My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Apr 5, 2001


First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

Disclaimer:This is totally fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story. Nick is currently dating Jessica Simpson and his brother Drew is married. If you are too young to read this or if homesexuality offends you, then please do not continue any further and leave.


I woke up in a strange room and wondered where I was, then I remembered that I had spent the night at Chad's mansion. I got up and stretched to wake myself up more. I then went into the bathroom to grab a quick shower and besides I wanted to make use of that big shower. I turned on the faucet and tested the water, making sure that it was the right temperature. When it was, I undressed and threw my clothes by the door. I then turned on the shower head and hopped in. The water felt great against my tired body and woke me up better. I washed my hair and then rinsed out the shampoo. then I conditioned my hair since My hair was oily and usually required a conditioner, especially when I let it grow out longer. I have a combination of pily/dry hair. that means it's oily at the roots and dry at the ends, unless it's cut short like it is now. I finished working the conditioner into my hair. I grabbed the soap and washed my face and body while letting the conditioner penetrate my hair for a few minutes to enhance the softness and shine. I finished up washing my body and rinsed off. Then I rinsed my hair. I finished up and shut off the shower and faucet. I climbed out of the tub and grabbed a couple of towels. I dried off with one of them then wrapped it around my waist. I towel dried my hair with the other one. After I had gotten most of the wetness out, I decided to comb my hair back again, which wasn't my usual look. I then turned to reach for my clothes. They weren't there. "Thats funny." I thought. "Where are they?" I exited the bathroom and looked for them. I walked downstairs and looked for Casey. I found him in the kitchen, making breakfast. "Hey Casey." I greeted him, as I walked into the kitchen in just my towel. "Hi, Casey greeted me with a smile. If you're looking for your clothes, I took them to the laundry room to wash them." He then looked down towards my waist. "You look good in that towel." He said, grinning as he finished the scrambled eggs and put them on two plates for us while the bacon was still cooking. "I remember seeing you like that in the hospital the day you were leaving."

I blushed, while looking at him. "Thanks man, that's flattering and all, but now what am I going to wear now that you've taken my clothes to wash them? Those are the only clothes that I have." I said to him.

"You can wear some of mine. I looked at your waist size and you and I have the same size waist. Casey said. "But of course, you'll have to wear my underwear too since I put them in the wash too." He laughed. I smiled a little and then wondered something.

"That depends on the kind of underwear you wear. I only wear boxerbriefs, nothing else." I said to him. Casey then smiled. "Well you're in luck, buddy, because I wear the same kind." he said. "I was surprised that you wore the same kind when I came into the bathroom to get your clothes and wash them."

"When did you come in?" I asked him. "I didn't hear you." Casey nodded. "I didn't want to disturb you, so I grabbed them and put them in the wash." he said. "I'm sorry I probably should have asked you if you wanted them washed or not, but I didn't think that you'd mind." he said with a worried look. I smile, reassuring him that It was alright. "It's ok Casey, but next time ask me first alright?" I replied. "I will. Casey said, while looking at me. Then his face got serious. "Sean, there's something I've been wanting to tell you since last night." I looked at him, curiously. "What's that?"

"I'll tell you, but promise me you won't get mad, because you might after I tell you and you'll wonder if I really took your clothes to wash them."

"Why would I get mad?" I asked. "What is it that you have to tell me?" "I won't get mad." "I promise." I said to him. Casey then took a deep breath and blurted it out.

"I'm gay." he said. I looked at him and nodded. "I already knew that, Casey." I said, smiling. Casey looked at me with a look of total surprise on his face. "How did you know?" He asked, wondering how I knew. I smiled. "Well after you said how good I looked in this towel, I knew it for sure." "And then I remembered the way you smiled at me when you saw me in the towel in the hospital, I had had a feeling you were gay." "I guess you could say I have good gaydar." I said, laughing. Casey laughed along with me. "So you're not mad at me?" He asked. "Well I don't have a problem with you being gay, but I do have to wonder if you were up to something by taking my clothes the way you did without telling me." I said. "Were you planning on seducing me or something?" I asked him with an arched eyebrow. Casey shook his head. "No, honestly, I was just washing your clothes, nothing more." he said. I looked at him for a moment to see if he was lying, but I didn't see any indication on his face that he was. He was being totally honest.

