My High School Years

By chris

Published on Oct 3, 1999


My High School Years Chapter 11 'Home And Back At It'

They say home is where the heart is. Whoever said that was absolutely right! I was never so glad to be home, in my house, in my own bed, laying next to my sleeping angel. Our vacation to Seattle and Chicago was fun and all, but getting back home was even better.

The dance competition came and went. We all came in second place which outraged Denise 'cause during the last song Brandon broke is ankle on a dance move. Hey, like another person said, "shit happens"! I'm just glad it's all over and I can spend more time with Adam.

My parents should be home soon from the doctors office. My mom hasn't been feeling real well since we returned home and my dad finally talked her into going to see the doctor. She's had this really bad cough and it seems to be getting worse. I figure she caught something on the airplane from someone.

I stretched an arm out and wrapped it around Adam's small, yet tight body. He wrestled around under the covers a bit then moved himself closer to me. The warmth of his body was enough to drive me crazy, but when he wiggled his hot little naked ass up against my already half swollen cock, I almost had a mojor orgasm right then.

I squeezed Adam tight and just held him. We laid there together for what seemed like 2 hours, neither of us speaking a word. We just held on to each other and enjoyed the moment. Never in my short 15 years have I loved someone so much. Adam as become my world, and I his. We are the preverbial "two pea's in a pod", always together.

We laid there a while longer and Adam finally rolled over and broke the silence. "Dude, I'm hungry! Lets go get something to eat."

"You want something to eat?" I replied. Non-chalantly rubbing my rock hard cock against his tight stomach.

"Justin, I want a meal not a snack." Adam said with a snicker.

"Oh, you fucking bastard! Wait untill the next time you tell me you want my "big cock" deep in you! Oh, you just wait dude!" I said as I started tickling Adam.

"Stop! Stop! I was just kidding dude! Hehehehe! I'm serious, don't tickle, I have to piss dude!" Adam wailed out as I tickled him even harder.

I finally stopped and he hopped out of bed. Either I had him totally excited or he had the morning pee-on. His cock was hard as a rock and as beautiful as ever. I wanted him right then and there but he bent over, showing me his gorgeous teen ass, grabbed his sweats, put them on, and ran out of the bedroom toward the bathroom. Damn, he really must have had to pee!

I got myself up out of the bed and headed down stairs to the kitchen. I made it to the fridge and got myself a Pepsi start the day. I walked ovr and sat down at the table and Adam soon walked into the kitchen. I just sat there and stared at him, the sunlight shining on his gorgeous body as he explored the refridgerator for food.

"You want me to cook you some breakfast?" I said to him.

"Nope! I'm going to cook for you." he replied back.

Oh, this was going to be a treat! Adam cooking! Well, looks like I'll be spending the day cleaning up my mom's kitchen! Letting Adam loose in a kitchen is like World War 3. He will have the entire kitchen destroyed in a matter of minutes.

As I sat there watching Adam make a mess the front door bell rang. I got up and went to the door opening it to find Christian standing there all covered in snow. It was snowing like hell outside and he looked like a snowman, it was way too funny.

"Hey Justin, can I come in?" Christian asked.

"Sure dude! What's up?" I replied.

"Have you guys heard from Brandon? His mom said he went to spend the night with a friend. I haven't heard from him in two days. Thought maybe you might have heard from him."

"I talked to him Thursday evening at the dance studio. He came into watch me practice. He was bitching and moaning still about breaking his ankle. He did say something about going over to this dudes house that he goes to school with. Said he had some kind of project that the two of them had to work on together for science class." I explained to Christian.

"Oh, ok. He never said anything to me about it. Hell, he hasn't called me but twice this week. I have tried to call him several times, he's never home." Christian said sadly.

"Don't worry dude. Like I said, he has this project to do for science class. Knowing Brandon, it's all he's thinking about. You know how he is, he get's his mind set on something and that's all that concerns him."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Christian replied.

"Come on into the kitchen dude. Adam is trying to cook breakfast. You look like you could use a good laugh." I said with a chuckle as Christian was stripping his nice little body out of his snowy coat and shoes.

We walked out to the kitchen and I asked Christian if he wanted anything to drink. He said no thanks and went on over and sat down at the table. Adam turned and looked at me has I tried to keep a straight face. He had on my mom's apron, way too funny. Christian and I just started giggling and Adam walked over to the table, chuckling to himself.

