My Everything

By slpwriter

Published on Oct 13, 2006


Hello, Everyone!

I'm back with another chapter of "My Everything.

Now on with the story.

First of all, let me just say that this is my first time writing any kind of fiction like this.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of total fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of Nick and Drew Lachey or anyone else mentioned in this story.

If you are too young to read this, or if Homosexuality offends you, then please don't continue any further and leave.

Also, here is an updated list of a few more stories that 98 Degrees are in on Nifty.

Other 98 Degrees stories I'd like to recommend are.

"Give Me Just One Night" by Unanoche. "69 with Jeff Timmons" by Zachary Scott Pritt "Nick Lachey" by Ken. "98 Degrees Is Hot" by Gay Night "The Reunion" by RinSong. "Loving Nick Lachey" by Jordan "Playing Doctor with 98 Degrees" by Brian "This Gift" by Sprout "Shut Up" by Anonymous "What I feel for you" by Thack and finally:

"All that Matters" By Jason Phillips."

NEWSFLASH: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson are officially separating after 3 years of marriage. Whatever happens, I wish both of them, nothing but the best!"

Now, I"ll let you get on with the story.


********** CHAPTER 95 **********


Nick pulled a chair from the visiting table and moved it over to where he could sit in front of Sean. He put it in place and sat down.

Then, he looked up at Sean, the tears starting to fall down his face.

"Sean, can you hear me?" He asked, hoping that Sean could hear him and know that he was there.

But Sean gave no indication that he had heard Nick speak to him.

"It's Nick." Nick tried again. "I'm here with you."

Still, no response from Sean that he even heard Nick.

Nick's lower lip trembled, as he tried to think of something else to say. But, he just couldn't find the words. Then, he buried his face in his hands as he sobbed his heart out.

"Why did this have to happen to you?" Nick sobbed out loud. "Why now?"

Nick glanced at Sean once more, as he wiped at his wet face. Then, he came up with a theory of why this was happening to Sean.

"If I ever get my hands on that inmate who tried to rape you," Nick said, angrily. "I'll send him to the gates of hell, myself!"

Nick looked down at one of his hands, which was balled up into a fist. When he saw that, he calmed down a little and relaxed his clenched fist, causing his hand to uncurl.

Nick then look back over at Sean, but this time, he looked down at Sean's hands, which were sitting in his lap.

Nick brought his hands forward and clasped one of Sean's hands within his.

"Sean," Nick said. "If you can hear me, please come back to us. You have to fight. Please, don't give up now. Don't give up on all of us."

Sean still gave no indication that he could hear Nick.

"Don't give up on yourself, either." Nick continued. "You still have so much left to fight for. You have friends who are depending on you to be there for all the important events that are going to take place in their future lives."

Nick then thought of all the people that were going to have certain events take place in their lives.

"Kandi and Justin are getting married." Nick continued. "Jake and Michelle are doing the same, but with a baby on the way. You have to be with us for all of that. But you can't do that unless you come back to us."

Nick stopped there. He had run out of things to say. He didn't know what else to say. All he could do was sit there and stare at Sean, in his catatonic state.

Finally, Nick could take it any longer. he let go of Sean's hand and his head fell forward into Sean's lap.

"Please, Sean." Nick sobbed to himself. "Please come out of this. I can't stand to see you like this, anymore. You have to get better. You just have to."

Nick couldn't say anything more and continued to sob in Sean's lap. Sean's one hand, that Nick had been holding was right next to his head. Suddenly, it began to move.

First, the fingers moved a little bit. Then the hand started to lift off of Sean's lap. It slowly came down onto Nick's head. Then a word was heard.


Feeling something touch his head and then hearing Sean's voice, Nick's head shot up.


******************************************************* BACK AT THE HOSPITAL......

Cate and John Lachey entered Jessica's room and they exchanged greetings with Tina and Jessica. Cate was holding Nicole in her arms.

"Someone here misses her Mommy." Cate said, as she handed Nicole over to Jessica.

Jessica accepted the little toddler and held her close, hugging her.

"Hey, my little one." She whispered to Nicole. "Did you miss me? I missed you so much."

Jessica looked up at Cate and John, wondering if they had had any problems caring for Nicole while she was in the hospital.

"I hope that she wasn't any trouble for you two?" Jessica asked them.

"Oh, no." Cate said, waving it off. "Of course not. My little granddaughter is never any trouble. She was a very good girl for us."

