My Head is a Jungle

By RM Lambert

Published on Sep 7, 2024


Chapter 5 is here! Firstly, can I apologise. This is new for me and I got real writers block writing this chapter. I've never written before, and I wanted the sex to feel real and not cheesy or porny and I found that so difficult. But, I did it and here it is. It's just over 7000 words this chapter so hopefully it will be worth the wait. I really would love to hear what you think of this one. So please, send me an email with what you thought - particularly about the sex scene. Send thoughts to: <

Remember to keep supporting Nifty and all the amazing work it does.

Chapter 5

"Well, that's just about ready to go. So Grandma is just down the road, she will take you to football tomorrow and we will call you when we get to London ok? Are you sure you're going to be alright darling?" "Mum, you need to hurry up, my drug dealer is arriving in 15 minutes, then the strippers 15 minutes after that, so you better go."

Both of Charlie's parents laughed out loud. "We'll be back on Monday when you're in school. We'll make sure we make your favourite dinner. If there is anything left of the house. The fridge is full and the washing is-

"Mum! It's two days. I'm going to be fine!"

"OK! OK! We love you." Both of his parents hugged him, and he and Onyx stood and waved off his parents as they set off.

Back in the house, Charlie couldn't believe the freedom that a free house afforded him. He blasted Travis Scott on the BOSE around the whole place making the walls shake, and considered the careful plan he had put in place. He had told Louis and Theo that his Grandma was coming for dinner that night, so they couldn't hang out, and anyway he did have an important football game the next morning. So the plan was they would come round tomorrow afternoon after the game and they would spend the night. Luckily Theo had plans with Simon and Louis wanted to spend time with his new girlfriend so they didn't raise too many objections. This left him free to put his plans into operation.

@charliesz Hey, do you still want to hang out tonight?

@harryskatez Ye ofc man. What time and where?

@charliesz Free house remember. My place. 20.00?

@harryskatez ajt. Should I bring anything?

@charliesz Like what?

@harryskatez fucks sake haha. Beer? Or are you more of a wine guy?

@charliesz I probably won't drink, I have a big game tomorrow. Bring whatever you want though.

@harryskatez There you go again with that golden retriever good boy energy ;) Send your address. See you at 8.

Charlie felt nervous. This was the first time he had ever invited anyone other than Louis and Charlie over to his house, nevermind a boy with a definite intention of something happening. He stripped off and headed for the shower. He took definite care in the shower, making sure that he shaved his face perfectly of the 3 wispy hairs growing on his face, his four step skin care routine, and making sure he used the expensive coconut-smelling shampoo on his thick blonde hair. As he stepped out of the shower and grabbed the nearest towel, in the mirror he couldn't help but stop and make sure that he was looking good. Subconsciously, he definitely wanted to look good for Harry. Which was funny, because Harry's aesthetic felt a little thrown together. His hair with its just woken up curls and crumpled up old band tee was very different from the precise, clean vibe Charlie brought. He was tall for his age, already 185- so Charlie was tall. But, because of the constant gym and football Charlie trained in, he didn't have the tall, gangly vibe but instead looked strong and toned. Just before the summer, Charlie's class had gone on a school trip down to the lake and met the local rowing club. One of the instructors had told him he had the perfect body for rowing, tall, long limbs and a strong back. Charlie was flattered but the idea of waking up at 4am and going down to the lake to train didn't really appeal. His chest and stomach had started to grow the faintest blonde hairs, which for a second Charlie considered shaving them off but then remembered Harry was older and Charlie didn't want to seem too childish, decided to leave them be. His chest and stomach were toned, strong and tight. His abs had a faint showing of a six pack which Charlie was very proud of, and even more proudly, since increasing his gym sessions, the V line abs had started to appear. Charlie grinned as he considered himself, because he was well, hot.

