My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 6, 2005


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....


Jessica pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine. She got out of the car, locked it, and headed to Sean's doorstep. When she got to the door, she knocked on it and waited. No answer.

She knocked again. No answer.

"Sean?!" She yelled out. "Sean, are you in there?! It's me, Jessica! I left my date book in there and I need it for the concert tomorrow!"

Still, she got no response. All she could hear was the waves crashing against the shore.

This time, she tried the door, and to her surprise, it was unlocked. She let herself in and immediately went over to the coffee table, remembering that that was where she had left her date book.

But, it wasn't there.

"That's strange." Jessica frowned. "I know it was here."

Then, she started running around, opening drawers, and looking under the sofa and couch cushions, intent on finding her date book. She became so engrossed in what she was doing, that she had no idea that she was about to be caught red-handed.

Just then, the door slammed. Startled, Jessica looked up and saw me, standing there, with a cold look on my face.

"What the hell are you doing here, Jessica?!" I asked her, in anger. "Get out, now, before I call the police!"

Jessica stood up and frowned at me.

"I would like nothing better than to leave!" Jessica said, angrily. "But, I had to come back because I left my date book on the coffee table here, and now it's not there. Do you know where it is?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I do." I said, reaching into my back pocket and pulling it out. "You're looking for this, right?"

I held it up to her and she walked over to take it from me, but I pulled it away.

"Not so fast!" I said, as I stared daggers at her. "First, you and I have a few things to straighten out here, sweetie!"

Jessica was dumbfounded.

"Like what?" She asked, rudely.

I turned towards the end table and grabbed the restraining order documents and held them up to her.

"Like this." I said, waving the documents in her face. "I want to know what the hell you were thinking getting this restraining order against me!"

Jessica just crossed her arms and a smug look came over her face.

"So, you were surprised, huh?" She asked me, looking quite pleased with herself. "You didn't expect me to do that, did you? I warned you to take me, seriously. Now, maybe you'll learn not to mess with me and my family anymore. And this restraining order will definitely make my life easier, by keeping you away from my husband!"

As I listened to her, I smiled, as I hatched up a plan. And this plan was going to be good. I was finally going to get the best of Jessica, once and for all.

"Oh come on, Jessica!" I said, in disgust. "Wild horses couldn't keep Nick away from me, or vice versa! This restraining order is only valid in Los Angeles county! And as long as Nick is here in Orlando, I will see him as much as I want to! So, get used to it, Blondie, because I'm not going anywhere! As long as I am in Nick's life, I'm here to stay!"

"Wrong!" Jessica shot back at me. "The only place you will be staying is right here in Orlando, Florida where you belong! And I'll be damned if I let you have a shot at my husband!"

My smile got even bigger when she said that. Since she was going to make my life miserable, I was going to do the same thing to her!

"Don't you think that if I wanted Nick back, that I could have him?" I asked her, smugly. "But, that's just not the case! I just don't want him, so you can leave me out of this!"

"Do you expect me to believe that?" Jessica asked, with arched eyebrows.

"I don't care what you believe." I said to her. "But, you just know this: Nick may not be in love with me, anymore, but let me tell you something, he still desires me!"

Jessica's eyes bulged when I said that.

"Oh my god!" I gushed. "He was so romantic today when he showed up on my doorstep with a bouquet of roses for me. He wanted to apologize for how we'd left things in Los Angeles, last night. And then, later when Nick wanted to talk to me about your legal separation, He got so emotional that he couldn't help himself!"


"Oh really?" I asked her, in amusement. Then I closed my eyes, thinking back to my intimate moment with Nick, earlier that afternoon.

"I can still feel his hands, all over me." I said, and then opened my eyes. "His body pressed up against mine! Trust me, Jessica, he wanted me! He wanted me, bad!"

Jessica finally had heard enough. And what she did next, caught me so off guard.

The next thing I knew, Jessica had kicked me, hard, right between the legs, doubling me over, instantly. I collapsed to the floor, in pain.

"Oh god, my balls!" I groaned out. "You fucking little bitch! You'll pay for this!"

Jessica got right behind me and pulled my head up, by the hair. Then, she placed her hand under my chin.

"Not half as much as you will!" She said, the venom in her voice, obvious. "I'm warning you for the last time! Stay away from my husband! Or I will make you regret the day you were born!"

I couldn't do anything, because I was still crouched over in the fetal position. Jessica let go of my hair and pushed me back down to the floor.

I saw her grab her date book, which I had dropped when she'd kicked me, and left the apartment, slamming the door behind me. Then, a few moments later, I heard the sound of squealing tires, signaling that she had left the premises.

I struggled to get up, but still couldn't move. The pain still hurt too much. "Of course, what do you expect if you get kicked in the balls?"

As I was trying to recover from the pain, I heard someone knock on the door, again.

I finally managed to get up and I hobbled over to the door to answer it. When I did, my mouth fell open in shock when I saw who my visitor was.

