My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Dec 6, 2003


Hello to all of you!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

NEWSFLASH: To those of you who don't already know, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson, in real life, have reconciled and are now husband and wife. I wish them all the best with their marriage and hope they live a long and happy life together.

If you want details about their wedding, check out the 98 Degrees Official Website at

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally: "What I feel for you" by Thack.

"What I feel for you." is an awesome story and Thack, himself deserves applause for all of his hard work on it.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

LATER, BACK AT BEN'S HOUSE...............

"Oh my god!" I laughed. "You two are so insane!"

I was lying on the futon, laughing my ass off, as Ben and Matt were getting drunk and they were splashing around in the pool, bare-ass naked and showing off. At least until Ben said he wasn't feeling well anymore. Matt didn't either, so they both got out and grabbed their towels to dry off.

I, on the other hand, wasn't much better off. I actually had drank the whole six pack of Arbot Mist wine coolers and was pretty much on my way to being drunk myself. Or at least buzzed, I didn't know what was what, since I don't think I had ever been drunk before.

"Ok, I think it time to play a game of "Truth or Dare." Matt said, slurring his words, slightly.

"Oh no." I said, putting my hand to my face. "I don't think I'm sober enough for this."

"Oh, I think you are." Matt said, as he came over to me, zigzagged a bit.

"Matt be careful." I warned him, a little too late as he stumbled and fell into the futon. Right on top of me.

"Damn boy!" I laughed. "See what I mean?"

Matt couldn't stop laughing. Ben came over and sat down on the futon with us, and laughed along with us over Matt's obvious drunkness.

"You both are cute when you're drunk, I've gotta admit." I laughed. "I never thought I'd see two pale white asses like that."

I could not contain myself and I started laughing so hard, tears were forming in my eyes.

"Pale asses?!" Ben and Matt said, in unison.

"I don't think so." Matt said, just as he grabbed my trunks and ripped them off of me in a flash, leaving me naked and totally exposed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, laughing in embarassment, as I reached for my trunks. "Give those back!

"You want em?" Matt asked, with a chesire grin. "Wrestle me for em."

"All right, you asked for it." I said, as I leapt at him.

Then started a crazy nude wrestling match to get my trunks back. Matt would toss them to Ben and I'd have to start struggling with him for them, while laughing the whole time.

When they finally gave up, they tossed them back to me. I took them back and lay down to catch my breath.

"Now, look what you two did?" I said, looking down at myself. "You got me all hot and bothered. I'm as hard as a rock now."

I looked at both Ben and Matt and saw the looks of lust in their eyes.

"Well, how about Ben and I take care of it for you?" Matt asked, out of the blue.

"What?" I askes, stupidly, not sure I'd heard him correctly.

Then it happened.

Matt's lips were on mine, in a kiss. I kissed him back and started running my hands down his body, feeling how toned he really was. I squeezed his rock hard buns, which he tightened as I did.

Then, I felt another pair of lips on my neck. I knew then that Ben was also kissing me. Matt and I broke our kiss and I turned around towards Ben and he leaned in and kissed me as well. We could no doubt taste the alcohol in our

I felt Matt running his hands up and down my sides, and he went down and started kissing all down my back, while Ben ravished me with his lips. I ran my own hands down Ben's muscular build and came down to his ass and squeezed it in my hands. He had one fine ass too! Hell, they both did!

"Oh, man." I groaned. "Guys, don't stop."

******************************************************* "ALSO AT BEN'S HOUSE..............

Drew pulled up and shut off the engine. He got out of the car and walked up to the door to Ben's house. He knocked on the door and waited. No response. He knocked again. Still no one answered the door.

"Damn, they must be in bed." Drew said. Then he looked inside again.

"But if they're in bed, then why are the lights still on?"

Just then, Drew could hear sounds coming from the back of the house.

Slowly, he crept around the side of the house and came to the back of the house where the gate to the pool was. As he came to the gate, he saw the pool right in front of him.

He then turned and glanced down to the far left side of the pool and he froze, horrified, at what he saw before him.

*********** CHAPTER 60 ***********

"Oh God." Drew gasped, when he saw the sight before him:

He could see the bodies of Matt, Sean, and Ben, on top of each other in a sandwhich. And they were fucking each other like wild animals.

