My Friend Casey

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Feb 15, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

My Friend Casey by Chris

I am not sure how it happened but it did. After what Barbara had done to me about a year ago, I did not intend to fall for someone again. Our relationship lasted for three years and we had lived together for the last two of those three years. One afternoon I came home to find that she had moved out and left me with a short note that simply stated, "I found someone else, see ya." It took me two weeks of searching to find out that she had been seeing another woman for the past two months and that they moved out to California. I vowed that I would never fall for another person again as I grieved over losing Barbara. I decided that I could be perfectly happy living by myself for the rest of my life. I went out with friends and when I was alone, I found that it was not so bad. There were always my computers to keep me busy.

Now to tell you about how I met and fell for Casey I need to tell you a little about myself. I grew up in a nudist family. There was a resort near where I grew up and my family spent about every weekend there. When I graduated from tech school with a degree in computer technologies, I found a job about 50 miles away in a costal town where my grandmother had lived. When she died, the house went to my mother and we used it during the summer as a vacation home. Therefore, I moved into the house and made it my home. There was a nudist beach there and that is where I was every Saturday and Sunday during the summer. It was there that I met Casey.

It was the first weekend of June and I arrived at the beach at about 9 am like I always do. I pulled in next to a car and I noticed that there a girl sitting just inside. I smiled at her as I put my SUV in park. She gave me a half smile back and went back to looking out the windshield. I got out and started getting my SUV unpacked. As I got my stuff together, I kept an eye on her. She looked about my age, maybe a little younger. She had short black hair. Her face was pretty, not that I was noticing, mind you. Anyway, she looked nervous and confused. I had about half my junk unpacked when I heard her start her car. I knew that she must have been thinking about going to the nude beach and finally had talked herself out of it. Of course, I could not just mind my own business, so I went over to her car and tapped on the driver's side window. She about jumped out of her skin at the sound of my tapping. She turned off her engine and rolled down her window.

"Hi my name is Christy."

"Hi, I am Casey."

"You looked like you were trying to decide whether to try out a nude beach and decided against going."

"Yea, I don't know what I was thinking when I came here in the first place. I could never go without my clothes in front of other people."

I could tell there was more to the story than what she was saying and like I said I before I could never leave good enough alone.

"Tell you what. I always have to make two trips to get my stuff to the beach. Would you mind giving me a hand with my stuff?"

I could tell she was thinking it over and I threw in what I hoped was the decisive factor.

"It is a half mile to the beach and you would be doing me a huge favor if you helped me out."

I then gave her what I hoped was my most pitiful look and she finally said, "Ok." She got out and between us; we got all my stuff. Since I usually spend all day at the beach, I always took towels, chairs, and a cooler of drinks and food. I also had an 8' x 10' tent like cover. It was like a tent without the sides. That way I could get out of the sun during the heat of the day and had enough room for anyone that wanted to stop by and talk. I always packed enough junk to keep me supplied all day as well as supplying anyone else that may drop by. I took the tent and one of the chairs in one arm. She took the other chair and the bag that contained my towels, sunscreen, etc in one of her arms. We then each took a handle of the ice cooler and we started on the way. I am normally quite but I talked non-stop as we went toward the beach. I told her all about myself, that I was 25 and that I worked in a store that build and repaired home computers. I kept the subject off nudity for the moment. We stopped a couple of times along the way to rest but finally made it to the beach. There were not a lot of people there yet so that was good. I took her to my favorite spot. Barbara and I found the spot and after she left me I thought about changing where I always set up but in the end I decided to keep coming to the same spot. I had decided that bitch would not make me leave the best spot on the beach.

Once we had put everything down, I did not let her leave but instead had her help me set up the tent, towels, and chairs. Once she was there, I sensed that she wanted a reason to stay but could not think of one so I tried to give her one.

"Won't you stay a minute and keep me company until the beach fills up. There are not that many people here yet. You do not have to take your clothes off if you don't want to. You have your bathing suit on under your clothes don't you?"

"Uh, well yes I do."

"Well you can get some sun while you are here. Grab you some lotion and sit yourself in the chair."

Casey gave me a half smile and took her top off revealing her small "A" cup breasts covered with a bikini top. She then shed her shorts and I saw that she was slim but had nice curves to her body. Her matching bikini bottoms were low cut but still covered everything. I thought to myself that she had a nice body then reminded myself that I was not in the market. She had left her sunglasses in her car so I gave her an extra pair that I kept. Now it was my turn to get undressed and for the first time in as long as I can remember I was self- conscious about getting undressed. I slipped the straps off my shoulders and let my summer dress slip off to reveal my naked body. I was now in all my glory. I had a decent body and was in decent shape but could lose a pound or two. As I put my dress away, I realized that Casey had been watching my every move. I did not pay much attention to it at the time but it would make sense much later. I sat down and Casey handed me the sunscreen. Once I had covered my body with lotion, we laid back in our chairs for some sun.

I asked her about how she came to be here this morning and she told me about hearing some to the girls at her college talking about the beach and all the naked men there but she was not interested in seeing naked men running around. That comment went right over my head. Anyway, she decided to look up nudism on the Internet and the more she read the more interested she became. She had always been self-conscious about being so slim and barely having any breasts, and everything she read talked about how nudist help you get over being self conscious about your body. But when she got here she lost her nerve. I told her that growing up in a nudist family, I had been around nude people all my like so being naked around other people was no big deal, but I could understand her situation. I told her to take it slow and when she was ready, she would take her clothes off. If it was not for her then she was free to keep wearing her bathing suit. I told her that most people thought nudist equaled sex but that was not the case. It was the freedom to go without clothes. You saw all types here from fat to skinny. As we talked, she seemed to relax more and more but her bathing suit stayed on.

We talked and sunned ourselves for a couple of hours then I decided to take a swim. I asked her if she wanted to join me and she said "Sure." I got up and held out my hand to help her up. She took it and got up. Before I could let loose of her hand she intertwined her fingers with mine and held on tight. I thought she was nervous about walking down with all the naked people around so I squeezed her hand and we walked down to the water. Once in the water I let go of her hand and we played around in the water and the waves. When we got tired of the water, we came back out and Casey again took my hand. It felt nice hold her hand and since she was only a new friend it was no big deal. I figured if she wanted to hold hands then that was ok with me. As we walked back, I saw that she was watching all the people on the beach. It was getting full now and as I told her there was all body types there, from old to young and slim to fat. When we got back to our chairs and had sat down I looked over at Casey and she was biting her lower lip. She then reached up, untied her top, and took it off. I saw that her white breasts contrasted to her tan skin and I knew that if I had not sworn off love I could get into those cute little breasts. She next put her hands down to her waist and pushed her bikini bottoms down and then off. Her black pubic hair was trimmed like mine but again like me she did not trim to close leaving most of her bush there. I did not say anything to her. I did not want her to become self- conscious and put her bathing suit back on. I did watch to make sure she put plenty of sunscreen on those areas that had never seen sun before. We lay in the sun for an hour before moving under the tent and have some lunch. I made us some sandwiches as Casey fixed us something to drink. We talked, ate, and as we ate a couple of friends stopped by to talk a minute. I watched Casey and she tensed up at first but quickly settled down when she realized that they did not pay attention to the fact that she was naked. When they left, I suggested that we take a walk so that Casey could see the entire beach. Casey said no at first but consented to a short walk.

We got up and she took my hand again. We had only gone about twenty steps when she stopped.

"Why did you stop?"

"Well you said we would talk a short walk and that was a short walk."

I looked back at her and she had this serious look on her face then she broke into a smile. I knew then that she had a wirily sense of humor.

"Come on silly, it won't be that bad."

