My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Oct 15, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 15

The next morning Tryas woke before the sun rose. He lay there looking at his sleeping lover. "You are one lucky fucker. Look at this sleeping beauty and he loves you and your dick." Tryas whispered as he had his elbow on the bed with his head resting in his hand watching Keith's body raise and lower with every breath. Tryas slowly moved Keith to his back. Keith just moaned as he moved, now lay on his back with his legs spread. " God you are so fucking sexy. Just laying there inviting me to do anything I want." Tryas whispered, as he reached down and touched the tip of his own cock. "Well shit. I have never leaked. This sexy man makes me leak." Tryas thought. Tryas reached behind him and took the bottle of lube. He slowly moved Keith's knees up so that his feet were on the bed.

Tryas slowly moved to his knees between Keith's legs. He warmed the lube in his hand before moving his hand between Keith's ass cheeks and lubing his whole. "Time to see if my baby likes to be woken with a hard dick." Tryas whispered. Tryas moved his arm slowly under Keith's waist. Leaning over he was surprised that his hard dick needed no direction as it acted like a heat seeking missile and went straight to Keith's wet man pussy. He pushed a little with his hips and realized the resistance was because he has not tried to loosen Keith's ass. Keith moaned and moved his head back and forth on the pillow. Tryas held still until he heard a very faint snore again. He leaned forward so that his face was right above Keith's so he could watch him wake to a grunt's dick.

Tryas waited with his cock nestled against the ass ring. When he was sure that Keith was good and asleep he felt the ass ring loosen around his cock head. "All or nothing buddy." Tryas whispered. Tryas held Keith's hip and applied more pressure. The large mushroom head popped through the tight ring. He moaned as Keith gasp. Keith's eyes flew open and his arms and legs quickly wrapped around Tryas neck and hips. "Good morning sexy." Tryas smiled and leaned over for a light kiss on Keith's lips. "Morning stud." Keith said and smiled. "Sorry but I just couldn't wait. I had to have some of that sweet ass of yours." Tryas said. "Never say sorry." Keith smiled. " I wanted to let you sleep." Tryas said as he moved his hips to slide balls deep inside Keith. "New rule. I want to be woken every morning just like this. Why waste time dreaming about being fucked when you can have the real thing. " Keith whispered. Both men were so horny it only took about ten minutes before Keith had Tryas pulled tight against him as Tryas hips jerked and his cock was flexing and dumping a good morning load deep inside him. Keith was glad they had no neighbors as he shouted through his own hands free orgasm.

Keith smiled as the two showered. Tryas could not keep his hands off of him or his fingers out of him. "Promise me baby that you will never get tired of this. I love it when you are too horny to handle it." Keith said. " You keep this, Tryas touched Keith's breast, and this, he then touched the love handles, along with this, he said jiggling an ass cheek, and especially this, Tryas said leaning over and kissing over Keith's heart, then you have me for life. Horny as hell and all." Tryas said. "Do ont worry lover. It is all yours and I will not change a thing." Keith said before pulling Tryas in for a passionate kiss under the spraying water.

Breakfast was easy. Keith had bought cereal just in case. He smiled as he ate his one bowl while Tryas was on his second. Keith had been concerned in the beginning because he did not feel like Tryas was eating enough for his size and muscle mass. He figured that Tryas was just eating enough to not be hungry instead of eating all that he wanted.

"And what are you thinking ?" Tryas said. "Just how happy I am." Keith said. "Are you really happy ?" Tryas said. "How the hell could I not be. The sexiest man in the world waking you up with the biggest dick you have ever seen breeding you and marking his territory. What man would not be happy." Keith said. Keith took a sip of his coffee. "Are you happy ?" Keith asked. "To have the sexiest man alive loving you and loving being dicked by you as often as possible. I am living heaven on earth and loving every second of it." Tryas said and winked.

Tryas loaded the dishwasher while Keith made the bed. "What is your plan for the day ?" Keith asked as he came back into the kitchen. "If you don't mind, Rufus is coming after lunch. He is going to show me a few things on the bulldozer and I want to do a little more clearing around the waterfall before this next storm system comes in. I have plans for that too." Tryas said. "Baby you can do anything you want. You don't have to ask if I mind. This is as much yours as it is mine." Keith said. "I didn't want to take time away from you." Tryas said.

"Life moves on and we both have things we need to do. It makes my heart sing that you are interested in this property. What are your plans for the storm ?" Keith asked. "Well I plan to long dick, make slow. passionate love and fuck the hell out of my baby as often as I can. Not in that order." Tryas said. " He is a lucky man. I need to go see the waterfall. I have never made it." Keith said. "Let's go now before I start digging up the grass. I told Rufus that it would be after lunch before we could start. He liked that because it meant he didn't have to watch soap operas." Tryas said. "Lead the way. You are driving because I have no idea where it is." Keith said.

