My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Oct 20, 2003


Hey guys, I'm back!

NEWSFLASH: Have all of you been watching: Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica?"

If you haven't, you really should tune in to it. It coms on MTV at 10:30 EST on Tuesdays as far as I know. It's a half hour series. I don't know what I think of it right now, but hey, any excuse to see Nick Lachey on tv is good enough for me, lol.

Be sure to catch the season finale, Tuesday, October 22 at 10:30p.m. EST

I'm writing again, but don't expect the chapters to be out soon. I've reached a very difficult area in the story and in order to keep it going, I need to make sure that it makes sense this time around.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

NEWSFLASH: To those of you who don't already know, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, in real life, have reconciled and are now husband and wife. I wish them all the best with their marriage and hope they live a long and happy life together.

If you want details about their wedding, check out the 98 Degrees Official Website at

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian

and finally: "This Gift" by Sprout

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

BEN'S HOUSE.............

I pulled into Ben's driveway and shut off the ignition. I climbed out of the car and locked it. Shutting the doors behind me, I walked up to his door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and there was Ben, dressed in black cargo pants and a nice white dress shirt. When he saw me, he did a double take.

"Sean?!" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Yep, it's me. In the flesh." I said, as I greeted him. "Now, do I get a hug?"

Ben leaned forward and grabbed me up into a bone crushing hug.

"How have you been doing lately, Sean?" Ben asked me.

I was suddenly feeling very tired and I wasn't gonna stay awake much longer.

"Ben, would it be alright if we caught up tommorrow?" I asked him. I'm so exhausted right now, I just want to get some sleep."

"Sure." He said, stepping aside to let me in. He told me to go upstairs and get comfortable while he went to get sheets and blankets for the bed.

I walked into the little room and sat down on the bed, thinking about Drew's earlier conversation with me.

"Could Drew be right?" I asked myself. "Could I really not be who I used to be?"

I laid down on the bed as I waited for Ben to bring the blankets.

I must really have been exhausted, because I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

*********** CHAPTER 55 ***********

I woke up to a beautiful morning sunrise, which meant that it was going to be a great day to start doing good deeds.

I got up and yawned as I stretched out to wake up more, which wasn't easy since I was still tired.

I had awakened quite a few times last night, as I dreamed back of my conversations with Drew and Danny, as well as the events that happened at the Lachey house.

I had tossed and turned most of the night because of the dreams, so I didn't get much sleep after that. But some good did come out of the situation.

I'd gotten to do alot of thinking about my relationship with Drew, his friends, and Danny and I was starting to wonder if I really was being too hard on them for how they'd treated me those last two years ago.

But at the same time, I was still trying to retain whatever shreds of my dignity and self respect that had remained after getting my heart broken.

But, now was not the time to be thinking about all that. Right now, I needed to get dressed and go downstairs to start breakfast. That is if Ben wasn't already awake and cooking already.

I got up and went into the bathroom to do my business, and to brush my teeth. I finished up and exited the bathroom and then set about getting dressed.

I finished up getting dressed and walked downstairs into the living room. As I did, I smelled food and coffee coming from the kitchen. I knew then that Ben was indeed up and was cooking breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ben putting eggs on two plates. He looked up and saw me come in.

"Well, looks who's up." He said, cheerfully. "How did you sleep last night?

"Not good, I'm afraid." I told him, as I yawned.

"Well, I figured you did after the way you just passed out last night." Ben pointed out. "When I came upstairs with your sheets and blankets, you'd already fallen asleep and I just couldn't wake you up. You seemed so exhausted, that I just covered you up and left you sleep."

"Thanks for letting me stay here tonight, Ben." I said, tiredly. "I really don't have anywere else to go. And after my run-in with the 98 Degreers and Jessica Simpson Lachey, they don't want to be around me now that's for sure."

"What do you mean?" Ben asked, sitting down across from me. He started cutting his omelet as we talked.

"Well, as I told you over the phone, there is alot that you and I need to talk about. Starting with why we lost touch."

Ben nodded and took a bite of his omelet.

"Go ahead, Sean." He said, around his food. "I'm listening."

I took a deep breath and began.