He got dressed as carefully as he had showered. He chose his tightest white Calvin Klein underwear, and a pair of white linen trousers on the top which he had worn during the summer a lot. He knew they fitted very well on his ass and made him look good, and paired with a beige knitted tee made him look like an Instagram model. He added some jewellery and made sure his middle parting was absolutely perfect. The long strands of hair gently brushed against his cheekbones as he took his favourite scent out of his wardrobe, Sauvage and applied to his wrists and neck. When he was finished, he stood in the mirror. Undeniably, he looked astonishing. As the weak evening sun shined through, it reflected both his bright green eyes, but also through his sandy blonde hair. The beige and white outfit really made him look like he was stepping straight out of an Instagram photoshoot, and the delicate necklace completely finished the look. He couldn't miss the chance to capture this moment in the golden hour, so took out his phone and took some selfies in the mirror. He posted one to his story on Snapchat and Instagram, another with a slightly goofier smile and the caption, ready for date night with Grandma' and sent it to Louis and Theo, and finally made sure his cheekbones were looking their absolute sharpest and sent it to Harry with the caption, ready.' Before he walked away, he considered, took one more where his cheekbones were looking as if they could cut glass, attached a wink emoji and sent it to both Elias and Ella.

Charlie looked at the clock. It was 19.40. He had twenty minutes. He sat nervously at the kitchen table waiting. He looked at his phone, and was pleased to see a number of responses to the picture he had posted. Even though he wasn't vain, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of pleasure to see a number of comments and responses to his picture, all generally commenting on how hot he was. A selection of the responses included;

@louislouis69 Fucking hell man. You don't make it easy for the rest of us. hahaha.

@theo_quick12 Freeeesh bro.

@elias_dan12 ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? (A number of hot emojis)

@ellabellaella [Responded by sending a selfie of herself showing a lot of cleavage]

@harryskatez Wow. You just made me walk a whole lot quicker.

Charlie simply responded to Harry with a wink emoji, he wasn't sure what had come over him. He sat and snapped with some friends for a while before Onyx started barking. This usually precipitated someone walking up the drive. Sure enough, three light knocks on the door. His stomach lurched. The confidence he had moments ago sending winky faces suddenly gone, he went to the door, his stomach in knots. He took a moment before answering, and thought, `I don't have to do anything. I'm just hanging with a friend.'

Harry stood there, smiling a little awkwardly as Charlie opened the door. Onyx pushed past Charlie barking, tail wagging like crazy. Harry crouched down and scratched Onyx' ears. When he stood up, he said, "Sorry! Hey man." He leaned over and hugged Charlie. Charlie was pleased that Harry smelt good, he thought it smelt fresh, warm and salty, like the smell of the beach after a hot day, sea salt and sunshine. "Come in man," Charlie said, and lead Harry inside, Onyx running ahead of them.

"Shit man you have a nice house!"

Charlie shrugged. "My parents do. I contribute very little." Harry laughed. "Are you going to give me the tour?"

"Later" Charlie replied. "Here, give me your jacket. I can hang it up." Charlie looked at Harry as he took his jacket off. He was wearing a pair of wide, faded jeans paired with a striped skater long sleeved tee. The jeans were frayed at the bottom and the shirt was a little short, showing a tiny bit of his stomach. His curly hair framed his face and his eyes were bright. He had shaved his face, which Charlie thought made him look so much more handsome because it allowed to see how sharp his features actually were. He couldn't have looked more different to Charlie, who looked as if he were styled for dinner in Milan, whereas Harry looked like he had come straight from the skatepark. But this was what Charlie liked. He was an individual. Himself. There was no pretence, and beneath the curls and the baggy jeans he could see that Harry had a great body. Tall, skinner and less muscly than him, but lean and toned. To skateboard, Charlie knew he had to be toned and have a strong core. Harry looked at Charlie, who had begun to daydream a little as he looked at him.

"Charlie, you look incredible. Do you always dress so well?"

He immediately felt his cheeks blush. "I will try. I guess I'm a little interested in fashion, and my Dad always taught me about how clothes and taking care of yourself make a first impression." This was true. Charlie's Dad, generally, was warm and loving but he had very high standards for Charlie. He expected him to dress well, exercise often and achieve excellent results in school. He had also always coached Charlie in how to talk to adults, the rules of politeness and etiquette so Charlie could always hold his own in any setting.

"Making me feel a little underdressed here man." Harry said, a little embarrassed.

"You look great. I love the styling of the long sleeve tee with the rings and the necklace," Charlie added, "Come on let's sit down."

