My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Mar 18, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


I woke up the next morning bright and early and ready to start the day. I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. I sat down in the living room, eating a meat and cheese egg omelet, watching TV when the phone rang. I reached beside me and picked it up.


"Hey baby!" Nick greeted me, sounding really chipper. I was wondering how he could be in such a chipper mood, considering that it was late when he left last night.

"Hey yourself, sexy", I replied back. May I ask how you can be in such a chipper mood this morning?" I know you love to sleep, but it was really late when you left last night. You've got to be tired."

"Actually, I"m not that tired", Nick laughed. 'And my reason for being in a chipper mood is because of this really hot guy who I was with last night." I smiled, knowing that he was talking about me, but decided to play along.

"Oh? and who would that be? I said curiously.

"You." Nick chuckled. "Are you coming to the hotel? he asked.

"Yeah, I replied with a smile. Just let me finish eating breakfast and grab a quick shower and then I'll be there.

"Alright. Nick replied. "I'll be waiting with dessert."

"And what may I ask is for dessert? I asked him.

"Me, and it's an all-you-can-eat buffet." Nick said, before he busted up laughing."

"Nick Lachey! I said, blushing for embarrassment. "I know you did not just go there! Don't you think it's a little to early for that yet? I said.

"I'm just joking. Nick said between his laughter, Besides I'll have blueberry cheesecake waiting for you here. "That's the real dessert. "I just couldn't resist teasing you a little. I just wanted to see how you would react. Man, I wish I had seen your face when I said that. Nick giggled.

"Well you would have thought it was priceless, but not before I'd have killed you, I joked. "And if you ever embarrass me like that again, you know I'll have to take you over me knee and teach you a lesson.

"OH! sounds interesting? Nick swooned seductively. What else would you do to me? he asked, chuckling.

"You'll find out soon enough, buster." I laughed. "I gotta go and get all washed up and looking all pretty for you, so I'll see you in a half hour alright?

"OK, I'll be waiting, sexy. Nick said. "Bye"


I hung up the phone and proceeded to finish my breakfast. I finished up and took my plate to the kitchen, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher. I then went to my room to get some clean underclothes, and to throw my dirty clothes into the wash. As I turned to go to the laundry room, I noticed the pair of blood stained underwear on the floor by the door of my room. I picked them up and stared at them, as the images of the night I was raped came back to me. I shed a tear or two, but I was not going to let myself break down this time. It didn't bother me as bad this time, but I still couldn't help it, especially when I remember that that man had taken the most precious gift away from me:

My Virginity.

I'd always thought that I would lose my virginity to the one person that I loved. But that was not the case now. I had been violated and would probably suffer for the rest of my life because of it.

I then took the dirty underwear to the kitchen and threw them in the trash, since I no longer had any use for them. I then proceeded towards the laundry room, where I started the washer and put the detergent in the water, before throwing all of my clothes in it. I walked to the bathroom and ran the bath water, getting it to the right temperature and turned on the shower head. I got in and let the warm water run over my body, enjoying the feeling of the warm water relaxing my body. I quickly washed my hair and body and got out. I grabbed a towel and dried my hair and body off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and proceeded towards the bedroom to put on some clean clothes. I decided on my Nike jogsuit since it was a bit chilly out and I would need to keep warm. I changed into it and then walked out of the bedroom, back to the bathroom to comb my hair. I combed my bangs down over my face, which is my usual way, making me look like a 15 year old teen. After doing that, I walked out to the living room to grab my wallet and my keys, before heading out the door. I closed the door, locked it, and headed out to my SUV and got in. I started the ignition and headed towards the hotel.

Meanwhile, Nick was in his room getting ready for me. He was wearing a nice white dress up shirt, with a black vest and a pair of tan cargo pants. He was brushing his hair, when he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in, Drew. Nick yelled. Drew came in with a shocked look on his face. "Hey, how did you know it was me?" he asked. Nick grinned. "I learned to listen to how you knock so I know when it's you." he chuckled. Drew just shook his head, smiling. He then took a moment to check out his big brother.

"Hey you're looking good, bro. He said, obviously liking Nick's fashion sense. "What's the occasion?"

"Sean's on his way over here. We're gonna go out on the town for a while today." Nick told Drew. "Are you, Jeff, and Justin going to come too?

Drew nodded. "I'm game, just let me call the rest of the guys and ask them if they want to come." But first, spin around and give me a better look at you.he said. Nick grinned and spun around in a full circle, slowly. Drew was impressed.