There, standing in front of me, dressed in a black button up dress shirt, with short sleeves, and a pair of gray dress pants, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hand, was Jason Madison.

"Jason!" I said, in shock. "You're back!"

Jason smiled at me.

"Hi, Sean." He said, warmly. "May I come in?"

"Yes, please." I said, still holding a hand over my bladder area.

Jason entered the room, frowning. When he turned around, he decided to bring up the question of why I was crouched over the way that I was.

"What happened?" He asked, concerned. "You act like you've just been kicked in the groin?"

"I was." I said, as I hobbled over to the couch and sat down on it. Jason was curious.

"By who?" He asked me, wanting to know. I looked up at him, with an angry look on my face, but it wasn't directed at him.

"By Jessica Simpson Lachey." I grumbled. "The most spoiled, rotten ass, bitch, in the entire universe!"

Now, Jason was amused, for he started laughing.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I don't mean to laugh at your pain, man, but why would Jessica Simpson kick you like that? She seems to be one of the sweetest girls I've seen. At least on TV."

"That's because you don't know the real Jessica Simpson." I said to him. "You have never met her in the flesh and let me tell you, you never will want to, when you hear what I'm about to tell you."

I could see that Jason was curious. It was written all over his face.

"Alright, I'm all ears, but first, I need to give you something." He said. Then he handed me the roses in his hand. "These are for you."

I accepted the roses and admired them. He was the second person who brought me roses today.

"They're beautiful, Jason." I said, as my eyes filled with tears. "Thank you."

"That's not all." Jason said. "I also wanted to give you this."

He brought his hand to my cheek and leaned into me and he planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, as I kissed him back, slipping my tongue into his mouth, wrestling with his.

Little did we know that someone was walking up to the door outside, and witnessed us, kissing, in the window.

********** CHAPTER 82 **********

BACK AT SEAN'S...................

I pulled back from my kiss with Jason, feeling quite breathless.

"Wow." I said. "You sure know how to take a man's breath away."

Jason smiled, warmly. Then, he took the roses out of my hand and set them down on the coffee table beside me.

"That's what I do best." He said, quietly. "I like to keep my man, breathless."

I gave him an amused frown.

"Your man?" I said, grinning. "Why, Jason, I didn't think that I was your man."

Jason shrugged, laughing a bit.

"I didn't know that, either, until I said it just now." He said, then asked. "I'd like you to be, if you'll have me."

Before I could answer him, I heard a knock on the door. I frowned for a moment, wondering who that could be.

"Are you expecting someone?" Jason asked, frowning slightly. "It's getting kind of late for visitors."

"Yeah, it is." I said. "But I think I know who it might be. Just one second."

I turned away from him and opened the door. I saw Nick's form standing there in the doorway.

"Hi, Nick." I said, then stepped aside. "Come on in. There's someone I want you to meet."

Nick walked in and I shut the door. Then I turned to introduce him to Jason.

"Nick, I'd like you to meet Jason Madison." I said to him, then turned to Jason. "Jason, this is Nick Lachey."

Jason walked over to us and extended out his hand to Nick. Nick took it and they shook hands briefly.

"It's nice to meet you, Nick." Jason said, smiling at him.

"You too, Jason." Nick said, returning his smile. "Merry Christmas."

"Thanks, Nick, you too." Jason replied back. "So, what brings you by?"

Nick let go of Jason's hand and as I watched the two of them, it looked like Nick was admiring Jason. Who could blame him? Jason was hot.

"Sean called me, earlier, and said that there was something that he needed to talk to me about, earlier, but I had to take care of something first before I could come over here."

"Oh." Jason said, nodding a little. Then, Nick turned to me.

"So, what did you need to talk with me about, Sean?" He asked me.

Before I could answer him, I was hit with a sudden sharp pain, in my bladder area. Immediately, my hand went to my bladder area.

"Sean, are you sure you're alright?" Jason asked me, concerned. "Maybe you should go to the hospital and get yourself checked out. A kick in the balls from Jessica Simpson is something to take seriously.

"No, I'm fine." I tried to assure him. But, I could also see that Nick was concerned as well.

"What?" Nick asked, in shock. "My wife did what?"

"You heard him." I said. "Your bitchy wife kicked me in the balls so hard just about a few minutes before Jason got here."

Then, Jason thought of something.

"You know, now that you mention that, when I was pulling into the parking lot, I almost got mowed down by this shiny red Mercedes that was leaving, with squealing tires."

Nick put a hand to his head in frustration.

"That was definitely Jessica, alright." Nick said, in a quiet, but angry voice. "God, when are her antics going to stop?"

Jason and I didn't know what to say to that, so we said nothing. Then, Nick turned back to me.

"Tell me what happened." He said, in a demanding tone. "And don't leave anything out. I have to know everything."