They sat on the sofa in the living room, and Charlie was pleased how easily the conversation seemed to flow between them. It wasn't awkward at all as they talked about Onyx, skateboarding vs football, the Olympics, travelling, and many other topics. As they chatted, both of them felt more relaxed. Harry had brought six beers with him, and was steadily making his way through them as they talked, but Charlie stuck to cans of diet coke, (his favourite drink) as they chatted. At one point, Harry asked if he could use the bathroom and Charlie used this moment to take a breath. Was this a date? It felt nice and relaxed, and he couldn't deny his attraction to Harry. But equally, Harry hadn't mentioned their kiss and it had felt quite platonic the whole evening. He felt confused. Should he bring up the kiss? He felt nervous and confused as Harry flopped down on the sofa next to him.

"You were right by the way."

"About what?" Charlie asked.

"School. The first couple of days this week. Monday and Tuesday were awful. But by the end of the week people seemed to have forgotten about.. You know. Sort of." Harry looked sad as he said this. Charlie hadn't mentioned school or the leaked pictures. He only wanted to talk about it if Harry was comfortable. He had seen Harry a couple of times that week since the kiss, in school. But he had kept his distance. He didn't want Theo and Louis asking questions, and Harry had enough going on his first day back. He looked at Harry, unsure of what to ask.

"The thing is," Harry continued, "like, all my friends know I'm fluid. I play with guys, I play with girls, I play with anyone to be honest. So it's lik-

"So you're bi?" Charlie asked.

"I guess. But I don't really put a badge on. I'm definitely more interested in guys. But, a hot girl will always catch my eye too."

Charlie hesitated, and then, "But, can I ask. The photos. What was the story there?" Immediately he regretted it because Harry looked pained to answer. "Fuck, Harry, I'm sorry you don't have too answer me."

"No man, it's fine I guess.I trust your golden retriever intentions. Haha." Charlie smiled and he noticed Harry had shifted closer, their feet were now touching on the sofa. Harry took a breath and began to explain.

"I dunno. I've seen a lot of porn with like, femboys and sissies in it and I thought it would be hot to experiment a little. So I bought some cheap panties on ASOS and when they came, it felt kinky as fuck and I was horny. So I was sexting with this guy who wanted to roleplay that I was his little slut or something, so I sent him those pictures. But he had some shit recording thing on his phone, so he could save my pictures without me knowing about it. A week later they are all over Instagram"

Charlie sighed. He couldn't imagine his most intimate parts of his body plastered all over Instagram. Harry added, "So I've been getting DMs and messages asking if I'm trans, asking if I like dressing as a girl, if I am a femboy, all because I wore a couple of pairs of panties."

"But, there would be nothing wrong with being any of those things if you were." Charlie added, fairly.

"I know. But it's hard. I dunno. I was just being horny. Then it becomes something else people want to label. God the world is fucked up."

There was a silence, Harry took a long drink of beer from his can as Charlie said, "But your ass did look amazing in that red thong." Harry snorted and beer came out of his nose. "I know right?!" They both started laughing and Onyx jumped up on the sofa and joined in the chaos. When everything had calmed down, Charlie asked, "Do you want to play some video games?"

"Charlie, we are very different people," Harry said with a laugh as they walked into Charlie's bedroom. It was very tidy, everything had a place and the bed had been made with precision. His shelves were neat and organised, all the surfaces clean and dust free. In many ways, it didn't represent the regular teenagers bedroom, but then again, Charlie wasn't a regular teenager.

"I'm not sure you'd enjoy my bedroom as much Charlie." Harry said. "It's not like this. There's a lot of stuff everywhere." Charlie watched as Harry examined the shelves, the books on one, the masses of perfume bottles on another. "Ahh. This is why you smell so good!" he said as Charlie looked on. He collapsed onto Charlie's bed.

"Anyway. What's your story? You know about me. What about you? What badge are you wearing?"

Charlie considered his answer carefully. "I don't know. I'm... curious. I've never known. I have kissed a few girls. Then, I ended up doing stuff with a guy recently, and then I kissed you. So, I don't know. I always just thought I'd end up getting a girlfriend like Matty and you know. Having a regular life." "Shit yea! You're Matty's brother. I forgot. You know I've partied with him quite a lot." "You have?"

"Yeah, he's only a year older than me, remember. So we've been at a lot of parties together. He's a good guy. Very different to you." "How?" Charlie asked.

"Matty is much more of a party guy than you." "What does that mean?"

