My friend's brother gets his license

By Dude Sweet

Published on Mar 23, 2003



I never even did anything with my friend Randall before. We changed naked together and slept over at each others houses but that's all. We are both 14. His brother is 16.5 and just now is able to drive without his rents in the car. So he has to take us places sometimes. He usually has one of his friends with him so me and Randall sit in the back. Well one day we started mooning people on the freeway. One of us would pull down his pants in the back only and stick his but up against the glass. We would all laugh are asses off.

So one day Erwin is driving and me and Randall are in the back seat. Erwin dares Randall to sun somebody. Randall asks what the fuck is that. He says it's a backwards moon. Randall still doesn't get it but I do so I say its when you shove your dick against the glass and show the other cars what you got. Well I never heard of a sun but I just figured it out. Randall says no fucking way. Erwin calls him chicken and tries to get him to try. I decide that it sounds cool and just pull down my pants and shove my boner against the glass. They laugh there asses off. When I sit down and pull my pants back up Randall sees that I have a boner and looks at me but don't say anything.

Erwin says did they see it? I say I don't know I don't have eyes in my dick. So Randall jumps in the front seat and says do it again Erik Do it again. Well I enjoyed it so I say ok so I do it again. Randall starts to yell he saw it he saw it and I sit back down and pull them up. He said the guy looked over and saw it and looked mad. Erwin says how do you know they saw it. Randall said he say it all right. I said can't miss 8 inches of meat. Well mine wasn't even 6 inches but what they hell. They busted up. So I said pick out a chick next time. So he says ok well get ready. So I pull my pants down and sit there with just my shirt over my dick. Randall looks back and says ready, so I pull up my shirt and show him my naked boner and say what the fuck does it look like. He yells again o shit hes got a boner. Erwin looks back but I got it covered up already.

So Randall says I think theres a chick so gogogo it's a chick it's a chick so I put my dick up on the glass. He says she is still looking. He says shes speeding up she likes it. So I get down to see her. And when she sees my face she gives me a thumbs up. Cool. Randall is jealous now so I say hey man you should do it see if you can get a thumbs up to. He said ok and said ok look and tell me when so he was looking to and after a little he said ok and put his up. I looked but she never looked over so I said shes not looking so Erwin honked. She looked and got mad. I said get down get down. She was pissed. I teased him about his was ugly and mine was nice cause I got thumbs up and he got chicks mad. Erwin teased him a lot about this to. So Erwin said did you have a boner. Randall said no. I said well maybe you need a boner to get thumbs up. He said no fucking way. I said its cool man. He said well you do it then and I said ok I like it.

So we are off the freeway now and on regular streets so we quit mooning and sunning. Erwin drops us and arranges to pick us up in 3 hours after the movie. We see Spiderman. As we are waiting for Erwin we start talking about it. Anyway Randall says I say yours its not 8 inches I said I know I just said that to see what Erwin would say. I said I made him look. He said yeah. I said how big is yours? He said about like yours. I said How big is Erwins he said he never saw it. So I said want to do more stuff going home. He said if you want to. I said yeah I like it. He said ok. So we both get in the back and when he gets on the freeway I say get in a middle lane so we can both do it. He says ok so we pull them down to get ready. I have a semi and he just got a hanger. So I decide to be the brave one and play with mine till I get a boner and show it to him. He says no way I say come on man I did. After talking a little he agrees and plays with his. He keeps his shirt over but I can see hes got a boner so we both sun the cars for a little bit. Then they drop me home.

Next time we are in the car again Erwins friend Brandon is in the front and me and Randall are in the back. I am hoping we will do stuff but didn't want to be the one to bring it up. So Erwin starts telling Brandon about me and Randall mooning and sunning all the cars. Brandon turns around and says really. We both say yeah. He says cool. He says are we gonna do it again.

I say if your not to chicken. He says hell no hes not chicken. He says hes so not chicken he will get naked. Naked! So he starts to strip and we just sit there cause that sounds pretty daring. SO when he moons we can totally see his big. A hairy hanger. So he says well aren't you guys gonna do it. Randall says we don't get naked. Brandon says why the hell not. Randall says because. What a stupid answer. So I just pull mine down and moon a few cars. Finally all 3 of us are mooing and then sunning the cars. On the way back from the mall its dark so we don't do anything.

Next time its just 3 of us and we are talking about Brandon. Erwin says yeah be careful with Brandon, he's a crazy ass and will do anything. He says never dare him to do anything cause he will do it. So Randall says yeah hes crazy. So I ask whats the craziest thing he did. Erwin says the first time he took him for a drive right after he got his license that they were on the freeway and passed a ugly women truck driver. He said slow down so Erwin did. He said Brandon pulled down his pants and started playing with his dick and stroking it. He said honk. So the she looked over and just looked at him jacking off and smiled and honked her big truck horn. I said then what happened. Randall said that was all then he put it away. I said he didn't do it all the way. Erwin said no but he would of. I said all the way. Erwin said he don't think theres anything Erwin wouldn't do. Well it was too late to do anything we spent so much time talking about Brandon we were at the mall.

SO while we are waiting to be picked up I ask Randall if he wants to get naked in the car and moon and sun. He says totally naked? I say maybe that's too daring. He says maybe its to daring he says will you do it I say yeah probably. He says ok I dare you. I laugh and say ok. So we get in the car and when we are on the freeway ramp I start to strip before I chicken out. Erwin looks back and says what you doing I say nothing. He says you going all the way naked I say yeah. He says cool. He asks Randall are you. Randall says hes thinking about it. Erwin says the more you think the more you have time to chicken out. He says either do it or don't do it don't think about it. I say yeah just do it. So he says ok and quickly we are both naked. Well I never seen him with a boner and this is the first time really we seen each others. So its cool. I figured at that exact moment that I finally know for sure that I am gay. Seeing his boner did it for me. Thank you Randall. But anyway we end up just mooning and are boners turn to semis. Erwin looks back a few times to check us out. He then says as we are almost off the freeway. You guys are studs. Why don't you go all the way home naked. I say ok. Randall says what will you give us. Erwin says a dollar. LOL. So we go all the way naked. He says he don't have money but will pay next time.