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell Nick what had happened, in front of Jason. I wasn't sure how Jason would react if I told him that Nick had been the reason that I had been in such an emotional state back when he met me. Jason still didn't know the whole story. And I couldn't tell him because I had to have permission from Nick before I could. I still didn't know if Jason could be trusted with that information.

"Jason, I don't mean to be rude," I said to him. "but could you give Nick and I some time alone so we can talk and get things taken care of, concerning his wife?"

"Sure." Jason said. "But before you two do that, let me go and put your roses in water. After that, I'd like to take a shower. May I use yours?"

"Sure." I said. "If you need fresh towels, grab them from the linen closet, next to the bathroom."

"Thanks." Jason said. Then he walked over and picked up the bouquet of roses, he'd gotten me, and headed off into the kitchen to put them in a vase of water.

After he entered the kitchen, I turned back to Nick.

"Nick, before we talk about what we need to discuss, I need to know something." I said to him, in a whisper. "I need to know if it's alright to tell Jason, about my past. About you and me. The fact that we had been together and had gotten married later on. He's going to need to know about what happened and why we broke up."

Nick looked uncomfortable for a moment. I could see that he wasn't sure he was ready to trust Jason with that much information.

"I don't know, Sean." Nick said. "I don't think I want someone who's a total stranger to me, knowing that much about my personal past life."

I could see the concern in Nick's face. He was worried that Jason might not be trustworthy, but I wasn't.

"Nick, I don't think you have to worry about Jason, going to the tabloids or anything." I said to him. "He's not really considered straight. From what he's told me, he's an open minded guy. He doesn't classify himself as "bisexual" but he is to me."

Nick thought it over for a moment, then made his decision.

"Alright, I guess I'm ok with it." He said. "I should be able to trust him, considering what I saw, earlier, just before I came in."

I frowned, in confusion. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"What did you see, Nick?" I asked him. "What are you talking about."

Nick looked at me, a smile on his face.

"As I was walking up to the door, earlier, I happened to glance in the window, and I saw you and Jason caught up in a kiss. He said. "Does that mean that the two of you are an item?"

I was thrown off guard by that. I had no idea Nick had seen that moment between the two of us.

"I don't know." I said to him. "I haven't given Jason an answer yet."

Nick looked at me, strangely, noticing something about me. It was only then that I realized that I was grinning ear to ear, undoubtedly because I was thinking about that kiss that Jason had given me, earlier. It'd had a bigger impact on me than I thought it would.

"It's obvious that he's had a positive effect on you." Nick said. "You look happy. So, if you and he become something together, then I couldn't be happier. You deserve some happiness in your life, considering everything that you've been through."

Once again, I felt a pang of hurt coarse through me. But surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as it was before. I wondered why that was, considering that fact that I still loved Nick a great deal.

Just then, I happened to look up and see Jason coming out of the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway to address his presence.

"Ok, Sean, your roses are in water now." He said. "But, it looks like I'm not the only one who brought you roses today."

I shrugged, smiling at him.

"What can I say?" I asked him. "I was a popular guy today."

"I guess you were." Jason nodded. "Well, I'm going to go and take my shower now."

"Alright." I said to him. Then, Jason looked over at Nick.

"Nick, once again, it was very nice to meet you." He said."

"You too, Jason." Nick said. "If I'm still not here by the time you're through with your shower, take care, ok?"

"I will." Jason said, nodding. "You too, Nick."

And with that, Jason walked off towards the bathroom to take his shower, leaving me and Nick alone to talk about things.

"Now, what was it that you said you needed to talk to me about?" Nick asked me. "When you called earlier, it sounded really important."

"Right." I said, as I walked over to the table near the door and picked up the legal documents from it. Then, I walked back over to where Nick was standing and handed them to him.

"What's this?" Nick asked me, as he took them from me.

"Read it and find out." I said. "And once you do, you're going to be as furious with your wife as I am right now."

Nick frowned, seeing my anger resurface over what had happened earlier, when I was served with that restraining order. But since, Nick knew nothing about that, he didn't yet know what was in store for him.

"It can't be that bad." He said, as he opened the legal documents and started looking them over.

I watched him as he read over them, waiting for his reaction, knowing what was coming.

"What the hell?" Nick said, frowning down at the papers. Then, he looked up at me. "Jessica took out a restraining order against you?!"

"That's right." I said, angrily. "I was just as shocked as you are, when I got served with these earlier."

I could see that Nick was getting really mad. His face was starting to turn red, which was a sure sign that he was angry.

"Is that why she was here, just before Jason showed up, and then me?"

"Oh, no." I said, sarcastically. "Just wait, it gets better."

Nick stood up, straight, and looked at me, with his stone cold look on his face.

"Go ahead." He said to me. "I'm listening."

I sat down on the couch and got comfortable. Then I looked back up at him, as I prepared to give him the full story about what had happened earlier today.

