My Head is a Jungle

By RM Lambert

Published on Jul 27, 2024


Chapter 4

Well, here is Chapter 4. The story takes a little twist, but it will all make sense and it's all about building up to Charlie's own acceptance. Stick with it. Thank you so much to the people who mailed me feedback and thoughts and good vibes. Means the world. Please keep the emails coming every email gives me more drive to write the next instalment. So keep the mails coming -

Remember to keep supporting Nifty and all the amazing work it does.

Enjoy! Chapter 4.

Weeks had passed since the night of Simon's party. Life for Charlie was, as it as always was, a flurry of schoolwork, football training and gym. Ella had begun snapping Charlie clearly flirty photos of herself, and for his part Charlie played along occasionally sending a snap deliberately taken to highlight his chest or abs. Part of him felt bad, because the reality was he had absolutely no interest in Ella, but it also kept Louis and Theo quiet when they asked how it was going with the girls. Ironically, but perhaps not surprisingly Theo had been too drunk to do anything with Hannah the night of the party, so his dream of fucking her continued. Louis however, had proudly told them the morning after that he and Freya had fooled around that night and were very much interested in each other moving forward. This had affected how much Charlie had seen Louis and he did find it faintly annoying. They were best as a three, but he'd resolved to not say anything, or at least not yet. Louis had never had a girlfriend, and Charlie was happy that he was happy. Something else since the party that had changed was he kept thinking about Harry, the curly haired skater boy from the party. He'd seen him around school a couple of times, and Harry also made a point of looking and smiling at Charlie wherever he saw him. The more he looked at Harry, the more he realised how handsome he was. But, as he wasn't gay, he kept away from Harry. Something that Charlie was unhappy with was that Elias had not spoken to him since the party. At football training, he just kept his distance. Charlie was sad because he had always enjoyed talking to Elias, and the deeper reason he felt sad was because he couldn't help thinking about the blowjob Elias had given him. Charlie couldn't deny, it felt better than anything else that had ever happened to him. He decided to try to at least make things better with Elias. He took out his phone and messaged him.

@charliesz Hey...

@elias_dan12 Sup

@charliesz Can we talk?

@elias_dan12 About what?

@charliesz You haven't spoken to me for weeks. I was hoping, I dunno.

@elias_dan12 I don't know what you want me to say.

Charlie lay back on his bed and put his hands over his eyes. Why was it this difficult? In another world he would just be dating Ella and him and Elias would be friends and it would be easy. Looking out the window, the late September sun was shining through the trees, illuminating some faint tinges of orange and yellow on the leaves. Autumn was coming fast. He decided to try and build some bridges with Elias.

@charliesz I have to walk the dog and the sun is shining. Do you want to come? We can talk properly.

@Elias_Dan12 [snap opened one minute ago]

Charlie sighed and began to get himself ready. Onyx was his dog and one of the best things in his life. Unusually named, Onyx was a rescue border collie they had for two years now. The only way Charlie's Dad had relented and let them get a dog was on the condition it was from the shelter. The four of them had gone to their local animal shelter and were taken to a pen containing a group of border collie puppies that had been left at the side of a road in a cardboard box. There were six puppies who had all been given names like Jade, Onyx, Moonstone. Onyx stood out to all of them straight away. Black with white markings on his face, he had run straight over to Charlie and started wagging his tail and barking. Since then, they have been firm friends. Onyx was supposed to sleep on his bed in the kitchen by the back door, but Hollie had given up arguing about it, and Onyx spent most evenings on the floor next to Charlie's bed. If Charlie was at football, with Matty on Matty's bed. Being a collie, Onyx was sharp, intelligent and fiercely loyal. Now Matty was back at university, Charlie's sole job was to walk Onyx every evening. Hollie walked him in the mornings, Charlie at night. He enjoyed it, it gave him a chance to think and listen to music and get some air. As he clipped Onyx's harness to his lead, his phone flashed.

@Elias_Dan12 Fine. Meet me at the crossroads.

