My First Sauna By Nigel - Adult Friends

By nigel

Published on Sep 7, 2003



MY FIRST SAUNA BY: Nigel aka Horny Writer

My good mate Steve was a champion bullshitter, he could claim the gold medal for England in the Olympics if he put his mind to it. He was the kind of guy who had done everything, got the tee shirt and had it so long it was close to being worn out. Steve had this job as a sports attendant at the local leisure centre but to listen to him you would have thought he was a Bay Watch Lifeguard, International Soccer Coach and champion gymnast all rolled into one. But he was a good mate and we often hung out together.

One Friday evening in a bar somewhere or other he was extolling the joys of the sauna suite in the leisure centre. "It tones the muscles and deep cleanses the pores of the skin," he explained. "You should try it."

I nodded and drained the last few sips of my pint.

"How about you coming down tomorrow ? You'll enjoy a good hot sauna."

"But don't you have to be naked ?" I blushed. "Not sure about that.

Steve laughed. "Not got anything to be ashamed about have you ?"

"Of course not ! Ready for another ?" I picked up the empty glasses and made for the bar and a definite change of subject.

But Steve wasn't going to give up. Perhaps he was persuasive, Steve certainly had that trait in his character, or perhaps I had just a little to much too drink to be in full possession of my senses but I agreed and Steve said he would come round to meet me in the morning. That morning came and I awoke early. There was a peculiar feeling about me, an emotional regretting what I had agreed to and yet nervously anticipating the visit. I hadn't been naked in front of another guy since the days of after games showers at school yet I wanted to reveal all and enjoy the experience of being naked with my friend. And HEY they would be others in there as well wouldn't there ? Members of the public, strangers ! What if they were a lot bigger than me and I looked silly by the side of them ? What if I got a hard on ? Bloody hell that wouldn't be good. And WHAT if there were people I knew in there ???

I had a hard on right then and the thought of the coming morning generated plenty of precum even without me touching anything. But touch things I did and enjoyed a good morning wank partly to relive the hard-on, something I do most mornings anyway, and partly to calm me and hope I wouldn't get hard again in the sauna.

That over I showered and stood naked before a mirror to inspect myself. I looked OK, true I am not the best hung guy in the world but I'm bigger than average - about six inches uncut. I flicked my cock about and pulled my ball-bag: they were fine. I took a pair of scissors and lightly trimmed my pubes. Another inspection: I looked great. Another quick wank, bit sore taking a second so quickly, and I was ready.

Steve had said he would be round at half past nine and at nine twenty the door bell rang. Something I haven't told you is that Steve is a fan of motor bikes and he stood there that morning on my doorstep with a spare crash helmet in his hand and was presuming I would ride pillion with him down to the leisure centre. Now I had summonsed nearly all the courage I had to agree to an hour of total nudity in the sauna but riding on the back of a motor bike with Steve driving ? - That would be suicidal ! I gently declined the ride and we walked the mile and a half to the leisure centre.

Steve had called the leisure centre to book us in and much to my relief he explained that we would be the only two in there that morning. "It's usually quiet on a Saturday morning," he explained. "Guys either have hang-overs from the previous night or those who are married are out with the little wives doing the supermarket run." I didn't care what they were doing providing there would be just the two of us.

As we walked through the car park to the entrance my heart was pounding like a war drum. I slipped a hand inside my trouser pocket to feel that all was well, it was - no sign even of a semi-hardon. Thank goodness. It felt like walking the green mile as we moved from the reception desk to a door which would lead to the sauna suite.

Inside there was a kind of turnstile thingy into which we placed the round brass tokens we had each received in reception and we were inside the inner sanctum.

There was a small locker room with curtained cubicles. Steve went into one but didn't pull the curtain behind him and quickly began to undress. First his jacket, then his shirt to reveal a tanned upper torso. I slowly fumbled with the buttons down the front of my own shirt. Steve then turned to fold his clothes before kicking off his shoes. Then with a swift movement both his trousers and pants were down round his ankles. As he stepped out I just had to admire his bum, tight and nice - mmmm.

"Come on you," Steve smiled as he turned round. "Strip off."

Shit - let's go for it ! I obliged and soon was standing on that cold tiled floor as naked as the day I was born. Sure I was a little embarrassed but I must tell you it felt OK, nah more than that it felt kind of good.

We put our clothes away in one of the lockers then Steve led the way to the showers. "Best to take a shower first then go inside while you are still wet," he explained. "Try to take it as cold as you can. Don't worry if it shrivels your nuts up they'll soon drop down again once you are inside."

The leisure centre provided towels for its customers and I left mine casually on the floor as I stepped into the shower. There were three small shower heads over a central drain system. Steve stood in the centre of one and ice cold water poured down on him. he drew breath and shook his head about. Some of the freezing water splashed onto my own body as I gently twisted the tap to begin my own ablutions. I have to confess I turned the lever more than slightly towards hot. A fog of steam was produced to give evidence to my cowardice.

