My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Feb 17, 2002


Hey all, I'm back and still writing the story. it's getting harder and harder to write and make sense out of it considering some of the choices I've made in the story.

Oh, and I'm going to try to write it with different scenes in each chapter so we can all see what's going on with the other characters, rather then from Sean's point of view.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

BACK AT THE CRASH SITE..................

Nick was still knelt down at the spot where the crash happened. he was still speaking.

"Sean, our relationship has survived so much." Nick said to thin air. "My treatment of you back in New York when I found out you were gay. Finding out you had been raped and were at risk at getting STD's. My anger at you when you turned down my marriage proposal. and of course, my affair with Matt Sheffield."

Nick smiled when he came to the best part.

"But then you forgave me and we got back together. Our love was stronger than ever." Nick gushed. "At that time, I didn't think that anything could ever separate us again........

Nick stopped, his emotions starting to come back from what he had to say to finish his sentence.

"Until tonight." Nick finished, tearing up again. "Tonight when you said you made a mistake marrying me, after I was such a jerk before. That hurt me so terribly that I threw you out of the house without any regard to your feelings."

Nick's tears gave way to sobs, but he continued.

"I will regret that." He sobbed. "Until the day I die because I was so selfish! I let my anger and hurt cloud my judgement, and because of that, I've lost you for good! And I have no one to blame but myself!"

Nick looked up again through his tears at the sky and continued through his sobs.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Baby." Nick sobbed. "I wish I could have said goodbye."

Nick could not say anything more and sank down to the ground and cried his heart out.

A few minutes later, Nick felt someone's hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently.

Nick looked up through his tears to see who it was. When he did, his eyes widened.


CHAPTER 38 ***********

Nick stood up, his eyes wide, and stared at the person who was standing in front of him.

"Oh my god!" Nick exclaimed. "Sean?

Nick grabbed me in a hug and held me tight, the emotions overwhelming him.

He held me for at least 5 minutes, neither of us moving or speaking. Then Nick released me and looked at me up and down.

"I can't believe this!" Nick gushed. "Look at you! You're here! you're ok!"

I nodded and smiled.

I'm fine." I said, standing before Nick in the clothes I was wearing before the accident.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Nick asked me. "Why didn't you come to me?"

I shrugged.

"Would it have mattered?" I asked him, with a sad look on my face.

"Yes. Yes, of course." Nick replied to me. Then he wondered something.

"Where have you been?" Nick asked me.

"Not far." I said to him. I saw his eyes drop down for a minute.

"You seemed so angry and hurt that I didn't know what to do or say to make you understand that I didn't mean what I said at the time." I said, with a hurt look on my face, as I walked past him and took a few steps away.

"You're angry." Nick said, his face filling with confusion.

"I forgave you for it, Nick." I said, my back still to him.

Nick's face took on a look of content when he heard those words.

"You have?" Nick asked, then said "Oh, baby, you have to know that I'd give anything for a second chance with you."

I turned and looked at him, then nodded.

"That's what I want too." I said to him. "But.....

I didn't get to finish, because Nick walked over to me and pulled me into his arms and kissed me, passionately. I returned the kiss, tears coming to my eyes.

it only lasted for a few seconds before I pushed him away.

"But Nick, getting back together is impossible." I said to him.

"Impossible?" Nick asked me, confused. "No. Nothing is impossible. You're here. You're alive."

I looked at him for a second then said.

"I'm not here, Nick." I told him, and walked past him. He looked after me, confused.

After about 10 steps, I turned back to him and pointed up towards the sky.

"I'm up there." I said, looking at him, sadly.

Nick shook his head. "No." He said.

I looked at him, feeling sorry for him.

"This is just a dream, Nicholas." I told him.

"No. No!" Nick said, tears coming to his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him. "I miss you too."

Those last words, echoed as my image disappeared from Nick's view.

"No! No!." Nick said, running towards where Sean's image had been. "NO! DON'T GO, SEAN, NO!! NO!! SEAN?! SEAN?!

******************************************************* BACK AT NICK'S CAR..............

"Nick, wake up!" Drew was shaking him, trying to wake him up. The guys were standing nearby.

"No!, Don't go, Sean! No! No! NO!!!!!!" Nick was saying, tears streaming down his face, as he was still sleeping from his dream.