Casey laughed as I pulled her along. We walked slowly up the beach and I could tell that every muscle in Casey's body was tense. We walked a little farther as I hoped Casey would relax and when she didn't I stopped and turned to face her.

"Relax; no one is staring at you. Look around and find me one person that you think is staring at you and I will go and beat the living hell out of them."

Casey looked at me and realized I was serious, which I was. But I was secretly hoping that she could not find anyone, as I did not want to get the hell beat out of me when I picked a fight with someone for staring. Casey looked around and found that I was right, everyone was going about his or her business, and no one was paying any attention to us.


"Yes but it still hard to relax."

"I know but try and you will find how relaxing it can be to walk around naked and free of clothes."

We started to walk on and slowly Casey began to relax. By the time we had reached that end of the nude beach, Casey was completely relaxed. On our walk back, she began to notice everyone and even talked to a couple of my friends that we met on the way back. When we got back to where we were set up I kept us walking and Casey did not seem to mind. We got to the cliffs that marked the upper end of the beach. There we went into the water and sat down to where the water just came up out waists. We talked and cooled off in the water. Eventually we got up and made our way back home.

"You know if that was a short walk I would hate to see what a long walk is."

"Oh I am sorry did I say a short walk, I meant to say a long walk. I am sorry."

"I bet you are." Then we both laughed.

We got something to drink and lay down in our chairs under the tent. We both drifted off to sleep as the sun beat down on the beach. This was the hottest part of the day and it was a good time to be either in the water or sleeping in the shade. We slept for a couple of hours and then swam some more before it was time to leave.

When we got back to our cars, I told Casey that I would be back here tomorrow and I would love to have her join me. She said that she might just take me up on that offer. When I got there at nine on Sunday, I found Casey waiting on me. I knew that I had made a new friend.

We got everything set up and as she shed her clothes this time there was no bathing suit. So she had decided that nudism was for her after all. That day was spent much like Saturday except when she asked if I was seeing anyone. I told her all about Barbara but I did not mention Barbara's name or her sex, letting her assume that it was a male or so I thought. I also told her that I had sworn off love forever, it was not worth the pain. I then quickly asked her about her love life to get her off mine. She simple stated that there wasn't much to it. All her love affairs, what few of them that she had had, were always short lived. She was not sure what she was doing wrong or maybe it was that she had not met the right person yet. She smiled and looked directly at me when she said that. We then went on to other subjects and stayed off love for the rest of the day.

When the day ended I again told her that I would be back the following Saturday and she was welcome to join me. She replied that she would seriously think about it as she enjoyed the weekend and my company. When Saturday rolled around and I arrived at the beach. I found her waiting for me. I had been hoping all week that she would be there. I had not realized how lonely I really was until she came alone. It was nice to have a friend again. We spent the day at the beach only this time I conned her into playing volleyball with me. She kept saying that she had not played since high school and was not that good even then. But I eventually talked her into playing. It was two on two and the first game we played against a couple of very experienced players who showed no mercy and we did not score a point. It took me an hour to get her to try again and this time we played against a couple of girls who were closer to our skill level. We still lost but it was a much closer game. This got Casey's competitive sprit up and she demanded a rematch, which we were granted. We also lost that game but I could tell that Casey was really getting into the game. What she lacked in skill she more than made up with enthusiasm.

As we packed up to leave, I realized that I did not want the day to end so I invited her over to my place for some pizza. Casey said that she was starving and that sounded great to her. We packed my SUV up and she followed me home in her car. Once there we carried in the ice chest and towel bag leaving the rest, as I would be going back to the beach in the morning.

"You can take a shower as I order the pizza." I said as I showed where the bathroom was.

"I did not bring me any clean clothes to put on after my shower."

I took her hand and showed her the wall plaque that I had on the wall as you entered my house. I simple stated "Nudism Practiced Here."

"Oh yea, I forgot" Casey replied after seeing the sign and she went off to take her shower. I emptied the ice chest and got myself a beer to drink. I had it about half done when Casey came in from her shower. Her skin seemed to have a glow from the shower. Her tan lines had started to fade. I felt a stirring I had not felt in a long time but I shook it off as I handed her my beer. Casey took a long drink from my beer went to the living room to wait for the pizza. I told her where the money was and that I kept a sundress by the door in case the pizza got there before I got out. When I came out of the bathroom, I smelled the pizza and as I came into the kitchen, I found it on the table and Casey had a fresh beer sitting out for me. We ate then retired to the living room to watch a movie. I did not have a couch but had two recliners. We sat down and I put a movie on. It was a good movie that I loved to watch so I quickly got into what was happening on the TV. About halfway through I glanced over at Casey to find that she had reclined her chair and was sleeping soundly. I turned off the TV and got up to get a sheet to cover Casey. She looked so sweet and peaceful sleeping there. I thanked the stars that I arrived at the beach before she left.

When I woke the next morning, I came into the kitchen to find Casey had a pot of coffee ready and she was cooking breakfast.

"Sorry about falling asleep on you last night. I guess I was worn out from the volleyball and sun. So I thought I would make it up by cooking you breakfast."

"You did not have to do that but since you did the least I can do is eat it. You do know how to cook don't you?" I kidded with her.

"Yes and just for that comment you get no seconds and you will want seconds I assure you."

She was right, I did want seconds and I as I reached for the dish I felt a sharp slap on the back of my hand.

"I told you no seconds." Casey said with a smile then she dipped some more food into my plate.

After breakfast, we packed up my SUV and I headed back to the beach with Casey following in her car. We spent the morning sunning and playing volleyball. That afternoon we spent walking the beach. As always, whenever we went anywhere Casey took my hand. I had long since gotten used to Casey wanting to hold my hand as we walked and to tell the truth I rather liked it. It seemed to make our friendship that much closer.

The next week I found myself thinking of Casey when I had a little down time. I had only known her for a couple of weeks but it seemed like I had known her forever. By the time Saturday rolled around it seemed like I had a years worth of things to tell her. I got to the beach 8:30 to find her already there. She jumped out of her car and we both started talking at the same time. This caused both of us to laugh then we argued as to who would talk first. Finally, I made a motion like I was zipping up my lips and would not respond to her until she started talking. But of course she accused me of not fighting fair. After we set up, we spent most of the morning talking, telling each other about our week. I found myself telling her just about everything about my life with the exception that I was a lesbian. I still did not want to scare her off. She had become too important a friend to me. We walked the beach and held hands as we talked. That afternoon as the day got hot, we retreated to the shade and rested. When we left that day, I again invited her home with me and she readily accepted. I suggested that maybe we could go play some miniature golf. I told her I knew it was a kid's game but I loved to play and she said that was fine as long as I did not beat her too bad. I replied that I would not guarantee anything.

When we got home, I noticed that she had a bag when she got out of her car. She had planned ahead this time. It was as if she knew I would I would invite her home again. We each took a shower and she joined me in my bedroom as I got out of the shower. I went through my closet trying to find something to wear. As I went through my closet, I noticed Casey had a strange look on her face as if she was trying to figure out what was wrong with that picture then it hit her.

"Don't you own anything except dresses?"

"None. That is all I wear and it you look you will find that I don't own any bras and very few panties."

"Ok, I'll bite. Why?"

"I told you I was a nudist. So when I have to wear clothes I wear the least possible. Luckily, my breasts are small enough that I can get away with going without a bra. And I only wear panties when my period comes. If I could get away with it, I would go nude 24 hours a day 7 days a week but society has not gotten that far yet. So I wear the least allowed. Does it bother you?"

"No, it fact it sounds interesting. I may have to try it someday."

"Today is as good a day as any."

"True but I will stick to the beach for now."

"Ok, just promise me that you will wait to try it when you are with me. I want to see how you like it."


