My First Lesbian Kiss

By Little Miss Barbradolly

Published on Feb 28, 2015



My First Lesbian Kiss (F/F, D/s, BD, Spanking, Toys, Reluctant, Consensual, True Story) by Little Miss B (Barbradolly ) 2013 ============================================================================ Synopsis: The events of how I began my journey of serving other women as a submissive sex toy ============================================================================ Author's Note: The reason I am writing this and printing it out on paper are ones designed by my Mistress to cause me to see this person in this story differently. She wants me to have a lingering feeling of how I felt writing this in the back of my mind when I see this person at work. Her name is really Karen. Mine has been changed in case the wrong person reads this. She told me to take one of my fantasies I had told her of being overpowered and turned into a sex slave by another woman and another fantasy about lesbian rape I have and write of how she did those things to me. The following is what I came up with in one hour of writing each night for one week. It was far more than just one of thinking about it each day that created this story. It was many hours each day of it evolving in my mind. Her plan worked. All of those hours thinking of the woman in this way did create something in my mind that causes me to see Karen differently in my mind when I see her. ============================================================================ My First Lesbian Kiss Prologue ============================================================================ I sit here at this computer with my nipples tender and my pussy sore and warm. I only have myself to blame. I did this to myself. As sick and twisted as it may seem, I do it often now. I am turned on ... sexually aroused ... by my haunting memories and the disturbingly reality of what I have become. Its not right. Even I can see this has become as a sick, twisted desire. To have this kind of perverted sexual things inflicted on my body in an obsession. I don't know if I could stop this self abuse... even if I wanted to. I'm seriously think I'm addicted to it now.Here is the harsh reality...This self abuse is the after effects of the most exciting thing I have ever done. It still turns me on just to think about how I became this way. I don't want to stop. I don't want to quit feeling it. Its all I have left of her. She promises to come back and visit me, but for now it's a few letters or short calls and once a month a very long and detailed list of instructions I am to follow. I have just completed the physical part of today's assignment. Writing this is the next item on the list.She also has me looking for as many other women to serve as I can find. I have to look for them on the internet and do the things they tell me to do if they are real women and real mistresses. Right now I have five that I serve a sex slave by doing all sorts of things they tell me to do. Some of them understand the direction my Mistress began and are following her lead in turning me into a bondage whore and pain slut.How I became this way is a story of seduction and excitement. One that became a gradual degradation into a maddening word of love, pain and lust. I experienced many forms of humiliation and submission as I was tricked and seduced into becoming the slave of another woman. At times I loved it and at times I hated it. Now, I miss it with her more than I would like to admit.I miss her so badly I want to cry. To remember the feel the pain again brings back her memory. Maybe its why I cant stop. Maybe its become the need to be punished and it will never go away , like she told me it would become. It was her who gave me this need. It was her who made me deserve punishing because of the wildly sexy things she did to me and had me do with her and others...the things she made me feel. She changed me.But now, its me that does it to myself. I do it at the instructions of other women but its me who ties the knots and its me who whips my tits or pours wax on them and its me who whips my pussy with a leather flogger until tears run down my face if one of my Mistress tells me to do it.

My First Lesbian Kiss Chapter 1 - It all started with a kiss


My first lesbian kiss. I was straight and married. I still am married. This is my dirty secret.She is a lesbian.A beautiful, young but mature, sexy lesbian.I've now had sex with several women, and crave more, so that makes me bi-sexual, I suppose. But its been a long time since I was touched by one. It's been a hell of a year and half since

that first kiss...That first kiss...I didn't even know it was a setup. Two of my friends , Lisa and Diane, mostly Diane, set it up. They did it mostly for someone else, actually. They set me up as a date/girlfriend for that person...The woman that was to become my future Mistress. They liked her and wanted to please her, so they offered me up as some fresh meat. But they had no idea what they were getting me into, really.They are part of a group of lesbian friends and some of them do similar work as I do in the mid state area. Well, they met another lesbian woman who had joined another circle they run in, and she was looking for a date. This woman was something special. Everybody likes her. The perfect ,fun friend. She was sweet, funny, witty, would listen to you and really talk to you. The kind of woman that that draws everyone's attention when she is in the room. She was a little unlike them in her looks and in other ways too... dark ways... as it would turn out. But they were so very impressed by her stunning good looks and west coast attitude they could not see past her charms and smile. She had recently moved here and had met them on group hike put on by a local radio station's activities group called "Team Green". They found out she was looking for a new