Elias greeted Onyx before he even looked at Charlie. Charlie always thought you could judge if someone was a good person by how they treated animals. Also by how Onyx treated them. He trusted Onyx's judgement. It always concerned Charlie that Onyx didn't seem to love Alexia, Matty's girlfriend. With Elias, Onyx was wagging his tail and letting Elias make a fuss of him, whilst trying to lick his ears. Clearly, Onyx thought Elias was a good person. They began walking towards the forest, at first, without saying too much. But, as they walked, Charlie started asking Elias about their latest football matches, Manchester United's performance at the weekend, school, and quickly the conversation felt normal between the two of them. They threw tennis balls and sticks for Onyx, walked and talked and laughed for around an hour through the forest. Charlie was happy because it felt like things felt normal between him and Elias again. The weak evening sun was low in the sky, and turned the forest floor a pale golden light. "Shit man, it looks so nice." They sat on a nearby log and Elias took some pictures of the golden hour to put on his story. All around them were trees, but this glade allowed more of the golden sunlight inside. These trees were on the shore of the large lake that gave the town its name. They were lucky enough to live in one of the most scenic places in the whole of England. Of course, as teenagers though, Charlie and his friends didn't always recognise this. The late September sun dappling across the glade did make the boys stop and think about the beauty of their surroundings. Charlie took a long drink of water from his backpack and handed the bottle to Elias. He took a long drink too, and then sat quietly, taking in the setting as Charlie poured some water into a bowl for Onyx who was sitting panting after chasing tennis balls Elias had thrown for him for the last twenty minutes.

"Elias. The other night, I.. I'm sorry I ran away, I did have to meet Matty, that wasn't a lie. But, I've never done anything with anyone before, never mind with a guy. I kinda freaked out." He looked at Elias who was determinedly not looking at Charlie, but fiddling with a loop on Onyx's harness. "I was drunk on some pink drink shit that Simon had made, and, I don't know. It was our talk about not fitting in, and then we kissed-

"You kissed me first Charlie."

"I know I did."

"I don't want us to become boyfriends and get married to you Charlie, that's not the vibe here." He laughed and continued to stroke Onyx. "I'm just super open minded. I like having fun with just about anyone hot to be honest. I don't think you understand Charlie, but you're really hot. Like, really fuckin hot." Charlie blushed slightly. "I mean, you're not bad yourself you know, but I'm not gay Elias. I'm confused. I don't know what I want. But, I'm not gay."

Elias, with a sigh, stood up and crouched down in front of Charlie. He put his hands on his knees and looked into his eyes. "Why do we have to BE anything? It's not about defining anything, it's just two guys having some fun. But, I'm not going to force you to do anything. We can just carry on how we were before. BUT, if you change your mind, just know. I'm down." As he went to stand up, he surprised Charlie with a kiss. Charlie didn't push away but leant into it, and allowed Elias to really kiss him for a second. Their tongues finding each other quickly and Charlie letting out a little sigh into Elias' mouth. They kissed for a short period of time, tongues duelling, Elias' strong hands on Charlie's shoulders. As abruptly as the kiss had started, the kiss was over, and Elias was up and walking off. "Come on!" He shouted, "I gotta get home for dinner!"

That evening, Charlie and his parents were watching TV together after dinner. It was rare, because Charlie's Dad wasn't working late for once, he was home and had cooked dinner. They were watching House of the Dragon which was one of Charlie's favourite shows. He and Onyx were on one couch, his parents on the other. His Dad, interrupted to say,

"Charlie, we were thinking of taking a trip to London to visit Matty in a few weeks."

"What about football? I don't want to miss any matches?" "Well, you are going to be sixteen soon, so your Mother and I were wondering if you could be responsible enough to be home alone for the weekend. It would be a good test of maturity and responsibility, plus we wouldn't need to get somebody to look after Onyx. What do you think? Plus, your Grandma is only 5 minutes away in the car if you need her." Charlie couldn't believe it. He would have the house to himself for a whole weekend. He said, "could Theo and Louis maybe stay over?" Hollie interjected, "Yes, but only them. No parties Charlie. We're really trusting you here." "Mum, do you really think I'd be having a party?"

Later, lying in bed, after telling Louis and Theo about the potential of a free house coming up, he lay in bed thinking about everything he had talked about with Elias earlier that day. Almost as if by magic, Charlie's phone lit up and it was a snap from Elias. Intrigued, Charlie opened it and couldn't help smiling because when he opened it, Elias was freshly out of the shower. Stood in his bathroom, with a towel low around his waist, it showed off his wet, tight body, defined chest and cheeky smile. Charlie definitely felt a stir in his pants and a smile on his face in return. Charlie went to send a snap back. He sat up so his abs looked more defined, and messed with his hair so it hung perfectly across his face. Charlie knew he looked good in the picture. He looked straight into the camera and smirked slightly. Before he sent it, he looked at it. "Shit, my abs look so good in this." he thought before sending it to Elias. For good measure, he sent it to Ella and a few other people in his snap too. Feeling pleased with himself he was mindlessly scrolling through TikTok when Theo sent a message to their group chat.

