My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Jun 25, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences,

And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves.

Enjoy reading!

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Tyson rolled his head and woke up. The air conditioning blasting on his still-damp body gave him a shiver, and he leaned his head up and remembered he had just jerked off thinking about his time in the motel, and his first time with Everett. He looked at the pool of drying, thickening sperm pooled into his six pack and thought briefly about getting back in the shower, but decided just to use the sweaty sock he'd left on the floor to scoop it up. He'd be in the ocean in an hour or two anyway. Tys pulled on his favorite swimsuit, a green, blue, and pink striped one that was nice and short to get sun on his long legs. Even a few years back when everyone was wearing boardies, Tys always liked normal short leg swimsuits. Who wants to be at the beach trying to play volleyball or run for a football or lacrosse ball with 5 pounds of wet fabric going down to your knees?! He loped down the stairs in a few bounds and found his mom in the kitchen. They talked for a little bit, about nothing much. She had become clingy as his departure for college grew closer, and was trying to be near him and talk more than had been usual. Tys didn't mind, he was close with his parents, and knew he would miss them too. She wanted his help to move a bunch of stuff into her car, destined for various charities, auctions, and thrift stores. Tys did so, actually getting a little sweaty from carrying the things out into the boiling hot day after being in the AC for some time. No worries, it would be cooler out at the beach. Tyson wolfed down some leftovers out of the fridge while his mom tried to get him to use a plate and sit down for a minute. She poured them both iced tea, which Tys drank in a gulp before running back up to his room to throw a few things together for the beach and party.

Tyson kissed his mom and bounded down the porch stairs to his car. He texted Ev "2m" which was their signal he'd be there in two minutes, since Everett's house was just a few blocks down. Ev slid out his front door shirtless and with a backpack before Tys had even stopped the car, and hopped into the passenger seat with a loud "hey bro, ready to party?!" and their handshake they'd developed over the years. As they cruised down the street and turned onto the road leading over the bridge and out to the beach, Ev turned the music up, always a sign for the talking to stop and him to fondle Tys. Ev quickly worked Tys' huge semi-hard meat out of his swimsuit lining and out the leg, wondering how that loose mesh could keep that monster from hanging out his leg. After working the foreskin back and forth a few times, Ev felt some stickiness and smelled cum as he brought his hand to his nose. "Did you just jerk off you horndog!?" he asked Tys.

"Haha. You know it bro. Might even have been thinking of you."

"What'd you do that for dude? You know I would have taken care of you!"

"Who says you can't bro!" Tys said with a wink and broad smile. Ev knew how silly what he said was, Tys could cum all day. He had worked many loads out of him in a row plenty of times. Ev kept slowly working his buddy's stiffening prick as they drove over the bridge. He smiled when he saw the first few drops of pre, and rubbed them around the large heart-shaped head. Ev knew exactly where they were going when Tys pulled off the road to the beach. A minute later they were parked in the back of a dirt lot in the trees near a boat ramp, used for overflow trailer parking. Tys, by now not at all sheepish or self-conscious as he had been two years earlier, lifted his butt up and pulled his shorts down a bit, dragging his hard cock back through the material till it bounced up when freed by the waistband. Everett went down on the big pale cock log like he hadn't had it in months, when really it had been in both of his orifices several times only two days before. Compared with two years ago, when Ev, though not a novice cocksucker by any means, still had trouble with Tys' monumental cock, it fit in him perfectly and with ease now. Ev bobbed on the veiny cock a few times to get it wet, and then pushed down and down, getting the familiar feeling of the large head opening his throat and wedging itself in. Ev felt his throat opening skin back Tys' dick, the foreskin sliding back over the sharply flared and wide head. Even after years of sucking his friend off, Ev was still thrilled every time he felt the large cock stretch his throat, five or six inches down he could actually feel his throat tube widened out 360 degrees, pushing his throat out all around the hard penis.

