My Favorite Freshman

By DurtyRiter

Published on Nov 18, 2020


Disclaimer: This is an Adam's Gay Reader pulp story (#239) written by Derek Olson. There is no copyright on it, so I wanted to share it with others before it gets lost forever. This story includes sex between adult males. If this is unappealing or illegal in your location, please do not read this story.

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Chapter 12: Monopoly

For the rest of the year it was a struggle to find a time and place to get together with Zack. His parents were usually home. The great outdoors was way too cold for the kind of activities we had in mind. And because of my roommate, who was straight, my dorm room was pretty much off limits.

So it was off-again, on-again with Zack. We survived. I'm sure the stud had some other action going, though he never told me about it. Me, I had a real active one-handed sex life that kept me going between times with Zack. Some good books, good magazines . . .

But then it was spring break. Time to make up for lost time -- yeah! I invited Zack to come spend a few days with me in Greenville, and, to my surprise, he talked his parents into letting him. He told them I was like a "big brother," someone who knew the college scene and might be able to talk him into going to college the next fall.

So he came down. Met my dad and brother Tom. (My parents had divorced when I was eight and Dad had gotten custody of us two boys and raised us single-handed.)

Now I have to tell you a little about Tom and me. We grew up as farm brothers, which means we were "wised up" to sex stuff at a tender age. Once we hit our teen years we both talked about sex all the time -- the way some people talk about the weather. Dad overheard us lots of times and it never bothered him a bit.

The other thing about Tom and me is that we were pretty similar guys. We looked alike, we thought alike, we liked the same sports, we had the same fantasies -- well, maybe not. Tom was always a little crazier than I was. He had a streak of fun-loving, hell-raising spunk in him that was missing from me.

(That's why Dad wanted me to take over the farm, rather than Tom.)

So what I'm telling you is, when I saw the way my brother looked at Zack when he first saw him, I wondered what was going through his head. I knew Tom liked guys, especially good-looking dudes like Zack. And I also suspected that Zack had an open mind when it came to new guys.

Well, these two guys were like the positive poles of two magnets -- they were so alike, so macho, that they repelled each other. It was subtle at first. As we wandered around the farm, they'd get into arguments. Dumb stuff like who was the best infielder in the American League East, or what was the best sports car on the market. Dipshit stuff.

Then more physical things, like who could climb a rope that hung from the roof of our barn. (They both could.) Or who could swim across the watering hole and back underwater without coming up for breath. (They both could.)

I got a kick out of watching the rivalry build between my brother and my best friend. They were both hot guys -- especially at the watering hole, where they'd both stripped naked for the swimming test.

Comparing their bodies, I'd say they were the same height, same color eyes and hair, same totally masculine look. But my brother Tom had a heavier build. His muscles were bulkier, less defined than Zack's.

And Tom was definitely hairier. I'd always envied him the mat of hair across his chest. (Only now was I starting to get a few wisps of hair on my chest.) His tiny nipples were almost invisible under all that wiry hair.

I can't say my brother's cock was invisible under his pubes, though! Tom was hung and a half. He had this champion schlong. I envied him that even more than his body hair.

Eventually Zack and Tom got down to wrestling. They stripped to the waist and went at it for half an hour. Zack took the first two falls but then he got tired and gave up the next two falls. That's when Dad called us to dinner. I noticed both Zack and my brother had bulges in their pants.

At dinner some new argument came up. I can't remember what it was about -- only that Dad, out of politeness to a guest, took Zack's side of it, which I could see infuriated my brother. He hated to lose at anything, even a stupid argument.

After dinner Tom had the idea of playing strip poker. Zack said he didn't like poker. Tom said, okay, strip Monopoly. Zack laughed.

"What's that?"

"You afraid to play?" jeered Tom.

"Shit, no. Just want to know how you play it."

"Come on, we'll show you."

So Zack, Tom, and I went up to Tom's room, leaving Dad to watch TV.