Jessica nodded, with a smile.

"That's good, I'm glad." Jessica replied. "I thought that she might have been a little fussy since I wasn't with her for a few days."

"She was for a while." Cate told her. "Nick has said that she might be a little bit fussy because she missed you."

Jessica then wondered how Nick was doing, taking care of their daughter. She knew how much Nick loved his little girl, but she also knew that even Nick got tired out from taking care of Nicole. Especially since she was a very active soon to be 2 year old.

"Has Nick had any problems caring for Nicole while I've been in here?" Jessica asked Cate.

Cate shook her head.

"I don't think so." She said, softly. "Actually, Nick has been taking care of Nicole almost exactly the way you do."

Jessica smiled, as she nodded her head.

"That doesn't really surprise me." She said, cheerfully. "I always knew that Nick would be a wonderful father."

"Speaking of Nick," John suddenly said. "Where is that son of ours anyway?"

******************************************************* BACK AT THE PENITENTIARY.............

Nick put his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in for a quick hug.

"Thank God you're alright!" Nick said to me. "I was so worried about you when Selina told me what happened to you, here, last night.

I frowned at him, wondering what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. "What happened to me, last night?"

Nick looked at me, in shock.

"You were attacked by an inmate, who was in your cell with you, last night." He said, in shock. "Don't you remember?"

I shook my head.

"All I remember was falling asleep in my cell," I said to him. "and I just woke up now to seeing you sitting here, with your head in my lap, crying."

Nick was speechless at that moment. I could see that he was shocked by what I'd just told him. I couldn't remember what had happened to me. But, I had a feeling that it had to have been really bad for Nick to be this upset over it.

"Sean, you don't understand." Nick said, when he'd gotten his voice back. "After you were attacked last night, you had a nervous breakdown and went into a catatonic state. And you've been that way ever since then."

I frowned at him, in shock, as he continued talking.

"Selina and Danny came down here to visit with you earlier and the guards, who came to your aid, when they heard your cries for help, said that you were unresponsive after your attack. You didn't seem to hear them when they were talking to you. And if you did, you couldn't respond."

I was blown away by what Nick was telling me. I couldn't believe it! But when I thought about it again, I realized that maybe it was possible. Being in this awful prison would make anyone go out of their mind.

"Now that I think about it," I said to him. "I'm not that surprised by it. If I hadn't had a nervous breakdown from being attacked, I would have had one at another time, anyway."

"How can you say that?!" Nick said, in a stunned voice. "You're alot stronger than you give yourself credit for!"

I shook my head, in disagreement. I didn't see my situation the same way that he did.

"I'm sorry, Nick, but I disagree." I replied. "I'm not that strong. If I were not in here, than maybe you would be right. But you and I both know that I can't fight my battles from inside a state prison."

I sighed, heavily, as I tried to keep from breaking down in tears, over the fact that I could possibly be staying here in prison if the issue of bail was denied at my hearing, which hadn't been scheduled yet.

"I don't think that I have the strength to fight anymore, Nick." I said, in an emotional tone. "The way things stand right now, the only thing that can save me right now, is a miracle."

Hearing the despair in my voice only made Nick more angry. He looked at me and held a finger in my face.

"Don't you ever talk that way again!" He said to me, his tone dead-serious. "I'm not going to let you give up on yourself now! You WILL get out of here! It's only a matter of time!"

I just buried my face in my hands as I tried, in vain to hold back the sobs that were threatening to come any minute.

"I really wish I could believe that, Nick." I said, sadly. "But the longer I'm in here, the more I'm starting to think that.."

I was interrupted by the sound of Nick's cell phone ringing.

"Hold on." Nick said, as he grabbed his phone to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Nick, it's Selina." He heard Selina's voice say.

"Selina, hi!" Nick said, looking up at me. "What's up?"

"I have great news for you," Selina said, with a smile on her face. "Sean's hearing is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning."

"Oh Selina, that is wonderful news!" Nick said, in total relief. "Wait until I tell Sean. I'm visiting with him right now."

seeing the look on Nick's face and hearing the excitement in his voice, was starting to have an effect on me. Although I didn't know what this good news was yet, I could feel myself starting to find hope again.

"You're visiting with Sean right now?!" Selina asked Nick, in shock. "How is he?"

Nick looked up at me and smiled.