I finished getting ready and we went to dinner and then on to the miniature golf place by the beach. It was late enough by then so that most of the younger kids were gone and we were left with just the older kids and adults, most of whom seemed to be on dates. We paid and got our balls and putters and went to the first hole. I could tell it had been a while since she had played but since neither of us was really trying to win, we had a lot of fun. There were three different courses so we played one then took a break before trying the second one. The second course she played a little better and I only beat her by a few strokes. We took another break then went to the third course. This one was actually the easiest of the three.

When we got to the ninth hole, Casey was the first to go. The hole had almost a 90-degree turn with a hill that you had to hit it across. She hit the ball and it went up the incline, curved around the bend, and headed straight for the hole. The closer the ball got to the hole the more excited Casey got. It then dropped right in for a hole in one. Casey jumped up and down and screamed. She then did something that I can still remember in every distinct detail. She turned to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. In the excitement of the moment, I hugged her back. We were both laughing and enjoying the moment not caring if we were making a scene. Soon we stopped laughing and just hugged. I felt Casey laid her head on my shoulder and for the first time in a long time, I felt content and happy. I felt her arms hug me tighter and without realizing it, I did the same. We held each other for what seemed like hours but was only a minute or so. My brain then took over, I thought about what we were doing, and I quickly let go. There was an awkward moment or two as we looked at each other but I then stepped back and we resumed play. I will admit the hug had shaken me up and I played like shit the rest of the course. When we finished I was not surprised that Casey was two strokes ahead. I just could not concentrate on playing as my mind was still holding her.

After turning in our putters, we headed home. I was quieter than normal, as I was not sure what I was feeling. For the first time since Barbara, I was feeling something more than friendship toward someone but I was too scared to do anything about it. I told myself that I was not ready for anything more than friendship so I vowed once again that love was not for me. When we got home, I told Casey I was tired and headed to bed. Once there I tried to sleep but I just could not make myself drift off. My mind was going about ninety miles a minute and all I could think about was Casey sleeping in my spare bedroom. About two, I got up to get me something to drink and had to pass the bedroom that Casey was sleeping in. I saw that her door was about halfway open and I glanced inside. I could just make out her sleeping form. I stood in the doorway for about 30 minutes just watching her sleep. I was feeling a strong urge to slip into bed with her and pull her in close to my body. I had never been so confused in my life. Finally, I turned and went back to bed forgetting why I had gotten up in the first place. I was finally able to get some sleep and when I got up, I found Casey had breakfast ready and coffee made. She looked the exact opposite of me refreshed while I was dead tired. We exchanged pleasantries and ate breakfast then went to the beach.

We both ended up sleeping more than anything else. The warm air and my tired body had overcome my brain and I was able to get some rest. As we were leaving that day I asked her if she wanted to exchange phone numbers on the pretense that if something came up and one of us would not be able to make it next Saturday we would be able to contact each other. She quickly agreed and wrote her number down for me and got my number.

Monday went ok at work and I was able to keep Casey out of my mind for the most part. When I got home, I went to work on some old computers that I was fixing up to sell. The place where I worked allowed me to buy old computers from them when they were traded in for a new one. I would then fix them up and sell them as starter computers. This provided me with a good second income and allowed me to give a few away to kids that could not otherwise afford one.

Tuesday was another matter all together. I came into the store at about 10 and saw a girl looking at some computers. From the back, I could have sworn it was Casey. I felt my heart jump and my mouth go dry. It was not until she turned around that I realized that it was not Casey. I went back to the repair shop and started working on another computer. I was one of the few women in a man- dominated field so I made sure I was better than anyone else but today I suddenly was not at my best. I worked for two hours trying to get a computer to work and getting more and more frustrated. Finally, I tried something simple and it worked. I felt like a fool working so hard and getting frustrated on something I should have took one look at and solved. I knew I had to get my mind back together but I was having more and more trouble doing that.

I got home that night and decided that if Casey were causing me all these problems then I would call her. Maybe that would get her off my mind for a while. I dialed her number and she answered on the first ring. I was so surprised that I went mute for a second or two before getting my voice back. She did not seem surprised that I had called. She asked if I was calling to cancel our date at the beach on Saturday. I assured her that was not the case. I had just seen someone in the store that looked like her and I had decided to call. We talked for about an hour before she said she had to study for a test and that she would see me Saturday. Talking to her did make me feel better and I was able to rebuild two computers in record time. Wednesday went by fine but by Thursday evening, I had to have another Casey fix so I called her again. This time the phone rang about five times before she answered. She said that she had just gotten out of the shower came into the room as the phone was ringing. This time we talked for two and half hours. I knew I was heading down a path I did not want to go but could do nothing to stop myself.

Friday dragged by as I was looking forward to see Casey on Saturday morning. When I got home Friday night, I went ahead and packed my SUV so that I would be ready in the morning. I tossed and turned all evening before finally giving up at six and got up. By seven-thirty, I could stand it no longer, so I left for the beach, I figured at least I would finally beat Casey there but when I got there a little after eight Casey was already there. I asked her when she had gotten there and she said that she had just arrived but I suspected that she had been there for longer than that. We unpacked everything and headed for the beach. Once everything was set up, we decided to go for a walk. We started out and for the first time Casey did not immediately take my hand. We walked about half-mile and I could not stand it any longer. I had gotten used to holding her hand and I needed the contact. I took her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. I looked over at her as I did this and I saw that she was smiling. We walked up and down the beach a couple of times talking at times and at others; we were silent enjoying the fresh morning breeze. The afternoon we played and little volleyball and took a nap during the heat of the day. About six we pack up and headed for my house. When we got there, I pulled the ice chest out as Casey got her stuff and I noticed that she had a dress in her hands.

We both took a shower and then got ready to go out to eat. I watched as Casey put her dress on without first putting on any panties or bra. She walked around a bit getting use to the feel of going without underclothes. She was a little self-conscious, as if she knew everyone would know she had no panties or bra on but I knew she would soon get over that. We left in my SUV and headed out to find something to eat. We argued for a while before settling on a pizza parlor near the beach. When we sat down Casey made sure she had her legs together not wanting to give anyone a free look. I giggled at her and that only made her hit me saying I was the one who talked her into going out panty less. We took our time eating and it was just getting dark when we left.

I did not wanted to go home quite yet so we drove around for an hour or so until I found that I had ended up at the nude beach. I told Casey since we were here we may as well go for a walk. I got a blanket out of the SUV and we headed for the beach. When we got to the beach, I laid out the blanket and took off my dress. Casey did the same with her dress. There was a full moon out that night and I have always blamed what I did that night on the full moon. Anyway, after Casey took off her dress I looked at her body in the moonlight. Suddenly I was looking at her differently and she was beautiful. I could not believe anyone being more perfect. I don't know how long I stood there looking at her but it seemed like hours. Casey did not move but instead let me look at her. I finally got my senses back, I held out my hand, she came to me and took it, and we walked slowly down the beach. Neither one of us talked but was comfortable with just walking and holding hands.

When we got to the end of the beach, I turned to go back but Casey stood still so that I ended up facing her. We were about a foot apart and I found myself staring into her eyes. Slowly I found that I was being drawn into those eyes and before I knew it, I was kissing her. Casey's lips were soft and receptive. She pulled me in close and I wrapped my arms around her holding her in close. Our lips would touch then pull apart then go back together. Our kisses became more and more passionate. I put my hand behind her head and held her lips to mine. We kissed for a minute or two when I felt my heart start to beat out of control and I could not get my breath. I broke away from Casey and saw the love in her eyes. That did it for me and I panicked.