Matt was on the bottom, lying on his stomach, and Sean was ramming his dick in and out of Matt's ass, while Ben was on top of Sean's back and ramming his own dick into Sean's tight asshole. They were obviously enjoying every minute of it.

"How could you do this, Sean?" Drew whispered, tears starting to fall down his cheeks. "How could you do this to me, again?"

Drew couldn't watch them anymore and suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He turned and bolted back to his car. He got in and started sobbing hard, feeling very hurt and betrayed.

"I've had it!" He sobbed to himself. "I can't do this anymore! I am done! If Sean doesn't want to be with me, then to hell with him! I'll find someone else who will make me happy! I'm sick of being alone!"

Drew started the car and drove back home, his heart broken. He knew he had to move on. But it was easier said than done.

When he finally got back to the house, he went into the kitchen and opened the refridgerater. He grabbed a beer out of it and slammed the door shut. He twisted off the cap and opened his bottle of beer.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" He said, as he took a long sip of his beer. "Why is it that when I try to love someone, they just don't feel the same way? Am I cursed or something?"

Drew went back over to the refridgerater and grabbed the rest of the case of beer and walked through the living room, over to the patio door, where he slid it open and walked out into the sitting area.

He set the case of beer down beside him and plopped himself down on the lounger recliner that was set up there.

"You are such a fool, Sean!" Drew muttered, as he drank himself into oblivion. "Tommorrow. Tommorrow, I'm going to come and find you! And I am going to put an end to this! Once and for all!"

******************************************************* BACK AT BEN'S HOUSE...........

Ben and Matt had passed out after our intense fuck session. They were still out on the futon, still bare naked. But I had covered them up with a blanket so they weren't exposed to the world. At least until the blankets got kicked off of themselves later.

I had somehow managed to untangle myself from beneath them and I pulled on my trunks, which were almost dry and I headed back to the sliding doors to go inside, but not before I turned off the patio lights so that nobody would see Ben and Matt lying there together.

I walked into the house and went upstairs to take a shower and clean up.

As I showered, I thought about what had just happened and I was starting to have regrets about it. All I knew was that it was going to be very awkward when I had to face Ben and Matt.

I finished up and got out and dried off. Then I wrapped my towel around my waist and headed to my room to get ready for bed.

As I was pulling on my underwear, I heard steps coming up the stairs, but I could not turn around.

"Hey." I heard Ben say from the doorway.

I turned around and saw him standing there, looking hung over.

"Yeah?" I asked him, knowing what was coming.

"We need to talk about what happened out there?" He said, looking at me, tiredly.

I, however, wasn't in the mood to talk about it right now. I was dead tired, not to mention drunk off of my ass. Plus, I had a terrible headache at the moment.

"I know we do, Ben." I said, then asked. "But, can it please wait until tommorrow? I've got a huge headache right now and I just want to get some sleep right now, ok?"

"Sure." Ben nodded. "I just helped Matt get in bed while you were in the shower a few minutes ago. He's dead to the world."

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked him, concerned.

"He'll be fine." Ben assured me. "I've been through it before with him."

I nodded as I sat down on the bed, just looking at Ben, not sure what to do or say.

"Well, I'm going to turn in now." Ben said. "Goodnight, Sean."

"Goodnight." I said, as he turned away and shut off the light and closed the door behind him.

I turned the lamp, on the bedside table on and pulled my hair back into a ponytail to keep it from getting in tangles when it dried during my sleep.

I pulled the covers back and got into the bed. I reached over and shut the lamp off and lay back into bed.

"Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into?" I whispered as I closed my eyes.

I was asleep in minutes.

******************************************************* THE NEXT MORNING, AT THE LACHEY HOUSE........

Danny and Jeff were the first ones to get up. They had walked downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

As Jeff walked to the refrigerater to get some orange juice, he happened to glance outside when the patio was and he stopped in his tracks.

"Oh my god!" He said, outloud.

Danny looked up from the newspaper that he had sat down at the table to read.

"What is it, Jeff?" He asked.

"Come and look for yourself." Jeff said, waving him over.

Puzzled, Danny got up and walked over to Jeff to see what he was looking at. When he saw what Jeff saw, his jaw dropped.

"Oh my god!" Danny exclaimed. "What is Drew doing out there?"

"I don't know." Jeff wondered. "But we'd better find out."

Jeff walked over to the sliding doors and slid them open. Danny was right behind him.