@theo_quick12 Fuck! Have you heard the shit going down in School?

@charliesz No?

@louislouis69 nah man not heard anything, what is it?

@theo_quick1 HA. Well, Simon's just told me, his brother is in the sixth form too. Some guy from the sixth form nudes have leaked to all the kids in the school.

@louislouis69 How did that happen?

@charliesz Do we know the person?

@theo_quick12 No, I don't think so. But there is a twist...

@louislouis69 How do you have a twist on nudes?

@theo_quick12 Let me show you.

@louislouis69 Really? I'm not sure I need to be seeing some dick rn.

@charliesz Haha agreed.

After a minute, Theo sent a picture into the chat. It was a screenshot of an instagram profile. The instagram profile was @skatergirlleaked and the picture was of a smooth, tight ass lying on their front. The picture taken over the shoulders. Legs dangling behind. The ass was completed with a tight ruby red thong.

@louislouis69 Hang on, you said it was a guy?

@theo_quick12 ....

Theo sent a second screengrab. This photo was taken from the front. The person kneeling on the bed facing the camera. Head cropped out. Red thong still on, this time a matching red bra visible, but this time, a long, thin dick hanging out of the side of it.

@charliesz wtf.

@louislouis69 holy shit. Dude. This guy is never going to be able to come back to school again.

@charliesz Who is this guy!? Fucking hell.

@theo_quick12 I vaguely recognised him. Think he was at Simon's party with a big group of sixth formers. Wait there is a face picture of him on the leaked page.

@louislouis69 Poor guy will never be seen again.

Charlie went to instagram and opened the page. Just one post, with six images. Already the account had 182 followers so, safe to say everyone in school would have seen these pictures by Monday morning. He scrolled through the images. The first two, the pictures Theo had already sent. Then, a close up of the dick in the third picture. To be fair, Charlie noticed it was thin and a little veiny, however it was exceptionally long, and overall, what Charlie would call, a nice dick. Picture four, another ass pic, this time in white lace panties, picture five, stood up naked hand over dick. Again, Charlie noticed the tight, slim torso and he did feel a stir in his own boxers. The last picture, six, made Charlie quickly sit up. It was another picture of the guy lying on his front showing off his thong. But this time, half the face was in the front of the picture. He saw the long curls and one of the bright blue eyes he remembered so clearly from the party. It was Harry! These were pictures of Harry. He couldn't believe it. Harry!? He didn't know why he was so shocked, he didn't know anything about him. But his whole skater boy aesthetic and vibe didn't really fit with this. Was Harry gay? Was he trans? Was this for a girl? He truly couldn't imagine what it would be like to have your nudes leaked for the whole school. It made him really think about the shirtless picture he had sent earlier. It wasn't the same, but still. He resolved to not send any pictures of his body or dick ever again. One thing he couldn't ignore was the very real physical effect Harry's pictures had had on his dick though. He went back to the instagram page and really looked at the photos again. He couldn't deny Harry had an amazing ass. It was smooth and peachy and the thong really highlighted how good it was. He swiped through the pictures and felt his hand sliding down to his own dick. He guessed skateboarding with its emphasis on strength, balance and core was why Harry had such a peachy toned ass, and tight body. Charlie was mesmerised with it. He thought about Elias and some of the other boys in the football teams and how different their bodies were. Rather than strong and muscled, it was tight and lithe. Not an ounce of fat, sculpted and strong, tall and wiry Charlie couldn't believe how sexy he found Harry's body. He scrolled to the last picture where Harry was lying on his front showing off his ass, but you could see half of his face in the photo also. There was something about the curls, the blue eyes, the peachy ass, the lean, strong back, Charlie couldn't help himself but he jerked himself off until he shot cum all over his abs. There was no denying that he found something truly hypnotic about Harry. He was so different from him, which he found incredibly attractive, now with these leaked pictures... Was Harry gay? He made a resolution to talk to him in school if he could, discreetly. It couldn't be easy to have these pictures leaked. He wanted to just check he was okay, nothing more than that, right?