"Man, I have to tell you, Nick, I hope you turned off that smoke detector in your bedroom. When Sean sees you looking like this, he's not gonna be able to keep his hands off of you. Drew said with a grin. Nick laughed.

"That's the whole point," He chuckled. Just then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Drew said. He went to the door and opened it, revealing Justin and Jeff, standing there.

"Hey guys, come on in. Drew said to them. Jeff and Justin entered and sat down on the bed, while Nick was on the phone, ordering dessert. He finished up and hung up the phone. Then there was another knock on the door and Nick went to answer it.

When Nick,opened the door, My jaw dropped to the floor. He was nicely dressed and looked hot!

"Wow. I breathed. You look awesome, Nick."

Nick grinned. "You like?" he asked. He spun around, showing off himself and my eyes traveled up and down his body, taking all of him in.

"Oh yeah, I like alright. I said, You look gorgeous. Nick blushed. He looked even more cute when he blushed. I just kept staring at him.

"Well are you just gonna stand there and stare at me all day or are you going to come in? Nick laughed. Now it was my turn to blush. "Sure." I said. I walked into the room to see the rest of the guys waiting for me to come in.

"Hi guys, I greeted them. "Hey Sean, Drew said, "How's it going?" Jeff was the first to answer.

"Pretty good." He replied. "We were thinking of going to a club or something? What do you think?"

I thought it was a good idea and agreed to it. So did Nick. I then remembered that I hadn't even kissed Nick when I came in. I then turned to him.

"Nick, I forgot to give you something when you came in. I said to him. "What's that?" He asked.

"This." I said. I walked over to him, putting my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He returned it with as much passion as I did. After what seemed like an eternity, we heard a throat clear behind us and we broke apart to see the other guys smiling.

"You know, if we have to put up with seeing that everywhere we go, I'm gonna be sick." Drew joked. Nick and I just smirked at him. Drew just rolled his eyes.

"What's the matter little brother?" Nick teased, "Are you jealous?"

"Oh please, get real, Drew laughed, Why would I be jealous of you, Nick? After all I'm the cutest of the group anyway.

Hey! Jeff and Justin exclaimed, making Drew, Nick and myself laugh again. "We beg to differ with that Drew." Jeff retorted with a smile. Nick and I just sat back and watched them argue playfully over who thought they were the best looking in the group. I then turned and whispered in Nick's ear. "I think you're actually the cutest." I whispered." Nick grinned."Well thank you, but that wouldn't count with the rest of them since you're my boyfriend." Nick giggled. I smiled. Then Drew decided to put me on the spot.

Hey, Sean, which one of us do you think's the cutest? He asked.

"Do you even have to ask? I said, as I playfully ran my finger down Nick's chest.

"That's so not fair! Drew yelled. "He's your boyfriend so of course you're gonna choose him over us. I laughed at his whining.

"Don't be so sure about that." I wouldn't side with him on everything." I told him. Nick cocked an eyebrow as he looked at me. "Oh you wouldn't huh?" he joked, Then out of all of us, which one of us do you think is the most fun?" I Looked around and finally decided.

"Well I'd have to pick Drew on that one." I said. Nick's jaw dropped. "Woohoo!" Drew screamed. "I told you." he said with a smile. Jeff and Justin weren't far behind him. I then proceeded to drop the bomb.

"Actually Drew, don't shit your pants over it, because I was joking. I guess you were right when it comes to me choosing Nick over all of you losers." I laughed.

The look on Drew's face was priceless, the shit-eating grin that he had on his face, turned to one of complete and utter shock. Jeff and Justin were not far behind him. I busted up laughing at the funny expressions on their faces. Nick was laughing even harder than I was, and he had tears running down his face to prove it.

"Did he just call us losers? Drew asked outloud.

"Yeah he did." Jeff nodded. "What do you think we should do about it? Justin? Justin grinned a cheshire cat grin, meaning that was trouble.

"Get him!" Justin yelled. They all started charging at me. I ran into the other room to try and escape and ran through the living room. Jeff cut me off when I tried to go around the couch and as I turned to go the other way, I almost ran right into Drew, who was right behind. I tried to dodge him, but he was quick and grabbed me around the waist and threw me on the couch, trying to pin me. I put up one heck of a fight, but Drew who was much stronger than me, finally got the advantage and pinned me. I tried to push Drew off with my legs, but Jeff had already pinned my legs down. Justin then proceeded to tickle me, profusely and unrelentlessly. I howled and screamed with laughter.