"Jessica didn't exactly serve me with those documents." I told him. "Two police officers showed up at my door and served me with those papers. And, you'll never guess who was with them."

Nick frowned, in confusion.

"Well, if you say that Jessica isn't the one who served you with this restraining order, then who did?" He asked me.

I hesitated before telling him. then, finally, I did.

"Jessica's parents." I told him. "And yours."

Nick's eyes widened, and his mouth fell open in shock.

"My parents were here, too?" He asked me, loudly. "What were they doing here?"

I was silent right then. I couldn't go on. I just looked at Nick with that look that he knew very well.

"Or do I even have to ask?" He asked, sarcastically.

"No, you don't." I said to him. "They don't want me in your life, Nick. Your Mom and Dad gave me an ultimatum: If I convince you that I don't want anything more to do with you, anymore, then they will lift the restraining order, and I can go on with my life, here in Orlando, alone."

Nick arched an eyebrow.

"And what happens if you don't abide by their conditions?" He asked me, although he probably already knew the answer.

"Well, if I don't," I explained to him. "then the restraining order remains in effect, indefinitely, and I'm barred from coming anywhere near you, Jessica, or your place of residence, whenever I'm in Los Angles for any reason."

Nick sighed and turned away, hid hands balled up into fists now.

"I can't believe this!" He said. "It's bad enough that I have to deal with Jessica, and her parents, but now mine?!"

Then, he turned back to me.

"There's got to be someway we can fight this." He said, more to himself than to me. "But how?"

I then took that moment to share with him, the one thing that I thought would work.

"I think I might know of a way." I said. "But, you're not going to like it."

"Try me." Nick said. "Right now, I will consider any suggestions you might have that could possibly get this restraining order, against you, revoked."

"Alright, then here it is." I said to him. "You need to find out if Jessica is telling the truth about being pregnant with your child."

At that suggestion, Nick went on the defensive again.

"Aw, come on, not this again." Nick whined. "Sean, Jessica may be capable of lying about alot of things, but do you really think she would lie to me about a baby?"

"If she thought that it would keep me away from you?" I asked him, my convictions confirmed. "Yes, I believe that she would."

Nick thought it over a moment. Then, he looked at me.

"What should I do?" He asked me. I then layed it all out for him.

"Take Jessica to the doctor and have her either get a urine test to determine if she's pregnant or not." I told him. "It's the only way you're going to know for sure. You can't just rely on Jessica's word and the fact that she took a home pregnancy test. You know those home tests aren't always accurate."

Nick realized that I was right. If he wanted to find out for sure if Jessica was carrying his child or not, he had to know the truth for certain. He then decided to take me up on that suggestion.

"Alright, Sean." He said. "As soon as I get back to Los Angeles, tomorrow, I'll schedule an appointment with Jessica's doctor for a pregnancy test."

"Good." I said to him. "Nick, I hope I'm wrong about Jessica not being pregnant. As much as I may dislike her now, It's not easy for me to admit that. I hope for your sake, as well as your daughter's that Jessica is telling the truth about this so called baby she's carrying. Because if she's lying, then that will destroy you. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Nick smiled at me, momentarily. Then, he moved in closer to me and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him.

"You really are the best, you know that?" Nick asked me, as he held me in his arms. "You've always been there for me."

I smiled as I continued to embrace him, feeling so comfortable in his arms. I wanted to enjoy this moment while it lasted. Because if I had to let him go and move on with another man, I wanted to savor every single moment of this final embrace.

If I was going to be with Jason, there was going to be no turning back or wondering what have could have been with Nick. The answer I gave Jason would determine my future.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HOTEL....................

"How's your face, Jeff?" Casey asked him, as he examined Jeff's bruises. "Do you have any trouble moving your jaw?"

Jeff opened and closes his jaw a few times, wincing in pain, each time.

"No, I don't." He said to Casey. "But it still hurts like hell. Danny sure packs an incredible punch, I'll give him that."

Casey turned to Drew.

"Drew, could you grab a towel and some ice from the kitchenette over there?" He asked Drew. "Jeff's going to need it to help the swelling go down."

"Sure." Drew said. He walked over and got some ice out of the refrigerator and grabbed a dish towel from the cupboard there. Then, he walked back over to Jeff's bed.

"I'm so sorry that things have come to this between you and Danny, Jeff." Drew said, as he handed Jeff an ice pack for his face.

"Me too, Drew." Jeff said, as he accepted the ice pack and brought it to the side of his jaw where Danny had hit him. "But, I had to tell Danny what I was feeling. I couldn't just live a lie, forever."

Drew nodded, sympathetically.

"I know, buddy." Drew said, as he sat down, next to him. "But, you can't just keep it a secret from Danny about who you're in love with. Sooner or later, you're going to have to tell him, and us, who it is."

"I know that, Drew." Jeff said, in frustration, then winced in pain from his throbbing jaw.