"Well, two years ago, Nick and all of my friends practically disowned me. The day I drove away from their house was one of the most devastating days of my life. I had lost the man I loved and somehow I knew I had to pick up the pieces and move on. But it was more difficult than I thought."

"I had to find a new place to live and start over again. I knew I couldn't go back to New York because there were just too many painful memories there: My parent's death, the rape, as well as others."

I also knew that I couldn't stay in Los Angeles, because I didn't want to be anywhere near Nick, or the guys. Especially after all of my anger and bitterness came out."

"Well, I can't say I blame you for being bitter." Ben said. "I would be too if that had happened to me."

I nodded.

"At least you understand where I'm coming from." I said. "Anyway, back to my story."

I took a bite of my egg and a sip of coffee before I continued.

"Once all the anger and bitterness emerged, I decided that I never wanted to hear from Nick, Drew, or any of the guys again, including Danny, the man who was supposed to be my best friend at the time. They never called me while I was on the road at all. If Nick had wanted me to come back, I thought he would have called in a few days when he had cooled down. But he never did. Neither did anyone else. So, when I decided to go live in Orlando, Florida, I changed my cellphone number, as well as had my home phone number unlisted, so no one who knew me would know how to contact me or find me."

When I came to that part of the story, Ben looked at me, sadly, yet there was hurt in his eyes as well.

"And you never did think to confide in me or let me try to help you get through it."

I looked at Ben, sadly and shook my head.

"I know, Ben." I said. "And that was a mistake. One, I will regret until the day I die. But you have to realize that I was so traumatized that I couldn't think about anyone but myself at that time. Then, when I couldn't take the pain anymore, I tried to end it all."

Ben's eyes widened. "You mean-

"Yes." I said, as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. "I tried to take my own life."

"Why, Sean?" Ben asked. "What could have possesed you to do something like that?"

I wiped at my eyes and continued. I wasn't crying badly. Just a few tears. I had done enough crying for an entire lifetime since the breakup. I was much stronger now and could handle my emotions better now. But it was still a bit painful to talk about.

"I was at the end of my rope, Ben." I told him. "I felt I had no purpose left in the world, so I tried to end it all by jumping off of a cliff, overlooking the highway. Unfortunately, I never made the jump. Thanks to a guy I'd met named Jake. He's been really great and was there for me when I needed a friend. He's my new best friend."

"Anyway, after Jake rescued me, he took me back to his house, which was next to mine, since we both live on the beach in the same apartment complex, and we talked for hours. I met Michelle, his girlfriend and the three of us really hit it off. They were there for me, during my long and hard recovery. It took a little over a year for me to fully recover. And once I did recover, I swore that no one would ever have the chance to hurt me like that ever again."

Ben sat back in his chair and sighed heavily. He was really stunned and amazed at everything that I'd been through.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Sean." Ben started to say. "It's true that you've been through hell. But that still isn't much of an excuse why you never stayed in contact with me and Matt at least."

I started to open my mouth to protest, but Ben cut me off.

"Let me finish." Ben said. I nodded and let him go on.

"What I was going to say was, despite your being out of touch, I still care about you and I do want you back in my life again. What you went through doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that you're well now and we finally have a chance to reconnect again."

I smiled at Ben, widely. I was so touched that he was willing to let the past be that and that he was going to give me another chance.

"So, does that mean you forgive me?" I asked, hopefully.

In response, Ben leaned over and pulled me into his arms, embracing me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, noticing how good it felt to be in someone else's arms again. Even if it was just a friendship, it felt good to be loved. Maybe there was hope for me after all.

"Does this answer your question?" Ben asked, continuing to embrace me.

"More than you'll ever know, buddy." I whispered, as I pulled back from his embrace.

Ben looked at me, strangely, all of a sudden. It was like he was noticing something about me that I wasn't.

"You know, you seem different somehow." He said. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but you've definitely changed from the man you used to be."

Yeah." I said. "You're noticing that I'm more independent now for one thing. And that I'm not as forgiving as I used to be. You can thank Nick Lachey and the rest of the guys for that."

"How can you say that?" Ben asked, then added. "You've forgiven me."

Here I frowned.

