My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Dec 18, 2005


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything."

Thanks for all of your support! Without it, I don't think I could have written this story for this long.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout

and finally:

"What I feel for you" by Thack.

NEWSFLASH: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are officially separating after 3 years of marriage. Whatever happens, I wish both of them, nothing but the best!"

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


Previously on "My Everything".....

As Nick sat there, speechless, his mind flashed back to an earlier moment.


"Oh god, Nick!" He heard Sean sob. "I never meant to hurt you like this! Please forgive me! I love you so much!"


"No." Nick said, shaking his head. "Sean didn't do this. He didn't try to kill my wife! It's not possible!"

"Nick, think about it." Jeff urged him. "Jessica threatened to out you to the world about your relationship with Sean, as well as try to take your daughter away from you. She destroyed Sean's ornament that had been very special to him. She lied to him and said that you only loved Sean, out of pity, which was a lie. And then, we heard Sean say that he loves you when we were at Sean's earlier after we found out that he snuck out of the hospital."

"So what?" Nick whispered, fiercely. "Sean was upset because of the things that Jessica said and did to him! Can you really blame him?! She really did a number on him, tonight." I didn't take what he said, personally! Sean knows that it's over between us and we will never be anything more than good friends!"

"Nick, I think you're in denial." Justin said. "The facts don't lie. I think the question would be "What would be Sean's motive for wanting Jessica dead?" From everything you've just told us, his motive would be to protect you from being outed to the whole world. He wanted to make sure that you didn't lose everything that was most important to you."

"I am not in denial!" Nick was starting to get mad, now. "Sean is innocent! He didn't do it!"

"Shh!!" Jeff said, gesturing towards the baby crib. But it was too late. Nicole started crying.

"Go to bed, you two!" Nick told them. "I've heard enough on this subject tonight!"

He got up and went over to get Nicole out of her crib.

"Do you think that we want to believe that Sean is capable of murder, either?" Justin asked him. "No, we don't. But, the facts speak for themselves."

"I don't care about the facts, Justin!" Nick said, as he lifted Nicole out of the crib. "There is no solid evidence that Sean could have done this!"

"What about the fact that he won't tell any of us what happened to his hand, tonight?" Jeff asked him. "If it was just an accident, why couldn't he just tell us?!"

"Enough!" Nick said. "I don't want to hear anymore! Both of you, just go to your rooms and get some sleep now! We'll talk about this, in the morning!"

Jeff and Justin could both see that Nick was beyond upset now. They watched him sit down on the couch and try to calm down Nicole, who was crying loudly.

"Alright." Justin said. "Come on, Jeff. Let's go."

Justin turned and walked out of the living room. Jeff walked to the doorway, but turned and looked back at Nick, momentarily. Nick looked up at him from where he was sitting. He didn't say anything. But, he gave Jeff that look again, which meant that Jeff wasn't going to get anywhere with him where Sean with concerned. So, Jeff decided to just leave him be. He left the room and headed for Justin's so that he could talk to him before he left to go to his room.

Nick sat there, on the couch, holding his little girl, who was calming down now, and shook his head.

"Sean didn't do this!" He kept saying to himself. "Sean wouldn't do this to Jessica! He's innocent! He has to be!"

As Nicole started to drift off again, Nick thought about Sean and wondered how his interrogation was going with Detective Adams.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT.........

I still couldn't get over the shock of Detective Adams, asking me if I was in love with Nick. "Was I really that obvious?" I couldn't have been. But, then I remembered that he had been there, when Joe, Danny, Jeff, and Justin had walked in on me, crying in Nick's arms. He'd heard me say that I loved him. Which was true, but he didn't need to know that.

I turned back to the Detective and gave him an answer.

"Of course I love Nick." I told him. "He's been a great friend to me."

Detective Adams gave me a strange look. Obviously that wasn't the answer he wanted.

"That's not what I asked you." He said. "I asked you if you were in love with him?"

Now, I was starting to get angry. I was severely tired and this interrogation was getting us nowhere, and frankly, I didn't see why I had to put up with it.

"Listen, Detective," I started telling him. "I think it would be best if we wrap this up, right now. I'm very tired and I need my rest."

I had hoped that this would get him off my back. But, unfortunately, no such luck.

"You seem very anxious to get rid of me." Detective Adams, said, looking at me, suspiciously. "Why is that?"

The Detective was really starting to annoy me with his questions. But, I knew that If I lost my cool, then he'd get even more suspicious that he already was.

"I'm tired, Detective Adams." I told him. "That's why."

"I can see that." He said. "I have one more question and then we'll wrap this up for now."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Little did I know that my relief was going to be short lived.

"What is you blood type?" Detective Adams, asked, out of the blue.

"My blood type?" I asked again, in shock. "It's B positive. Why?"

The Detective looked like he wanted to say something, but decided not to.

"Thank you, Mr. Perry." He said, jotting that down and closing his notepad. "I have what I need for now. I will go now so you can get your rest."

"I'll show you out, Detective." I said, walking to the door with him.

Detective Adams opened the door and walked out. But, before he left, he turned back to me.

"Oh and before I forget." He said. "I may have more questions for you, later, as this investigation continues. I'd advise you not to leave town until the investigation comes to a close."

I looked at the Detective and saw it in his eyes. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he was definitely considering me as a suspect in this case. Plus, I got the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling me. But right now, I didn't care. I just wanted him gone.

"Fine." I said. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"See that you don't." Detective Adams, said. "Have a good day."

Then he left and I closed the door behind me and locked it. The last thing I wanted was anymore unexpected surprises like I'd had earlier.

Then, after shutting out all of the lights in the house, I headed for my room. As I got to the door, I peeked in on Danny and saw that he was fast asleep. Then I walked into my bedroom and started taking off my clothes.

Once that was done, I walked to the laundry room and threw them into the hamper with my other dirty clothes to be washed.

I re-entered my bedroom and shut off the light. Then, I crawled into bed and pulled the covers tightly over me. Finally, I was going to get some rest.

But, I was still worried about Detective Adams. The way he told me not to leave town, meant that he was considering me as a suspect in Jessica's attack tonight. I wished at that moment that I'd never left the house last night. I shouldn't have let Jessica get to me like she had. Now, everything was a mess.

I looked at the clock on the table, next to my bed. It read 4:30a.m. I had sure been up a long time. But so had the guys, now that I thought about it. But two people that I knew wouldn't be getting much rest was Joe and Tina Simpson. They would most likely be spending the night in the hospital, next to their daughter's hospital bed.

"Stay strong, Sean." I said to myself. "Everything will be alright."

But I wasn't so sure things would be alright. I fell asleep, wondering what was in store of me, later today."

********** CHAPTER 90 **********

I woke up about 7 hours later, that morning and sat up, in bed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and glanced out the window. It was a beautiful day outside. But unfortunately, I wasn't going to have time to enjoy it. I had alot to do today.

First, I had to call Jake and Michelle and let them know what was going on. I sure didn't want them finding out about last night from someone else. Then, I had to touch base with Nick and the guys to find out how Jessica was doing.

Just then, I heard the doorbell ring. Someone was sure here, early. I doubted that Nick or one of the guys would be here that early. They all had to be exhausted after being up the whole night.

Puzzled, I got out of bed and walked out of my room. As I did, I took a look in Danny's room and was shocked to see that he wasn't there. "Where had he gone?"

