My High School Twin

By Ronald Jaeger

Published on Nov 5, 2018



My High School Twin

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

It was a brisk September morning as I walked to the bus stop in anticipation of the school bus. It was one of those mornings where it is just cool enough to be stimulating and not so cold as to be annoying. I was beginning my senior year in high school and looking forward to seeing all of my old friends.

As I walked into the school I was greeted by the noise and congestion of new and old students struggling to get oriented. I made my way to the auditorium, picked up my schedule and went to my new homeroom. As I walked down the hall I was greeted by some of my previous teachers. "Good morning, Ilya"

Being called Ilya was so annoying. My name is Patrick and I should explain why people constantly call me Ilya. I am one of those people who at the ripe old age of 17 have not yet fully blossomed. I stand at 5 foot 2 inches (157 cm) and weigh 95 pounds (43 kg). I definitely look Irish. I have fair skin, freckles, brown hair, and blue eyes. You might mistake me for English, Scottish, or even German but never Ukrainian.

Ilya is a friend of mine who is in the same year at school. His family moved from the Ukraine to the United States, when he was much younger. Ilya was also a late bloomer. He stood approximately 5 foot 2 inches (157 cm) tall, weighed about 110 pounds (50 kg), and had fair skin. However, Ilya had no freckles, dark black hair, and brown eyes.

Ilya and I were definitely two of the smallest people in our grade. However, there is no way anyone who saw us could mistake us for each other or even think we were related. This is why it was so perplexing that faculty constantly called us by each other's name. This mistaken identity had continued since our freshman year. Both Ilya and I were aggravated by this but had resolved ourselves that this problem was not going to go away.

As the day went on I went to my German class. I knew that Ilya would be in my German class because we were two of a very few students who studied German. This was the class that allowed Ilya and me to become friends. Well, close classmates is probably a better term because we did not socialize outside of the classroom.

I was surprised to see that Ilya and I would be in the same chemistry class. Although, this should not have been such a surprise as the school is small and there are only two chemistry classes.

As the week went on, the constant confusion between Ilya and myself persisted. Our classmates found it amusing that the teachers could not tell us apart. Nobody in the student body had any difficulty distinguishing us.

The Friday science classes were replaced by physical education. This allowed the school to comply with the minimum requirements mandated by the state, concerning physical education. As Friday arrived we were assigned our gym lockers and uniforms. The general events of gym class consisted of some activity followed by a group shower and then dismissal home. Overall, the locker rooms and showers were large enough that one could remain unseen.

I knew I had homosexual tendencies; however, my religious upbringing and the social stigmata made the realization of being gay difficult. I continued to reassure myself that these feelings were nothing more than a phase.

I did thoroughly enjoy seeing the boys, with lockers near mine, getting changed and showering. I was impressed at how much better endowed these boys were when compared to me. I had to admit my penis was smaller than the other boys, just like the rest of me. There was only one other boy whose penis rivalled mine in size and that was Harry.

I am certain that Ilya equally despised gym class. Neither of us were a specimen of physical fitness. To the best of my knowledge Ilya played no sports. I was a runner but not on the school team because I had to work in a hardware store after school. Regardless, I never saw Ilya in the locker room or showers because of the combination of room size and number of students.

The school year continued uneventfully. The months seem to slip by and before we knew it Christmas was nearly upon us. Ilya and I had discussed what we were buying our parents for Christmas. I explained that my gift required I travel into the city centre. Ilya told me he lived in the city centre and we could take the bus together after classes on Friday. As I rarely travelled into the city centre, I appreciated his company.

Friday afternoon arrived and we headed to gym class. As usual we were handed some ball and told to go "play". The team captains quickly divided up the more fit students between their teams. Finally, Ilya and I remained the last two options. We were assigned to our respective teams and contributed nominally to the game. After the game we headed into the locker room to change and shower.

I stripped, enjoyed the view of the neighbouring boys, took my shower, and got dressed. As I put on my coat and picked up my book bag I began to look around for Ilya. His locker was at the other end of the room and in a different row. I eventually found him and he was still in his gym uniform. We began to talk and he informed me that there was no rush as the bus did not come for another 45 minutes. He admitted that he was fairly shy and given the bus schedule would often wait for the other students to complete their showers prior to his showering.

I can fully understand this as we were definitely the smallest two students in the class. The other students often teased us about how we were skinny and non-muscular.

By now the other students had all finished and left the locker room. As we spoke Ilya began to remove his gym uniform. I did not think much about this because I had never been attracted to Ilya and I was certain my homosexual tendencies did not extend to Ilya.

Eventually, Ilya picked up his towel and threw it over his shoulder. Then he pulled off his gym shorts. There he stood in white briefs. I nearly passed out. His white briefs were appropriately sized, neither too small nor too big. However, there was a problem. The waistband in the front of his briefs did not even come close to touching his skin. The reason for this odd fit was due to his dick; the size of his soft dick appeared to be around 6 inches. The sheer size and weight of his dick was pulling the waistband of his underwear away from his body.

