My High School Years

By chris

Published on Jun 27, 1999


HI ALL!!!!! Yeah, it's me, Chris, back at it again!! Woohoo!! The long awaited part 2 of chapter 10 is finished and ready for your reading enjoyment! First I want to thank all of you peeps for everything since my car accident! All of the well wishes, cards, and prayers were greatly needed and appreciated! Davey, Com, Brian, JT, Stephen, Eggie, Jon, IOMfats, and all you guys from Comicaliy's Shack Board, ICQ, ummm....David at Nifty, and to all of you out there that read these words I write. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE!!!! I almost gave all this up. And when my e-mail got flooded with peeps pleading for me to go on, I thought it over, said to myself, "I do like writing", and here we are, back at it again. So, with out me babbling on, Ladies and Gentleman (transvestites too) welcome to Chapter 10...Part2

My High School Years The Tenth Anniversary Chapter, Part Two 'The Trip Of All Trips'

The plane ride into Chicago was allot worse than the ride out to Seattle for some reason. We hit allot of turbulence pockets and I for one am glad we have finally touched down. For one, my back hurts from this lousy seat I was in, and two, I have to pee!!

When the airplane came to a stop at the gate, the flight attendant came over the loud speaker and said that they were going to open the door so that all passengers could disembark. We decided to wait until the plane was about empty and then headed for the exit.

We made our way up the gate ramp and out into the waiting area. There stood my Aunt Marta and my Uncle Phil. My goofy Aunt had her big paw she called a hand up in the air waving at all of us, she also had a big wide smile that stretched from ear to ear.

My dad walked up to his sister and gave her a hug. It looked like she was giving him a bear hug, it was too funny. The whole time she was sobbing about how nice it was to see her baby brother. My mother walked over and just about got squished by my aunt, then it was my turn.

My aunt stood there and just looked at me. "Oh my! You can't be Justin." My aunt said. "My Justin isn't this big, and not as nearly as handsome as this young man." my aunt replied as she reached out with her fat fingers and grabbed a hold of my left cheek and squeezed it so hard she pushed the blood in my face to my brain almost giving me a stroke. And of coarse, Adam was standing off to the sideline giggling.

"Aunt Marta, I would like to introduce you to my friend Adam." The blood rushing from Adam's face.

"Any friend of my little Justy is a nephew of mine." My pudgy aunt said. She waddled over to Adam and gave him a big squeeze on his cheek and said, "My God, they didn't make you boys this cute when I was a girl." Of coarse I was the one doing the giggling this time!

After going to the baggage claim area and picking up our luggage, we all walked out the front doors of the airport and my Uncle Phil waved his hand to a waiting limo. The limo pulled up and when the driver got out I was amazed. The driver that got out was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. She was gorgeous! She had dark hair with a reddish tint, long slender legs, and one gorgeous smile. She was almost enough to make me go straight again!

The driver popped open the trunk of the car so we could pile our luggage in.

Then the driver opened the door and my mom and aunt made their way into the car followed by my dad and uncle. Adam and I climbed in after them and the driver closed the door, she got into the car herself then started heading for the wonderful suburb of Northbrook, Illinois.

The ride to my relatives house seemed longer than the plane trip. The traffic on the expressway was so thick, at times being bumper to bumper. We finally made it to there house, a big huge brick Tudor style home, it looked almost like a mansion. As the car was pulling up into the drive way I noticed someone just on the other side of the bushes. It was Tanner!

We all climbed out of the car and started unloading the luggage out of the car. I stepped back from the car and was looking at the boy behind the bushes. God, Tanner has grown since I seen him last, and he's even hotter than I remembered.

"Justin, you remember Tanner don't you?" My Aunt Marta asked.

"Yeah, I sure do!" I answered in an excited voice.

And as soon as I said that my aunt was bellowing over to the boy in the yard next door. "Tanner! Come on over dear, there is someone here that would like to see you."

