My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 4, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 12

Keith woke the next morning. There had been a couple of times during the night that a loud clap of thunder had caused a mild PTSD attack from Tryas. Keith smiled for a moment. Here he was in the arms of the man he had fallen in love with. His head on his chest with one arm over him, one leg over his leg while he lay on his back and the sexy Army man had a finger inside his ass. "It's my Birthday. I'm thirty and still a virgin. That was my deadline and it looks like it will remain that way." he thought. The smile quickly turned to just a blank expression.

"Good morning sexy." Tryas whispered and moved his finger inside Keith. " Good morning sexy." Keith said. "I am sorry about last night. I do not think I was dreaming when you had to calm me down a couple of times. Loud, unexpected noises sometimes trigger an attack." Tryas said "You have nothing to apologize about. I got a few good kisses out of that." Keith said. Tryas could tell that Keith was not his usual chipper self. "That rain sounds so soothing on the metal roof." Tryas said. "It is always comforting." Keith said. "I tell you what. I am going to jump in the shower and go make breakfast. You get your shower and everything while I cook breakfast." Tryas said. "We can shower together." Keith said.

Tryas reached down and pulled Keith's chin up so he could see his eyes. They were a little misty as though he was on the verge of crying. "We will definitely be taking a shower together later today but I want you squeaky clean and back in this bed for breakfast in bed. Birthday boy. Happy Birthday sexy." Tryas said, and leaned his head so he could kiss Keith. "You knew ? GaIL." Keith growled. "Don't be mad at her. She loves you like her own child. Besides, had you rather her have told me and you be upset with her or me find out later and be upset with you." Tryas said. "Good point." Keith said and smiled. "Well when I come back I expect you in this bed and squeaky clean ready for your birthday breakfast in bed." Tryas said as he kissed Keith and wiggled his finger inside him one last time. "Better get a move on. I hear thunder in the distance." Tryas said. "If it gets close will you be alright ?" Keith said. "If I know that it may happen it usually does not bother me if I am awake. Besides, if I do I know where I can cuddle up to a sexy man and feel better." Tryas said.

Keith stood in front of the mirror after his shower. He cupped one of his breast and squeezed. He then took a finger and jiggled the love handle. "Damn. Thirty years old and you still have not gotten rid of this." Keith said. "And its a good thing you didn't. I love them just the way they are. If I get my wish I may be able to suck n those boy titties and get them a little larger." Tryas said and startled Keith. "So you really do like this ?" Keith said. Tryas walked over and stood behind Keith. The two looked into the mirror. "I plan to spend many days enjoying this." Tryas said, as he reached down and lightly squeezed each hand on the love handles. "I really love these." Tryas said, as he cupped the two breasts. As he squeezed them the nipple appeared through his fist. "They say that more than a mouthful is a waist. I plan to see if I can test that theory." Tryas said. He then moved his hips pushing his flaccid cock in between the buttery ass cheeks. "As for this back here. I have many years of plans for this back here." Tryas said, and lightly slapped one of the cheeks. "Now, breakfast will be ready in about ten minutes. When I come back I expect to see this sexy naked man with his orgasmic smile in that bed ready to start his Birthday with breakfast in bed." Tryas said. He started out of the bathroom and turned. " Oh and this. Do not dare change a thing." Tryas said as he held his hand out and moved it up and down signaling Keith's body.

Keith lay in the bed as he heard Tryas putting things on a tray. He smiled to himself and decided to put the pressure on Tryas. Tryas came through the door to see Keith laying in the bed on his back. Keith had his legs spread with his feet off the mattress. He had cupped one of his nipples and used his other hand to tease the nipple. He reached down and collected some precum and lightly spread the slick liquid over his nipple. He pretended not to see Tryas and would lightly moan and wiggle his hips. "You are making this difficult. I hope you know that." Tryas said. "Who me, how ?" Keith said and smiled. Tryas lifted the tray to show his cock hard as a rock. " Did I do that ?" Keith said. "I guess I should have said you are making things hard but then again you have a nack at doing that." Tryas said.

Tryas had Keith move so that his back was against the headboard. He placed a couple of pillows behind Keith's back. "Breakfast is served." Tryas said. "I see what I want for breakfast." Keith said looking at the still semi hard cock. "You mean I did all this work and slaved over a hot stove for your birthday breakfast and all you want is dick ?" Tryas said and smiled. "If you put it that way then I can save that for dessert." Keith said. "Well I need snacks all day myself and it seems like the perfect day to binge on them." Tryas said as he reached under the tray and wet his fingers in the ample precum.

Tryas had fed Keith and Keith had fed him in the bed. Tryas was in the kitchen putting the last of the dishes in the dishwasher. Once that was complete he went back to the bedroom. Keith was nowhere to be seen. He looked first in the bathroom and then back in the great room. "Keith ?" Tryas called out. "Back here." Keith called. Tryas followed the sound past the pantry and down a small hallway. There was a half bath on the right that he had never seen and then an open door and a closed one. "I did not know this was back here." Tryas said.