"Oh no." Jeff said, looking around the patio.

Jeff and Danny both saw that Drew was passed out, on the lounger there, outside, and they could see the bottles of beer that were all over the place.

"He's been drinking?!" Danny asked, in shock. "But why? What happened?"

"I don't know." Jeff said. "But we're sure going to find out. Here, help me wake him up."

Jeff knelt down beside the lounger and started to shake Drew.

"Drew, it's Jeff!" Jeff called out to him. "Come on! Wake up!"

Drew moaned as his eyes started opening and he saw Jeff in front of him, and Danny standing nearby. He could see the concern that was written on both of their faces.

"Hey guys." Drew whispered. "What do you want?"

"Get up." Danny ordered him. "We need to talk."

Drew's face contorted in pain.

"Ok, fine, but you don't have to shout." Drew said, covering his ears.

Jeff looked up at Danny, knowing what was wrong.

"He's got a hangover, babe." He said to Danny. "Why don't you go and make him something for it?"

"Sure." Danny agreed. "I'll be back out in a few minutes."

Danny went back inside to make Drew something for his hangover, leaving Jeff outside with Drew.

Jeff turned back to Drew and looked him over. He looked like hell. It was obvious that something had happened that had hurt Drew terribly. And he had a feeling he knew exactly what that was.

"Drew, what are you doing out here by yourself?" Jeff asked him, then pointed to the six pack of beer, which had been drank in it's entirety.

"And, with a six pack of beer no less?" Jeff continued. "Why would you get yourself drunk like this? That isn't like you at all. What happened?"

Drew just shook his head, as he remembered what he had witnessed over at Ben's last night.

"Jeff, please." Drew said, sitting up. "I don't want to talk about it right now. My head hurts and I really don't feel like being lectured right now."

"I wasn't going to lecture you." Jeff said, putting his hand on Drew's shoulder. "I'm just concerned about you. Even more so that you didn't feel that you could come to any of us to talk about whatever it is that's got you this upset. What exactly did getting hammered accomplish, huh?"

"See, there you go." Drew said, defensively, as he struggled to get up. "You are lecturing me. I'm not a baby, Jeff."

Drew almost fell the minute he was on his feet, but luckily Jeff was there to catch him.

"Whoa, buddy, be careful." Jeff said, as he caught Drew in his arms. "Come on, let me help you to the kitchen table, ok?"

"Alright." Drew agreed. "I think I need to sit down for a moment."

Jeff helped Drew to the kitchen table and helped him sit down in his seat. Then, he looked over at Danny, who was mixing something in a glass.

Danny finished stirring it and walked over to the table with the glass. He handed it out to Drew.

"Here, drink this." He said. "It's the best thing for a hangover."

Drew accepted the glass from Danny and started drinking it. He grimaced in disgust as he swallowed it.

"Ugh, this stuff is disgusting!" He said, pulling it away from his lips.

"I know it is, bro." Jeff said. "But, if you want the hangover to go away, you have to drink it. All of it."

"He's right, Drew." Danny said. "Plus, it'll be easier if you just chug the whole thing down."

"Fine, whatever." Drew said, and raised the glass to his lips again. He drank and drank it until it was gone.

"There." he said, setting the glass down. "That takes care of that."

Danny took the glass and returned to the sink with it. He rinsed it out and turned back to Drew.

"Do you want anything to drink before I throw this glass into the dishwasher?" He asked, Drew. Drew shook his head.

"Nothing right now, thanks." He said. "Right now, I just want to die!"

"Drew!" Jeff exclaimed in shock. "Don't say that!"

"Why not?" Drew said, tears shining in his eyes. "I've already made a fool of myself yet again where Sean is concerned!"

"What does Sean have to do with this?" Danny asked, as he walked back over to the table. He took a seat next to Drew and put his hand on Drew's arm.

"Well, I found out last night once and for all, that Sean.....

"Hey, you guys." A male voice greeted them.

Jeff, Drew, and Danny, turned around and saw that Kandi and Justin were up and were coming into the kitchen.

"So, what's up?" Kandi asked, glancing at the guys before her.

Jeff and Danny looked at Drew, who was looking back at them. The awkwardness was very evident in the room and everyone picked up on it.

"Uh, did we interrupt something?" Justin asked, looking from one guy to the other.

"Yeah." Drew said. "I was just telling Jeff and Danny what I fool I've been for ever believing that I could have a future with a man who doesn't want me."