I pushed her away and began running back down the beach. My mind was going a mile a minute but mostly it was telling me that I could not handle another love affair. I was running faster than I had ever run in my life but my breathing was out of control. I felt like I was going to pass out or something and about that time I felt a hand of my shoulder and I fell to my knees. I was crying out of control and trying to catch my breach at the same time. I don't know how long I was that way before I realized that Casey was holding me to her body and whispering in my ear that it was going to be ok. I wanted to hug her back but I couldn't. When I finally calmed down Casey released me.

"What is wrong?" Casey asked me with concern in her voice.

"I'm scared."

"Scared that I will leave you like Barbara did?"

I looked at not believing that she knew exactly what was going on inside my head. I could only answer "Yes."

"Well if you have not figured this out about me before now you will. I tend to talk everything to death. So before I leave you we will have talked about to over and over again. We will have talked about it so much you will be ready to say, "Shut up bitch and leave already." So you don't have to worry about that."

That answer with its touch of humor set me off to laughing and she quickly joined in laughing with me. We laughed so hard that we both had tears in our eyes. When we got our laugher under control, Casey took my head in her hands and kissed my forehead. She then opened her arms and I fell into them letting her envelop my body with her arms. I allowed her to do this, I put my head on the shoulder, and I hugged her back. I felt her lay her head on my shoulder and we just held each other. As we hugged, I thought about my vow to abstain from love and I knew it was time to break that vow. We hugged a good long time then Casey pulled back. She kissed me lightly on the lips before getting up. She dusted the sand off her legs then helped me up. I got the sand off my legs, she put her arm around my waist, and I did the same to her. We then walked back to the blanket.

When we got there, Casey pushed me onto my back on the blanket. She lay down on top of me with her legs between mine. She caressed my face with her fingers then lowered her lips to mine and we kissed. She opened her mouth and I did the same welcoming her tongue into my mouth. Her tongue caressed my teeth and then it found my tongue. Our tongues danced together inside my mouth and as she pulled away, I pushed my tongue out to follow her. She sucked on my tongue for a minute or so before releasing it. She started to kiss my face and neck sucking on my skin at times. About this time, Casey began to move her hips pushing her mound down onto mine. I pulled my knees up opening up my legs. The friction of her pussy against mine was not enough to get me off but it was enough to get my pussy lips to swell and moisture to appear. Her lips soon found mine again and we kissed but now there was hunger in our kiss. We kissed long and hard. Out tongues pressed together and took turns going into the other's mouths. She would pull on my lips sucking them into her mouth.

She gave me one final kiss before sliding on down my body until her head was over my breasts. She brought her hands up cupping my breasts. I moaned as she sucked my right nipple into her mouth. She sucked on it then teased it with the tip of her tongue. I moaned louder and pushed my chest up against her mouth. I felt Casey move her fingers to my left nipple and she pinched it. I was getting so turn on I did not think I could stand it. With one nipple getting sucked, teased, and gently bitten on and the other being pinched and caressed, I knew I was getting close to a climax. Casey switched nipples and now my left nipple was being caressed with the mouth and the other with her fingers. I was now moaning loudly not caring if anyone could hear me. Casey teased my breasts a good long time then she finally slid down lower. I opened my legs up more exposing my pussy to her mouth. I felt a gentle kiss on my left then right inner thigh. I then felt her lips kiss my pussy. I cried out her name as her kiss sent a jolt of electricity through my body. Casey began to lick up and down my slit. I twisted my head back and forth. She licked me deeper and deeper, twisting her tongue deep into my pussy. I felt like I was dieing and going to heaven. When her tongue found my clit, I could not hold off any longer, it had been too long since I had made love. I came hard pushing my hips and thus pussy against her mouth. Wave after wave of my orgasm washed over me.

As I recovered from my orgasm, I felt Casey licking up my juices. When I felt her mouth leave my pussy I though she was through; but then I felt a finger at the entrance to my pussy. Slowly Casey pushed it deep into me. She pushed it in until I felt her knuckle hit my pussy lips. She withdrew the finger then pushed it back in. She began to fuck me with her finger and I pushed back wanting more of her finger in my pussy. As she fucked me with her finger, she kissed and sucked in and around where her finger was fucking me. She would go from there to my clit and back again. She fucked me a couple of minutes before she removed her finger, which caused me to moan. But I was not to be left empty for long as Casey reinserted her finger only this time it was joined with a second finger. This stretched my pussy a little more and she lowered her mouth to my clit. She was fucking me harder and faster now. When her mouth clamped down on my clit she sucked and licked there equally as hard. Her fingers pushing in and out of my pussy felt so good and her mouth was working wonders on my clit. I held off my orgasm for as long as I could but when it hit it hit hard. I cried out Casey's name and clamped down on her fingers with my vaginal muscles. It took me a moment or two to relax enough for Casey to remove her fingers. She licked her fingers clean. Then she lowered her mouth to my pussy. She gently licked up and down my slit before going deeper to get the last of my juices. Once I was out of juices to give her I reached down and pulled her up to me. I kissed her tasting my own juices on her mouth.

As we kissed, I rolled her over onto her back. Now was my turn to please her and I could not wait to see what her pussy tasted like. First, a little teasing was in order. I was laying with my head over hers and my body to the side. I kissed her lips and then her neck. She raised her head allowing me her full neck to kiss and suck. I went from ear to ear kissing and licking her neck. I began to hear some moans coming from her throat. As I kissed her, I moved my hand to her chest and cupped her right breast. It was soft and when I got to her nipple, I found it hard. I used the end of my fingernail to tease the tip. I heard her groan and after a few seconds of this she tried to lift her chest to get me to use more than my fingernail and stop teasing her but I kept to just using my fingernail. It did not take long of me doing this before her groans got louder. I knew she was ready for more. I moved down and put my mouth just above her nipple. I let out a long breath and Casey shivered. I then quickly took the nipple into my mouth sucking hard on the hard little nipple. I used just my fingernail on the left nipple as I sucked and licked on the right. Casey was going crazy and I loved every minute of what I was doing to her. I did this for a few minutes before moving my mouth to the left nipple. I sucked here a minute then began to slowly move my hand toward her pussy. I rubbed her belly then went lower to her pubic hair. I went close to her pussy then back away. I then went to the left side of the pussy caressing her thigh getting close to her pussy then backed away. Next, I went to the right side doing the same. Casey raised her hips trying to get me to touch her where she needed to be touched most. I backed away again and Casey practically cried out to be touched. I put my hand on her belly and went back down not stopping this time. My hand went over her mound and on to her pussy. My fingers went over her clit and I found it enlarged and peeking out from its hood. I caressed her clit rolling it around with my fingers. I did this a moment then went on down to find her labia wet with her juices. I ran my fingers up and down her labia getting them wet. When they were good and wet, I curved my middle finger down and inserted it into her pussy. She was wet and warm and I felt her vagina clamp down on my finger. I pushed my finger in as far as I could and left it there a moment. I moved my mouth up to her mouth and kissed her. I then started to move my finger in and out of her pussy and using the palm of my hand to rub her clit. I kissed her as I fucked her pussy with my finger. When she got close to her climax, I moved my mouth to her breasts and kissed her nipples as I masturbated her pussy. I felt her body stiffen as her climax hit. She was not as loud as I was but she left me in no doubt as to what was happening to her body. I stroked her until the orgasm ended.

