My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on May 30, 2002


Hey all, I'm back and ready to write again. It's been very tough for me lately since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, but things are looking up for me and I'm doing ok now. Plus, I'm eager to get this story finished. 10 more chapters to go!!!

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any furtnher and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

Nick released Danny and rushed to get the phone.

"This is Nick speaking." He said.

"Nick? This is officer Wright here down at the L.A. Police Department. I saw you earlier tonight at the scene of your friend's crash."

"Yes, officer, How can I help you?" Nick asked him.

"Well, I have some news that you're going to want to hear." Officer Wright said.

Nick frowned. "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, after we found those partial remains of a body in the explosion, we had forensics experts do a DNA test to find out whose body it was." Officer Wright told him.

Nick frowned. "And what did you find out?" He asked.

"Well after doing 3 DNA tests to be sure......We found that the person who died in the explosion was not your husband."

Nick's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" He managed to get out. "I mean are you absolutely positive?"

"Yes, Mr. Lachey, I am." Officer Wright told him. "I didn't want to tell you until we knew for sure. Now that you know, you can start finding out what really happened to your husband."

Nick couldn't believe his ears. His greatest wish was coming true. Sean was very much alive and well!

"Officer, thank you so much for telling me." Nick gushed. "You have no idea what you've done for me. You've given me the answer to my greatest prayers. How can I ever thank you enough?"

"Just find your husband and be happy. that's all the thanks I need." Officer Wright said. "And if you ever need my help, just let me know, ok?"

"Yes, Officer I certainly will." Nick said, tears of joy running down his face.

Then he realized something.

"Officer?" He asked.


"If it wasn't Sean's body, who's was it?" Nick asked.

"The truck driver's." Officer Wright said. "She must have succeeded in getting him out of the car after all."

"Thank God." Nick said.

"Yeah." Officer Wright said. "Well I need to get back to work now. You give me a call if you ever need help ok?"

"I will." Nick replied to him. "Thanks, Officer Wright. Goodbye."

Nick hung up the phone and walked over and sat down on the couch, just as Drew and everyone else came into the room.

Once Drew caught sight of Nick's tears, he looked like he was ready to panic.

"Nick, what's wrong?" He asked Nick.

Before Nick could answer, the phone rang again. Drew, who was nearest to it, answered it.

"Hello?" He said into the receiver.

"Drew? Is that you?" A voice asked

Drew's eyes widened in complete and utter shock.

Drew, what is it?" Nick asked Drew, with a worried look on his face. "Who's that on the phone?"

Drew turned towards Nick, his face white as a ghost.

"It's Sean."

Chapter 40 **********

"It's Sean?!" Nick exclaimed. "He's really on the phone?"

Drew nodded, then turned back to the phone.

"Sean, we're going to put you on speaker phone ok?" Drew asked him.

"Sure, Drew, go ahead." I said to him.

Drew pushed the speaker button and put the phone down.

"Sean, are you still there?" Drew asked.

"Yes, Drew, I am." Everyone heard Sean say.

When the rest of the guys and Kandi heard Sean's voice, they all gasped in disbelief.

"Drew, is Nick there?" I asked him, wanting so much to hear his voice.

"Yes Sean, I'm here, baby" Nick said, his voice cracking, as his emotions started getting out of control.

"Hey, Muscles." I said, my voice indicating that I was crying too.

"It's so great to hear your voice. I said. "I miss you and everyone else so much and I need you to find me and help me get out of this place."

"Where are you? Danny asked, getting emotional as well. He was very emotional, finding out that his best friend was alive as well.

"I'm not sure where I'm at, Danny." I said to them. "All I know is that I was rescued by two men in ski masks when I was stuck in the car, but then after they got me out, they knocked out the truck driver who was helping me, and then the next thing I know, they were injecting some kind of sedative into me before I could react and I lost consciousness. Then I woke up here in some kind of room that's almost always locked, but somehow they forgot to do it earlier. But I'm still not able to get out of this place. They have the rest of the doors locked too and I can't unlock them without a key. The guys must have them. And they won't tell me where I am either. You have no idea what I've had to go through just to try to get this one phone call through."