But, I didn't have time to wonder about him. I had to go answer the door. I continued walking down the hallway and rounded the corner into the living room. I got to the door and opened it to see who was here.

When I saw who it was, I felt a wave of relief pass through me. It was Jason. He was standing there, in front of me, smiling at me. He was wearing a sleeveless gray muscle shirt and a tight pair of Levi 501 jeans. And he looked hot!

"Hi." He said. "Is this a bad time?"

In response, I stepped towards him and embraced him in my arms. Then, I felt his arms go around me a second later. After what I'd been through, last night, it made me feel really good to have his strong arms around me.

"No." I said, still hugging him. "Your timing is perfect, right now."

Jason must have sensed that something was wrong, for then he asked: "What's wrong, Sean?"

I pulled back and looked up at him.

"Come on in." I said, stepping aside so that he could enter the house. "I have something that I need to tell you."

Now concerned, Jason walked into the room and I shut the door to the house and locked it again. When I turned back to face Jason, I could see him looking down at something.

"What's wrong, Jason?" I asked him. Jason pointed down to my hand.

"What happened to you?" He asked me. "Your hand is bandaged?"

"It's nothing." I said to him. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Right now, you and I have to talk."

"You look so serious." Jason said, worriedly. "Even a little scared. What is it?"

I walked over to him and took both of his hands in mine. I could see how much he really did care for me and I was even more grateful at that moment that he was in my life.

"Come with me to the couch and sit down." I said to him. "I have alot to say."

We both walked, hand in hand, over to the couch and sat down, together. Then, I turned towards Jason and took both of his hands again.

"Have you heard the news on what happened to Jessica Simpson last night?" I asked him. I saw him frown.

"No." He said. "I've been very busy with work and clients that I haven't had time to watch television. What's going on?"

I knew that what I was going to tell him would, undoubtedly, be a really big shock for him.

"Jessica was performing at her concert, last night, and a huge Chandelier fell on her, during one of her performances. She's in the hospital, in a coma, right now."

"Are you kidding me?!" Jason asked, in fascinated horror. "That's terrible! Did they find out why the Chandelier fell on her?"

"Yes." I replied. "At first we thought that maybe it was an accident, but later it was revealed that it wasn't. Someone definitely tried to kill Jessica last night."

"Wow." Jason said, in disbelief. "Nick must be going crazy right now. His wife, and the mother of his child, really needs him right now......"

When he mentioned, Nick, I thought back to when I blurted out that I loved him. I wasn't sure what Nick thought after that, because we had been interrupted. But as upset as I was, I should have been more careful. That should never have come out.

"Sean?" Jason's voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry, Jason, my mind wandered." I said to him. "Did you say something?"

Jason looked at me, concern filling his features.

"I just wanted to know if that's all you wanted to tell me." Jason said. "About Jessica being hurt last night. I got the feeling that there's something more going on than just that."

I nodded.

"And you would be right." I said to him. "What I have to talk to you about is far more serious that what's happened to Jessica."

"Then, please tell me." Jason said. "What's going on?"

I didn't know where to start. It was like I knew how I wanted to tell him about how I'd been questioned by Detective Adams last night about my whereabouts, and how I'd broken down in Nick's arms and said that I loved him. But I couldn't seem to get the words out.

I looked up at Jason just as he put his hands around my arms. Then, he spoke to me, softly and lovingly.

"Baby, you're trembling." He said to me. "Is what you have to tell me really all that bad?"

I looked up at him and prepared to tell him what happened between me and Nick.

"It's worse." I said to him. "I had an emotional breakdown in Nick's arms last night and I accidently blurted out that I love him."

That took the wind out of Jason. He stood there, looking at me, as if I'd gone crazy. I could also see the confusion and hurt flashing through his eyes.

"What?!" He said, softly. "Sean, how could you be so careless?!"

"I wasn't trying to be." I said to him. "The reason it came out was because I was upset."

Jason looked at me, the hurt expression still on his face. He needed more details than what I'd given him.

"And why were you so upset?" He asked me, keeping his voice down.

I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to get a grip on my emotions. I felt bad because what I was telling Jason, was hurting him, and I hated that.

"Well," I said to him. "I'd asked Nick to come over, last night, because I had something very important to tell him about Jessica. I told him that she'd been here, last night before her attack at the concert."

"What was she doing here?" Jason asked me. "Let me guess: Harassing you again?"

I nodded at him. But, what he didn't know is that Jessica did worse than just harass me last night.

"Yeah." I said. "But, this time, our confrontation was much worse than any other one we've had."

"How so?" Jason asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I covered my face, briefly, and let out a heavy sigh. Having to relive what I'd went through, last night, was going to be tough.

"Well, Jessica was even more nasty than ever." I explained to Jason. "She came by and told me that I wasn't going to spend anymore holidays with Nick, anymore. As well as the fact that she threatened to out Nick to the public about our past relationship if he tries to divorce her."

"She what?!" Jason asked, in shock. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." I said, but held up a hand before he could say anything else. "But wait, it gets worse than that."

"Well, I don't see how things could get any worse than that." Jason said. "But, go ahead and lay it on me."

"Ok." I replied. "Jessica also said that she'll file for full custody of Nicole, and if she wins, she'll never grant Nick any kind of visitation while I'm in his life. If we were to get back together, that is."

Jason nodded. Then, I saw his pained expression come back when I'd mentioned the possibility of Nick and I reconciling. But, I was determined to set the record straight with him about our relationship and where we were to go from here."

"Listen, Sean." Jason said to me. "If what you really want is to be with Nick again, then go for it."

I was shocked to hear him actually say that. I stared up at him, in astonishment. That couldn't have been easy for him to say that to me, given how he felt about me.

"Jason, you don't understand." I said to him. "Nick and I are not going to reconcile."

"But you love him." Jason said to me. "You admitted it to me before."

"Yes, I did." I said to him. "And with Jessica in the hospital and everything else that's been going on, I've had alot of time to think about my feelings. I've come to realize that sometimes it's best to leave the past in the past and not repeat ancient history."

Jason listened to me, intensely, as I continued to talk.

"Yes, I love Nick." I said to him. "But, as much as I love him and wish that things could go back to the way they used to be, I realized that it's a lost cause. Nick has told me that he doesn't love me, anymore. I'm doing my best to accept it and move on. It's the only realistic thing I can do right now."

Jason was silent for a moment and his face took on an impassive expression, which gave me no sign of what he could be thinking at that moment.

"The question I have is not about whether or not the choice you've made is the most realistic one. The question for me is: "Can you really do it?"

I frowned, wondering what Jason was implying, but I didn't say anything. Jason continued to speak.

"I can't deny that what you've told me, bothers me, but I'd be a fool to expect you to get over Nick, just like that." Jason said. "He was your first love, and those feelings can be very powerful. For some people, they never truly go away. Maybe you're one of those people."

He did have a point there. It was very true, sometimes, that some people never truly get over their first love. In most cases, there are alot of people who end up marrying their high school sweetheart after realizing that they didn't want to be with anyone else.

"I hear what you're saying, Jason." I said to him. "And I'm sorry that my feelings for Nick bother you, but I swore I'd be honest with you, no matter what."

"And I appreciate that." Jason said, caressing my arm, gently. "Your honesty is very important to me. Especially now, when you and I are just starting to make a go of a relationship together."