I now had to taste her. I moved down between her legs. I took her legs and spread them out wide. I bent down and took in a deep breath drinking in her musky smell. I went down lower and took in a long slow lick of her slit. Casey tasted as sweet as I thought she would. I sucked and licked her outer labia cleaning up her juices from her orgasm. Once she was clean I used my fingers to spread her open and I used my tongue to go deep into her pussy. I twisted my tongue around inside her and I could hear Casey begin to moan again. I left her clit alone for a couple of minutes then I moved there. I licked her clit using short quick licks and Casey seemed to like that, so I kept that up until I felt her approach her orgasm. I then sucked her clit into my mouth sucking hard and bring her off a second time. I was rewarded with more of her sweet juices that I was glad to lick up. I would have been happy to stay there all night but Casey needed a break and I felt her reach down for me. We cuddled on the blanket before the cool night air began to get to us.

"You know I thing there may be a better place to do this."

"Your bed?"

"Yea lets go."

We kissed one last kiss then jumped up, slipped our dresses on and headed for the car. As I drove home, Casey took my hand and held it tight. When we got home, we headed for the shower. I got the water going and we both jumped in. My shower is not that big to begin with so with two of us in there it was really crowded, not that either of us minded. I let her get under the shower first. As she rinsed the sand out of her hair, I ran my hands around her body getting the sand off. Of course, I spent more time at her breasts caressing them and her ass than was necessary. When I got to her pussy, I cupped it in my hand. She stopped what she was doing and allowed my fingers to stroke her up and down her slit. In no time, I felt her pussy getting moist and her breathing becoming shallow and quicker. I got her nice and excited then stopped. She moaned and gave me a dirty look for getting her so far then stopping. We traded places under the shower. I started getting my hair wet and I felt her hands begin to caress my body. She did my shoulders first and went on down to my breasts. She caressed them with her hands then I felt her mouth latch onto my nipple. This took my breath away for a moment. She sucked at that nipple as her hands went on to other parts of my body. Her hands went to my hips and then to my ass. She cupped my ass cheeks in her hands squeezing them and pulling them apart. I always thought my ass was too big but Casey did not seem to mind as her hands continued to caress them. She fingers went toward my crack and moved downward. I tensed a bit as her fingers near my anus as I was not sure about being touched there. But when her fingers got there and they touched my anus I found it exciting. She left one hand on my butt and the other went to my pussy. She switched nipples about this time and I had long since stopped what I was doing instead just stood there letting her do her thing. She fingers went up and down my slit probing my pussy and caressing my outer labia. Her fingers finally found my clit and she had one finger pressing against my asshole. I moaned and felt myself nearing an orgasm when she bit my nipple and removed her hands from my ass and pussy.

"Fuck" I cried out at being frustrated so near to an orgasm.

"Now we are even."

"Bitch" I called her with a smile on my face.

I got some soap and poured some in her hand and some in mine and we started to soap each other. When we were both nice and soapy, I pushed her back up against the wall and pressed my body against hers. I leaned in and kissed her. Our lips met and parted and then the kiss became more and more passionate. I felt her tongue enter my mouth and I closed my lips sucking on her tongue. She pushed her tongue out as far as she could so I could suck on more of it. Finally, she withdrew her tongue, I pushed my tongue into her mouth, and she did the same to me. As we kissed, our hands moved to each other's breasts and then on to our pussies. I pushed a couple of fingers into her pussy and began to fuck her. She was rubbing her fingers up and down my slit. When she pushed her fingers into my pussy, I had to moan. We pushed our fingers in and out of each other and finally we gave up on continuing kissing. We put our heads on the other's shoulders and concentrated on getting the other off. We fucked each other for a good five minutes before she moved her fingers to my clit. I was so excited by then that I was slow to follow suit. Her fingers were moving across my clit with just the right amount of pressure that all I could do was to leave my fingers buried in her pussy. She would rub my pussy and then gently spank my clit until I finally could not hold it any longer and I had and great orgasm. I felt my knees go weak and I don't know how I was able stay standing. The orgasm washed over my body and the released felt so great. When I go my senses back, I kissed her and dropped to my knees. I pushed my fingers back into her pussy and began to fuck her again. This time I used my thumb to caress her clit as my fingers fucked her. Casey started to moan louder and louder. My other hand was not idle. I moved it to her ass, caressed her butt cheeks, and then went to her crack. I slipped it between her ass cheeks to her asshole. I now knew how sensitive that area was for her and she seemed to like it as my finger rimed her asshole. As she got closer to a climax, I pushed my finger into her asshole and she came hard. I fucked her though her orgasm then I got back up and we kissed.

We rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Once we toweled off we headed to the bedroom. Casey climbed in the bed and I slipped in behind her. We spooned together with her back against my front and I curled one arm under her breasts. I gently kissed her shoulder and the back of her neck. I would get a coo out of her every occasionally. As we lay there, I thought over the evening and everything that had happened. I thought about how my vow of living without love was forever broken and how I was glad Casey was the one to show me the errors of my way. I thought about everything that was said and then it hit me. Casey said that I was afraid that she would leave me as Barbara did. But I had never mentioned Barbara's name to her. I sprang up and climbed over Casey so that I was facing her, scaring her to death. She got out "What" before I interrupted her.

"Ok, I need to know something. You said that I was afraid that you would leave me like Barbara did but I never told you Barbara's name or that she had left me. So fess up, where did you get you information?"

"I was wondering if you would pick up on that. I was sort of hoping that I got it by you but I guess I didn't."

"Noooo, and I'm still waiting on an answer."

"Well you did tell me that first weekend that you had just gotten over a bad relationship and that you had sworn off love. So I knew someone had hurt you very badly and from the way you looked at me when I first undressed and the way you looked at me from time to time, I figured that the person was female. Then last weekend at the beach, one of your friends stopped by to talk to you but you were sound asleep so we talked. I decided to take a chance and asked them about your last love affair. They weren't going to tell me but I assured them that I had your best interest in heart. I think they realized that I had a real crush on you so they told me the main details of what had happened. Don't ask me who it was because I will never tell. Anyway they did both of us a big favor. I was beginning to think you were not interested in me and was about to give up any hope of you making a move. I knew you had a wall around you but I never realized how thick the wall was until they told me. After that, I knew I had to try a little harder and not give up on you. Sure enough, I was soon beginning to see a crack in the wall and then tonight it came down. So are you mad at me?"

I thought a minute digesting what she had said. I knew I should be mad at her for sneaking around me and finding out what I did not want to tell her and I should be mad at the person who told her. But I knew I could never be, I had been alone long enough and she was the person I most wanted to be with.

"I would like to say yes I am mad at you but I have been mad and unforgiving for to long now. So you are off the hook but from now on ask me if you want to know something, ok?"

"Ok, deal."

She then moved in close and we kissed. It was a soft sweet kiss with our lips touching, parting, and then touching again. We kissed a few minutes then Casey rolled me onto my back and moved over so that her head was over mine. She brushed the hair out of my eyes and then hit me with a question that stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Tell me about Barbara." She said it with tone in her voice that told me that she was asking me this more for my benefit than her curiously. I was not sure I was ready to tell anyone about Barbara especially my new lover but when I looked in her eyes, I knew this was the only lover I would want to tell my past.

I got her to sit up; I got up, and sat with my back up against her chest. I knew I could not get it all out if I was facing her but I needed her to hold me as I talked. I got her arms and pulled them around me and I started talking. I started at the day I met Barbara and left nothing out until I got to her note telling me that she was leaving me. There was a lot of crying done mostly by me but some by her. Once I was done, it felt like there was a huge weight off my shoulders. We both sat there in silence for a long time with her holding me tight as if she would never let me go.

Eventually we got up and visited the bathroom then got back into bed this time Casey spooned me. I soon fell asleep dreaming about my new lover who was also my best friend. We did not wake up until after noon. It was too late to go to the beach so we stayed around the house talking and later on, we found our way to the bedroom.

