My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Aug 27, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 1

"Please be seated. I am assuming that everyone here has been contacted and are here for the reading of the last will and testament of Burton Franklin Lindsey." The lawyer said. "Why is he here? Sorry, white trash." Toby said. "And you sir are ?" the lawyer asked. "I am his nephew Toby and I am not sure why any of the rest of these are here, especially him." Toby said. "Ah Tobias." the lawyer said. "No Toby and the old bastard knew it." Toby barked. "Well then sir if you are not Tobius then you can be excused." the lawyer said. My cousin Toby sat back and just glared at me. "Well my dear man we can dispense with all of this since I am his closest living relative. Just have them sign the papers saying they will not contest it and just hand me the file. I can figure out what all I got and deal with it accordingly." My Aunt said. "And you ma'am are ?" "I am Nora Davenport. I am Burton's sole heir." she said. "Ah Nora Jean Davenport." the lawyer said. "How dare he. I dropped the Jean years ago. It is Nora Davenport." she said. "Then you may be excused because the will states Nora Jean Davenport." the lawyer said. "The bastard is dead and still haunts me." she huffed.

Before we start I guess I need to find out exactly who is here. My cousin Alana introduced herself and had a few comments questioning why anyone else was there. My cousin Misty could barely hold her laughter at the rest of her family when she introduced herself. "I am Keith Colvin." I said. "The mutt. Why the hell are any of them here? I am the oldest male. His first nephew. Everything comes to me." Toby said. "You ? He was my brother regretfully. Everything is mine. And PLEASE tell me why that white trash is here. He was raised with ethnics you know." Aunt Nora Jean said. "Ethnics ?" the lawyer asked. "My sister raised that person over near Turner field which was the old Braves stadium. The neighborhood was full of ethnics. I raised my children in a respectable neighborhood in North West Atlanta. I have a respectable address." Aunt Nora barked. "Apparently that Uncle Burton bought you." I said. "How dare you speak to me. How dare you speak at all. " Aunt Nora spat. "Yeah trash shut up. Just sit back and smile while I get everything." Toby said.

My family is one of those. They are all about a dollar, well except my Uncle that just passed away. To him he was nothing more than an Automatic Teller Machine. The only one I had spoken to since my mother passed away was my cousin Misty. We both worked for my uncle. He owned a high end furniture and decorations business. He sold replicas of Queen Ann and Queen Victoria furniture. All of the interior decorators for the wealthy in Atlanta, except one, used his showroom to buy for their clients. I never knew why someone would pay over ten thousand dollars for a couch but they did. Misty and I got along great with each other and our Uncle. As for me I have no clue why I was invited to the reading of the will. I have never asked my Uncle for money and had never planned too. The only non-family member in the room besides the lawyer was Toby's wife. I had never met her but Misty said that she was a beautiful woman but could not open a shut door without help. She sat there smiling with a lap full of printed realestate listings and a couple of new car brochures.

"Let me start by reading the first codicil of the will. I Burton Franklin Lindsey, being of sound mind and body, do hereby declare this as my legal will and testament. To those of you who have not realized it, what I disperse was mine, not yours, so In this document disperses as I wanted "my own " property real and otherwise. Anyone that contests this will, will forfeit anything left to, or forgiven debt to the others. listed and your part will be divided equally among the remaining. No exceptions. My lawyer has explicit instructions on how that is to be handled." the lawyer said. "What the fuck ?" Toby said. "It means if you want to argue you have to give up your part." I said. "I know what it means, dip shit." Toby said. "Well you asked." I said.

The lawyer's secretary entered the room with a file. "Here sir. You accidently left this file on my desk." she said. "Oh thank you very much." he said. "Don't worry Mom, I will sell the house and the business and give you and Dad a little money. I won't leave you hanging." Toby said. "You will give me ? What makes you think you are getting anything? I was his sister." Aunt Nora said and huffed. "At least there are non of his "friends" family here to claim anything.`` Alana said. "Let's not discuss that abomination. I would argue if that queer's family got anything. How dare my brother. A queer and an ethnic at that." Aunt Nora huffed. My Uncle's partner of over forty years died a couple of years ago. His name was Archie and as you can guess from my Aunt's comment he was a black man. The sweetest soul you could ever meet. I honestly believe that after Archie died my Uncle just gave up. Misty and I both worked for my Uncle and we loved Archie to death. Oh back to the shit storm.