Even though they were in a pretty safe and private spot, Ev tried to work fast. Throating the big dick, then doing some good tongue on the head, foreskin, and pee hole while furiously jerking the remaining seven inches. Tys was moaning and rubbing Ev's back, starting to moisten with sweat. Ev worked furiously to make his friend squirt, reaching into his suit to rub Tys' big smooth ballsac. Tys was an always horny guy, and could cum or hold off pretty much at will, he just loved Ev's attention. Tys realized looking down at the back of Ev's head as he expertly worked his cock how much he was going to miss him. He hadn't really thought of that before. He was excited about college, knew he'd miss his parents, but hadn't until now thought of how much he would miss Everett. Even though Tys still had dated girls throughout the last two years of high school, he and Ev had basically been boyfriends through that time. He smiled thinking about all the good times they had, and feeling no warning, began to cum. Ev had just been pulling the hard cock out of his throat when he felt it stiffen and swell. Tightening his lips, he sucked as hard as he could while a half dozen large jets of sperm flooded his mouth. Ev was always amazed how much nut Tys made, and the guy had just jerked off a while ago! Ev pulled up off the cock, and as he always did, opened his mouth and showed Tys his load before swallowing it. He went back down on Tys' dick, now softening on his tummy, and cleaned it off. Tys sat up and hiked his shorts up, kind of coiling his cock up inside. He pulled his tank over his head and threw it in the backseat, put his seatbelt on, and started the car. When the AC blasted on, both boys, covered in a sheen of sweat, shivered a little. As they pulled out of the lot, Tys opened all the windows, turned off the AC, and sped off towards the beach.

The beach was only a few miles further, over a couple little bridges and a long causeway out to the island. Tys and Ev stopped at a gas station they knew they'd have no problem getting beer at, and bought three cases. Even unhappy sour-faced cashiers smiled when Tys beamed at them, and he rarely had any trouble buying beer. Sometimes if he was just getting a soda or something, the clerk would say, just take it, on me, especially if it was a middle aged woman. The large house they pulled up to had been the scene of many parties that summer. A girl Tys had gone to middle school with lived there, but her parents, now semi-retired, spent much of the summer up north somewhere, Cape Cod Tys thought. She went to the private high school that most of Tyson and Everett's friends from growing up went to. There were already quite a few people out in the yard, on the porches, and of course around the pool at the side of the house. Unlike most of the houses there where you could just park on the lawn, Ashley's parents had a fence and nice landscaping, so Tys slowly crept down the road till he found a place he could park off the asphalt.

Tys and Ev got out of the car, grabbed the beer, and headed towards the party. As they walked into the yard, the two handsome and hot friends got looks from everyone there, especially Tys, with his small shorts riding low and perfect body shining in the sun. They said hi to everyone, opened some beers, and started in the ongoing banter. There were maybe 15 people there, all of whom Tys was friends with, or at least knew somewhat. The guys he had mostly played sports with or against at some point growing up, the girls were the girls that were always around. People kept arriving, and more beer and food arrived and some guys got the grill going. After a few more beers, a bunch of the crowd decided to go to the beach, and Tys and Ev went along after grabbing towels from the car. They threw some beers in a bag with ice, and got some Solo cups so they could drink a few on the beach. Everyone knew what was in everyone's cups on the beach, but as long as the police didn't see cans or bottles, it was sort of an unwritten rule that it was ok.

There were a few nice waves for some body surfing, and everyone got in the ocean a few times. Time kind of flew by, and it seemed quickly it was late afternoon, with people starting to pack up and leave the beach. After one more dip in the water, the gang picked up their towels and everything and started back to Ashley's house. Tys realized Everett wasn't around, and asked one of the guys he knew was friends with him. He said Ev had gone back an hour earlier, and Tys was surprised he hadn't noticed, as it would be unusual for Ev to do that without telling him. When they got back to the house, Ev still wasn't around and Tyson thought about calling him before realizing both their phones were in his car. A few more beers around the pool and Everett came walking up to Tys with a smile and a "hey bro." With him was a friend of his that Tys did not know too well, Legare, and they had been off somewhere. Legare, who everybody called Leggy, stuck out his hand to Tys.

"Hey man. How you been Tys? I haven't seen you in forever. We gotta get up sometime before college."

"For sure bro. Dunno why its been so long, I see this bitch almost every day," Tys replied, motioning to Ev. "Where you going to school again?"

"UGA dawg!" Leggy said. "You're not too far, right? You'll have to come party in Athens sometime...get some ass."

"I think I'll have plenty of ass as a starter," Tys said with a smile, "Unless you were talking about your ass!" The people nearby laughed at Tys' comment, including Ev while looking right at Tys. "Lemme get your keys bro," Ev said. "They're on the table there, I'll come with you," Tys said. They walked to Tys' car. "Where were you and Leggy at?" Tys asked after a minute. "We went to his uncle's place to cool off and play some vids. He's outta town. And we also made sure the liquor cabinet wasn't too full! Its just a block over. You should come chill there. I might spend the night there, much more room"

"Don't you wanna hang out with everyone?" Tys asked. "Whatever. We can. And just go there to crash. Better than sleeping on the floor with all those drunk fools. And Leggy wants to see you too."