"Ben, I've never had to forgive you for anything." I told him. "You've never hurt me. Besides, I'm the one who's needed forgiving for leaving and not staying in touch. You didn't have a part in disowning me like they did."

"But I could have done more." Ben insisted. "I could have tried to find you."

"Come on, buddy, don't be ridiculous." I told him. "You're an actor. You were too busy to find the time to look. I understand that."

"I'm never too busy for my friends." Ben said.

His comment made me love him even more for still caring about me so much.

I sat back and smiled all of a sudden, my face taking on a dreamy look.

"Do you remember when we first met?" I asked him.

Ben smiled too, remembering that day.

"Yeah." He said. "Matt and I met you at that restaurant in Los Angeles. You seemed so down that day and we saw you and something just seemed to draw us to you.

"That was the day that Nick had asked me to marry him." I replied. "I said that I wasn't ready yet and that hurt Nick and he stormed out. I thought I'd lost him that day."

"It seems like such a lifetime ago." Ben said. "We were all happier back then. Me and Matt,"

Ben looked up at me and finished:

"You and Nick."

Ben frowned again, then asked.

"How is Nick anyway?"

When he asked about Nick, my mind wandered back to Nick's letter and what he had told me before he took off.

"Not good, I'm afraid." I told Ben.

"What happened?" Ben asked me, confused.

I got up and walked back over to the table to set my plate in the sink, since I was finished eating.

"Nick left town." I told him. "Nobody knows where he is or when he's coming back."

Ben was shocked to hear this. He had been angry with Nick over how the guys had treated me, but even he never would have seen this coming. He never thought that Nick was the type of guy who would take off when there was a problem.

"Why did he leave?" Ben asked. "What could have caused him to take off?"

I turned around to face Ben.

"I think Drew and I had something to do with that." I said to him.

"How so?" Ben wanted to know.

"Well, when I was in Orlando, I'd gone to a club with Jake and Michelle and I was singing alot that night. Then I went backstage to have some time alone and then I hear someone tell me that I was incredible. I turned around and there was Nick, looking hotter and sexier than I'd ever seen him before."

"It was such an awkward moment for both of us, considering how we'd left things a few years ago. We never thought we'd see each other again, so when we came face to face, a part of me was overjoyed to see him. But another part of me wouldn't allow itself to open up more to him. It was like the other part was guarding me from getting hurt again."

"Nick wanted to talk, so he asked me if I would come to the hotel and talk to him and the rest of his friends. I was really bitter and rude to him and told him no thanks. He said the offer still stood and that I could still meet him if I wanted to before they left the next morning. Then he left and I was alone."

Ben got up and brought his plate over to the sink and put it in.

"It sounds like Nick was trying to reach out to you." Ben said.

"He was." I said, nodding. "After he left, I couldn't get the look in his eyes out of my head. It was like he was practically begging me to come and talk. Eventually, I finally was worn down. I never could stand to see Nick hurt, even when I thought he deserved it. Seeing it in his sexy blue eyes was just too much for me to take and I finally agreed to go to the hotel and see what he wanted."

"I drove to the hotel and went up to Nick's room. When he let me in, I saw the rest of the guys for the first time in a long time. Everyone was civil to me except Drew, who was still bitter towards me."

Nick said that they all were wondering if there was any chance that we could all be friends again. I said I couldn't do it and Drew said something really cruel and I ended up decking him for it. When he got up to retaliate, Nick stepped in between us and tried to calm Drew down. When Drew asked Nick why he was defending me, Nick said because he loves me."

"And, what did you do?" Ben asked.

"I bolted." I told him. "I couldn't take it."

"Did Nick follow you?" Ben asked again.

"Yeah." I said. "He came to the apartment and we talked for awhile. Then we went back to the hotel and I asked Drew if we could talk alone for a moment. Nick and the guys left and waited in Drew's room for us. I apologized for hitting him and then Drew said that despite everything that had happened, he still loved me. That's when things really got interesting."

"Oh boy." Ben laughed. "Dare I ask what happened next?"

"Drew and I started making out together, totally naked. We got so into it, we didn't even think about the fact that we were getting it on in Nick's room. At least not until Nick walked in on us."

"Oh, my god!" Ben said, eyes wide, but at the same time he started laughing. "That had to have been embarassing."