The two rode the XUV naked to the waterfall. Keith's eyes got wide and had a huge smile as they turned the corner and the waterfall came into view. "WOW that is amazing. I wish it was closer to the house though." Keith said. "I am sure they had to battle when they built the house. Waterfall or view." Tryas said. Keith reached over and intertwined his fingers in Trysas'. "It is beautiful just like it's owner." Tryas said. "Owners you mean." Keith said. They both exited the XUV and walked around the grassy area looking at the waterfall. Keith had imagined it to be possibly ten to twelve feet tall with a small stream of water cascading over it. In fact the waterfall was probably sixty feet to the top with a steady wide flow of water coming over it. There was a small retaining pond at the bottom before the deep and wide creek ran to the lake. It took some convincing but Keith was able to get Tryas to pose naked by the waterfall and he took a picture with his phone. The compromise was that Keith did the same for him.

The two stood arm in arm as they watched the waterfall. Keith moved up and kissed Tryas before getting down on his knees. Tryas cock was almost fully hard due to one picture having to be flaccid and the other hard. On Keith's third push his nose landed in Tryas pubes. About that time Tryas phone rang. "It's Mom." Tryas whispered. "Calm down Mom. I take it you like the refrigerator." Tryas said trying to be calm as Keith hummed on HIs hard cock deep down his throat. "It's yours and Dad's Mom." Tryas said. It was tough to listen to his Mom while the sexy red head was deep throating his raging cock. "I will tell him Mom." Tryas said. "Yes Mom, I am alright. I was just straining working on something." Tryas said. "Hold on Mom, I am not going to repeat all of that. Here you talk to Keith." Tryas said. Keith looked up and was going to signal he was busy. Tryas had turned the phone and had his camera on. He snapped two quick pictures of Keith looking up with different lengths of his hard dick in his mouth. Tryas smile and shrugged his shoulders.

Tryas handed the phone to Keith. He got on his knees and sucked in one of Keith's breast into his mouth as Keith tried to talk to his mother. "You must not like the refrigerator." Keith said. "It's just way too much. We need to send this for you to put in your kitchen." she said. "It will not fit in ours. Our refrigerator matches the cabinets. If you don't know where the refrigerator, chilling drawers, freezer and dishwasher are, you have to hunt for them. They have doors on them that match the cabinets. I guess we could put it out in the barn." Keith said. "BARN. That is too nice for any barn." she shouted, causing Tryas to chuckle as he sucked the breast. He could hear his mother shouting over the phone. Keith laughed as he could hear Tryas dad in the background. "You have to wait until tomorrow to come get it. She had scrubbed the cabinets and the stove because she invited some of her lady friends over for coffee tomorrow. I may have to install spotlights before then and aim them at her refrigerator." he said. " You know you can sink that refrigerator to your phone. You can put your grocery list on the refrigerator and then pull up the app in the grocery store to see what you need." Keith said. "It has a television on it too." he added. "A TV ? Get those instructions out daddy and start reading." she said.

Kieth laughed as best he could at the conversation between Tryas' Mom and Dad. "Enjoy your refrigerator. It's all yours. We already have one in the barn. Here I will put your son back on." Keith said. Tryas moaned as he released the breast. Keith was quickly on his knees and had engulfed Tryas cock. As it got tougher to talk, Tryas was finally able to get his Mom off the phone. Tryas tossed the phone on the grass as he leaned over and moved the two into a sixty nine position. Tryas hips quivered and bucked as Keith hummed hard with his cock down his throat. Tryas had one hand rotating from kneading the love handles and then moving to the buttery ass cheeks while the other squeezed and pulled on one breast while his cock blasted down Keith's throat and Keith's errupted in his mouth. Tryas turned Keith and pulled his head to his chest as both men tried to come down from their orgasm. He looked down at Keith who looked to be in a world of his own. "You alright baby ?" Tryas said. "Just fine. It just amazes me that the sexiest, muscle bound and hairy Army man would ... well. It just amazes me that he would put my dick in his mouth much less suck it." Keith said. "Well this Army grunt loves his redheads dick. It gives a steady flow of the most delicious honey and the end prize is better than any candy. This Army grunt plans to suck this dick as often as he wants." Tryas said. Keith just hugged him tighter.

Tryas sat back after eating his two sandwiches and smiled. "What are you smiling at ?" Keith asked. " Just happy. It warms my heart to see my sexy redhead with his lips still puffy and eyes glazed knowing that I have totally sexually satisfied him." Tryas said.

" You are amazing. Did you know that when you cum you have a deep growl that vibrates your whole body. That vibration alone for some reason causes me to orgasm every time." Keith said. "I do that ?" Tryas said and smiled. "Every time. I may not even feel close but that vibration and the fact that I can feel every shot from your dick deep inside me causes me to cum even if I don't feel like I am close." Keith said. "We will need to keep testing that theory." Tryas said as they heard the pickup coming up the gravel drive.

Tryas kissed Keith after he dressed and smiled as he could still see the post orgasmic glow radiating from Keith. "See you shortly, sexy." Tryas whispered before heading out to meet Rufus. Tryas pulled up at the barn. "Afternoon Rufus." Tryas said. "Did I interrupt you ?" Rufus said. "Not at all why would you say that ?" Tryas said. "Just that you have the same look on your face that Burton use to have. Many times he would come out a few minutes later and say that I came up in the middle of him getting some and he was sorry for me waiting but it was too good to stop." Rufus said and laughed.

