My High School Years

By chris

Published on May 11, 1999


Hmmmm......Ten chapters already? Damn, I can do something right!! Hi everyone! Welcome to the Tenth Anniversary Chapter of "My High School Years". I really can't believe that I started this story and you guys and gals have taken to it like you have. This story was meant to be a short story and no more. Chapter 1 was going to be it! But after all the e-mail I've received from everyone about how much they liked chapter 1, well I guess it's why we are here at the chapter 10 milestone. I want to thank all of you for the advise and criticism I have received over the short few months of the story. A special thanks out to my bud Comicality, glad to see you back at the writing dude! You gave me the inspiration for this, and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Enjoy everyone!! ( I know, Com is probably getting tired of me kissing his butt too!) :-)

My High School Years The Tenth Anniversary Chapter 'The Trip Of All Trips' Part One

"Dude! You have to have something in your pocket setting the damn alarm off." I said to Adam.

Adam emptied his pockets out onto a tray and handed it to the NOT so friendly airport security lady. He walked back thru the metal detector and finally the damn thing was silent. Geez, why didn't he do that in the first place? Hell, we have a plane to catch!

We caught up with my parents, Adam's mom, and her boyfriend Mark at the boarding gate. My dad was giving me this look like, 'We haven't even taken off yet and you two are already screwing around.' My dad pointed over toward the chairs for Adam and I to have a seat. Hmm... I see there won't be much screw around time on this trip.

After waiting about 20 minutes, and two trips to the bathroom (I hate to pee on planes), they started letting passengers board the plane. They called for first class passengers first and we all got up to board the plane. Adam's mom gave him a big hug and gave him the motherly be good lecture "or else I'll cut your nuts off when you get back."

Then she gave me a hug and told my parents that if Adam got out of line just to smack him around a bit, that it would bring him back to his senses. My parents both told her not to worry and that they would have Adam call her when we got to the hotel in Seattle. She gave both of us boys a hug again and we made our way to the plane.

As we made our way into the plane Adam pushed by me and made a run for our seats. He flew down the isle practically knocking other passengers over and jumped into the two seats that were assigned to us.

"I got the window dude!" Adam shouted out.

"Damn dude, all you had to do was ask. You almost plowed that old lady over back there." I said to him with a kind of nasty tone. Well, I don't want us to get on my dad's shit list yet!

After everyone boarded the plane, a flight attendant came out and showed everyone how to fasten there seat belts, how to use the bottom of the seat as a floatation device in case we crashed in water, and how to lean forward in our seats in case of a crash landing. I'm sorry, but if this thing is going to crash the only leaning over will be me leaning over to kiss my ass good-bye!

The pilot came across the P.A. system and started going through his welcome aboard speech that you could hardly make out, and after he finally shut up the plane began to taxi on to the runway. We sat out by the end of the runway a few minutes and then the engines on the plane came to life. We started down the runway, picking up speed, and then it felt like my stomach dropped to my toes. We were off the ground and headed on our week long trip.

The flight out to Seattle wasn't all that bad. There was some turbulence, but not too much. The only problem was that about an hour before we landed I needed to take a piss. Adam kept telling me to get up and go. I told him that I wouldn't use a restroom on a plane, and so he had to quiz me about it.

"Why the hell won't you just go piss dude?" Adam asked.

"Because I don't like it!" I replied.

"Justin, all you have to do is go in there, pull your dick out, and piss!" Adam said with a chuckle.

"Oh Christ, Adam, I know how to piss, you moron. I just don't like to go on a plane!"

"Why?" Adam asked again.

"Ok, promise not to laugh?" I asked him.

"Yes, I promise!" He replied.

"Two years ago we flew down to Disney World. I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and went. While standing there pissing the plane hit a turbulence pocket and I pissed all over the bathroom. You know how embarrassing that was?"

Adam just sat there looking at me trying his best not to laugh. His face was starting to turn red and I knew he couldn't take it anymore. He burst out laughing so hard that almost everyone on the plane turned to see what was so funny.

"You asshole! You promised me you wouldn't laugh!" I said, half pissed and half giggling.

"Oh god Justin, I'm so sorry, but that's way too funny! HeHeHeHe!" Adam went on.

I started laughing hard to and I could see my mom trying to stretch her neck around her seat to look back to see what was going on. She gave us this look like we were both retarded and went back to reading her book.

We pulled up to the front entrance of the hotel we were going to be staying at the next couple of nights and when we got out of the car that my dad had rented at the airport, the valet started unloading all of our luggage out of the trunk. He stacked it on a big cart and pushed it inside the lobby while another valet took the car to park it.

