My First Black Lover

By J S

Published on Jun 16, 2000


Standard disclaimers apply: This is a story involving interracial, military, male2male sex. If you are below the legal age in your state to view this material or if you are offended by its nature, please leave now. This is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the people involved. For those of you who asked why I call this my First Black Lover when I've only talked about Paul, just keep reading.

Laying the dark, wide-awake and thinking about how much my life had changed in just three months. I looked over to softly snoring form on the bunk across the room from me. Silhouetted in soft moonlight the clouds passing shadows across his naked form. I never got tired of looking at my roommate. He outranked me and completely dominated me. Just a few months ago, I was a just your average military Joe, until Paul decided to introduce me to gay sex. (see 1st black lover part 1) Now I was a complete cock slave to him. I never tired of feeling his hard cock spewing cum in my willing ass or mouth. I thrilled to the sight of his hard, thick black cock. But during our last field exercise (see 1st black lover part 2) things changed. He had become more demanding, more forceful. During sex I was to call him Master. At first I thought this was just a game, but I was wrong.

I was now lifting weights regularly and getting fucked even more regularly as was my master's wishes. Paul was working to try to get me in better shape, so he had bought a free weight set that we kept in the room.

"I want to be proud of you and if you're hanging with me, you're going to look your best." Paul was a 25 year old, gorgeous black man, rich dark chocolate skin, well muscled, and very well hung. I was a 21 year old slim, short brown haired white boy, with a nice build and a nice cock.

We never worked out naked, but Paul delighted in dressing me in tight running shorts. I think he just liked to see my cock straining to break loose. I always got hard having him spot for me. Nothing like a man's crotch in your face when you're straining with a load of weights to get you going. Paul had me wearing some leather wrist-bands with ties during our off hours as a sign of my "shackles". I was wearing them as I was working out doing some bench presses.

"Good job, do five more and we'll call it quits" Paul said as he stood over me.

I groaned, but managed to pump them out. I was tired and sweaty, but feeling good at the same time.

As the bar settled into the resting cradle I heard Paul say, "Slide up and put your arms down to the floor." I slid up so my head was almost draped over the edge of the bench. I let out a sigh as Paul moved forward to massage my chest and to lightly grind his crotch into my face. Paul stepped back away from me and reached under the bench.

"Don't move!" He ordered and I felt my wrists being tied to the legs of the work out bench. This was something that was new to our lovemaking, but I liked the feeling of being helpless.

Paul then stood up and walked around the foot of bench. He then started a very slow strip tease, until he was completely naked. He started to rub his hands over his chest and stomach. Moving his hips back and forth, I could see his large black cock slowly throbbing and swelling to life. He walked over to his three-drawer chest and pulled out a bottle of lube. I smiled in anticipation, waiting for this strong black stud to fuck me, but I was wrong.

Paul squirted some lube into his hand and started to massage his chest and then he reached down and stared to slick up his hard cock. Watching this was driving me crazy. I struggled against the bindings. I thought that I might be able to snap the thin leather ties of my shackles if I pulled hard enough. Paul walked over to me, still stroking his cock.

"You've been a good boy, and I've decided to give you a reward." Paul whispered into my ear. I felt his long tongue twirl around and gently bite the lobe. Paul then pulled my shorts off my legs. I raised my ass to help him and my cock sprang free aching with need.

Paul then kissed the tip of my cock and started to snake his way up my body.

Since he was still lubed up and slick and it felt incredibly sexy. Feeling this hot stud sliding up and down my body, his hard cock sliding against mine as he ground his hips against mine making our cocks dance together.

Paul then stood up and squirted a blob of lube onto his hand and grabbed my cock and started to work it until it was nice and slick.

"Now it's time for your reward." And with those words, Paul grabbed my red-hot cock and started to guide it towards his ass. I couldn't believe it. I'd never fucked a man before in my life. I saw his stomach muscles tense up as he pushed his ass out and placed the head of my cock in his ass. With a slight grunt, he sat down and the tip of my cock popped inside of his ring.

I groaned, as the heat of ass bathed my cock head and I clenched my teeth to keep from screaming with pleasure as Paul slowly impaled himself on me. I had never fucked a man before As good as it feels to get your ass fucked, fucking someone is also amazing. Paul was smiling, as he then placed his hands on my chest and started to raise himself back up. I raised my legs trying to keep my cock in that hot oven that was his ass. Paul pushed hard against me and forced me back down into the workout bench, until everything, but the head of the cock was slid out of his ass.