"You cheat," Steve shouted and grabbed my wet slippery body in an attempt to drag it under the cold water. He is stronger that I and he succeeded ! I fought back and enjoyed grabbing at his body and feeling the naked flesh beneath my fingers. We spilled on the wet flood and ended up with me on my back and Steve on top of me. I could feel the line of his slippery naked body against my own and the limp rod of his cock against my thigh.

Game over we made our way into the actual sauna cabin and sat on the benches. As the heat increased we began to chat.

"Enjoying it ?" Steve asked.

I nodded. Sure enough with my inhibitions safely overcome it was good. Good to enjoy the sauna and good to be naked with my friend. Steve is a little shorter than I but muscular and well built in that way. He is blonde and had a fine gathering of blonde pubes above an uncut cock of similar size to my own.

"You look good,' Steve continued.

"Thanks," I replied just slightly embarrassed. Did he know I had been studying him ? Had he been making his own study of me ? He must have. "So do you."

"Ah it is good to be free from the conventions of clothing and to be just the way nature intended.' Steve said pouring another ladle of water on the red-hot coals. Steam hissed from the brazier and the temperature increased further.

"To be honest I was a bit nervous about stripping off," I confessed.

Steve gently shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Believe me Nigel you have nothing to be nervous about."

"You've been to the sauna many times before ?" It was a comment even more than it was a rhetorical question.

"Sure have. Seen more dicks in here than you've had hot dinners my friend."

I smiled. "Have you ?"

Again those were words which did not require an answer from my friend but still he chose to give one. "Sure have. Big ones and not so big ones. Fat ones and thin ones. Cut ones and uncut ones."

"Anyone I know ?"


"Who ?"

I was kind of interested.

"Let me think." He feigned an expression of deep thought.

It was a good job I had wanked off twice before meeting up with Steve as there was a sure horny feeling starting to develop. I used all of my willpower to control against an erection.

"Mick Jones, you know him don't you ?"

I nodded.

"He's very well hung. To be honest I wonder he don't knacker himself when he walks the way his balls hang so low."

"Get on."

"Honest. He's got about a seven inch dick but his balls hang way down. He had a sauna with me last week, he's quite amazing. Tell you what I'll fix it for him to join us next week and you can see for yourself."

"That's be nice."

As an adolescent I was always a bit dick shy, my pubes grew at an early age and bushed out ahead of others in my class so when it came for showers after PE I was a bit embarrassed. By the time others had caught me up we all used to skive showers and move quickly to the next lesson. That time with Steve in the sauna was the first time I had been naked with another guy or seen another lad naked for years. Although I had my reservations earlier they were now gone and I had a strange desire to see as many guys as possible naked and to have a good view of their manhood.

"Terry's got a nice one. Cute bum as well."

I looked at Steve and wondered if he was bulshitting again, after all he was an expert. Or perhaps he collected experiences like this and would soon be telling other guys exactly what my own dick looked like.

"You see I'm a bit of a willy watcher," Steve laughed as he got up and went out for a shower.

I remained in the sauna cabin alone with my thoughts for a while. The door opened. "Hand me the water bucket and I'll fill it from the shower," Steve said.

He filled it twice. The first fill he emptied by flinging the contents of ice cold water across the cabin from the doorway right over me. Even in the heat it took my breath away. I burst out of the cabin and into the shower area chasing after him.

"I tell you mate if you do that again you won't have a willy to watch with 'cos I'll cut if off."

"Oooooh !"

I suppose a natural progression for events would have been to move from the conversational and into the practical. Perhaps we could have wanked, it wouldn't have seemed out of place and I'm sure either of us would have agreed had the other suggested it but neither did. Instead we just continued chatting about the size of our own dicks and then Steve giving graphic detail of those he had seen before.

No it wasn't bull shit as the new few weeks would tell. Steve fixed up a range of sauna visits with different guys, some were mutual friends while others I met for the first time. On some of the visits we were not the only ones in there as we were on that first day and we were treated to the view of total strangers.

Steve was right Mick Jones did have well hung balls, more like a bloody stallion. I also had to agree with him that Terry had a nice one and a definitely cute bum. I liked David's the first time I saw it, not big by any measure but in perfect proportion. Dave, Mick and Terry were all uncut while Roger, Simon and John had all lost their foreskins at an early age.

As two confirmed willy watchers we often discussed the attributes of our friends and those we met in the sauna. "You see," Steve said one day after a visit, "what they say about black guys is true. Shit man didn't that guy have a monster ?"

"He did. The biggest I have ever seen. I wonder how he keeps all that lot inside his pants !"

As I have explored my own masculinity I have done loads of fun things with loads of different guys but strangely I never went beyond willy watching in the sauna with my mate Steve. As I am typing this tale now I am smiling at just how many willy we actually watched, there were loads of them I promise.

Steve moved away a while ago, got a job with computers in America and we have lost contact with one another. I have tried to find him on the net searching various data sites but so far without any success. I honestly have no idea where he is or exactly what he's up to these days but of one thing I know and that is he is the number one world willy watcher ! I wonder if he has watched yours !

Well, I hope you enjoyed my little tale -- 100% true. Let me know what you think:

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