"I believe you, Casey, but there's something else you should know before you get any ideas about you and me."

"What?" he asked me, with a curious look on his face.

"I'm involved." I told him. "I have a boyfriend." Casey looked shocked for a moment, but I thought I saw a twinge of pain flash through his eyes too. "Oh, He said with a catch in his voice. I'm sorry I didn't know." he said. "Excuse me, I'm gonna go check on your clothes." He said. He then left abruptly and headed towards the laundry room. I stood there, feeling a little sorry for him, because I could tell that he was hurt. I decided to go to the laundry room to see if he was alright. I walked towards the laundry room and stood outside the door. Sure enough, He was crying as he unloaded my clothes from the dryer and was getting them ready. My heart really went out to him, but part of me felt a little guilty for not telling him about Nick sooner. I thought maybe if I had, he might not have gotten his hopes up of starting something with me. If things were different, maybe Casey and I could have had something. He was definitely cute and seemed like a really nice guy. I then decided to make my presence known. "Casey, are you alright?" I asked. Casey whipped around to see me standing in the doorway. I noticed his face was streaked with tears and I felt even worse that he was in pain. Casey didn't say anything. He just stood there, watching me, as more tears made their way down his face. "Come here." I said to him. He walked over to me and I threw my arms around him, giving him a hug. He held onto to me like a lifeline and immediately started sobbing. "I'm sorry, Casey, I said to him, as I rubbed his back to comfort him. "If I'd had any idea that you were hoping for someething to happen between us, I'd have told you sooner." Casey stopped sobbing and released me as he wiped at his eyes. "No don't be sorry." Casey said to me. "You didn't know, besides I never asked you last night if you'd had a boyfriend, so It's my own fault for getting my hopes up." he said, sniffling. "I should have known that you'd be taken." "It seems like every guy that I like is." He said. I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Have you fallen for other guys who were taken as well?" Casey nodded. "Yeah, and after they knew that I was gay, they'd just let me kiss them and then maybe they'd have sex with me, but after that, they'd tell me that I was great, but that they had boyfriends and weren't gonna leave them for me." He said, starting to cry again.

I was blown away. How could anyone do that to such a nice guy like him? I felt really sorry for him then. Casey continued. "But you were different." He said. "You told me right off the bat that you were involved right after I told you I was gay, which proved to me that I could trust you and we could at least be friends." "So when I was crying, part of me was happy because you didn't take advantage of me like they did, and sad because I was hoping that we'd be something together." "But I know that's not going to happen." He then sighed. "Whoever you're dating is a lucky guy." "May I ask who it is?" He then asked me.

I opened my mouth to answer him, but then realized that I'd be telling him that it was Nick from 98 Degrees and then he'd know that he was gay. Besides, if I told Casey without asking Nick first, Nick would probably get mad at me and then feel like he couldn't trust me. Then things would really get complicated. I decided to wait until I could ask Nick first and maybe let him meet Casey first before we told Casey about us.

"Actually I can't tell you that, Casey." I told him. He got a hurt look on his face after I said that. "Don't you trust me?" he said. I could hear the hurt in his voice. I quickly explained.

"No, Casey it's not that, it's just that he doesn't want anyone else to know about him." "I have to talk to him first and tell him about you first so he knows that I trust you not to tell anyone. Then if he gives me the green light, I'll tell you about him." I said to him.

"You make him sound like somebody famous." Casey said. I then smiled. "He is famous, Casey. He's a vey famous celebrity. And his name is Nick. That's all you're getting until I talk to him first." I said. Casey looke at me confused for a minute. "Nick." he said. "Well ok, if you can't tell me who he is, can you tell me what he's like? What does he look like?" Casey asked me. I smiled, thinking about Nick, and decided a few details wouldn't hurt.