I gave Jason a sympathetic look and brought one of my hands up to his cheek and touched it, lovingly. Jason then took my hand and kissed it.

"And I want that for us." I said to him. "I gave you my decision about wanting to start a new relationship with you and I meant it. I don't care how strong my feelings for Nick are. He and I are not involved anymore. But, I'm sure he and I will always be good friends. I can live with that."

Jason couldn't have been more pleased to hear that. He brought a hand behind my head and pulled me towards him. He planted a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm glad you feel that way." Jason said, when he'd pulled back from our kiss. "I was afraid that you were going to break things off with me."

I smiled and ran one of my hands along the back of his head, fingering his soft, silky blonde hair.

"Not a chance, handsome." I said, with a grin. "I'm not going to let you go that easily. As far as I'm concerned, you're my new boyfriend."

Jason then wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me and hugged me, tightly. I heaved a content sigh. It felt good to be loved again.

"Now that you're here, Sexy," I said, looking at him with my bedroom brown eyes. "I want you to carry me into my room and make mad, passionate love to me."

Jason looked back into my eyes and then his smile mirrored my own. It didn't take words for me to know that he was more than happy to oblige.

"You read my mind." He said, his voice husky with lust. "Let's go."

He stood up and pulled me up with him. I then wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and leaned in to kiss him, once again.

Jason wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in, closer to him. I could feel that he was starting to get aroused, for the tent in his tight Levi jeans was getting bigger.

Then, Jason lifted me up in his strong arms and started carrying me down the hallway to my room, intent on making love to me.


Nick was almost finished getting dressed for the press conference, this morning. He was not looking forward to it, but he knew that it had to be done.

"Are you almost ready, Nick?" Kandi asked, as she entered Nick's bedroom with Nicole in her arms. She and the baby were the only ones who were wide awake.

"Just about." Nick said, tiredly, as he fumbled with his tie. "I'm so tired right now, I can't even get this shirt tie on right."

"Hold on, let me help you." Kandi said, then turned towards the adjoining doorway to her's and Justin's room. "Justin, can you come in here for a second, please?!"

Justin entered the room and looked at Kandi.

"Yes, Babe?" He asked, looking at her, through tired eyes. He too, had obviously not gotten enough sleep.

"Will you hold the baby for me, while I help Nick put on his tie?" Kandi asked him.

"Sure." Justin said, and reached out towards Nicole. Kandi handed her over into Justin's waiting arms.

"Thank you." Kandi said, then turned back to Nick. "Alright, Honey, let me help you."

She then started tying Nick's tie on for him. While she did that, Justin looked over at Nick.

"Man, you don't look good, Nick." Justin said. "Did you get any sleep at all?"

"Not enough, Justin." Nick said. "I was up with Nicole for quite a while earlier this morning after you and Jeff left for bed. She was fussy for quite awhile. I think it's because she misses her mother."

Well, why didn't you wake me up, Nick?" Kandi asked him, as she finished tying Nick's shirt tie. "I could have taken care of her while you got some rest."

Nick managed a tired smile for her.

"Don't worry about it, Kandi." He said, quietly. "You needed your rest."

"So did you, Hon." Kandi said. "Getting your rest was more important, Sweetie. You have to look your best for the press conference."

"Well, there's no chance of that now." Nick replied, trying to stifle a yawn. "Besides I think everyone would understand. With Jessica, in the hospital, they'd just figure that I was at the hospital all night and didn't get any sleep."

Justin didn't agree with that suggestion.

"I don't know about that, Nick." He said. "From what I heard, there were reporters camped outside all night wanting more information on Jessica's condition. they would have seen you if you had been there all night.

"Well, then they were up all night for nothing." Nick said to them. "Because there's been no change in Jessica's condition."

Kandi frowned, then asked. "How do you know that, Sweetie?"

"I called the hospital, earlier this morning, while I was trying to get Nicole back to sleep." Nick said. "The nurse at the nurse's station said that there'd been no change in Jessica's condition. She said that Joe and Tina were still there when she checked on her. Apparently, they both spent the night there, next to her bedside."

"I'm sorry, Hon." Kandi said, sympathetically, as she caressed Nick's arm, offering her comfort. "I know how hard this has been on you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Nick smiled at Kandi. It was at times like this that he appreciated having her friendship and support. She had become more than just a good friend to him and the guys. She had become family to all of them.

"Sure." Nick replied. "Could you watch Nicole for me until we get back from the press conference?"

"You don't even have to ask." Kandi said, as she turned back towards Justin and took back Nicole in her arms. "I'm more than happy to take care of this little angel for you."

"Thanks." Nick said. Then he looked at his watch. "the press conference starts at 12:30p.m. and it's already 11:45 a.m. We have 45 minutes before the conference starts, so we'd better move it."

"Right." Justin said. "All we have to do now is get Jeff, Drew, and Casey and we can go."

Then, Justin realized that he had not called Jeff since he'd gotten up. He had not heard from Jeff either, which meant that Jeff could possibly still be in bed, sleeping. The same could be said for Drew and Casey. They hadn't called or stopped by yet, either.

"I think we should ask Jeff, Drew, and Casey if they want to go, first." Nick suggested. "If they don't, I can just go alone."

"Forget that." Justin said. "You need all the support you can get right now, Buddy."

Just then, Nick's mobile phone started ringing. He walked over to the bedside table and picked it up. He flipped it open to answer it.

"Hello?" He asked, in a tired voice, to the person on the other end.

"Hi, Bro, it's me." Drew's voice greeted him. "Casey and I are just calling to see if you were up and ready to head to the press conference."

"Yes, Drew, I am." Nick said. "Are you and Casey coming over here?"

"We're just finishing getting ready." Drew said. "We should be there in about 10 minutes."

"Alright." Nick replied. "While, we're waiting for you, I'm going to go over to Jeff's room to see if he wants to come with us. He's hasn't called or stopped by my room yet, this morning."

"Jeff still isn't up yet?!" Drew asked, in amazement. "Well, I guess I can't blame him. Jessica's crisis did a number on all of us."

Then, Drew realized that he hadn't asked Nick about how Jessica was doing. He decided to now.

"By the way, Nick," He continued. "How is Jessica doing this morning? Have you gotten in touch with the hospital yet?"

"Yes, Drew." Nick said, sadly. "There's no change. Jessica is still unconscious."

"I'm sorry, Nick." Drew said, his sad tone matching Nick's. "This makes me realize that it was a good idea to hold this press conference.

"It's our only chance." Nick said. "Since the event will be televised, we can ask the public for their help and support to aid in Jessica's recovery."

"I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the plan works, Bro." Drew replied. "It has to work."

"It will." Nick said. "But, I have to go now, Drew. I've got to go get Jeff, now."

"Ok." Drew said. "Casey and I are leaving for your hotel room right now. We'll see you, shortly."

"Bye, Drew." Nick said, and ended his call. Then, he looked up at Justin and Kandi.

"Drew and Casey are on their way here." He said. "Now, all we have to do is get Jeff up."

Kandi nodded.

"You and Justin go ahead." she said. "I'll watch the baby until you come back."

"Thank, Kandi." Nick said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You really are the best."

"Don't mention it." Kandi said, with a smile.

"We won't be long, Babe." Justin said to her, as he too gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"There's no hurry." Kandi said. "Take your time. We still have to wait for Drew and Casey."