Then, there was a knock at the door. Drew got up to go and get it. When he opened the door, he was greeted with Jessica's tired form, standing in the doorway.

"Hi, Jessica." Drew said. "You look dead on your feet."

"Yeah, I am." Jessica said. "I've had quite a day. Is my daughter still asleep?"

"Yeah." Drew said. "Hold on, I'll get her for you. Come on in."

Drew let Jessica into the room, while he turned and headed to the adjoining door that linked Jeff's room to Justin and Kandi's room. He opened the door and headed in to get Nicole.

As Jessica waited for Drew to come out, she glanced at Jeff and saw his bruised face.

"Jeff, what happened?" She asked him. "Did Nick do that to you?"

"No." Jeff said, slowly. "Danny did because I wouldn't let him leave. As well as for the fact that I kissed you and lied to Danny all these weeks about not being in love with him, anymore. After he hit me, he said that we were through and he grabbed his suitcase and stormed out. So, it looks like our relationship is over."

"Oh, Jeff." Jessica said, feeling sympathetic towards him. "I'm so sorry. I feel responsible for this."

"You don't have to apologize, Jessica." Jeff said. "It's not your fault. My feelings for Danny had changed long before you and I had kissed."

"Oh." Jessica said, in surprise. "Ok."

"Alright?" Jeff asked her, then added. "So, don't let yourself feel guilty. Sad, yes, but not guilty."

At that moment, Drew returned with Nicole in his arms. He walked over to Jessica and carefully handed her the sleeping toddler.

"Well, I'd better get this little one back to our room." Jessica said, as she held Nicole in her arms. "We both have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, that's right." Drew said. "Your concert tomorrow."

Jessica nodded, smiling at Drew. "You will be there, right?" She asked him, suddenly.

"I wouldn't miss it." Drew said, excitedly. "Get some sleep, ok?"

"I will." Jessica said to him. Then she looked over at Casey and Jeff. "Goodnight, you two."

"Goodnight, Jessica." Jeff said, tiredly.

"Goodnight." Casey said, from the spare bed, next to Jeff's.

Jessica then started to leave the room. When she got to the door, she turned back and looked at Drew.

"Drew, could you kindly call your brother and tell him that we might be asleep by the time he gets back here?" She asked him. "He's pretty angry with me right now, but I'm sure he'd want to know that so that he doesn't slam the door or make any loud noises when he does get in. He'd feel guilty if he woke up his own daughter."

"Of course I will." Drew said. "Goodnight, Jessica."

"Goodnight." She said, as she opened the door and exited Jeff's hotel room.

When the door was finally shut, he turned back to Jeff and Casey.

"Well, Jeff, Casey and I have to get back to our hotel now. It's getting late and we have to get some sleep. Are you going to be ok?"

Jeff looked up at Drew. His eyes had been red from crying. And now, he just felt kind of numb at that moment.

"I'll be fine." He said. "Although, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight. I'll probably be up, waiting for Danny to come back."

Casey shook his head.

"I wouldn't hold out too much hope for that, Jeff." He said. "Danny probably won't be back, tonight."

"But where would he go?" Jeff asked, out loud.

Drew thought about it for a moment. Then, it clicked for him.

"I think I know where he might go." Drew said, grabbing his cellular phone out of his pocket. He dialed the number and waited for a response.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S BEACH APARTMENT..............

"I'm glad you feel that way, Nick." I said, as I pulled back from our embrace. "I just hope that I still get the chance to be there for you, more often. But, if Jessica gets her way, with this restraining order, I won't get to be."

"Don't worry." Nick said. "I will get to the bottom of this. Jessica is not going to keep you away from me. You're my friend and she's going to have to get used to it."

Just then, Nick's cell phone started ringing. He grabbed it and flipped it open.

"Hello?" He said, to whoever was calling him.

"Hey, Bro, it's me." Nick heard his brother's voice greet him. "Where are you?"

"I'm at Sean's." Nick said. "He called me, earlier, and said he wanted to see me about something. What's up?"

"Listen, I'm sorry to be calling you at this hour," Drew started saying. "but I need to know if you've seen Danny."

"No, I haven't, Drew." Nick said, looking at me. "Why? What happened?"

Now, I was concerned, when Nick said that. Something was obviously wrong. I could feel it.

"Nick, what's going on?" I asked him. Nick held up a finger, motioning me to wait a second.

"Well, things got pretty heated between Jeff and Danny after Jeff went back to his room. Danny tried to get Jeff to open up to him about who it was that he was in love with and Jeff wouldn't tell him. Then, Danny packed up his suitcase to leave, and when Jeff tried to stop him, Danny decked him and told him that their relationship was over. Danny stormed off and now we have no idea where he is."

"Wow." Nick said. "Things are that bad, huh?"

"It looks that way, Nick." Drew said, softly. "Anyway, I was wondering if Sean might have seen him."