"Are you close?" "He's my best friend and my favourite person in the world." "Do you always have to be so fucking wholesome?" Harry answered with a grin. He considered Charlie who tried his best to hold his stare without blushing. "Is it not weird for you that I'm two years younger than you?" Charlie asked. Harry shrugged. "You are way more mature than a lot of 18 year olds I know. Besides, We're just hanging out." Charlie felt a slight pang of disappointment. Maybe the kiss had been a one off and this was just a friendship forming. But he was here, spread out on his bed, his tee had ridden up slightly so Charlie could see his tight stomach. But maybe he doesn't want me like that?' Charlie thought. Maybe I'm not hot enough for him?'

To both play FIFA at the same time, they had to sit on the end of Charlie's bed together. They played a number of games, most of which Charlie won. Harry obviously wasn't a video game player really, but they had good fun shouting and screaming as Harry finally managed to beat Charlie in a game on his fourth try. "YESSSS!" Harry shouted and threw his arms in the air and his body back onto the bed. By his count, Harry had finished his sixth can of beer, so was definitely feeling the effects by now. His eyes opened, and he saw Charlie looking at him. He sat up and grabbed Charlie and pulled him down shouting " I BEAT YOUUUU" and messing up Charlie's perfect hair. Charlie took the wrestling well, and due to his strength managed to overpower Harry quite quickly. They lay panting on the bed, laughing and Charlie checked his watch. Fuck, it was nearly midnight. The night had gone so quickly, he'd really enjoyed his night with Harry. He thought, even if Harry didn't like him in `that' way, he had made a good friend that night. Lying there, he noticed the warmth of Harry's leg on his own. Harry's eyes were closed and a slight smile on his face. Charlie examined him. He couldn't explain it, but there was something about this curly haired boy lying on his bed that made Charlie feel almost hungry with desire. The bright eyes, the cheeky grin, the curls. He was here, on my bed, he thought. He wished he had the confidence to lean down and kiss him.

Harry sat up. "Fuck those beers have gone straight to my head. What time is it?"

"Nearly 12." "Shit. It's getting late." "Do you have a curfew?" "I'm 18, remember Charlie. But yes. Usually my parents want me home by 2. At the latest on a weekend. You have a game in the morning also right?"

"Yeah" Charlie replied, a little disappointedly. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but after the kiss, he thought perhaps Harry had liked him. "Maybe I can beat you one more time!" he said and pushed Harry. Harry pushed him back and Charlie left his hand on Harry's. Harry didn't move away, but lay there, his eyes closed. Charlie began to very gently tickle Harry's hand with his own. Harry smiled. Slowly, the tickling began to move up Harry's arm, a gentle, slow, tickle. It went on for a while before Harry turned over, so he was facing Charlie and he said, "Charlie, look at me." Charlie turned to face him. They were both lying on Charlie's bed, facing each other at this point. Charlie hoped Harry wouldn't notice the substantial bulge in his trousers. As it happened, white linen wasn't perfect for hiding a teenage boner.

"Charlie. I like you. I don't know why. We're so different in almost every way. But I do. I guess it's because you look like an Instagram model and have the cutest personality on top of that. Ever since, we kissed and then that selfie you sent me earlier, all I've wanted to do to you is-well, you can imagine... But."

Charlie sighed. He could sense there was a but coming. Maybe it was how young he was. Or how weirdly tidy and intense he was. Maybe Harry felt he was boring.

"I'm older than you, and you said it yourself, you're confused. I don't want you to feel like I've made you do anything you don't want to do, or take advantage somehow. You know." He looked at Charlie, and even in that moment he couldn't help notice the shining green eyes staring back at him.

"Harry. I invited you to my house. You've been super respectful all night. I am confused about lots of things. That's true. I don't know who I am. But one thing I am not confused about in this moment and that is how fucking attracted I am to you right now." Harry reached out and touched Charlie's face with his hand. At his touch, Charlie slightly shivered and closed his eyes. He couldn't quite believe that Harry was here, in his bed and they were having this conversation. How things had changed in the last few months.

"Charlie," Harry whispered, "you do realise how dangerous you are don't you."

"What do you mean?" He replied with a grin.

"You are, tall, blonde with those DiCaprio in the 90s curtains, sparkling green eyes, cheekbones that look like glass, you work out so you are ripped as fuck, you dress like an Italian model, you-


"No! On top of all those things, you are thoughtful, careful, intelligent, non judgemental, wise. Like, You are very dangerous. Addictively so."

Charlie was glad the LED lights of his bedroom didn't reveal quite how red he was at the moment, so he decided to flip the attention back.