Justin and Nick left the room and headed for Jeff's room.

Kandi took Nicole back into the living room area and sat her back into the playpen so that she could play with some of her toys that were in there.

Kandi sat down on the couch and kept an eye on her while she grabbed a book that she had been reading, from the side table there.

******************************************************* OUTSIDE JEFF'S ROOM..............

"Jeff?!" Justin yelled out, as he knocked on the door. "Jeff, are you in there?!"

Justin and Nick had knocked on the door at least 4 times before and waited for Jeff to open it. But he hadn't yet.

This time, Nick tried the door handle. And to his surprise, it was unlocked. That was strange. All of these doors were supposed to be unlocked only with a key card.

Nick and Justin pushed the door open and when they walked into the room, they entered to a pitiful sight.

They both saw Jeff, sprawled out on the bed, out cold. There were lots of beer and liquor bottles strewn all over the floor. It was pretty clear what had happened. Jeff had gotten plastered last night.

"Oh God!" Nick exclaimed out. "Look at all these liguor bottles!"

"Yeah." Justin said, shaking his head, sadly. "But that's not the worst of it. Look at Jeff."

Jeff looked like hell. His hair was a mess. He had dark circles under his eyes. He was only in his boxers. And he reeked of alcohol.

"I don't understand." Nick said. "He was fine last night. What could have caused him to go on a drinking binge like this?!"

Justin and Nick both stood there, looking at Jeff, both of them trying to figure out what had gotten into him.

"I think I know." Justin said. "Probably because of his breakup with Danny."

Nick shook his head.

"No, I don't think that's it." He said. "It may be part of it, but I don't think that's all it is. There's obviously something more going on here than that."

Justin sighed. He hated seeing Jeff in this condition. But, more than that, he realized that he wasn't going to be able to attend Nick's press conference. He was going to have to stay here and help Jeff when he woke up.

"Well, it's obvious that Jeff is in no shape to go anywhere today." Justin said to Nick. "It looks like I'm going to have to stay here with him. I'm sorry Nick."

"No, that's alright, Justin." Nick said. "I would have asked you to stay with him, anyway. I'll be alright to attend the conference, myself, if I have to."

"What about Drew and Casey?" Justin asked him. "They're both on their way here."

Nick thought about it for a moment. He realized that Justin alone would not be able to help Jeff with whatever his problems were. Justin was going to need some extra help.

"I think that you should have someone else here, with you, until Jeff wakes up." Nick said. "And I think that Casey would be a good choice. He's a doctor after all."

Justin nodded.

"I think you're right, Nick." He said. "Casey can examine Jeff and see if he's going to need medical attention or not."

"I don't think that he will." Nick said. "But, it's better to be safe than sorry."

Then Nick pulled out his cell phone and started dialing a number.

"Who are you calling?" Justin asked him.

Nick held up a finger, motioning to Justin to wait a second. Then he started talking, for someone had answered the call.

"Drew, it's me." Nick said. "Listen, can you have Casey come up to Jeff's room when you get here?....It's Jeff. He got plastered and he's out cold. I'd like Casey to take a look at him when you get here. I'm worried that Jeff could develop alcohol poisoning. He drank more alcohol than he should have been able to......Ok, great. Justin and I will see you in a few minutes. Bye."

"What did Drew say?" Justin asked, as Nick hung up his phone and looked back up at him.

"He said that he and Casey just pulled into the parking lot. They are on their way up as we speak."

Justin then thought of something.

"Do you think we should call Danny?" He asked. "Maybe he'd be able to help Jeff deal with whatever it is that's bothering him."

"I'll call his cell." Nick said, opening his phone up once again. He dialed Danny's cell phone number and waited to see if he picked up.

"I got his voicemail." Nick said. "He must have his phone turned off."

He waited for the beep so he could leave Danny a message. Finally it beeped.

"Danny, it's Nick." Nick said. "When you get this message, please call me back. I need to speak with you as soon as possible."

Nick hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket.

"Now what?" Justin asked him. Nick shrugged.

"Now, all we do is wait for Drew and Casey to get here." Nick told him.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S BEACH APARTMENT..........

Jason entered my bedroom, with me in his arms, and put me down so that I was standing in front of him. He then cupped my face in his hands and caressed my cheeks, gently, with his thumbs. It felt so good.

Then, Jason leaned in and started to kiss me. He kissed me gently, while his hands started gliding along my half naked body.

I kissed him back, passionately, as I allowed my hands to explore his tight, muscular body. I ran my hands up and down his sexy, muscular arms, feeling the hardness of his muscles beheath his soft, masculine, skin.

He was so beautiful. Despite my feelings for Nick, I really did want to take a chance on Jason. So far, he had been very good for me. That and the fact that he was an excellent lover.

Jason pulled back from our kiss, suddenly. As I looked up at him, I saw him pull his shirt off and he exposed his beautiful torso. I could do nothing but stare at his massive pecs and his rock hard, chiseled abs. His muscular arms had to be at least 20 inches around.

After pulling his shirt off, Jason lifted me up again and set me on the bed, with my head against the pillows. Then, he crawled on the bed, and slowly crept up to me and lowered himself, slowly, on top of me. It was then and there that my hands started to get busy again, as he continued to kiss me, all over my body. I moaned, in ecstasy.

"Oh, Jason." I moaned out. "Don't stop. That feels so good. Don't stop."

Jason then moved back up to my face and gave me a quick kiss.

"sorry, baby, I have to." He said, standing up. "Just until I can get out of these pants."

I grinned, widely.

"In that case, go ahead." I said, softly. "While I enjoy the view."

Jason laughed as he pulled down his pants. But he did it, slowly. He sure knew how to tease me. Once his pants were off, he stood there in a pair of red silk bikini briefs, and his beautiful legs were revealed.

"Wow." I said, breathless at the view of him. "Jason you look so incredible."

Jason smiled, showing off his beautiful teeth. Like Nick, he had a perfect smile.

"Thanks." He murmured. "Now, where were we?"

I was more than glad to tell him.

"About to make love, together." I said, waggling my eyebrows at him. I saw him gaze down at me, the love evident in his eyes.

"Now, that I can do." Jason whispered.

He got back on the bed with me and got on top of me, again.

"I hope that you have the strength to handle me for this one." Jason warned me, with a grin. "I've been sexually frustrated all day. I might wear you out."

I was very surprised to hear him say that. But I thought I'd have a little fun with that.

"Really?" I asked, with a chesire grin on my face. "In that case, maybe we should forget about it now."

I pushed him off of me and started to sit up, but Jason's hand rested on my chest and he pushed me back down on the bed, in a lying position.

"Don't even think about teasing me." Jason said, grinning from ear to ear. "You know you want it as badly as I do."

"Just kidding, Stud." I laughed. "And if you think you're sexually frustrated, you ain't seen nothing yet."

Suddenly, I rolled over and shoved him down on the bed and pinned his arms down. He was surprised by my sudden move. But he didn't seem to be complaining.

"Yeah, Baby!" Jason swooned, with a laugh. I then leaned down and kissed him.

I wanted to make sure that this time, my lovemaking to Jason, would be something he would never forget. I wanted to have him coming back for more.

******************************************************* BACK AT THE BEST WESTERN HOTEL...........

"Thank you, both, for getting here so quickly." Nick said, as he let Drew and Casey into Jeff's room.