I was absolutely amazed. I thought if anyone saw the two of us naked they would never confuse us again.

I did everything I could not to stare. However, the site was amazing. There was nobody else in gym class that even came close to having a dick as large as Ilya.

Ilya and I took the bus into the city centre and I purchased my Christmas gift. After purchasing my Christmas gift, Ilya invited me to his house for dinner. I got to meet his parents and was driven home after eating.

All weekend I could do nothing but think about Ilya's dick. I wondered just how much larger it became when hard. It could not get much bigger. I imagined maybe another inch. Regardless, his soft dick was still larger and thicker than my fully erect dick.

The year continued and I had no further opportunities to see Ilya naked. In April the seniors were scheduled for a religious retreat. Each year the senior class would go on a three day retreat to the countryside of New York State. The retreat was designed for us to discuss our future plans.

As we all piled into the bus and headed off to the wilds of New York State, there was much discussion about sneaking away from the retreat and partying. Upon arrival at the retreat we realized there was nowhere to go and party. The retreat was a large old manor house with nothing close by. The building still had elements of its previous grandeur but was in need of repair. The rooms were either too cold or too hot. The windows were draughty. The doors were creaky.

Upon arrival we were all ushered into the dining hall and provided dinner. I must admit that everyone found the food palatable except me. I thought the food was atrocious and barely ate anything. After eating we went to a large hall and had a philosophical discussion about social responsibility and measures of success. Upon conclusion of this two hour discussion we were assigned rooms. There were two people per room.

As luck would have it Ilya and I were assigned to the same room. Our room was on the topmost floor at the end of the hall. To the left of our room was the stairwell and janitorial closet. To the right of our room was the outside. Across from our room was a solid internal wall.

Ilya and I went to our room and began to unpack. We chatted a bit but were extremely tired from the trip. Also, the room was uncomfortably warm. We tried to open the window but found that it had been painted shut. I would have guessed the room was somewhere between 75 and 80°F (23 – 27°C). The room had two single beds each across from the other and separated by no more than 4 feet (1.2 m). Ilya took the one bed and I the other. I changed into my pyjamas and Ilya stripped down to his underwear. Needless to say, Ilya's underwear had the same problem I noticed in the gym.

We both got into our respective beds, pulled up the sheets, and shut the lights. I made certain to rollover and faced the wall as I did not want Ilya to see me staring at his massive bulge. Within minutes I was asleep. I did not wake up again until nearly 6 AM.

As I woke up the room was dimly lit by the rising sun. The temperature in the room was still too hot. As I lay there I looked over at Ilya. He was sound asleep. He had kicked off all of his sheets, most likely due to the room's warmth. He was laying on his left side with his back to me. All I could see was his back and his underwear clad butt. I quietly lay there and watched Ilya sleep. All I could think was "He has no butt."

As we still had two hours before wake-up time I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. After around 10 minutes I heard Ilya moving. I open my eyes to find that Ilya had rolled over and was now laying on his back. Instantly my dick jumped to attention. There Ilya lay with the largest bulge I have ever seen. His undershirt was fairly wet from sweat due to the room's heat and you could see that his dick extended well above the waistband of his briefs. I could not tell but it appeared that his dick extended many inches above his waistband. I did not want to stare but it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

I lay there quietly watching my roommate sleep, trying to estimate his penis size. After about ½ hour of my admiring his manhood, Ilya moved again. This time Ilya arched his back, extended his arms, stretched, and grunted. When he arched his back he reflexively thrust his hips forward and made his massive bulge even more impressive. I did not want him to notice me staring; so, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. After a few minutes Ilya got up and went to take a shower. I assumed he believed I was still sleeping.

Our second day at retreat was fairly uneventful. The faculty planned multiple activities for us. None of the activities were enthralling. At the end of the day we had dinner, and they put a movie on for us to watch. Around 10 o'clock we all went to bed.

Ilya and I changed for bed. We went to our respective beds and within minutes were sound asleep.

Once again I woke up around 6 o'clock in the morning. I looked over at Ilya and much as yesterday he was lying there with the sheets thrown to the side. His massive bulge was obvious. I could not help but stare and envy his endowment. I look at Ilya's face and believed him to be asleep. After a few minutes I heard Ilya say, "Why are you staring at my dick? I saw you doing that yesterday morning." I became terrified. I started to stutter. I tried to deny it but Ilya said, "Dude, I saw you." He did not seem angry and his voice was not raised. I began to apologize profusely. I said, "I am so sorry. It is just... I mean..." Ilya said, "What, what do you mean? What is it? Are you gay?" I said, "Honestly..." He said, "Yes, honestly...what?"