"What do you mean? I just saw him," Tys replied confused.

It turned out that Ev and Leggy had hooked up while away from the party. That alone blew Tys away, but Leggy had apparently been pestering Everett about whether he and Tys were together, and Ev finally told him. Tys couldn't tell if he was mad or not. They had never discussed any of this, he just assumed that he and Ev were together and monogamous, but obviously he still fucked girls sometimes, and he was leaving in a few weeks, so it sort of made sense. Between Tys' car and some bushes, the two embraced silently. Ev gently rubbing Tys' huge soft cock through his trunks, and Tys running his big hands down Ev's back, gently massaging, and reaching down into his shorts to cup his buns. One of Tys' fingers ranged up Ev's crack, stopping immediately when it touched something slippery.

"Leggy fucked you?!" Tys asked once feeling the unmistakable substance seeping out of Ev. He had imagined when Ev said they hooked up that it had been BJs or even handjobs or something. Ev apologized again, and said it had just happened. Apparently, Leggy and Ev were together a lot before he and Tys got together. Ev explained that it had started when they were on an elite lacrosse team together freshman and sophomore years, and that they had hooked up pretty much every day in that time, even for some months after Ev and Tys first got together. Leggy apparently was obsessed with Tys and always had been, and really wanted to be with him before college, fearing it might be his last chance. Tys was having trouble processing all of this. Ev was the only guy he had ever been with, not counting the teammates who had jerked him off that night in the motel. Tys realized he wasn't mad. Everett had been basically faithful to him the past two years. It was Tys who had dated girls, and flirted, and even had a girlfriend for almost a year. He knew it was hurtful to Everett, so it wasn't fair for him to be mad. He was the one leaving town soon. Could he really expect Ev to wait for him for a little sex at Thanksgiving and Christmas?

The two put their shirts on and got their phones and walked back to the party. As soon as they arrived, Leggy got up and started saying so long to people, stopping to talk quietly with Everett for a moment. It had gotten dark, so was probably at least nine o'clock. There were a lot of people there now, so not even enough chairs, and as people got drunker and the music got louder, there was less conversation. A few girls who had recently arrived were obviously and increasingly directly flirting with Tys. After a while, Ev came over to Tys and asked if he wanted to roll over to Leggy's. Tys was quiet for a minute, and then said sure. He made some excuses to the girls and some others who asked where they were going. It was tough to come up with an answer, since people assumed he was driving and he was drunk, he was just vague about 'food' and 'smoke' without telling them that he was walking over to Leggy's uncles. Ev had already sort of evaporated into the darkness, and startled Tys when he walked out from under the house to the pitch black driveway. Ev texted somebody, presumably Leggy, and they walked out into the darkness, the streetlights all off since it was still turtle nesting season.

They walked up to Leggy's, stumbling up the various angled stairs onto the giant L-shaped screen porch surrounding two sides of the pool. This house was closer to the ocean and even more impressive than Ashley's folks'. The house was pretty dark, but then Leggy appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey guys! Glad you made it. Wanna do a shot?" Leggy asked buoyantly. They went inside where Leggy got some shot glasses, and back onto the screen porch, where there were many large sofas, a couple tables, fireplace, and in the corner, a bar. Tys looked at Leggy when he flipped on a light. He knew him of course for many years, but never had looked at him like THAT. Like he looked at Ev. By any standard Leggy was a hot guy. Perfect body, shaggy blond preppy/lax hair, not too tall, maybe 5'10 or so, smooth body, toned, but a layer of fat that made him look soft. Leggy was one of those guys who had a cocky demeanor, was known as a ladies man, and had an unexplainably thick Southern drawl. Most people in that city from educated families either had no accent, or could turn it off, but a few, like Leggy, talked like they had marbles in their mouth. Leggy poured them all too-full shots of a very expensive looking bourbon that Tys had never seen before. They cheersed and downed them, Tys feeling all of a sudden more drunk than before. Tys looked at his boyfriend, Ev, looking as hot and sweet as always, and then over to Leggy, who was wearing just some chubbies and flip flops. "So what's up boys?" Leggy said, lowering his shorts.

Next: Chapter 7

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