Drew and Casey's jaws both dropped in shock when the saw the condition Jeff was in. They couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God!" Drew exclaimed out. "What has he done?!"

Casey walked over to the bed and knelt down by the side of the bed, where Jeff was laying. He could smell the alcohol on Jeff's breath. There was no doubt that Jeff was definitely out of it.

"I can understand Jeff wanting to drown his sorrows in booze," Casey said. "but I never thought he could drink this much."

Casey looked up at Justin, Nick, and Drew, who were looking at him. They were all worried about Jeff.

"If we want to get answers, we're going to have to wake him up." He continued. "If he's not at risk for alcohol poisoning, he's going to at least have one hell of a hangover by the time he wakes up."

Casey then started trying to shake Jeff awake.

"Jeff!" He said, loudly. "Jeff, wake up! You have some explaining to do!"

Jeff slowly started to come around. He opened his eyes and made out Casey's form, leaning over him. But as soon as he saw Casey, a sharp pain hit him in his head.

"Ow!" Jeff groaned, in pain. "Fuck! My head hurts!"

"Does that really surprise you, Sugar?" Drew asked, in annoyance, with his arms crossed over his chest. "Do you want to tell all of us what the hell you were thinking when you decided to get yourself plastered?"

Jeff tried to sit up, but found that he couldn't. Casey had to help him up. When Jeff was in a sitting position, he looked up at Justin, Drew, and Nick. He could see the worried looks on all of their faces.

"How can you all be that surprised?" Jeff asked, his speech a little slurred. "Now that Danny has left me, I've never felt so alone in my life. I'm hurting like hell right now."

"It's not Danny's fault, Jeff." Nick piped up. "You're the one who broke up with him! Danny's hurting a hell of alot more than you are, right now!"

"Nick, if you want to be angry with me, fine! But could you please keep your voice down?!" Jeff replied, holding his hands to his forehead, in pain. "You don't have to scream at me!"

Nick looked at Drew, Casey, and Justin and saw the look on their faces. They all knew that Jeff had a hangover. Nick turned back to Jeff.

"You've definitely got a hangover, man." Nick said, quietly. "I'm talking normally, not screaming."

"Well, take it down to a whisper, then." Jeff begged him. "My head hurts."

As Jeff struggled to stand up, Nick started picking up some of the beer and liquor bottles. When he'd had about 5 bottles in his hand, he held them up to Jeff.

"Jeff, why would you go and do such a thing like this?" Justin asked him. "I can understand that you're feeling bad because you broke up with Danny and devastated him, but it's not like you to drown your sorrows in booze."

"Ok, Justin, so maybe it wasn't the smartest choice in the world!" Jeff said, getting defensive. "But it was the best thing I could come up with at the time! It sure beats having to live with all of this pain and guilt I'm left with!"

"Really?" Drew asked, then walked over to him. "Well, let me ask you this? Do you feel any better now that you're drunk off of your ass?!"

Jeff thought about it for a moment. But he knew he shouldn't even have had to think about it. He knew he didn't feel any better.

"I guess not." He said, as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"You guess not?!" Casey asked, in shock. "Jeff, do you realize that you could have killed yourself, drinking all of that alcohol?! Or was that what you were intent on doing?"

"Come on, Casey!" Jeff snapped. "Now, you're just being meladramatic! I may be in alot of pain right now, but I would never try to kill myself!"

Casey shok his head and turned away from Jeff, in disgust. Drew looked at him, momentarily, then turned his attention back to Jeff.

"Jeff, I'm very sorry that you're hurting right now." Drew said, now starting to feel sympathetic towards Jeff. "But Casey does have a point. What you did was very stupid and, quite frankly, I am very disappointed in you."

Jeff felt his heart sink hearing Drew's words. The last thing he ever wanted was for Drew, and everyone else to be disappointed in him. Especially Drew. Then, from out of nowhere, Jeff started to cry.

"Drew, please don't say that." Jeff begged, with tears streaming down his face. "I know what I did was stupid, but, please, cut me a break! I feel worse than pond scum right now, and instead of taking pot shots at me for my stupidity, I would really appreciate some compassion for a change! Is that too much to ask?!"

Jeff couldn't go on and buried his face in his hands, as his sobs started to rack his body. Now everyone felt bad, having to see him cry. Just then, Jeff held his hand to his stomach.

"Oh God!" Jeff groaned. "I think I'm going to throw up!"

With that, he bolted for the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Seconds later, Nick, Drew, Justin, and Casey could the sounds of Jeff, throwing up into the toilet.

"He's obviously in no shape to go anywhere until He's sobered up." Nick said, then looked at his watch. "And I've got to get going or I'm going to be late for the press conference."

"Just go ahead and go, Nick." Drew said. "I'll stay with Jeff until he's better."

Nick looked at his watch again. The time read 12:15 p.m. He had only 10 minutes to get to the conference before it started.

"Nick, where is the press conference going to be held?" Justin asked him.

"Over at the Holiday Inn where my parents and Jessica's are staying." Nick told him. "But, other than myself, only Joe is going to be there. I talked to him when I called the hospital this morning. Tina is going to stay at the hospital, with Jessica. She will let us know if there is any change in my wife's condition."

"Well, in that case, we'd better get going." Justin said. "Give me the keys, Nick. You're way too tired to drive."

"It's ok, Justin." Nick tried to reassure him. "I'll be fine."

Justin seemed to buy it, but Drew, on the other hand, didn't.

"No back talk, Nick!" Drew said, sternly. "Give him the keys! The last thing we need is for you to fall asleep at the wheel and then have something bad happening to you and Justin, or anyone else who gets in the way!"

"Your brother is right, Nick." Casey chimed in. "It'd be best if you let Justin drive you. It'll be alot easier and safer for you."

Nick decided not to fight Drew over the driving bit. He knew that he was too tired to drive.

"Have you thought about what you're going to say to the press when you get up on stage?" Drew asked Nick.

Nick realized that he hadn't even thought about that. But, he realized that it wasn't all that big of a deal.

"It's not like it's a graduation ceremony or anything." Nick said. "It's only a press conference. Joe's probably going to do most of the speaking, anyway."

"True." Justin said. "But, the press is going to want some comments from you as well."

"And I'll deal with it." Nick said. "Right now, Let's get going. I don't want to be late."

Nick turned and started heading for the door. Justin put his hand around Nick's shoulders and patted him, briefly, as he followed him.

"Good Luck, Nick!" Drew called out to him, as Nick opened the door.

"Thanks, Drew!" Nick called back to him, as they exited Jeff's room. Then, the door shut behind them.

Drew turned back to Casey and threw his arms around him. Casey returned his lover's embrace.

"Why is this happening to us, Casey?" Drew asked, outloud. "It seems like there's just one crisis after another with my family. My god, when will it end?"

"I don't know, Love." Casey murmured, as he rubbed his hands up and down Drew's back. "I just don't know."

Drew and Casey stayed in that embrace for a few moments, not wanting to let go right away.

"Neither do I." Drew said, softly. "But, I'm sure there's more to come, until we find out who tried to murder Jessica and why."

"You're probably right." Casey agreed. "The crisis' will probably keep coming until then. But right now, all we can do is just wait and hope for the best."

Drew let go of Casey and drew back from their embrace. His stomach growled, loudly. Casey laughed.

"Well, it sounds like someone is hungry." Casey giggled. "Shall I order us room service?"