"This is supposed to be a den. The room next door was used as an office and it has a fireplace. What do you think about turning the office into a den. There is a small office upstairs. We can turn this into a media room or a home theater. It is plenty large enough. You can fit at least three rows of theater seats." Keith said. "That would be nice but you need to make part of the seating area a couch or something similar." Tryas said. 'That can be done but why ?" Keith said. Tryas walked up beside Keith and slid a finger between his bare ass cheeks. "Because if the movie is boring I want plenty of room to be able to play with my toys." Tryas said and kissed his shoulder. "We may need to put a sling and a breeding table in here then." Keith laughed. " To me that is a little out there but if that's what you want I am sure I can figure out how to use them." Tryas laughed. "Home theater it is then." Keith said.

Tryas and Keith headed back to the greatroom. Tryas stopped at the foot of the stairs and pulled Keith in for a proper birthday kiss. " You go get comfortable on the couch. There are a few gifts." Tryas said. "Gifts, for me ? How did you have time ?" Keith asked. "You just go get comfortable." Tryas said as he started up the stairs. Keith's phone was on the kitchen counter. It rang while Tryas was upstairs. When Tryas reached the top of the stairs headed down he had to stop. He stood there naked but could hear Keith talking to someone. After a minute or so he let out his held breath realizing that Keith was on the phone. Keith smiled as he saw Tryas walk up with the box. Keith pressed the speaker phone button. "Yes Misty, he just went and got the box with my gifts." Keith said. "I thought he was a smart man. He was supposed to give you mine before breakfast." Misty said. "I had breakfast in bed. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and fresh fruit." Keith said. "Sausage. Now we are talking. Your other gift is in your chair at the office. I may not can help stop you walking funny but I can help you sit more comfortable." Misty said. "Sausage. You mean foot long polish saucage." Keith said. "Alright you two." Gail said. Tryas almost dropped the box when he heard Gail's voice. He thought it was just Misty. He was glad that he did not call out his comment after hearing Gail's voice.

Tryas sat beside Keith and sang Happy Birthday to Keith along with Gail and Misty. Once the call was finished Keith tossed his phone to the side of the couch. "Now that should not ring again." Keith said. Tryas opened the box and pulled out the champagne that Gail had sent. "So that is what that box was for. It wasn't VA then." Keith said. "I bought the steak and the green beans and potatoes to cook you a birthday supper." Tryas said. "I wondered why they had not been cooked but I figured it was your plan so I left it alone." Keith said. Next Tryas handed Misty's box to Keith. This was the first time the Army man remembered in years, feeling the heat in his cheeks as he blushed.

"From Misty. This should be interesting. Keith opened the box and smiled. "Hmm." Keith said as he looked in the box. There was a large box of condoms and what seemed to be a half gallon of lube. Keith reached in and took the box of condoms. "Loose this." he said as he tossed the box over his shoulder. "Keep this." He said as he pulled out one of the large bottles of lube. "Love you cuz." Keith said. "Well the condoms may be a little tight but I can work with that." Tryas said. "What condoms ?" Keith said. "Those in the box." Tryas said. "What box?" Keith said. Tryas just looked at him and smiled. "Look. The doctor was very plain when he said you had no STD's. I have never had a dick inside my ass and I have to be tested every year for insurance. I am clean too." Keith said. "So you mean ?" Tryas said and raised his eyebrows. "You mean you want me raw ?" Tryas said. "Rule three. There are only two places that monster of yours can release it's tasty juices. In my mouth or up my ass." Keith said. "Are you sure ?" Tryas said. " You said you wanted these titties bigger. Best way to do that is get me pregnant." Keith said. " Not sure that is an option." Tryas said, and laughed. "May not be, but I plan on doing a hell of a lot of practicing." Keith said.

TRyas handed Keith the small wrapped package from him. "I was not sure what to get you." Tryas said. "You did not have to get me ..........." Keith started. As he opened the box and saw the gold money clip his eyes quickly teared up. "Oh I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you." Tryas said, reaching out to Keith. "NO. It is just like you. Perfect." Keith said as he got up and ran to the bedroom. Tryas was trying to decide if he needed to follow Keith but he quickly reappeared from the bedroom. This time Keith sat in Tryas lap.

Keith had the tattered leather money clip in his hand that he had been using. "You see this ? This money clip was the last gift my Mom gave me before she died. It was for my seventeenth birthday. It is about all that I have left of her except a few pictures. For years I have looked at and thought about replacing it so that I could save it. I just could not bring myself to do it. I knew that I had something in my pocket that the only person that I felt ever really loved me, was close to me. Now I do not have to decide. You bought it for me.." Keith said. "Now you have something to replace it in your pocket from somebody that is head over heals in love with a certain redhead." Tryas said. :He better not show up here. I have guns." Keith whispered. "Oh my love you will never need a gun." Tryas said. There was a light but loving kiss. "I have one more gift." Tryas said. He pulled out a frame that he had wrapped in a towel.

