My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 15, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.

I'd also like to apologize for any errors that I made. Like for example, Danny's girlfriend is Amber and I accidently called her Amanda in one of my chapters, And I called my SUV my car in chapter 2 and 3. Well since there's nothing further, on with Chapter 4.


I continued to stand in the doorway, staring at Nick, with anger and contempt on my face.

"May you come in? I don't remember inviting you, and second of all, how did you find me?" I asked him annoyingly.

I heard the guys talking about coming to see you so I snuck a look at your address while Drew was in the shower. Then I waited until the guys left and called a cab which brought me here." Nick said, nervously. "May I come in, please? he then asked. I finally decided that the faster I let him in, the sooner I"d get rid of him, So I agreed.

"Alright, come on in, but let me warn you, I warned him, "Danny's practically loaded for bear, so if he and the rest of the guys see you, be prepared for what they might do." I said to him as I let him in. Nick nodded, nervously and entered.

As Nick and I entered the living room, I could see the guys with shocked looks on their faces and Danny stood up, his face red with anger, ready to throw Nick out.

"What the hell are you doing here you bastard! Danny snarled angrily at Nick. I looked at Danny and noticed that his hands were balled up into fists and he looked like he was ready to punch Nick any moment. The guys all were watching Danny cautiously, ready to step in if he started to get violent. I walked over to Danny and hugged him, hoping that it would calm him down. He returned the hug, strongly as the guys and Nick looked on. "Listen buddy, I said to Danny softly, Calm down and let me handle this. I'll be alright. If he gives me any trouble, I'll let you know ok? Danny looked at Nick then back at me, hesitantly. Then he nodded. "Alright, he agreed, But just remember I'm only doing this for you, not for Nick. I heard the guys breathe a sigh of relief, after Danny said that. Even though they were all angry with Nick for how he had treated me, they didn't want to see Nick beat to a pulp by Danny. "Thank you. I said to Danny. Danny then sat back down with the rest of the guys and I turned back to Nick.

"So Nick, I started. "What do you have to say for yourself?

Nick took a deep breath. I came to say that I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It wasn't fair of me.

I wasn't buying that for a second, since I didn't think saying I'm sorry was gonna be enough.

"Nick, I said. "Sorry isn't going to be enough. "You can't just say you're sorry and expect me to just forgive you just like that. Frankly I'm not sure I will ever forgive you for what you did to me. I always thought you were pretty cool, but you wanna know something? I was wrong. I said, starting to raise my voice. "Besides, I continued, "By doing what you did, you just proved that you don't give a damn about anyone other than yourself."

A look of pain shot across Nick's face, almost making me regret what I said, but my pain was too great to feel sorry for him at the moment.

"What do you mean I only care about myself? He said angrily, I care about Drew and the rest of my family, which is something you obviously never did since you lied to your family all along about your sexuality. Besides, Why are you making such a big fuss about what happened that night? It was no big deal.

That set me off and the look I came him, made him regret what he had said about me lying to my family and that it was no big deal the way he treated me that night. The next I knew, the palm of my hand connected with his face as I slapped him. Hard. I heard everyone gasp behind me.

"Who the hell do you think you are, talking to me about lies! I screamed at him, "And you think the way you treated me was no big deal?! No, What you did was cruel and insensitive?!

Nick hung his head, his eyes starting to well with tears. I was starting to cry myself as the horrifying events came back to me again.

You have no idea what your cruelty did to me that night. After I came out, you wouldn't even look at me and practically dragged Drew out of there like I was gonna give him a disease or something! Then, while you were up in your room, thinking about how disgusting I am, I was going through one of the most horrifying experiences of my entire life! I was a wreck when you and Drew left and the waiter was nice enough to comfort me. After that I went home, but didn't want to go inside the house yet, so I decided to take a walk to think. Then from out of nowhere, this musclebound monster grabbed me out of nowhere, pulls me into this dark alleyway and practically raped the shit out of me! How's that for no big deal?!

Nick's head shot up when he heard about the rape, and he looked at me horrified, tears streaming down his face, while I was sobbing from my own tears.

Oh my god! he sobbed, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. are you alright now? he asked.

"No, I'll never be alright after what I've just went through. I had to get tests done to check and see if I had gotten any STDs from that monster if he had any. Luckily, I came back negative. I have to be re-tested again in 3 months to be sure that no antibodies have formed. If I test negative, I'll be in the clear to be sexually active again. But since you obviously don't want to be around a fag, I know I'll never be with you, so you can leave now." I said. And one more thing, I added. I can't stand the sight of you now, I hate you! I shouted at Nick, You're nothing more than a thoughtless, contemptable jerk and I don't ever want to see you again. Now get out!

Nick sobbed even harder at hearing my hatred for him. I almost felt sorry for him. But I was too angry and hurt to give him any sympathy. As I walked by him, towards the door, he grabbed my arm and forced me to look at him. He had tears all over his eyes and his eyes were red from crying.

"Sean, I'm gay too." He said softly. I stood there, shocked, and speechless, just gazing at him. Nick looked at me, frightened that I wasn't responding. "Well, say something please? He said, fear evident in his voice.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked him quietly. "I was hoping that after I told you I was gay, you'd be able to forgive me and give me another chance to prove to you that I do care about you. I think I'm falling for you, Sean.