We lay in bed kissing and letting our hands discover the sensitive parts of our bodies. We rolled around on the bed with her on top at times then I would move on top kissing her and stroking her breasts and pussy. When we both were good and worked up, I moved her onto her back and kissed her lips then her neck before moving my way down her body. I got to her breasts and cupped them in my hands. I squeezed them and then took a nipple into my mouth. I sucked then released it. I gently bit the nipple pulling on it with my teeth. I could hear Casey groan but she made no effort to stop me. I worked this nipple for a minute or two then went over to the other one. I sucked and teased the nipple getting Casey more and more excited. I started to go lower but Casey stopped me. She pulled me up until my breasts were over her head. She took them in her hands and using her fingers she pinched and twisted my nipples. I moaned as I felt my nipples harden against her fingers. She raised her mouth to my right nipple and sucking it into her mouth. I could feel her tongue flicking my nipple as she sucked. I felt my pussy get wet and I shivered from the excitement running through my body. She moved to the other breast sucking and playing with the nipple. I allowed her to work my breasts for a few more minutes but then I wanted to get to her pussy so I rose up popping my nipple from her mouth. I turned around and put a leg on each side of her body. My head was over her pussy and my pussy was over her head.

I lowered my head to her pussy and began to lick taking in her musky odor. She pulled my hips down and I felt her tongue touch my pussy lips. I first licked her labia and then began to suck out her sweet juices. She was licking my slit and I could feel her tongue go deep into my pussy. I had to stop what I was doing and moan when she did that. I moved to her clit and sucked it into my mouth. This caused her to stop momentary. I got her close to a climax before going back to her pussy lips pulling and sucking on them. After a couple of minutes of this, I put two fingers in my mouth getting them wet then pushed then into her pussy. She was wet and tight as I pushed my fingers in and out of her pussy. I put my mouth on her clit and sucked on it as I fucked her with my fingers. I soon felt a couple of fingers enter my own pussy and her mouth on my clit. Since I had started first, I got her to climax first and I felt her vagina clamp down on my fingers. She stopped fucking me as she came but when it ended she started going again. She pushed her fingers hard and deep into my pussy. I tried to continue to lick her but soon I had to lift my head and let her do her thing. When her mouth clamped down on my clit, I felt my orgasm come and it came hard.

After I had cum, I laid down on my side beside her. I turned her over on her side and moved her leg up exposing her pussy. I moved my leg up so that she had access to me. We went slowly gently licking each other and letting our fingers explore crevasse and fold. Occasionally one of us would stop just to enjoy the feeling. When I went to her clit I only stayed there long enough to keep her excited. She was doing the same thing to me and we went this way for a long time before we were both ready to come. I moved my mouth to her clit and stayed there licking and sucking. I used my fingers of one hand to caress the folds of her pussy while the other hand went to her ass. I let my fingers gently caress her asshole. I heard her moan and felt the vibrations of those moans on my pussy. It only took me a couple of minutes to bring her to a climax. After she finished cumming, she went to work on me. I felt her mouth begin to suck on my clit and a finger at my asshole. She went a little further than I did. She caressed my asshole then she gently pushed a finger in. I felt my asshole expand to accept the intrusion. I had never had anything inside there before and I was uncomfortable at first but soon grew to like it. She began to move her finger in and out of my asshole, as her other fingers fucked my pussy. The combination felt better than anything I had ever felt in my life. Between her fingers and mouth on my clit, I was soon in the throws of a huge orgasm.

When I had finished cumming, we moved back so that we were facing each other. I moved in and we kissed, softly at first then harder. We used our tongues then just our lips only to go back to tongues again. We continued to kiss until we kissed ourselves out and we fell asleep.

Sometime during the night, Casey must have set the alarm, as it woke me up at six. Normally I do not get up until 7:30 so at first I thought I had missed up on the time but then realized that Casey was still sharing my bed. I turned off the alarm and kissed Casey but she only moaned and turned over. I shook her and kissed her again only to be shrugged off. I knew she had to get up or she would not have set the alarm so I tried something I knew would wake her up. I uncovered her and moved between her legs. I spread them out wide and bent down to lick. I licked her gently until I started to get a response and I felt some moisture come to her pussy. I spread her lips out and licked deeper. This woke her up and I felt her hands on my head. She pulled my up just enough to move my mouth to her clit. I sucked in the engorged tip and licked it. She moaned louder and louder until she cried out that she was cumming. I licked her a little longer, then moved up and kissed her. She tried to pull me down to her but I resisted.

"Not now sweetheart. It is time to get up so snap at it."

"You're no fun." She replied.

"Say what, whose juices are all over my face?"

Sheepishly she had to say "Mine."

"When is your first class anyway?"


"Well get your ass out of bed. We don't have a lot of time to spare."

As she got up and took a shower, I fixed us some breakfast. A little later, she came into the kitchen with her dress on but when I hugged her, I could tell she had no underwear. I had converted her to that free feeling of no panties or bra. We ate she got ready to go.

"You can stop by after school if you like." I told her at the door.

"That would be nice but you know the saying 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder." But you can call me tonight if you like."

I wanted to think of a come back but I couldn't so I kissed her and watched her go to her car. Of course, I called her that night and Tuesday night as well. It was Wednesday that she called me at work. I first asked if anything was wrong and she said no, just decided to call early. We talked a minute and then she mentioned about being hungry. I was having a dense moment and did not catch what she might have been saying. We went on with the conversation. She mentioned being hungry again and still it went right over my head. It was only on the third time that she said she was hungry that it hit me like a ton of bricks. She wanted me to ask her to supper so I did. I had planned to work over that night, but when she asked when I would pick her up I figured Mr. Harrison could wait another day to get his computer. I grabbed my stuff, ran out the door, and headed toward her dorm. I thought as I drove to pick her up that she had me wrapped around her little finger but that was fine with me. When I got to her dorm, I found her waiting outside. She was wearing a short skirt and a knit top. She looked sexy as hell. When she got in, she bent over and kissed me hello in front of everyone. This was a pleasant surprise. I noticed that she was not wearing a bra and I could make out her nipples through her top. That got me a little excited and I knew I had to get her to my bed that night. She buckled in and I took off. I drove until I found a nice restaurant that did not look too crowded. We were seated and ordered our food. We talked and enjoyed our food but we both knew there was somewhere else we wanted to go.

After eating, we did not linger but headed for my car. I suggested we head back to my place and she readily agreed. Once I got us headed home, Casey turned in her seat to face me. As she did that her skirt rode up her thigh, I got a peek between her thighs, and I could see her pussy. For someone that was so shy and timid the first day I met her she had definitely come out of her shell. I glanced at her face and she was giving me a shit-eating grin. I told her that if she kept doing that, we might not make it home in one piece. I put my eyes back on the road but I put my hand on her thigh and caressed it. She put her hand on top of mine and we stayed that way until we got home.

We both jumped out of the car and raced to the door. As I tried to unlock the door, Casey had her hands running over my body making it hard for me to get the key into the lock but I did and we got in. As soon as I shut the door, I turned on her and pinned her against the door kissing her. I parted my lips and forced my tongue into her mouth. She put her arms around me pulling me in close and tight to her body. I ran my tongue around her teeth, I felt her tongue make contact with mine, and our tongues did an erotic dance. When the kiss ended we got into a race to see who could get the other undressed first. Our hands were in a flurry of motion as her top and shirk was removed and my dress came down my body. Once naked, our bodies came back together and we started kissing again. I caressed her back with my hands at first then moved them to her ass cupping her ass cheeks in my hands. I pulled them against me so that our pussies came together. I moved my hips letting the fiction increase and we moaned into each other's mouth as we continued kissing. Her hands were not idle as I felt them come between our bodies and she grasped my breasts. She pinched my nipples and I felt more moisture come to my pussy lubricating where our pussies were rubbing together. When I was about to the point of bursting Casey broke away and took me by the hand. She led me back to my bedroom and pushed me back onto the bed. Casey climbed on top and pulled my left leg up and she positioned her self on top so that our pussies came together. She began to slide her pussy against mine and I could not believe how good it felt. Both of our pussies were very wet and I could hear the noise of our pussies sliding across each other. I reached up and caressed her nipples as we pushed our pussies together. Slowly I felt an orgasm approach and from the look on her face, I knew she was close too. When I heard her groan I felt my own orgasm hit and we came together. Casey collapsed on top of me and I hugged her as we rode out our orgasms.