"Hold on, I'll ask him." Nick said, just before he took the phone away from his ear. He then looked at me.

"Nick, I can't take it anymore." I said. "Tell me what's going on."

"Drew wants to know if you've seen Danny." Nick said. "He and Jeff had a fight earlier and Danny packed up his things, decked Jeff, and took off. Nobody knows where he is."

To say I was shocked would not have been the right word for it. I didn't know what to think.

"What?" I asked, in shock. "I haven't seen Danny since I blew up at you, here in the living room, earlier, after Jessica attacked me. What happened after that?"

"Just a minute." Nick said. "I promise, I will tell you everything as soon as I'm done with Drew."

I nodded and Nick went back to his phone call.

"Sean says that he hasn't seen Danny since earlier today, after we both left, together, to talk to Jeff and Jessica back at the hotel."

"Damn." Drew cursed. "I was hoping that he had headed there. Jeff, and the rest of us are all worried about him."

"I know, Drew." Nick said. "I am too. Sean will be as well, after I get through telling him about this."

"Alright, then." Drew said. "I will let you go so you can talk to him. If you hear from Danny, please call and let me know if he's alright."

"I'll do that, Drew." Nick said. "Thanks for calling and letting me know about this."

"You're welcome." Drew said to him. "Oh, and before I forget, Jessica was here, earlier, to pick up your daughter. She told me to tell you that they both will probably be asleep when you get back to the hotel, whenever that is."

"Ok." Nick said. "Thanks for letting me know that. I'm not going to be too much longer here. I have to head back to the hotel and get some sleep anyway. Jessica's concert is tomorrow."

"Alright, Nick." Drew said. "Casey and I are heading back to our hotel to get some sleep. We'll see you both, in the morning."

"Alright, Drew." Nick said. "Tell Casey I said goodnight."

"I will." Drew said. then, he hesitated slightly. "I love you, Bro."

Nick was silent as he let Drew's words sink in.

"I know you do." Nick said, rather quickly. "Goodnight, Drew."

Nick hung up the phone and looked up at me.

"Well, here's what's happened so far." He said. "First, Danny and I went back to our hotel and found Jeff and Jessica, kissing each other, in my room.

When I heard that, I was floored.

"No!" I said, in disbelief.

"Yes!" Nick said back. "Needless to say, Danny and I were furious with them when we saw it, but they both said that it was just a kiss and that it didn't mean anything."

"Oh really?" I asked, sarcastically. "Well, whats Jessica's excuse?"

Nick's angry look came back again when I asked that.

"She said that she was the one who kissed Jeff, first." He said. But, that it was out of gratitude, because he tried to give her hope that maybe I'd forgive her for what she did to you today, and that maybe our marriage would be back on track again."

"Well, I'll be damned!" I said, in amazement. "The woman actually can be honest for a change!"

I looked up at Nick, who was looking at me, sternly. He didn't like to hear me, bashing his wife, anymore than he liked seeing her attack me and call me names.

"Do you believe her?" I asked him. "She does have a way of stretching the truth sometimes."

"This time, yes." Nick said. "Anyway, after we caught Jeff and Jessica, kissing, I told Jeff to leave so he and Danny could work things out."

"And?" I asked, pushing him for more info. Nick gave me a sad look.

"Well, I don't really know what happened after wards, because Jessica and I argued about you, and I'd finally had enough, so I left to clear my head." He said. "Then, I came over here when I'd remembered that you called and said that you wanted to talk to me about something."

"Yeah." I said. "The restraining order."

"Right." Nick said, a twinge of anger still in his voice over that. "Anyway, Drew just told me that Jeff and Danny had a fight later on about the kiss, and that's not the worst part."

"What?" I asked him, my concern growing. "What is it?"

Nick looked at me, through sad eyes. What he was about to tell me, I knew it wasn't going to be good.

"Jeff told me, earlier today, that he's not in love with Danny anymore." Nick told me. "I accidentally let it slip when Danny and I caught Jeff and Jessica, kissing. Danny was devastated. Later, he and Jeff talked and he wanted to know who Danny was in love with, but Jeff wouldn't tell him."

"Oh my god." I said, feeling sympathetic towards Danny. "Poor Danny."

Nick nodded, feeling the same way I did about Jeff and Danny's relationship.

"Yeah, it's terrible." Nick said. "But one thing I know for sure is that it isn't Jessica that Jeff is in love with. I asked him point blank and he swore to me that it wasn't her, and I believe him."

I frowned, in confusion.

"Well, if it wasn't Jessica, then it could be someone else." I said, then looked up at Nick. "Maybe another man?"

Nick nodded.

"I was wondering the same thing." He said. "Anyway, let me finish telling you what happened."

Then, he proceeded to continue the story.