As it turned out though, it wasn't going to be that easy. Charlie looked but didn't see Harry in school all week. He couldn't ask anyone because he didn't want to create any suspicion, but he looked everyday. In the meantime, Charlie was happy things felt normal at training again. Elias did tend to very subtly flirt with him, and honestly, he was happy with that. He liked it. He even flirted back sometimes. He couldn't deny Elias was hot, but his life was easier if they just stayed friends. School was school and as September turned into October, the leaves started to turn oranges and browns and drop from the trees. The weather turned wet and windy and Charlie had to dig his wellies out for when he walked Onyx. He still hadn't seen Harry in school.They had got some pretty strict information from the teachers about spreading photographs and it being illegal, and the Instagram page had been removed. What Charlie hadn't told anyone was he had saved the pictures on his phone and was using them to jerk off to most evenings now. Somehow, the presence of a ladies thong somehow made Charlie feel like what he was doing wasn't gay, it was okay. In fact, he had jerked to the images so frequently Charlie felt he could draw them from memory. The curve on Harry's tight, yet peachy ass. The fact his whole body was smooth and tight and toned. The arch of his back. The way the tight curls fell down around his ears and his blue eyes sparkled through the camera. Charlie definitely had a crush on this strange boy.

It was five days later that Charlie finally got his wish and saw Harry in person. It was a typical wet and miserable October afternoon. Charlie was out with Onyx on a facetime call with Matty. It was the day before his parents were off to London to visit his big brother in university, and while he originally felt super excited to have the house to himself, now seeing Matty on facetime, he did wish he was going with them. He loved Matty, he was, in many ways, the perfect big brother. He was chill and funny and goofy but also when they were growing up he always made time for Charlie. In many ways, Matty was his hero. He looked up to him, admired him and wanted to be like him when he was 19. Matty was explaining how hard it was to be away from Alexia. Alexia had been Matty's girlfriend since he was Charlie's age. Alexia went to a local university so her and Matty had been doing long distance for a year and a half now.

"It's not easy man. It's difficult without her. I get such blue balls man." Matty said with a laugh. "What about you, is there a girl in your life yet?" "Not really, I've been snapping with Ella more recently, so we'll see where that goes." He wasn't lying to Matty, Ella and he had been snapping more, but for Charlie, he didn't see it going anywhere soon.

"Charlie. You have a free house this weekend for the first time ever. Do you not think this could be the perfect time to get her round? Cook her some dinner, be charming... then dessert..."

Charlie considered his answer. Matty had a point, it would be the perfect opportunity. Also, having sex with Ella would be the perfect way to prove he wasn't gay. They continued chatting as Onyx and Charlie walked further around the edges of the lake. After a while, in the distance Charlie could see the jetty he often would sit and chill and look out at the water's edge from when walking Onyx. There was something about sitting on the edge of something, your legs dangling over the edge that was so appealing to him. He couldn't count the times he had sat there thinking about things. He would call it one of his special places. The vista of the forest on one side, the sprawling lake ahead, and the town he had grown up in to the left. As he walked closer, he noticed a figure sat on the edge of the jetty. As he got closer, he thought he recognised the figure sitting on the edge. Long, curly hair, tall, tight body, hipster clothes. Charlie couldn't believe it, but it was Harry. Should he approach him? He felt nervous and a pink flush in his cheeks. He also felt a stir in his jeans. This was his chance, he had to talk to him. He finished talking to Matty and promised to text him later and said his goodbyes. He stood, took a deep breath, smoothed his hair so his middle parting was perfect, and walked to the jetty. He tentatively walked onto the jetty. Harry sat, hood up and headphones in. He was smoking, from Charlie's limited knowledge of drugs he recognised the smell as weed. "Hey." Charlie said. Harry turned and looked. He saw it was Charlie and just turned back around to look out across the water. He stared coldly away. Charlie wasn't sure what to do. He stood for a moment considering his options. "Hey? Why are you ignoring me?" he said, rather boldly for him. He was proud of himself. Harry didn't turn around and look at Charlie, but took his earphones out and replied,

"Just fuck off man. If you want to laugh at me or ask me about it I don't want to talk to you. Go ask someone else."

"Why would I want to laugh at you?" Charlie said, confused.

"Are you fucking kidding? The whole school has been talking about me for two weeks so don't fucking pretend you don't know what I'm talking about" Harry snapped.

