let us know that you are alright. We leave tommorrow to go to Pittsburgh, PA for our next concert, so please call us and meet with me before we leave. I really need to talk to you. In case you don't know which room We're in, I'll tell you. I"m in room 416, Nick's in 417, and Jeff and Justin decided to share room 418. Call us. Bye.

I frowned as I wondered what was so important that Drew wanted to talk to me about. Curious, I picked up the phone and dialed the hotel. The receptionist who was a male, picked up. I asked for room 416.

"I'm sorry sir, but we have strict orders not to disturb that room." he said. May I ask who's calling?

"Yes, I"m Sean Perry, I'm a friend of Drew who's in that room. Why don't you ask him if he'll take my call and then get back to me. I'm sure he won't mind. I assured him. He said He'd check to see if Drew would take my call.

After about two seconds, there was a click and then Drew came on the line.

Sean! Where the hell have you been? He practically shouted at me, I was so worried.

"Whoa, Drew, calm down. listen It's a long story, but I can't get into it over the phone so will you come and see me? I said to him.

"Of course I will, Drew said. I"ll be there in 15 minutes.

"Oh and Drew, come alone. I don't want to see, Nick. Not yet, anyway.

"OK, I'll come alone. thanks for calling me. I"ll see you soon. Bye. he then hung up.

I then hung up the phone and then picked it back up to call my boss. I dialed his extension. "Hello, Tony speaking." I heard him say.

"Tony, it's Sean.

"Sean! Where the hell are you! Tony shouted. You haven't been to work in two days now. I"m worried. It's not like you to skip work. What's going on?

"I was raped, Tony, I've been in the hospital those last few days.

Oh my god! He said in horror. Are you alright? Who raped you?

"I don't know, man, I was walking through the streets and this muscular monster just grabbed me out of no-where. I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. he just threw me down on the ground, and forced himself on me. I"m telling you, Tony, I'd never been more scared in my life." I said to him, sobbing.

I can imagine. Tony said. Well thanks for telling me, Take as much time as you need to get better, I'll still pay you for the last two days.

"Thanks Tony, but I don't need to take anymore time off work, I'm fine. I"ll be back to work Monday, since these are my off days.

Alright, Tony replied, I"ll still pay you for the days you missed, but if you're feeling alright to come to work, I won't stop you.

Thanks, Tony, you're concern means alot to me. I said to him.

No problem, he said. I'll see you Monday then ok?

"Alright. I said. Goodbye boss. I hung up and went out to the living room. Danny had been watching TV and looked up when I came in. Once he caught sight of my face, he stood up. "Are you ok? he asked. I"m fine, but thanks for asking. I said as I wiped my eyes, realizing that I hadn't wiped my tears before I'd walked into the room. Danny looked at me, curiously. "Then why the tears? He asked. "I had been talking to my boss and let him know what happened. I had forgotten to call him when I was in the hospital to let him know why I wasn't at work." And I also talked to Drew.

Danny frowned. "What did he say?

I didn't tell him, I told him to come over. He said he'd be here in 15 minutes.

Danny smiled, but then his smile faltered. Is Nick coming with him? he asked.

"No, I specifically told Drew that I didn't want to see Nick and he agreed to come alone so I could tell him the whole story. I said.

"I wish you had invited the rest of the guys, minus Nick though. He said. Just then there was a knock on the door. "That must be the pizza, I'll get it." I said. I walked to the door and opened it, seeing the pizza man standing outside with our pizzas. I paid him and thanked him for bringing them, and he left. Danny took the pizzas and sat them on the living room table. I grabbed some napkins from the kitchen to use since me and Danny just eat out of the box and don't waste clean plates. Not soon after we started eating, There was another knock on the door. I went to answer it. I opened the door and was shocked to see Drew, Justin and Jeff standing there. Nick was nowhere in sight. "Hi guys, I said in suprise. Come on in. I said. They entered and I closed the door and turned to Drew. "I thought you said you were coming alone? I asked him. Drew got a worried look on his face then. "I was but then I stopped by to tell Jeff and Justin where I was headed and they insisted that they come along because they wanted to see you and see how you were doing. Are you mad at me?" I looked at him,and laughed at the expression on his face. It was so cute!