girlfriend. Actually, she was looking for a challenge. She let them know it was fun for her to take straight women and "turn them"...but they didn't know exactly what she liked to turn them into. They only knew she is very pretty and very healthy and obviously worked out a lot. They we easily attracted to the tall, blue eyed blond and thought it fun and sexy that she was looking for an innocent woman to hookup with. ( I found out later that she had actually told Diane that she "liked to break them in right"). Two of my dear friends had already tried to seduce me and one of them still does to this day. I think she is in love with me. I don't feel anything in return for her. She's not my type at all. But Karen...Karen turned out to be my type, even though at the time, I didn't even know what my type of woman was....So the setup was arranged. I was totally clueless.Some of the four women that set this up are truly my dear friends and it was not unusual for me to go to a gathering with them for one reason or another. The plan was made for me to meet them at one of their homes and have a nice dinner and hang out. Okay, here is where I admit to a bit of vanity. I am always the most feminine one in this little group and I like the way they dote on me and always comment on my slender body and pretty face. I like to do a little flirting and showing off for them. So, when they said it was going to be sort of a dressy occasion to welcome a sexy new friend to the city and for me to dress sexy to help make our city look better, I thought what the heck, I would give this new friend a look at my sexiest outfit.While at home getting ready, my husband smiled and commented on how dressed up I was getting to go out with "the girls" as he calls them. He knows I'm a show off and thought it was funny how much I liked dolled up for my lesbian friends. I sort of did too, and joked back with him that there was a new girl in town, and I was the" bait" to get her to join their "girls club". What I didn't tell him was that I had heard this new friend was a tall blue eyed blond, and I was hoping it was true. I thought, how fun it was going to be to be flirting with a really pretty lesbian for a change. Not that some of my friends are not somewhat attractive and not that anything was going to happen...Thirty minutes or so before time for me to leave I got a call from Lisa. She said she was about to pass by my house on her way in from Dickson and was going back this way, and why not ride with her, that way I could have a few drinks and not have to drive at all. They know I like a few drinks.

My First Lesbian Kiss Chapter 2 - The setup continued... ============================================================================= We were a little early and starter drinks were poured all around. It was a stiff drink that she gave me. Lisa and I mostly watched and helped a little as Holly prepared our dinner and got it ready to cook when the others arrived.By the second drink I was feeling it pretty good and they started making comments on my sexy, short leather skirt and silk top. It was obvious they enjoyed my decision to go braless in the silk top. They had me step back and began laying it on thick. We all laughed at how funny it was that the only straight woman in the room was the bait for the new woman in town. They got me to give them a little show of my outfit and shoes by strutting across the room and back. Holly had picked up a camera and they got me to ham it up for a few fun pictures.Right at dark, Diane called and said that she and Brenda were on the way and leading Karen to the house in her car.( Brenda is the one in love with me and Diane is jealous and she is the main one who set this up...set me up).I was on my third drink and pretty buzzed. I had my fingers crossed that this woman coming to join us was worth the trouble of getting all dressed up just to tease and do some harmless flirting with. When the cars pulled in the drive, Holly and Lisa went out to show them in. I was trying to sit pretty and show a little leg to give this new friend a good impression of our fair city. I heard taking and laughing and then a little giggling and almost a hush followed as they neared the room.I was not expecting her to come around the corner first. I think my mouth dropped open. She was absolutely stunning. Karen could have stepped off the page of any glamour magazine, or Playboy for that matter. Like me, she was wearing a short skirt, but it looked so different on her. At 5'9" her long slender legs looked like they were half of her body. Her heels only added to that. As she entered the room she never hesitated, she just walked right up to me and smiled, and said " Hello, you must be Becky. It's so nice to meet you." I looked in her pretty smiling face and smiled back. I was finding out how most men must feel when being confronted with the most beautiful set of full round tits you can imagine right in your face. Being seated on the stool and her wearing a low slug crossover cow neck blouse that framed perfect, big, breasts, it was hard to make myself not stare at them. I looked up at her happy attractive face, but once I did it was hard to look past her beautiful mouth. She put out her hands and when I offered mine in return, she grasped them very gently. Her hands were warm and soft and strong. I finally was able to speak after I swallowed hard and said, "Yes I am, and you must be Karen. I'm so glad to meet you, too."The others had all gathered to see my expression as I saw her, and I heard a few giggles. Lisa being the forward cutup she said, "I think she likes her". I didn't know if she was talking about me or Karen, but the laughter that broke out, broke the tension and we spent the next hour eating a wonderful dinner and learning about what had brought Karen to our city and where she was from. She is a manager of a medical supply company and was