"He's doing so much better Selina." He told her. "Sean's come out of his catatonic state and is now back to his old self again."

"Nick, that is great news!" Selina said to him. "I'll call the others back at Sean's apartment and let them know what's going on. I'm just about finished with my work, here at the office. When I finish up, I'm going to head home and get some rest. I have to be up extra early so that I can prepare for Sean's Defense."

"Alright, Selina." Nick said to her. "I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. Goodnight."

As soon as Nick got off of the phone, he looked up at me and smiled that beautiful smile of his.

"It looks like your miracle has just happened." Nick said to me. "Selina told me that your hearing has been scheduled for 9:00 a.m tomorrow morning."

My jaw dropped open in shock. Emotions of joy welled up within my body over this news. It was the best news I'd heard since I was brought into prison.

"Are you serious?!" I asked him. "This is for real?!"

"Yes, this is very real." Nick said, laughing. "By tomorrow morning you could be out of this hell hole and back into your own home again!"

I still sat there, with my eyes wide open and my jaw hanging to the floor. But, once the good news really sank in, I practically leapt into Nick's arms.

"I can't believe this!" I cried out, in relief, tears of happiness streaming down my face. "If things go well tomorrow, I could be coming home!"

Nick hugged me, tighter. It felt so good to be hugging him. I finally felt like I could breathe again. And that, little by little, my life was going to get better. And I had Nick to thank for that, because, once again, he'd come to my rescue when I'd needed him most.

I pulled back from our hug so that I could look into his face. And to my surprise, Nick also had tears in his eyes. And that smile of his was infectious. We both laughed again as we looked at each other and I pulled him close to me again, wanting to enjoy this moment as long as I could.

"Nick, thank you so much for believing in me." I said to him. "I don't know how I could have gotten through this without your support."

Nick pulled back from our embrace and wiped at his eyes, momentarily.

"I will always believe in you, Sean." Nick whispered to me. "As long as you remember that and have faith that things will turn out alright, then there is nothing that you can't overcome."

Before I could say anything else, the door to the visiting room opened and two guards came rushing in, followed by the Warden.

"Mr. Lachey, I thought we told you to tell us that Mr. Perry came out of his catatonic state, the moment it happened." The Warden said, with a stern look on his face.

"I know." Nick said, still smiling. "I was just so relieved that he was alright that we just got to talking and we got carried away."

The Warden wasn't sure he liked that excuse, but looked like he would accept it anyway.

"Very well." The Warden replied. "Since Mr. Perry seems to be alright at the moment, I'll overlook it. This time."

Nick nodded, in appreciation.

"Thank you, Warden." He replied to the Warden. The Warden nodded back as his way of saying "Thank you."

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid I have to end this little visit between you two right now." The Warden said. "We need to take Mr. Perry down to the infirmary to be examined by the doctor to see if his mental state is alright now."

I felt my heart sink when I heard that Nick had to leave. It'd felt like he had just gotten here. and now our time together was being ended so soon.

"Alright, Warden." Nick said to him. Then he looked down at me. "Get some rest, Sean. You have a big day to prepare for, tomorrow."

I nodded at him, still smiling.

"Thank you so much for everything, Nick." I said, as one of the prison guards started to turn my wheelchair around to wheel me out of the room. "Give our friends my love and tell Jason that I'll see him soon."

"I will." Nick said to me. "I'm headed back to your place right now to give them all the good news. I can't wait to see the looks on all of their faces when I do."

By now, my wheelchair was turned around so that I couldn't see Nick anymore, so I called after him.

"Goodbye, Nick." I'll see you in court, tomorrow." I said, as I was being wheeled out of the room.

"You bet." Nick said. "Later, Sean."

Then the guards shut the door, leaving Nick alone in the visiting room, with the Warden.

Nick turned back to the Warden, wanting to give him the news about Sean's hearing in the morning.

"Warden, I've just been informed by Sean's attorney that his court hearing is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning." Nick told him.

"Thanks for the info, Mr. Lachey." The Warden replied. "I'll make sure that Mr. Perry is brought to the hearing tomorrow."

"Thank you." Nick said to him. "And before we wrap up this visit, there is something I'd like to ask you?"

"Certainly." The Warden replied. "What is it?"

Nick was wondering about how the situation was resolved with the cell mate who'd attacked Sean last night.

"Will Sean be staying in his cell again with the same inmate who attacked him before?"