Drew thought about it and shook his head. He didn't want room service this morning. He wanted something better.

"Actually, I was thinking that maybe you should go down to McDonald's and grab us some breakfast from there." Drew suggested. "I could sure go for one of their Sausage McGriddles right about now."

Casey made a face.

"You actually like those things?" He asked, in disgust. "Personally, I don't think that two slabs of pancake buns and sausage go well together."

Drew gave Casey a shocked look and then cuffed him in the chest.

"Hey!" He said, with a grin. "Don't knock my favorite breakfast sandwhich. I love those things."

"Ok, if you say so." Casey said, with a chuckle. Then Drew reached up and cupped Casey's face.

"But, I love you more." Drew said, laying on the charm. Casey smiled.

"Aww, you're so sweet." Casey cooed as he leaned in and kissed Drew, on the lips.

Drew put his hand behind Casey's head and pulled him in for a more passionate kiss. Their tongue wrestled with each other and their hands started exploring each other's clothed bodies.

They both got so into it, that they never heard Jeff come out of the bathroom at that moment.

Jeff had come out of the bathroom after he had just finished getting cleaned up and when he saw Drew and Casey kissing and groping each other, right in front of him, he stopped short.

Although Jeff did like Casey, seeing him all over Drew was almost too much for him to handle. He could feel his heart burning with jealousy.

****************************************************************** BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT...........

Jason and I rolled off of each other, both of us spent from our intense lovemaking session.

"Wow." Jason said, breathing hard. "That was just.....I can't even describe it."

"I told you you hadn't seen anything yet." I said, gasping for breath. "I was hoping that I'd surprise the hell out of you."

"Well, I think you did it." Jason panted. "I have to admit that I underestimated you. That was quite an experience."

I smiled and snuggled my head up against Jason's shoulder, while my right hand ran up and down, over his rock hard abs.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I whispered. "Now, we have to get a shower."

"Not yet." Jason said. "I don't think I have the strength to move right now. You gave me quite a workout."

I laughed when he said that. That was definitely funny coming from a man who was so muscular and built. I didn't think anything could ever tire him out.

"That's so funny coming from you, Mr. Fitness." I teased him. "Frankly, I'm surprised that you tired out so easily."

"Hey!" Jason said, as he slapped me in my chest, causing me to laugh. "Just because I'm a big guy, doesn't mean I'm not capable of tiring out. Even I have my limits."

"Ok, if you say so, cutie." I grinned, as I sat up. "Come on, let's get in the shower."

"No thanks." Jason said, putting his hands behind his head, closing his eyes. "I'm too comfortable right now."

After he said that, I leaned in and whispered into his ear, seductively.

"I'll wash your back for you." I flirted with him. "Then maybe you can help me with mine."

Jason opened one eye and looked over at me. Seeing the dopey look on my face, made him smile.

"You are so silly, you know that?" He chuckled. "But, I like that about you."

Then, he sat up.

"I'm going to go and get a shower first." He said. "As much as I'd like for you to join me, you can't. If you do, we'll never get cleaned up, and you will get a very high water bill."

"True." I said, with a smile. "In that case, maybe you'd better go first. While you shower, I'm going to start making breakfast for us."

"Alright." Jason said, getting out of the bed. "If you're going to make egss, make sure mine are scrambled, ok?"

"Sure." I said, to him. "Now, get your sexy ass in that shower, before I jump it, again."

"You promise?" Jason asked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, I promise." I said, then added. "To do it, later."

"Good." Jason replied. "I'm counting on it."

Jason walked to my bedroom doorway. Before he walked through it, he turned and looked back at me. Then, he winked at me.

"Later, sexy." He said, and disappeared out of sight.

I sighed a content sigh, and got out of the bed. I reached for my underwear and slipped them back on, for now, until I got to take my shower. Then, I walked to the closet and pulled my bathrobe out of it and slipped it on.

Then, I walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I entered the kitchen and headed towards the refrigerater. As I did, my eye fell on the miniature TV that was set up in the kitchen. I then decided to turn it on so I could see what was on the news this morning.

When I did, I saw that the news anchors were just getting ready for their break. Then, one of then said to stay tuned for Nick Lachey's live appearance at a press conference, concerning Jessica Simpson's attack.

I knew that I didn't want to miss a minute of it. I wanted to see how Nick was holding up.

I then set to getting breakfast started.

****************************************************************** AT THE HOLIDAY INN.............

Justin pulled Nick's car into the parking lot and shut off the engine. He turned and looked at Nick, noticing how tired he really was. Even though, it had only been a 10 minute drive to the hotel, Nick had fallen asleep. Justin really wished that he didn't have to wake him up, but he knew he had to. The press conference had been Nick's idea and if he wasn't there, then people were going to have questions.

"Nick?" Justin said, shaking Nick, lightly. "Nick, wake up. We're at the hotel."

Nick groaned, tiredly, and slowly opened his eyes. Then, he sat upright in his seat so that he could stretch and wake himself up better.

"Man," He grumbled. "I'm starting to wish we had put off this damn press conference for another day. But, it was my idea and I can't back out of it, now."

Justin nodded. Still feeling guilty for waking Nick up, he decided to apologize to Nick.

"I'm really sorry that I had to wake you up, buddy." Justin said to him. "I know how tired you are."

"It's ok, Justin." Nick reassured him. "Don't be sorry. Yes, I'm tired, but it can't be helped, now."

Nick unfastened his seat belt and it recoiled back into it's position. As he reached for the car door handle, he turned back to Justin.

"Come on. We've got to get in there." Nick said. "I have less than 5 minutes before the press conference starts."

Justin got out of the car and waited for Nick to get out. When he did, Justin hit the button on the keyless remote and the car's door all locked. Then, Nick and Justin started walking towards the hotel entrance.

"Are we going up to Joe's room first?" Justin asked him. Nick shook his head.

"No." He replied. "He said he'd meet us in the lobby and we'd go into the conference room together."

"Are you nervous at all?" Justin asked Nick, curiously. "I wouldn't blame you if you were, given that this event is going to be televised for the whole world to see."

"No, I'm not." Nick said. "This doesn't bother me. If I can get up on stage and sing for millions of fans, then this should be a piece of cake."

They both entered the hotel entrance and immediately came face to face with Joe, who was standing in the lobby, near the door. He had obviously been waiting for them.

"Hi, Nick." Joe greeted him, in a tired voice.

"Hey, Joe." Nick greeted him, back, his voice having the same tired tone. "How are things going over here?"

"I don't know." Joe replied. "I haven't gone into the conference room, yet."

Joe then looked around, wondering where everyone else was.

"Nick, where is Drew?" He asked. "And what about Jeff? Are they on their way here?"

"They're not coming." Nick said. Joe certainly wasn't expecting that answer.

"Why not?" He aked Nick. "I thought they'd want to be here to show their support for my daughter."

Nick ran a hand over his face, tiredly. He couldn't find the wordsd to deal with Joe's questions. He needed to head for the bathroom. He was so tired, he couldn't even think straight.

"I'll let Justin explain it to you, Joe." Nick said. "Right now, I have to go to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face. Maybe that will wake me up a little better."

Alright, go ahead." Joe said, hitting Nick's arm, lightly. "I'll talk to Justin until you get back."

"Ok." Nick said, then turned and walked towards the bathroom.