sent here to set up a new branch. She would be here for six months, then will move on to another city ...after a long vacation in France.Was this woman perfect or what! We were properly impressed. Tall, thin, blond, full lips, big smile, natural tan, nice long legs, great tits! She obviously worked out and was very strong and fit. The girl next door, if you life in paradise, that is! She has a kind and open personality to complement her fantastic body.Yes, we were all duly impressed.More drinks followed. The set up continued. I didn't know it, but mine were spiked with extra booze. Holly and Diane really wanted me to get seduced by this blond goddess. After putting me on the spot again and having me get back up and show off my sexy little leather skirt and strut a little for them, Karen to do it too. Duly impressed is quite the understatement. After the show they left us alone on the porch to talk and get to know each other. Karen was a good listener and seemed really interested in my life, my job and husband. We were sitting just close enough for her to reach out and touch my arm as she laughed or made comments. I liked it. I liked her open friendliness. I liked looking at her. She showered me with attention and it made me feel like a schoolgirl with a crush.I was very buzzed by late evening. There was talk of us all staying overnight. I resisted that. Mostly because I had things to do the next morning at home that were pretty important. Also, I was feeling my resolve melting away at the thought of kissing those beautiful lips. It was her mouth I had became fixated on and my fear if I stayed was I might not be able to resist any advances she might make. Besides, the sleeping arrangements had been clearly a part of the obvious setup. Funny how it turned out that after I stated I would not be staying, Karen also said she could not stay the night either.So, when finally it was time to call it a night and get my ride home. Much to my delight Karen offered to drive me. It seemed that the big plan was not going to work out after all.When we got to the driveway I was surprised by her car. I had expected a babe like her to drive a BMW or something flashy. Instead she drove a minivan. As it turns out she does drive a hot, sporty car. She had just rented the van to move her things from storage that had been stored since she had arrived. The girls had followed us out to the driveway and said their goodbyes. Karen walked me around the van and needed to move some things out of the passenger seat and put them in the back. I noticed one of them was a large brown, soft sided suit case. It seemed way larger than needed for a single night and I couldn't help but wonder what sexy thing in it she had brought to sleep in. I stayed out of the way and leaned against the car behind me to keep from staggering. I was just short of drunk as hell. I looked her beautiful legs and pretty ass as she stood leaned over moving the things. I was definitely enticed by her sexuality.Karen knew it, too. She put out her hand to help me into the seat. I missed it and fell against her. We laughed, and I tried it again. This time she held me by my arm and put one hand around my waist to hold me steady. I looked up at her pretty face and smiled at her and said how kind it was of her to help me and hold me...up. I was staring at her mouth and she knew what I wanted. The moment was right. It was clear that I was saying I liked the way she held me. She turned me just a little and leaned me back against the open door. She leaned over and with one hand on my waist. With her other hand she gently brushed my hair back out of my face. Then, she finally kissed me. It was just a short, sweet kiss on the lips but it was electric. Her strong hands held me tight and I could feel the power and passion in her being held back. Another part of me resisted and pulled back after the kiss. I could tell my pulling back disappointed her. It was just a reaction to all my years of being straight. But it had felt wonderfully different than any other kiss ever had. I was about to speak when she ran her hand up to my hair again and this time instead of brushing it back she let her fingers slide into it and brushed my scalp and then gently closed it and had a handful of my hair held tight. She pulled my head back and kissed me again.This time, when her lips pressed into mine, the bottom fell out of my world!! For a moment I was suspended between the past and the present and the next moment I knew my life had changed. I knew this woman wanted me and I knew I would be hers. But I couldn't be...I wasn't lesbian or even bi-sexual. It couldn't work out... Yet, I didn't try to break the kiss. I let it go on for the few seconds it lasted. Part of me wanted to go back in the house and spend the night with her but I knew I couldn't. I knew it was wrong. I couldn't be hers. I couldn't have her. The kiss ended and I managed to pull out of her arms and climb up in the van with her help. She asked if something was wrong. I said no without looking at her. By the time she got around and got in I was crying quietly. She said she understood and was sorry for kissing me like that. I told her it was okay and as flattering as it was, it just wasn't me. I just couldn't be what she wanted me to be.As we drove along my crying stopped and we ended up trying to blow it off and laugh about it, but it wasn't working. It still hung between us.Then she asked me a question that I found hard to answer. She asked if she had misread my signals all evening. She said she had noticed me looking at her mouth and had a strong feeling that I had wanted her to kiss me. Was she wrong? Didn't I want her to kiss me?I confessed I had wanted her to kiss me almost from the moment she came in the house. But wanting something was often more exciting than actually getting it. She took it wrong and said she had never been told