"Well Casey, let me just say he's drop dead gorgeous. He's got light brown hair and the sexiest blue eyes you have ever seen. And his body: Oh baby! What a body! He's got a toned, muscular physique with not even one ounce of fat on it. He's not real big and ugly like those bodybuilders who try to get as big as they can with their veins popping out and stuff. He's perfectly defined and just the right size in all places." I said. Right after I said it, I blushed, realizing what I said "All Places." I chuckled a little after that. "So how big is his dick?" Casey giggled.

"Casey! I said in shock, as I stared at him. Casey laughed. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." "So, are you going to tell me or not?"

"Alright, but no more questions, ok? I said, laughing. "Alright, I promise, now quit keeping me in suspense and spit it out." He said, grining.

"from what he looks, he's about 8 inches when totally hard." I said, blushing. Now, come on, stop trying to embarass me. I've told you enough already. Believe me, you'll get the inside scoop on him after I talk to him and get the ok from him to tell you and then I'll tell you everything." I said.

"Alright, Casey grinned, while turning to get my clothes. Here's your clothes." He said, handing them to me. I took them from him with a smile. "Thanks." I said. "Now I'm gonna go back to the guest room and change and why don't you go and reheat breakfast since It's probably cold by now." I said. Then I smelled something burning. "What's burning, Casey?" I said, sniffing the air. Casey then got a look of horror on his face. "Oh my gosh, it's the bacon!" He exclaimed while flying past me like a speeding train, heading for the kitchen. I started laughing a little and shook my head as I headed back upstairs to the guest room. I changed into my clothes and walked back downstair to see what Casey was up to. I entered the kitchen and smelled the smoke still in the air. I saw Casey, opening the kitchen window to try and get some of the smoke smell out. I noticed the bacon was totally black and wouldn't be good to eat now. Casey then turned to grab the bacon and noticed me standing there. "Hey Sean, I didn't hear you come down." He said. "Obviously. I said, laughing. "You sure burned that bacon to a crisp. I said. "Yeah, I must have forgotten about it after I ran back there, crying and you came back to talk to me." He said, as the emptied the burnt bacon into the trash. "I'm sorry, Casey." I apologized. "It was my fault for not remembering about the bacon myself." I said. Casey shook his head. "It's not your fault." He said to me. "You didn't know we'd be back there that long."

I heard a beep go off and Casey turned and grabbed a plate of eggs out of the microwave. He set them down in front of me. "Here's your breakfast, so let's sit down and eat. He said. I sat down at the table next to him and we ate breakfast in silence. When we finished up, Casey took my plate as well as his and rinsed them off, before putting them into the dishwasher. He then stood beside me and offered me a hand. Confused I took it and he pulled me up and I stood in front of him. Casey smiled again. "Come on, let's go into the living room where it's more comfortable." he said.

Still holding my hand, he led me into the living room and he turned on the TV while I sat down on the couch in front of it. He then sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders as he sat back into the counch. I tensed a little at his arm around me and I think he noticed because he then looked at me. "I'm not trying to hit on you or anything, I just wanted to put my arm around you, that's all." He said. I then nodded. "It's ok, it's no problem." Still, I'm glad you explained that to me to reassure me." I said to him. Then I noticed that a re-run of "Wings" was on.

"Hey, I love "Wings." I said. "Tim Daly is really good looking and he has a nice butt." Casey started laughing. "Is that the only reason you watch this, because of Tim's butt?" He asked, still giggling a little. "No, I also like it because Tim is such a good actor." "I'd love to work with him on something one day?" I said.

"You want to be an Actor?" Casey asked me, surprised. "You never mentioned that."

I nodded. "Yeah, I've wanted to for a while now, but I haven't thought of it much now, since I met Nick." Besides It'd keep us apart too much and I'm not yet ready to pursue it until Nick and I become closer and our relationship is more solid." I told him.

"Man, you must really love him to want to put your dreams on hold for him right now." Casey said. I grinned a big grin when he mentioned my love for Nick.