"Oh no, here we go again." Kandi said, rolling her eyes. "What happened this time, Drew?"

******************************************************* AT THE SAME TIME, BACK AT BEN'S HOUSE..............

I woke up to the sun shining in my window, on Saturday morning and was ready to get ready for the day. Well, almost.

"Damn." I said, holding my head in my hands.

My head was pounding. This was one of the worst headaches I'd ever had. If you can even call it that.

"How much did I have to drink last night?" I asked, as I got out of bed. "I need some aspirin."

I stumbled to my feet and slowly made my way to the hallway. As I did, I glanced in to Ben's room.

I saw Ben in bed, sound asleep, but Matt was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?" I thought to myself.

Just then, I heards sounds coming from the kitchen, downstairs. I decided to head downstairs to see what was going on.

I cautiously crept down the stairs, my hands on the guardrails to keep from falling. I was still a bit unsteady. As I got to the bottom, I noticed that Matt was in the kitchen, sitting alone.

"Hey, Matt." I said, quietly. Matt jerked around, startled by my unexpected presence.

"Damn, you startled me." He said, looking me right in the eye.

"Sorry." I apologized. "I didn't mean to. I just came down to get some aspirin. My head is killing me."

"It's up in the cupboard over there." Matt said, pointing to where it was.

I walked over and opened the cupboard and got out the bottle of aspirin. I opened and bottle and dumped two in my hand. I then went to the sink to get myself a glass of water.

"Sean?" I heard from behind me.

"What, Matt?" I asked, not looking back, as I grabbed a glass and started pouring water into it to take my aspirin with.

"We need to talk about what happened last night." Matt said.

"Yes, we do." I said, as I turned off the faucet and turned around to face him. As I did, I popped my aspirin in my mouth and took a drink of water along with it.

"What happened last night was so unexpected." Matt said.

I looked at him and noticed that he was fiddling with his fingers, which was a definite sign that he was uncomfortable with this conversation. Not that I could blame him.

"You can say that again." I said. "I sure wasn't expecting things to go as far as they did."

"Neither did I." I heard Ben say.

Matt and I both saw Ben, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He then walked in and took a seat beside Matt. He was a mess, with his hair all messed up and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Look, you two." I said, as they both looked up at me. "What happened last night was nice, but it shouldn't have happened."

"We feel the same way." Ben said. "As nice as it was, we crossed the line. And we apologize for you for putting you through that."

I was shocked at that. He was apologizing to me, as if they had been the ones to come on to me and I hadn't wanted it.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I asked Ben. "It takes more then one person to have sex. I had my own part in this, so I have to accept responsibility for my part in all of this."

"Why?" Matt asked me. "I'm sure it wasn't your idea to start making out with me. I started it, remember? When I kissed you?"

"Matt, don't blame yourself." I told him. "We were all drunk and were vulnerable. And obviously a little horny."

"You noticed that too, huh?" Ben tried to joke, which got us all to laugh a bit.

"Ben, I just want you both to know that I don't blame either of you for what happened last night." I said to him. "The sex was great, don't get me wrong, but still it never should have happened. I just don't want this to affect our friendship."

"So, we're still friends?" Ben asked, looking up at me, worriedly.

I walked over and hugged him, tightly. "Of course we are." I said. "The best."

"Thanks." Ben said, returning my hug. "It means to us that you can just shrug it off just like that."

"Hey." I said, as I hugged Matt. "I've been through worse."

"That's certainly true." Matt said, sadly. I knew what he was talking about.

"That's why this thing is nothing and you two don't need to be forgiven. It was something we all were a part of and obviously had a great time. Besides, some good did come out of it."

Now, that surprised them. I even surprised myself with that admission.

"Really?" Ben asked me. "What's that?"

I then grinned widely.

"I got to experience what an incredible lover you are, Ben!" I told him. "Now, I know how good Matt was getting it when he was with you."

That revelation sure threw Ben for a loop. But then I saw him smile.

"Thanks." He said, smiling at me. I nodded at him.

"I can say the same thing about you, Sean." Matt said, his grin matching my earlier one. "Now I know how good Nick got it as well when you were with him."

"And Drew." I added.

As soon as I mentioned Drew, my mind thought back to him. I was wondering how he was doing this morning. Especially since I hadn't seen or talked to him since yesterday morning.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE LACHEY HOUSE...................