"Since, Jeff wouldn't tell him who it was, Danny grabbed his suitcase and packed it up. When he went to leave, Jeff tried to stop him. Danny then decked Jeff, grabbed his suitcase, and told him that they were through. Then, he stormed out of the room and No-one has heard from him, since. So, it looks like Jeff and Danny's relationship is over."

When Nick finally finished telling me all of this, my heart really went out to Danny at that moment. One thing I knew for sure is that I was worried about him.

"I just hope that Danny either goes back to the hotel, or he comes here." I said to Nick. "Because, other than me, Danny doesn't know anyone else who lives here, in Orlando. So, where else would he go? Other than a hotel room?"

Nick thought about it, along with me, but neither one of us could come up with an answer.

Just then, we were both, interrupted by Jason, who had gotten out of the shower, and came into the living room.

When Nick and I turned and saw him, we were greeted with quite a sight. Jason was standing there, shirtless, and in a pair of sweats, which looked like a pair of mine. There were still some water droplets glistening all over his tanned chest. He looked amazing.

Nick must have thought so, too, because when I looked at him, I could see that he was staring at Jason's body.

"Hey, guys." Jason said. "Sorry to interrupt. But I just wanted to tell you that I was finished with my shower."

"Ok." I said, then looked down at the sweats he was wearing. "Are those my sweatpants by the way?"

Jason looked down at them.

"Yeah, they are." He said. "I hope you don't mind, because when I came, I wasn't intending on spending the night here. I'm already tired, so it doesn't look like I'll be driving back home, tonight. Is it alright with you if I crash here, tonight?"

"Of course." I said to him. "Why don't you go ahead and get ready to turn in. I'm just finishing up with Nick, so I'll see you in a minute, ok?"

Jason smiled. Then he looked at Nick, who was still drooling over his body.

"What's the matter, Nick?" He asked, with a grin. "Haven't you ever seen a guy, shirtless, before?"

That question finally snapped Nick out of it, and he blushed about 5 different shades of red. Seeing that, I had to laugh. So did Jason.

"Sorry, Jason." Nick said. "I didn't mean to stare, it's just that you're in such amazing shape."

Jason grinned from ear to ear.

"Thank you." He said. "I do my best."

Then, he gave Nick one of his seductive looks.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Nick." He said. "You look like you're in great shape too."

Nick laughed a bit.

"I try." He said. "But I'm nowhere near in as good of shape as you. You look like you're bigger than me by about 30 lbs.

"Really?" Jason asked him. "How much do you weigh?"

"About 175." Nick told him. "I'm working my way to getting a little bigger, but I don't want to get too big."

"Actually, I got you by only 20 lbs." Jason said. "I'm currently at 195."

"Wow." Nick said. "That's great, man."

Jason smiled at him, showing off his pearly whites. And let me tell you, his smile was as beautiful as Nick's. But, his smile was definitely his own.

"Maybe we could both work out, together, sometime." He suggested.

"That would be cool, Jason." Nick said. "Just have Sean give me a call and we'll discuss it."

"Sure." Jason said. Then he yawned. "Well, I'm going to turn in, now. Goodnight, Nick, Sean."

"Goodnight." Nick and I both said, in unison.

Jason then turned and headed towards my room. As he did, I watched Nick and saw that his eyes were on Jason's fine, muscular ass as he walked away. Mine were too.

When Jason was gone, Nick turned back to me, grinning from ear to ear.

"Where did you find him?" He asked me. "He's one hell of a hot mother fucker!"

I grinned, widely, thinking back to the night before Christmas.

"He is, isn't he?" I asked him. "Oh my god, if you only knew how hot he is in bed!"

Talking about Jason like that was starting to get me, excited. And as I happened to glance down Nick's body, I could see a familiar bulge in the front of Nick's pants. It was obvious he was aroused too.

"It looks like you're starting to get a swelled head, Nicky boy." I teased him.

Nick looked down at his crotch and then back up at me. Then, he grinned at me.

"Maybe I should go and ask Jason if he'll take care of it for me." He joked.

My mouth dropped open, in half shock, and half amusement.

"Oh, yeah right." I said, with a sarcastic grin. "Jessica would just love that. As for me, Jason asked me if I'd like to be his boyfriend, and I was about to give him an answer before you showed up. And I'm going to tell him yes. Do you know what that means? It means "hands off." you got it?"

Nick laughed at my seriousness when I finished that last statement.

"Would you relax, I was just kidding." He said, with his sexy grin. "If Jason can make you happy, then I'm all for your relationship with him. It's about time you found some happiness for yourself."

I smiled at him. But at the same time, a part of me was wondering why Nick wasn't the least bit jealous that I was with someone else.

"Thanks, Nick." I said to him. "It's great to know that I have your support."

"Always." Nick said, as he reached out and pulled my face closer to him. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

I looked up at him, looking at his sexy blue eyes. He'd never looked more beautiful than he did at that moment.

"Well, I've got to get back to the hotel." He said, sighed. "I have to get some sleep to get ready for Jessica's concert tomorrow."