"To my Sister Nora Jean. Yes Jean. My other sister Angel gained her wings too early in life. It was my heart's desire to watch from heaven on this day when I gave her everything and you would have to sit and listen. Since that is not possible I relinquish your debt for your wannabe mansion off Howell Mill Road. My lawyer has a quit claim deed to be filed to remove my name as lienholder. If that is not sufficient he also has the form to file with the IRS for you to pay gift tax on the money spent on that house. The choice is yours. I also leave you the sum of fifty thousand dollars. I know you. Instead of paying your past due debt of dues and meals to the country club you will have a new diamond before sunset. I made the mistake of paying your back dues and expenses and for the last number of years. The country club has hounded me wanting me to pay your current past due amounts. There is the money. Use it wisely. "Is that it ? That dispicable faggot." she said.

"To my nephew Tobius. First I relinquish your debt on the home in Buckhead. The one you just had to have for your wife. You failed to even pay one payment and I had to pay the property tax two different years so that has been totaled and added to your inheritance. I also leave you the sum of five hundred thousand dollars. Spend it wisely because this ATM is dead." the lawyer said. "Five hundred thousand. That bastard." Toby said. "It beats the fifty I got." my Aunt mumbled. "What about the business, the house and the cash ?" Toby said. "Moving on." the lawyer said.

"To my niece Alana. I relinquish the debt for your house in Grayson. You also never paid a payment on yours. The amount of twenty thousand dollars has been added to your five hundred thousand since your brother's home was twenty thousand more. My name was not listed as lienholder on your home but the lawyer has the original loan papers for you to keep or destroy. " the lawyer said. "That was a gift." Alana said. "Not according to the papers you signed borrowing the money." the lawyer said. "That was just a technicality." Alana barked.

To my loving niece Misty. I relinquish the remainder of the debt on your home in Alpharetta. You were the only one that made payments on your loan. There is a savings account with your name on it that has every payment that you paid to me plus a little interest. It is yours my love along with the additional five hundred thousand. For your years of loyalty to my business I also leave you fifty percent of the business and all of it's assets. I hope and trust that you will maintain the business as professionally as you always have." the lawyer said. "Wait just a fucking minute. She gets half the business ? We will discuss this later little sis. I will set a selling price and we will discuss how that money gets divided." Toby said. "That is only an option if Misty agrees to it." the lawyer said. "Oh she will fucking agree alright." Toby said.

"To my nephew Keith Colvin." the lawyer started. "Not a damn thing." Toby spoke up. "As I was saying. To my nephew Keith Colvin. You and your mother are the only family members that never treated me as an ATM. I tried to pay for your mother's funeral and would have been happy too but you insisted on selling the home to pay for it. I admire you for your honesty and willingness to work for what you have. My dear nephew it is your turn. Since I bought houses for the rest and you never asked for a dime I leave you the sum of five hundred thousand dollars and my home in BlueRidge, Georgia. The property consists of a twenty five hundred square foot home and eighty acres of land. I also leave you the remaining fifty percent of my business and all of its assets in hope that you and Misty can continue to work together. You earned this my dear nephew." the lawyer said. "That fucking trash got half the business ? We will see about that." Toby said. "That money was supposed to be ours." Alana said. "I will caution you two that your portions can be easily divided into the rest." the lawyer said. "Yeah right. I have better lawyers." Toby said.

"As for my home in Buckhead. I have full instructions for the lawyer for an auction company to auction all contents of the home and the realtor to list the home with. Once this is completed the money will be equally divided among the ones present with the exception of one hundred thousand dollars to be donated to cancer research at Children's HealthCare of Atlanta at Emory." the lawyer said. "Fucking one hundred thousand ? You have got to be shitting me." Toby said. "This concludes my last will and testament. I have disburse my worldly wealth as I see fit and if anyone has objections they are welcome to give their share to the others. Go forth in good health and enjoy the last of the money you will ever get from me. As for Misty and Keith, the lawyer has an envelope for each of you with further instructions and contacts as far as the business is concerned." the lawyer said.

"Is that it ? That is all I fucking get ? That mother fucking fag is a pain in the ass even in death. I hope the fucking worms eat him." Toby said. "Can we go buy this house now baby ?" his wife said. "Just shut up. The house will have to wait until I get this fixed." Toby said. "But you promised. You promised me this new BMW too. What happened ?" she asked. "Were you not listening ?" Toby said. "It was all just words. You promised me." she said. "Let's get the fuck out of here." Toby said and snatched the envelope from the lawyer. "We will see about all this. You're mother should have given you to some of those ethnics so we would not even have to know you were alive. White trash, just white trash. My sister disgraced our entire family and to make it worse you have RED hair. Oh God what a disgrace.." My Anunt shouted. My soul was quivering at the hate spit on my direction. I took a deep breath. "You are excused Nora Jean. Your presence is no longer required or wanted." I said. Misty just burst out laughing.