"Do you like the feel of your master's ass?" Paul asked.

"Yesss, please do it again." I said.

Paul placed his feet on both sides of the bench and started to raise and lower himself on my prick. He didn't touch any other part of my body as he started to tweak nipples and rub his chest. We were connected cock to ass as he rode me. I struggled against my bonds. I wanted nothing more than to grab this hot stud and fuck the shit out of him.

Paul started to speed up his motions and soon I felt by cock throbbing and twitching. I started to shoot cum up my rod, as Paul was starting a down stroke. His eyes got real wide and he let his legs go limp. The full weight of his body, slammed my shooting cock deep into his body as wave after wave of my cum poured into his body.

With a low moan in his chest, Paul took several deep breaths and then lifted himself off my softly deflating cock. I figured that Paul would now untie me, but was surprised when he went over the locker, wiped the lube off of his chest with a towel and put on a pair of sweatpants.

"I'll be back in a minute. Stay put!" As if I could go anywhere.

Here I was tied up on my roommate's workout bench, naked with the smell of sex in the air and little bit of cum dripping out of my cock onto my stomach with no one else in the room. This wasn't designed to make me feel easy. I was hoping that Paul would be back shortly.

I was starting to doze lightly when I heard the key in the door and someone walked in. As the door closed, I heard a deep voice say, "Looking good."

My eyes flew open, as I realized that it wasn't Paul's voice. I looked up to see our Floor Sergeant James standing there. Paul was standing right behind him and was rubbing James' cock through his pants.

"This isn't what it looks like." I said. I have no idea what I was thinking at the time, of course it was what it looked like and there was no way to deny it.

"Did I ever tell you that you weren't my first roommate?" Paul asked me.

"Yes, I was Paul's roommate when he was first stationed here. When he stopped visiting me a couple of months ago, I asked him to my room. I fucked him hard and asked what was going on. Needless to say, he told me all about you. I told him I wanted to meet you privately." James said with lust in his voice. "I trained Paul well and I want to see how your training is coming. Don't you know that the best masters were once slaves themselves?"

At that moment, I was completely shocked. I had no idea what to say or do. Fortunately, the decision was taken out of my hands.

Paul pulled his sweat pants off and immediately knelt in front of James and started to suck on his cock through his pants. James placed his hands on the back of Paul's head and forced his mouth over his rising lump. Paul was pushed away, by James' large hands. James then raised his arms over his head and Paul stood up and helped James out of his T-shirt. James leaned forward and gave Paul a deep-throated kiss. I could see their tongues battling each other in their mouths. James broke the kiss and Paul helped his step out of his shorts.

It was at this moment that I saw Sergeant James' cock. To this day, I'll never understand how such a tall skinny black man was able to hide such a monster. If Paul's cock was a snake, then James' cock was a python. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. (I still haven't seen a bigger one in real life) I was watching as Paul's rubbing and stroking was bringing the beast to life. It was only about half soft and was already longer than my six and half inches. Paul grabbed the bottle of lube that was next to the workout bench, squirted a large amount in his hands and started to work James' cock.

As it got stiffer, I realized that is was bigger than Paul's and much, much thicker.

"In case your wondering," Paul smiled, "ten inches plus and you'll love every inch of it. Notice how much thicker it gets towards his balls." As Paul placed his grip on the base of James' cock I noticed his fingertips didn't meet. He continued to stroke James' cock and soon it was very hard and very big. Paul's smaller eight and half inch cock was already dripping pre-cum on the floor.

I was sweating up a storm and was so frightened I couldn't get an erection at just the thought of getting fucked by that thing. At that point, I really didn't want to be in this situation: tied down with my lover and his former master both standing near me with hard-ons that might kill me.

"Paul, I really..." I saw Paul frown and realized my mistake, so I corrected myself in a hurry. "Master, I really don't want to get fucked by James."

"The choice isn't yours to make." I heard James say. "The first time I fucked Paul, I had to use a gag so he didn't wake up the barracks, however since there is two of us." And he motioned to Paul. Paul moved around to my head, grabbed the sides of my head and tipped my head back.