"You have no idea." I said, trying not to laugh because it wasn't really supposed to be funny. "Nick totally freaked out and told us to get the hell out and get it on in Drew's room. Then he stormed out.

Drew and I went back to his room and one thing led to another and we made love. It was Drew's first time with a guy. and my first time with any man since Nick and I broke up.

"Was he any good?" Ben asked, with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Ben!" I exclaimed in shock. "You know I don't kiss and tell."

"Come on." Ben begged. "You know you want to tell me."

"Alright." I agreed. "Drew was incredible. For his first time with a guy, he sure knew how to work it, let me tell you."

"So, does this mean that you and Drew are a couple now?" Ben asked me, out of the blue.

******************************************************* AT THE LACHEY HOUSE: JEFF'S ROOM..........

Jeff woke up to the sun shining brightly through the window, right in his eyes. He squinted at the brightness and turned towards Danny to see if he was awake yet.

He wasn't there. his side of the bed was empty.

Jeff started to panic, when he remembered what Drew had said to him last night about how Sean's coldness had really done Danny in. Jeff knew that he had to find Danny before something happened.

Jeff got up and quickly threw on his tank top and his Joe Boxer flannel pajama pants and headed downstairs to the living room to see if Danny was down there.

Jeff found Drew, Jessica, Kandi, and Justin in the living room, talking and eating breakfast. Danny was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Jeff." Drew greeted him. "How are we feeling this morning?"

"Not good right now." Jeff said, looking worried. "Have any of you seen Danny this morning?"

"Not since last night when you went to bed." Jessica said. "Why, is something wrong?"

"Yes." Jeff said. "Danny wasn't in bed when I woke up."

"Are you sure he's not in the bathroom?" Justin asked him.

"I haven't checked the bathroom." Jeff admitted. "But first, I think I'll check the driveway to see if his car is still here."

Jeff walked over to the door and opened it. He look through the screen door outside towards the driveway. Everyone's cars were there.

Well everyone's except Danny's.

"His car is gone." Jeff said, when he walked back into the living room. "Where could he have gone this early in the morning?"

"Have you tried his cellphone hon?" Kandi asked him. She took a bite of her apple when she had finished.

"No." Jeff said. "But I'll try it now. Drew, may I use your phone?"

"Sure, Jeff." Drew said, grabbing the cordless off of the coffee table and handing it to Jeff.

Jeff took it and dialed Danny's cellphone number. After a few rings, Danny picked up.


"Baby, where are you?" Jeff asked him. "I've been freaking out over here, wondering where you were when I woke up and saw that you weren't in bed with me."

"I'm sorry, Jeff." Danny apologized. "I needed to get out and clear my head, so I went for a drive while you guys were still asleep. I couldn't sleep last night."

"Where are you, baby?" Jeff asked him. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, sexy, I'm fine." Danny reassured Jeff. "I just have a few things to take care of and then I'll be home, ok?"

"What things are those?" Jeff asked him.

"I'll explain when I get back." Danny told him. "I have to go now. I love you, Jeff."

"I love you too, Danny." Jeff said. "Do what you need to do and then get back home to me, ok?"

"I will, baby." Danny said. "Goodbye."

Danny hung up the phone, leaving Jeff with dial tone.

Jeff hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh of relief. Danny was going to be alright. Jeff was curious though as to what things Danny needed to take care of.

"Well, Danny is alright." Jeff said, turning around to face everyone else. "He said he went for a drive and that he needed to take care of a few things first before he got back here."

Drew, Jessica, Kandi, and Justin, all were relieved as well to hear that Danny was alright. They all had grown to love Danny. He was like family to them now, more than he ever was.

"Well, Jeff, now that we all know that Danny is alright, we're going to go and get these dishes cleaned up and then get dressed and ready for the day." Jessica told him.

"Alright, fine, go ahead." Jeff said. "But, Drew, would you mind staying here for a second? I'd like to talk to you."

"Sure." Drew said, standing up with the others.

"Well, come on, Kandi, let's get these plates to the kitchen." Jessica said, grabbing some of the plates off of the table.

"I'm right behind you, sweetie." Kandi said, getting up. She turned back to justin. "Are you coming, baby?"