"Hey Christian, how you doing dude?" Adam said.

"Doing better than I was five minutes ago! Heheheee! Nice apron bro!" Christian said as he burst out laughing.

I quickly joined in with the laughter as Adam turned 4 different shades of red, taking the apron off and throwing it at me. "Fuck you two already." he said as he walked back to the stove.

Christian replied, "You couldn't handle the two of us at the same time, so stop making promises!" He said with a laugh.

Just then Adam said something that either shocked me, or just plain suprised the hell out of me. "You two keep it up and you'll both find out what I can handle! You can bring your boy Brandon along too!"

Hmmmm......Just what did he mean by that? Was he saying that he wanted to get a little three-some going? A four-some even? Damn! I don't know how to take that. He sounded serious as hell! I can usually tell when he is joking, and he wasn't joking. Especially with that sly little snicker.

"Could one of you two stooges watch this bacon while it cooks? I'm going to go put a shirt on before I make you both have an orgasm." Adam said with his little snicker.

"Christain, could you keep an eye on it?" I asked. "I want to go put a shirt on too.

"Sure dude, no problem" he said.

I got up from the table and headed back up the steps toward my room. I walked into the room and Adam was getting a shirt from his duffle bag. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a shirt and pulled it over my head, turning to speak to Adam when he said, "Well, you think I could handle the two of you in bed at the same time?"

I looked at him in shock. Just as I was about to say something the phone rang. I walked over and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi son." my dad said on the other end. "Your mom and I stopped here at your Uncle Sean's on the way home. We are going to stay here and visit for a while and I'm going to help Sean with something down in his basement. You and Adam have any breakfast yet?'

"We are just getting something to eat now. When do you think you'll be home?" I asked.

Probably won't be for 3 or 4 hours, so you guys behave and no parties either." Dad said with a laugh.

"Don't worry dad, no parties. See you two when you get home." I replied.

"Ok son, talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye dad."

I hung the phone back up and Adam asked, "So, your folks won't be home for a while?"

"Nope. Their over at my Uncle Sean's. My dad is helping Sean do something in his basement."

Adam snickered again and said, "Kewl!"

"Dude, what's up with you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he replied.

"You seam a little seductive this morning. Like you really want something to go on between the two of us and Christian."

"Oh, and you don't?" he asked.

"Not really!" I replied. "Why the hell would I want that?"

"Never mind dude, my bad. I was just kidding around." he said with a laugh.

"Well, I didn't take all of this as kidding around. If you want to have a three-some with Christian just tell me dude. Be honest with me. If you would rather be with him...."

"No Justin! I was really just joking!" Adam said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm serious about this though. I Love You Justin Thompson, with all my heart."

Adam moved closer to me and laid a lip lock on me. God he tastes so good. I want him NOW! But it would be rude leaving Christian downstairs while we're up here doing the nasty.

"I love you more Adam." I replied. "We better get back downstairs before Christian ends up cooking our breakfast."

With that we kissed again and headed back downstairs. Adam went back to his cooking and I went back to talking with Christian. Christian really seemed upset over Brandon not calling him so I let him sit there and spill his guts out for a while as Adam finished cooking and we all ate some breakfast.

After breakfast the three of us went down to the family room in the basement and I turned on the big screen T.V. and put "Star Trek First Contact" into the DVD player. We all sat on the couch together, Adam in the middle and started to watch the movie.

"We are the Borg. Resistance is futile. Lower your sheilds and......."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Captain Picard is going to kick your ass again, assimilate that!" I thought to myself. I love this Star Trek stuff. People thing I'm weird because I'm such a Trekkie! Just because I have every Star Trek episode ever made and all the movies don't make me weird. Or does it?

We all sat there staring at the new Enterprise-E as it fired one Quantum Torpedo after another into the Borg cube. Although Adam seemed to be preoccupied with something else. He kept glancing over at Christian, then he would glance over at me. Then he would rub his hand up and down my leg, almost rubbing my crotch, then he would stop, watch the movie again, then start all over.

Christian was obviously wondering the same thing that I was. What the hell is Adam up too? He has never acted like this, ever. He told me upstairs he was joking, but it seems like he is doing more than joking. Well, it's time to play along with his little game, time to see where this goes.