We rested a minute as we cuddle together. My hunger for her was not yet satisfied so when we got ourselves back together. I got on top of her in the classic sixty-nine position with me on top. I bent my head down and took my first taste of her juices that night and as I did this, I lowered my hips until I felt her tongue on my pussy. We both started slow just gently licking the outer labia drinking in the cum, we had just produced from our recent orgasms. I let my tongue run up and down her slit before dipping my tongue inside her. She was doing wonders on my pussy licking and pulling on my outer labia. She was the first to use her fingers as I felt two enter my pussy. I stopped a second as I felt her fingers begin to fuck me. She did it slowly at first but then was driving her fingers in harder and harder. I felt her mouth clamp down on my clit and I was lost. I forgot all about licking her as I just stayed in place as she fucked and sucked me to a second orgasm. I cried out her name as I got to the crest of my climax. When I got it back together and she back off on the speed her fingers that were fucking me, I went back to her pussy. I took one finger and dipped it into her pussy getting it nice and wet; I then moved it down to her asshole and ran it around the rim as I had learned she liked that. I used my other hand to push two fingers into her pussy. I fucked her pussy as I rimmed her asshole a minute then I pushed my finger slowly into her asshole. I pulled my finger out of her asshole and her cunt, then pushed both back in. I heard her moan so I pulled them out again and back in. I began to fuck both of her holes and she groaned and gripped one of my ass cheeks. When she was about to climax, I put my mouth on the clit to finish her off. She came hard and long. After she had finished cumming I licked her clean I turned around and lay down beside her. We kissed and caressed each other's bodies as we slowly fell asleep.

At six the next morning, the alarm went off even though I had not set it. I knew that Casey had set it sometime during the night. I kissed Casey and told her to wake up but again she refused to wake up. I though about getting a cold glass of water to wake her up but I decided to wake her up as I did the last time. I pulled the covers from her naked body and got between her legs. I opened them up and began to lick. It did not take her long to begin to moan and I felt her hands on my head holding me to her pussy. I licked up and down her slit and on to her clit. I sucked her clit into my mouth and used my tongue to caress the swollen bud. Casey was holding off her orgasm as long as she could but when I pushed two fingers into her pussy and fucked her with them, she gave in and came. I took a minute to lick up her juices then rolled her over and popped her bottom. I told her to get up, which she did.

She took a shower as I started breakfast and she finished cooking it as I took mine. As soon as breakfast was eaten, we went to my bedroom to get dressed for the day. All Casey had was what she had on last night and that was to short a skirt to wear around all day. She knew sometime during the day she would be flashing people and I was the only one she wanted to tease. I found a dress that was small on me so she tried it on. It was a little big but we made it work. We were then off to take her back to school and me on to work. I figured that I might as well go in early. Friday night I had her come over to my house after classes. I got off a little early and got home just before she arrived. We decided to go out dancing so we cleaned up and headed out for something to eat. From there we went to a club on the beach to dance. We were asked a number of times to dance but we only had eyes for each other. We did get some looks especially during the slow songs but we did not care. There were only just us on the dance floor as far as we were concerned.

Upon reaching home, we headed straight for bed. I got her on her back and began to kiss every part of her body. She skin was salty from the sweat we worked up from dancing. I kissed her eyes, nose, and cheeks and then went on to her neck but not touching her lips. I went on down to her breasts kissing my way around both but again leaving her nipples alone. I went on down her belly teasing her belly button and then on down. I kissed my way to her pubic hair and then veered my way around her pussy to her inner thigh. I kissed all the skin around her pussy but never touching her pussy. I went down her left leg and on to her toes. There I stopped and kissed and sucked on each toe. I then made her turned over and I moved to her right leg. I kissed and sucked those toes and kissed the soul of her foot. I kissed my way up the back of her leg to her ass. I covered both globes with kisses. I put my tongue at the bottom of her crack and slowly ran my tongue up the crack of her ass and that got a squeal from her. I went on up her back to her neck. I kissed and sucked her there getting a long moan from her. I then turned her over and looked into her eyes. They were pleading with me to make her come so I set about doing that. I kissed her and she returned the kiss with passion. I kissed her a minute and went to her nipple and I sucked it into my mouth. I teased it with my tongue and pinched it with my teeth. I went over to the other nipple and did the same there. I did not waste a lot of time on her nipples as I knew she was dieing to come so I went on down to her pussy. Casey was as wet as I have ever seen her and I began to lick up those juices. I buried my face into her pussy licking and sucking her for all I was worth. Casey was squealing and crying out in pleasure. I licked every fold and pushed my tongue deep into her pussy swirling it around inside her. Finally, I moved to her clit and began to lick it hard. Casey pushed her hips up and she came. It was a long orgasm that I extended by continuing to lick her clit. Casey came once then again and finally a third time before she pushed my head away. I moved up in the bed and held her as she recovered from her orgasms.

When Casey got it back together, she pushed me onto my back and kissed me. As she did that, I felt her hand move to my pussy and she began to stroke me. She caressed my clit then moved her fingers down and slid them into my pussy. She curled her fingers upwards getting to that spot that sends shivers up and down my spine. As her fingers probed my pussy, she continued to kiss my lips and dip her tongue into my mouth. I started to push my hips against her fingers but she took them out and went back to stroking my clit. I moaned into her mouth. She gave my one last kiss and went to my breasts. She kissed and sucked them getting them even harder than they already were, if that was possible. Her fingers were getting me close to a climax so of course, she moved them back into my pussy, which felt just as good but she was making me wait on my orgasm as I had done to her. She fucked me a few minutes as her mouth worked both of my nipples. I was moaning and crying out wanting to cum so bad. Finally, she moved down and took my clit into her mouth. She sucked and licked it as she fingers were fucking me harder and harder. As last, I felt my orgasm coming and Casey took me through it. I screamed and cried out as I came. Wave after wave went through me and I was almost crying when the orgasm ended. I pulled her up in the bed and we kissed ourselves asleep.

We woke a little late the next morning so we got a late start for the beach but once there we made up for lost time. We played some volleyball and we were getting better playing with each other. We even started winning some games, not a lot mind you but some, at least enough to make playing more interesting. That night we decided to stay in so we made some supper, listened to some music, and talked. We talked of things we wanted to do, places we wanted to go, and the people we wanted to become. Our conversation became real; it was about things that were important to us. Things we could only talk about with someone that you could trust with your deepest darkest secrets. That night when we went to bed we made love slowly. There was no rush; we only wanted to pleasure each other. When I fell asleep in her arms, I was as contented as I had ever been in my life.

Casey stayed until Monday morning then she went back to school. I gave her a key to the house so that she could come over anytime she wanted. When I got home on Tuesday, I found her car in my driveway. I went into the house to find her at the kitchen table studying. I made her supper and then left her to study until late that night when she came to my bed and we made love. She came back Wednesday and stayed through the night. The next week she did the same. Casey did this for another couple of weeks before she came to my house on Friday night and never went back to the dorm. I thought about asking her about the saying "Absent make the heart grow fonder." But I was afraid that she would go back to the dorm for a day or two. I had learned that she could be stubborn that way so I kept my thoughts to myself. We settled in and became a couple. We made one of the spare bedrooms into a study for her. So that in the three- bedroom house we were left with only one bedroom, as I had already taken the other bedroom and made it into my workshop. She left and went home for a couple of weeks after the summer session ended and I missed her terribly. But when she came back we made love for a day and half just to make up for the days we missed.

