My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Jul 7, 2015


Sorry this one is kind of short and uneventful, was no good place to break the chapters.

This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading! Of course, if reading this is not allowed where you are because of your age or any reason, hit the back button. Also, remember to support Nifty!

As they drove back off the island and towards downtown, Ev reached over and fished out Tys' dick. When they were free of other cars now and again, Ev leaned down and took the head into his mouth, running his tongue around inside the foreskin and into the wide pee hole. At one point, after some silence, Ev said suddenly: "So you like fucking Legare?"

Tys was caught a little off guard and replied after a few moments. "Well yeah, I guess. That was hot. You had fun. It was your idea."

Ev looked down and was silent again. "Yeah I guess," he said. "I don't know what I think. He was so hot for you, I wasn't thinking." Tys felt badly now. He had thought he was sort of tricked into the whole thing by Ev, but it hadn't really been Everett's idea in the first place.

"Shoot dude, sorry. I never would have done anything if I thought you didn't want to." Tys was thinking of what more to say. "It's you and me bro. Always has been." Ev didn't say much more as they went up and over the bridge. After a few turns, Tys pulled up in front of Ev's house. There was nearly a minute of silence with Ev's door open and the heat creeping into the car.

"Come in," Ev said. "Make love to me." Tys almost replied in protest, but thought better of it and cut the engine. The two walked in without speaking and straight upstairs to Ev's room. Everett took off his shorts and tank as he fumbled in the far back of his desk drawer for the lube they both knew was there. Getting onto the bed doggy style, he handed the tube back to Tys. Tys all of a sudden wanted to make it up to Ev, and taking the tube, he flipped Ev over on his back. Tys pushed the tube to Ev's butthole and squirted a generous amount inside. He greased up his now-hard cock, and lifting Ev's legs, put his wide head at the target and pushed in. Tys fucked him as sensuously as he knew how. Hard, but kind of slow, leaving his prick in full depth for a second each time. Ev was trembling and breathing hard. Despite his subsiding hangover and earlier orgasm, Tys felt the sap rising after only a few minutes. He bent down, his cock completely sunk inside Ev, and continued sloppily making out with him. Ev was such a good friend, and such a hot guy, Tys suddenly felt bad for fucking someone else and enjoying it. But he knew he needed to wrap this up, and after a few quick thrusts, blasted his beans deep up inside his buddy's gastro tract. He pulled Ev up the bed, and laid down next to him in an embrace. After a few minutes he said he needed to go, parents worried etc, and left Ev naked on his bed. Packing his again-dirty cock into his swimsuit, Tys pushed his shirt into the back of his shorts, and went out to his car.

Tys sat in his car for a few minutes, thinking about Ev. He had been such a good friend, and lover. He really was basically Tys' boyfriend, although they had never said that. Reaching into the backseat, Tys grabbed the beach bag from the previous day, and was glad when it felt cold. A couple ice cubes remained in the ziplock and there were two cold beers in there. Tys quickly drained them both, feeling his headache--made worse by his recent orgasm--subside. Finding a recycle bin out on the street at the end of Ev's block, Tys dumped all the empties from his car. Tys was home in barely a minute and pulled up in front, seeing his dad out pruning the roses or something. As Tys pulled his long frame out of the car, his dad looked admiringly at his perfect physique. Tys' dad had always been his best friend and biggest supporter. "Hey buddy, how are you? Where you been?" Tys' dad called out.

"Oh you know, just partying. It's almost college. We were out at Ashley's last night," Tys replied, giving his dad a big smile as he walked towards him.

"And you just breaking all those poor girls' hearts, right stud?" Tys' dad said back, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

Tys decided he was going to take the day off working out, and after getting his few things out of the car, he went into the house, shivering as the AC hit his bare body. Tys didn't know his dad would be home, but apparently he had had a work trip cancelled and decided to take the day off. Tys' mom was home too, and greeted him with a hug as he walked in the kitchen. Tyson spent the afternoon in his room. Doing some Netflix and texting, sure, but also compiling data from his community service and research project. And talking with Carter.

"Hey bro. How are you?" Tys texted.

Carter was actually unusually at his summer job that day, and texted back immediately saying all was good.

"I had a threesome last night!!" Tys texted.

"Whooooaaa. Lucky ladies!!" Carter shot back.

"Who said they were ladies!?!?" Tys texted.

Their text fell silent for a minute as Tys regretted sending that, and Carter tried to figure out what to say. Finally Carter sent: "Yeah whatever bro. I know you got girls all over you!"

Another couple minutes of silence and Tys said: "Would it be a big deal if I liked guys too?"

Carter was blown away. His breathing got heavy, he got sweaty, and he got erect all in a few seconds. Tys' pulse meanwhile was high too. Until the previous day, only one person, Ev, knew he was into dudes. Now it was two. And if Leggy knew, then who else did? Carter carefully composed a text. "That's cool bro, whatever you're into. Btw, I get into dudes too."

Now it was Tys' turn to be dumbfounded. All the pics he had seen of Carter on facebook and instragram and etc showed a preppy hot guy, always surrounded by girls, and looking very much the stud. Tys didn't know what to think anymore. Tys was trying to think of what to say back to Carter with this new revelation, when he heard his mom calling him downstairs. She had made fried Reubens, one of Tys' favorites, and his dad came in sweating from the garden to have lunch too. Tys mom made his dad put on a new shirt at least, and they sat down to eat. Tys talked with his folks about how excited he was for college, but also a little nervous. He was worried that basketball could get in the way of academics or friendships, and also admitted he was sad to be leaving home. He told his parents for the first time about his roommate, and that they had been talking quite a bit.

Next: Chapter 9

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