As Adam started rubbing my leg again, I put my arm up around his shoulders and tapped Christian on the shoulder. I motioned for him to move closer to Adam and he did. Adam didn't even bat an eye. I was starting to get hard as a rock each time Adam would rub my leg and he knew it. He would rub my cock through my shorts then go back to watching the movie, glance over at Christians crotch, then back to rubbing mine.

I again motioned Christian to move closer, this time motioning for him to put his hand on Adam's leg. He followed my lead and as he placed his hand on Adam's leg Adam let out a little whimper. Hmmmm...... I thought he was joking?

Now, the questions I was asking myself was, "Do I let this go on?" I mean, yeah, I wouldn't mind getting Christian naked and having my way with him. But Adam and I love each other so much. Would doing something like this hurt our relationship? What about Christian's relationship with Brandon. Would this be the only time this would happen? Or would Adam like doing it so much with Christian that he would leave me for him? What about or friendship?

Well, Christian wasn't concerned with any of the questions I was asking myself cause he was now rubbing Adam's leg and made his way to Adam's crotch.

"Ok, what the hell are we doing here?" I asked the both of them.

"I guess we are starting something we all want to happen." Christain replied.

"Adam, I thought you were just kidding with me?" I asked him.

"I was at first, but...." his voice trailing off as he moved down and started un- buttoning my shorts.

Do i really want this to happen? Yes, I do! No, I don't! I couldn't make up my mind, but it looked like these two were going to make it up for me. Adam moved down on the floor and started pulling my shorts down as Christian leaned over closer to me and started knibbling on my ear.

Christian knibbled his way around to my mouth and started kissing me as Adam took my fully erect cock into his warm mouth. Adam began working his mouth up and down my cock in his expert way as Christian kissed at me and licked his way down my chest and stomach. He made his way down toward my cock and Adam took my cock out of his mouth and he and Christian started kissing each other.

"What the hell was I letting happen here?" I thought to myself. But that thought ran from my mind as Christains mouth engulfed my cock. Oh god did it feel good too! He worked his mouth up and down my cock like no one ever has. Adam knew how to suck cock, but Christian was a pro! It took all my strenght to get my eye balls to roll back down out of my head to open my eye's to look down as Adam made his way up my chest with his tongue.

Adam licked all the way up over my chest and neck until he got to my mouth, planting his gorgeous little pink lips against mine. Our tongues darted in and out of each other mouths as Christian worked on my cock. Adam started making his way back down my chest, over my stomach, and then started pulling Christian's shirt up over his head.

After getting Christians shirt off, Adam made his way down Christain's chest, licking and and probing Christian's nipples with his tongue. Adam continued his way down Christian's chest then over his stomach, stopping at the waist line of his jeans. As Christaian continued his expert sucking on my cock, Adam unbuttoned Christian's jeans and pulled them down and off of his legs.

Christian tuned his body so his HUGE rock hard cock was available for Adam's waiting mouth. Adam took Christian's cock in his mouth as far as he could. You have to remember, Christian is a 16 year old with a 10.5 inch cock. That's allot of cock for anyone! And Adam was trying his damndest to take it all, but he couldn't.

After a few minutes we all grabbed our clothes and ran thru the house naked to my room. When we got to my bedroom I shut and locked the door and we all laid down on the floor. We laid down in a circle formation, Christian taking my cock into his mouth, Adam Christian's, and Adam's cock in my mouth. We all laid there sucking one another off, Christian's fingers probing my asshole, and mine probing Adam's.

I decided I wanted Adam bad and got up off the floor and went to my night stand and got the K.Y jelly from the drawer. Adam laid flat on his back as I lubed him up, then my cock, and he spread his leg wide and lifted them high so I could gain access to his gorgeous ass. As I started pushing my cock deep in Adam, Christian straddled Adam's face and stuck his cock in Adam's mouth.

I stater pumping in and out of Adam's ass. And the faster I went, the faster Christian pumped his cock into Adam's mouth. All I could see was Christians hot ass and I wanted in it too. I started rubbing my finger over Christain's tight hole ass I pounded into Adam. Christian groaned as I slid my finger into his tight asshole, working it in and out as fast as I was fucking Adam.