Tanner walked around the corner of the bushes and stopped dead in his tracks. He stood there with his mouth wide open just starring at me. "Hey Tanner, how you been dude?" I said to him.

"Justin?" He asked.

"Yeah dude." I replied to him.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you. Dude you've grown, and what's with the brown hair?" Tanner said with a giggle, evidently remembering my blonde locks from younger years.

"Ha, everyone asks me what happened to the blonde haired little boy!" I said with a giggle.

"Adam stood there confused. "Blonde hair?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, I had blonde hair when I was younger. My hair color changed as I got a little older, puberty I guess." was my reply.

I introduced Adam and Tanner to one another then Tanner said hello to my parents and walked over to the limo driver and gave her a hug. Now that's weird! Tanner stood there talking with the limo driver a minute or two then walked back over where Adam and I were.

"That's my cousin Jackie. She and I are really close, she's my favorite cousin." Tanner said looking at both of us.

"Cool, now that you say that, I can see a resemblance." Tanner just as gorgeous as his cousin Jackie I thought.

"Hey, I'm going over to a friends house for a while. If you and Adam are not busy later how about coming over and hang out for a while when I get back? Tanner asked.

"Sure dude. Just give us a shout and we'll be over. I said as Tanner took my hand, shaking it and heading back to his own house. We said our good-byes to the limo driver Jackie, who told us she would see us later, and went into my aunts house.

After finishing a huge lunch, which Adam made the most of it, we headed up stairs to the room Adam and I would share. My Aunt apologized to Adam and myself for only having one king sized bed in the room. She said that it was big enough for the two of us to share and we could make do. No apologies needed, I'm sure we'll put the bed to good use! We unpacked some of our things and my dad came into the room.

"Hey guys! I have a little plan worked out for the two of you tomorrow. Your mother and I are going to drive up to Wisconsin and I have a day planned out for you in Chicago tomorrow." My dad said enthusiastically. Oh boy, I thought, we get to spend the day with my chubby aunt!

"Kewl dad! What will we be doing?" I asked.

"It's sort of a surprise. I'll let you in on it tomorrow.' And with that my dad left the room and closed the door behind him.

Next thing I know I'm being tackled onto the bed by Adam and he plants a hard lip lock on me. "GOD I NEEDED THAT!" He wailed out!

Laying there trying to catch my breath I agreed. "Yeah, me too! Could I get a little more of that?" I asked. I did not need to ask Adam that question twice. Adam rolled over on top of me, straddling my waist and sittiing his precious ass down on my already hardening cock, and locked his beautiful lips to mine.

We laid there kissing and grinding into each other, or cocks rubbing against each others through the material of our dress pants. Adam tasted so good! I had been waiting for this since the last kiss we had given each other earlier in the day when we finished making love in the hotel room in Seattle.

Adam pulled himself up off of me just enough so he could start unbuttoning my shirt, yet keep his lips fully pressed against mine. That's when we heard the loud knock on the bedroom door. "Justin! May I come in?" Asked my Aunt Marta.

"Yeah Aunt Marta, just a sec." I responded to her. Adam quickly flew up off of me and made a bee line for the chair in the corner of the room, throwing his jacket across hi lap to hide the raging hard on he had in his pants. I immediately sat up on the edge of the bed, facing away from the door, so I could hide my hard on the best I could. "Ok, come on in!" I said as I started to take my shirt off to make it look like we were to change our clothes.

"Justin, I just wanted to tell you that Tanner just called and invited you and Adam over to his house. If you boys would like to go over there just go right ahead. There's not too much for two fine looking teenaged boys to do around this old house. So instead of sitting here being bored, just head over to Tanners house any old time you like." My Aunt said to us in practically one breath.

"Ok, thanks Aunt Marta. I guess we will go over for a little while. It's good to see Tanner again." I said to my aunt.

"Well then you boys hurry and change and head on over. I told Tanner that you would be glad to come over and you would be there in a few minutes." said my always pushy aunt. God love her.