"No." The Warden said, shaking his head. "In order for us to ensure that Mr. Perry is not attacked like that, again, we're going to make arrangements for him to be moved into a cell of his own where he will have no contact with any of the other prisoners."

"That's a good idea." Nick agreed. "Sean has been through enough hell, already."

The Warden then brought up something else.

"Also, we're going to have Mr. Perry transferred back to the Orlando Police Department later this evening, so that he can get some rest there and be ready for his hearing tomorrow."

"That is wonderful news, Warden." Nick said to the Warden. He extended out his hand to the Warden and they shook hands, briefly. "Thank you for your time."

"My pleasure, Mr. Lachey." The Warden said, with a smile. "I hope that your wife will be alright."

"Thank you." Nick said, as he turned and walked out of the visiting room.

As Nick exited the penitentiary and walked through the parking lot to his car, he remembered that he had some unfinished business to take care of.

"Now, Jessica, you and I have to talk about where we go from here, now that I know the results from your pregnancy test.' He said, out loud.

As Nick was about to get into his car, suddenly, a strange feeling came over him. Almost like the feeling you get when you feel as though you're being watched.

Frowning, Nick turned and looked in every which direction to see if someone was nearby. But there wasn't a person in sight.

Nick quickly got into his car and made sure that the doors were locked, the moment he was safely inside. He started the engine and started pulling out of the parking lot.

Only once he had gotten onto the freeway and had started driving back to Sean's apartment, did he relax.

"That was weird." Nick said to himself. "I felt like I was being watched, somehow." But there wasn't anyone around."

Nick started to wonder if maybe he was just being paranoid, considering the stress that he had been under lately.

"Alright, Nick, get a grip." Nick told himself. "It was probably just your imagination."

Nick reached down and turned on the radio to listen to some music, while he drove. After about half an hour, he pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

He got out of the car and started walking into the hospital.

******************************************************* BACK AT SEAN'S APARTMENT........

Justin and Kandi were both sitting on the couch together in the living room. Jeff, who was now up out of bed, was sitting in the love seat, next to Jason. Danny was sitting on the other end of the couch, next to Justin and Kandi.

they were talking about Sean being in prison and how terrible they all felt for him.

"I can't believe this has happened to Sean." Jason said, sadly. "My heart breaks for what he's going through right now."

"All of us feel that way, Jason." Danny said to him. "I never, in my entire life, thought that Sean would ever have any trouble with the law." So, you can imagine what a shock it was to find out that my best friend is being accused of murder."

Jeff didn't seem to be listening. He had a far away look in his eyes, which obviously meant that he was thinking about Drew. It was becoming more and more obvious that Jeff's feelings for Drew were very real.

As Justin, Kandi, and Jason were talking, Danny looked over at Jeff and saw the look in his eyes. And as much as it hurt him to see, he felt he had to talk to Jeff about it.

"Jeff, are you ok?" Danny asked him.

Jeff snapped out of his deep thoughts and saw everyone looking at him.

"Huh?" He asked, looking over at Danny, thinking he had heard his voice.

"I asked you if you are ok?" Danny repeated. "You looked like you were a million miles away."

Jeff's eyes shifted to the floor. He couldn't look Danny in the eye. But he had a feeling that Danny knew exactly what was bothering him.

"Yeah, I was." Jeff said. "But, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Danny didn't seem to buy Jeff's word. Neither did anyone else. Danny then stood up.

"Jeff, let's, you and I, go for a walk on the beach, ok?" Danny asked him. "I need to talk to you about something."

Jeff felt a little uncomfortable right then. He was pretty sure what Danny wanted to talk to him about. But even if he was wrong, he needed to talk with Danny anyway. They had some unfinished business to settle between them.

"That's a good idea." Jeff said to Danny. "I could use the fresh air. Besides, there's something I need to talk with you about, too."

"Alright." Danny said, nodding. "Come on."

Danny and Jeff both headed for the door. As Danny opened the door, Kandi called out to them.

"You both be nice, ok?" Kandi warned them. "If you two cause a scene in front of a bunch of onlookers, I'll kick both your asses! You got it?!"

That caused Jason and Justin to chuckle a bit. Danny and Jeff both smiled at her.

"You have nothing to worry about, Kandi." Jeff told her. "I'm tired of fighting. All I want to do is talk. I'm sure Danny will agree with me."

Jeff looked over at Danny for confirmation.

"Right Danny?" he asked him. Danny nodded.