Christian got up off of Adam and told me he wanted me to fuck him. I pulled out of Adam and Christian moved down between Adam's legs. Christian lubed up his cock and started pushing his huge dick into Adam. I thought Adam was going to pull the carpet off the floor with his bare hands has Christian pushed inch after inch of his huge cock into Adam. Adam reached up and stopped Christian by grabbing his hips. Christian probably had 8 or 9 inches of his cock in Adam and Adam couldn't take any more.

Christian leaned forward and exposed his beautiful ass to me. I lubed my cock up some more and then Christians hole. I moved in and place the head of my cock at his hole and slowly pushed it in. God his ass was tight! He was having a hard time letting me in at first, but finally his asshole opened to allow me to bury my cock deep in him.

Here was the three of us, laying on my bedroom floor, Christian's cock in my boyfriend, and mine buried in Christian. I started pumping my cock in and out of Christian, the motion making Christian pump in and out of Adam. I grabbed ahold of Christian's waist and started pumping his ass hard. Christian was begging me to fuck him harder as Adam laid there on the floor, withiring from the size of Christian's huge cock in him. Christian finally managed to get all of his cock buried in Adam and Adam was moaning load as Christian's cock pumped in and out of him.

I could feel the cum building in my balls as they smacked against Christian's ass. I was pounding into him hard as the preassure built up in my balls. I pushed one last time hard and deep into Christain and my nuts exploded my load of cum deep into Christian. He kept pumping into Adam as his tight asshole milked my cock dry.

I pulled my cock out of Christian's ass and went around and took Adam's cock into my mouth. Christian leaned up and was pushing himself hard in and out of Adam, his breathing getting shorter with each thrust. Just as Christian pushed deep into Adam one last time, Adam's cock erupted it's hot load of cum into my mouth. Gusher after gusher of cum flowing from his cock deep into my thorat.

Christian pulled out of Adam's ass after his explosive orgasm and I laid there and milked Adam's cock dry. I pulled Adam's cock from my mouth, which was already getting soft, and made my way up over his stomach, his chest, and straight to his mouth. I kissed him hard and deep as Christian laid down on the other side of Adam. I looked Adam in the eye's and told him how much I loved him. Adam told me how much he loved me then I laid down on the other side of him, curling up next to him.

The three of us laid there for a while, not saying a word. Then Christian sat up on the floor and turned to look at both of us and said, "This never happened. What went on here today never happened ok? What will Brandon say about this? It will hurt him bad if we even joked about something like this. And besides, he's not over you Justin. This might add fuel to that fire, he might want to try this himself, but with only you Justin."

I laid there speachless as Christian babbled on. I knew this would be a bad thing, but it has happened and there is no changing that. Adam sat up and looked at Christian. "Dude, this is something that all three of us wanted to try. Will it happen again? I doubt it. I love Justin way to much, he means the world to me. Not saying you were not good or anything, don't get me wrong. It's just something I know I wanted to do, have a three-some that is, and I probably will never want it again."

Wow! I never expected that. I had the feeling that once we did this, he would want to do it again and again. Of coarse, he could be blowing smoke up mine and Christian's ass, but I highly doubt that. If Adam says he probably never would do it again, then he means it. But I still had to show the devil in me.

"And what if I want to do it again?" I asked him.

"Um....would you want to do it again?" Adam asked.

"No, but there is always a possibility that someone might come along that, well you know, we might want to be with." I replied.

"Now, who else is there out there that you would want to be with other than me? Adam asked.

"No one babe, just teasing." I said quickly.

But if I was to tell the truth, I would open Pandora's box. Cause I have had a fantasy about Adam, Brandon and myself in a three-way. Not With Christian. And ya know I'm not going to rule a Brandon three-way out either.

Christian got up off the floor and got dressed. "Look guys. I'm glad this happened, please don't get me wrong. You two are great friends. This move and all has been hard. But I can honestly say I will never do this again. I feel guilty as hell and I should have never went along with it."

With that, no more was said. Christian finished getting dressed and left. Adam and I put our clothes back on and went back down stairs to finish watching the Start Trek movie. We were back down in the family room no more than 35 minutes when the phone rang and it was Brandon.

"Hey Brandon, what's up?"

"Dude, I'm on my way over there, we all need to talk."

"Ok, come on over." I said to him.

I hung up the phone and Adam asked, "What he want?"

"He called to say he was on his way over, that we all needed to talk." I replied.