"Yeah." Justin said, getting up with her.

He followed her into the kitchen with Jessica, leaving Drew and Jeff alone in the living room.

"Let's go up to your room." Jeff suggested to Drew. "It'll give us some privacy."

"Alright, let's go." Drew agreed, motioning him towards the stairs.

Jeff and Drew went upstairs and went into Drew's bedroom. Once inside, Drew shut the door behind them.

"Alright, Jeff." Drew started. "What do you want to talk to me about that you couldn't talk about with everyone else?"

Jeff turned around to face Drew and saw the slight frown on his face.

"It's about Sean." Jeff said, a little hestitantly.

"What about him?" Drew asked, a hint of bitterness in his tone.

Jeff sat down on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair, which he usually did when something was weighing heavily on his mind.

"Do you think that maybe, we should talk to him again? See if there's any chance that we can patch things up where our friendship is concerned?" He asked Drew.

Drew frowned. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Because, I can't stand seeing the man I love, hurting like this." Jeff said, the worry evident in his voice. "He was so quiet last night after Sean left and later when he and I went to bed, I wanted to make love with him, all he did was curl up in a fetal position and start crying. When I asked him, what was wrong, he didn't answer me. All I could do was just put my arms around him and let him know that I was there for him. But I don't think that mattered. I don't know what to do, Drew."

Here, Jeff was cut off from his own emotions. A few tears rolled down his cheeks. When Drew saw them, he immediately sat down next to Jeff and embraced him.

"Come on, Jeff." Drew soothed. "Don't get yourself upset like this. Danny seemed fine when you called him didn't he?"

"Yeah." Jeff said, sobbing a little. "But how do I know that for sure, Drew? I don't know what frame of mind he's in right now. He wouldn't even tell me what things he said he needed to take care of. Danny always was specific about what he was doing all the time. He's never lied to me before."

"He's not lying to you." Drew said, rubbing Jeff's back gently. "He's just probably not ready to share whatever it is with you at the moment. And these things he said he needs to take care of, could probably mean that he's planning a surprise for you or something."

Here, Jeff lifted his head and looked at Drew.

"Do you really think so?" He asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Sure." Drew said. "You never know. We'll find out when he gets back."

Jeff sat up and took a second to compose himself.

"Thanks, Drew." He said. "I needed that hug."

"Anytime, man." Drew said, patting his shoulder. "Anyway, what do you suggest we do about Sean?"

"I think you and I should go over to Ben's and talk to him." Jeff said. "Maybe if we talk to Sean again one more time, then maybe we can convince him to put the past behind him and start over fresh with us."

Drew was quiet for a moment. He wasn't sure that Jeff's suggestion would fly with Sean, considering how closed off he'd become to all of them.

"Well, Jeff, as much as I'd like it if Sean could forgive us for what we did, I don't think it's likely that that will happen anytime soon. I don't think talking to him again will do any good."

"But we've got to try." Jeff said. "Sean's coldness is really hurting Danny and it's starting to take it's toll on our relationship. If things continue the way they are, I don't think our relationship will survive."

"Don't say that, Jeff." Drew said, patting his shoulder. "Danny may be depressed right now, but he loves you. Never forget that."

Jeff glanced at Drew and held his gaze for a second.

"What?" Drew asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jeff blinked and put his hand to Drew's face.

"You have no idea how amazing you are, Drew." He said. "You are a wonderful man and why Sean cannot see that is beyond me."

Drew smiled and put his own hand over Jeff's, which was still resting on his cheek.

"Thanks, Jeff." he whispered, caressing Jeff's hand softly.

"What do you say we go and talk to Sean right now?" Jeff said. "I think you need to do this as much as I do. Besides, you still love him, don't you?"

Drew nodded.

"Yes, Jeff, I do." Drew said. "But I can't hope for something that just isn't meant to be."

"You'll never know that unless you talk to him and tell him how you feel. I noticed he wasn't as bitter towards you as he was to the rest of us last night. I think that in itself proves that you still mean something to him."

Drew thought it over for a second and realized that Jeff could be right. He had to know for sure if there was any chance that he could have a future with Sean. He finally knew what he had to do.