"Sean, I'm so sorry about everything I did tonight to hurt you." Nick said.

"Don't be, baby." I replied to him. "I'm the one who's sorry. I didn't mean to say that I made a mistake marrying you. I was mad, but I swear on my own life that I didn't mean it."

"I know you didn't, Sean." Nick said, wiping away at his tears. "I'm just thanking God that you're alive."

"Oh my god!" I suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it, Sean?" Nick asked, starting to panic.

"My wedding band?!" I exclaimed looking at the finger it had been on. "It's gone, Nick!"

I have it, baby." Nick said. "A fireman found it at the scene of the crash.

"Why would it be there, Nick?" I asked him. "I never take my ring off, except for when I take a shower. It doesn't make any sense."

Jeff then thought of something.

"Maybe those guys planned it that way, Sean." Jeff pointed out.

Then Kandi thought of something. "Guys, the caller ID! Look and see if the number Sean is calling from is on it. Then maybe we can try to find him.

The guys all hunched together to see if there was a number on it. Sure enough, there was.

"Sean, there's a number on this caller ID." Drew said into the phone. "Now, all we have to do is get an address. since it's a 213 area code, you're actually being held not that far from us."

"Oh Thank God." I said in relief. "I don't know how long I've been here, but I want to come home to you guys." I miss you all.

"And we miss you too, Sean." Nick said. "We're going to come and find you as soon as we call the police and get an address to this number."

"Be careful, all of you." I warned them. "These guys are very dangerous. I haven't seen their faces yet, because they keep them covered beneath masks to protect their identities. both of them sound so familiar but without seeing a face, I can't tell who they are yet." But I do know that all of them are armed, so if you're going to come and find me, proceed with caution."

"Thanks for the heads up, Sean, Now listen....."Jeff said. "After you get off the phone with us, go back to that room you were in that they left unlocked and lock it up if you can so they won't suspect anything. That way they won't know that you called us."

"Will do, Jeff." I said. "Please hurry. I have no idea what these two creeps plan to do with me, but all I know is that it can't be good."

"We're on our way, baby." Nick said. "Hang tight. I'll have you in my arms again by tonight. I guarantee it. I will not rest until I find you."

"I love you, Nick." I sobbed into the phone. "Just know that in case you don't make it in time. I'll always love you, no matter what."

"Sean, don't say that!" Nick yelled. "I almost lost you once. I will not lose you again! And when I get my hands on whoever is responsible for this sickness, I will make them regret that they ever heard the name, Nick Lachey!"

Suddenly, I hear a car pulling up outside.

"Guys, I have to go, they're coming back." I yelled, the fear coming back. "Please hurry. This could be it!"

"Sean, don't panic, just be ready in case..........." Drew started, but didn't get any further because there was a click, as the phone went dead.

"Sean?" Nick yelled. "Sean?! are you there?!"

All he got back was the dial tone. Then he immediately sprang into action.

"Alright, guys, Let's go! We don't have much time!" Nick yelled as he ran towards the door, with Drew, Danny, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi at his heels.

BACK TO SEAN.................

I had hung up the phone and managed to avoid having to run to be out of breath, so my kidnappers wouldn't be suspicious.

I got down to the door and noticed that they forgot to turn the lock on the knob, so I turned it and shut the door behind me, checking it to make sure it was locked. Then I laid down on the cot that I had woken up on and pretended to be sleeping in case they came down here.

A few minutes later, I heard the door open and someone enter the room. I heard footsteps coming towards me and then I heard a voice.

"Sean, wake up." I heard someone whisper. I pretended like I was just waking up and faked a tired voice.

"Where am I?" I asked. "Who are you?"

"That's not important." The guy said. "Right now, you and I have some unfinished business to take care of."

