My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on May 19, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading!

Carter sat on his bed and put his head down to think. He could hear his heart beating in his head, and could feel it beating in his increasingly firm penis tenting his sweats out more and more. As he had for every waking and sleeping moment for the past four weeks, Carter was thinking of his roommate Tyson. It had long since passed the point of obsession, to Carter's mind, Tys quite simply was the most beautiful, inspiring, sexy, and wonderful person on the planet.

Carter thought back to when he had first 'met' Tys. He had been out by his parents' pool back in New England in June when he looked over the hedges and noticed the mailman's van making its way down their leafy suburban road, with its big oak trees and winding stone walls. Forgetting for a second he was just in boxer briefs, Carter walked around the side and tiptoed carefully down the pea gravel driveway to look at the mail. Carter's dad had arranged an internship for him at a fancy old-line law firm, but he had found himself going less and less as the summer wore on. Some of his friends from boarding school had gotten together the night before, and that was why Carter was in his underwear by the pool at lunchtime rather than in his suit at the law firm. He rifled through the large pile of mail in the faux- antique red mailbox. About ten pounds of glossy food, travel, and lifestyle magazines for his mother, a bunch of bills, donation requests, and various alumni mailings for dad, and in the middle of the stack what he was looking for: a letter from the University he was heading to in August.

The envelope was small and thin, kind of surprising Carter who hadn't thought they'd really sent enough information. His boarding school had sent all kinds of stuff in the summertimes, updating everyone on everything, sending tips and packing lists. Apparently in college you had to figure out more on your own. He tore it open and all it had was a small slip of colored paper that had the name of a dorm, a room number, and a name, Tyson's, with an address in a lovely southern city Carter's family had visited a few times for vacation.

Carter ran into his room and got on the computer. He googled Tyson and immediately got a ton of articles and photos, showing what he immediately thought was the hottest guy he had ever seen. And one who was very good at basketball. Most of the pictures were of him playing or posing in various basketball uniforms. There were newspaper articles about him being top of his high school class, as well as going on to play Division 1 basketball. Carter had to admit he didn't even know his future university played Div 1 ball. The next step was facebook. Carter found Tyson without too much trouble, his facebook name seemed to be some sort of nickname. He found his twitter and Instagram too, and started looking through them. He seemed to be a playful and funny guy based on his tweets. Lots of pics of him, many playing basketball, lots with friends, and to Carter and his penis' delight, a good number at the beach, or with Tys pulling his shirt in the weight room or something, goofing around.

Carter realized that his cock was achingly hard. Feeling a bit naughty and disappointed in himself, he pulled his leaking prick out of his boxerbriefs, tucking the waistband below his nuts like he had done hundreds of times. Clicking through Tys' Instagram, he found a pic that made his dick swell and spit its load all over his smooth chest, leaving the last few squirts in the faint treasure trail he had grown over the past year. The picture was of Tys, wearing a speedo and a lacrosse helmet, holding a sign for some fundraiser car wash. Though you couldn't see his face, Carter already recognized Tys' body from the photos he had seen, and he was a head taller than the other guys holding signs around him. The speedo was packed like it was a joke costume, it looked like a towel was stuffed in it, but the closer Carter looked, the more he decided it was just a massive unit stuffed into the swimsuit. And whomever took the photo definitely seemed to be focusing on the massive bulge beneath the shiny material!

Carter's heart was racing. His roommate was a god. He kept staring at the pictures on his screen, each one making Tys seem hotter than the one before. Carter started to panic a little bit. How would he be able to be in a small room with this guy? What if he popped wood every time they brushed past eachother? Carter had been thinking a lot about how to present himself in college. He wanted to be more open about his sexuality, but didn't want to rush into anything that he couldn't put back in the bottle. Officially he still called himself bi, but he had realized that was mostly because he didn't think being gay fit into his prep school, Martha's Vineyard, sweater over the shoulders style he had cultivated. He certainly would never be some type of militant gay activist, although he was pretty sure that at the old university in the South he would be attending, that there weren't many types like that. He just liked guys, and wanted to be himself, but being yourself is easier said than done sometimes. And now he had a big basketball star studmuffin jock roommate. How would that work?

Carter reached over for a sock to wipe up the now drying sperm but stopped himself and got up to go get toilet paper. Ever since he was 12, every time he had used a piece of clothing as a cum rag, he'd return to his room later and find his mom had removed all the dirty laundry and left two boxes of Kleenex by his bed. Boarding school had been a different story. It hard to be too self-conscious when living so closely with other boys. Getting caught jerking off was no big deal, and guys did a lot more with eachother too. Certainly not the unrestricted buggery like in British boarding schools of the old days, but guys thought nothing of jerking eachother off, although anything more than that was rarer and definitely done in private. Carter had a friend from the rowing team he had a long relationship with while at school. It had started out as horsing around and some awkward fumbling, but quickly blossomed into a much-needed outlet for both of them.