"Come on, Jeff." Drew said, getting up off of the bed. "Let's go and talk to Sean."

"Alright." Jeff said. "I'll drive."

Jeff and Drew left the bedroom and went downstairs to the living room where Justin and Kandi were watching tv. Jessica wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where's Jessica?" Drew asked Justin.

"She went to your mom's house to pick up her daughter." Justin told him.

"Where are you two off to?" Kandi asked.

"We're going to Ben Affleck's house to talk to Sean." Jeff said. "We need to try to get through to him so that we all can be friends again and so Danny can be happy again with Sean back in his life. If things continue the way they are going, my relationship with Danny is going to be in serious trouble. I owe it to Danny to at least try one more time."

"Well, in that case, we're going with you." Justin said, switching off the tv and getting up off the sofa. He held out a hand to Kandi, offering to help her up. She took it and he pulled her up.

"Let's get going then." Drew said, heading for the door.

Jeff, Justin and Kandi followed him. Kandi grabbed her purse from the kitchen table and followed the rest of them out the door.

Drew locked up the house and headed towards his SUV, where Jeff and the others were already getting in.

"Here, Jeff." Drew said, throwing the keys to him. Jeff caught them.

"Thanks." He said, as he got into the driver's seat.

Drew hopped into the front seat beside Jeff, while Kandi and Justin took the back.

Jeff started the engine and backed out of the driveway. Then they drove off to Ben's house.

******************************************************* BACK AT BEN'S................

"Well Sean, after what you've just told me, a part of me can see why Drew and the rest of the guys wouldn't want to be around you, considering how bitter you were to them last night." Ben said, as he flipped through the channels.

"I know, Ben." I told him. "There are times when I want to reach out to them and try to get beyond this bitterness, but then I think about how they treated me all those years ago..........

"And you turn as cold as that wind blowing outside." Ben finished for me.

"Ice cold." I added. "And I hate that I'm doing it. But whenever I do think about reconciling with them, I just don't know what to say to them. I can't just forgive and forget overnight."

"I'm not saying that you have to." Ben replied. "But you can't stay bitter either. It's not healthy for you, or for them."

"What do you think I should do?" I asked him, really wanting to know what his opinion was.

"Well," Ben said, thinking hard about what the solution could be. Then he thought of it.

"What you might want to do is take it one day at a time." He said. "Let them know that you haven't forgiven them all just yet, but that you are willing to try again. That should be good enough for them. If it isn't, you can't say that you didn't try."

I thought over what Ben was telling me and I realized that he was right. But the question was: "Would I be able to put my anger aside and try again?"

Just then, the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who that is." Ben said, starting to get up.

"Stay put, I'll get it." I said, getting up and walking to the door. I opened it and froze.

Danny was standing there, looking at me, his face all serious.

"Hi, Sean." He said, his voice monotone.

"Hi." I said, greeting him. "What brings you here?"

Danny looked at me, strangely for a second.

"What?" I asked, wondering why he was looking like that.

"Nothing." He said. "You just seem....nice all of a sudden."

I nodded. then stepped aside.

"Come on in." I offered. "I think we should talk."

"that's why I came." Danny said, as he walked inside.

I shut the door and turned towards him.

"Let's go into the living room and say hello to Ben." I suggested.

"Good idea." Danny said, and followed me into the living room.

Ben got up when he saw me enter the room and he did a double take when he saw Danny.

"Hi, Danny." Ben said, walking over to him and shaking his hand.

"How are you, Ben?" Danny asked him.

I'm good." Ben replied. "And you?"

"I'll be better once Sean and I can sit down and really talk about things."

"Oh, well in that case, I'll leave you two alone." Ben said.

He started to leave the room.

"No, Ben, you don't have to leave." I said to him. It's your house. Why don't Danny and I just go up to my room and we'll talk there?"

"Nonsense." Ben said, shrugging it off. "I need to go take a shower anyway and get ready for today."

"Alright, then." I told him. "Do what you gotta do."

Ben walked to the doorway. He turned back around to face us.

"You two play nice." Ben warned us. "I don't want to hear any shouting matches while I'm in the shower."

"Don't worry, Ben." Danny told him. "I'm sick of fighting."