"Sorry I did not have any wrapping paper and I found the frame in a stack that was in the closet. Keith took and unwrapped the towel. Keith gasped and tears began to flow. While Tryas was on the computer he pulled up a picture of himself that he had emailed for an ID card. He found Keith's facebook page and copied one of his pictures. He used the paint program and put each picture in a puzzle piece. Below that was a picture off of Keith's phone that someone had taken of the two of them smiling. Above the top picture the print said. "The two of us." which was Burton's password. Between the two pictures the text said "Forever and a day." and then below the bottom picture the text read. "The two of us together."

Keith had tears streaming down his face. " I was not sure if you would like that or not." Tryas said. " I could have not gotten two more perfect birthday gifts even if I had chosen them myself. I fell in love with you when I saw you in the shower. Yes it started with lust but there was just something about you without even meeting that made me fall in love with you. I felt a purity of heart and I figured I would never make it close to it but I fell in love with it." Keith said. "I have already explained to you that I do not want you to change a thing." Tryas said. "I know that and I believe you but at that moment I figured you would laugh at me for even thinking it. Now I know different. I want you to be my forever and a day as long as you want to be my forever and a day." Keith said. "You have me. Hook, line and sinker." Tryas said.

Keith ran his fingers over the frame. "I feel bad that I don't have any more gifts. I love the sparkle in your eye as you open a gift." Tryas said. "But oh my love you do." Keith said. "I do ?" Tryas said. "You have the gift that keeps on giving. Time to put it to use." Keith said wiggling his hips on Tryas lap. "Are you sure you want that gift ? It might be a little early for that." Tryas said. "Early ?? Are you a once a day wonder ?" Keith said. "OH no baby. I can refuel quite quickly, especially looking at you but I am not the smallest man." Tryas said. "You may be larger than a lot but you aren't wrist thick or anything. Maybe a half a wrist." Keith said and smiled. "I guess we need a bottle of that lube then." Tryas said. "What about both bottles ?" Keith said. "Slow down Tiger, one bottle will last until lunch. " Tryas said and smiled. "Well this birthday boy needs a creampie to go along with his cherry pie. You know any Army grunts up to the task ?" Keith whispered. "Just one." Tryas said as Keith squealed as Tryas jumped to his feet carrying Keith with him and heading for the bedroom.

Tryas placed Keith on the bed. He turned and walked into the bathroom to relieve his coffee from the morning and grab a soft towel. He walked back in and stood beside the bed and looked down at Keith and smiled. "What ?" Keith said. "You have no idea how sexy this is. You laying on your back with your legs spread like you are presenting yourself for me to do with as I please. That beautiful ass spread and those luscious boy titties just waiting for me." Tryas said. "At this rate I may just take a nap." Keith said and smiled. "Oh no baby, once I get this Army dick deep in that pussy you will be like a wild man." Tryas said. "Promise ?" Keith said. "Oh I promise and I have been waiting over a week to prove it." Tryas said.

Tryas crawled between Keith's legs. He lifted the soft ass and placed the towel underneath him. He held the ass up and moved down so that he was on his elbows with his feet over the footboard. He lightly kissed, nibbled then sucked on the cherry rosebud before pushing his tongue through the tight ring. Keith's body just shivered as the tongue played inside the ass ring. Tryas removed his tongue. He pumped a little lube on his fingers and slid first one and then two fingers inside Keith. He moved up and began to suck on Keith's tits as he slowly pushed the third finger in. There was some resistance but Tryas moved his fingers around, twisting them inside the ring until it was loosened enough for the third finger to slide in. He began to move the three fingers in and out of Keith's ass switching between a slow twisting motion to a fast finger fuck. By this point he had both breast wet and a little red from the attention..

Tryas sat back on his heels with Keith's legs in the air. He smiled as Keith's legs quivered everytime he slid the three fingers in and out. Each time he pulled back he would squirt as much lube as the fingers would hold and push it back into Keith. "You know I just remembered since it was raining I could go to the barn and get started on that equipment." Tyras said and smiled. "You go to that barn without fucking me and I promise you that all that equipment will be sold or given away and the barn destroyed before we go back to town. Then you will only have me to play with." Keih said. "Yes sir, birthday boy. Tryas was satisfied that he had gotten as much lube up into Keith as he could since it seems to come right back on his fingers. He took his slick hand and began coating his raging cock. "Are you sure about this ?" Tryas said. "If I could do it myself I would have years ago." Keith growled. Tryas moved up and placed the head of his cock into the folds around the loosened ass ring. "Can't say this Army grunt has ever had a cherry." Tryas said. "At the rate you are going you never will." Keith said. "I see I have a honry birthday boy. Don't worry my love this army grunt can handle it." Tryas said as he wedged the mushroom head in place and leaned over to kiss Keith.