Everyone was up now, including Jessica, who was now sitting at the table, feeding Nicole breakfast.

"Oh, Drew, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that." Danny said, obviously blown away by what he had gone through. "What was Sean thinking?"

"Not about me, that's for sure." Drew said, bitterly. "I could kick myself for letting myself believe that Sean actually cared about me."

"And I'm sorry for encouraging you to go over there to talk to Sean." Jessica said. "I think I just made things worse for you."

Drew could see that she felt guilty about it, but he didn't think she'd blame herself.

"Oh no, Jessica, don't blame yourself, you actually did me a favor." Drew told her. "You let me see just what kind of man Sean really is."

Finally, Kandi couldn't take anymore of Drew's whining and let him have it.

"Alright, Drew." She said, an angry look on her face. "Come with me upstairs."

"What for?" He asked, wondering what she was so pissed off about.

Instead of answering him, she walked over to him and grabbed his arm and yanked him to a sitting position, catching everyone off guard, including Drew.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming." Drew said, in shock, as he was practically dragged behind her.

Kandi pulled him into her's and Justin's room and shoved him into it. As she did, she turned to close the door, but was stopped by Justin. He also had Danny and Jeff with him.

She let them in and shut the door behind them. As soon as that was done, she turned back to Drew.

"You know, I'm getting really sick of your childish whining!" Kandi said. "I've listened to everything you've said and it just doesn't make any sense that you would just jump to the conclusion that Sean doesn't care about you! And what the hell did you mean before about Jessica helping you see just what kind of man Sean really is?"

Drew was shocked at her sudden outburst, but he was getting angry as well.

"What I meant was that by seeing what I saw, I realized just how wrong I was about Sean. And I got to see what a slut he really is!"


Kandi's hand connected with Drew's face in an angry smack. That shut him up.

"Don't you ever talk about Sean like that again, do you understand me?!" Kandi said, harshly. "You have no right judging him over what you saw! There could be another explanation for it, and you won't have the answers until you talk to Sean!"

Drew could only hang his head in shame. He knew he was reacting out of hurt and anger, but at the same time he also knew that Kandi was right. He didn't get the whole story from Sean himself.

"I agree with Kandi." Danny said, an angry frown on his face. "Where do you get off judging Sean before you know the whole story?"

Drew finally lost it and erupted.


"Sean is not promiscuous!" Jeff fired back. "That is not what happened!"


Jeff and Danny both looked at each other in anger. Drew was just being totally irrational at that moment. and he was getting dangerously close to the breaking point.

"Watch it, Drew!" Jeff said, angrily, through gritted teeth. "You are treading on very thin ice with us, man!"

Drew calmed down a bit, but he wasn't about to drop it.

"My point is," He started saying. "Friends do not have sex together! That would be like me, having sex with you, Jeff!"

"I can't believe you just said that." Justin said.

Everyone looked at him in surprise. He had not said a word since Kandi had dragged Drew upstairs.

"Kandi and I had sex before we became a couple officially." Justin told him. "There's nothing wrong with that if you know you can trust that person."

"You know what?" Drew said, throwing up his hands in frustration. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm just going to leave this room now, before I say something else I just might regret!"

Drew brushed past Kandi, Justin, Jeff, and Danny and headed for his room.

"That's your answer for everything, isn't it, Drew?" Jeff called out after him. "Just up and leave when the going gets rough! If that's the case, you really need to grow up!"

"FUCK YOU!" Drew screamed as he went into his room and slammed the door.

Danny turned around and put his arm around Jeff.

"I'm sorry, babe." He said, kissing his cheek. "I don't know why he has to be like that."

"I don't know either." Jeff said, putting his arm around Danny's waist. "But I'm definitely going to get some answers."

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, as Jeff let go of him and headed over to Kandi's bedside table where the phone was.

He picked it up and started dialing someone's number.

"Who are you calling?" Kandi asked him, curiously.

"I'm calling Ben's house to see if Sean is still there." Jeff said. "We need to get answers where this whole situation is concerned."

Jeff waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello?" He heard.

"Ben? Hi, this if Jeff Timmons, is Sean there?"

"Hi, Jeff." He heard Ben greet him. "Yes, he's right here. Just a moment.

Jeff could hear some shuffling in the background, as well as voices. Then Sean was on the phone.