I was looking up at the guy, noticing his eyes, behind that ski mask. something about them seemed familiar and then for a second I felt very cold.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, timidly.

The guy was standing there, a few feet from me and as I looked at him, I scaled his body, noticing something very familiar. He was very muscular.

The man smiled, evilly.

"Isn't it obvious, Sean?" He asked me. "I came back to finish what I started in New York!"

"New York? I asked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

The man advanced on me and put his thumb right under my chin.

"Maybe this will help." He said, leaning into me. when he was to my ear, he whispered the words that struck sheer terror into my heart.

"Ahh, perfect ass. just waiting to be fucked."

As soon as I heard those words, my mind flashed back to the night I was raped and I realized that I was standing face to face with my rapist at that moment!

"Oh my god! it's you again!" I screamed in horror.

"Yes, Sean, it's me alright." The man replied, nodding. "Your worst nightmare!"

And then, he tried to backfist me in the face, but remembering the dream I had back at Nick's house, I was ready for it this time.

I blocked his hit and punched him in the face as hard as I could. He staggered back and fell.

I knew right then that I had to try and get out of there before he could rape me again. or worse.

I ran for the door before he could get up and managed to get through it and lock it before he could get to the door in time.

"Open this door, you little fucker!" The man screamed, banging on the door

"Not on your life, you fucking psycho!!!" I screamed back at him. I'm getting out of here!!!"

I started running through the house, looking for the front door.

a few seconds later, I heard a crash and turned back to see that the man had kicked the door down and was coming after me now.

I started running towards the door. When I got to it, I found it locked. I unlocked it and started opening it.

But I was too late!

I felt the man's arms grab me, yanking me away from the door. He flung me over towards the couch a few feet away.

I staggered back, but never took my eyes off of him. If he was in fact, going to rape me again or kill me, I wasn't going down this time. Not without a fight!!"

I regained my balance and stood up in fighting stance, ready to defend myself.

"It's not going to happen again, musclehead!" I screamed at him. I'm not going down without a fight this time!"

The man just grinned, evilly. "You're crazy if you think you can take me!" he laughed.

I looked at him, feeling hatred for him, anger, fear, and contempt. I never hated anyone as much as I hated this man! I wanted to make him pay for everything that he did to me!

I wanted to kill him!

"I'll take my chances!" I screamed. "Come on, take your best shot!!"

The man lunged at me and I responded by kicking him in the chest, then when he doubled over, I grabbed him by the ears and pulled his head down, as I brought my knee up, giving him a knee butt.

He bellowed out in pain, and I finished with a roundhouse kick that sent him staggering back into the wall.

I no longer cared about making a run for it. I was going to deal with my rapist once and for all!

He got back up and ran towards me again. I swung out at him, but he blocked my attack and backfisted me across the face. I fell back onto a coffee table, my head spinning from the blow.

I looked up just in time to see him try to get on top of me on the coffee table. But I was too quick and kicked him right in the face. At the same time, I grabbed his ski mask and pulled it off of his head.

I got a good look at him and I was shocked to see who it was!" He was one of the jocks from back in high school who used to be on Danny's wrestling team! Now I knew why his voice had sounded so familiar!

His blond hair was very short and his blue eyes were blazing with anger. and his full lips were curled up into an angry look. his bottom lip I noticed was bleeding from where I had hit him.

"Jay?!" I screamed, in disbelief. "Jay Phillips?!"

"Yes, Sean, it's me. The one and only!" Jay screamed back. "Now that you know who I am, I have no choice but to kill you!"

Jay hit me hard in the face again, almost knocking me out. I fell back against the table again. As I tried to shake off the dizziness, I saw something shiny catch my eye. As I looked harder, I noticed that it was a knife! He had a knife!

"Say goodbye, Sean Perry-Lachey." Jay laughed, evilly, and raised the knife preparing to stab me through the heart.

"DONT TOUCH HIM, JAY!!!!" A voice screamed.