Tryas leaned over and began to kiss Keith. "Relax baby. Push out like you are taking a dump. Just breathe slow and relax." Tryas whispered. Tryas rocked back and forth pushing the mushroom head against the entrance. Keith was so anxious he was having a hard time relaxing. He was so excited about Tryas finally fucking him he could not concetrate on anything else. Tryas continued to rock back and forth feeling his mushroom head open Keith up more and more. Keith had his heels on Tryas's ass cheeks. Not thinking nor knowing what Tryas was doing as Tryas rocked forward one time he dug his heels in. The large mushroom head popped through the ring. "AAAWWWWW...FFFFFUUUC CCCCKK. . ... whew..whew....whew...." Keith shouted. "Just breathe baby. Do you need me to pull out ?" Tryas whispered. "Don't you dare." Keith growled. Tryas looked down and saw Keith's face flush and tears in the edge of his eyes. Tryas leaned over and began to nibble and suck on Keith's bottom lip.

It took probably a minute for Keith's ass ring to stop spasming on Tryas's cock. Tryas held still because Keith did not realized the more he wiggled to get comfortable under Tryas the more of the large cock he pulled inside himself. "Hold on baby. This may hurt a little but I am going to roll us so for a little bit you are riding my dick and you can control how much you take of it and how fast." Tryas said. Keith held on as Tryas rolled them over. His legs were like jello so he placed his hands on the bed on each side of Tryas so that he did not have to hold his full body wait on his shaky legs. "Are you alright sweetie ?" Tryas asked. "Yeah. The pain is gone, I just need to adjust to the new feeling." Keith said. Tryas leaned up and took one of the hanging boy tittties into his mouth. Keith began to moan as Tryas rolled his tongue around the hard nipple. As he sucked the tit away from Keith's body Keith had concentrated on that feeling and before he realized it he had sliden a little further down on Tryas' dick.

Keith began to move slightly up and down on Tryas' big dick. "Uh...Uh.. Uh... " he moaned, feeling the large cock stretch his insides with every movement. Keith did not realize that the large mushroom head was tapping his prostate with each movement. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH." Keith shouted as his cock began to flare, getting ready to shoot. It was trapped between his hairy belly and Tryas'. As he lost control he shouted as he could cotrol it no longer and lost his body balance and his weight pushed him down onto Tryas's dick as his orgasm started. Tryas' had lifted his hips as Keith came down and his cock was finally buried balls deep inside Keith. Keith lay his head on the side of Tryas' face as his body jerked and cock sprayed. The new sensation of the large cock being so deep inside him and the pressure against his prostate was so much that all he could do was quiver and shout. Tryas lifted his hips a couple of times and let them down quickly and pushed back up cathcing Keith's orgasming body on it's way down. Tryas wrapped his arms tight around Keith and held him until his body quakes had calmed. "You alright baby ?" Tryas asked. "Fucking hell why did I wait so long." Keith said. "You were waiting for a certain big Army grunt's dick." Tryas said. "Well I damn sure got the right one." Keith said and smiled.

Tryas smiled as he looked up into Keith's glazed eyes. Keith sat back on Tryas' cock and put his back against the hairy legs. The hair was tickling his already sensitive body. Keith felt like even his toe nails had electrical charges running through them. Tryas reached up and cupped both of Keith's breasts and began squeezing and pulling at the beautiful breasts. Keith began to move faster putting pressure on the large cock in all the right places. The sensation of the larger cock and just a little smaller base had Keith tingling as his ass lips would close around the smaller part and have to stretch as the cock moved out.

Tryas knew he was getting close himself. He quicl;y rolled Keith onto his back and began to move faster and faster in and out of Keith's ass. Keith's moans got louder as the cock was pounding his prostate again and his ass ring was on electrical fire from opening and closing. "Oh fuckkk.. oh fiucccccckkk... Got to .. fuckkinnng... fill ...fill my baby ... with ...oh fuck.... Army grunts.........fffuuuccckckkkkk.....spunk." Tryas bucked his hips and held his breath as his first shot tried to froce it's way up the trapped shaft. "SSSoooo.. tight. GGGGRRRRRRRRR>" Tryas growled as the first shot blasted from his cock and deep inside Keith. The body vibration from Tryas, the feeling of the huge cock growing and flexing inside him and the feeling of the hot fluid blasting out deep in his ass sent him over the edge again. Both men trembled and bucked as both cocks erupted. One between them and the other deep inside Keith's ass.

Next: Chapter 13

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