Adam and I changed quickly, wanting to taste each others now fading hard ON's so bad, but knowing my aunt would come banging her pudgy paw against the door again if we were not downstairs soon. We starred at each other as we took off our clothes and got dressed in to our "street clothes". Adam and I have been together for 5 months now and everyday he is more beautiful to me than the day before. I watched him as he turned and slowly pulled his jeans up over his plump teen ass. The jeans lifted his soft ass cheeks slightly ass the fabric was pulled up over them, god I want him!

Adam and I made our way down the stairs, stopping for a minute to say good-bye to my parents and aunt and uncle, then walked out the door and started for Tanners house. When we reached the door Adam pushed the button for the door bell and in no time the door flew open and there was Tanner, gorgeous as ever, all dressed up like he was going on a date or something.

"Hi guys, come on in!" Tanner said with a big smile. Tanner held the door open as Adam and I walked into his big impressive house. Tanner told us to follow him and we walked threw the massive house to the basement steps. We followed Tanner down into the basement and walked into a HUGE family room. And over on a chair sat this very cute blonde headed boy. He looked to be around 5'6" tall, dirty blonde hair, and eye's that were almost as blue as Adam's. The dude was definitely cute.

"Adam and Justin, I would like to introduce you to my 'GOOD' friend Derrick." Hey, I caught that! Hehehe. And Derrick knows it, he turned eight shades of red when I looked at him!

Adam walked over to Derrick and stretched out his hand. "Hey dude, nice to meet you!" Adam said as he almost had to pull Derrick's arm up and out to shake hands. Damn, he's shy. Finally Derrick gave in and shook Adam's hand back.

I walked over and extended my hand and Derrick reached out and took it. "Nice to meet you Derrick!" I said as he shook my hand.

"Nice to finally meet you Justin. Tanner has told me allot about you." Derrick said with a cute little giggle.

"Oh, he has! Well don't believe a frickin' word of it dude, I'm not that bad." I said as Tanner started to bust out laughing.

"Nah dude, I just told him about how your aunt and uncle live next door and how you used to come up for the summer. Told him about your blonde hair too, even showed him a couple of pictures we have of you here dude." Tanner said with a chuckle.

Before I could open my mouth Adam spoke up and said. "I gotta see this man!" I looked at Adam and he had a smile from ear to ear. "Hey, my mom showed you all those pictures of me when I was little, now it's my turn for a laugh!"

Oh god I'm so embarrassed, I never show anyone pictures of me when I was little. I just looked like a goof with blonde hair. My mom tells me that she thought I looked so cute as a blonde. Nah, that's just the MOM in her coming out.

Tanner came back with a photo album and sat down on the long sofa motioning me and Adam to sit on either side of him. When we sat down Tanner opened the album and the very first picture was of he and I in our bathing suits playing on one of those yellow water slides. You know the kind that would lay on the grass, you hooked a water hose up to it, and when you slid on it, it would burn the hell out of your skin? Yeah, that kind!

There I stood in all my glory, blonde hair and all. Adam busted up laughing. He was laughing so hard that Derrick and Tanner started laughing as well. I sat there all embarrassed and red face. Tanner started flipping through the album and Adam kept on looking at it, laughing the whole time. I got up and walked over by where Derrick was sitting and tried to pick up a conversation with him.

"So you live around here dude?" I asked Derrick.

"Nah, I live closer to town. I got to school with Tanner, we hang out allot." Derrick said as he started blushing again. You know, he kinda reminds me of Brandon, but skinnier and with blonde hair. Brandon will get nervous and blush about the littlest things. Then start that damn stuttering.

After Adam got his big laugh, and Derrick repeatedly kicked my ass on video games, Adam and I decided it was time to go. Adam was thinking the exact same thing I was. We needed sex and we needed it now. We practically stared at each other the whole time, must be why Derrick gave me such a thrashing on the video games. My mind was on Adam, nothing else. The way he sat there laughing at those pictures, that beautiful laugh, he was making me so horny.