We spread out the board and Tom explained the rules. Normal rules of Monopoly except when somebody got a house or a hotel on one of his properties, he got to order one of the other players to take something off. It was a game Tom and I had played in the past, with each other and with friends.

So we began. From the start Tom had all the luck. He kept landing on properties that no one owned, kept buying them up, and got a slew of monopolies before either Zack or I knew what had hit us.

Then Tom began putting up houses. He had first Zack, then me, then Zack, then me, take off shoes and socks. Then he changed his strategy. Just had Zack remove: his shirt, his belt, his jeans.

I felt kind of sorry for Zack so I traded a couple properties with him so he could have a monopoly. He managed to put up a few houses. Each time, he ordered Tom to take something off. Pretty soon Tom was wearing only his jeans -- and whatever he had underneath.

Zack was sitting there in his skivvies. You might say he was a sitting duck. It was only a matter of time before Tom would build a hotel. It came on his next turn!

"Okay, stud, let's see you go down to the skin," he said triumphantly.

Zack played it as cool as he could. He didn't pussyfoot. He stood right up, hooked both thumbs under the elastic band, and whipped off his briefs, all the time smirking into Tom's face.

"There," he said.

Tom and I stared at the newly exposed cock, dangling free, looking -- well, not totally slack. The thing seemed to be showing signs of liveliness. A little twitch. A slight swelling.

"Sit down," commanded Tom.

"Why? The game's over," said Zack.

"Not yet. We keep playing."

Zack looked puzzled but sat down. There was a new tension in the air.

As my brother built new hotels, he had me strip down till I, too, was naked. But when it was my turn to take down my briefs, my rod sprung free at an angle -- I was turned on by the game and my cock was telegraphing that fact.

Zack's turn.

He landed on "Community Chest." Drew a card. It read: "Go to Jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200.

"Only one way to get out of jail," said Tom. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out of the bottom drawer a pair of real handcuffs.

"Go to hell," said Zack.

"You chicken?"

"Go to hell," repeated Zack.

"This is how we play, isn't it, Jesse?"

It wasn't. We had never kept playing like this before. But I was feeling so horny, so heated up by the scene, that I went along.

"Yeah, it is," I said. Tom gave me a grin.

"Hold out your hands," said Tom.

Zack looked at me. I nodded. He held out his wrists and Tom snapped on the cuffs. They looked cold and metallic and strong, not like toys.

We kept on playing till Zack ran out of money, landed on one of Tom's hotels, and couldn't pay the rent. He threw his last few dollars (fake) across the board and got up.

"Over there," said Tom, pointing toward his bed.

"Whaddya mean?" said Zack in a surly voice.

"I mean, you lost. You owe me something."

"I don't owe you crap," said Zack.

"Does he or doesn't he?" asked Tom, looking at me.

"Yeah, he does," I said. My cock was so achey I just wanted to get some action, any action, and this seemed the best way. I stood up. Zack saw my boner. He looked me in the eye, asking. I nodded again.

So he went over and stood next to Tom' bed.

Tom came over and nudged Zack down onto the mattress, down on all fours, hands cuffed in front of him. By this time we all three had noticed something: Zack had thrown a boner! Did it ever draw attention to itself! It was gorgeous, a rigid, thick, throbbing emblem of masculinity.

None of us said anything about it. Tom didn't taunt Zack because he knew he wouldn't get what he wanted if he did. And also, deep down Tom is a pretty decent guy. I think he realized this was a scary moment for Zack, a situation that wasn't easy for Zack to deal with, and he shouldn't make it any harder for him.

Tom signaled me to get on the bed under Zack. Lie right under him.

His head was over mine -- just the way it had been that day at the quarry when he brought me back from the brink -- and his eyes were as dynamite as ever. There was a hint of fear in them but also curiosity and anticipation. He brought his mouth down on mine and we frenched.

Zack's whole body conformed to mine, chest on chest, belly on belly, hard dick playing buddy with hard dick. The muscles of our bodies seemed to merge in one mass of feverish excitement.