that kissing her wasn't exciting before. She seemed genuinely hurt by that. I tried to tell her that I didn't mean it that way but it kept coming out wrong. When we were almost to my house things had pretended to have smoothed things over and we had decided it was just the booze and curiosity and no need for hard feelings. I had to pee really bad. So did she. There is a small state park on the way that has clean restrooms. I directed her to pull in. We were laughing again and all seemed well again. She let me go first. It was a beautiful night and after we traded places, I strolled out in the parking lot and was looking up at the stars when she came out. I headed back to the van staggering and nearly fell over. She came around again to help me in, I thought. Instead of helping me in she blocked my way to the door. She said, "Becky, I know you're drunk and for you it was innocent flirting at first, but I also know what I felt when you kissed me back. Please do something for me. You have to let me kiss you again. If there is nothing there, then it just a goodbye kiss, and that's it. Will you do this for me? Will you prove to me that the hottest most beautiful woman I have met in years is not attracted to me? I will accept it and never try to kiss you again if you will just kiss me right now. Please Becky, I need to know." She looked so sad and hurt. She had slowly and carefully laid her heart out on the line and I felt it deserved to be put at ease. If all I had to do was give this kind woman a little kiss to put her heart at rest it seemed like the least I could do after sending her signals all night then going cold on her when she kissed me. I had made her feel so unwanted with the awful "not as exciting" comment. Besides, she was blocking the door and I knew I had to do it to get in so she could take me home.I said, "I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings tonight. If a little kiss will make it better, I will do that. But let me kiss you this time." I thought I could just give her a little kiss and let it go at that. A kiss that would show her it was just a kiss. I really felt in control. I felt I could forget the moment I had wanted her to kiss me forever. I tried to keep focus on why it would not work out. I thought I could still go home knowing what it was like to finally kiss another woman and that's it. Fun, exciting, sexy...and not for me. That's really what I thought."Okay , Then you, kiss me" is all she said. She held out her arms to gently hold my waist as I stepped up to her. I put my hands on her waist too, and we both bent our heads. Hers, down and over, mine up and over. I kissed her soft mouth again. I only gave her a short, sweet, closed mouth kiss. Even that was making my resolve weaken, but shortly it was over, and I was ready to pull away. I hesitated for a second before pulling back and letting go of her waist. She opened her eyes when I did and looked at me like, "what, that's it?" To have a beautiful face of a hot sexy woman so close and staring at me with need and lust in her eyes was a moment I wasn't expecting to have. I felt I had cheated her. But I also felt if I didn't break away I wouldn't be able to in another few seconds. So I stepped back out of her grasp and started to reach for the door handle. She said " Becky, no... that was not fair. You cant do this to me...I won't let you."She grabbed me and her strength made it easy for her to pull me around to face her again. She grabbed my hair again and used her body to pin me back against the van. The look in her eyes was riveting. I saw a different woman now. A strong determined one. A woman that wasn' t going to take a fake little kiss as an answer to her seriously expressed question. A woman that would not be flirted with, led on and then cheated. A beautiful sexy woman full of passion and emotion. A woman that was much stronger than me was about to kiss me whether I wanted it or not. In that second that hung between my seeing her that way and the time her lips met mine... I wanted it again. I wanted this strong sexy woman that held me in her grasp to kiss me and to make me hers. The kiss became an extension of our beings. I was the weaker, inexperienced one, being lead by her more powerful teacher. My hands found her waist again. She used her firm grip on my hair and pulled my head around to press my mouth against hers or pulled it back to tease my lips with hers. At times she let me reach for her mouth eagerly and toyed with me, and at others she took me by force. I was putty in her hands. Any of her hurt feelings were long gone, and she was in total control. She held me tighter and pulled my hips into hers and pulled my head way back. When she began to kiss and bite on my neck, my legs went weak. I totally succumbed to her. I knew even then, that part of the reason I gave in to her was the gut feeling that I had no choice. I could tell. I could feel it in her that she was not going to let me go, or let me stop her again. We were alone in a dark parking lot late at night, and I was not only drunk, but smaller, and weaker than her, and she wasn't about to stop.That feeling of being in her her mercy, sent shivers of excitement through me as she continued to force her first deep kiss on me.Not only was it the most sensual and exciting kiss of my life, she was stunningly beautiful, sexy , strong, and wanted me badly. She had taken control of me like no one in my life ever had before. The way she held me, and kissed me, and looked at me between kisses told me there was another side to her. One that was previously kept hidden behind her sweet smile and pretty face. A side to her that enjoyed her power over me. I knew even then that she was going to change my life. I could feel the sense of triumph in her. I could tell she knew she had me.She knew then, at that very moment she had found a woman that she could dominate