"OK, let's talk about you then... You have that beautiful naturally curly hair that always looks like you just got off your skateboard, these like, electric blue eyes, your cheekbones aren't so bad either, you have this sense of style and individuality, you dress for yourself not to impress anybody, you have this tight, toned skateboarders body, you are also reflective and interesting to talk too, you make me feel seen, you listen.. So, not so bad yourself are you." With that, Charlie reflected on Harry's move and put his hand on Harry's face. He was shocked to feel a drop of water on his hand, and saw tears rolling down Harry's face. "Fuck I'm sorry what did I say!?" "It's just. Since the nudes. My self-esteem has been in the fucking toilet. So to have someone so beautiful, say something so beautiful. It means a lot Charlie man."

With that, Charlie decided to not speak but instead pulled Harry into a tight hug. They embraced and put their arms around each other. Charlie couldn't believe how good it felt to just be hugging him. He smelt that same sunny, sea-salty smell from before and buried his head into Harry's neck. Harry did the same. They didn't talk, just held each other. As often happens though, as they were lying there, gradually the energy began to shift. Harry's hand which had been tickling Charlie's back found its way under his shirt and tickled his back. Charlie began to very gently kiss Harry's neck. He knew that Harry would be able to feel his hard dick poking into him, because he could feel Harry's dick poking into him. The energy was definitely shifting from sweet and tender, to something way more hot and heavy. Harry took Charlie's head, and began to kiss him hard. Their bodies intertwined, in that moment for both of them, nothing else mattered or existed in the world. Charlie could taste the beer on Harry's lips and allowed his tongue into his, and they couldn't be closer. Their hands explored each other as Harry pulled Charlie's shirt off, revealing his muscled, tight torso. "Fucking hell Charlie I didn't know it was going to be that good." "Shut up! Haha. Take yours off too."

They both stripped down to their boxers. Charlie, in tight white Calvin Kleins boxer briefs, Harry in more classic, bigger skater-boy style boxers. Charlie considered Harry's body. It was tight. Toned. Very little hair, but a small, dark treasure trail which made Charlie's dick even harder than it already was. They took hold of each other and took it all in. Harry pulled Charlie into a long embrace and pulled him down on top of him. Charlie couldn't believe the feeling of two warm bodies connecting like they were. Harry's body was so warm and firm, he wanted to touch and taste everything all at the same time, but he also couldn't stop making out with him. They lay for what felt like hours, swapping who was on top of the other making out and kissing each other. Charlie didn't think it would ever get boring, duelling tongues with Harry. Harry seemed to be experienced in kissing, he had so many skills, he would go from playing with Charlie's tongue to gently biting his lip and back to kissing down his neck making Charlie shiver all over. Charlie enjoyed being on the top, his hands around Harry's neck feeling his curly hair brushing against his as they kissed. At some point during the long, intense makeout session Harry had shrugged off his boxers and Charlie's so now they lay together completely naked, Charlie's tanned, muscly body on top of Harry's toned and tight one. Their dicks rubbed together as they kissed and Charlie couldn't believe how much precum there was between the two of them, their dicks shiny and wet as they kissed.

Charlie wanted to show Harry he was serious about this, so he finally broke the kiss and began to kiss down Harry's body. He slowly placed deliberate kisses down his body, down his neck, along his taut chest, stopping to pay particular attention to his nipples. "FUCK they're so sensitive" Harry moaned as Charlie smothered his nipples with kisses. He wriggled underneath Charlie in pleasure and Charlie laughed and jokingly pinned down Harry's arms and said, "stop wriggling! Just enjoy it!" As he knew how much Harry enjoyed, he spent longer than he had planned on Harry's nipples before continuing to kiss down his body on his journey of discovery. He finally arrived at his final destination and took Harry's dick in his hands. He examined it, it wasn't as long as his, but it was a decent length with a mass of thick, dark curly hair at the base. The first thing that struck Charlie was the amount of precum making the head of Harry's dick shiny and wet. His hands all over it, he considered it, at that moment, he wanted it so bad. He took Harry's balls in his hand so his dick stood straight upright and thought for a moment, this it is. He slowly took it in his mouth, making sure his teeth didn't touch his dick. He wanted to make Harry feel good, his curtains falling down over his face as he moved down the wet, hard dick now deep in his mouth. He closed his eyes and focused on this moment, dedicating everything he had to making Harry feel good. He opened his mouth as wide as possible, retracting his lips to cover his teeth and forced Harry's dick to the back of his throat. At first he choked and gagged, "fuck sorry," he spluttered. Harry grabbed him and kissed him hard, "slow down. It's fine. You're doing amazingly." Charlie was determined so he went back for more. Slowly, his throat began to open up and soon Harry's dick was sliding in and out of Charlie's throat like it was always meant to. Charlie couldn't deny it, he loved it. He felt so powerful making Harry moan and squirm in pleasure. He sucked deep, licked, and practised everything he'd seen in all the porn he'd watched.