"Hi, Jeff." Jeff heard Sean say. "It's good to hear from you. What's up?"

"We need to talk to you about something." Jeff said, looking up at the rest of the guys. "Is it possible for you to swing by the house sometime today?

"It sounds important." Sean said. "Is this about Nick?"

"No, this has nothing to do with Nick." Jeff told him. "You'll find out when you get here."

"Alright, I'm on my way." Sean said. "Just let me grab a quick shower and I'll see you later. Bye Jeff."

Jeff hung up and turned to everyone else to tell them the news.

"It's settled." He told everyone. "Sean is on his way over. Hopefully he can shed some light on this whole thing and hopefully get through to Drew and make him see just how ridiculous he's being."

"Alright, then." Kandi said. "Let's go get cleaned up for his arrival."

"What about Drew?" Danny asked. "Should we tell him that Sean's coming?"

"No." Jeff said. "If we do, he might leave and I don't want that. Sooner or later, he's going to have to face Sean and get the truth from him."

"Well, come on." Kandi said, turning towards the door. "Let's go fill Jessica in on everything, so she's not caught off guard when Sean gets here."

She and Justin left their room, with Danny and Jeff right behind them.

******************************************************* BACK AT BEN'S....................

"So, what did Jeff want?" Ben asked me, as I set the phone down.

"He said that he and the guys have to talk to me about something and they want me to swing by the house, so I have to go take a shower, get dressed, and go over there."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Matt asked, as he was washing his dirty plate.

"No, that's alright." I told him. "This sounded important. Excuse me, while I go and get ready."

"Sure." Ben said, sipping his orange juice. "We'll see you in a few."

With that said, I ran upstairs and started on my shower. It was only then, did I realize how bad I smelled and how much I'd needed it.

After washing my body, and then my hair, I was good to go. I got out and grabbed a towel to dry off.

I went into the bedroom and proceeded to get dressed. I decided on a red shirt with faded glory blue jeans.

Once, I was dressed, I grabbed my cellphone and my keys and went downstairs.

"Well, guys, I'm off." I said. "Wish me luck on whatever this is about."

"Good luck." Ben said. "But I have a feeling you won't need it."

"Let's hope not." I said, opening the door. "Goodbye, Matt."

"Bye, Sean." Matt said, as I closed the door behind me.

I raced to my rental SUV and got in. I started it and headed for the Lachey house.

I got there within a half hour, as traffic was a nightmare here in Los Angeles. It even made Orlando's traffic seem normal.

I shut off the ignition and got out of the car, locking the doors behind me.

I walked up to Jessica's door and knocked. Within a few seconds, Jeff was at the door.

"Hey, Sean." He greeted me, as he opened the door. "Come in. We've been expecting you."

"I'm sorry, I'm late." I told him. "The traffic here in Los Angeles never ceases to amaze me."

"That bad, huh?" Jeff laughed, putting his arm around me, as we walked towards the living room.

When we entered, I came face to face with Jessica, Kandi, Justin, and Danny. Drew wasn't anywhere in the room.

"Hey guys." I greeted them. They all voice their hello's back.

Then, my eyes fell on Jessica and the sweet little angel, sitting on her lap.

"Hey, Jessica." I greeted her. "That must be the sweet little angel that Nick told me about."

"Yep." Jessica nodded. "This is Nicole."

She turned to Nicole and turned her to face me.

"Say hi to Sean, sweetie." She cooed, waving at me to show Nicole how to wave. Nicole waved a little bit. She was so cute!

"Hi, Nicole." I said, sweetly. "You sure are a beautiful little girl."

I saw Nicole smile a little, then she hid her face in Jessica's chest. Jessica laughed.

"She's just a little shy." Jessica explained. "She gets that way with strangers until she knows them better."

I looked around, wondering where Drew was.

"I don't sound rude or anything, but where's Drew?" I asked, everyone.

"Right here." I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw Drew, looking back at me. And he didn't look happy.

"What are you doing here, Sean?" He asked me.

To Be Continued.......?

Well, that's it for this installment.

"Will Sean find out what Drew saw last night? If so, how will he react?

How will Drew feel once he learns the truth about what really happened that night? Will he be able to accept it and make up with Sean? Or will he screw things up yet again?"

"What happens next? Oh, if you only knew!"

Until next time,

Next: Chapter 62

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