"Tell us you're sorry, Drew laughed. "Say Uncle!"

"I'm sorry! Uncle! I said, between fits of laughter. Now get off of me before people wonder what's going on up here."

Justin stopped tickling me, and Drew and Jeff released my arms and legs, grinning over their victory. I then sat up, wheezing hard from the tickle torture Justin had given me, causing Nick who had been laughing his ass off, to get concerned. He ran over to me and sat beside me. "Are you alright? He asked. I realized that the guys didn't know I had asthma.

"Nick, I wheezed, grab my inhaler out of my coat pocket on the bed in your room." Nick raced into the bedroom and returned a few seconds later with my fast-acting inhaler and handed it to me. I took a puff and inhaled, holding my breath to allow the medicine to get to my lungs before exhaling. Drew, Jeff and Justin looked on with mixtures of guilt and concern written on their faces. After I had taken the last puff, I felt much better and could breathe normally again.

"We're so sorry, Sean, Drew said, with concern in his voice. "We didn't mean to get you all worked up."

"It's alright, I said, as I put my inhaler in my pants pocket. "you guys didn't know, I forgot to tell you, so it's mostly my fault."

"So, are you alright now", Nick asked, concern written all over his face, and evident in his voice, which made me love him even more for his concern.

"I'm fine now." I reassured him and the rest of the guys.

"Well we'll just be more careful about we do with you from now on, Jeff replied.

"Actually, Justin started. I should be the one apologizing to him, I'm the one who was tickling him too much. Not you two.

I smiled at Justin. "It's alright, Justin." I said to him. "You're forgiven. Just be more careful from now on." I warned him with a laugh.

"I will, Justin promised. So, are we going out to a club or what?" he asked us all.

"Sounds good to me, Drew replied.

"Me too." Jeff agreed.

"I'm game for it if Sean is." Nick said.

"I am too. I said to them. "But can you guys give Nick and I at least five minutes alone? I asked them.

Sure, no problem, Drew replied. "Come on, guys, we still have to get ready anyways.

As Drew and the guys started to leave, I called out to Drew to stay for a second.

"What's up? He asked. I put my arm around Nick's waist, causing Nick to smile at me.

"I just wanted to thank you for all that you've done for me. You and the guys have been so great and you helped Nick and I resolve our problems and brought us together." I said. I can't thank you all enough." I said as I pulled Nick into me closer. He put his arm on my shoulder and caressed my arm, as I felt tears come to my eyes. Drew smiling and came towards me. He opened his arms, offering me and Nick a hug. Nick and I released each other and grabbed him close.

"Don't mention it, Sean, Drew said. "We're just glad to have you as our friend and that you make Nick happy. I've never seem him this happy in a long time. I know you two were meant to be together." I'll come and get you in five minutes." He said, as Nick and I released him. Drew left Nick's room closing the door behind him, leaving us alone. I then turned towards Nick. "Well, I said to him, "You're all dressed and ready to go, and so am I. "So what do you think we should do for the five minutes we have together?" I asked, sexily.

"Well, let's not let it go to waste, Nick said, as he waggled his eyebrows. He then pushed me gently onto the sofa and lay down on top of me. We could both see the passion and desire burning in each other's eyes, as we started kissing once again. I let my tongue slip into his mouth as he kissed me. I started running one hand over his strong, chiseled back and the other through his hair. I reached down and gave his tight, firm butt a squeeze which got a moan of pleasure from him. We were both getting hardons quickly from all the feelings that we were experiencing. Then Nick started to grind his hips into mine. The feeling of his hardon against mine was incredibly erotic and I pushed back into him. Suddenly I rolled him, over and slammed his arms down against the couch, pinning him with me on top of him this time.. He looked at me with a look of surprise on his face. He had obviously been surprised at my sudden roughness.

"Feeling a little frisky are we? Nick grinned.

"Like you wouldn't believe." I answered back.

"Well then, shut up and kiss me some more", Nick breathed. Not going to complain, I leaned down and started kissing his sexy lips once again. He wrapped his legs around my waist tightly. I moaned as I felt his gentle,yet strong hands running down my back to my butt, where he kneaded and groped me through my jogsuit. My hardon was more evident than his since I was wearing a jumpsuit and he was wearing cargo pants. Nick started to breath heavy and I could tell he was getting hornier by the minute.