"Right, Jeff." Danny replied. "Now, come on. Let's go for that walk."

Jeff nodded and they both turned and headed out the door.

"Bye guys!" Jason called out to them. Danny and Jeff both waved to him before they shut the door behind them.

When they were gone, Jason turned back to Justin and Kandi.

"What's up with those two?" Jason asked them. "They seem like they're having problems with each other or something?"

"They are, man." Justin said to Jason. "Just days ago they were a couple, but due to complications, they've broken up."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jason said, sympathetically. "They both seem like nice guys."

"They are, Hon." Kandi said to him. "They were great together. I just hope that they can work things out between them. I believe that they belong together."

Jason nodded, in agreement.

"It sure seems that way to me." He replied. "Just like Sean and I are meant for each other."

Then Jason thought of something that he had wanted to do. But now wasn't the time.

"And speaking of Sean," Jason said. "I have a surprise for him once he's out of jail on bond. I'm sure he'll like it. At least I hope he will."

"What sort of surprise?" Kandi asked him, curiously.

Jason grinned.

"Sorry." He said to her. "This is a surprise only for Sean right now. You'll find out soon enough what it is."

"Aw, come on." Kandi begged him. "I'm dying to know. Can't you give us a hint?"

Nope." Jason chuckled, shaking his head. "You're just going to have to wait until Sean's out of prison."

Justin and Kandi groaned, as they could see that they weren't going to get anything more out of Jason about his surprise for Sean. Then Jason looked down at his watch.

"Damn! Look at the time!" Jason said. "I have to head out to work at the gym. I'm training a client in about 15 minutes."

Jason got up and headed towards the door. Justin got up to see him out.

"Will you be back at all today?" Justin asked him. "I was thinking of maybe asking Jeff and Danny if they'd like to hang out on the beach for awhile today. We could go swimming and maybe cook some food out on Sean's grill. It'd be cool if you could join us."

Jason thought that was a good idea. He hadn't really gotten to hang out with any of Sean's friends much since before Christmas day.

"I'm not sure." Jason said to him. "I may have to work tonight at my bartending job. But, we'll see how it goes."

"Yeah, I guess we will.' Justin said. "Later, man."

Justin and Jason shook hands quickly and Jason left the house. Justin closed the door and walked back to sit beside Kandi on the couch.

"Do you have any idea what Jason's surprise for Sean might be, Babe?" Kandi asked him.

"Your guess is as good as mine, Sweetheart." Justin said, before giving Kandi a kiss on the cheek. "But we're just going to have to wait and see."

Kandi sighed and leaned her head into Justin's shoulder. She looked up at him and saw him looking down, and smiling, at her. She smiled back. Then Justin leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

"Well we have some time to ourselves until Jeff and Danny come back." Justin said to her, with a grin on his face. "So, let's go make the most of it!"

Justin stood up and pulled Kandi up with him. Then they kissed again. After that kiss, they both started walking, hand in hand, towards Sean's guest bedroom.

******************************************************* OUTSIDE ON THE BEACH...............

Danny and Jeff walked along the beach, side by side, in silence. They both knew that they needed to talk, but neither one of them knew where to begin.

"Jeff?" Danny said, finally breaking the silence between them. "When you looked a million miles away, back at the house, you were thinking about Drew, weren't you?"

Jeff looked over at Danny and looked him in the face. He could see the seriousness in Danny's expression, as well as the lingering hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah." Jeff replied, softly. "I wish I knew what was going through Drew's head right now. I told him how I felt about him before he went back to New York with Casey. But I haven't heard from him since then."

Danny swallowed the lump in his throat that seemed to be getting more and more painful with Jeff talking about his feelings for Drew.

"Well, can you really blame him?" Danny asked him. "That's alot for him to absorb. Not to mention the fact that Drew now has to worry about how Casey is going to react when he finds out that you're in love with his boyfriend."

Jeff sighed in frustration. He knew that Danny was right. This wasn't going to be a picnic for Casey once he found out about Jeff's feelings for Drew.

"Yeah, I know." Jeff said. "And I don't know what the future holds for me. All I know is that I've never been more lost and confused in my life."

Danny saw just how much Jeff's situation was weighing on him. Jeff was going through something that nobody should have to go through. Being in love with two people at one time was stressful for anyone. And now Jeff was going to have to choose which one of them he wanted to have a future with.