I saw Tom go to his dresser and retrieve a tube of ointment. He came back and climbed onto the bed.

"Unhhh," Zack grunted as his buttocks were pried apart by my brother.

"Don't be so tense," ordered Tom. "This is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you, if you let it."

I felt Zack's effort to relax his entire body. His thigh muscles softened against mine, his belly went slack, even his tongue in my mouth became less urgent, more gentle.

As Tom's finger entered my buddy's hole, another groan came from Zack's mouth into mine. Zack was definitely afraid of what was coming next and he knew me well enough not to try to hide it from me.

I tried to reassure him through body language. I put my hands around the back of his neck and gently massaged him, then ran my fingers up through his hair. I caught the look on my older brother's face as he stared down into Zack's crack, a look of pure, unadulterated lust. It made me shudder for Zack's sake.

I knew Tom was inching his finger deeper into Zack's body. I could almost feel it in my own hole.

The only way Zack had to ease his fear and tension was to grind his dick into my halls and suck hungrily on my mouth at the same time. His cuffed hands made small clinking sounds near my head.

I loved Zack.

At this moment I knew for the first time in my life I loved someone. It was an incredible thought. It flooded my mind and even jolted my body. It made my dick so goddamned hard I wondered if it would ever go down. It brought a surge of needly excitement to my nipples, and I clasped my arms around Zack's back, held him close.

I put a hand on the back of Zack's thighs and pulled them wider apart for my brother. I wanted my buddy to be fucked as he lay on top of me. Tom saw what I did, pulled his finger out, and moved into position. I caught a glimpse of his well-greased oversized cock and again felt a wave of sympathy and love for the guy who would soon be penetrated by that weapon.

Zack was sweating now. He felt the huge rod sliding between his cheeks. He tucked his head down next to mine on the pillow and stretched his arms over his head. I smelled the fear under his arms, but also his male excitement.

I felt Tom lean forward, heard the grunt of pain from my buddy, now impaled. I held Zack tighter against me. His cock burrowed down into my balls. His legs, splayed on the outside of my own, tightened like a vise on me. This was the toughest moment.

It passed.

Tom took it slow and easy. Shit, he wanted to! He wanted to savor every inch, every murmur that escaped from Zack.

Everything that had happened that day, every battle of wills, large and small, between my big brother and Zack had been leading up to this moment. Why rush it?

From out of nowhere, Tom produced the key to the handcuffs. Keeping himself holstered deeply inside Zack, he reached up and unlocked the cuffs.

I wondered how Zack would react. Would he now try to throw Tom off his back, try to break free?

He told me later that he'd thought of doing that.

But he didn't. Sandwiched between two hunky farm brothers, he was too far gone in this strange game of fuck and be fucked to want to stop now.

I felt two or three more thrusts and knew my brother had penetrated to the very core of my best buddy's ass. Zack's face was hot and sweaty next to mine but there was no pain in his eyes, only a look of surprise. I guess he'd never anticipated how good it might feel to be mounted and cornholed by a man.

The rhythm was set -- a slow and easy back-and-forth that sent Zack's hard pole down between my legs and out again, his dick rubbing against my own dick, our juices mingling together.

After a while a smile flashed across Zack's face, a lewd, happy smile that told me . . . he was enjoying the fuck. Again I felt the jolt of a revelation.

Because it was still such a new thought that it had the power of a revelation: I loved this guy. More than anything in the world. I loved having him on top of me, loved his tits brushing across my own tits. Loved his thick, hard dick thrusting between my thighs.

And loved the fact that he was taking cock up his ass even as he lay sprawled on top of me. Something about that excited me incredibly. Maybe I was imagining that I was him, and my brother was plowing my helpless ass.

Meanwhile Tom had worked his arms under Zack's armpits and gotten his hands clasped together behind Zack's neck. He had my buddy in a full nelson, the same wrestling hold he'd tried to get on Zack that afternoon but not quite pulled off.