"I didn't say I didn't know about it, but I'm also not laughing about it."

"Well, you're the only one who isn't."

"Can I sit?" said Charlie.

"I don't own this jetty." Harry replied. Charlie ignored the tone and sat down next to Harry. There was space between them, but Onyx filled the space. Onyx seemed to break Harry's mood slightly, and said, "What's his name?"

"Onyx. He's a rescue dog. He's 18 months old."

Onyx took to Harry immediately wagging his tail and licking Harry's ears almost immediately. Harry seemed to be slightly mollified by the presence of Onyx. Charlie thought about his theory that Onyx was a great judge of character as he continued to lick Harry's ears. Charlie didn't rush to speak, but sat looking out over the vista. After a few moments of quiet, Harry said, "Do you want some?" referring to the joint he was smoking and had just relit, as Onyx had settled down next to Charlie.

"No, thanks. I don't smoke. I play a lot of football so I try to look after my lungs."

"You're a wholesome human Charlie. I can tell that."

"Thanks, I guess. You know, I have looked for you in school for the last few weeks. But I haven't seen you around."

"Why?" Harry looked puzzled. "We've only spoken once at that party."

Charlie considered how to phrase his answer. "I guess, I just wanted to check that you were okay. I can't imagine how it must have felt to get your, you know. I just wanted to maybe tell you that not everyone found it funny... or something."

Harry looked at Charlie. Charlie determinedly looked at the lake, aware he could feel Harry's sparklingly blue eyes on him.

"I don't know what to say. Thank You Charlie." He reached over and squeezed Charlie's shoulder. Charlie felt a warm bolt of electricity through his body at Harry's touch.

"When are you going to come back to school?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know if I ever can. Every time I think about it, I get anxious to the point where I can't leave the house. How can I ever walk back into the building knowing everyone has seen... what they've seen."

"Harry, I'm not going to pretend I know how you feel. But what I can say is, school moves quickly. There is always another scandal. We are selfish animals. We only really care about ourselves. That's teenagers. It's going to feel like a big deal for you, but everyone will soon forget."

Harry looked at the lake. Charlie, with a confidence to speak that he didn't really know he had, continued. "Like, I don't know you at all. But the times I have seen you, you have this confidence to be yourself. You dress differently. You have a style and a confidence to own it. You just have to do that. Style it out for the first day or two. People are just jealous of your confidence. Or at least that's what I think. But I don't know much about that stuff." As he finished, Charlie looked at Harry. Harry was looking back at him, and Charlie was astonished to see tears had filled his big, blue eyes. His instinct was to hug him, but his nerves held him back so he just looked at Harry, who tried to blink the tears away, replied, "fuck. You are a smart man. You're Year 11? Fuck." He put his hands over his eyes and Charlie could tell how upset he was. "Harry, it will be okay." he said, and put a hand on Harry's back. Before he could even think, Harry had wrapped Charlie into a tight hug. Harry was crying into Charlie's shoulder, and Charlie just held him back. Charlie couldn't help notice how good Harry smelt. There was of course, the faint smell of smoke, but besides that Harry smelt like expensive aftershave, woody and spicy, faintly exotic. His lean, tight body felt so good in Charlie's arms and his brown curly hair smelled like coconut. They remained in the hug for a few minutes until Harry had composed himself. As they pulled apart, he said,

"Fuck, I really needed that man. Thank you so much. Sorry for just throwing myself at you." "No worries. I'm just happy I could help." "You really helped."

"This is only our second ever conversation too." Charlie said with a laugh.

"Yeah, our first conversation you felt very nervous at that party."

"I was nervous talking to you." "Why?" "I dunno," Charlie said, "You're a cool sixth former. You make me nervous."

"Am I making you nervous now?" Harry asked, and then continued, "Now you know I'm the least cool sixth former in the world. I'm the sixth former who got his nudes leaked."

Without thinking, Charlie replied, "At least you looked good in the pictures." Harry laughed at first and then his face darkened. "So you have seen them". Charlie went red and nodded. "But, you thought I looked good?" Again, without replying Charlie nodded, face now burning.

"Charlie, you love dogs right?"

"Ye, of course I do." "You know the golden retriever, the breed," Harry said. Again, Charlie just nodded.

"You have big golden retriever energy," he laughed, "golden hair, intelligent, kind, trustworthy. BIG golden retriever energy." Not surprisingly, Charlie just played with the laces of his trainers while his cheeks burned red.