"Well," Danny said, as a tear ran down his cheek. "If Drew really means that much to you, then why don't you call him?"

Jeff turned and looked at Danny, in shock. Why was Danny saying this? It was like Danny was encouraging him to go after Drew.

"Call him?" Jeff asked, in shock. "Why? It's not going to solve anything. And I really should be talking to him in person, not over the phone."

Danny took in a deep breath. He was about to suggest something that would no doubt shock Jeff.

"Then you should go to him." Danny said to Jeff.

Jeff stopped walking and looked over at Danny in complete shock. He was amazed that Danny would even suggest that.

"What?" Jeff asked him in shock.

"You heard me." Danny said, seriously. "Hop on a plane and pay Drew a visit in New York. It's the only way you're going to get your answers so that you can start making some decisions about your future."

Jeff frowned, in confusion, still stunned by Danny's new found attitude. It made him wonder what was going on inside Danny's head at that moment.

"Danny, why are you encouraging me to go after Drew?" Jeff asked him. "I don't understand."

Now, Danny was starting to get upset over Jeff's questions.

"Well, if you go to see Drew to talk to him," Danny said, angrily. "You will either get the chance to find out if he feels the same way you do, or if you'll get shot down with one blow by Casey and be sent back home to lick your wounds and start the healing process so that you can move on!"

Danny looked at Jeff in the eyes and again wiped at the tears that had started falling down his face.

"I just want you to be happy, Jeff." Danny said to him. "Whether it's with Drew...."

Danny cut off here, as his tears started to overwhelm him. When he felt like he was ready to speak again, he looked back up at Jeff.

"Or with me." He said, finally. Jeff looked at Danny, sympathetically.

"I'm sorry." Jeff said, hanging his head. "I know how much it hurts you to know that I have feelings for someone else."

"Yes, Jeff, it does!" Danny said, harshly. "And as much as I hate you right now...I still love you just as much."

Jeff's mouth fell open a little bit when he heard Danny's revelation. But before he could say anything, Danny continued.

"As I said before, Jeff, I just want you to be happy." Danny said, again. "Even it if isn't with me."

Jeff stared at Danny, intensely, his blonde hair fluttering in the wind.

"So, Go!" Danny said, above the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. "Go and find the man that you love! Get on with your life!"

Seeing just how much it took for Danny to say all of this to him, given how hurt he was over the situation, really made Jeff realize that Danny was a stronger man than he gave him credit for.

Jeff stepped towards Danny and cupped his face in his hands. Then he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Danny's lips. Danny made no move to resist it, and kissed Jeff back, as his tears continued to fall down his cheeks.

After pulling back from kissing Danny, Jeff hugged him close.

"Thank you." He whispered into Danny ear. "You really are the best, you know that?"

Danny didn't respond to that. Then Jeff pulled away and looked Danny in the face.

"I'm going to go back down to the house and book a flight to New York City." Jeff said to him. "Do you want to come back with me?"

Danny shook his head.

"No, I think I just want to hang around out here for awhile and clear my head." Danny said to him. "You go ahead."

"Ok." Jeff said, nodding. "I'll see you later to say goodbye."

Danny nodded, and Jeff kissed him, again, this time, on the forehead.

"I love you." He said to Danny. "that will never change. Whether we're a couple or not, I will love you until the day I die."

Danny stared into Jeff's eyes and saw that there was still some truth to those words. He could see that Jeff had meant them. But it didn't seem to make any difference now. Not now that Jeff's heart belonged to someone else.

"Goodbye, Danny." Jeff said, patting Danny on the arm, as he walked by him and headed back to the apartment.

When Jeff was about 5 steps away, Danny turned back towards him.

"Jeff?!" Danny called out to him. Jeff turned around to see what he wanted.

"What?" Jeff asked him.

Danny stared at Jeff for a moment, taking in the beauty of Jeff's blue eyes, as well as his hair. Not to mention his fine chiseled physique. It was like he was looking at Jeff for the last time before he finally let him go.

"Good Luck." Danny said to him. Jeff smiled.

"Thanks." He said. "I'm sure I'm going to need it."

With those last words spoken, Jeff turned around and continued walking towards the apartment.

Danny walked over to a nearby rock and sat down on it. He looked out at the blue waters of the ocean and watched the waves that were crashing in the distance. He saw some surfers here and there, riding the waves on their surfboards.