When Nick was gone, Joe turned back to Justin.

"I'm worried about him, Justin." Joe said, worriedly. "He looks dead on his feet. Are you sure he's going to be able to handle doing this press conference with me?"

"That remains to be seen." Justin told him. "Nick was up for quite a while this morning, taking care of Nicole. He said she was really fussy when he tried to get her to to back to sleep. Nick thinks it's because she misses Jessica."

"He may be right." Joe said, sadly. "I really feel for him. Taking care of a child is a big responsibility. Nick is a wonderful father, no doubt about that, but my daughter can take care of her alot better. She's used to Nicole's needs. Nick isn't."

Justin frowned, after hearing Joe put down Nick's parenting skills. He wasn't sure how to take Joe's words.

"It sounds like you're saying that Nick can't handle the responsibility of being a parent." Justin suggested. "If you are, then you're wrong."

"No, Justin." Joe assured him. "No, that's not what I was saying at all. All I said was that Nick can't do it alone. He needs help. Taking care of a toddler is hard work."

"Nick can handle it." Justin said to him. "He has alot of us to count on for help if he needs it."

Joe looked at his watch and realized that there was only a few minutes left before the conference started.

"Well, I'm going to go into the conference room and talk with the press for awhile until Nick gets back." Joe said. "When he does, will you tell him to come in?"

"I sure will." Justin replied. "Good Luck."

"Thanks" Joe said, before he turned and walked away, towards the conference room doors.

Justin sat down on a nearby chair, in the lobby, and waited for Nick to come back.

****************************************************************** BACK AT THE BEST WESTERN HOTEL, IN JEFF'S ROOM....

Jeff stood there, now knowing what to say or do. But, he knew he had to do something. It was really making him jealous, watching Casey practically groping and pawing at Drew like a lovesick teenager. He decided to make his presence known.

"Get a room, you two!" Jeff snapped at them. Casey and Drew stopped their making out and looked at him.

"Sorry Jeff." Drew said, with a goofy smile on his face. "We couldn't help it. How are you feeling?"

"Terrible." Jeff said. "I took some "Chaser" tablets to get rid of my hangover. It'll take awhile for it to work, so I think I'll lay down and get some more sleep."

"That's a good idea." Casey said. "You look like you could use more rest."

"Yeah." Jeff muttered. "In the meantime, why don't you two go to the press conference. Nick needs you guys more than I do right now."

Casey and Drew looked at each other, both of them wondering if whether or not, it was a good idea to leave Jeff alone right now.

"We don't want to leave you here, all by yourself." Casey said. "You need your friends right now."

"I'm fine, now!" Jeff snarled at them. "You two don't have to babysit me! Just go!"

Drew and Casey were both very taken aback by Jeff's sudden loudness. But they both knew that he didn't really mean it. Jeff wasn't himself right now.

Drew turned to Casey.

"Why don't you go down and wait for me, in the car?" He asked Casey. "I want to talk to Jeff, alone, for a moment."

"Alright." Casey agreed, then leaned in and gave Drew another kiss on the lips.

Then he turned back to Jeff.

"Try to cheer up, Jeff." Casey said. "I'll check with you, later."

Jeff didn't say anything, so Casey turned and left the room. Once the door was closed, Drew turned back to Jeff. He was beginning to sense that there was something more going on with Jeff, then just his breakup with Danny.

"Alright, Jeff, what's going on?" Drew asked him. "You're not acting at all like yourself."

Jeff sat back down on his bed and buried his head in his hands, in exhaustion. After a moment, he lifted his head and looked back up at Drew. As he did, his mind flashed back to when he saw Drew and Casey kissing, just a few moments ago, and his eyes filled with tears. They started falling down his face.

Drew could see how much Jeff was hurting, but he still had no idea that he was part of the reason why Jeff was in so much pain. Not just because his relationship with Danny had gone sour.

Drew sat down on the bed, next to Jeff and put his arm around his shoulders, trying to offer him comfort.

"Jeff, talk to me, buddy." Drew begged, in a soft voice. "I can't stand to see you cry like this."

A sob gave way and Jeff wrapped his arms around Drew and held onto him, tightly.

"I'm sorry, Drew, I can't help it!" Jeff said, as he cried. "I hurt the one man I swore I would always love, and now he hates me!"

"Shh!" Drew soothed him. "Danny doesn't hate you. He's just hurting right now. Just give him some time to deal with his pain. He'll come around, eventually."

"No, he won't." Jeff sobbed, into Drew's shoulder. "Not now that he knows who I'm in love with."

After Jeff said that, Drew pulled back and looked up at him. He was now curious as to who it was that Jeff was in love with.

"You told him who it was?" Drew asked him.

"Yes, I did." Jeff said, with a nod, wiping his tear streaked face. "I promised him I would last night, after our dinner."

"Who is it, Jeff?" Drew asked him. "Who are you in love with?"

Jeff stood up and started pacing the room, nervously, as he tried to find the right way to tell Drew the truth. that he was the man that Jeff was in love with.

"Am I doing the right thing?" Jeff asked himself, in his thoghts. "Should I tell Drew that I'm in love with him? What if he hates me afterward? No! That can't happen!"

"Jeff?" Drew asked again, bringing Jeff back to reality. "Who is it that you're in love with?"

Jeff looked down at Drew, with tears in his eyes. He knew that he was risking alot by telling Drew of his feelings. He could possibly severely alter his relationship with Drew, as well as his friendship with Casey. But he knew he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up, forever. They would eat him alive.

Jeff slowly walked back over and sat next to Drew on the bed. He took his hands in his.

"Do you promise not to hate me if I tell you?" Jeff asked him. "I don't want you to hate me for this."

"No, Jeff." Drew said, in a soothing tone. "I could never hate you. Why would you ever think I would?"

"Because," Jeff said, putting his hands on Drew's shoulders. "The person I'm in love you."

Drew sat there, openmouthed, staring at Jeff, in shock. He couldn't believe it! Jeff was in love with him! And he'd never seen it coming.

****************************************************************** MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HOLIDAY INN HOTEL......

Justin looked at his watch. There was only one minute left until the press conference started. Nick still hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

"What's taking him so long?" Justin wondered. "How long does it take to splash some water on your face to wake yourself up?"

Just then, Nick emerged from the bathroom area. Justin stood up as Nick walked over to him.

"Do you feel better?" Justin asked him? "I was starting to get worried about you."

Nick nodded. He still looked tired, but he looked like he was alot more alert now than he had been before.

"Much better." He said. "Come on, let's get in there. There's only a minute left before the conference is aired on live TV."

Justin followed Nick into the conference room. Nick walked up on stage and sat down in a chair, on the stage, behind the podium. Joe Simpson was standing at the podium, getting ready to start off the conference with a speech.

"Alright, everyone." Joe annouced. "I am ready to begin this press conference. May I have your attention, please?"

Everyone quieted down and looked at him. At the same time, the cameras all started shooting the scenario. Joe continued.

"Thank you all for coming." He said. "As you all know I am Joe Simpson, Jessica's father. My daughter, Jessica, was critically injured, during her performance last night and this has been a devastating time for all of us."

Joe Simpson turned and looked at Nick, who was trying hard to keep his emotions in check. Then, Joe turned back to his audience.

"With me, is my son in-law, and my daughter's husband, Mr. Nick Lachey. Joe said, gesturing towards Nick. "He will now speak and share with you, more information, about Jessica's condition."