I turned just in time to see Danny tackle Jay, causing him to drop the knife. They both started rolling across the floor, each trying to get the upper hand over the other.

A few seconds later, I felt someone grab me and pull me to my feet. It was Nick!

I also noticed that Drew, Jeff, and Justin were there too and were helping Danny in getting Jay under control.

Nick pulled me to him and held me tightly.

"Oh Sean, I'm so glad I got to you in time." He said in relief.

"Nick, did you call the police?" I asked him. He nodded.

"They should be here any minute now, baby." Nick said, still hugging me.

Sure enough, I heard sirens coming from right outside and then two police officers came in and assisted the guys in capturing Jay. Then they handcuffed him and started leading him outside.

As he passed by Nick and I, he glared at me.

"This isn't over, Sean!" Jay snarled. "You still haven't found my partner yet! He's still out there, so he'll get you sooner or later! You can count on it!"

I just glared at him, as one of the officers led him outside toward the squad cars.

The rest of the guys then all came up to me and each one of them started hugging me, glad that I was alive.

"Sean, I'm so glad you're still alive." Drew said, grabbing me into the 2nd tightest hug I'd gotten today.

"Me too, Drew." I said, hugging him back. "Me too."

Drew released me and then Danny was in front of me, out of breath, and smiling. I grabbed him close.

"You saved my life, Danny." I said, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "How am I so lucky to have a friend like you?"

Danny responded by hugging me tighter. "Sean, I know you would have done the same for me if I'd been in your shoes right now."

I nodded. "You're right, Danny, I would." I said to him, as he let go of me. Then Jeff was in front of me.

"Hey Jeff." I greeted him as he hugged me. "I'm so glad you guy all got here when you did, or I might not even be alive right now.

"Don't say that, Sean." Jeff said. "We found you in time. That's all that matters."

Jeff pulled back and moved aside so Justin could get his hug in too.

"Sean, I'm so sorry for what you must have gone through tonight." Justin said, softly.

"Well, It could have been worse." Sean said. "I thought he would rape me again."

"Again?!" Danny asked in shock. "Sean are you saying that Jay Phillips, the same guy I used to wrestle with in high school, is the same guy who raped you before?"

"Yes, Danny. I replied. "He admitted it to me downstairs and said the same words in my ear that I heard the night I was raped the first time."

"The bastard!" Danny snarled, his hands, clenched into fists. "Let me at him!!

He started to head towards the squad cars outside, but I stopped him.

"Danny, don't." I siad. "He's not worth it. Besides, I'm fine now."

Nick turned and looked at me in shock.

"Baby, you are not fine." He said as he looked over my face. "It's looks like he hit you pretty hard. Both sides of your face are black and blue and swollen in the cheeks."

I winced in pain as Nick touched my cheek, realizing that he was right. But I couldn't see how bad.

I'm going to go look in the mirror over here." I said, noticing a mirror across from me.

I walked over and looked in the mirror. I was shocked at how badly bruised my face was.

Nick was right. Both of my cheeks were swollen and purple from where Jay had hit me.

"I didn't know it was that bad." I said, in a low voice. "But it looks worse than it feels."

"Excuse me, Mr. Perry?" I heard a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see the first officer looking at me.

"Yes, Officer?" I asked him.

"I'm Officer Wright." He said, extending out his hand, which I took and we shook hands. "I need to ask you a few questions about what happened here tonight?"

I nodded, knowing this was coming. But I had to deal with it.

"Go ahead, Officer Wright. ask away." I said, giving him the go ahead.

"What charges do you wish to file against your attacker?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath and then blurted them out.

"Rape, Kidnapping, Assault and Battery, Attempted Murder, and whatever else he's guilty of." I told him. "I want that man to be put away for the rest of his life!"

"Well with everything that you've given me, I'm sure he will be." Officer Wright said. "Right now, I think you'd better let your husband and friends take you to the hospital for observation and to see what kind of drugs he and his partner may have given you."