On our way up to the room my dad told us that there was a nice Olympic size indoor pool, a whirlpool, a sauna, and a steam room. We asked if we could get into our swim suits and go swimming after we got settled in. My dad told us that would be a good idea. I think he wanted us to blow off some steam so we would relax tonight.

We got off the elevator and followed the hotel guy that was showing us to our room. He pointed to one room and told my parents that it would be for them, then he pointed at the room across the hall and said it was for the two young gentleman.

Adam leaned into me and whispered, "We get our own room?"

"Yeah, I guess my mom and dad wanted to be alone." I replied.

"You know what that means don't you? It means we can play!" Adam said with an evil little grin on his gorgeous face.

My parents went into their room and me and Adam went into ours. My dad told the both of us that when we were ready to go to come over and call Adam's mom, then he would show us were the pool was.

I wasn't paying much attention when Adam asked if I needed into the bathroom, I think he was giggling when he asked. I was trying to find where I had buried my bathing suit without having to take everything out of my suitcase. Standing there digging through my suit case I felt a tap on my shoulder. When I turned around Adam was standing there in a pair of blue and white Speedo's. God he looks so damn good in them too, the blue of the Speedo's matching his eye's. Adam turned around to model his swim suit for me. It showed off his hot little ass, and I could make out the outline of his nice big cock too. Damn, I could take him right now!

I finally found my pair of purple and black Speedo's and stripped to put them on. Adam walked over and grabbed the Speedo's from me.

"Here, let me help you!" Adam said.

Adam got down on his knee's in front of me and leaned down as I lifted a foot up for him to put the Speedo's on that leg. After he slipped them over my foot he leaned forward and started licking on my leg. He worked his tongue up my leg in no time and opened his mouth wide and took my semi erect cock all the way in his mouth.

Adam started working me in and out of his mouth quickly, my cock getting hard as a rock. He pulled my cock out of his mouth and motioned for me to lay down on the floor. As I laid down Adam took his Speedo's off then straddled my face letting his hard cock rest on my face.

He took my cock all the way into his mouth and held it there. I started working my tongue around the head of Adam's cock. I opened my mouth and Adam shoved his cock all the way in my mouth. I started to choke as he pumped his cock in and out of my throat. Damn, don't think I will have to worry about the gag reflexes anymore!

We laid there on the floor of that hotel room working on each others cock with a fury. Adam was sliding a finger in and out of my tight asshole as he applied the hardest suction on my cock that he ever had. He took my cock out of his mouth and licked his way down the shaft until he reached my balls. He worked his tongue around each of them, trying to lick the wrinkles out of the sac.

Adam pulled his cock from my mouth and moved himself around and in between my legs. He lifted my legs up high and pushed them back toward my chest. He lowered his head down and started moving his tongue around and near my hole. Then he did it! He dove his tongue straight into my tight hole. Adam started licking my asshole hard with his tongue, moving it in and out of me real fast. He made his way up to my balls then would work his way back to my hole.

I couldn't stand it anymore. "FUCK ME!" I practically screamed at him. Adam reached somewhere to get his tube of lube. I was so much wanting him to make love to me that I couldn't even tell you if he got up off the floor to go get the lube. All I remember is yelling for him to fuck me then feeling the head of his big cock busting me open.

Adam pushed slowly as the head of his cock enter my ass, my muscles taking hold of his cock and squeezing it hard. Adam moaned a cute little moan as my ass muscles squeezed his cock hard as he pushed further into me. He stopped to make sure I was Ok with his big tool in me and when I raised my hips to get more of him in me, he started pushing again.

Adam had finally buried his cock in me all the way to his balls. There was no way he could get anymore in if he wanted to! He had my legs opened up wide and pushed back so that my toes were touching the floor next to my head. He literally had me bent in half. Thank God my body is so limber from the dancing work outs!

Adam held himself deep in me until he knew that I was used to that cock in me. Then with out warning, he began to power fuck me hard. I could feel every inch of his cock pull out of me and then re-enter me has he drove his cock deep into my bowels. My body turned to rubber instantly. Between him pounding into me so hard, and the floor not giving way under me like the mattress on a bed would, I started having flash backs of the shower floor. I even opened my eyes and thought that it was Jeremy doing it to me again!

My defensive instincts took over. I reached up and grabbed Adam by the throat, thinking that he was Jeremy, and started strangling him. "I'm going to fucking kill you you worthless fuck! You're not raping me twice and getting away with it, you're going to fucking die!!!" I screamed out.

I don't think Adam knew what to do. All I knew was that the bastard that was raping me was trying to get away and I wasn't going to let go! Adam started pounding me in the chest with his fist, trying to get me to let go of his neck. Finally, in a desperate attempt to get free of me, he ended up kneeing me in the balls so I would let go of him. That shot to the balls brought me back to reality fast. I let go of Adam's neck and he fell over on the floor beside me gasping for air.