So when I'm sleeping over with Randall we start talking about the dares and stuff. We decide to do some more. So he dares me to get naked and walk into Erwins room and say hi. I say that's to big of a dare with his rents home. He says its safe I promise they don't come upstairs hardly ever. Is say what if they do? He says the I will jackoff in class at school. Cool. Now I hope they come up cause I want to see him jack off. Anyway I strip and he says hehe you got a boner I say yeah it's a good friend and grab it. He follows me so he can watch and I knock and Erwin says come in so I do. Hes on the phone with somebody and bust up laughing and says guess what. My little brothers friend just walked into my room bare assed naked. We laughed and I ran back to Randalls room. I get dressed and say your turn. He says ok what. I say hes got to go in his brothers room naked with a boner and ask for porn. He says ok. So he got a boner and I say nice wood.

He says yeah its my friend and grabs it like I did. So I follow him and he does. Erwin tells his friend whats happening and we run back to Randalss room. He gets dressed. We are just laughing and goofing around when his brother comes in with a Hustler and says don't get any of your fucking sperms on it and leaves. We look for a little then I say lets wait till tonight. Cause I want to get him to jackoff.

So later Brandon comes over and comes in the room without knocking and says hi pervs. I say fuck you and Randall says suck my dick. So Brandon says ok and starts to pull down Randalls pants. Randall freaks out and says get out of here you perv. I am almost laughing but don't want to make Randall mad. So when hes leaving I say bye perv. He leaves. I said hey man you almost got a blow job. He said yeah well Brandon would have chickened out. I said I doubt it remember what your brother said. He said yeah maybe I should have let him. I said I sure would have. He said really. I said yeah I never got a blow job before . he said me either. So I thought about it. I decided I would rather play with Randall and maybe suck each other than let Brandon suck me. But maybe if Randall wouldn't do anything I would let Brandon suck me. Plus I wondered how big his was.

Later Erwin comes in and says are you boys done with the magazine. Brandon starts to get it and I say no we need it for later. He says ok and leaves. Then him and Brandon come in and Brandon says you boys jacked off yet. Randall says fuck you and I almost say suck my dick but decide to say none of your dam business. They laugh. So Brandon sits on the bed and pretends hes jacking off and says oh Randall and then Oh Erik. Randall says whats his problem. Erwin jumps Randall and pins him and says he don't got a problem you got a problem. I am afraid they are going to get in a real fight so I say I got a problem I want to jack off with the magazine. Well that works and everybody laughs. Randall says we are going to Macdonalds want to come. I'll treat. I owe you guys a buck each anyways. Brandon says yeah and bring your magazine so we can jackoff in the parking lot. Wow. I wonder if he is telling the truth. Anyway we decide to go.

Erwin says get naked and go through the drive through. Randall says no. So I say lets just strip to boxers. So we do except Erwin who is driving. Brandon gives us the magazine and we both have boners. We order. And then we eat in are underwear. So Brandon says lets do it. Randall says we are under the fucking light pull where its dark. So he does. Well its still pretty light and pretty scarey but I sure want to see him jacking. So Brandon turns around and says time to get started girls. Randall says age before beauty. Brandon says I'm already naked. We both look up and hes naked with no boner or anything. Erwin starts to strip to. So I figure I'm braver than Randall I better start so I pull them down to my ankles and start to do it. Randall pulls his down to his knees and starts to do it. We are into it when Erwin and Brandon both turn back and take a picture. Erwin takes mine and Brandon takes Randalls. We freak out. They are laughing there asses off. They keep taking pictures. They must have planned this cause nobody just carries around 2 cameras. Anyway we are getting dressed and Randall is getting real pissed at his brother saying hes gonna tell on him and stuff like that. I thought it was funny and cool but I don't say anything cause Randall is my friend. So anyway they finally calm him down and say that they was just having fun with us. They say we can take there pictures. Hehe I think this is cool. But Randall is still pissed. So anyway they give Randall the camera that was taking pictures of him and say he can be in charge of the pictures when they get developed. So he finally gets ok. So now me and him have cameras and say its there turn. So they get naked and we take there pictures. I say hey we were with boners and jacking that's what you guys have to do. So I am surprised but they do it. And we take there pictures. I wish they would come but they finally just get dressed again.

So they drop us at Randalls house and they go out. Me and Randall decide to break open the cameras and ruin the film cause we don't want those pictures of us all over the place. And we don't trust Brandon. Anyway we try to plot revenge but cant figure anything good out. After we talk for a while I say hey man I had a boner like a million times today. How about if we get the mag a just jackoff. I am happy he agrees. I can tell he is chicken to go first so I just strip all the way naked and grab my boner and say I'm ready for some action. He strips and I get to see is close up now. He is naked. We sit on the floor with the magazine on the floor between us so I can look at him jacking and he will think I am looking at the magazine. So we are both jacking like super fast cause we are so horney. He comes and while I am watching him come, I come to. Now I really wish I had a pictures of this. We are both just sitting there naked with spermy hands and dicks breathing heavy cause we were so into it. He finally grabs some tissues form under his bed and we clean up and put on boxers. It was the best night of my life.

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