Just as we were really getting into our make out session, we heard a knock at the door.

"Guys, We're ready to go. Drew's voice came through the door. Nick and I both sighed, disappointed that we were interrupted. I got up off of Nick and held out an arm to help him up. We straightened ourselves up to look decent before we headed out to the bedroom to get the door.

I wanna finish what we started later, Nick whispered. I smiled at him.

"Count on it, I whispered back, But this time I want to finish it off in the Jacuzzi when we get back." "It's the perfect place to relax."

Nick agreed. He then opened the door, seeing Drew, Justin, and Jeff standing there waiting for us. They all had ridiculous smirks on their faces, as they gazed at us.

"What?" Nick and I both said at once, causing all of us to laugh.

"We heard you guys making noise from our room as we were getting dressed, Jeff laughed. "I never knew the walls were so thin in this hotel."

Nick and I both turned bright red, when we realized that the guys had heard us. Drew then took charge. "Ok, let's go, The limo's waiting for us.

We all walked to the elevator in silence and got in. Drew pushed the button for the lobby and the elevator started it's descend.

"Oh, just so you know, Sean, there are lots of fans at the front door so be prepared to see what we go through almost everyday." Drew warned. I nodded. The elevator stopped at the lobby and we all got out and headed for the main entrance. I was amazed at just how loud the fans were and how many of them were outside the hotel, waiting to get a glimpse of their favorite guys. Security was already trying to make a path for the guys amid the screaming pubescent, teenage girls and a few guys too. As the guys and I came into view, the screaming intensified which caused me to cover my ears. Nick looked over at me and chuckled slightly. He then leaned towards me and talked into my ear.

"You'll have to get used to it because this is what we deal with almost everyday." he said to me. I was floored that the guys dealt with this all the time. I wondered how they managed not to go crazy from it at times. I followed them to the entrance and decided to walk through the fans first. I started walking, nervously and got through with no problem. I guess since the fans had no idea who I was, they just left me alone. I headed to the limo and got in. I looked back and saw the guys trying to walk through the crowd of screaming fans and even stopping to sign a few autographs for their fans. I waited patiently while the guys did their thing and finally managed to break away from their fans and get into the limo. I could see that this really tired them out at times and they all climbed into the limo. I moved and traded with Nick so that he was sitting on the right passenger side of the limo in the back. I sat between him and Drew, and Justin and Jeff sat down across from Drew. The limo driver then asked us where we would be going. Drew told him to hold on and asked me which club I suggested we go. I suggested that we go to Dale's and told him the address as to where it was. Drew gave the driver the address and the driver started driving towards Dale's. Drew then raised the tinted window so that we all could have some privacy. As soon as the window was shut, Nick and I started liplocking again. it felt so good to kiss him. I started to get into it and when I started running my hands along Nick's torso, I felt Drew jab me in the ribs, causing me to jump. I turned towards Drew with a frown on my face.

"what was that for? I asked. Drew looked at me, sternly, which confused me. I wondered what I had done to upset him.

"you know what that was for, he replied. I was trying to keep you from groping and grabbing at each other like some horny teenagers before it got any worse. "Besides remember that we're still in the limo.

I sighed and so did Nick. We stopped our making out, and I leaned into his chest while he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I lay against him and closed my eyes. I felt so safe in his arms, and listened to his heartbeat as he and I drifted off for a while. After what only seemed like 5 minutes after we fell asleep, I felt someone shaking me awake. It was Nick.

"Wake up, baby." He whispered into my ear, "We're at the club."

I yawned and sat up. "How long were we asleep, guys?" I asked.

"For about a half hour." Drew told us. I was shocked. I'd never fallen asleep in a car for that long before. Maybe it was because I had Nick to fall asleep on. The limo driver opened the door for us and we all got out and headed towards the club. I knew the guard at the entrance and his eyes widened when he saw who my guests were. He let us in with no problem. the crowd was wild, the music great, and the scenery was hot. Hot guys and girls everywhere. Drew, Jeff, Nick, and Justin looked on in amazement. I flagged down the waitress and told her to get us a table for five. she led us to a table near the back, which was a lot quieter, but still made us have to speak up over the blaring music. I grabbed a chair and sat down. Nick sat next to me, Drew across from Jeff, and Justin across from Nick. The waitress came and asked us what we wanted to order.

"I'll have a strawberry Daquiri." I told her. She took my order and turned to Nick. What would you like?" She asked him. Nick flashed his killer smile, making her giggle.