I did not know what to say. When all else fails, tell the truth. I blurted out, "It is just so big. I have never seen a dick that big." Ilya started to laugh and said, "Yes, I have to admit it is much larger than yours." To which I responded, "Oh, thank you very much." He started to laugh and said, "Well, it is true." I felt more relaxed because Ilya did not seem angry or concerned. He was making a joke of the whole thing.

I was emboldened by Ilya's reaction. I asked him if he would not mind answering a question. He laughed and said sure. I think he knew what the question was but I had to voice it. I said, "How big is it?" He laughed and told me that he has never measured it and wanted to know if it really was bigger than the other guys. I told him that it was much bigger and that he should measure it. Ilya said, "Fine, let us measure it now."

We did not have measuring tape so I did not know how we were going to measure anything. We thought for a few minutes and then came up with an idea. In our welcome packet they gave us an itinerary of events, a pen, and a T-shirt. We did not know what the length of the pen was but we did know that a standard sheet of paper was 8.5 x 11". So Ilya raised his butt and pulled off his underwear. His massive dick slapped back against his abdomen and he told me to get the itinerary and pen. I did as he instructed. He motioned me to the side of his bed and told me to hold the paper next to his dick. I took the short edge of the paper and held the one corner to the base of his dick. Unfortunately, his dick was longer than the short edge of the paper. I then turned the paper around and did the same thing with the long edge of the paper. To my surprise his dick was still longer than the paper. I could not believe his dick was longer than 11 inches. We looked at each other and then realized what we had to do.

I took the edge of the paper and held it to the base of Ilya's dick. I let the paper fall on top of his dick. Where the paper ended I took the pen and made a line on Ilya's dick. I could not believe that I was actually touching this massive thick dick. As I made a horizontal line on Ilya's dick, his dick twitched a bit and he laughed. I then took the piece of paper and placed the lower edge at the line I made on Ilya's dick. I let the paper fall over the rest of Ilya's dick. I then took the pen and marked on the paper where the tip of Ilya's cockhead ended.

Now, all we had to do was measure the distance between the paper edge and this mark then add 11 inches. This would tell us the size of Ilya's dick.

To my surprise, Ilya asked how big my dick was. I told him that I had not measured but we could find out. Ilya use the paper technique to measure my dick. Needless to say my dick could be measured using the short edge of the paper and did not require multiple pen marks. Ilya placed the corner of the short edge of the paper against the base of my dick and made a double mark on the paper where my head ended.

We folded up the paper up and placed it in my backpack. I would measure this when I had access to a ruler.

We laid there on our backs with our fully erect dick's laying on our abdomens. We looked at the clock and saw that it was only 6:45 AM. We had another hour and 15 minutes before the scheduled wake-up time. Ilya laughed and said let us have a competition.

I could not imagine there was any competition; he was obviously going to win.

He wanted to see whose dick could shoot the farthest. I agreed. Ilya rolled onto his right side facing me and used the pen to mark where his dick head rested on the sheets. He began to jerk himself off. I was mesmerized watching his hands move up and down the shaft of his massive dick. After a few minutes Ilya began to say, "Get Ready. Here I come." His dick started to twitch. Unimpressively, the sperm dribbled out of his massive dick. He was lucky if it shot more than an inch.

Ilya then jumped off of his bed and told me to lie on his bed. I did as instructed. He told me to slide up towards the head of the bed so my dick head was even with the mark. After making certain we were starting from the same point I began to jerk myself off. Needless to say, I was so horny watching Ilya that it only took a minute before I exploded. Cum shot out like a firehose. It went all the way up to the base of my neck.

Ilya began to laugh hysterically. He said, "No question about who won that competition. I may be bigger but you definitely shoot farther."

After that we chatted a bit, went to take our showers, got dressed, finished our final few hours at the retreat, and then boarded the bus to start back home.

As soon as I got home I began a search for a ruler. I found a ruler and quickly took out the piece of paper. First I measured the mark Ilya made on the short edge of the paper for my dick. My measurements came out to be approximately 4.5 inches. Then I went to the mark for Ilya on the long edge of the paper. The measurement was 1.5 inches. This meant that Ilya's dick was 11 inches plus 1.5 inches or a total of 12.5 inches. I could not believe it. I knew that I had seen it, touched it, and measured it but this was still beyond belief.

The next day at school Ilya came up to me and said, "So, what were the numbers?" I laughed and said, "4.5" I gave a dramatic pause. Ilya said, "And..." I said, "12.5" Ilya smiled. Harry happened to be within earshot and said, "What are you guys talking about?" Ilya looked at him and said, "Our dick sizes." I nearly fainted. Harry bust out laughing and said, "Yeah, sure." Then Harry walked away.

Ilya looked at me and said, "Funny how people never believe the truth."

Ilya and I attended the same university and still periodically keep in touch but we never again saw or discussed our dicks.

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