"Hey Tanner, why don't you and Derrick come over to my aunts house in a little while, say in an hour or so. We can introduce Derrick to my parents AND my aunt and uncle." I said rather jokingly.

Tanner picked up on what I meant thou, we were going to give Derrick the pleasure of getting his cheeks pinched by my aunt. If that dude gets embarrassed like he does just meeting Adam and I, wait until he meets my Aunt Marta! Hehehee....

We all said our good-bye's and Adam and I headed back over to my aunts house. We actually ran for the house. We were wanting each other so bad that we ran in the door, I yelled "We're back!" and we flew straight up the steps and in the room. I don't think either of us touched more than five of the steps on our way up!

Adam came in the room after me and as soon as he shut the door I dropped to my knee's and started unzipping his pants. His cock was nearly all the way hard as I unbuttoned his pants and they fell to the floor. I gave one good yank on his boxers and they fell to the floor too. I grabbed a hold of his cock and just devoured it. Oh god he tasted so good. I took as much of his still growing cock in my mouth as I could and started moving it in and out of my mouth. Slowly at first, then ever so faster.

Adam grabbed my head and started humping my face. He was thrusting his cock all the way in my mouth, giving me a throat fucking you wouldn't believe, and I never gagged once. I worked my tongue around his cock as he pumped it faster in my mouth. Adam started to whimper and he began to tense up. NO! Not this quick! I pulled his cock out of my mouth, got up off the floor, and motioned Adam to the bed.

I laid down on the bed, my hard cock pointing straight to the ceiling, and Adam straddled my lower legs. Adam leaned down and lightly kissed the head of my cock, opened his mouth wide, then engulfed my whole cock in his mouth.

Everytime he does that it feels better than the last! Adam started slowly moving up and down on my cock, licking the head when he reached the tip, then swallowing whole again.

Adam worked on my cock for what seemed like hours. I was so much into it that time was just slipping by so fast. It was like that in my mind, time stood still. No feeling of an orgasm or nothing, just Adam working on my cock. Adam was definitely giving me one of his expert blow jobs, knowing just how fast our how slow to go and not make me cum right away.

Adam finally pulled my cock out of his mouth and worked his tongue around the blood swollen head, slowly letting it drop over the ridge of the head, working it down the thick veiny shaft, until he reached my balls. He took each one in his mouth, one at a time, licking and sucking on both.

He then made his way down under my balls and licked down into the crack of my ass. Adam climbed completely between my legs, grabbed them, and raised them high up to where I could pull them up and rest my knee's on my chest. Adam moved back down and I could feel his tongue move ever so slightly across my taught hole. He buried his face into my ass and licked and sucked at my hole, darting his tongue in ever so slightly.

Adam licked one of his fingers and slowly pushed it into me as far as he could get it. He just kept it there, letting the muscles wrap around it and squeeze it tight. He slowly started moving his finger in and out of me, gradually picking up the rhythm as he licked around his finger entering my hole.

He inserted a second finger, and again, let his hand rest as my as muscle got used to it. He then began his rhythmic thrusts of his hand into my tight hole. I was totally lost in ecstasy now. I knew if Adam or myself even brushed lightly against my cock, I would explode all over the place. I needed him in me, and I needed it now!

I lowered my legs slowly and reached down, grabbing Adam by the arms and pulled him up and between my legs. He laid down on me and his cock slipped between my ass cheeks as I raise my legs up and wrapped them around his back. Adam reached into the night stand where I had already put the lube, lubed up his cock, then rubbed the lube over my hole slipping a finger in as he did so.

Adam lifted my legs up again and I grabbed them and pulled them down and into my chest. He postioned the head of his cock at my tight hole and slowly pushed the head of his cock in me. I arched up some off the bed, ecstatic that I was finally getting what I had been waiting for, Adam to make love to me.