"Yes I do, more than you'll ever know, Casey." I said to him. Casey then sighed. "He's lucky to have you." He said, sadly. I then put my arm around him and pulled him in for a hug. "You're a great guy, Casey, You'll find someone sooner or later that'll love you like I love Nick." Just wait and see." I said to him.

"I hope so." Casey said. "I've been burned so many times, it's hard for me to trust again." "I hope I'm not taken advantage of again."

"I don't think you will this time." I said to him. "I think that the next guy you meet will treat you like you deserve to be treated: With respect and dignity."

I then remembered about Paul. "Hey actually I think I know someone who'd be perfect for you." I said, my smile brigtening. Casey looked at me, curiously.

"Who?" He asked.

"This guy I met at a hotel here in town." "I was crying at a restaurant and this waiter named Paul came by and comforted me after Nick walked out on me after I told him and his brother, Drew that I was gay.

Casey gasped. "Why did he walk out on you?" "That sounded cruel. What did his brother say to that?" he said.

I realized that I told Casey why I was in the hospital that night. So I decided to tell him.

"Drew was actually angry with Nick. He really laid into Nick about treating me like that. Anyway, after Nick forced Drew to leave with him, I broke down and Paul came to comfort me. After I had calmed down, he said if I ever needed someone to talk to, I could seek him out at the hotel restaurant whenever I needed to talk. He works there until either 1 or 2a.m. almost everyday. Anyway, after I left the restaurant, I went home but didn't want to go in the house yet. So, I took a walk and while I was walking, this musclehead grabbed me and pulled me into this dark alleyway. I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong. Then he threw me on the ground and raped me."

I finished, with a few tears running down my face, but I didn't break down as bad as I had the first couple of times when i told Danny, Nick and the guys.

"Oh my god! Casey gasped and grabbed me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry that that happened to you, Sean. Is that why you were in the hospital?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I had to get tests down to check for STDs." They came back negative. I said to him. "Thank God." Casey breathed. I then continued.

"But it's still not over. I have to be tested again in 3 months and if I test negative again, I can be sexually active again." I said. "It's killing me and Nick though." He's wanted to have sex, but I've told him that even protected sex can put him at risk and I didn't want to risk it if I came back positive for something." I didn't want to infect him and then have him resent me for it."

"Well you did the right thing, Sean." Casey replied. "It really proves that you love him and don't just think about yourself the way other guys always think of themselves when it comes to sex."

"I know I've done the right thing." I said to him. "I just hope I can make it and resist temptation for 3 months."

Casey smiled. "I have a feeling that you can be very patient when you want something badly enough." "You can do it." He replied.

When Casey and I looked towards the TV, we noticed that "WINGS" was over and that we'd been talking for the whole half hour. "Man, I had no idea that we'd talked that long." Casey said. Then he looked at his watch.

"Damn, it's already 10:30 and I've got to get ready for work." Casey said, getting up. I stood up with him.

"Well I'll let you get ready. I said to him. "I've got to go home anyway and check my messages to see if Nick called. Would you like to meet Paul? I asked him. He might be at that hotel tonight. Why don't we go over there for dinner?" I asked him.

"Sure why not? Casey said. How about after I get off of work at 7:00 tonight?" He suggested. "Perfect." I said to him. "Ok well I'll get going now." I said.

"I'll walk you out." Casey said. He led me to the door and opened it for me. "Thanks man, I'll see you tonight." I said, as I hugged him. "Thanks for letting me crash here last night." I said to him. "No problem." he said. "If you ever need to crash here again, you're more than welcome to." "You can stay as long as you wish." He said with a cute smile.

"I'll have to get your phone number later tonight, right now you're already running late as it is." I said to him.

"Ok, I'll give it to you then." He said. I then leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked a little surprised when I did. "What was that for?" He asked.