We only had one real hard time the first year we were together. I could never leave good enough alone and was always updating her computer when she said not too. Well one day she came in from a night class to find me in her study with her computer torn apart. She went off big time and said some things I know she did not mean and I returned the favor saying the same type things. After we quit hollering, she went off in a huff to the kitchen to study and I finished putting her computer back together pissed off big time. It was very late when she came to bed, she kept to her side of the bed, and I mine. The fact that it was the only bed in the house forced us to sleep in the same bed but that did not mean that we had to like it. The fight started on Thursday night and did not end until the following Friday night. By then we both had enough of the silent treatment we were giving each other and I must admit I was missing my friend. There was a time or two I so wanted to tell her something but then I would remember that I wasn't talking to her. Finally, on Friday night I gave in. I stopped on the way home to get her something I knew she could not resist, a box of chocolates. That was her only vise and I had to use it against her. I walked into the house to the smell of supper cooking. I had not smelled food cooking when I came home in over a week. When I came into the kitchen, I found her setting the table with my grandmother's good china and had candles set out. She looked up to see me holding that box of chocolates. We stared at each other for a minute, I felt tears coming to my eyes, and I noticed that there was moisture in her eyes. I put the box down, came around the table, and took her into my arms. We hugged each other and it was like I could not hold her tight enough. We hugged, kissed, and told each other that we were sorry for what we had said.

The box of chocolates and supper was forgotten and we went to the bedroom. There we crawled into bed and made love for the first time in a week. I let my hands roam her body rediscovering all her curves and sensitive areas. Her hands stroked my arms, back, breasts, and pussy. When we were both worked up, I moved us into a sixty-nine position and I bent my head down to her pussy and began to lick. I had missed her taste and I took my time licking it up and inhaling her aroma. I felt her licking me and exploring my pussy with her fingers. Soon we were going at it hot and heavy. Fingers were probing and fucking pussies and mouths were licking hard on clits. We brought each other to climax a couple times before we were back together and just hugged for a long time.

After a little while, Casey moved back and spoke.

"I need to go over our fight only this time there will not be any hollering. I just need to tell you something without you getting mad at me."


"Do you know why I got so mad?"

"Cause I had your computer torn apart and you wanted to use it?"

'No, because you were not listening to me, I told you over and over that I did not want you to work on my computer but still I would come home to find you working on it or had worked on it. It was as if it did not matter to you what I wanted, you did as you wanted and that pissed me the fuck off. I need to know what I say means something to you."

"It does, you know that. It just that I cannot resist giving you the best that there is. Computers are my thing and I just wanted you to have the best."

"But sometimes I don't want or need the best."

"Fair enough, I guess."

"How about a deal? While school is in session, you leave my computer alone and when it is not you are free to do anything you want."

"I guess that is fair enough. I also have a deal for you. We will both try to pay attention to what the other is saying a little better."

"I think I can live with that."

So we kissed to seal the deal. I knew keeping my hands off her computer was going to kill me but I knew I was wrong. I should have gone along with what she asked. But she also realized that I had to update her computer with the latest gadgets even if I knew she would never use them. I just wanted her to have the best I could give her and computers were what I knew.

We got back into our routine after that. We still had out fights, we both loved to argue too much not to fight but we stopped when one of us got too excited. We would call a time out and start again when we had cooled down. Besides, we had some of our best sex after a good fight. On more than one occasion, I think she started a fight just to get me going. Then she would take me to bed and fuck the hell out of me. That made the fight well worth the aggravation.

Things again went along fine until our one-year anniversary. We had made plans for the evening. We were going to the best restaurant we could afford and then some dancing and finally home for a little lovemaking. When I got home that night, I noticed that there was a strange car in the driveway. I wondered who could be stopping by and how quick we could get rid of them as we had plans for the night. Casey met me at the door and she had this strange look on her face, before I could ask her what was wrong she told me I had a guest. Casey led me into the living room and whom did I see sitting there, but none other than my old lover Barbara. I looked at her and saw that she was as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so. For a second I felt my knees go weak. I had to grip onto the chair beside me to keep from falling down. I glanced at Casey and saw the hurt in her eyes. She had seen my knees go weak and I knew she was hurt but there was nothing I could do about that right now. I first had to deal with Barbara. Casey said something about leaving us alone and she went into the bedroom and I heard the door slam shut. I got myself back together, went over, and sat in front of Barbara.

"So is she your new girlfriend."


"She looks like she could be a handful."

"You could say that and more."

"Is there any chance I could steal you back from her? I could make you very happy. It could be just like old times. You know we had some good times and I promise to make them even better."

I looked at her and she started to move closer to be but I backed away, giving her my answer.

"Barbara, I loved you once but I don't love you any more. I love Casey and she loves me. She is my best friend; she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

"Well I had to try, you know."

She started to leave but I made her stay a bit longer. I had been waiting a couple of years to see her again and I had some things to say to her. I told her how much she had hurt me leaving like she did and how much Casey had helped to put me back together. I wanted her to know there was more to a relationship than sex, and after it was all said and done that was all we really had in common. I talked to her for over an hour, sent her packing, and asked her never to come back again. I then went to face the music with Casey.

When I opened the bedroom door, I saw that Casey had been busy. She had a couple of bags packed and they were sitting at the end of the bed. Casey was laying on the bed with her back to me. I walked around and kneeled in front of her. Casey was crying and from the redness of her eyes, she had been crying the whole time Barbara was there.

"I got my bags packed; I will be out of here tonight so that Barbara can move back in."

"Why would you do that and why would she be moving in?"

"I saw the way you reacted to her being here and I could see you still love her. She is so beautiful you cannot help but to love her. I am an ugly duckling compared to her. Moreover, I know she wants you back and she said she was going to get you back. She told me that to my face."

Casey was getting her spirit back and her anger was now coming out.

"Well before you do anything, I need to tell you some things."

I sat Casey up and I sat in front of her on the bed.

"I want you to listen to everything I say before you decide to leave. Yes, I loved Barbara and a part of me will always love her. She was my first love but, and listen to this, she is not my last love. You are my last love. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life. You are the one I want to argue with, get pissed off at, make love to and most of all you are the one I want to love and to love me."

"If that is true then why did you not tell her to fuck off and get the hell out when you saw her? It does not take over and hour to do that."

"Because I needed to tell her how much she hurt me and to tell her all those things I have wanted to tell her for a long time. I had all this anger built up and I had to let her have it. I wanted her to know what it felt like being hurt as she hurt me. I know that was childish but I had to do it. I know I hurt you by spending so much time with her but that is something I had to do. But then I sent her packing and told her never to come back."

"But why would you want me over someone so beautiful?"

"I loved her body but I love your soul. Her body she won't have forever but your soul you will have forever and that is what to be a part of."

"I want to believe you but I am not sure I can."

"Tell me what to tell you to convince you how much I love you."

I was almost in tears now as I was afraid that I had lost Casey and if I had, I was going to kill Barbara. I was going to ring her fucking neck.

"I don't know there is anything more you can say to convince you but there may be something you can do."

"What, anything, I will do anything you say."

Casey hesitated a second then simply said "Kiss me."

I looked at her and she looked at me. I took her face into my hands and slowly moved closer. I kissed her with as much love as I could. It was a long soft kiss. When it ended, Casey said. "Ok, I believe you love me."

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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