My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Jul 24, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading! Of course, if reading this is not allowed where you are because of your age or any reason, hit the back button. Also, remember to support Nifty!

Tyson pulled on his shorts, and tucked his jock and tank under his arm, and quickly made back to the lockers. He got his towel and got in the showers. A few young guys were in there, students it looked like, there for summer semester. As had been the case since he was 12, they couldn't keep their eyes off of Tys' magnificent meat. Even totally straight guys couldn't help but stare. And Tys liked the attention. He washed it more than he needed to, skinning it back and soaping it several times, before turning around and slowly washing his ass for them to see. One of the guys had an obvious erection he was trying to hide against the wall while looking over his shoulder, while the rest seemed at least a little chubbed up. Tyson laughed to himself that these guys couldn't imagine what he had been doing ten minutes before! Tys dried off and threw on a swimsuit he had brought, and walked out of the rec center wearing just that and flip flops, smiling until he burned his thigh on his car seat. Tys got home and said hi to his mom and took his phone to the sofa under the AC vent. He texted Ev, and they made plans to meet up later and go paddle boarding when it cooled down a bit. He then texted Carter since they hadn't talked since the day before when they shared their interest in guys.

Carter got Tys' text and immediately punched the key to call. Tys felt his phone vibrate, saw it was Carter, and headed up to his room. They talked for a couple hours. Carter shared all about Clayton and Parson, and hooking up at school. He had never told anybody about these things before. Tys couldn't believe what he was telling Carter, all about Ev, and other people finding out in the past few days. And about how all these guys he knew were having sex with eachother all through high school and he never had any idea. Tys was just telling Carter that he was afraid some guys and girls were only interested in him because of the size of his cock when his mom came in with a plate of leftover chicken and squash. Close call. When Carter heard that, his cock got instantly hard. He was right! Tys had the monster cock he had been imagining for a month! Carter had walked out of the office and down to the end of the corridor past the restrooms to talk in private. Now, his impressive cock (though nothing like Tys' he knew) looked like it was going to tear through his slacks, and a wet spot had already formed. They finally said so long, Carter couldn't spend all afternoon hiding from his boss. He wrenched his cock painfully up behind his belt, and went back to his cubicle. The rest of the afternoon spent in a horniness-induced haze.

Later, at home, Carter popped on Grindr for the first time since months ago at school. He had had some silly notion of "saving himself" for Tyson, although he realized it was ridiculous--they might not even be attracted to each other, although he was pretty sure it wouldn't be on his side! But after hearing about Tys' last few days, Carter knew he needed to get laid or he'd go crazy. There were some good looking guys on Grindr. But one in particular stood out. 18, like Carter, pretty nearby, and a nice toned torso on the profile, from the nose down at least. He started chatting with him. They had a nice conversation, flirted, talked about going to college, etc. The other guy was telling Carter how his fuckbuddy had been gone to Europe all summer with his parents and he had been horny as fuck. They traded some dick and body pics as you do, and then finally, face pics. Knowing it was a small town, Carter had always been nervous about using Grindr, for exactly the reason that then happened. When they traded pics, they were silent for at least a minute, and then simultaneously texted LOL. The guy on the other end of the Grindr chat was Burke, a good friend, classmate, and soccer teammate all through middle school. Carter had thought about him at the beginning of summer and thought about calling him. He hadn't seen him since he went to boarding school and wanted to catch up.

Once they realized who they were talking to, Burke sent his number and just said call. Carter dialed and they started chatting.

"Haha, I never knew you were into dudes! We never messed around or nothing back in the day!" Burke said. "Why would you know? I haven't seen you in years!" "You were the one who left cocksucker!" Burke shot back. "Are we going to talk all night or hang out?"