"For being such a good friend." I said. "And a Thank you for letting me stay last night." Casey smiled. "Anytime." He said. "Now let me kiss you back because I really have to get going." I leaned towards him a little and he kissed my on the cheek. I then remembered my coat. "Wait, Casey, I forgot my coat and my keys are in it." Can you get it for me?" I asked. "Oh yeah, I thought you were forgetting something, hold on." He said. He ran to the closet and grabbed my coat. He came back to the door and handed it to me. "Ok, I'll see you later." he said. "Ok and Thanks again. I said as I walked out the door. "You're welcome." Bye." He said before closing the door behind him. I walked down the pathway and looked around at the gardens again as I walked to my SUV. I got in my SUV and started the engine. As I drove down the driveway towards the gates, They seemed to open automatically. I then remembered that Casey must have programmed them to open when I left and close again when I got out. I hoped that I could have a home like his one day too. I drove home with my 98 Degrees CD playing, "My Everything."

Chapter 10

I got home and noticed a couple of messages on my machine when I walked into the apartment. I immediately started playing them.

"Hey Sean, It's Danny, I'm sorry I haven't called you sooner. I'm staying at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills,California. The number is: (310)555-2083. I'm staying in room 207. Call me later if you can. Today's Tuesday so I'll be here until Friday and I'll be heading home sometime Friday night. I'll talk to you later, Bye."


"Hey Baby, it's Nick. I heard Nick's voice say. I immediately brightened at hearing his voice, but was also cursing myself for missing his call. His voice continued.

"We're in Boston, Massachusetts now. I just wanted to call you and see if you were home to tell you that I love you and to give you my cellphone number. Drew wanted me to give you his also. Drew also told me to tell you that he misses you too and so do the rest of the guys. OK my cell number is 699-8724 and Drew's is 699-8729. You can call us anytime before 1p.m. or after midnight. That's when we'll be free. Call me when you get this message. I love you. Bye."

I memorized Nick's and Drew's numbers and I went to get a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen and wrote the numbers down. I then folded the piece of paper up and put it in my wallet just in case I forgot the numbers. I then decided to give Danny a call and see if he was at the hotel still. I dialed the number for The Beverly Hilton and waited for someone to pick up.

"Hello, Beverly Hilton Hotel, how may I help you? I heard a man's voice say.

"Can you ring room 207 please?" I said to him.

"Sure one moment please." He said. I then heard a click and then the line started to ring again. After a couple rings, Danny picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard him say, cheerfully.

"Hey bud, it's Sean! I answered him.

"Hey, Sean, what's up? Danny said. I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was smiling. "Actually buddy, It's really lonely here without my best friend around. I miss you."

"Aww, I miss you too." Danny said, sympathetically. "I won't be here too much longer so Friday will be here before you know it." he said. "By the way, where were you last night? I called you really late and you're usually never out really late. I was starting to worry.

"Do you remember Chad? I asked him. Danny laughed.

"Oh you mean the good looking guy who saw you half naked at the hospital the day you got released and who talked to us when we were leaving?" he said.

"Yep, that's the one." I said to him. "I went down to see him last night around 6:30p.m. before his shift was up. I went to talk to him because I was feeling lonely since you and Nick are both gone. So I went to see him to talk and he invited me to his place for dinner and I crashed at his place for the night since it was late.

"Don't tell you you slept with him? Danny said.

"Oh hell no! I said to Danny laughing. "He may be cute and all, but no I didn't. Besided how do you know that he's even gay? I asked him. Danny laughed.

"Come on, A man has eyes you know." "I saw the way he was looking at you at the hospital cafeteria that day. He wants you. Or was I reading too much into it? Danny asked.

"Actually no, you were right." I said to him. "He is gay and he started crying this morning when I told him that I had a boyfriend and he told me he had hoped that there could be more between us at the time before he knew that I was taken. I felt bad that I didn't tell him last night before he got his hopes up too high." "I had forgotten all about it."

"Is he alright now?" Danny asked.

"Yeah he's fine now." I said. "So what's his place like? Danny asked.

Oh it's beautiful, Danny." I said. "He lives in a huge Victorian Mansion and he does all the work in and around that house." "It's totally protected with Gates all around the property for his protection." Plus it's totally beautiful inside too." You wouldn't believe what all's in that house to do."