"I'll take a glass of Merlot." He said.

"And you?" She asked Drew.

"I'll have a beer." he said. Justin and Jeff ordered the same and the waitress rushed off to get our drinks. Drew, Jeff, and Justin got up to go and dance while they waited for the drinks. As soon as they left, I turned to Nick with a frown. "What was that all about? I asked him. Nick shot me a confused look.

"What?" He asked.

"The way you were smiling at that waiter, you were flirting with her weren't you? I accused.

"You jealous?" he grinned. I gave him an embarrassed smirk. "Yeah, I admitted, I guess I am a little." Nick nodded with a calm look on his face. " You know you're the only one for me don't you?", he asked. She may get my smile, but you're the one who gets to be with me in almost every way. He assured me, Even the final step when the time is right."

I knew then that he was talking about when we would make love for the first time, and I felt a little better after hearing that.

"I'm just afraid of losing you, I confessed to him. These last few days that I've gotten to spend with you and the guys have been the best of my life and I'm just afraid that something's gonna go wrong and I'm gonna lose you somehow.

Nick put his hand on my shoulder, remembering that we had to act like just friends in public, which was so frustrating, since I wanted nothing more than to feel his arms around me at this moment. He squeezed my shoulder as he spoke.

"You're not going to lose me." He said, as he gazed into my eyes, I'll always be here for you and I want to know when you're feeling like this and when something's bothering you so I can help you. What are boyfriends for?

I smiled at him. He then removed his hand as the waitress came back with our drinks. I saw Jeff, Drew, and Justin come towards the table after seeing the waitress bring the drinks by. They sat down and started to drink our drinks, when I had an idea. "Hey guys, I said, getting their attention. "How about we have a toast?"

"Rye or sourdough?" Jeff joked, making the rest of the guys laugh. "Very funny, Jeff." I said, sarcastically. I then raised my glass to start the toast.

"To friendship, love, and success. May all of our dreams and goals come true for many more years to come." I stated.

"Here, Here." Drew said, as we all clinked our glasses together, making the toast official. I sipped my daquiri and then sat it down. Hey guys, Let's get out there and dance." I suggested. "That's a good idea." Nick agreed. Drew, Jeff, and Justin were already headed out to the dance floor. Nick and I danced solo, in front of each other, Nick showing off his moves and me showing off mine. Nick was one hell of a dancer! I wasn't bad myself but I wasn't as good as him. I crooked my finger, motioning for him to come to me. Nick walked towards me with raised eyebrows.

"You're quite a sexy dancer, Nick." I told him. Nick smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth, making my heart skip a beat. I could never get enough of that smile.

"You're not so bad yourself, He said, I'll give you an even better private dance when we get back to the hotel tonight." he said seductively. I smiled and waggled my eyebrows at him, showing that I approved. Then I heard one of the guys songs start playing. It was "Give Me Just One Night" (Una Noche).

The rest of the guys came up to Nick and I and without warning, started to sing along with their music and start doing all the dance moves. I followed along since I knew every dance step they did. Everyone in the club looked on in amazement as they realized that everyone from 98 Degrees was in the club.

Once the song ended, The crowd cheered and gave the guys a standing ovation. the guys and I bowed and went back to our table. We were all sweaty and thirsty.

"Whew! That was some dancing we all did!" Drew exclaimed, as we all sat down to finish our drinks.

"Yeah, did you see the looks on their faces when they realized that it was actually us?", Justin asked. "It was priceless."

"It sure was."Jeff agreed. I'm sure tired from all of this dancing. I"m ready to go back to the hotel and change. plus I wanna go swimming."

"Yeah! i agreed, Let's do it. A nice relaxing swim might do us all good right about now, then when we get tired, we can all take a dip in the Jacuzzis in our hotel suites to relax and sooth our sore aching muscles.

The guys all agreed on swimming, so we paid for our drinks and left the club. The limo was waiting for us when we got outside, and of course, so were the screaming fans. Security made a path for us to get to the limo. The driver opened the door for us and we all got in. The driver started the limo and took us back to the hotel. I looked at my watch and was shocked to realize that we had been there all this morning through late afternoon.

"Hey guys, Do you know that we've been out almost all day? I said to them. It's already 6:00p.m.

What?! Drew asked in shock, looking at his own watch to see if I was joking. "Man, I didn't realize that it was this late. "We really must have been having a good time."