As Nick headed for the door, I asked him a question.

"What are you going to say to Jessica about what she's done?" I asked him. Nick turned around and looked at me.

"I don't know." He said. "But she's not going to get away with this. I promise you that."

Nick leaned in and gave me another kiss, this time on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Sean." He said. "Let me know if you hear from Danny."

"I will, Nick." I said to him. "You do the same. Call me if you hear from him."

"You got it." Nick said, as he opened the door and started to walk out. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Nick." I said, as he walked out. Then, I closed the door behind him.

I sighed and leaned against the door, thinking about everything that had transpired in only just a few hours.

The police had come and served me with a restraining order, and Danny and Nick had caught Jeff and Jessica, kissing. I still couldn't believe it.

And now Danny was missing and nobody knew where he was. But if I knew Danny, he was probably off somewhere, trying to cool off and think things over. I'm sure he'd turn up soon.

I sighed and walked back to my room and I found Jason, sitting there, on the bed, waiting for me.

"Hey." He said, softly. "I was about to come out and see what was taking you so long."

I gazed at him, sitting there, shirtless, and in my sweatpants, which were light gray. He was definitely a gorgeous man.

"I was just saying goodnight to Nick." I said to him. "And I told him that if he heard from my friend, Danny, to call me. He and his boyfriend are having problems and it looks like their relationship may be over."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jason said. "Hopefully your friend will be alright."

I nodded.

I'm sure he will be." I told him. "I told Nick to call, no matter how late it is, and let me know if I hear from him. The same goes for me. I'll call Nick and let him know if I've seen Danny."

"Cool." Jason said. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to have some fun with you before I go to sleep."

With those words, his big, strong arms, wrapped around my waist and he pulled me down on the bed with him.

"Now, that's an offer I can't refuse." I said, as I leaned in and kissed him.

Jason rolled me over, so that he was on top of me and continued to kiss me. He kissed me everywhere, on my neck, my face, and down my body.

Tonight was definitely going to be another great night with him.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE HOTEL................

Nick opened the door and entered his room, seeing that it was dark, meaning that Jessica and Nicole had gone to bed.

He could see Jessica's sleeping form, lying in bed. Next to her, He saw Nicole sleeping beside her. He walked over to the side of the bed and looked down at his daughter.

He brought a hand down and gently ran his fingers along Nicole's cheeks and then ran his hand through her hair a little.

"My sweet little Nicole." Nick thought to himself. "I love you more than words can ever describe. You are my heart and soul."

Then, Nick leaned down and kissed his little girl on the forehead lightly.

Then, he looked over at Jessica. Her eyes were closed and the wrinkles she may have had from the stress she's gone through today, were gone now.

"How could you do this, Jessica?" He asked her, in his thoughts. "How could you betray me like this? First, by kissing Jeff, and then by getting this restraining order against Sean?"

Nick couldn't look at her anymore and entered the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He was going to call Jeff's room and see if he'd heard from Danny.

Nick dialed Jeff's room number and waited for it to ring. Jeff must have been sitting right next to the phone, because it only rang half a ring before he picked up.

"Danny?" He asked, thinking it was Danny.

"No, Jeff, it's Nick." Nick said to him. "You still haven't heard from him?"

"No, Nick, not a word." Jeff said. "I'm starting to go out of my mind with worry."

"Calm down, Jeff." Nick said, tiredly. "Danny may be hurting right now, but he'll be fine. In the meantime, how about trying to get some sleep. You're going to need it because we have to get up early tomorrow and get ready for Jessica's concert. You need to look your best."

"I'll try." Jeff said, through a few sobs. "And Nick, I just want you to know how sorry I am about what happened between me and Jessica tonight. I never meant for it to happen."

"I know that, Jeff." Nick said, trying to comfort him. "Don't worry about it, anymore. I forgive you."

When Nick said that, he could hear Jeff sob a little harder.

"Thanks, Nick." He said. "I'll let you go now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Jeff." Nick said. Then, he hung up with him.

Nick exited the bathroom and stood just at the foot of the bed, staring at Jessica's sleeping form again.

Then, he walked over to the spare bed and started undressing himself. Once he was just in his boxers, he pulled back the bed sheets and got into the bed.

He pulled the sheets over him and lay down into his pillow.

As he lay there, trying to go to sleep, he couldn't help but flash back to the scenery in Sean's living room when he saw Jason, standing there, shirtless and in those tight sweats.

"Damn, Jason." Nick said. "If you weren't my ex-husband's soon-to-be boyfriend, I would have loved to see what you could do with me."

Then, Nick couldn't help thinking about Danny and what he had gone through. He couldn't get the look on Danny's face out of his head.

"Danny, where are you?" Nick asked, in his mind. "I hope you're alright."

To Be Continued........?

COMING UP NEXT: Don't miss what happens next the day of Jessica's concert!"

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 84

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