"Are you sure this is your first time!?" Harry asked, his cheeks flushed and his curly hair cascading down over his face. "I promise. I just want to make sure you feel good." Charlie replied. "Only you could be so wholesome with a dick in your mouth." Harry said while laughing. "I think it's about time I returned the favour, here, turn around." They moved into a 69 position, and Charlie gasped as Harry began to suck his dick in return. If Charlie was a natural, Harry was an expert. He spat on his dick and jerked it off before taking it all the way down his throat in one. Charlie's dick was thick and long so this was no mean feat, and Harry was performing miracles on it. He could feel Harry's curly hair against his tight thighs and he couldn't remember a time when he had felt as horny as he did in this moment. He wanted to be as close to Harry as possible. He went back to sucking Harry's dick, and for the longest time they lay in this position with no space between them, the only sounds of two boys determined to make the other feel good. While he was sucking, Charlie was having a sensory overload. He could smell that delicious, seasalty surfer smell that Harry seemed to just have, it wasn't perfume, it was just his natural smell. The sounds of Harry's delicate moans, and slurping on his dick, the taste of his own dick, the tight body so close to his with the fire emanating from it, Charlie realised he could feel a volcano of cum building up in his body. He didn't want this moment to end, and he was worried the post nut clarity would pour water on this moment, so he took Harry's dick out of his mouth and pushed him away slightly.

"Is something wrong?!" "Fuck, no, it's.. Too good. I'm just scared I'm going to cum."

"Not a bad thing...." Harry said with a wink.

"I's just.. I don't want this moment to end."

Harry leapt at Charlie and began to kiss him hard. Their hard, wet dicks crashing together and their bodies intertwining, Harry began to kiss his neck, in between kisses saying, "Charlie. You're dangerous. You know that." Charlie laughed in between moaning and pulling him even closer because the kisses to his neck were making him even hornier, his dick resembling something as hard as diamond. "Charlie. I want you to fuck me. Now. I need you. Since all the... drama at school. I've felt nothing. But tonight, fuck. You've made me feel something. I want to feel closer to you. Fuck me?"

Charlie looked at Harry. He wanted him, more than anything right now. But he had no experience of fucking anyone, and he didn't want to disappoint Harry. He sat up, pulling Harry with him so he could hold him. He pulled Harry close, their chests touching, his hand tracing down Harry's back. "Harry, this has been the best night of my life. But, what if I'm bad at it? I haven't done it before." Harry didn't respond immediately, but took Charlie's head in his hands and looked deep into his eyes. The eye contact felt like fire, there was this deep undeniable connection in that moment, deeper than sex. They might have been two teenage boys, but in that moment the connection they shared was deep and real. "Charlie. You can't do it wrong. I promise. I need you. Please. Make me feel something tonight. Or, make me feel something more at least." He kissed him with such an intensity Charlie felt he could have cum right there and then. His dick was leaking precum like he had never seen before, and he broke the kiss to reply, "I'll do anything to make you happy Harry."

The next few minutes were a flurry of action. Charlie desperately searched through his drawers for the condoms and sachets of lube he had got from a talk they had had in school about safe sex. While he was doing this, Harry was sprawled out naked on Charlie's bed gently playing with his dick, watching Charlie with a smile on his face. He couldn't believe how beautiful Charlie was, his body was so smooth, toned and perfect. Every inch of him looked like something from a Greek statue, muscled but not too muscled, the light tan and sprinkling of blond hair over his body. What Harry found most attractive was the fact that he didn't seem to know it. Or if he did, he was very skilled at not seeming arrogant or cocky about it. He was everything Harry needed in that moment, and he couldn't wait to feel Charlie deep inside him. Finally, Charlie found what they needed, and before he knew it, Charlie was back on the bed next to him, lips connected and bodies close and sweaty again. Harry embraced him until their dicks were both iron rods again, and then pushed him aside. He told Charlie to stand at the end of his bed and put the condom on. He got onto all fours at the end of the bed.