"Please" I whispered. Paul shook his head, kissed my lips, then raised up replaced his lips with the tip of his dripping cock on my lips. I opened my mouth as he slowly started to stroke back and forth, a little more of his cock going into my mouth at each stroke. As his shaft slipped further down my throat, I relaxed my breathing and soon my nose was bumping into his large swollen balls. He paused for a moment and I could feel his cock throbbing deep in my throat. Paul's hands were still on the sides of my head and he was gently rocking back and forth in easy movements. My cock started to stir to life and was soon standing tall, proud, and angry red.

Paul held me in place when I felt hands on my legs lifting them up and resting them on a pair of bony shoulders. I tensed up with I felt the cold metal tip of the bottle of lube touch my asshole. James gently squeezed a small dab on my hole and with his finger he smoothed it around. He placed the nozzle of the lube in my ass and squirted some of the cold gel into me.

"I think you're ready." I heard James say.

I tried to shake my head, but Paul held me firm. My eyes were pleading with him as I felt the wide tip of James' cock touch my asshole. Paul looked down at me and his lips formed the words, "I love you". At that point, James tensed up and shoved about six inches of cock in my ass with one hard thrust. I moaned around Paul's cock, which was filling my throat. James slid a small amount of his cock out of my spread ass and shoved even more in. He held it there for a moment allowing me to get used to the size of this cock. His cock had already reached the point the Paul's normally had and my ring was being well stretched.

"Oh man, Paul, you were right, this white boy has one of the sweetest asses I've ever fucked. O.K., you've got most of it in you, here's where we separate the men from the boys." And with those words, I felt James place his hands on my hips and grab me. He started a small circular motion that caused his cock to twitch and rotate in my ass, as he stretched out my hole.

I could feel more and more of that cock being drilled into my body. Parts of my body were being opened up in ways that had never been touched before. Finally, James grunted and pushed hard against my ass and the rest of his cock shoved deep inside of me. James then started a slow fucking motion that mirrored Paul's. Short small strokes of a few inches at a time. Without warning I couldn't help myself, the feelings that were going through me were too intense and I blasted shot after shot of cum onto my heaving chest.

James gritted his teeth against the clamping of my ass on his cock. Paul started to pick the pace and length of his strokes and soon I heard him groan as he pushed his cock deep into my throat and shot his hot cum deep into my belly. He was so deep and turned on, that I didn't even taste his cream.

James pulled almost all of his cock out of me, leaving me with a deflated, empty feeling and then he shoved all of it back in starting a very long stroked fucking that made me feel every inch of his cock.. Paul's soft cock slipped out of my mouth, leaving small trickles of cum behind. He kissed me and whispered in my ear. "Tell me what you're feeling, how do like being fucked by another man?"

My mind was awash in feelings, but I somehow managed to croak out between gasps. "Oh God, my ass was made for this. I want to die with his cock inside of me. Oh, I love you Paul, thank you." I'll admit that James was getting close and really starting to fuck my ass hard. I was being pushed and pulled against my restraints and soon the only thing coming out of my mouth were the words, "Fuck me, Fuck me, FUCK MEEEE!" and groans of pure pleasure.

Paul clamped his hands over my mouth and I bit him as James shoved deeper than he ever had before and roared as his cock blasted jet after jet of cum into me.

I could feel the cum boil out of his balls and travel the entire length of his huge cock before spraying my insides with his cream.

I was trembling when James slowly started to pull his softening dick out of my ass. I felt loose and slutty when it finally slipped free from its home.

James looked at Paul and without a word, Paul went to his knees and cleaned that dripping prick of all of its juices. James was slipping into his clothes as Paul undid the leather bindings that held me. I fell off the bench. I was completely drained. The next thing I knew Paul was lifting me up and carrying me to my bunk. He placed me down, covered me up and gave me a full kiss. "I'm very proud of you and I love you."

As James was leaving, I heard him say, "Good luck on your training, I think he might be the one for you."

It turned out that James was right. I left the military, but Paul is still in it. He visits me whenever possible and will soon be discharged honorably. We are still a couple, I am his slave and he is my master.

More stories about me and Paul, if you want to hear them. Comments or suggestions can be made to:

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