"No buddy you did not interrupt anything. In fact I have had two sandwiches and a glass of tea since then." Tryas said and laughed. "Just reminded me of Burton. He would always say that it would be a while before Archie could recover and come outside." Burton laughed. "I wish I had met them." Tryas said. "Yes I can tell that you and Burton would be best of friends." Rufus said. "I hope that he would approve." Tryas said. "Son we never get this many storms back to back so fast that last for days. That is just Burton's way of making sure that you and Keith stay inside with nothing to do but play." Rufus said.

A can of fresh diesel and one shot of ether brought the bulldozer to life. Tryas drove the dozer and Rufus followed in the XUV. Tryas left the dozer idling as he walked over to the XUV. "I went yesterday and got these pamphlets from that building place. I also talked to a friend of mine's son about doing the interior work. This one right here will run just under ten thousand. This one is a little bigger but about two grand more. My friend's son said it would take another six to finish the inside. He knew Burton so he guessed brazilian hardwood floors. He also suggested a wood burning stove. You know the type you can take the front off and just use the screen. He also said that he could put a small window unit in but for about a thousand more he could put pipes i this pool you could not see and put in a cold air circulator that you can run off a thermostat. That way you can leave it running during the summer so it does not get too hot. Plus it will keep it warm enough in the winter to keep pipes from freezing." Rufus said. "Do you think Mike will like it ?" Tryas said. "For something like this my wife would even give it up. He will love it." Rufus said.

"The pad would need to be about twenty feet wider and I talked to the man at the health department. He said that the land had already had a percolation test, and since this was not to live in, that you could put the smallest septic tank in. The building would have a small kitchen, living area, bedroom and shower stall bath. You only need one hundred feet of bleeder line so if you cleared another ten feet on the side of the path it could go there." Rufus said. "Can they do a pitch roof on the building instead of barn style. ?" Tryas asked. "That is an option. I don't think that is additional but I can find out. Here are the choices of colors." Rufus said. "Will it be cramped to put all of that in there ?" Tryas asked. "Maybe a little but you will be living in the big house." Rufus said. "Good point. So how much will this run as a guess ?" Tryas asked. "Using the cooler and putting in the wood burner I figure you are looking at just over twenty grand. The larger one would run maybe twenty three grand." Rufus said. "Let me talk to the designers and get back with you. How much will you charge to oversee it ?" Tryas asked. "Son, it will not cost anything on my part. As long as I can fish and you cut that hill every couple of months it is payment enough to get me away from those damn soap operas. I never knew that folks could die ten times but still be alive until I had to watch those stupid shows." Rufus laughed.

Keith was looking through the freezer. He needed to get something out to thaw if he planned on fixing meet for supper. He found a large pack of thick pork chops and decided that slow grilling those and some vegetables would be the ticket. The television broadcast a warning of bad weather that would arrive not long after dark and since the front was moving slow it would last at least a couple of days. His ass ring twitched. "Yep you are going to get good and royally fucked for at least two days straight. I can't wait." Keith thought to himself and smiled.

Tryas was pleased with the larger pad. He had increased it a little thinking it would be better to buy the larger unit. His concern was that he may not have quite enough in savings. It would be very close and that would be all of his money. "Don't stress yet. You have a job, your retirement and disability coming in. You will just have to be very careful until you build your funds back up." he thought. Tryas and Rufus found grass seed and a couple of bails of straw in the barn. They loaded the XUV and returned so they could get the seed down and the straw before the rains. "They are calling for flash flooding but this on a plateau so it should be fine. This pool always handles heavy rains.." Rufus said.

Tryas came in just before dark. "You need to shower before you set on any of this furniture." Keith said, and smiled. He has stopped and hidden the brochures behind the seat of the truck so that Keith would possibly not find them. "You don't like me all sweaty and filthy ?" Tryas said. "I like you sweaty when it's me that makes you sweat. Not one of your other toys." Keith said. "Something really smells good." Tryas said as he leaned over and kissed Keith. "Thank you and the food smells pretty good too." Keith said, and smiled. "My thoughts exactly." Tryas said before heading to the shower.

Supper went off perfectly. The chops were tender with just the right amount of smokey flavor. The vegetables were seasoned perfectly. Tryas enjoyed his dessert the most. He spent over an hour rimming Keith and sucking on his boy titties until he could not take it any longer and looked up into Keith's eyes as he rode his hard dick until both shouted in orgasm. Keith lay on top of Tryas with the large cock still buried inside him as they heard the first distant thunder of the approaching storm. "So what are your plans for the stormy days ?" Keith asked. Tryas smiles as he lifted his hips and flexed his cock inside Keith's flooded ass. "This right here. Breeding my baby as often as he wants it." Tryas said. "Sounds like a good plan to me." Keith said, as he leaned over for a passionate kiss.

Next: Chapter 16

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