and control.I knew in my heart that I wanted nothing more in life than to be under her control.I was putty in her hands. The set up had worked perfectly. She had played me perfectly. I was ripe for the picking.A natural submissive, who was crazy hot, weak of resolve, and almost too drunk to stand up....and now she had me pinned against her van in the dark, empty parking lot... kissing me forcefully.She felt me melting in her arms. She could taste the weakness in my mouth as she kissed me any way she wanted to. I responded exactly like she silently demanded with her mouth, and melted against her strong body pressed against mine.She got more and more aggressive with the bites on my neck and her hand pulling my head way back by my hair. Her strong free hand slid around me. She grabbed my opposite wrists and pulled my arm up behind my back. Her grips on me got stronger as she kissed me.The more she did it, the more I fell under her spell.She stopped, and for a second, looked into my passion fogged eyes to give me a sexy smile.Then with her right hand still in my hair she used her left one to slide open the side door of the van. The rear seats had been removed and a few boxes were against the back door. The one thing she had taken out of the front seat joined them as she pushed it out of her way, At the same time she was guiding me backwards to sit on the floor of the van behind the passenger seat. I was just looking at her dumbfounded. I hesitated in obeying her silent instructions to get in the van.She let go of my hair and pushed me over backwards and grabbed my legs that still hung out the door, shoved them till my knees were bent up to my chest, and physically pushed me the rest of the way in. She climbed in and closed the door hard. She grabbed my legs again and pulled me around until my shoulders were sort of wedged between the font seats and in the middle of the van.She never stopped moving. She was now in charge and knew exactly what she had been planning was going to happen. I laid there looking up at her with obvious desire in my eyes and nearly panting with lust from the way she had handled me so firmly as she shoved me around.As she got comfortable on her knees between my legs, she began unbuttoning her top and said, "Your ass is so mine you little cunt. Your going to be my new little bitch, and your going to like it...I' m going to turn you into my tit worshiping , pussy sucking slut, you sexy little whore"She peeled the top off in one fluid motion. She revealed the most awesome set of tits I had ever seen in person. They had obviously been enhanced and lifted, and it was done perfectly. They were full round C to D-cup and as firm as a teenagers. She has perfectly centered big, hard nipples. Truly, tits that deserved worshiping. Without her shirt on, the sight of her body told me why she had handled me so easily. Her torso had well defined abs and her arms looked even stronger than they had in her short shirt. Not at all too much, but the perfect amount of muscle for a tall healthy woman. A woman who has obviously worked out very hard, for a long time.I lay there practically panting from her kissing me and my passion for her. The rough handling, and the way she was talking nasty to me and giving me no choice in what was about to happen to me, only added to my raging desire to be taken by her, and taken by force.She told me that she had wanted me from the moment she saw me sitting so pretty for her on the stool. That she had been looking for a woman just like me for a long time.She positioned herself squarely on her knees, grabbed both of my legs and jerked me down closer to her. Doing that caused my skirt to slide up under my ass revealing my panties. I gasped with the suddenness of her jerking me so hard. I put my arms up over my chest as if trying to protect myself. That just made her smile a wicked smile at me.She fell to her hands and got up on her knees over me, put her face right up to mine, looked into my eyes. She spoke to me softly, but sternly ," You fucking turn me on you sexy little doll. You have such a sexy hot body and I love the way to look at me like this. ...and I truly love a sweet little pussy who gets so hot when she's roughed up a little" After that brief second of stillness, she was constant motion again.As she spoke to me, she was taking one hand at a time and holding my slender wrists in her strong hands, putting them up over my head and pinning me down with more force than necessary.She went on , " I'm going to enjoy breaking you in. Now lets see what kind of little tit sucker you are." She put one nipple and then the other in my mouth and gave me instructions for when, and how hard to suck them, when to bite, or nibble on her hard nipples, and exact instructions how to have me lick, and kiss her big tits all over. She was talking to me like a little girl then, and praising me for doing such a good job. She knew how much I wanted to please her and knew exactly what to say to make me the happiest little girl in the world to be able to worship her magnificent tits.When she would say things like ` Oh that's such a good little girl, I like the way your sweet mouth feels on my big titties... I see you really like this, don't you Becky baby... your going to be a very good little cunt for me, aren't you sweet one" I felt so happy and so loved by this virtual stranger. But I knew every word she was saying was true too. She was going to turn me into her little girl. Some child who obeyed her every word.After a few moments she seemed as excited as I was. She actually said that she was getting off on making me do it as much as she was from what I was doing to her tits.She said her biggest fantasy and greatest pleasure was finding a straight little sweet pussy girl like me and turning me into her very own sex slave and seeing how far she could push me. As I gently sucked on her hard