He slowly pushed his cock into me further, moaning slightly as he felt the tight muscles in my ass grip at his huge cock. I lower my legs so they were resting on his shoulders, then Adam leaned forward and thrusted the rest of his cock deep in me.

Adam looked deep in to my eyes then whispered, "I love you so much Justin Andrew Thompson."

"And I love you more Adam David Crozier." I said back to him as he leaned down and pushed his beautiful pink lips against mine.

Adam slowly started to pull his cock out of me. When he got about four inches of it out he would push it deep back in me and hold it. Oh man, this felt so real, so right! Being made love to by the person you love more than anything, or anyone else in the world was pure and simple magic! I love Adam so much, and he loves me even more. God, what else is there to say?

I wrapped my arms and legs around Adam as he laid down completely on me, kissing each other wildly as we made love to each other. Adam picked the rhythm up a bit, but not to much. He was making love to me, he wanted it to last. I could feel his swollen cock slowly moving in and out of me, stretching my ass muscles each time they contracted around his cock. I'm in heaven!

We made love like that for quite a while. Adam would stop completely when he started to feel his orgasm building. He would push deep in me and just rest as we kissed each other passionately. Both of us wanted this to go on for hours, but our passion would soon grow too strong.

I started bucking my hips up into him as the first sign of my orgasm began.

Adam took the hint and started pumping his cock in me slightly faster, pulling it almost all the way out now, then pushing it back deep in me. He pushed himself up off of my chest and grabbed a hold of my cock, jacking it hard and fast as my whimpers grew louder.

Soon we were both grinding into one another so hard and fast. I was on the edge and couldn't take it anymore. I started shooting buckets of cum all over the both of us. My orgasm was so intense that I just went limp like a wet noodle. Adam jacked my cock off as I shot gobs of cum everywhere.

My ass muscles went into spasms as I came and came. Adam was driving into me hard and with one last hard thrust, he groaned loud and buried himself deep in me. His hot jets of cum filling my inside. Adam was shaking fiercely as he came deep in me, his body weakening from his intense orgasm. Adam just slumped down on top of me, my cum mixing between our two bodies, as he pumped his cock in and out of my ass, his cock still sensitive to his orgasm.

I wrapped my legs tighter around him as he put his lovely lips up to mine, and kissed me again. We just laid there like that, his cock still in me, and still rock hard. Adam kept a slow rhythm, letting his cock continued to work in my ass. We just laid there, continuing our love making, Adam and myself both staying hard as rock. God, this was so real.

After having rested some, Adam lifted up off of me and just started thrusting in me for what he was worth, his balls slapping against my ass hard. I just laid there and worked my ass up and into him as my lover plowed into me hard. His cock was moving in and out of me so fast, yeah, this is good, no it's great. I do like it when he gets rough. But to make love like we did, the both of us stay hard, and go back right at it in the intensity that we were now was to much for me to comprehend.

In no time I was shooting another big load of cum every where, withering on the bed as I was being pounded by my teen angel. As he was fucking me harder and harder I just lost all control of where I was, who I was, and what was going on. This orgasm was more intense that the first one, it felt like it was going on for ever.

As Adam kept pounding into me the door to the room flew open and I heard a voice say, "Hey guys! Guess ....... who?" OH FUCK!! It was Tanner!! Oh Shit!! We were just caught in the act! We didn't lock the door! Oh god! Oh damn!!

Adam got off me fast and rolled off the bed and onto the floor, on the opposite side of Tanner, who was standing there eye's wide, mouth about to hit the floor. "Ummmm....ummmm....oh damn.....I'm....ummmm........I gotta go!" And Tanner was out the door. Damn, damn damn! How could I be such a stupid ass and not make sure the door was locked? Christ! I could hear Tanner telling Derrick, who was out in the hall, that they had to leave. I could here Derricks voice trailing off asking Tanner what was wrong, but they were now on there way down the steps, out of ear shot.