OH FUCK! What did I just try to do to my angel?? "Adam! Are you ok?" I yelled at him, tears already streaming down my face. Adam just laid there trying to catch his breath,grasping at his throat. OH GOD I can't believe what I just did!

"Adam I'm so sorry, oh God are you OK? Did I hurt you? Oh dude I'm so sorry!!"

Adam laid there a few more seconds then said, "Yeah, I'm ok. What the hell got into you? Did you think I was Jeremy raping you?"

I couldn't even look up at Adam. I felt so ashamed at what I just tried to do to him. In the four months since Jeremy raped me on the shower floor, this was the first time that our making love had ever affected me. All I could say to him was "Yes."

Adam sat up on the floor and wrapped his arm around me, "Was it the way I was doing it?" he asked.

"I don't know Adam. I was really into it, I wanted you so bad. But I think the combination of the floor and the intensity in which you were going at it, just made me feel like I was back in that fucking shower room." I replied.

Adam squeezed me tight and said, "I'm sorry Justin, I should have known better than to get wild like that. It never occurred to me that it would bother you so bad. Will you forgive me?"

"Adam, I should be the one asking for forgiveness. I just damn near choked the shit out of you. God I'm such a retard! You have done nothing wrong, there is no need for you to apologize. I love you!" After saying that Adam just sat there and looked at me. I could tell that what I just said really didn't make him feel any better, he was blaming himself.

"I swear this to you Justin, I will never let anyone ever hurt you again. And if our making love ever bothers you like that again, tell me. Maybe next time you won't try to kill me!" Adam said with a giggle.

Adam got up off the floor and held out his hand to help pull me up. Instead of letting him help me up I pulled him back down on top of me. We looked deep into each other eyes, in which you could just see the love he had for me by the little sparkle in his eyes. I could tell by the fast paced beat of his heart that he loves me more than life itself. I hope he could tell how much I loved him.

Just as we started kissing the phone in our room rang, Adam got up and answered the phone. It was my dad wondering if we were ready to go to the pool and if we were going to come over and call Adam's mom. I pulled myself up off the floor, put my swim suit back on, as did Adam, and we went out the door to go over to my parents room.

After spending about 3 hours down at the pool area we headed back up to our room. My mom had came down to let us know that she had ordered room service and that dinner would be up to our room shortly. Adam and I went in to our room to both grab a quick shower and dress for dinner.

"Hey, want to save some time?" I asked Adam. I didn't have to explain what I meant. Adam stripped out of his Speedo and followed me into the shower. The showers at this hotel could fit at least 6 people in them. They were soooo huge. We stepped into the shower and I stood directly under the shower head letting the warm water run down over my naked body.

Adam stood there staring at me as I just let myself get swept away by the warmth of the shower water. Adam grabbed the soap out of the tray and began washing my chest, working his way down over my abs until he reached my cock. He soaped up my cock and balls really good then set the soap back into the tray. Adam reached out and took my already hard cock in his hand and started jacking me off with his soap lathered hand.

Adam worked his hand up and down my cock for a few minutes then said, "Stand back under the water so I can rinse you off." I backed up and got back under the warm water. Adam rubbed my chest and stomach as the water rinsed the soap off of me. He grabbed my cock again and started jacking it as the water rinsed all of the soap off.

Once the soap was rinsed off Adam told me to turn around so he could wash my back. I turned around and Adam took the soap and began to lather my back up. He worked the soap all over my back and the down over my butt, working his hand between the crack of my ass lathering my hole up.

Adam wrapped his arms around my waist and stomach and pulled me close to him, resting his hard cock between the crack of my soap-lathered butt. Adam started biting at and kissing my ear, which he knew made me horny as hell. But right now he didn't have to try to make me horny, I already was. I pushed my tight teen ass back against his cock working it so the head of his cock was pushing against my hole.

I wanted Adam in me bad, I wanted him to make love to me. I knew that trying to have sex in the shower might bother me but I had to over come these fears. I took the soap and lathered my hand up real good, reached around and soaped up Adam's cock, and put it back at the entrance of my teen boy hole.

Adam began to slowly push his cock in me and I bent down a little to allow him access to my ass. Adam bent over with me and was whispering into my ear how much he loved me, how good I felt, and things like that. He was trying to keep my mind on the moment and not on my locker room experience. It was working, too.

After getting Adam's cock all the way in me, he held it there and let me start the pace. I started slowly pulling my ass away from him, and then I would push it back against him so his cock would go back deep inside me. Adam started moving with the rhythm and grabbed me by the waist and started to work his cock in and out of me.