nipples as she put one, then the other, in my eager mouth. She filled me with joy when she told me I was the woman of her fantasies, that the moment she saw me she was attracted to me ,and hoped I would turn out to be the one.She called me her " perfect little pussy girl slut"After she was satisfied that I was going to obey her every command she seemed to grow almost bored with my worshiping her tits and decided to get aggressive with me again. The things she said became not so much like talking to her little girl and were soon coming out hasher and more degrading. She began using the word slut like it was vulgar and her tone got sharper.She moved her body down until I had to bend my chin down to keep my mouth in contact with her nipples as she instructed me to. She shifted her hands down to my elbows and put more weight on them and moved one leg between mine. She pressed her knee up into my wet pussy, and pushed hard on it. I breathed in deeply as the pressure quickly built. She shifted again to get more comfortable, and did it again, but even harder this time. Again ,and again, she bumped her knee into my overheating cunt. I began to let out grunts each time it pounded me. She told me to keep my mouth working on her nipples no matter what happened.I kissed and licked and sucked on each one she put to my mouth exactly the way I was being told to. If she said " Now bite it tenderly " I did so. If she said "Suck it harder you sorry little cunt!" I did it. It was getting hard to concentrate with her ramming her knee rhythmically into my then aching wet pussy with increasing force.She was getting into it as well. The power she was having over me, and my sucking and biting her nipples was getting her very worked up. Her degrading tone and wild look in her beautiful eyes was taking me on an emotional rollercoaster ride. At times she seemed genuinely pissed off.She spoke to me in a breathy voice, " Cunt... put your right hand to my pussy and rub it through my panties". As she let my arm free I looked up at her face over me and her eyes were closed. I watched her expression change as I gently touched her wet panties and began to slowly rub two fingers up and down her hot slit. Her sexy mouth opened and her lips hung in a sexy pout as she breathed deeply. I kept it up and she formed her mouth to make a blowing shape and softly said "Ohhh ...ohh ... ohh " with each stroke of my hand from her ass to her clit and back. I was rocking and straining with each blow from her strong leg ramming her knee into my drenched pussy and letting out a mix of a grunt and moan with each contact.It was becoming too much for me. Tears ran down my cheeks, and I began to shudder from the hard ramming of her knee into my now hurting pussy.But still I managed obey her orders and to match her speed and with each ram into me I made a long firm stroke of her pussy from bottom up, making sure to press hard against her engorged clit each time. She began adding words with her " oohs" she was directing me. She added things like " yes, that's it", and " softer now" and "yes my girl , that's that ...yes sweetie"As much as it hurt it was the most powerfully sexual feeling I had ever experienced. I was about to explode into a huge wave of orgasm. She knew too. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I moaned and grunted loudly nowShe grabbed my hair with her free hand and pulled my mouth away from her tit ...our eyes met and she said "Look at me""Don't you dare cum before I do" I was so close...I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to...Not unless she stopped ramming me with her strong hard knee.I just looked up at her with a helpless look on my face and said " Ohhh Pleaseeee ...pleaseeee" I was begging her to not stop ramming me so hard and to let me cum. I pressed harder onto her pussy to try to make her get off sooner , but I knew mine was only moments away. Trying to stop it, and fearing that I would make her mad at me, only made it worse.The ramming, the pace, being held down, being drunk, and looking up at such a beautiful, sexy woman on top of me was too much.She told me to keep looking into her eyes no matter what.My moaning was turning into almost yelling.Then she pushed me over the edge by letting go of my hair and telling me " Don't do it you little cunt ...don't you dare" and slapped me.Not too hard ,but hard enough to sting. She slapped me again after three more rams of my cunt. Three more rams... and another slap.My body went limp, and the first wave washed over me, and then it went rigid. I yelled out some guttural sounds as it shook me violently. She knew exactly what to do. She stopped the ramming and pressed her knee really hard against my throbbing clit and held still as the second wave hit me. We stared at each other as I came in moaning pants.I was no longer stroking her pussy. My hand grabbed at her , and I pressed hard against her clit too.She said loudly" You little cunt...cum again...cum hard now ...go ahead ...cum for me hard you slutty little cunt." She used her knees in exactly the right way against my now tender, throbbing clit. She worked it slowly up and down my wetness and I felt the next wave coming.As she coaxed it from me with her stare and her words she grabbed my hair again, and I knew to keep looking into her eyes as it washed over me.She looked into my tear filled eyes and said over, and over in different ways as I came for a full minute more." Your mine now little cunt...your mine to make cum, and to do as I say. ...look at me ...I your Mistress now you understand me cunt? Your mine now...your mine to make you cum... and to do as I say...Do you understand me you little fucking whore !! ...Tell me you are mine now." With one hand she slapped my face gently and held my face to stare into her eyes.I answered back in gasping, heaving breaths.." Yes ...yes...yes, I'm yours now...yes..."