"So am I." I agreed with Danny. "Danny and I are going to sit down and have a civil conversation for once."

"In that case, I'll see you later then." Ben said, and headed upstairs to take his shower.

I turned back to Danny.

"Let's sit down on the couch over there." I suggested to him. He nodded.

We both walked over to the couch and sat down. Danny sat right beside me.

"Well, where do I begin?" I asked, outloud. Then I looked up at Danny and looked him right in the eye.

"I want you to know how sorry I am for being so cold to you last night. I could see that that really hurt you and I want you to know that I took no pleasure in your pain."

My apology was sincere. Danny looked at me for a moment. When it finally sunk in, he smiled a little.

"Thanks." Danny said. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure." I said.

"What made you change your mind about forgiving me?" He asked, curious.

"Well, Danny, to tell you the truth, I haven't forgiven you just yet." I told him.

"But, you just apologized to me for hurting me." Danny said, confused.

"Yes, I did and I meant it." I told him. "I just wanted you to know that if you and I are going to be friends again, we have to take things one day at a time and see how it turns out. I'm not saying I forgive you just yet, but I am willing to at least give you a chance to make it up to me."

Danny's face lit up. He knew I wasn't ready to forgive just yet, but he was at least glad that I was willing to try again at getting our friendship back.

"That works for me, Sean." He said. "I'll do anything to have you back and if it has to be on your terms, then so be it."

I smiled then asked. "Now, I have to ask you to forgive me for last night."

I held out my arms, offering to embrace him. Instead, he pulled me into his arms and held me tight.

"I forgive you, man." Danny said, kissing my cheek, as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I've missed you so much and it feels great to have you back."

"It's good to be back." I said, continuing to hug him.

We stayed like that for a long time, just hugging each other and feeling the connection coming back again.

"I've missed you too, you know." I told him. "I didn't realize how much until last night after it looked like you'd given up trying to fight for my frienship back."

"Thank God." He said, hugging me tighter.

Just then, the doorbell rang again. Danny released me, then.

"I'd better get that." I said, getting up and going to the door.

I opened it and came face to face with Drew, Jeff, Justin, and Kandi."

"Hey guys." I said, smiling warmly. Their reaction was the same as Danny's when he first got there.

"I know what you're thinking." I told them. "You're wondering why I'm happy to see you guys, rather than cold and bitter."

"Well, yeah." Jeff said, surprised. "You weren't exactly Mr. Wonderful last night."

"I know." I said, then stepped aside. "Come on in. Danny's already here."

"I thought that was his car out there." Justin said, as they went in.

I walked towards the living room to find Jeff and Danny, hugging each other.

"I'm so happy, Jeff." Danny said, holding Jeff tight. "Sean and I have finally made up and we're going to try to be friends again."

"Just like that?" Drew asked, in surprise.

Danny looked at Drew, the smile never leaving his face.

"Well, Sean told me that he's not quite ready to forgive and forget just yet, but that he is willing to try again.

Here Danny looked back at me. "Right, Sean?" He asked.

I nodded.

"What about us?" Drew asked, from behind me. I turned around to face him.

"If you can accept that I need to forgive you all in my own time and in my own way, then I see no reason why I can't try again with all of you." I told him.

"Do you really mean that?" Drew asked me, the startings of a smile on his face.

"Yes, Drew." I assured him. "Can you accept my terms?"

Drew smiled. "You bet. Now give me a hug."

Drew opened his arms out and I walked into them. He hugged me tightly. A second later, I felt a second set of arms around me. I turned and saw that it was Kandi. Then Justin came over and put his arms around the rest of us as well.

Jeff and Danny came over and put their hands around the rest of us. We were all happy once again.

We had finally done it. After so many years. We were finally able to put our differences aside and start over again.

Although, forgiveness was still a ways away, I knew that it was coming in the future. And while, I stood there, being hugged by Drew and the rest of the gang, I knew that I was back where I belonged. I was home.

"Welcome back, you guys." I whispered.


Well, that's all for this installment. Stay tuned for more.

"Will Sean and the guys really be able to start over again?

"Will Sean and Drew reunite?"

"How will Jessica react when she finds out that Sean is back in the guys good graces?"

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Next: Chapter 57

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