Oh damn this felt soooo good! I braced myself against the wall with my hands and let Adam take over. He was now pulling himself harder and faster each time he buried his big cock back into me. My legs were shaking so bad I though I was going to collapse to the floor. I could feel his cock spread open the walls of my hole each time he pushed back in me.

Adam stopped and just held his cock in me. I could feel his cock pulsate to his heart beat as he just stood there holding it in me. "Lets got to the bed." He whispered to me. So I pulled away from Adam, grabbed a towel for each of us, and we dried off and headed to the bed. We left the water on in the shower in case my parents came to the door, that way they would think we were still getting ready.

I laid down on the bed and opened my legs up high and wide for my teen god. I wanted him to make love to me so bad. I wouldn't be able to go through life without Adam. Adam got up between my legs with his well lubed cock resting at my hole. He pushed it back deep within me and leaned forward to kiss me as he picked up were he left off in the shower.

Adam started thrusting into me faster and faster. I could feel and hear his huge balls slap against my ass as he drove his cock into me. I wrapped my legs up around Adam's back and held on for the ride. Our tongues explored each others mouth as we made love to one another. I would thrust my ass up to him each time he drove his cock back deep into me. Adam started his cute little whimper which always told me he wasn't far from cumming.

I reached down between us and started to jack myself off as he plowed into me harder and harder. I wasn't far from cumming when Adam let out a loud moan and his cock and body went into spasms. I could feel his cock contract and squirt jets of his hot boy juice deep inside of me, filling me up completely. As soon as I felt the first burst of his cum shooting into me, I let loose and shot my teen nectar all over Adam and myself as he continued to pump me full of his cum.

His body collapsed down on top of mine as we both were coming down from another intense orgasm, which seemed to get more intense everytime we made love. I kept my legs wrapped around Adam keeping his cock buried in me. Adam wrapped his arms under me and we just laid there making out until his cock went soft and slipped itself out of my ass. The whole time all I could do was tell myself how much I loved this boy, my teen god.

We got up from the bed and cleaned ourselves up, got dressed and went over to my parents' room for dinner. We walked into the sitting area of the suite my parents had and there were three different carts all full of food. Christ, my dad's giving us the royal treatment. There were two waiters that actually looked like penguins in their freshly pressed tuxedo's. We sat down at the dining table, and the waiters began to serve us. Now this is what I call room service.

After our wonderful dinner we all went down to the rental car and went out for a drive. My parents took us by two of the houses that we would be going to look at. One was this great big white house that looked like an old plantation mansion from down south in North Carolina. It was so big and beautiful. The other house was all glass. It looked like it was completely built out of windows. And it was so huge!

We drove around a while longer, going though downtown Seattle, which had to be one of the cleanest cities I've ever been in. Downtown Akron and Cleveland couldn't even compare. Of course, Akron and Cleveland are much older cities. Seattle was absolutely beautiful. We were amazed with just how nice all the buildings were, it was definitely a better contrast to the empty buildings that adorn Main Street in Akron.

We headed back to the hotel and went back to our rooms. Adam went over and turned the T.V. on while I went to one of the beds. I laid there thinking that maybe Seattle wouldn't be such a bad place to live. So far, what I had seen of it, I liked. Maybe after my parents decide on which house they would like to buy, I'll be able to make a better judgement on all of this. I know it won't depend on just the house. I will be able to go take a tour of the high school I will be attending next year to get a feel for the school. But I guess it really doesn't matter. After all, I didn't want to go to Tallmadge at first!

The next few days in Seattle were great, but now it was time to leave and head to Chicago to visit my Aunt and Uncle. I'm actually looking forward to going there, in a way. Their next door neighbors have a son named Tanner, he's pretty cool. And what I remember of him he's cute as anything, well, not as cute as Adam, but he is a cutie.

Whenever we would go visit my Aunt I always would go over and hang out with Tanner. I always felt kind of bad for him. His parents weren't as involved with him as my parents are with me. They seemed to care more for their high society functions than they did with Tanner and what was going on in his life. But the kid always had a smile and was glad to see me when I came into town. And I was always glad to see him.

The hotel valet loaded up the car and we headed to the airport. I made sure I didn't have that much to drink this morning so I wouldn't have to use the restroom on the plane. Hey, what can I say? I don't want to piss all over the plane again!

To be continued............

Well, there's part one. This is going to be a long chapter. I hope you are enjoying it so far cause I'm having the time of my life writing it. Sorry for the delay getting this chapter out. I've been going through a few tough times right now and have not had the ambition writing this chapter as I have had with the others. I am getting myself back together and I think the story is coming around. So, stay tuned! You'll never know where are what Justin and Adam will be up too. As always I can be reached at and the stories can be found at the Nifty Archives at or at

My thanks too all of you! Chris

May 9, 1999

Next: Chapter 11: My High School Years 10 2

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