"That's a good idea, Officer Wright." Nick said, putting his arm around me. "We'll take him right away."

"Ok guys, I'm going to escort Mr. Phillips down to the police station so we can get started on booking him for the crimes listed. You guys be careful."

"We will." Jeff said. "Thank you, Officer Wright."

Officer Wright walked out of the building and he and his partner drove off with Jay to the police station.

Nick turned and pulled me back into his arms again.

"Oh, Sean, it feels so good to have you back in my arms again."

"I feel the same way, Sexy." I said, hugging Nick back.

As I hugged him, I noticed that Jeff and Danny were kissing. I was shocked.

"Jeff? Danny? is there something going on here that I should know about?" I asked, surprised.

Jeff and Danny pulled apart and looked at me like they'd been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"That's right, you don't know." Danny said, his arms still around Jeff. "Tonight, after your car exploded and we thought you were dead, I realized that my feelings for Jeff were very strong and I confessed them to him. Now we're a couple."

"Really?" I asked in surprise. "That's great."

I was beaming, but then my smile faltered.

"How did Amber take it, Danny?" I asked him.

Danny looked down at the floor, looking guilty.

"Actually, I haven't had a chance to tell her yet." He said. "After thinking you were dead tonight, my mind wasn't thinking that far ahead."

"Oh." I said, frowning a little. "Well just know whatever happens, you both have my support."

"Thanks, Sean." Danny said, hugging me again. "That means the world to me to know that I have your support."

Just then Kandi appeared in the doorway of the house.

"Are you guys, coming?" She asked. "I noticed the police drive away. Can we go now?"

"Ok, Kandi, we're coming." Drew said, throwing his arms around Nick and I. Let's get Sean to the hospital and get this nightmare put behind us."

"Amen to that." Justin said, walking over to Kandi.

Danny, Jeff, Drew, Nick, and I followed the rest of them out of the house and we got in the van and drove towards the hospital.

As they drove, Nick and I snuggled together in the back seat of Justin's van.

"Well now that you're back with us, safe and sound, baby, there's still something missing."

"What's that?" I asked, looking up into his sexy blue eyes.

In response, Nick reached into his pants pocket and pulled something out of it. He held the object up in front of me so I could see it. I smiled when I saw what it was.

"My wedding band." I murmured. "You brought it with you."

Nick smiled. "Of course I did, baby. We wouldn't be whole without it."

He took my hand and slid the ring back on my third index finger. I was whole once again! I had my ring and my man back again.

"I love you so much, Nick." I said to him, lovingly. "Let's promise each other never to take our love forgranted ever again."

"I promise you, I never will again and neither will you. So let's seal the deal with a kiss."

"Gladly." I said, leaning in and kissing his sexy full lips. He tasted so good. I wanted nothing more than to make love to him right then and there, but with the current circumstances, we just had to be satisfied with kissing at the moment.

We parted from our kiss and Nick cupped my face and smiled.

"When we get back home, I'm going to make plans to take us both on the best honeymoon of our lives." Nick said.

I smiled. "I can't wait."

I leaned back into Nick's chest and got comfortable as Justin continued to drive towards the hospital.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE BUILDING......

"Damn you, Jay!" A man's voice said. "You screwed up everything for me tonight! I guess if I want something done, I'll have to do it myself.

Then he pulls off his ski mask, revealing who he really is.

If I want to get Nick back, I'll have to eliminate Sean from his life! He said.

He then had a look in his eyes that would have turned anyone ice cold. He knew what he had to do.

"Sean Perry-Lachey will be sorry he ever messed with Matthew Sheffield!!!!!

Then he starts laughing, which echoes throughout the entire house.


Well that's all for this installment. Will Matt make good on his threats? if he does, will Sean and Nick be separated for good this time?

And how will Amber react when Danny tells her about him and Jeff?

Don't miss what happens next. Because it's Everything!s

Next: Chapter 41

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