They made a plan to meet up at the Starbucks on the little commercial street in their part of town. Carter quickly showered, got his hair right, found with relief that his favorite and only pair of fancy briefs were clean, and got dressed. He looked at himself and thought he was going a little too hard preppy, and revised his wardrobe a little to just some Vines shorts and a favorite T-shirt. He told his mom he was going out, and drove the couple minutes down the hill. Burke was already there, looking like he always had, but very hot! He was dressed pretty preppy himself, but then New Englanders with money have always had that preppy and arrogantly-relaxed style. His dark hair was short, and as he stood up when Carter walked in, obviously very fit. He had played soccer all through high school, and was going to play in college. Carter remembered hearing this from someone or his mom. They started chatting about everything. College, old friends, what each had been up to, etcetera. Burke said he was sorry they hadn't kept in touch, but glad to see Carter. He finally started talking about his boyfriend. Burke had called him a fuckbuddy earlier on Grindr, but now it was clear to Carter that it was more than that. Carter vaguely remembered the guy from school and rec-league soccer, but was having trouble picturing him. Burke showed him a few pictures on his phone, one of the guy in bed with the sheet down so far you could see his pubes, and another, taken somewhere outside, with him in a swimsuit, pulled down showing most of his ass, and a big smile over his shoulder.

Carter was having a good time, but wondering where this was leading. Sure Burke had said he was super horny before, big things were a little different once they realized they were old friends. "I still can't believe you're into guys!" Burke finally said. "You always had girls all over you and a girlfriend. I guess I kinda knew I liked guys way back. Never thought you did, or I would have made a move back then!" Burke had even back in middle school been fooling around with a couple guys from school and soccer that Carter also knew. Burke also told him that he was basically out at school, and was going to start college at a small liberal arts school further north as totally out. He had told his parents, he said, but they wanted him to keep it a little quiet until "he figured things out." They didn't know virtually everyone at school knew, but it's hard to really convince middle aged people today exactly how little most youth care about that stuff anymore. They were still chatting away, sitting next to eachother at the high stools at the bar by the window when Carter jumped a little as Burke's hand landed on his inner thigh and a few fingers travelled up the short shorts till they touched the hem of his briefs. "Why you not freeballin? It's hot out!" Burke said with a laugh. "Let's get out of here."

They wandered out into the warm darkness. Burke had parked his car around the side, an older BMW that Carter remembered one of Burke's parents driving. When they got to the car, Burke kind of leaned back on the side of the trunk, Carter standing in front of him. He quickly stood back up, a little taller than Carter, putting his hands on Carter's shoulders. "Good to see you again buddy," Burke said as his hands slide down Carter's back, coming to rest on the top of his narrow firm little butt cheeks. With one hand grabbing a cheek firmly, the other went back up and on the back of Carter's neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss. Carter sort of fell into Burke, their cloth-covered erections clashing and pushing on eachother. Burke told him to get in the car, and they took off.

Carter had no idea where they were going but put his hand on the stiff bulge in Burke's Chubbies as they pulled out of the lot. "I'm so horny for you bro, I can't believe we found eachother," Burke said in almost a whisper. With that, Carter pulled out the waistband of the Chubbies, and, as expected, found no underwear, and fished Burke's dick out. Carter couldn't see it well in the dark, but it felt nice and big and thick. He unclasped his seatbelt, and leaned over. As he got close, a pleasant smell of soap and a teenage boy's pheromones--the sex scent--filled his nostrils. Carter reached into Burke's shorts, and cupped his big slightly sweaty balls as he pushed his lips down until they hit pubes and waistband. Burke moaned and started encouraging Carter, at first not believing he had throated his whole cock from that angle so quickly. Carter worked the meat as best he could, from his position not seeing that they had driven out of town and into a rural area with a few farms still, and some fancy houses. Burke made a sharp turn, and Carter pulled up off his dick to see they were driving up a long inclined driveway.

"Where are we?" he asked Burke. They were at Burke's boyfriend's house. As they pulled up the drive, Carter thought it looked familiar, like he might have been there years ago for a soccer potluck or something. "Yeah, I'm looking after the house while they're away. Feeding fish, watering plants, etc." Would have been a perfect sex palace, but no one to have sex with!" Burke said laughing. Burke pulled a keychain out of the glovebox and they got out and walked up on the porch. Once inside, Burke attacked Carter, pushing him against the wall of the entry, and pulling him into a long deep kiss. He pulled Carter's shirt off, and began voraciously licking his neck, his nips, his pits, and working down his six pack where he nibbled on Carter's abs, making him recoil from ticklishness. He yanked Carter's shorts down, leaving him in just his colorfully-patterned fancy briefs. Burke chuckled at them and then eased them down, off and around Carter's throbbing erection, pointing directly out the side. Carter's cock bounced up once freed, almost hitting Burke in the face. He grabbed the leaking dick and gave it a few tugs while Carter kicked off his shorts and undies.

Love to hear from you all.

Next: Chapter 11

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