"Wow, Harry you look so fucking hot in that position. Your ass is amazing!" Charlie said as he fiddled with the condom wrapper. His hands were a little shaky, because he was a little nervous. Harry laughed, "thanks cutie", as he opened one of the sachets of lube and smeared it all over his smooth,tight pink hole. He gently fingered his hole a little, and moaned as he did so. "Make sure you put lots of lube on your dick Charlie," he added. "Harry, shouldn't I maybe finger you some more, or- will you be ready for my dick?" "I want to feel every inch of it Charlie, it's okay. Just make sure it's lubed up." Charlie made sure his thick dick was covered in lube. He considered his position, he had a beautiful, tight skater boy on all fours in front of him, begging to be fucked. "I'll go slow okay?" "Mhm". He lined up his dick with Harry's hole and placed one hand on his lower back and the other on his hip as he began to force his dick into Harry's willing hole. He couldn't believe how it felt. His dick was so hard and Harry's hole was so warm and tight. Harry let out a loud, deep moan, "fuck I'm sorry should I take it out!?" "Absolutely not Charlie, please, fuck. Keep going. All of it." Charlie kept, slowly inching his dick into him. Harry was moaning so loudly, as Charlie took hold of both of his hips and focussed on slowly getting it all inside. As he bottomed out, Harry began to gently move his ass, making Charlie moan too. "Fuck Harry, it feels so good." "Is it all in now?!" "Yes. Fuck. I can't believe you can take it all." "Give me a second to adjust and then start to fuck me Charlie. Fuck me like you mean it."

With those words, the atmosphere began to shift between them. Where the night had been tender, romantic and sensual so far, something way more animalistic was taking over Charlie. He had never felt like this before. But in that moment, for the first time in his life, he just wanted to fuck. He pushed down Harry's back so he arched his back even more, and his ass was pushing tight against his body. He began to fuck Harry. Long strokes to begin with, his hands gripping his hips tight. He noticed suddenly how hot the room was, and sweat began to roll down his chest as he fucked. Harry was moaning loudly as Charlie's dick explored his hole. Charlie felt powerful and confident. He knew he was making Harry feel good. From nowhere he slapped Harry's ass hard, leaving an angry red mark on Harry's tight ass. "Fuck. Charlie. Fuck. Fuck me harder. Please. Spank me. Fuck yes. Please. Charlie. I'm yours. Do what you want to me."

Charlie could see that Harry had a submissive streak at this moment. The panties began to make a little more sense. He sped up his strokes and slapped Harry's ass again, harder this time. He wasn't sure where this confidence was coming from, but there was something so sexy about Harry begging him to fuck him harder. The sound of their bodies slapping together was making him so horny. He moved into a different position, where he lay on top of Harry so he could whisper into his ear and continue to pound his ass. This position allowed Charlie to feel like he was even deeper inside Harry, which produced a high pitched, whimpering noise from Harry. "Charlie. Fuck. You're hitting my prostate. Fuck. Fuck. I'm getting so close. Please. Fuck me. Harder."

As he was an elite athlete, luckily cardio wasn't an issue for Charlie, so speeding up and fucking even harder and faster wasn't an issue for him. The room was thick with the smell of sex and both boys found themselves drenched in sweat. Charlie continued to pound Harry for sometime, getting lost in the sensation and allowing his senses to take over. The smell, the sounds of Harry's moans, the sight of his slick, tight body underneath his- it was too much for Charlie to process.

"Get on your back I want to see your face when you cum." They changed position and Harry lay on his back. Charlie pushed Harry's legs into the air and examined his hole. It was red and puffy, from a long, deep fuck. Harry's body was wet with sweat and his face flush. "I'm going to cum soon Harry." "Me too. Come on. Let's try and cum together." Charlie reached down and stroked his face and gave him a quick, intense kiss. He guided his dick back to Harry's hole, and without warning sunk it deep straight into his hole. Harry screamed in pleasure and held Charlie's back. The next morning Charlie would notice long, deep red scratches on his back from Harry, but at that moment he was too distracted to notice. He began to fuck Harry long and deep, while doing so he took Harry's dick in his other hand and began to jerk him off at the same tempo as the fucking. He made sure his dick was going deep, brushing against his prostrate and after a few minutes of long, sweaty deep fucking Harry began to writhe and wriggle.