"Charlie. Look at me!" Charlie looked into Harry's blue eyes. "You're two years younger than all my friends and you've made me feel better in a ten minute conversation than they have for two weeks. Thank you. I mean it." With that, he reached over and squeezed Charlie's hand. Charlie looked down at Harry's hand on his. He didn't rush to move his hand away. But then, neither did Charlie.

"I just, I try to be kind. Karma and all that right?" Charlie said with a nervous laugh. Harry's hand was still on his, and his thumb was gently stroking the top of his hand. Harry didn't reply, he just kept looking at Charlie, stroking his hand. His other hand came up and stroked Charlie's cheek and went to pull him closer. Harry moved in, and his eyes closed as he went to kiss Charlie. Charlie recoiled back and said "I'm not gay!" "Sorry!" Harry looked disappointed. "Fuck, sorry man, I completely misread the vibe there for a second. Sorry. I'm just a mess at the moment." He stood up and made it as if he was to leave. "Charlie, thanks for the chat today. Let's do it again sometime."

Charlie stood up too, his mind racing. He had about three seconds to make a decision about how this was going to go. Out of nowhere, as Harry got to the end of the jetty, he shouted, "HARRY, WAIT."

Harry turned around. Charlie considered him for a moment. He was wearing a black hoodie and black skinny jeans. His curls had gotten longer, and went almost past his ears. His blue eyes reflected off the lake and looked as big as they ever had. He got closer. "Harry. The truth is, I don't fucking know what I am. I'm there giving you advice and I'm the screw up. I don't know what I want." Harry was looking at him. Charlie had to seize the moment. He had to start thinking about what he wanted, not what he wanted other people to think he wanted. "So, I'm just saying, Harry - I, I can't tell you what I am. Or what I like. But at this moment, I want- I want you." He forced himself to look at Harry, who didn't say anything. "I saw you on the first day of school. I couldn't stop looking at you. Then I saw you at the party. The reason I was so nervous was because I thought you were so fucking hot. So.... yeah." Harry kept getting closer. Before he got too close he said, "But you have to understand. I don't know what I am or who I am. I can't promise anything Harry, I don't know about any of this. I don't want you to think this is anything you underst-"

"Shhhh" Harry said, leaning over and putting a finger onto Charlie's lips. He took Charlie's face in his hands, leaned in and gave Charlie a kiss. Charlie thought Elias was a good kisser, but Harry's kiss nearly made his knees buckle. The faint moustache gently tickled Charlie's top lip. Whereas his kiss with Elias had been a duel, fuelled by lust, this was slow and deliberate. Charlie could tell Harry had a lot more experience than Elias. Harry knew how to kiss properly. He almost placed his tongue in exactly the right spot every time. It felt so good Charlie never wanted it to end. He could taste chewing gum and the weed from Harry's mouth and he found himself putting his arms around him and feeling down his tight, lean back. As Harry was taller than he was, he felt himself almost standing on tiptoes to get as close to him as possible. Feeling how experienced Harry was, Charlie hoped he was doing a good job at kissing back. When they broke for air, Harry started kissing Charlie's neck, something Elias hadn't done and Charlie couldn't help but letting out a loud moan, "fuuuuck Harry, oh my god, slow down," as Harry had started to let his hands wander over the front of Charlie's body, getting dangerously close to the one, incredibly hard spot. Charlie wanted nothing more than to continue this liaison, but suddenly became very aware they were in the middle of the jetty, in the middle of the day time making out hard. Would be quite difficult to explain if they were caught. "Hey, wait, slow down, come on." They broke apart. Harry held his hand. "Charlie, where did you learn to kiss like that? My fucking god, and also, I had no idea how ripped you were. Jesus."

"I play football and gym like six days a week." "I could feel that. Did it feel okay for you? You're not too freaked out?"

"No, it felt really good." He wasn't lying, it did feel really good. So good, he did want more. Maybe experimenting with Harry was a good way to get it out of his system.

Harry pulled Charlie close, and whispered into his ear, "So, where do we go from here?"

Charlie thought and made a decision. "What are you doing on Saturday night? My parents are away and I have a free place. Come over."

So that was Chapter 4. I'm so curious to hear what you think of Harry. Plus, looks like finally next chapter, things could get spicy... RM. x

Next: Chapter 5

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