My First Lesbian Kiss Chapter 3================================================================================Just as the last waves washed over me ,she told me to put my fingers in my mouth and suck the taste of her off of them so I could get used to her sweet female taste I was going to be tasting many more times to come.She watched me eagerly suck them and said, " That's my good will always do as I tell you... Good girl , Good little cunt Becky."When I started to calm down, she shifted her body again and moved down to put her face over mine and pulled my arm back up over my head and pinned them both by my wrists just above my head. Then she kissed me with her sexy beautiful mouth. She kissed me like I have never been kissed in my life.She became very tender, at the same time held me pinned down. She began to kiss my cheeks and tears. She smiled at me and let me begin to recover from the hardest orgasm of my life, in her tender kisses, and firm grip. After a long tender and loving few moments she raised up and let my arms free and smiled, and just as I began to speak and said " That was the..." She looked at me and went " Shhhh...don't speak. This is far from over little one... Far from over. You disobeyed me. You were very bad the fist time you came, after I told you not to, and I still haven't gotten off , so my disobedient little slut a punishment is in order. Before you make me cum on your pretty face, you have to pay the price for disobeying me.Your are my "little cunt Becky" and I'm going to teach you to obey me. Is that clear "? Then she slapped me a bit harder than she had before' The way she said it... I knew she was not kidding. I was about to get hurt in some twisted sexual way.Part of me wanted it and felt I deserved it...I really was hers now.I answered her the only way I could by nodding my head, but it not seem to satisfy her.She slapped me again even harder..."answer me you little cunt!"" Yes...I understand" and nodded my head slightly.She replied " Good...because after this punishment you will think twice about disobeying me again. Now, take off your shirt, and then roll over on your stomach." As I began to work the buttons I watched her start looking through the boxes and get a few things out of one of them.She set a roll of packing tape and a pair of scissors on the floor beside me. She kicked off her shoes and took off her skirt and panties. When she saw I had finished unbuttoning my shirt and hadn't rolled over yet she said in a tone of disbelief and almost anger "I said roll roll over, you fucking little cunt." She held her hand up and cocked her head and her pretty eyes now glared at me as she continued." Do it now!... or I will really slap the hell out of you, you fucking disobedient little slut" I uttered " Karen I ..." and before I got to the next word, she practically yelled at me. " You shut your fucking mouth !...You don't seem to be getting this...shut your fucking mouth and do what the hell I tell you to do. You speak only when I tell you lay face down and be quiet." Then she pulled over the big brown suit case to where she could comfortably reach it. I watched in silent but now uneasy curiosity as opened it and took a package. It was a plastic bag with a new hundred foot coil of rope in it. She saw me looking it as she opened it with the scissors and laughed. She dug in the suit case again and pulled out what I know now was a professional quality leather flogger held it up to show it to me and laughed again and said "Yes my sweet little girl , this is for you...for starters" and her laugh got low and menacing.She set it down and began cutting long pieces of the rope and setting them in meat coils around me. She was telling me that she loved to tie up little sluts and watch them squirm and struggle in tight bondage as she punished them. When the ropes were all ready she got a few more things out of the suit case. A dildo in a harness then a huge one that seemed to fit it too. Other things made for sticking women... Little clamps on chains...several other things ...then a little whip...she laughed and held it up for me to see it as she slid it through her delicate but very strong was small but it was a real leather whip and she was going to use it on me!!I stated to speak and beg her to not hurt me but the look she shot me told me to not dare say a fucking word!. She hung she short whip around her neck.She reached for one of the coils of rope and held it as she said "I am going to tie you up so fucking tight its going to hurt...God, I love doing this!"