"Sounds like he's a rich kid." Danny laughed."I should have known you try to get a friend with money." he joked. "Hey, you know that's not why I wanted to be friends with him." I laughed. "Anyway, enough about me, tell me why you're in such a good mood this morning? "You're usually cranky in the morning and I'm surprised you're even up out of bed this morning."

Sean, have you even looked at the clock? It's already almost 12:30p.m. He said, laughing.

I looked at the clock, sitting by the table and he was right. "Well you're right about that, but you're talking like you've just gotten some ass or something." I said laughing. "You bet I did! Danny said, laughing along with me. "Amber and I just finished doing it about 5 minutes before you called.

"Eww, I didn't need the mental picture, buddy." I said with a giggle.

"Well you asked, didn't you? Danny chuckled sarcastically.

"Well I wish I hadn't." I laughed. "Anyway, I'm gonna let you go because I'm dying to talk to my lover and I've only got a half hour before he has to get to rehearsal or whatever it is they have to do at that time today."

"Ok cool, will you tell Nick and the guys that I said hi?" he asked. "Yes I'll do that, buddy." I said to him. "Ok, Danny replied. "I'll see you later. Bye"

"Bye." I said, before hanging up the phone. I then picked it back up and dialed Nick's cellphone number.

"Hello?" I heard him say. It felt so good to hear his voice. Tears came to my eyes at that moment.

"Hey muscles, it's me! I greeted him. "Hey sexy, what's up? I miss you so much." He said, obviously crying himself.

"I miss you too, more than you'll ever know." "It's been lonely here since you and Danny have left." I said to him.

"Danny left? Nick asked. "Where'd he go?"

"Danny had a two week break from college and he flew to California to spend some time with his girlfriend, Amber since she has a two week break off as well. I just got off the phone with him before I called you. He's having a great time." I said. Nick laughed.

"I'll bet he is. Not to mention all of those california girls that he gets to scope out there. Anyway where were you last night? I called at about 11:00p.m. and you weren't there."

"Actually, I was with another friend I met at the hospital the night I was raped." I explained to him. "I got lonely after you and Danny both left, so I went down to talk to him and he invited me to his Victorian Mansion for dinner and since it got late and I was too tired to drive home, he let me crash in one of his guest rooms for the night."

"Oh and does this guy happen to be gay?" Nick asked me, with a hint of jealousy in his voice. I heard the jealousy in his voice and decided to be honest with him. "Yes he is and his name is Casey." I said to him. I heard Nick sigh which usually means that something is wrong. "Are you cheating on me, Sean?" I heard him say. "If you are, you might as well tell me now so we can save ourselves the trouble of continuing this relationship." I heard him sob on the other end of the line.

I was totally shocked by his question. "Nick, no, how could you ask me something like that?" "What makes you think that I would cheat on you?" I said, a little anger in my voice. "Do you really doubt me that much?" "If you do, then our relationship is not going to work if you don't trust me." "That's the biggest part of a relationship: Trust.

"I know, and I'm sorry I accused you of cheating." Nick said, still crying. "I guess it's just that I miss you so much and I'm just a little paranoid." "I don't want to lose you."

"Nick, you're never gonna lose me, not now, not ever." I said with tears running down my own face. "And just so you know, I told Casey that I was involved with someone and he's cool with just being friends." I also told him your first name."

Nick gasped. "You told him?! he shouted. "Sean, how could you?!

"Nick, whoa, calm down. I said. I only told him your first name and described you a little bit. I didn't tell me what profession you're in, just that you're a famous celebrity and that your brother's name was Drew." "I told him to let me talk to you first before I told him more. I trust Casey Nick and he's not gonna tell anyone about this. At least I'll find out before I tell him. That is if you decide that I can tell him."

Nick let out another heavy sigh. "Well still you released enough information that he could figure it out eventually. Alright, if you say that Casey can be trusted, I believe you. You've got good instincts so go ahead and tell him. But before you do, make sure he promises not to tell anyone else and that goes for you too, baby."