"Oh we were, bro." Nick replied. It's not that surprising that we lost track of time."

Drew nodded. The rest of the trip back was pretty much silent, which in a way didn't surprise me, because we could feel all of the dancing that we did catching up to us. the limo stopped in the back of the hotel so that we wouldn't have to deal with the fans again since the guys were too tired to deal with them. We got out and started walking into the hotel. I was the first to break the silence.

"You know guys, I started, I don't really feel up to swimming now, I"m more tired than I thought. I think I'd rather just soak up in the jacuzzi right now for a bit and then go to bed." I said to them. They all were obviously tired as well, because they all agreed and we got into the elevator and rode back up to the 4th floor to our rooms. Drew, Jeff, and Justin said goodnight to me and Nick and headed off to their rooms. Nick got out his room key and swiped it through the door. It turned green, and he opened the door, letting us both into the room. As soon as Nick closed the door, He grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, pinning my arms against it. I was surprised at the sudden move, but thought it was kind of sexy the way he was taking control. He then kissed me passionately. It was so passionate that I felt my knees give and I started to fall to the floor. Nick got me under the arms before I could fall. "Whoa, baby, watch it. He said. I put my arms around his neck to steady myself and kissed him again. After a few seconds he pulled away.

"Don't you think we should get in that Jacuzzi now?" He asked. I could hear the excitement in his voice and could see the desire in his eyes. I started to strip off all of my clothes while Nick did the same. When I was naked, Nick whistled, making me blush. "Nice ass, man, He grinned, making me blush even more. "Nice package too."

"Thanks, I replied. You're not so bad yourself, sexy. I said. Nick grinned and started flexing his biceps and showing off. I watched him, facinated by his body and felt myself getting hard from my own desires to have his body close to mine. Nick then started the jacuzzi and held out his hand to me. I took it and he led me into the warm, bubbling water. I got in and sat down in front of the jets which were shooting against my back.I moaned with pleasure as I felt the jets soothing and massaging my sore aching muscles. Nick waded over to sit beside me and leaned in to kiss me again.

This time, that kiss was far from innocent. We put as much passion and desire into that kiss as we could, our dicks becoming very hard as we started groping and caressing each others bodies. I spun Nick around so that his back was to me in the bubbling water and started to run my hands along his muscular chest. He moaned, letting me know that he was enjoying my massage and flexed his abs as I ran my hands over them. I loved caressing and rubbing his abs. They were rock hard and so perfect. By now I was so hard, it was painful. Nick could feel my hardness poking him in the butt and he turned around and threw his arms around my waist and then squeezed my hard dick between his legs. I then pushed Nick away from me gently causing him to open his eyes and give me a confused look.

"Why'd you push me away? He asked, a little hurt.

"Don't be mad, Nick, I said, I just wanted to stop this before it went any further. I told him. You have to remember that I have to wait 3 months and be re-tested to see if I'm still in the clear or if I contracted an STD from that monster. until then, I don't want to take any chances of infecting you with any STDs until I know for sure that I'm alright. Then we can talk about sex. Ok?

Alright, Nick sighed, I understand and I"m not mad at you, I'm just kind of frustrated that I'm gonna have to wait three months before I can even enjoy any kind of sex with you besides just groping and caressing each other's bodies.

I places my right hand on his cheek and caressed it with my thumb. "I know how you feel, I told him. It's not gonna be a picnic for me either. But I have to do this. I care about you too much to be selfish and just have sex with you. I'd never forgive myself If I contracted an STD and gave it to you afterwards. You'd resent me for it and so would the rest of the guys, your fans, and not to mention your families eventually and I couldn't do that. So we'll just have to wait it out until my next test."

I guess we have no choice but to wait, Nick agreed. I still don't like it though."

"I don't either." I said. "Come on, Let's get out, I gotta get ready to go home."

"Why don't you just stay here? Nick offered.

"Are you sure? I asked. He nodded. "Alright, I yawned. I'll stay"

Great, Nick grinned. We got out and dried off. Then we put our boxers back on and climbed into bed, deciding that we would both take a shower tommorrow morning. Nick turned off the light, slid in closer to me and kissed me

"Goodnight, Sean, he whispered.

"Goodnight, Nick." I said as I started to drift off. "I love you."

I fell asleep before I could hear Nick's response.


Well that's it for now. Email me and let me know what you think of the story so far. Stay tuned, because what happens next is Everything!

Next: Chapter 6

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