...and laughed...Now put your hands behind your back, you stupid fucking cunt" she said with a strangely wild look in her eyes and a new tone in her voice that truly frightened me.I hesitated for just a second and she climbed on my back and sit down hard. She grabbed up her wet panties put them in my hand and said "Open you fucking mouth ...put these in it... and then close your fucking mouth...God Becky... You really are pissing me off!!!I see that I'm going to have to really fucking hurt you to make you understand how it its going to be from now on" She picked up the scissors and tape...... and I would hate for your pathetic screams to scare the wildlife"...I could hear the crazed excitement and a tone of sadistic pleasure in her voice as she said it, then laughed , as she put the first piece of tape over my mouth. It was at that point I began to panic. I became frantic and tried to get out from under her. She was very quick to grab one arm with both of her strong hands and wrench it up behind my back until the pain shot through me and paralyzed me. She tried to calm me but not by being nice but by telling me to be still and it would hurt less. She was very pissed and forceful but not out of control angry. She had me take my free arm and hand her one of the rope sand used it to tie my twisted arm in a nearly agonizing position by a very simple tie of it up to my neck. Then she made me tuck my free arm under me and went back to putting several more strips of the tape over my mouth and face to make sure it didn't come off.I remember the next few minutes her tone changed yet again. She was not only keeping me off balance and had taken control of me physically but was also fucking with my mind and using her experience with what she knew I must be going through to take me to a place I was lost and helpless in. I wont say it was business like but I was definitely being give instruction on what would be best for me and how I could do the right things to make life on myself less difficult. She was obviously very good with ropes and went about tying me up starting with my arms behind my back. As she did it quite methodically she was telling me in very even tones how bondage was going to become a big part of my life. As she tugged and tied the ropes and finished what would turn out to be only the first part of the tie on my arms and wrists and raised up off my lower back and turned around she was telling me how this first tie was going to become increasingly uncomfortable and it was part of my first lesson in how things could be very uncomfortable for me. The more she talked the more kind she became again. She would call me "sweetie" and "doll" and was explaining that I had not really done anything wrong and in fact I had been a very good girl and tried to obey her and this was not only a punishment but a lesson as well. She said it was a lesson that I needed to learn and she was sure I would. She said it was also a test of me physically. She was going to learn body and see how much I could tolerate and the best ways to work it, not only my pain thresholds but my sexual responses to them. By the time she had tied my ankles I was calmed down and no longer in the panic mode but by no means were my fears of what was going to be done to me alleviated by what she was saying. However, the tone she was using did help. She no was no longer pissed off and acting like she was some crazy sadistic bitch who was going to beat me mercilessly.She moved a few things around then, raised off of me and moved me. She physically drug me towards the front of the van feet first and still face down. Then she told me to spread my knees as far apart as my tied ankles would let me. Using the places in the floor the second row seat would have been hooked down to, she tied my knees to hold my legs spread very wide. I remember this next part very well because it was the beginning of my of bondage/arousal conditioning. She sat heavily on my back facing me feet and began a very deliberate and very expert series of bringing me close to another orgasm using her strong fingers in and on my pussy and clit, only to stop short and then spank my ass with her bare hand each time, setting both my pussy and ass on fire with burning desire. I had never expected that being spanked could feel that way.She asked me questions and seemed pleased with my answers of how it was effecting me. She said" Good girl , you are quite the little slut and your sweet little pussy is very responsive. You are lucky. Not all women have such easily manipulated pussies or the ability for multiple orgasms without huge amounts of stimulation." as she said that she pressed really hard on my clit and I let out a whining moan from the somewhat painful pressure. Then she continued" Oh yes, you are very lucky. I wont have to make you very sore to get what I need from you."She left me panting for a few moments as she took a few more things out of her suitcase. I couldn't help but think how she was planning to use them on me in the room we were suppose to be sharing at Lisa's house and was oddly grateful that we were in the van instead.She opened a zippered makeup bag and took out a plain black but plug and a small tear open packet of lubricant and coated it as I watched. As she coated it she asked" Have you used anal devices or had much anal sex with your husband Becky?... Do you like your ass fucked you sexy little cunt?...those are must learn that even when gagged and I ask you questions you will answer them. With that, she slapped my already burning ass really hard three times making me squeal very loud.


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