"Charlie, Charlie, I'm going to- I'm going to cu-FUUUUUCK." Harry then made a series of noises that Charlie had never heard before, as his dick erupted and cum shot everywhere. Charlie didn't stop fucking as Harry shot seven or eight large ropes of cum from his dick all over his stomach and abs. He was moaning and writhing and he begged Charlie to stop jerking him. Eventually, Charlie relented and paused. He was reluctant to take his dick out of his ass, because it felt so good, but he could tell Harry needed a break. As Harry panted and came down from the most intense orgasm, something came over Charlie, and he bent down and licked up some of the cum from his abs.

"You taste good."

"Charlie... really. Are you sure this was your first time?! You are.. Just... wow."

"Just natural I guess."

Harry smiled up at Charlie. "Come on. I want you to cum now." "Where?" "On my face."

Charlie grinned and ripped off the condom. He shuffled up the bed so he was sitting on Harry's chest, his big dick, red and shining with precum, was right in Harry's face. It didn't take much sucking from Harry before Charlie could feel the inevitable coming. He began to jerk his dick right in Harry's face, his tongue out. He was looking down at him, and again felt the same intensity as he did from earlier. He wasn't sure where this was going but at this moment, they had a deep, real connection. With the intensity of the eye contact and the view of Harry's eager, outstretched tongue cum exploded from Charlie's dick. It covered Harry's face, shot over his head and coated the headboard of his bed and generally soaked everything in the vicinity. His pillows, Harry's face and tongue were all drenched in cum. The orgasm felt intense and real, he gripped his cock tight in one hand and his other hand was on Harry's shoulder. He was making a noise he hadn't made before, something best described as a grunting, animalistic noise and the cum rained down on Harry. Harry was loving every second of it, licking and swallowing as much of it as he could. Then, it was done. He squeezed the last drop of cum out of his dick and collapsed on the bed next to Harry, panting hard. He lay there with his eyes closed, coming back down to earth. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes, and checked the time. It was 03.07. They had been having sex for almost three hours.

He turned and looked at Harry. Harry was looking at him, almost nervously.

"How are you feeling?" "Tired. But good."

"It was your first time, I was worried you would freak out after you came."

"Nah, I don't think so. Do you want water?" "Yes, please." Charlie went and got two bottles of water from the fridge. Onyx lay in his bed in the kitchen sleeping. He raised an ear and a sleepy eye as Charlie came into the kitchen. He crouched down and scratched his ear. "Love you Onyx." He took a long drink of water and considered what just happened. Did he feel weird? He certainly felt different. But he also didn't feel bad. He knew he had enjoyed it. It had felt unreal, feeling Harry beneath him. On the other hand it was strange how just a few weeks ago he had thought he was straight and then here was just having fucked a boy two years older than him for three hours. Undeniably, there was a vibe between Harry and himself, and that hadn't gone away. As he came back into his bedroom, Harry was sitting up checking his phone. "My parents are going to be so mad if I go home and wake them up now. I'm not getting home until 4. Shit." Charlie considered.

"Stay here then." "Really?"

"Why wouldn't you?" "Thought you'd be weird about it."

"I'm wholesome, remember. If you're lucky - I'll make you breakfast in the morning too." Charlie took Harry's hand and looked at him before adding, "I don't know what the future holds Harry, I can't promise anything. But it doesn't change how much I enjoyed tonight."

Harry took Charlie's hand in return. For a second he didn't say anything, just continued to hold Charlie's hand and gently tickle it. But, soon after he was looking into Charlie's eyes again and sharing a long, deep warm kiss. As dawn broke, and the inky sky began to turn pale in the weak autumn sun, they finally fell asleep. Charlie held Harry tight against his own body, his curly hair gently tickling his face. As they slept, Onyx padded upstairs and jumped up onto the bed to sleep, contemplating for the first time that it wasn't just him and Charlie on the bed that night. As both boys slept, what neither came to realise was how much they had both needed each that night, especially given what was to come.

That is it! Chapter 5 is done, and Charlie finally did it. Did you like it? Was it hot enough? I found writing sex for the first time so difficult so send me an email with what you thought about it all - particularly about the sex scene. Send thoughts to: <

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