"Nick!!" Drew yelled. "It's Drew! Please, wake up, man!"

Nick's eyes opened and he jerked upright in his seat.

"Drew?" Nick said, sobbing. "Sean was here! He was here! then he disappeared! We have to find him, Drew."

"Nick, you were dreaming." Drew told him, sadly. "Sean is dead. Remember?"

The look on Nick's face made Drew regret his words, because then Nick's lower lip trembled, and his eyes showed anger and despair.

"How can you say that, Drew?!" Nick screamed, opening the door and getting out, slamming his car door behind him. "I saw him! He was here!"

"Nick, calm down." Jeff said.

"No!" Nick yelled. "I know he was here and if you guys don't believe me, then to hell with you!"

Nick started to run across the road, before anyone could could take action.

He never noticed the car that was coming.


"Nick, watch out!!!" Drew screamed.

Nick stopped in his tracks, right in the middle of the road and looked towards the car which was coming at him. The car's driver didn't even hit his brakes.

Before Nick could react, the car hit him head on and Nick's body went into the windshield, then rolled off the other side of the car, into the ditch and was still.

"Nick! NO!!!" Drew screamed, running over to Nick and cradling his brother's bloodied and bruised body in his arms.

"Guys, go after that fucking car!" Drew screamed, tears streaming down his face.

But before the guys could react, They heard a gunshot ring out and then heard an explosion.

They turned to see that Drew's car's front tire had been shot and it was now flat.

Someone in the car must have shot the car tire out, knowing that the guys would have tried to come after them and stayed one step ahead of the guys.

The car sped off and the guys ran over to Drew, who was crying hysterically and holding Nick's body in his arms.

"Call 911!" Drew screamed, as his EMT skills came into play. "Nick needs to get to a hospital and fast!"

******************************************************* MINUTES LATER THAT NIGHT............

The ambulance rushed to the lobby doors and the orderlys and nurses rushed out to help the paramedics with the gurney that Nick's battered and bruised form was in.

Drew and the guys were right behind them as they rushed Nick's gurney through the hospital hallways.

A male doctor appeared, took one look at Nick, his face serious.

"Get this patient to OR stat." He said.

The nurses started to wheel Nick's body towards the operating room. Drew was following them, until the doctor stopped him.

I'm sorry, sir, but you can't go with them." He said.

"Why not?" Drew asked, started to get angry, from how scared he was. "He's my brother."

"That may be true." The doctor said to him. "But your brother may possibly need to be operated on. Just stay down here and I'll let you know when you can see him."

Drew sighed heavily, but reluctantly agreed with the doctor.

"Alright, but please don't let my brother die." Drew begged, his tears returning. "Please?"

The doctor nodded. "We're going to do everything we can for your brother, sir. "What is your name?"

I'm Drew Lachey." Drew said, extending out his hand to the doctor. The doctor took it and they shook hands, briefly.

"My brother's name is Nick Lachey." Drew told him, so he knew his name.

The doctor frowned. "Drew and Nick Lachey?" He asked. "Where have I heard those names before?" He wondered. Drew then decided to answer his question.

"We're musicians." Drew told him. "You've heard of 98 Degrees haven't you?"

Realization dawned on the young doctor's face when he realized who Drew and Nick were.

"That's right!" he exclaimed then smiled. "My daughter is a huge fan of yours. She has almost every cd and poster of you guys." As a matter of fact, she left one in my office. Do you think you guys could all autograph it later?"

"Drew nodded. "Sure. I'm sure your daughter would love that."

"Thank you very much." The doctor said, then looked serious. "I'm just sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances."

"Drew nodded as he started to tear up again.

"I'm going to go and get to work on Nick." The doctor said. "I'll let you know how things are going as information comes up. Then I'll let you know when you all can see him."

"Thank you, Doctor." Drew said, then asked. "In the meantime, what can I do?"

"Well, why don't you go to the nurse's station and give them your brother's name and medical information? That way we can get started as soon as possible in case Nick needs to be operated on. We won't know until we take X-rays of his body to find out if there's any major damage to his body."

"Alright. But please let me know everything that's going on. Even if the news is not good." I want to know everything." Drew insisted.

"I will let you know. The doctor told him. "I have to go. I'll see you all later."