"Oh shit Justin! Will he fucking like say anything to your parents or aunt and uncle?" Adam said franticly as he tried desperately to get his pants on.

"Dude, I don't know! But I am going over there to talk to him. You wait here." I said as I was also quickly getting dressed.

I had my shirt on, just pulled my jeans on, didn't even bother with the boxers, got my shoes on and flew out the door, leaving Adam to sweat bullets while he wondered if our secret was going to be known to everyone. While he could careless who knew, he didn't want my parents finding out while we were like 500 miles from home.

I sailed down the steps and out the door, running full speed over to Tanner's house. I got to the door and leaned on the button for the door bell. Suddenly the door came open and there stood Tanner's mom! "Oh shit, she already knows!" I thought to myself.

"Justin? Oh my, Tanner was right you have changed! Come on in, Tanner and his friend just went downstairs." I thanked Tanner's mom as she let me in and I bolted for the basement steps. I got to the steps and slowly walked down them. I could hear Derrick laughing and trying to ask Tanner question's at the same time.

"Hehehehe, They were what? hehehee Derrick asked Tanner.

"They were fucking dude! I never thought about Justin that way! I never thought he would do that! Tanner said excitedly as I finally walked around the corner and stood there, red face and all.

Derrick immediately got quiet, looked up at Tanner who was standing in front of him, then pointed my way so Tanner would turn to see me.

"Ummm....Hey Justin." Tanner said rather shyly.

"Ok, so now you know! You guys getting a big laugh out of this?" I asked with more of a pissed off tone than anything.

"No, no Justin! Tanner said excitedly. "We are not laughing at you guy's ..... ummmm..... we are ummm......laughing with you!" Tanner exclaimed.

"What the hell you mean you're laughing with me? You see me laughing here dude?" I was getting even more pissed now.

"Justin, what Tanner is trying to say to you is, well, ummm, that he and I, ummm are lovers too." Derrick said softly.

"WHAT? You guy's are a couple?!" I said rather loud.

"Shhhhhh.......damn dude, keep it down! My mom is upstairs, she can hear almost anything from down here!" Tanner explained.

The three of us sat down and just started rambling about being "gay". Tanner and Derrick explained to me how they went to the same school and rode the same bus every day together. Derrick telling me how he had the biggest crush on Tanner and would day dream about him while on the bus. Then Tanner told me about falling asleep against Derrick's shoulder on the bus one day, before they even knew each other real well.

I told them about how I met Adam that first day at a new school. Walking down the hall like a goof, not paying attention to where I was going, and running into Adam full force while he was in a full sprint heading to class.

They both chuckled when I told them how I flew like five or ten feet backwards and landed on my ass.

"You know, Adam is over there sweating bullets, I had better go get him." I told the both of them.

"Yeah, go get him and tell him it's kewl, that we know and that we are a couple too." Tanner said.

"Ok guy's I'll be back in a bit. So don't get anything started that you don't want anyone to walk in on!" I replied jokingly.

I could hear the two of them laughing hysterically at that as I walked up the steps going to get Adam. Damn, fate saved mine and Adam's butt's again!

Ok everyone, there ya go! Hope I did well after my long absence. Sorry it took so long to get this out to ya. Part 3 of Chapter 10 will be out soon, like in the next couple of weeks. So I guess you can say I'm back at it! Also I have a few idea's for a new story. When I get it completed I'll get it out to you all as well. I just want to thank all you peeps for hanging in there while I have been recuperating. It's been a long battle so far, but I am much better. Thanks to all of you! As always, I'm still at the same address, contact me at And, my ICQ# 40457201

Oh yeah....anyone not wanting on the e-mail list due to not wanting your e-mail out for everyone to see, let me know and I will remove you from the list. I'm sorry to say but I don't have the time nor the patients to mail this separately. So if you want removed, let me know. You will have to keep an eye on Nifty for new releases. The story is on and at The Nifty Archives at

Thanks Everyone!!!

June 27, 1999

Next: Chapter 12

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