My First Black Lover

By J S

Published on Dec 17, 1999


Standard Disclaimers Apply: This is a story involving interracial, military, first time, male2male sex. If you are below the legal age in your state to view this material or you are offended by its nature, please leave now. This is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent. "Don't Ask Don't Tell", you know what I mean.

I had just arrived at my first duty station, Ft. Meade, Maryland. Fresh out of basic training and not really knowing what to expect. I was 21 years old, white, very short hair, and had the body that only basic training can give you. Being from a very small town in Idaho, I was not sure about being stationed near a large city, Washington D.C. I was fortunate that I was assigned to a "luxury" unit that had two man rooms. Entering the room, I met my roommate, Paul. He was 5'11", lifted weights for a hobby, was about 25 years old, and had dark chocolate colored skin.

We got along very well and did the standard military things, you know, drinking on weekends, watching football and shining boots. One day our relationship changed from friends to lovers.

Paul had just finished lifting a series of weights, when he came back to the room. He had been trying to get me to lift for months, but I just wasn't interested. I was sitting and watching T.V. in my underwear when I heard his voice.

"God Damn, you're lazy!"

"Oh, go pound sand." I replied.

"I'll pound your ass!" Paul roared. With those words the great wrestling match began. Paul outweighed and out muscled me, but I was more flexible. I was soon in dire straights and was struggling like a maniac under Paul's greater mass. Between the excitement of trying to beat my roommate and the weight of him pressing against my crotch, my cock began to swell. I was too embarrassed to feel that his cock was also filling out.

"Uncle, you win. Just get off me."

Paul grabbed my stiff rod with one of his hands and started to rub my cock through my underwear.

"What have we got here?" he asked.

Paul swung his weight around, so that he was sitting on my chest. With one swift pull, he had my underwear around my ankles. I was a bit frightened because Paul had never acted this aggressive before and I didn't know what to expect. I quickly didn't care as I felt the warmth of his mouth slowly sink down my six and a half inches of rock hard cock. I was lying there moaning in appreciation of the fabulous blowjob my roommate was giving me. When I opened my eyes I saw the biggest cock I'd ever seen creeping out of his workout shorts. I had never sucked cock, but figured I'd give as good as I got. I snaked out my tongue and licked the head of his eight and a half inch shaft. I swear that it seemed to be two inches across the head. I tried to suck his cock, but his shorts got in the way. He stopped bobbing on my cock and slipped out of his shorts. Instantly, I saw his monster tool surrounded by two huge balls for the first time. At that moment, I didn't care if I was gay or not. All I knew was that I wanted to taste him fully.

His slightly salty precum was oozing past my lips as I swallowed to keep up with his flow. I wasn't a very good cocksucker, but being the expert that Paul was, he soon had me thrashing around the floor. With a huge lunge that almost bucked my lover off of me, I started to shoot into his mouth. I had never shot such a large load before and I could swear I could feel my whole being pouring into his body. When I got back to Earth and stopped seeing stars, Paul was still sucking on my softening rod. He turned around and kissed me full on the lips. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. I tasted myself on him and started to get excited.

"I've wanted to do that for months and now that you're warmed up, I'll show you how good it can be." Paul said as he walked over to his side of the room. He reached into his locker and got a small bottle out. His big cock was bobbing as he came back towards me. He rolled me over and told me to relax. I jumped as I felt something cold and oily hit the small of my back. It smelled on cinnamon and soon I felt his large hands kneading my back muscles. The warmth and the small of the cinnamon combined with the afterglow of great sex had me nodding off. Paul must a sensed that I was falling asleep as he decided to wake me up by kneading my butt and inner thighs. It felt so relaxing that I spread my legs to give him better access. Little did I know that was his plan all along. I felt his fingers along the crack of my butt and when he brushed my rose, I instantly grew hard. I felt more oil being poured on my butt and as it ran down my crack, Paul took the opportunity to slip a finger into my hole. It didn't occur to me what was going to happen even then.

All I knew was that it felt wonderful. It was a sensation that I had never felt before. Paul started a slow push and pulling of his finger and soon another one joined the first slowly stretching me out. Paul later remarked that he knew I was a natural bottom, because at that point I began to wiggle my ass under his hands. The fingers disappeared and Paul grabbed me around the waist and rolled me over, so we were face to face. My stiff dick was standing straight up. He lowered his mouth over my cock and grabbed my ankles. He lifted my ankles so that my legs were sticking in the air. He was really giving my cock a workout, when I felt my knees rest on his shoulders. He pushed my up and stopped sucking on my cock. I opened my eyes to see Paul staring down at me with one hand on his cock guiding it toward my opened ass. I felt the tip of this cock touch my asshole and it felt a lot bigger that two fingers. I wasn't sure about this and started to voice my concerns, when Paul took control. He silenced my protests with a short sharp jab of his hips that popped the head of his cock into my ass. I must have yelled out, because Paul covered my mouth with his lips. "Hush, it will feel great in just a few minutes," he whispered. At this point, I closed my eyes. My mind and my body were sending conflicting messages. My mind said, this is wrong, my body was screaming, oh my God this feels great. As Paul pushed another inch into my ass, my mind was starting to agree with my body.

So this is what it feels like to make love to another man. Not just any man, but a friend who desired me, loved me, and was getting the ride of his life from my tight, but no longer virgin ass.

"Open your eyes... I want to see you as you get fucked by me," I heard him say. I looked into his eyes as he pulled back and then forcefully shoved another three inches into me. He was more than halfway in, I looked into his deep brown eyes and knew what it was like to be owned body and soul. Paul smiled at my expression and slowly rocked his hips back and forth, driving even more of his hard demanding cock into me.

"Oh God, this feels so good." I said with tears in my eyes.

"I knew you'd like it and I've been wanting to fuck you since you first walked in the door. " he replied.

He was almost all the way in me and I had never felt so full in my life. I then did something that I never imagined myself doing. I reached behind him, grabbed his hips and pulled him towards me. We both moaned as last of his rod disappeared into me and I felt his balls bottom out on me. He was still slowly fucking me at that point, but with my moans of encouragement, he picked up the pace. He then pushed hard against me so that I was spread wide with my knees on my chest and he was in a full push up position. He was then able to give me the full length of this cock and was soon sawing it back and forth in my ass at double time. Sweat was pouring off of us and we were both moaning and groaning loudly. (I'm surprised that we didn't get caught.) I saw his eyes widen, felt his body tighten up and heard him shout, "I'm cumming!" I felt his cock swell to even larger size as he tried to push his body into mine. When his molten hot cum sprayed the inside of my ass, my cock started to shoot. Since I was bent almost double, every time Paul thrust into me, the cum from my dick shot out and hit me in the face and mouth. It seemed that Paul would never stop cumming and for the brief moment I felt we were two people made one.

After our climax things slowed down and became normal again. Normal, except that for the four years we were stationed together, out two bed-room only had one bed that was used.

This is the first time I've posted this experience to this list. Please let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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