"What's so funny?" he asked? I stopped laughing and answered him. "Not at all. I"m glad you brought them, I missed them just as much as I missed you. Besides Danny was hoping that you'd bring the rest of the guys. I told him.

"Where is Danny anyway?" Jeff asked.

"In the living room. We just ordered pizza. would you guys like some?" I asked them politely.

Sure, I'm starved. Justin said. "OK, I said. Come on into the living room. Danny's in there.

I led the guys into the living room and Danny's face lit up when he saw the guys coming. He got up and gave all the guys a hug and started talking with them as he led them to the sofa where they sat down and started eating again. Drew turned to me. "Are you ready to talk about it now? he asked. I smiled at him and shook my head. "Not yet, I told him, How about after we've all eaten?"

OK, that'll work. Drew said. I put my arm around his shoulders and we walked into the living room where Danny, Jeff and Justin were eating and talking about football and girls. I took a seat on the couch beside Danny and Drew took a seat beside me. I grabbed a slice of pizza and started eating.

After we had finished eating, I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. They stopped talking and looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Ok guys, I'm sure you're all wondering why I invited Drew over here and I'm sure you're all wondering what happened to me over the last few days. The guys nodded. I continued.

I'm sure you guys heard about what happened in the restaurant at the hotel that night? I asked more than replied.

Yeah, Justin added, I've never know Nick to be so cold. when Drew told us what happened, we were shocked.

Jeff then came in. "Me neither. I'm really sorry for that, Sean. I'll let you know that we all let him have it after I heard it from Drew. I'm sure he's feeling bad about it now.

"Well he should, I said coldy, Especially with what happened to me next.

"What are you talking about? Drew asked, confused.

Well after Drew and Nick left, I totally broke down. The nice waiter who waited on us, came and comforted me and after I calmed down asked me if I wanted to talk about it. I said I didn't but he said he'd be there for me, if I ever did want to talk. I thanked him and left. I was crying again, I got in my car and went home. When I got there, I didn't feel like going into the house just yet, so I decided to take a walk to clear my head."

I had started to cry, Drew put his arm on my shoulder and squeezed it. I felt Danny's hand doing the same on my other shoulder too. I sniffed and patted both of their hands, letting them know that I appreciated their comfort and continued.

and what none of you guys know, except for Danny here, is as I was walking along, this muscular monster came out of nowhere, pulled me into this dark alleyway and raped me. I looked up at the guys as I finished.

I saw all of the guys gasp in horror with horrified, shocked looks on all of their faces, and immediately I felt Drew's arms go around me as he pulled me into a hug. I lost it right then and I sobbed into his shoulder as he held me, while rubbing my back to comfort me. When I calmed down I looked towards Danny, Jeff, and Justin, who also had tears streaming down their faces. Jeff came in front of me and grabbed me in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Sean, he said as he cried, We had no idea what you were going through. I wish we could have been there for you.

I released Jeff and Justin came and hugged me too.

"I'm sorry too, buddy, He said. I could kill Nick for this. directly or indirectly, he's the cause of this.

I felt better and Justin let go of me. Danny was also rubbing my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I smiled at his gesture.

The doorbell rang again. "Man, I must be popular today, I joked. this is the third visitor in one day and I don't have that many friends. I wonder who that could be?

I wiped my face and went to answer it. I opened the door and stood frozen in shock.

Hello, Sean. Nick said, standing in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing here? I asked him coldly.

"We need to talk, Nick said. May I come in?"


Well that's it for chapter 3. Chapter 4 will be coming soon. Let me know what you think of the story so far.

Next: Chapter 4

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