I was stunned. Nick was actually falling for me! "But if he is, than why did he treat me that way?" I thought to myself. I decided to ask him that.

"Nick, I said, If what you say is true, then why did you treat me the way you did at the restaurant that night?" I asked him. Nick sighed and then started to explain.

"When I found out that you were gay, I was just stunned and not because of your being gay, but I had realized that I was gay too, but didn't know how to tell you before, you reminded me of what I thought I could never have and you awakened those feelings that have been bottled up for so long and you helped me come to terms with myself. And just so you know, I"m bi. I like girls too. Do you understand now why I acted that way? Can you forgive me? He asked.

I looked into Nick's face to see if there was any sign that he was lying, but there was one. He was totally sincere. I then smiled.

"Yeah Nick I do, and I forgive you. But please, don't ever hurt me like that again. I've decided I'll give you another chance and I'd like to try a relationship with you. I said. Nick again flashed that killer smile, which made me want to melt. I then opened my arms, offering him a hug if he wanted to take it. He walked over and hugged me for all I was worth. I returned the hug back with just as much strength. We were both crying again, but this time it was all out of happiness this time. When I pulled back, I noticed that the rest of the guys had stood up and they were all smiling now. Even Danny was smiling now. I guess he bought Nick's explanation and was ready to forgive him as well. Nick then looked at me and then asked.

"So, does this mean we're a couple now?

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. I said to him. "I'm sorry I hit you earlier? I apologized to him. Nick just shrugged it off.

"It was nothing I didn't deserve. He said, while putting his arms around my waist. "I deserved it after I brought your family into it and insulted your love for them. I'm sorry for that."

"And you're forgiven, I told him. "Besides, It was kind of hard to stay mad at you. "Who could stay mad at a face like this anyway? I joked. Nick blushed and started to giggle.

"Thanks man, Well it's been a long day and I think that all of us need to be going. You guys ready to go? Nick asked, turning to the rest of the guys.

"We're ready if you are bro, Drew said, walking over to us. He then hugged me. "I'm so happpy for you Sean, he gushed. I knew that you two would be fine and you'd get together.

Jeff was next. "I agree, but promise me that we won't have to see you two making out 24/7 everyday or we're all gonna be sick, he joked, making both me and Nick blush again. The guys all laughed. Jeff grabbed me in a hug as he finished. I returned it.

Justin then decided to speak. "Well Sean, I guess I'll be seeing alot more of you now that you and Nick are together huh? he said, smiling. I nodded. "Thanks for being there for me, Justin. I said to him. I really needed you guys right now. Justin nodded, and hugged me as he headed to stand by the door with the rest of the guys. Danny was the last one to leave. "I've gotta get home so I can get some rest and get up for classes tommorrow. he said. Sean, I'm really happy for you. He hugged me again and I returned it. After I released him, He hugged Nick too.

"Take care of him and treat him right this time, or you're gonna have to answer to me if you ever hurt him again." He warned Nick.

" I promise." Nick reassured Danny. Then he turned to the guys. "Do you guys mind giving us some privacy? I'll be out in a few minutes.

OK bro, Drew said. "We'll be outside waiting for you. Again Sean, I'm happy for you, and you too, Nick.

The guys then left with Danny and closed the door behind them. I then looked at Nick and saw passion and desire burning in his eyes, I stared right back at him, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes and lips. Suddenly he moved towards me and I felt his lips connect with mine.

I felt a wam sensation coarse through me when he kissed me. I then opened my mouth and let my tongue slip into his mouth, as we both kissed. The kiss started to deepen and I was enjoying it immensely. After a couple of minutes, I pulled away to see him smiling.

"Call me tommorrow he said. I'll be waiting and then we can go for breakfast and then maybe go out on the town.What do you think?

I was on cloud nine. I finally had the man I've wanted for the longest time and now I was getting the chance to spend more time with him. "I like the idea. I"ll meet you at your room tommorrow morning and we'll go from there ok? I asked him.

"Alright, I'll call you tommorrow then. He said. He then leaned in to kiss me again. This time I let my hands wander down his body to his powerful back and down to his butt. I squeezed his butt, making him laugh. He then grinned evilly.

"If you keep that up, you're gonna start something that we won't finish. He warned.

"But what if I want to start something? I said, seductively. Nick grinned and kissed me again. "THen I would welcome it. he whispered. "I have to go or the guys will have my ass if I keep them waiting much longer. he said.

"They better not! I said, joking. I better be the only one who has you ass if I"m going to be your boyfriend.

"You are and you always will be the one who has me. Every part of me. I"ll see you later. He said.

Nick gave me one more kiss goodbye before he left closing the door behind him. I then went to my room and headed for bed all excited about seeing Nick the next morning. I was fast asleep before I even hit the pillow, dreaming of Nick.


WEll that's it for now. Sorry it's so short. I didn't know how to write this one that well. Send all responsed to and tell me what you thought of the story so far. Till next time.

Next: Chapter 5

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