Zack was stretched now.

Arms stretched out by the full nelson.

Legs stretched apart by my brother's own powerful legs.

Ass stretched to the limit by a huge intruder, a real horse's cock, my own brother's cock.

And Zack's mouth was back on mine, letting me explore the secret places of his mouth with my tongue, letting me find places I'd never found before.

Zack was ours.

I was the first to shoot. My cock suddenly stiffened, trembled, and released a huge load of hot cum.

Zack felt my tits turn to hard points, felt my whole body grow rigid, and felt the hot shower of seed that spattered his belly. It drove him nuts. He moaned and bucked, sending his dick-driver down between my thighs, and then he hit the wall.

His cum spewed out in a flood.

And finally, my brother, riding high and riding hard, sensed what was happening to Zack and me. Felt the contractions around his horsecock deep in Zack's hole. My brother couldn't hold out.

He jabbed two or three more times into the well-worked ass, then let out a huge groan. His seed came jetting out in a torrent, pumping deep into my buddy's ass.

And then it was quiet. The three of us just lay there. Spent. Fulfilled.

Dad must have come up, seen us, and turned out the light on his way to bed, because none of us stirred from that big double bed till morning. Well, we didn't leave the bed. But we did stir. Oh yeah.

Now you guys are asking, how does any of this qualify as a favorite freshman story. Very simple. The next year, Zack was a freshman at Tuxhill. By then I was a junior and living at Beta house, but Zack and I remained good buddies.

You guys never saw him around here because he didn't want to come over. Zack doesn't like fraternities. I know it's hard to believe anybody wouldn't like us, but it's a fact. With Zack, I didn't care. I never even wanted him to join Beta.

Why? I don't know, it might change him. Might spoil him in some way.

Anyway, I liked one of Zack's roommates. He was a blond kid from Arizona. Cutest guy. Zack couldn't figure him out for the longest time -- whether he liked guys.

So one night he invited me over and the three of us drank some beers. I guess we each went through a six-pack for starters.

At some point I put an arm around Zack's shoulder and we began walking around the room -- weaving might be a better word -- singing some idiotic college song.

Well, this kid's eyes opened wide, like he sensed what Zack and I had going with each other. He wanted to be part of it. He stood up and came over to us, and we worked him into the middle. More weaving around the room, our arms now around this kid's shoulders.

Before long we had his shirt off and each of us was working on one of his tits. He didn't fight us. Oh no. He puffed out his chest to give us a better angle on his smooth, high pecs. I glanced down at his crotch and saw the bulge there. So I unhitched his belt, opened his jeans, and yanked them off.

He stood there in the middle of the room, buck naked, cock standing at attention like a marine honor guard. (He was planning to join the marines after college, as it turned out.) What a pretty sight.

Zack and I couldn't decide who should go first, or what he should be the first to do! The possibilities were endless.

Well, I got down on my knees in front of the kid and took his dick like a lollipop into my mouth. It was so smooth, jutting out from the blondest fleece you ever saw.

Zack stopped me for a second.



"Do me first."


"Slobber me up."

Zack had stripped by then. I went to his cock and took the whole thing into my mouth. Got it good and wet. When he pulled it out it looked slick and shiny.

I went back to the blond guy's dick, and Zack went straight for glory.

He found it, too. Pretty soon I felt Zack's roommate shoving into me from the force of the pounding he was taking in his ass. It was only a few minutes before Zack and his roommate hit a simultaneous climax.

"Dave?" I said.


"Would you mind if I spent the night with you and Zack?"

His smile was my answer.

This is the end of this story, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do! Feel free to check out other stories I have posted:

"The Man with the Jeep" (an ongoing work of my own in the Camping section)

And two other pulps like this one:

"The Battlefield" (by Kurt McCord in the Historic category)

"Alaskan Huskies" (by Michael Scott, which should be posted in the Encounters section soon)

Thanks for reading!

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