The rower, Clayton, was the all American good looking sporty type, and definitely looked good in underwear. They developed a routine of quick meetings around campus during the week. They lived in different houses, so late night wasn't too easy, but there were a million places to go around the ancient campus, and most days they shared a free period where they would go to the gym, and then back to shower at Carter's dorm since it was closer. Clayton, although shy, wasn't sexually shy, and their activities soon revolved to Carter servicing him, although Clayton would still suck Carter sometimes, and usually made sure he got off too. For Carter, losing his virginity was a daunting prospect, although by the time he was spending a long weekend at Clayton's parents' house, and Clayton came into his room late one night with a bottle of skin moisturizer, it seemed completely natural to let him do what he wanted. Clayton's penis was considerably bigger than Carter's and Carter was certain it had gotten a few inches bigger over the couple years. Clayton of course had never fucked anybody before, and it was your classic first time fiasco, but he finally got his entire fat dick inside Carter, made a few jerky hesitant plunges, and shot his load in his friend. When they returned to school, Clayton wanted to fuck all the time, and while Carter enjoyed it, their relationship seemed to have turned from a friendship into one of sexual domination. Clayton graduated the year before Carter did, so he returned for senior year with no fuckbuddy. He quickly found a younger boy, almost by mistake, to take care of his needs. Carter had asked him one night in the common room of their house if he could look something up on his laptop real quick. The younger guy, Parson, handed it over, since it wasn't really a request. Carter opened the browser and typed the first letter of the URL in, opening the search bar and revealing dozens of hard core gay porn sites, and even some Tumblrs focusing on preppy and frat guys that Carter was familiar with. Carter did his search and handed the computer back without saying anything, but thinking 'that's what private browsing is for dummy'.

A few nights later, Carter walked down the stairs to Parson's room and told him to come upstairs and look at something. Parson put his slippers on and followed Carter upstairs. When they got to Carter's room, he closed the door, and Parson's eyes got wide as he looked on the desk and realized Carter's computer was streaming a hard core porn where a young guy who looked something like Parson himself was getting railed by a hot college age guy with an impossibly huge cock. Parson looked like he'd seen a ghost and was trying to process what was going on. Carter might have guessed about Parson anyway. He was very pretty, a little too neat and clean for a guy in an all-male environment, and was one of those types you sometimes caught looking, a little too long of a look in the showers, etc. Carter's heart was beating too. He had never been in a situation like this. What had happened with Clayton just sort of happened over time. He sat on his bed thinking for a second. He hadn't planned this part out. He was wearing the school's soccer shorts from last year, they had bought news ones and allowed everyone to keep theirs. Carter lifted his ass, and tugged the shorts down, his half-hard cock bobbing up once released. He thought for a split second that Parson might yell or run out the door or something, but instead he unconsciously licked his lips and sank to his knees on the furry sheepskin carpet Carter's mom had given him to prevent cold feet getting out of bed.

Like a dog to a bone, or an alcoholic to a drink, Parson went for Carter's dick like it was oxygen. It had been a long time since Carter had anyone suck him, and he felt himself almost shoot after barely a minute. Parson was all over it. It was likely he had never sucked a peen before, but obviously had thought about this moment a lot! Despite some teeth getting in the way, he was actually doing a good job. And Carter should know. He had given Clayton hundreds and hundreds of blowjobs, and actually became very proud of how he could make his friend cum at his whim. Parson was getting a little carried away, trying again and again to take more than a novice can handle. Carter found himself moaning, and laid back on his tiny dorm bed while Parson climbed up and between his legs. He quieted down quickly. He wasn't worried about the house master, he was a young math teacher who was into gaming and probably porn, and rarely left his room at night. Plus they were on the top floor. But the rooms didn't have locks, and Carter sure didn't want anyone nearby sticking their head in.

Carter reached down into the younger guy's mesh shorts and found a surprisingly large and steel-hard dick. For a small slight guy, it seemed like a pretty giant cock! His hand was immediately all sticky, Parson was precumming like a hose, there was so much it felt like he might have already shot his wad. After another minute, Parson let his dick slip out of his mouth, sat up, and wriggled out of his shorts. He sort of straddled Carter before he knew what was going on, and began to lower his ass onto Carter's hard spit-slick cock.

"Whoa buddy, hold your horses. That's a little too fast," Carter said. "I thought you wanted it!" Parson said sounding pretty dejected. "I do, but not now, not like this. Let's take our time. Its your first time right? We don't have to do everything right away."

Parson smiled, probably at the insinuation that there would be more times. He returned to Carter's dick, and went at it more enthusiastically before. Carter jumped a little when he felt him touch his balls lightly, and begin rubbing them softly. Parson was steadily humping the duvet while he worked every inch of Carter's prick. Carter could feel the sap rising, and reached down to lightly hold Parson's head and tousle his hair. He grunted a five second warning that the cum was coming, and surprisingly Parson kept his dick where it was. Carter twitched a little and began pumping a big load into Parson's mouth. He was amazing to hear, see, and feel the kid hungrily swallowing his sperm. It had been a long time of sucking Clayton before Carter let him cum in his mouth and eventually learned to like it, then crave it. Carter sat up against the wall and when Parson joined him, he realized he had shot his load right on his comforter, which was pretty annoying, but he couldn't be mad after a bj like that! They talked a bit and made plans to see eachother the next night.

Next: Chapter 2

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