"Don't worry, sexy, I won't tell anyone else. Not without consulting you first." I said. "Nick, is Drew with you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, he's right here, do you want to talk to him?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah for a minute or two. I replied. I'll be sure to say goodbye to you before I hang up, ok?"

"Alright, here he is." Nick said. Then I heard Drew's voice.

"Hey Sean, How are you?"

"I'm ok I guess. I just miss Nick so much. You too. And the rest of the guys."

"Yeah I know what you mean, Drew replied. I miss you too and so do the rest of the guys. How are things going back there?"

"Well I don't know, I'm all alone here. Danny went to California last week to be with Amber for their two week break from college." I told him.

"Oh. Drew said. I'm sorry that you're alone. But it didn't sound like you were for long. What was Nick yelling about that you told someone something? What did you do?" He asked.

"Oh that. I told him that I'd met a new friend named Casey and I went to see him last night at the hospital to talk because I was lonely. He invited me to his mansion for dinner and I slept at his house for the night since it got late last night and I was too tired to drive. Well anyway, Chad told me he was gay and I told him that I had a boyfriend who was a famous celebrity named Nick. I didn't give out his last name or tell Casey what his profession was either. Just that he had a brother named Drew. After Nick heard that I told him I had a boyfriend and that I told Casey his name, he got angry." I explained.

"Sean, from now on, you have to be more careful who you tell things. If they figure out that Nick is gay, it could ruin his career as well as the rest of us." Drew warned me.

"I know that. I said to him. But Casey can be trusted and Nick's given me permission to tell him. I'm not gonna tell anyone else. Not without consulting him first. I"m sorry if I worried you."

"It's alright. Drew said. As long as the people you tell can be trusted not to say anything. I'm gonna put Nick back on since we've only got about 10 more minutes before we have to leave for rehearsal."

"Alright. Take care of Nick and the guys, Drew." I said to him.

"I will and you take care of yourself as well, Sean. We'll see you soon. Bye."

"Bye Drew." I said to him. Then Nick was back on.

"So baby, are you going to be hanging out with Casey again tonight?" He asked.

"Why? I asked, smiling. Are you jealous?"

"Hell yeah! Nick joked. He gets to hang out with you while I'm stuck on this tour waiting for you to come on Monday." I laughed.

"Well Nick, you don't have to worry, because It's you I love, not Casey. Besides, I might be able to set him up with Paul tonight."

"Who's Paul?" Nick asked.

"It was that cute waiter who waited on us the night I told you and Drew that I was gay." I told him. "Do you remember him?"

"Oh yeah, Nick giggled. "He was that waiter that I wanted to fuck that night."

Nicholas Scott Lachey, I know you did not just say that? I said in mock anger. Nick laughed.

"You can cut out the mock anger because I know you're not really angry." Nick chuckled. He knew me so well. Even though we hadn't been together that long.

"What are you doing right now?" Nick asked me.

"Well I'm sitting here in the living room, watching "The Young and the Restless" right now to pass the time until I have to go to that hotel you, Drew, and I were at that night for dinner." I said to him. "That's where I'm gonna introduce Casey to Paul.

"Good. The sooner you find him a man, the better. Nick said. "I don't want him chasing after my man." He half joked.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I would never leave you for him." I told him. "Well I better let you go since you're gonna have to get moving pretty soon. I'll call you later tonight if you're still up and tell you how it goes ok?

"Alright, but wait until at least 12:30a.m. ok? I'll be taking a shower and getting cleaned up right when I get back. I usually always do." Nick said.

"Well why don't you leave your cell on the bedside table and let Drew know that I might call. That way, If I call and you're still in the shower, I can just talk to Drew until you get out."

"OK, I'll do that." Nick replied. "I love you sweetie."

"I love you too, Nick." I said to him.

"I'll see you soon." He said. "Bye."

Then he hung up. I hung up the phone and sat back to watch the rest of "The Young and the Restless as well as the other 3 CBS Soaps.


Well that's it for now. All comments and complaints can be sent to I'm going to start posting two chapters from now on. Chapters 11-12 are coming as soon as I can find time to write them.


Next: Chapter 10

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