"There are two envelopes for you two." the lawyer said, and handed them across the table. "If you will excuse me a moment I need to find out what all the commotion is." he said. "It is my family out there arguing over what they did not get.": Misty said. "Good luck with that group." I said. "I will not hesitate to call the law and have them arrested." the lawyer said. "This should be good." Misty said. "No shit." I said, and laughed. We both opened our letters and began to read. I heard a few gasps from Misty and I am sure she heard a few from me. Once we were done we swapped letters. They were very similar except for one point. In my letter there was the combination to a safe along with the deed to the property in the mountains. The letter stated that in the safe was two hundred thousand in cash. My Uncle instructed me to contact Archie's sisters and give them one hundred thousand each. "What do you think. cuz ?" I asked. "I know you and you will do exactly as Uncle Burton asked." she said.

When I left the lawyers office I went to my small apartment and changed clothes. I looked at the deed and the directions. It was late on a Friday afternoon so I decided that I would leave first thing Saturday morning to go check the house out. The utility companies and all other contractors pertaining to the house were listed out. The house had to be liveable since it was cleaned once a month and had a lawn service also. I got up and packed an overnight bag so that if I decided I wanted to spend the night I could.

I barely slept that night. I was still mourning the loss of the only family member that ever cared about me other than Misty. I was sure she did or at least seemed too. The next few weeks would determine how well we got along. As far as I was concerned the business ran itself very well. We would just have to divide up some of the portions that our Uncle handled. The sun just started to peek at the sky around six thirty. I was already showered and dressed. I had stopped and made a copy of the deed to carry with me but had put the original in a safe place. My little buick was on it's last leg and had been for a few years. I sweet talked it and coaxed it to finally crank. "I guess I have enough money to buy a decent car now." I thought, but not loudly enough for my car to hear me. I didn't want it to get mad and give up the ghost between here and Blue Ridge.

My first trip was a little stressful. I had never been to the North Georgia mountains. Hell I don't even remember going past the outskirts of the metro Atlanta area in my whole life. I made a couple of wrong turns but found my way. Who the hell knew that in the North Georgia mountains some of the roads after you got off the main were switchbacks. It was odd to me to make a sharp turn and then head back in the same direction you just came from to only make another turn and repeat the process. The only difference was the main highway kept getting further and further down the hill. Well mountain I should say.

I found the number sign for the property. My little Buick moaned as I started up the hill. I crested a small hill and started back down. As the driveway curved I ran off the driveway because I was looking more at the house that stood at the end of the clearing. My God it was gorgeous. It was not huge by many standards but it was a white two story Victorian home with a porch that went around probably eighty per cent. The paint was fresh and all of the elaborate accents were painted different colors. The spindles on the porch were white but each ring from the banister to the base were painted different colors. It sounds weird but in true Victorian fashion they were not wild colors and it made it appear as an exquisite little dollhouse but it was not little.

I pulled up and parked and took out the key. The only thing I could think as I walked through the front door was WOW. Solid marble floors and a marble staircase that led to the second floor. Beautiful tapestries on the walls and even more beautiful furniture and accessories from my Uncle's showroom. I walked through to the back of the house, which was really the front. As I opened the door it was like an entirely new world opened up. The views both down the mountain and of the distant mountain vistas was amazing. "Leave it to Uncle Burton. He didn't do anything half ass." I thought. I could see from the kitchen appliances that the power was on. There was a notepad on the counter that told how to open the house up and also how to close it down before leaving. I took the list and went through the entire checklist. I then went to the master bedroom to make sure the safe he had mentioned was there and still in tack. I pulled the combination from my pocket and opened the safe. As he said, the cash was all there. I then pulled out an envelope that had my name on it.

"My dear sweet nephew Keith. If you are reading this then I have gone on to be with my beloved Archie. I miss him so. Archie and I decided long ago that this would be yours. You are a kindred spirit and I hope that this finally allows you to find yourself and be yourself as it did us. Find you a loving and caring man to share this with and I hope it brings you as many years of joy as it did the two of us. I love you with all my heart my nephew and it is your time to fly. You'r loving Uncles Burton and Archie." "I can see why they thought this was..... wait... find a man ? Did he know I was gay. How did he know ?" I thought.

I wandered around the house most of the day just enjoying everything that my two Uncles had done. I sat on the porch and watched the sun set over the mountains. I checked the refrigerator and found enough fresh items to prepare a light supper. In a separate envelope my uncle had another letter that stated he had set up a trust fund to maintain the house, taxes, insurance and lawn care that should last at least twenty five years. There was also a deed for an additional thirty acres at the front of the property. This was already in my name. The note read that he and Archie had asked for first right of refusal on the property to keep anyone from building down the mountain in front of them. The year after Archie died the property became available. I now owned all the way down the mountain to the river you could see from the porch. I crossed the same river to get here. "Fuck. What am I going to do with all of this.?" I thought.

Next: Chapter 2

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