Nick then stood up and walked towards the podium where he shook hands with Joe. Then, Joe moved aside to let Nick step up to the podium.

"Hello, Everyone." Nick said, managing to keep his voice steady. "I'm Nick Lachey and I'm here to talk to everyone here, and to everyone who is watching this on television, about my wife's condition."

Nick swallowed for a moment, before going on.

"After Jessica was taken to the nearest hospital, we later found out that Jessica's injuries were alot more severe than we all realized. The docter that was on duty for that night, told us that Jessica had suffered severe head trauma and that there could be the possibility of brain damage. But, I'm afraid I have some further upsetting news."

Nick closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to hold back the sobs that were threatening to come any minute. Then, when he felt he was ready, he looked up and gave everyone the final bit of bad news.

"Jessica has slipped into a coma." Nick finished, as he hung his head.

There were a huge number of gasps from the audience. Photographers started snapping photos of Nick, up on the podium. Nick continued to talk.

"The doctors tell us that the next 48 hours are critical. If Jessica doesn't wake up from her coma within that time frame, then chances are she never will. Meanwhile, my families and friends are fearing for her life, and my beautiful 18 month old, daughter is left with only one parent to care for her."

Nick lost his composure for a moment and had to stop. He bowed his head, slowly.

"Sorry," He said, his voice cracking, slightly. "Excuse me for a moment."

the silence was overwhelming as Nick fought to control his emotions and was trying not to break down. Once the threat of sobs went away, he looked back up and looked at everyone around the room with tears in his eyes.

"The Doctors say that Jessica's chances of coming out of the coma are very lousy. At this point, only a miracle could possibly save my wife now. I'm asking you, the public, for your help."

Joe stood up and came to stand next to Nick. Nick took in a deep breath and went on.

"To all those who are present here, and those who are watching this, on television, I ask of you to pray for my wife's recovery. that is the only thing that can possibly save Jessica now and you, the public, are my last hope."

****************************************************************** AT THAT SAME TIME, BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT.......

"Oh god." I whispered to myself, as I stood at the kitchen stove. "Poor Nick. He looks like he's going through hell right now."

I turned back to the skillet and saw the the eggs were almost done. I flipped them over and added a little bit more butter to the skillet to give the eggs more flavor.

Just then, Jason came into the kitchen. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was only wearing white boxerbriefs underwear. When I saw him, my heart did a backflip of excitement. He was definitely quite a sight to see.

"So, are my eggs ready?" He asked me. I could tell that he was famished. So was I.

"Almost." I said. "Would you like some melted cheese to go with them? Then you can have an omelet?"

"Sure." Jason said, stepping over to me and taking the spatula from me. "While I finish my eggs, you go ahead and get yours ready."

"Ok." I said, turning away and heading towards the refrigerater. "Would you like anything else to go with your omelet? like Tomatoes? Peppers?"

"No thanks." Jason said. "Just the cheese will be fine."

I opened the refrigerater door and got the cheese out of the meat drawer. I shut the door, closed the refrigerater door, and turned back towards Jason. When I did, I saw him looking at the TV.

"Hey look at this." Jason said to me. "Your ex-husband is on TV right now."

"I know." I replied, as I handed him the cheddar cheese, which he accepted from me. "I heard them announce it on the news when they went to commercial break. I just turned on the TV when I came in here and saw it."

"Hand me a knife, will you, please?" Jason asked me, as he turned over his eggs again. I turned and walked towards the silverware drawer at that moment. I found one and walked back over to Jason with it.

"I think maybe I should go and take my shower right now." I said, as I handed him the knife.

"Go ahead." Jason said, accepting the knife from me. "I'll make your aggs for you."

As I started heading towards the hallway, I stopped and turned back to Jason.

"Maybe I should wait until I watch the rest of Nick's press conference." I wondered. "I don't want to miss anything he says that might be important."

"I'll watch the rest of it and tell you what you missed when you get finished with your shower, ok?" Jason said.

"Alright." I said, as I watched Jason cutting up the cheese. "I will. I'll see you in awhile."

I left the room and headed to the bathroom to take my shower.

****************************************************************** BACK AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE.............

Nick was still up on the podium, talking. He was just coming to the part where he was going to ask everyone in the room to pray for Jessica.

"I ask of everyone," Nick said. "All of you in this room, and all of you who are watching this on television, Please bow your heads and join me in prayer."

Everyone in the room, bowed their heads and closed their eyes. Nick then continued.

"Dear Lord." He said, outloud, in prayer. "We all ask of you to help all of us as we go through this difficult time. Help me find the strength to go on and take care of my little girl. Help my friends and my family deal with their emotions during this crisis. Most of all, please aid Jessica in her recovery. We all love her and we don't want her to leave us."

Nick choked up a bit, during the prayer, but nevertheless, he kept going.

"She is too young to die. She has too much left to do. Too much to live for. There are so many people who care about her and together, I believe that our efforts will help her. But, ultimately, it is up to you, Lord. Please, don't take Jessica away from us. My daughter needs her. We all do.....

Nick couldn't think of anything else to say, so he decided to end the prayer there.

"Amen." He finished.

The world "Amen" echoed throughout the room, as everyone else ended the prayer with him. Then, Joe hugged Nick, briefly, and stepped back up to the podium, while Nick walked over to sit next to Justin, onstage.

"Thank you, everyone, for your time and your prayers." He said. "I have no doubt that they've helped my family, immensely. This press conference is adjourned."

Everyone got up and started heading for the exit. As they did, Joe turned and headed over to where Justin and Nick were sitting. Nick was drying his tears, and Justin was talking to him, softly.

"Are you alright, Nick?" Joe asked him. "That prayer was a little intense."

Nick nodded, as he stood up.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Nick said, looking up at Joe. "I just hope that this hasn't all been for nothing."

"Of course it hasn't." Joe said. "We did what we could. Now all we have to do is wait. and Hope."

Yeah." Nick said, looking very distant all of a sudden. "Come on, let's get to the hospital. I have to see Jessica."

****************************************************************** MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HOSPITAL...............

Tina was sitting next to Jessica's bedside, watching her. Jessica still hadn't shown any signs of coming out of her coma. Tina was exhausted. She had been there, all night and all morning.

"I hate to see you like this, sweetie." Tina whispered, sadly. "I only wish that your father and Nick were here right now. But, they're at a press conference that they've held to see if they can get the public to pray for your recovery. I just hope it works."

At that moment, Jessica's eyes started to move. It looked like she was trying to open them.

"Oh my God!" Tina exclaimed, as she leaned in closer to get a better look. "Jessica! Sweetie, can you hear me?!"

Jessica's eyes continued to flutter. Tina got up and ran over to the door and flung it open.

"Get a Doctor in here, quick!" She shouted out. "I think my daughter is finally starting to wake up!"

Tina turned around and quickly moved back over to Jessica's beside. She grasped Jessica's hand and squeezed it.

"Honey, I'm here." She called out to Jessica. "I'm here with you."

Slowly, Jessica's eyes opened.

"Oh, Honey!" Tina exclaimed. "You're awake! Thank God you're alright!"

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"Will Jessica make a full recovery? Or will the worst happen?"

"What will Drew do now that he knnows that Jeff is in love with him?"

"Will Sean really be able to move on with Jason and put Nick behind him?"

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 92

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