He looked back towards Jeff, who was now quite a distance away. He was almost to the house.

"Goodbye, Jeff." Danny whispered. "And I love you, too."

Finally, Danny couldn't hold back any longer. He broke down, crying, and buried his face into his hands.

******************************************************* MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HOSPITAL.......

Nick walked through the hallways of the hospital and headed to Jessica's room. He stopped just at the door and peeked inside.

There, he saw Jessica sitting up in bed. Nick also noticed that his parents, John and Cate were there, as were Tina and Joe. Nicole was there too, sitting right in Jessica's lap.

Nick smiled when he saw that his precious little baby girl was there. He hadn't seen her since last night and he'd missed her.

Nick chose that moment to make his presence known. He entered the room. Once he did, all eyes were on him.

"Hi, Son." John said to Nick. "Where have you been?"

"Just taking care of some personal business, Dad." Nick replied to him. "Now if it isn't too much to ask, would you all mind giving Jessica and I a moment alone together? We have alot to talk about."

"Sure thing." John said. "Tina and Joe, will you see us outside?"

"Sure." Tina said to him. "Just let me get Nicole, first."

Tina reached over and picked up Nicole from Jessica's lap. Once she dis, she leaned down and kissed Jessica on the cheek.

"We'll be out in the waiting room until you two are finished talking." Tina told her.

"Thanks, Mom." Jessica said, softly. "I just hope that Nick and I can work things out."

"I hope so too, Baby." Tina whispered to her. then she turned and walked out of the room with Nicole.

Cate kissed Nick on the cheek, and John touched Nick on the shoulder briefly, before they both left the room. Joe was the last to leave.

"I hope that what you and Jessica have to talk about is good news for a change." Joe whispered to Nick. "My daughter's been through enough, already."

Nick nodded at Joe, but didn't say anything. Joe turned to Jessica.

"I'll talk to you in a bit, Princess." He said to Jessica.

"Ok, Daddy." Jessica said, with a smile on her face.

Then, Joe left the room, leaving Nick alone in the room with Jessica.

When, everyone was gone, Jessica looked back at Nick and saw him looking at her, his face all serious.

"So, Baby," She said to him. "what did you want to talk to me about?"

Nick walked over and sat down in the chair beside her bed. He looked up at her and saw how happy she seemed to see him. It only made what he had to tell her alot harder.

"First, I need you to look at this." Nick said to her. He reached into his inside suit coat pocket and pulled a piece of paper out of it. He handed it to her.

"What's this?" Jessica asked, frowning, as she accepted the paper from Nick.

"It's the results of your pregnancy test." Nick told her. "While you were in acoma, I took the liberty of having the doctor draw some of your blood so that we could find out for sure if you were really pregnant or not."

"And?" Jessica urged him on. "What's the verdict?"

Nick gestured towards the paper.

"Read it for yourself and find out." He said to her.

Frowning, Jessica looked down at the paper and started reading it. When she came down to the final results, her mouth fell open and she looked up at Nick, her eyes wide. But before she could say anything, Nick spoke for her.

"How could you lie to me about a pregnancy that was never true?" Nick asked her, the hurt evident in his voice. "That's the one thing I thought that you would never do."

Jessica continued to gaze at Nick, totally speechless, as tears started falling down her cheeks.

"Nick, I'm so sorry." She said to him. "I was sure that I was pregnant."

Oh, don't give me that!" Nick said. "You knew as well as I did that that neither one of those home pregnancy tests could prove that you were pregnant for sure!"

"But, Nick!" Jessica said, as she wiped at her tears. "You know that home pregnancy tests are more accurate now these days! I had no reason to believe that I was wrong!"

"Well you were!" Nick said. "And the way you had to rub your pregnancy in Sean's face, when it wasn't even true, was even more cruel!"

Jessica couldn't say anything else. All she could do was cover her face in her hands and sob.

"I've had it, Jessica." Nick said to her. "You and I can't go on like this, anymore!"

Jessica looked up at Nick, through her tears and saw just how serious Nick was at the moment.

"What are you saying, Nick?" Jessica asked him, not sure she even wanted to know the answer to her question.

Nick looked up at Jessica, sternly. He was finally at the end of his rope with her.

"I'm saying that I want a divorce." Nick said to her.

To Be Continued........?

Well, that's all for this one. I hope you all enjoyed it!

"What happens next?" Oh, if you only knew!"

Stay tuned.

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