With that, the doctor walked off towards the operating room.

Drew sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. Then he turned and walked over to the nurse's station to give Nick's name insurance information. After he was done with that, he turned and walked into the waiting room, where Justin and Kandi were sitting there, holding each other close. Danny and Jeff were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are Jeff and Danny?" Drew asked them.

"They went to get us all some food and cappaucinos." Justin told Drew. "I've got a feeling that we may be here awhile."

Drew nodded, tearstains evident on his face. "Yeah, probably. But I'm not very hungry right now."

Justin and Kandi both gave Drew a worried look.

"You should at least try to eat something. You have to keep your strength up." Kandi said to him.

"I'll try." Drew said. He sat down beside Kandi and sank down in his chair and put his head in his hands.

"I can't believe this is happening." Drew said. "First we lose Sean to an explosion and now Nick gets run down by a speeding car. and all in the same night."

"Drew, Nick is NOT going to die." Justin said, trying to give Drew some hope.

"We don't know that, Justin." Drew said, sharply. "We didn't think it would happen to Sean and it did."

"That was different, Drew." Kandi said. "Sean was stuck in the car and couldn't get out. Nick's situation is totally different."

Drew shook his head, like he couldn't believe her.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." He said. Then his eyes widened. "Oh shit!"

"What, Drew? What is it?" Kandi asked, with a frightened look on her face.

"We're supposed to be back on tour in a few days. Plus I haven't let management know what has happened to Nick." Drew replied.

I already took care of that, Drew." Justin said. I told management everything that happened tonight with Sean's death and now with Nick's accident. They're going to postpone the tour until we know what Nick's health status is. They're sending out an official statement to the media, as we speak."

Drew sighed in relief. "Thanks, Justin. I was in no shape to handle that."

"What are friends for, man?" Justin asked with a small smile.

Hey guys, we're back." A familiar voice called out.

Drew, Kandi, and Justin looked up to see that Danny and Jeff were back with food and hot cappaucinos for everyone.

"Great. Let's eat. I'm starving." Justin said. grabbing his bag of food.

Danny handed Kandi and Drew their bags of food and then sat down across from the guys to start on their own.

Drew opened up his bag, which had a small container of chili in it, along with a Chicken sandwhich, some garlic mashed potatoes, and a bread roll.

The guys ate their food until they were full. Even Drew.

"Wow. I can't believe how hungry I really was." Drew said, after he'd finished his food.

"That makes four of us." Justin said, with a slight laugh.

Drew sipped his mocha cappaucino and then yawned. "Now I feel tired." He murmured.

"So are we, Drew." Justin said. "But we need to wait until the doctor comes back to give us some news on Nick's prognosis."

"Well I hope he get's back here soon." Drew said. "Or I'm going to go crazy wondering if Nick is alright."

As if on cue, the doctor appeared and the guys all stood up.

"I have some news." The doctor said, his face all serious. "Nick's seems to be pulling through this just fine. We know so far that he's suffered a dislocated shoulder, as well as minor cuts and bruises, but all of his wounds have now been bandaged." But other than that, Nick was very, very lucky."

The guys all sighed in relief. They were so relieved that Nick had survived this latest ordeal.

"Can we see him, Dr?" Justin asked.

"Yes, but I want to check on him first before you guys go in to see him." The Doctor said with a strange look on his face.

The guys didn't really catch on to it, but Danny felt that something wasn't right.

"Dr. You did say Nick SEEMS to be pulling through alright.=?" He pointed out. "Is there something else you're not telling us?"

"Actually yes." The doctor said. "Nick's still unconcious yet, but what's going on is something I was hoping that I wouldn't have to bring up. But now I feel you guys should be prepared in case something may go wrong."

"Dr. what are you talking about?" Drew asked, starting to panic.

The doctor looked at him, and continued.

"Well as you know, Nick did hit his head pretty hard when the car hit him and we've taken X-rays of Nick's skull to find out if there's been any swelling to the brain. The results haven't come back yet."

"Oh god." Kandi said, putting her hand to her mouth in horror. "If Nick's brain does show swelling, what will it mean for him?"

The doctor looked at them sadly.

"Well it could mean a number of things." If his brain shows swelling, it's possible he could be paralyzed, or go blind. Or worse."