"Wonder what he want's to talk about?" Adam questioned.

"Not sure, you think Christian found him and told him what went on?" I asked

"Nah, he said to us that it never happened and that Brandon must never know."

"True Adam, but when Brandon and I were together I didn't hide it from you." I said quickly.

"That's true. You told me right after it happened. Oh Shit!" Adam said rather worried.

About 30 minutes went by since Brandon called and there was a knock at the door. I ran up the steps and opened the door. I was completely shocked when I opened the door. There standing on my front porch with Brandon was Bruce, my best friend growing up.

"Hey Justin! Long time no see buddy!" Bruce said with his cute smile!

"Bruce! Dude, where have you been?" What you been up too?" I asked.

"Well, since you moved up with the snobs, we little people have been just hanging out." He said with a laugh.

I invited Bruce and Brandon in. They took off there snow covered coats and shoes and we all went down to the family room. I intoduce Bruce to Adam and we all sat down and Bruce and I started talking about old times. You see, Bruce moved away a few years ago. Not far mind you, but he moved into another school district. So that means new friends, forget the old ones. I never even thought about it when Brandon told me what school he was going to that he might know Bruce.

"So you guys were best friends growing up?" Brandon asked.

"Yep, we were!" Bruce answered quickly.

"What do you mean we were?" I added. "Hell, as far as I'm concerned we still are."

Adam took the time to shoot me an evil look then I added, "Well, second to Adam over there." Chuckling as I said it. Adam even giggled at it as did Brandon.

Brandon came over and asked if he and I could go upstairs for a second. So we both went up to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, what do you think?" Brandon asked.

"Think about what?" I asked in return.

"Bruce dude!" Brandon said excitedly.

"Tell me you didn't? Have you slept with Bruce?"

Brandon immideately started to plush. "Umm...yeah, kinda." he answered.

"What the hell you mean kinda?" I asked

"Well we didn't fuck. Just sucked each other off." Brandon replied.

"Brandon, what about Christian?" I said excitedly.

"What about him? He broke up with me on Thursday night. Hasn't he told you?" Brandon asked.

"NO, he didn't! He was here an hour ago, was all worried about you and stuff. Said he hadn't talk to you in a few days." I replied.

"Well, he broke up with me on Thursday. He told me he had his eye on a couple other guy's, one in particular. And told me he was sorry and stuff. We both agreed that it wasn't working and that was it.

Well now isn't this the shit's? Wonder what two guys Christian has his eye on? And I wonder who the one guy that he wants most is? Adam or me? I knew that doing what the three of us did was a bad idea.

Brandon and I finished our little chat and he went back downstairs and I asked him to have Adam come up to help me with something. Adam came up and asked, "What's up babe?"

"Dude, Brandon just told me that he ad Christian broke up on Thursady, that Christian broke up with him. That he had his eye on a couple of guys and one especially." I said excitedly.

"No fucking way! He lied to us about looking for Brandon?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, totally. I wonder if we are the two guys he has his eye's on? You know, he was really into what happened when we were all doing it earlier. He was hot for you dude." I replied.

"Nah, that was just the heat of the moment. I hope!" Adam said quickly.

"I hope so too Adam! I hope he is not trying to come between the two of us."

"Babe, I started all that this morning, not Christian. If he was interested in one of us, wouldn't he had tried something before? Besides, the way he took off out of here and all."

"Yeah, but that was after you went in to your little thing about how muh you love me and that nothing like that would happen again." I said

"You're right. He did clam up and hurry to get out of here." Adam replied.

"Yeah he did." I added.

"Don't worry babe. I think we are both letting this get to us. I really doubt we have anything to worry about. We'll just have to see how things go. Kind of play stupid if ya know what I mean." Adam said.

"I know what ya mean. But you know me, I'll worry about nothing!"

I was saying earlier how glad I was to be back home, maybe I should go back to Chicago! That place is so big, who would care about what is happening now?

There you go people! The long awaited come back. Hope you liked Chapter 11. I have taken sometime off of everything. Needed to get away for awhile. Not sure when I will work on chapter 12, just wanted to get something out since it's been over three months. Bet you never expected a three-way from these two guys did ya? LOL! Neither did I! You guys know my e-mail. I might get back to ya, and I might not. Just laying low, that's all. Take care! Chris

October 3,1999

Next: Chapter 13

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