"Worse?" Drew asked. "As in what?

The doctor sighed heavily, regretting what he had to tell them, but he knew they all needed to know.

"Death." The doctor said, a sad look on his face. Not only could swelling of the brain cause paralysis or blindness, But death also."

Everyone gasped in shock. They had to face the fact that not only had they lost one best friend, but that they could lose another.

"No." Drew whispered, tears streaming down his face. "No, this can't happen. Not to my brother."

"I'm so sorry, Drew." The doctor said. Then his pager started beeping.

"I'm sorry I have another patient to attend to." He said. "I'll be back later."

The doctor rushed off to take care of his next patient, leaving everone standing there in shock.

Drew sank back down into a chair and put his hands to his head. He was scared to death at what could happen to Nick.

"This is all my fault!" He said outloud. "I should have stayed downstairs with him tonight, not leave him all alone in his state of mind! My god, what kind of a brother am I?!"

Everone looked at Drew like he was crazy. They were all shocked to hear Drew talk that way.

"Drew, stop beating yourself up, man." Jeff said, sitting next to him and putting his arm around him. "Nick would have left the house sooner or later anyway." You're a wonderful, loving brother to Nick and he really needs you to be strong for him right now."

Drew turned and looked into Jeff's sexy blue eyes and then threw his arms around Jeff. Jeff returned the hug.

"I'm trying to be strong, Jeff." Drew sobbed. "I'm trying to keep the faith and stay positive, but it's really, really hard."

"I know, Drew." Jeff said. "It's hard for all of us, but we can't give up on Nick. We have to keep fighting. And praying. That's all we can do right now."

Jeff released Drew and Drew sat back and wiped at his eyes, clearing the tears from his face.

"Thanks, Jeff." Drew said to him. "I needed that."

Jeff smiled, patting Drew on the shoulder. "Anytime." he said.

Just then the doctor came back with Nick's test results and he was smiling.

"I have good news. Nick's results, showed no swelling of the brain."

Everyone let out a great sigh of relief. Nick was going to be alright!"

Thank you so much, Dr." Drew said, smiling, then asked. 'What's your name?"

"I'm sorry. I'm Dr. Kerry." the doctor said with a smile, shaking everone's hands.

"Thanks for everything you've done for us, Dr. Kerry." Drew said. "Can we see Nick now?"

"Sure." Dr. Kerry said. "He's in room 203. I'm going to check on my next patient. If Nick wakes up, have them page me immediately, ok?"

"We sure will. Thank you, Dr." Justin said.

The doctor nodded and walked off to check on his other patients.

"Well guys, let's go up and see Nick." Danny suggested.

Everyone agreed and headed towards the elevator. Drew hit the "up" button and after a few seconds the elevator doors opened. Jeff, Justin, Danny, Drew, and Kandi all piled in and Drew hit the button for the second floor.

The doors closed and the elevator began it's ascent to the 2nd floor.

"Boy, this has been a night of complete hell." Danny said sighing. "I can't wait until Nick can finally go home and we can start helping him deal with all that's happened."

"You can say that again." Drew agreed. "This time I'm going to keep a closer eye on Nick from now on."

"We all will, Drew." Justin said from behind him.

The elevator finished it's ascent and the doors opened to the second floor and the guys got out and headed to Nick's room.

They all came to his room and Drew opened the door and they all walked in.

They saw Nick lying in bed, unconcious. His head had a bandage around it, and they also saw that his right arm was in a sling, indicating that that was his dislocated shoulder.

Drew grabbed a chair and pulled it to Nick's bedside, where he sat down and then grabbed his brother's hand, squeezing it."

"Nick?" Drew called out to him. "Can you hear me?"

Nick didn't respond. But Drew wasn't about to give up.

"Nick, please wake up?" Drew begged him. "Please come back to us?"

Just then, Nick started to stir. His head moved a little towards Drew and then he slowly opened his eyes.

"Nick! You're awake." Drew whispered. "How are you feeling?"

Nick's face took on a very strange look as he looked at Drew, confusion filling his features.

"Who are you?"


Well that's it for this installment.

"Does Nick have amnesia and don't remember his own brother as well as his friends? Will he remember Sean? Or his career? Will it be temporary or permanent?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next.

Next: Chapter 39

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